1 Environment NCPs Cooperating to improve their effectiveness ENV-NCP-TOGETHER Grant Agreement...

1 Environment NCPs Cooperating to improve their effectiveness ENV-NCP-TOGETHER Grant Agreement no.: 212494 Instrument: Coordination Action Start date of Project: 01 January 2009 Duration: 60 months Deliverable nr.: D.4.6 Delivery name: Presentation and distribution of first draft ICPC customized information about FP7 Author(s): Marion Tobler Organization: Euresearch Status: Nature: Total nr. of pages: 55

Transcript of 1 Environment NCPs Cooperating to improve their effectiveness ENV-NCP-TOGETHER Grant Agreement...


Environment NCPs Cooperating to improve their effectiveness


Grant Agreement no.: 212494Instrument: Coordination ActionStart date of Project: 01 January 2009Duration: 60 months

Deliverable nr.: D.4.6Delivery name: Presentation and distribution of first draft ICPC customized information about FP7Author(s): Marion ToblerOrganization: EuresearchStatus: Nature: Total nr. of pages: 55

Euresearch Head Office www.euresearch.ch [email protected] phone +41 31 380 60 00


@ SEA EU Net meeting BudapestDr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch


A glimpse at European policy

FP7 in a nutshell

The challenges in environment for 2012New structure of the WPFocus and topics of the call 2011New proposal type

Euresearch services

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

European research policy

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

"I want to make sure we make full use of Europe's research excellence, Europe's talent and Europe's entrepreneurial spirit. Those qualities will be decisive in creating the green, hi-tech economy of the future and in making the 21st century a European century"

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

7 flagship initiatives

Innovation Union

Youth on the move

A digital agenda for Europe

Resource efficient Europe

An industrial policy for the globalisation era

An agenda for new skill and jobs

European platform against poverty

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch



EURATOM Joint Research Centre JRC

Total Budget: € 53.4 billion for 7 years

FP7 – Structure

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch





€ 32.4

€ 7.5

€ 4.7

€ 4.1

10 thematic programmes

basic research (ERC)

Mobility (Marie Curie actions)

research for SMEs, regional potential etc.

4 specific FP7 programmes

Billion €


© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Cooperation – 10 Thematic Programmes

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

FP7 Budget

Yearly budget in billion € 1984 to 2012, in current pricesSource: EC, Annual report 2003 + revised FP7 proposal

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

FP7 CooperationThe rules of the game

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

at least 3 independent partners in 3 different Member States (MS) or Associated Countries (AC)

top-down: EC defines topics and format (‘funding scheme’) of projects

funding limits depending on

types of participants

types of activity

location of partners


© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Cooperation Project specifications

Top down approach European policy Annual calls Work program developed by the EC Published on CORDIS 1 and 2 stage proposals

Publication ENV: 20th July 2011Deadline: see call identifiers

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Large-scale integrating projects: increase Europe’s competitiveness or solving major societal needs (average: 3-5 years, ±15 participants, 4-12 million €)

FP7 funding schemes

Small- or medium-scale focused research actions: research, demo, or innovation projects, same objectives as for IP(average: 2-4 years, ±8 participants, 4 million €)

Coordination and Support actions (studies, conferences, summer schools,...)

SICA Projects ). Cooperation with ICPC (International Cooperation Partner Countries)

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Also funded International cooperation

partner countries (ICPC) International organisations:

WHO ..

FP7 Consortia



WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5Consortium agreement
















At least 3 legal entitiesfrom 3 different EU MS / AC

Not fundedIndustrialised third countries: USA, Japan, Canada, etc.

to be checked case by case

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Maximum funding rates

Research activities: SMEs: 75% Public bodies: 75% Secondary and higher education establishments: 75%

Research organizations (non-profit): 75% Multinational (large) Enterprises: 50 %

Overhead allows that for many projects nearly 100% of the direct costs can be financially covered


© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Approach for the call Environment 2012

(1) Provide knowledge-based options for addressing major societal challenges notably climate change, land and sea management and resource efficiency (Europe 2020, Flagship Initiatives on Innovation Union and Resource Efficiency)

(2) Develop and strengthen European leadership in innovation including key environmental technologies pursuing a broad concept of innovation, both research-driven innovation and new business models, eco-design, services (e.g. ecosystem services) and innovation in policy, governance and consumption behaviour (Innovation Union)

(3) Promote and facilitate knowledge transfer, assessment, uptake and exploitation of scientific data and results, in particular through demonstration and delivery of innovative tools and services such as earth observation systems (Innovation Union)

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Addressing innovation

proposing bottom-up topic on innovative resource efficient technologies, processes and services in support of the Resource Efficiency Initiative

introducing a bottom-up topic to support demonstration and exploitation of most promising prototypes and tools derived from previous European environmental research activities (e.g in the areas of water and waste applications)

exploring opportunities to extend open access to data in order to enhance transparency, credibility and efficiency of research and promote the use of data and results for policy and/or business purposes.

