1 Fresh Air & Strategy Success In The KazakhstanRussia BU A Positive Approach Through Appreciative...

1 Fresh Air & Strategy Success In The KazakhstanRussia BU A Positive Approach Through Appreciative Inquiry Nov. 6-8 Core Group Working Session To Plan Nov. 26-27 KaRuBu Away Days Facilitated by Clare Wale, Bernard J Mohr and Ramiro Canedo

Transcript of 1 Fresh Air & Strategy Success In The KazakhstanRussia BU A Positive Approach Through Appreciative...

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Fresh Air & Strategy SuccessIn The

KazakhstanRussia BU A Positive Approach

Through Appreciative Inquiry

Nov. 6-8 Core Group Working Session To Plan Nov. 26-27 KaRuBu Away DaysFacilitated by Clare Wale, Bernard J Mohr and Ramiro Canedo

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Proposed Goals for November 6-8, 2001

a) Clarify the role/responsibility of this planning group/core group

b) Learn enough about Appreciative Inquiry to do our work together

c) Discuss and finalise the goals for the November 26-27 away days

d) Create a rough agenda/design for November 26-27

e) Determine what pre-work (if any is required) and,

f) Develop whatever "materials or instruments" we might use on Nov. 26-27 ( for example, we may choose to create an interview guide to be used for real time data collection at the November 26-27 meeting)

g) Meet with LT morning of Nov 8 to present our work and obtain feedback

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Tentative Goals for November 26-27, 2001a) To review what the people of KaRuBu have done over the past year(s)

that they are proud of(so we can build our future on the best of our past)

b) To fully understand the current situation

• The opportunity for distinctive industry/world impact• The breath of fresh air available to us, and,

• The strategic goals which have been set.

c) To identify specific opportunities and tactics for this BU to help achieve the strategic goals.

d) To develop a unity of purpose and high sense of teamwork among BU members and the leadership team

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A Time For Re-thinking... Human Organization And Change

A Time For Re-thinking... Human Organization And Change

Global Context of Democratization

End of Apartheid

No Limits To Cooperation… E-Company…Connect! Now

Shuttle into Space…& Reality Isn’t What it Used to Be

“Whole System” Change Large Groups... “Positive Revolution”: Aiming Higher

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It is a Time for Re-thinking Human Organization & Change

“We are at the very point in time when a 400-year old age is dying and another is struggling to be born, a shifting of culture, science, society, and institutions enormously greater than the world has ever experienced. Ahead, the possibility of the regeneration of relationships, liberty, community, and ethics such as the world has never known, and a harmony with nature, with one another, and with the divine intelligence such as the world has never dreamed.”

--Dee Hock, Founder & CEO--Visa

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Exciting Stories of AI

• Nutrimental Foods SA (Brazil)– 200% Increase Profits– 300% Decrease Absenteeism

• John Deere

- product development cycle reduced from five years to three years.

• Dex (Billion dollar US West subsidiary)

- return on investment of $15.62 for every dollar invested

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Exciting Stories of AI In BP

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Ap-pre’ci-ate, v.,

1.valuing; the act of recognizing the best in people or the world around us; affirming past and present strengths, successes, and potentials; to perceive those things that give life (health, vitality, excellence) to living systems

2. to increase in value, e.g. the economy has appreciated in value.


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In-quire’ (kwir), v.,

1. the act of exploration and discovery.

2. To ask questions; to be open to seeing new potentials and possibilities.


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DEFINITIONDecide what to inquire into

And who to involve in each phase

DISCOVERYConduct an inquiryinto the topic and

assemble learning's.

DREAMGeneralize those learning'sinto an image of how theorganization would functionand results being achievedif those learning's werefully alive.

DESIGNDevelop ideas about the

organization’s socio-technical architecture

when infused by these learning's

DESTINYInnovate/align the

architecture.Build AI learning


AI 5 D Cycle

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Discovery = all these things taken together

• Achievements• Strategic opportunities• Product strengths• Technical assets• Innovations• Elevated thoughts• Best business practices• Positive emotions• Financial assets

• Organization wisdom

• Core competencies

• Visions of possibility

• Vital traditions, values

• Positive macro trends

• Social capital

• Embedded knowledge

• Business ecosystem e.g.. suppliers, partners, competitors, customer

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What would you call it?

The Positive Core

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Best Way to Build High Enthusiasm?

