1 Diet, Lifestyle & Staying Well Paul Reilly, ND, L.Ac., FABNO Seattle Cancer Treatment & Wellness...

1 Diet, Lifestyle & Staying Well Paul Reilly, ND, L.Ac., FABNO Seattle Cancer Treatment & Wellness Center National Director of Naturopathic Medicine - CTCA

Transcript of 1 Diet, Lifestyle & Staying Well Paul Reilly, ND, L.Ac., FABNO Seattle Cancer Treatment & Wellness...

Page 1: 1 Diet, Lifestyle & Staying Well Paul Reilly, ND, L.Ac., FABNO Seattle Cancer Treatment & Wellness Center National Director of Naturopathic Medicine -


Diet, Lifestyle & Staying Well

Paul Reilly, ND, L.Ac., FABNOSeattle Cancer Treatment & Wellness Center

National Director of Naturopathic Medicine - CTCA

Page 2: 1 Diet, Lifestyle & Staying Well Paul Reilly, ND, L.Ac., FABNO Seattle Cancer Treatment & Wellness Center National Director of Naturopathic Medicine -


Page 3: 1 Diet, Lifestyle & Staying Well Paul Reilly, ND, L.Ac., FABNO Seattle Cancer Treatment & Wellness Center National Director of Naturopathic Medicine -


Risk Factors for Cancer

• Tobacco 30%• Diet 30%• Infection 5%• Alcohol 3%• Pollution 2%

• Reproductive Factor 3%• Family history 5%• Sedentary Lifestyle 5%• Occupational 5%• Other 12%

(Harvard Center for Ca Prevention)

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Nature or nurture?

• Swedish twins study• 44,788 pairs of twins• 10,803 cases of cancer• genes explained risk as follows

–prostate cancer - 42% of risk–colon cancer - 35% of risk–breast cancer - 27% of risk–lung - 26% of risk–most other cancers - <25% of risk

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“Change the environment”




Clean Environment

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Just know this...

• Change the internal environment that allows cancer to grow and you have changed everything related to risk and even recovery if cancer already exists

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Development of Cancer

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“Let your food be yourmedicine and your medicine

be your food”Hippocrates

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How Foods Fight Cancer

• Antioxidants can slow damage to DNA

• Phytochemicals change gene expression

• Vitamins help repair DNA

• EFA’s regulate growth signals & inflam.

• Fiber enhances cell-cell communication

• Regulation of hormones

• Enhancement of detoxification

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Paleolithic Nutrition

•Avg daily intake

– 3000 calories

– 251 grams protein

– 71.3 grams fat

– 333.6 grams complex carbs

– 45.7 grams fiber

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Nat’l Health & Nutrition Survey

•Less than 10% of Americans consume 5

serving of fruits and vegetables daily

• 40% had no fruit or juice

• 50% had no garden vegetables

• 70% had no fruit or veg. High in vitamin C

• 80% had no fruit or veg. high in carotenoids

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Top 3 American Vegetables

•#1: French fries

–Account for 25% of all “vegetables” consumed in US

•#2: Iceberg Lettuce

–(90% water)

•#3: Tomato

–catsup & salsa

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So What do I eat?

American Heart Assoc



Page 14: 1 Diet, Lifestyle & Staying Well Paul Reilly, ND, L.Ac., FABNO Seattle Cancer Treatment & Wellness Center National Director of Naturopathic Medicine -


So What do I eat?

American Heart Assoc


ATKINSThe “Real Food” Diet

Page 15: 1 Diet, Lifestyle & Staying Well Paul Reilly, ND, L.Ac., FABNO Seattle Cancer Treatment & Wellness Center National Director of Naturopathic Medicine -


Dietary Guidelines

•EAT LOTS:–Vegetables: (tomato, crucifers, garlic/onions)–Fruit: (apples, citrus, berries, apricots etc)–Lean protein (seafood, whey, soy, non-fat

yogurt, beans)–Complex carbs: (whole grains, beans, fiber)–Good fats (olive oil, nuts, flax meal)–Herbs: (shitake mushrooms, ginger, curry etc)–Other: fermented foods, green tea, pure water.

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Dietary Guidelines

•Whole unrefined, unprocessed foods

•Half plate should be vegetables

•Eat a “rainbow” of color daily

•Chew food well

•1 oz water for every 2 pounds wt

•Organic when available

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Dietary Guidelines

•Minimize or Avoid:

– Commercial beef, pork & poultry

– alcohol

– full fat dairy products

– sugar and desserts

– microwaved foods

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Dietary Guidelines

•“Just Say No”:

–High fructose corn syrup

–Margarine, trans fats, partially

hydrogenated fats, deep fried foods

–Processed meats, nitrates, smoked meats (esp charred)

–“fake foods”, colorings , additives

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• Spirulina• Sprouts• Bee Pollen• Whey protein• Pomegranite• Green tea• Garlic & onion

• Beets• Apples• Blueberries• Turmeric & Ginger• Coconut• Mushrooms

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• Increased intake of fish oils is associated with reduced risk of cancer incidence and metastasis

–Breast( Nutr. Ca. 1989;12:61)

–Colon (Gastroenterology 1993;105:1317)

–Prostate (Antican. Res. 1996;16:815)

• Reduces inflammation & heart disease

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Alcohol and Cancer

Type of


# studies % increase

per drink



Breast 60 10%

Colon 45 5%

Rectal 45 5%

Liver 25 20%

Oral >50 30% Yes

Esophagus 30 30% Yes

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Sugar & Cancer

• High sugar diets are associated with increasedrisk of several cancers.–Breast - Lancet 1996;347:1351

• Br. Ca. Res. & Tx. 1997;42:243• Nutr. Ca. 1982 ;1:27

–Colorectal - Int’l J. Ca 1997;72:56• Int’l J. Ca. 1998;75:40• Nutr. Ca. 1987;10:181• Ca. Epid. Biomarker Prev. 1997;6:67

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Rachel Carson - Silent Spring

• “For the first time in the history of the world,

every human being is now subjected to contact

with dangerous chemicals. ...The synthetic

pesticides have been so thoroughly distributed

throughout the animate and inanimate world that

they occur virtually everywhere”

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Toxins in Human Fat

• 5 toxins found in 100% of samples.