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch


New program structure: oriented in challenges

New proposal structure: 2 stage submission1 stage submission

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

The five challenges

1. Coping with climate


Budget 55 M€

2. Sustainable use and management of

land and seas

Budget 45 M€

3. Improving resource


Budget 62 M€

4. Protecting citizens from environmental


Budget 42 M€

5. Mobilising environmental knowledge

for policy, industry and society

Budget 41 M€

6. Other activities

Budget 20 M€

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

How to find your activity

(1) Coping with climate change

Sub-activity 6.1.1 Pressures on environment and climateSub-activity 6.3.1 Environmental technologiesSub-activity 6.4.1 Earth and ocean observation systems and monitoring methods

(2) Sustainable use and

management of land and seas

Sub-activity 6.2.1 Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made resources and biodiversitySub-activity 6.2.2 Management of marine environmentsSub-activity 6.3.2 protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, including human habitatSub-activity 6.4.1 Earth and ocean observation systems and monitoring methods

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

How to find your activity

(3) Improving resource


Sub-activity 6.3.1 Environmental technologiesSub-activity 6.3.3 Technology assessment, verification and testingSub-activity 6.4.2 Forecasting methods and assessment tools for SD

(4) Protecting citizens from environmental hazards

Sub-activity 6.1.3 Natural hazardsSub-activity 6.1.2 Environment and healthSub-activity 6.3.1 Environmental technologiesSub-activity 6.4.1 Earth and ocean observation systems and monitoring methods

(5) Mobilizing environmental

knowledge for policy, industry and society

Sub-activity 6.4.1 Earth and ocean observation systems and monitoring methodsSub-activity 6.4.2 Forecasting methods and assessment tools for SDSub-activity 6.5.1 Dissemination and horizontal activities

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch


© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

The European Problem:

develop a more effective interface between climate change knowledge, social and economic systems and the policy making process.

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Focus: Coping with climate change

economic opportunities and the costs associated to the development of a low carbon, resource efficient and climate resilient society and economy.

key research building blocks for developing future climate services, of paramount economic importance for business and society as a whole.

mainstream developments of modelling tools and data-sets to support cost-effective mitigation and adaptation policies.

economic impact of mitigation policies on key economic sectors, together with the cost of adaptation.

potential and limits of economic instruments to achieve the ambitious EU greenhouse gases reduction targets at 2050

replies to policy makers about the potential, the limits, the costs and the risks associated to geo-engineering options.

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Challenge 1: Coping with climate changeENV.2012.6.1-1Seasonal-to-decadal climate predictions towards climate services

CP (2 stage)Involvement of relevant stakeholders EU-contribution < < 9M€: One or more proposals can be selected

ENV.2012.6.1-2Development of advanced techno-economic modelling tools for assessing costs and impacts of mitigation policies

CP (2 stage)International Collaboration: Involvement of relevant stakeholders< 6M€: One or more proposals can be selected

ENV.2012.6.1-3Strategies, costs and impacts of adaptation to climate change

CP (2 stage)International Collaboration: Involvement of relevant stakeholders< 6M€: One or more proposals can be selected

ENV.2012.6.1-4Exploitation the full potential of economic instruments to achieve the EU’s key greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets for 2020 and 2050

CP (1 stage)EU-contribution per project shall not exceed 3M€One or more proposals can be selected

ENV.2012.6.1-5Explore opportunities, risks, feasibility and policy implications associated with key geo-engineering options

CSA (supporting action -- 1 stage)The action should take stock of the results of previous EU projects in the fieldEU-contribution per project shall not exceed 1M€Up to one proposal can be selected

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch



© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

The international problem

Natural resources (terrestrial and marine) and ecosystem services constitute the natural capital that supports economies, societies and individual well-being.

Good governance requires a quantification of the interactions and trade-offs among ecosystem services and understanding of how biodiversity underpins ecosystem functions and services across time, scales and sectors.

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Focus: Sustainable use and management of land and seas Natural capital supports economies, societies and individual well-

being. quantification of the interactions and trade-offs among ecosystem

services and biodiversity underpinning ecosystem functions and services innovative conceptual frameworks, methods and coherent, shared

protocols to provide consistent datasets and knowledge (e.g. extending the European Biodiversity Observation Network to the global scale within the GEO framework)

develop innovative approaches to valuate biodiversity and ecosystem services and to develop public goods and sustainable economic activities from them.

Include: landscape users (in particular forest industry, water managers and users, agriculture and agro-industry, urban planners, risk managers) as well as sea area users.

detect and preserve underwater archaeological sites (world Convention on the Protection of Underwater Heritage).

maintaining and restoring the ecosystem capacity to deliver products and services required by industry and the society.

set-up multi-purpose "green infrastructures" based upon landscape ecology.

assess and monitor the environmental status of marine waters (Good Environment Status).