• Do an organization survey of low morale?

• Magnify and learn from moment of highest enthusiasm?

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June Results Commitments Met

Business Residence

REGION '95 YTD '95 YE 6/96 '96 YTD '96 OBJ FAV/UNF) '95 YTD '95 YE 6/96 '96 YTD '96 OBJ FAV/(UNF)

California 96.3 96.5 95.7 96.6 96.5 0.1 96.9 97.6 97.8 98.1 96.1 2.0

Florida 93.4 94.6 96.5 96.0 96.5 (0.5) 96.2 96.7 96.3 97.2 96.1 1.1

Hawaii 89.9 90.7 94.2 94.4 96.5 (2.1) 95.9 95.5 97.7 97.1 96.1 1.0

Midwest 90.9 92.2 89.8 92.4 96.5 (4.1) 95.0 95.8 95.1 96.0 96.1 (0.1)

North 90.8 91.0 91.9 92.1 96.5 (4.4) 96.3 96.5 94.0 95.2 96.1 (0.9)

Northeast 91.7 93.0 94.4 95.2 96.5 (1.3) 94.9 96.1 95.7 96.8 96.1 0.7

Northwest 94.9 94.4 94.2 93.4 96.5 (3.1) 96.1 95.4 95.4 95.1 96.1 (1.0)

outh 87.1 89.2 87.6 91.8 96.5 (4.7) 93.6 94.5 90.3 94.5 96.1 (1.6)

TX/NM 94.2 93.7 95.6 95.5 96.5 (1.0) 94.6 94.7 96.7 97.2 96.1 1.1

Virginia 92.9 93.5 92.2 94.4 96.5 (2.1) 96.6 97.1 94.6 96.5 96.1 0.4

Total Telops 92.7 93.3 93.6 94.5 96.5 (2.0) 95.7 96.2 95.3 96.5 96.1 0.4

Objective Not Met

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Identify Problem Conduct Root Cause

Analysis Brainstorm Solutions

& Analyze Develop Action Plans

Metaphor: Organizations are problems to be solved

Appreciate “What is” (What gives life?)

Imagine “What Might Be” Determine “What Should

Be” Create “What Will Be”

Metaphor: Organizations are a solution/mystery to be embraced.

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Deficit Based Change : Unintended Consequences

Deficit Based Change : Unintended Consequences

Much lamented fragmented responses

Slow: Puts attention on yesterday’s causes

No new positive images of future

Visionless voice... fatigue

Weakened fabric of relationships & defensiveness…negative culture

out of sync with the embedded economy of speed, partnerships, alliances, & e-commerce

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Topic Choice

A Fateful Act: Organizations Move in the Direction of What We Most Frequently and Systematically Ask

Questions About!

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Topic Choice Examples

World Vision

Integrative Process


Organizational Learning




R&D Division of Oil CompanyPartnershipConnectivity Rapid Knowledge Transfer

A “Merged” Public SchoolConnectedness at schoolJuggling many balls with supportCommunity and societal expectations

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The Art of the Question

• What’s the biggest problem here?

• Why did I have to be born in such a troubled family?

• Why do you blow it so often?

• Why do we still have those problems?

• What possibilities exist that we have not thought about yet?

• What’s the smallest change that could make the biggest impact?

• What solutions would have us both win?

• What makes my questions inspiring, energizing, and mobilizing?

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What Would You Study?


Analysis of Baggage Delays

To …

Exceptional Arrival Experience

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Basic Elements to the Typical

AI Question• A Positive Preface (introduce your TOPIC)

• Then a 2-part question A. High point discovery

B. Image of desired future

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“Magnetic Connections”(Example of a Positive Preface)

• “In the physical world, all matter is held together by the pull between opposite electric charges. Successful e-companies are equally magnetic. People connect in new and innovative ways. Suppliers and customers are pulled together and become seamless edge-to-edge organizations. Communities of interest form and are pulled together by shared values and interests. Knowledge networks form as catalysts for innovation and creativity.”

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Part A (past) & B (future)

A. Think of a time when you felt “magnetically” connected to your client, your colleagues, and your community. . . Connected in a way that the force was so strong that it could not be broken. What was that experience like?

B. As you look into the future, describe how we are connected to our customers and our colleagues in a way that is so strong that we are seen as inseparable business partners.