– dioxins, styrene, xylene, ethylphenol, 1,4


• 9 toxins found in 91-98% of samples.

– benzene, toluene, DDE, three dioxins, furans, ethyl benzene and chlorobenzene

• PCBs found in 83% and lindane in 87%

• 20 toxic compounds found in 76% of all samples

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Pollution Effects

• Cancer, leukemia, lymphoma


• Fibromyalgia


• Autoimmune disease

• Inflammatory bowel disease

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Pollution Effects

• Allergies & asthma

• Neurodegenerative disease

• Endocrine disease

• Infertility & Reproductive disorders

• Autism

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Most Contaminated

• strawberry

• bell pepper

• spinach

• cherries (US)

• peaches

• canteloupe (Mexico)

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Most Contaminated

• celery

• apples

• apricots

• green beans

• grapes (Chile)

• cucumbers

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Least contaminated vegetables

• Onions

• Avocado

• Sweet corn

• Pineapple

• Mango

• Asparagus

• Sweet Peas

• Kiwi fruit

• Banana

• Cabbage

• Broccoli

• Papaya

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Less contaminated foods

• Organically grown, seasonal produce

• Wild caught salmon and sardines

• Nuts in shells

• Organically raised grains and livestock

• Olive & coconut oil

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General guidelines

•Buy organic & local when available

•Eat foods when in season

•Wash all produce

•Eat low on the food chain

•Avoid GMO foods

•Grow an organic garden

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•Don’t drink unfiltered tap water

•Test your home water for contaminants

•Best is spring water

•Avoid unnecessary bottled water

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Insulin, Obesity & Cancer

• Obesity could account for 14% of all cancer

deaths in men and 20% in women

– NEJM 2003;348:17

• 60% higher risk of Colon cancer with higher

levels of insulin. 90% increase with higher waist


– JNCI 1999;91:1147

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Insulin & Cancer

• Hyperinsulinemia is a risk factor for breastcancer -Br. Ca. Res. Tx. 1996;38:239– Ca. Causes Control 1996;7:605

• Serum C peptide is higher in breast cancercases than controls– Int. J Ca. 1992;52:511

• High insulin levels may be the best predictor ofwhether a woman’s breast cancer recurs– ASCO Mtg 5/23/2000

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At home

• Remove shoes

• Keep air circulating

• Avoid pressboard, synthetic carpets etc

• Use non-toxic cleaners etc

• Reduce AC & heat use

• Switch to compact fluorescent lights

• Use air purifiers and houseplants

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Mind-Body Connections

• Chronic stress depletes your immune system,

slows healing and repair and contributes to


• Reverse effects of stress with sleep, positive

activities, and relaxation

• Exercise reduces most of the negative effects of


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• Reduces risk of all major killers (Cancer, heart

disease, diabetes, obesity, htn,)

• Improves energy

• Improves brain function

• One in 3 Americans will get cancer. One in 7

active Americans will get cancer

• Regular exercise reduces breast cancer risk by

30% (Am J Epid 2003)

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Plant purifiers

• Areca palm

• Peace Lily

• Rubber plant

• Spider plant

• English Ivy

• Gerbera Daisy

• Snake Plant

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What about supplements?

•3 day USDA food consumption studies

of 21,500 individuals

•Not one person consumed 100% of

RDA for all 10 essential nutrients

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Limitations of RDA

•Prevent deficiency dz, not promote


•Doesn’t account for biochemical


•Does not meet needs of those with

increased demands or illness

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Vitamin D

• Reduces cancer rates at 16 sites (Antica. Res.2006;26:2687)

• Low vit D assoc with increased cancer incidence& mortality ( JNCI 2006) (Am. J. Pub. Health2006)

• Increasing vit D by 25 nm/l assoc with 17%reduction in ca incidence, 29% reduction in camortality and 45% reduction in dig system camortality (JNCI 2006;98:451)

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Serum Vit D & breast cancerrisk

Serum Vit D (nm) RR for breast ca

<30 1.0

30-45 0.57

45-60 0.49

60-75 0.43

>75 0.31

Carcinogenesis 2008;29:93

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Increased Demand for Nutrients

• Methionine

• (vit. B-6,)

• Homocysteine (bad)

• (vit. B-6, B-12, Folic acid)

• Cysteine, taurine(good)

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A Good Multivitamin

•Vitamin A 5000iu•Mixed Carotenes

10,000-25,000 iu•B vits 10-50 mg•Vitamin C 1000-

3000mg•Vitamin D 400-800 iu•Vitamin E 200-400 iu•Vitamin K 1 mg

• Calcium 500-1000 mg• Magnesium 400-800• Zinc 15-30 mg• Copper 1-2 mg• Selenium 200 mcg• Chromium 200 mcg• Iodine 150 mcg• Boron 2-3 mgm (?)• Iron (?)

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Putting it all together

•Healthy Diet•Don’t smoke•Alcohol in moderation, if any•Stay Active•Maintain Healthy weight•Take time for fun•Sleep•Take high quality vitamins

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