1. earthquake [`3T&kwek] n. [C] also quake, a sudden movement of the earth’s surface 地震 The...

Higher-Order Procedures (in Ruby) based on ‘Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs’ (1985 MIT Press) by Hal Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman. http://swiss.csail.mit.edu/classes/6.001/abelson-sussman-lectures/ Nathan Murray <[email protected] > v1.0 12/13/06 http://www.natemurray. com

Transcript of 1. earthquake [`3T&kwek] n. [C] also quake, a sudden movement of the earth’s surface 地震 The...

1. earthquake

n. [C] also quake, a sudden movement of the earth’s surface 地震

The newspaper says there was a strong earthquake in Iran last night.

2. act

vi. to behave; to do (something) 表現;行動We must act at once or it will be too late.

The police were slow to act so the thief ran away.


n. [U C] 行為;行動

Actions speak louder than words.

He is a talker, not a man of action.

Proverb: 行動勝於空言

3. kick

vi. to hit with the foot 踢  This horse kicks when anyone comes up from behind.

4. stare

vi.; vt. to look fixedly (at) for a long time without moving one’s eyes 凝視,注視  The teacher stared angrily at the noisy students.  

It is not polite to stare people up and down.

5. suddenly

adv. quickly and unexpectedly 突然地He suddenly showed up just when we were talking about him.  

* show up : appear

sudden adj. 突然的It was fine in the morning, but there was a sudden change of weather in the afternoon.

6. lay

vt. (of birds, insects, etc.) to produce (eggs) ( 鳥類、昆蟲等 ) 產 ( 卵 ) ,下 ( 蛋 )  

How many eggs does this hen lay each week?

*lie lay lain lying 躺

lied lied lied lying 說謊

lay laid laid laying 放置 ; 生蛋

7. leap

vi. to jump 跳躍  Tim was so happy that he leaped into the air.

8. straight

adv. directly; without a bend 直接地;筆直地  Mom asked me to go straight home after school.  Go straight down the road, and you will see the church on your right.  

straight adj. 直的

She has straight, not curly hair.

9. hit

vt. vi. to affect (something) badly 襲擊  

The country was hit by several typhoons last year.A typhoon hit on Monday night.All flights were called off.

10. hole

n. [C] the home of a small animal; an empty space within something solid 洞穴;洞

Someone broke into the store through a hole in the wall.

11. sense

vt. to have a feeling of, without being told directly 感覺到,意識到

I sensed that there was a double meaning in his words.  

sense n. [C U ] 感覺He didn’t see any fun in that joke. He really has no sense of humor.*sense of duty/responsibility

sense of honor

sense of safety/security

12. field

n. [C] an area of land used for raising animals or growing crops 田地,牧場  In the country, I saw farmers work out in the fields.

13. hill

n. [C] a rise in the land, lower than a mountain 山丘  Can you see the white house on the hill over there?

14. flood

vt. to cover with water 使…淹沒 

The heavy rain has flooded all the streets in the town.  

flood n. [C] 洪水

Hundreds of houses were carried away by the great flood.

15. wild

adj. out of control 瘋狂的;發狂的

The girls went wild as soon as the pop singer passed by them.  * feeling : 感覺

feelings : 感情

There was certain wildness in the way he acted.

wildness n. [U] 瘋狂;無秩序  

16. magic

n. [U] power used to control events or to do something impossible 魔法   The medicine works like magic. His cold is better now.  

magical adj. 不可思議的;魔術的

The children in this class love Miss Lin very much. She has a magical way with them.

17. someday

adv. at some time in the future 有一天  

You will become a great player someday, if you keep on practicing.

18. strike

vi. ; vt. to suddenly happen 突然侵襲Suddenly all the dogs barked. Ten minutes later, a quake struck.A powerful earthquake struck the village early this morning. Many people were killed in their sleep.

*strike 的三態為

strike struckstruckstricken

struck 用於動詞詞組中stricken 為限定形容詞 ( 前位修飾用法 )

1. barn

n. [C] a large farm building for storing crops or keeping animals 牲口棚;穀倉

Words for Recognition

2. turtle

n. [C] an animal that often lives in water,with a soft body covered by a hard shell

烏龜 ( 特指海龜 )

Words for Recognition

3. bowl n. [C] a deep round container for hol

ding liquids, etc. ( 養魚 ) 缸;碗;盆

Words for Recognition

4. Alaska n. the largest state in the US, in the no

rthwestern part of North America ( 美國 ) 阿拉斯加州

Words for Recognition

5. rat n. [C] an animal that looks like a larg

e mouse 老鼠

Words for Recognition

1. all over

in every part of 遍及…各地  

The singer is so popular that people all over the country have heard about her.

Idioms and Phrases

2. be about to to be just ready to; to be going to 正要,即將  I was about to leave the house when Robert called me up.

Idioms and Phrases

3. on the run

trying to escape or to hide 逃跑    He did something illegal, and has been on the run for over a year.

Idioms and Phrases

4. at times sometimes 有時  

At times I think of those happy days when I was still a child.

Idioms and Phrases

* at times = sometimes

5. up and down here and there; back and forth 到處,來來回回

Jeff looked for his wallet up and down on the street.

Idioms and Phrases

6. fall down

to break down completely 倒塌  One of our walls fell down in the strong quake last year.

Idioms and Phrases