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Crafting the Question• From Topic the Ai question (s): 3 PARTS

A. Positive Preface—it is a topic intro.

B. A question to evoke a story from persons history

C. A question to evoke images of future

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What Makes AI Questions Important?

• Language: questions & statements…• Doorway into new realities, worlds• Heighten energy…drive to complete, to answer• Every creative act• Rapport and relationship (people are honored)• Fulcrum change: connect to strength, imagination• Break automatic thinking; essence of learning• Alter internal dialogue & storytelling• Specific positive future (the fairway)

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Social Constructionism

• Assumption of impermanence

• No “laws”…social realities not fixed

• Terms not derived from “what is there”

• No such thing as “immaculate perception”….saturated in values, conventions, theories, time and place

• Modes of explanation: derived in relationship

• Words create worlds, they are not mirrors

• All social action open to multiple meanings

• Theory is language & the double hermeneutic

• Alterations in linguistic practice are powerful

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Genius is Creating the Question

• “What would the universe look like if I were riding on the end of a light beam at the speed of light?”

---Albert Einstein

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Positive Image-> Positive Action

• Powerful Placebo

• Pygmalion

• Positive Affect

• Imbalanced “Inner Dialogue”

• Rise and Fall of Cultures

• Affirmative Capability

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Management ofNOVELTY

Management ofNOVELTY

Management ofTRANSITION


Management ofTRANSITION


Management of CONTINUITY

Management of CONTINUITY

MANAGING CHANGE:3 Essentials of Leadership

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Constructionist Principle: The way we know is fateful.

Principle of Simultaneity: Change begins at the moment you ask the question.

Poetic Principle: Organizations are an open book. Anticipatory Principle: Deep change= change in

active images of the future. Positive Principle: The more positive the

question, the greater and longer-lasting the change.

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•Human productivity •Innovation •Strategy development • Customer service •Customer partnerships •Core process redesign •Safety •Quality •Mergers •Diversity/Inclusion •Evaluation •Organization culture change •Management and ISO Audits •Leadership •Labor-management relations •Transformation of measurements •Business ecosystem analysis...

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The Power of AI Stories

• Stories stick like glue…

• Make information easier to remember…”Whole brain”

• Builds identities and fosters relationships

• Medium for conveying values, visions

• Moves the internal dialogue of the system

• Human Hope…

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The AI “Organization Summit”:

“Whole System” in the Room Task is Clear...

Future Focus--In Historical and Global Perspective

Self-Management and Dialogue

Common Ground (not conflict management as the frame of


3-Day event/50 to 1000 Participants

Uncommon Action/Follow Through

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Discovery•Opportunity Context

•Positive Core

Discovery•Opportunity Context

•Positive Core





DestinyAgreements for moving forward

DestinyAgreements for moving forward

Typical SummitDefinition•Topic Selection•Summit Design

Definition•Topic Selection•Summit Design

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Typical Results from Whole System Ai Summit

• More Informed and Ultimately More Effective Change Efforts

• A Critical Mass of People Making Changes that they All Believe Are Needed

• A Total Organization Mindset

• Simultaneous Change

• Change is Perceived as “Real Work”

• Fast…Entire Organization…Strong Implementation…Action…Unifying…Spirit

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The Power of Stories

• Stories stick like glue…• Make information easier to remember…”Whole brain”• Make information more believable than statistics• Builds identities and fosters relationships• Medium for conveying values and visions• Creating pictures in the mind• Leaders as storytellers…golden innovations

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What Matters Most?

• Being a student of “organization alive”

• Power of the unconditional positive question

• Relational basis of knowing: communicamus ergo sum

• Our positive images of the future lead our positive actions…words create worlds, “nothing so practical…”

• Yoga with the positive change core

• Ai accelerates the non-linear interaction of the positive--a “convergence zone” for sudden dialogic repatterning

• The best in people…wholeness heals

• Letting go of deficit based change vocabularies

• AI is not a “thing”; in its infancy (5 %); many questions...

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Three Types of Conversations

• Relationship Canceling Conversation

• Relationship Tolerating Conversation

• Relationship Honoring or Strength-Building Conversation

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Insights on Success

• Holographic Beginning

• Polyphonic--Multiple Voices

• Dislodgement of Certainty…Appreciative

• From Negotiation to Narrative (Stories)

• From Common Ground to Higher Ground

• Retrospective Consensus…

• Inspired Action on Behalf of the Whole

• “Chaordic” Organizing