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Challenge 6.2: Sustainable use and management of land and seas

ENV.2012.6.2-1Exploration of the operational potential of the concepts of ecosystem services and natural capital to systematically inform sustainable land, water and urban management

CP (2 stage)International collaboration, especially in developing countries is strongly encouraged. SMEs are expected to play a role in developing services and products.< 9M€: One or more proposals can be selected

ENV.2012.6.2-2Assessing global biological resources: the European contribution to the Global Earth Observation Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON)

CP (2 stage)The participation of SMEs is essential, min. 15% of EU contribution has to go to SMEsEU-contribution per project shall not exceed 9M€Up to one proposal can be selected

ENV.2012.6.2-3Innovative Tolls for Understanding and Assessing Good Environmental Status (GES) of Marine WatersTopic is part of “The Ocean of Tomorrow” 2011 Call

CP (2 stage)Participation of SMEs is encouraged particularly with regard to the development of the monitoring systems.< 6M€: Up to one proposal can be selected

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

ENV.2012.6.2-4Management and potential impacts of litter in the marine and coastal environmentTopic is part of “The Ocean of Tomorrow” 2011 Call

CP (2 stage)Participation of SMEs is encouraged particularly with regard to the development of the monitoring systems.< 6M€: Up to one proposal can be selected

ENV.2012.6.2-5Improve scientific knowledge base to support the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework DirectiveTopic is part of “The Ocean of Tomorrow” 2011 Call

CSA (supporting action – 1 stage)The project should take into consideration relevant EU initiatives such as the Eranet SEAS-era, WISE-marine, EMODnet.<1M€: Up to one proposal can be selected

ENV.2012.6.2-6Development of advanced technologies and tools for mapping, diagnosing, excavating and securing underwater and coastal archaeological sites

SME targeted Collaborative Project (1 stage)30% of EU contribution has to go to SMEs< 3M€: One or more proposals can be selected.

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch


© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

The European problem

Europe is facing the question of sustainable growth at a time of increasing energy prices, carbon constraints and greater competition for resources and markets.

In this context, improving resource efficiency within and across all sectors of our society is not only recognised as the way to go to reduce our societal ecological footprint and to preserve our fragile environment and its ecosystems services, but also as an opportunity to create a new European economy with strong global competitive advantage by 2020.

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Focus Improving resource efficiency culture of "saving, re-use and recycling" to achieve smart and

greener growth (more sustainable patterns for consumption and production).

Follow major recent EU policy initiatives (Europe2020 strategy, Resource-efficient-Europe, Innovation Union Flagship initiatives, EU Strategy for Sustainable Development, EC Communication "Tackling the challenges in commodity markets on raw materials“).

enable and accelerate the development of: innovative ideas and new market opportunities for eco-efficient technologies, processes and services (new opportunities for SMEs

adequate decision support tools (indicators and models) to enable policy makers (mix of policy options, analyse and monitor the progress towards resource-efficiency)

support for standardisation needs in the field of environment.

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Challenge 6.3: Improving resource efficiencyENV.2012.6.3-1Innovative resource efficient technologies, processes and services

SME targeted Collaborative Project (2 stage)Bottom-up-topic30% of EU contribution has to go to SMEsOne or more proposals can be selected.

ENV.2012.6.3-2Policy options for a resource efficient economy

CP (1 stage)< 3M€: One or more proposals can be selected

ENV.2012.6.3-3Development of resource efficiency indicators

CP (1 stage)Provide the EU27 with adequate indicators.< 3M€: One or more proposals can be selected

ENV.2012.6.3-4Support for standardisation needs in the field of environment

CSA (supporting action - 1 stage)< 1M€: Up to one proposal can be selected

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch



© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

The European problem

The core challenge for the remaining period of FP7 is to provide research support aiming at risk reduction from environmental hazards, including extreme and sudden large events as well as noxious elements present in the environment.

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Focus: Protecting citizens from environmental hazards

integrating science, innovative technologies and earth observation systems for management of environmental hazards (reduce adverse impacts on societies, economies and ecosystems)

help society to improve its resilience: reduce vulnerability, prepare for responding to threats (interdisciplinary approach of natural and social sciences contributing to international efforts).

health risks: a novel approach for the integration of environmental data on exposures to chemicals and other stressors with human health and well-being data.

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Challenge 6.4: Protecting citizens from environmental hazardsENV.2012.6.4-1Improving the resilience of society to catastrophic natural hazards trough new risk-management partnerships

CP (2 stage)Partnership with relevant private and public key actors in risk management is highly recommended.< 6M€: One or more proposals can be selected.

