1 El Shaddai Ministries April 11, 2015 Welcome to Sabbath Service! Nissan 22, 5775.

1 El Shaddai Ministries April 11, 2015 Welcome to Sabbath Service! Nissan 22, 5775

Transcript of 1 El Shaddai Ministries April 11, 2015 Welcome to Sabbath Service! Nissan 22, 5775.


El Shaddai Ministries

April 11, 2015 Welcome to Sabbath Service! Nissan 22, 5775

Leviticus 9:5-6 (NKJV) (READ ALOUD)5 So they brought what Moses commanded before the tabernacle of meeting. And all the congregation drew near and stood before the LORD. 6 Then Moses said, “This is the thing which the LORD commanded you to do, and the glory of the LORD will appear to you.”


1. Do you ask God to forgive you of any sin?

Yes or No?__________________

2. Do you make peace with people you have been upset with?

Yes or No?___________________

3. Do you pray and bless others?

Yes or No?___________________

Leviticus 9:7 (NKJV) (READ ALOUD)7 And Moses said to Aaron, “Go to the altar, offer your sin offering and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself and

for the people. Offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them, as the LORD commanded.”

Leviticus 9:22-23 (NKJV) (READ ALOUD)22 Then Aaron lifted his hand toward the people, blessed them,

and came down from offering the sin offering, the burnt offering,

and peace offerings.

23 And Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of meeting, and

came out and blessed the people… 3

Draw a picture or write a sentence what you would do.

Leviticus 9:23-24 (NKJV) READ ALOUD23 And Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of meeting,

and came out and blessed the people.

Then the glory of the LORD appeared to all the people,

24 and fire came out from before the LORD and consumed the

burnt offering and the fat on the altar. When all the people

saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces.4

Circle your answer:

1. Did Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron just decide to offer strange fire before the LORD on their own? Yes or No?

2. What lesson can we learn from this?______________________________________________________________

3. How important are obedience and unity to God? A little important somewhat important very important

Leviticus 10:1-2 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

10 And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense

thereon, and offered strange fire before the LORD, which he commanded them not

2 And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them, and they died before the LORD.


Do only what the LORD says.

The people were unified, obeying

God.Now fire which was illegitimate

which would scatter is offered

by Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu.


Read Hebrew Letters Hebrew/English

Read Hebrew Letters

Zar/ illegitimate

Reysh Zayin Zarah/to scatter

Hey Reysh Zayin

Write Hebrew Write Hebrew





 And David arose, and went with all the people that were with him

from Baale of Judah, to bring up from thence the ark of God

, whose name is called by the name of the LORD of hosts that

dwelleth between the cherubims.

3 And they set the ark of God upon a new cart, and brought it out of

the house of Abinadab that was in Gibeah: and Uzzah and Ahio, the

sons of Abinadab, drave the new cart

. 4 And they brought it out of the house of Abinadab which was at

Gibeah, accompanying the ark of God: and Ahio went before the ark.

6 And when they came to Nachon's threshingfloor,

Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God, and took hold of it;

;for the oxen shook it

. 7 And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah; and God

smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God.

13 And it was so, that when they that bare the ark of the LORD

had gone six paces, he sacrificed oxen and fatlings.

14 And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and

David was girded with a linen ephod.

15 So David and all the house of Israel brought up the

ark of the LORD with shouting, and with the sound of the


2 Samuel 6:1-4, 6-7, 13-15 (NKV)

1. Circle what King David and the people set the ark of God upon?

2. Circle what Uzzah did without the LORD’s permission that angered the LORD.

3. Circle what King David did differently the second time he tried to bring the ark into Jerusalem.

4. How does this show that knowing and doing what the LORD asks is important. (Talk about this with your parents/guardians.)


Read Hebrew Letters Hebrew/English

Read Hebrew Letters

Ahav/love Vet Hey Aleph Esh/fire Sheen Aleph

Write Hebrew Write Hebrew

Sharei/to bless Reysh Sheen Aleph A-sharei/ blessed

Yood Reysh Sheen Aleph

Write Hebrew Write Hebrew

Behold God and Behold the Son.

John 3:16 (NKJV)For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,

that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,

but have everlasting life.

Hebrews 12:29 (NKJV)For our God is

a consuming fire.

Does the fire of God burn out wrong thoughts and wrong attitudes and remind me of what is good and right?

Yes or No


Acts 2:1,3 (NKJV)And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were allwith one accord in one place.

3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.


Read Hebrew Letters

Echad/Unity, unite, to be as one

Reysh Chet Aleph

Write Hebrew

John 17:21-22 (NKJV) READ ALOUD21 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You;

that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.

22 And the glory which You gave Me I have given them,

that they may be one just as We are one:

1. Circle the reason that Yeshua ( Jesus)

prayed for the unity of believers in verse 21?

2. Circle what did Yeshua (Jesus)

did with the glory of God in verse 22?


Fruit of the Spirit 

Choose to live by the Spirit

Love your neighbor as yourself

Keep in step, count the omer

Envy not or provoke

Fifty days of this journey

And today is number ____

In this part of YHVH’s plan 


Fruit of love, joy, peace,

Patience, kindness, self-control

Fruit of love, joy peace,

Patience, Kindness, Self-control,

Fruit of faith and of goodness

Fruit of faith and gentleness

A-gainst such is no law.


From: Galatians 5:22-25 Leviticus 23:15 &16 

(by Mary Jo Rydholm)

May, 2014 

How will you practice being in unity

with other believers

this week?

1. Sing the Fruit of the Spirit Song

2. Count up to the Feast of the Lord –

Shavuot (Pentecost)

3. Choose 2 ways to praise God and

His son Yeshua.



Blessing for Counting the Omer:

“Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the Universe who has sanctified

us with His commandments and commanded us concerning

the counting of the Omer.”

Today is the ________ day of the Omer.”

Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us

by Your commandments and commanded us to be a light unto Your nations

and has given us Yeshua our Messiah, the light of the world.

Psalms 67:

May God be merciful to us, and bless us, and cause His face to shine on us. Selah.

So that Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.

Let the nations praise You, O God; let all the nations thank You.

O let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for You shall judge the people righteously

and govern the nations on earth. Selah.

Let the nations give thanks to You, O God; let all the nations praise You.

The earth shall yield its increase; and God, shall bless us.

God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him.

How will you practice being in unity with other believers

this week?

1. Count up to the Feast of the Lord – Shavuot (Pentecost)

2. Choose 2 ways to praise God and His son Yeshua.

(go to page 1)


Praise words to thank Yahweh God