ENV.2012.6.4-2Long-term monitoring experiment in geologically active regions of Europe prone to natural hazard: the Supersite concept

CP (2 stage)International collaboration with other supersites to build a successful GEOSS while making a significant European contribution to the GEO 2012-2015 Work Plan.min 15% EU contribution has to go to industry < 6M€: One or more proposals can be selected.

ENV.2012.6.4-3Integrating environmental and health data to advance knowledge of the role of environment in human health and well-being in support of a European exposome initiative

CP (2 stage)9M€: One or more proposals can be selected.

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch



© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

The European problem

The future of the global environment depends upon how well innovative environmental solutions are integrated in sectors such as energy, transport, agriculture, forestry and fisheries, health, and urban and spatial planning.

This calls for the stimulation of innovative approaches and tools to handle complexity, interactions and interfaces, and to facilitate knowledge transfer, assessment, valuation, uptake and exploitation of scientific data and results for policy, industry and society at large.

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Focus Mobilizing environmental knowledge for policy, industry and society

interdisciplinary & action-oriented approaches for long-term sustainability challenges: cross sectoral (governance levels and national boundaries).

Environmental knowledge for innovation in policy, society and industry through proactive communication and uptake processes.

Integrated assessments for revision of EU air quality policy

SMEs engage in environmental innovation (demonstration activities, prototypes with a market potential) from previous EU research activities.

Novel earth observation applications such as "global citizen's observatory" (an integrated network of community-based in-situ observations to deliver environmental data)

promote further open access to environmental research results and data at EU, national and local levels, in line with the INSPIRE and SEIS provisions.

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Challenge 6.5: Mobilising environmental knowledge for policy, industry and society

ENV.2012.6.5-1Developing community-based environmental monitoring and information systems using innovative and novel earth observation applications

SME-targeted CP (2 stage)SMEs are expected to play a major role. 30% of EU contribution has to go to SMEs< 9M€, min. One or more proposals can be selected.

ENV.2012.6.5-2Demonstration and exploitation of most promising prototypes and tools derived from European research activities

SME-targeted CP (2 stage)A relevant participation of industrial actors and SMEs is requested. 30% of EU contribution has to go to SMEs< 3M€, min. One or more proposals can be selected.

ENV.2012.6.5-3Exploring opportunities for open access to primary environmental data

CSA (supporting action – 1 stage)< 1M€:Up to one proposal can be selected.

ENV.2012.6.5-4Integrated assessment of air pollution supporting the revision of EU air quality legislation

CSA (coordinating action – 1 stage)< 1M€: Up to one proposal can be selected.

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch


'Energy-efficient Buildings' to promote green technologies and the development of energy-efficient systems and materials in new and renovated buildings with a view to reducing radically their energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

'Green Cars' involving research on a broad range of technologies and smart energy infrastructures essential to achieve a breakthrough in the use of renewable and non-polluting energy sources, safety and traffic fluidity.

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

Other activities & Public-Private Partnership (PPP)

ENV.2012.6.6-1EU-India cooperation in water technology and management: research and innovation

SME-targeted CP (1 stage)complementary call to support Indian projects in this field. (close cooperation)min. 30% of EU contribution has to go to SMEs< 3M€, One or more proposals can be selected.

EeB.ENV.20126.6-2Concepts and solutions for improving energy efficiency of historic buildings, in particular at urban district scalePublic-Private Partnership: “Energy efficient Buildings”

CP min. 30% of EU contribution has to go to SMEs< 5M€, Up to one proposal can be selected. Topic implemented in cooperation with NMP, Energy, ICT and Environment Themes

GC.ENV.2012-6.6-3Innovative advances lightweight materials for the next generation of environmentally-friendly electric vehiclesPublic-Private Partnership: “European Green Cars Initiative”FP7-2012-GC-MATERIALS

LIP4M€ to 10M€Topics implemented jointly by NMP, transport and Environment Themes

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch


Calls: Budget M€

FP7-ENV-2012- single stageFP7-ENV-2012- two stageFP7-2012-NMP-ENV-ENERGY-ICT-EeBFP7-2012-GC-ELECTROCHEMICAL-STORAGETotal


© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

1 stage proposals

Follow instructions on guide for applicants!

Minimum threshold

S/T quality 3/5

Implementation 3/5

Impact 3/5

Overall threshold 10/15

Deadline: 20th Oct. 2011

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

2 stage proposals

STAGE 1 Minimum threshold

S/T quality 4/5

Impact 3/5

Overall threshold 8/10

Follow instructions on guide for applicants!

STAGE 2 Minimum threshold

S/T quality 4/5

Implementation 3/5

Impact 3/5

Overall threshold 10/15

Deadline: 20th October 2011(tbc) Deadline: March/April 2012 (tbc)

© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

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© Euresearch Marion Tobler: ENVIRONMRNT CALL 2012 www.euresearch.ch

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Project Idea

Project Preparation

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