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Word: Rhymes [Lyrics and poems] Synonyms Descriptive words (New!) Definitions Homophones Similar sound Same consonants Related Filter by rhyme... From Love's Labour's Lost: Act IV, scene III: To those fresh morning drops upon the rose, As thy eye-beams, when their fresh rays have smote The night of dew that on my cheeks down flows: Nor shines the silver moon one half so bright From Love's Labour's Lost: Act I, scene I: Why should I joy in any abortive birth? At Christmas I no more desire a rose Than wish a snow in May's new-fangled mirth; But like of each thing that in season grows. From Shakespeare's Sonnet XCVIII.: Nor did I wonder at the lily's white, Nor praise the deep vermilion in the rose; They were but sweet, but figures of delight, Drawn after you, you pattern of all those. From Shakespeare's Sonnet XCV.: How sweet and lovely dost thou make the shame Which, like a canker in the fragrant rose, Doth spot the beauty of thy budding name! O, in what sweets dost thou thy sins enclose! From "The White Birds" by William Butler Yeats: the lily and rose; Ah, dream not of them, my beloved, the flame of the meteor that goes, Or the flame of the blue star that lingers hung low in From "The Secret Rose" by William Butler Yeats: FAR-OFF, most secret, and inviolate Rose, Enfold me in my hour of hours; where those From "He Rembers Forgotten Beauty" by William Butler Yeats: Where such grey clouds of incense rose That only God's eyes did not close:

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Word: Rhymes [Lyrics and poems] Synonyms Descriptive words (New!) Definitions Homophones Similar sound Same consonants Related Filter by rhyme...

From Love's Labour's Lost: Act IV, scene III:

To those fresh morning drops upon the rose, As thy eye-beams, when their fresh rays have smote The night of dew that on my cheeks down flows: Nor shines the silver moon one half so bright

From Love's Labour's Lost: Act I, scene I:

Why should I joy in any abortive birth? At Christmas I no more desire a rose Than wish a snow in May's new-fangled mirth; But like of each thing that in season grows.

From Shakespeare's Sonnet XCVIII.:

Nor did I wonder at the lily's white, Nor praise the deep vermilion in the rose; They were but sweet, but figures of delight, Drawn after you, you pattern of all those.

From Shakespeare's Sonnet XCV.:

How sweet and lovely dost thou make the shame Which, like a canker in the fragrant rose, Doth spot the beauty of thy budding name! O, in what sweets dost thou thy sins enclose!

From "The White Birds" by William Butler Yeats:

the lily and rose; Ah, dream not of them, my beloved, the flame of the meteor that goes, Or the flame of the blue star that lingers hung low in

From "The Secret Rose" by William Butler Yeats:

FAR-OFF, most secret, and inviolate Rose, Enfold me in my hour of hours; where those

From "He Rembers Forgotten Beauty" by William Butler Yeats:

Where such grey clouds of incense rose That only God's eyes did not close:

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From "THE LILY IN A CRYSTAL" by Robert Herrick:

You have beheld a smiling rose When virgins' hands have drawn O'er it a cobweb-lawn: And here, you see, this lily shows,

From "The English Flag" by Rudyard Kipling:

I set my hand on the Hoogli; as a hooded snake she rose, And I flung your stoutest steamers to roost with the startled crows.

From "The Threshold" by Rudyard Kipling:

For they showed, by answering echoes, And chasing clouds as they rose, How shadows should stand for bulwarks Between mankind and its woes.

From "The Song OF The Cities" by Rudyard Kipling:

Peace is our portion. Yet a whisper rose, Foolish and causeless, half in jest, half hate. Now wake we and remember mighty blows, And, fearing no man, wait!

From "Old Tunes" by Sara Teasdale:

As the waves of perfume, heliotrope, rose, Float in the garden when no wind blows,

From "Men Are Heaven's Piers" by Robert Louis Stevenson:

Nor less admire, beside the rose, How far a little virtue goes.

From "Over The Land Is April" by Robert Louis Stevenson:

OVER the land is April, Over my heart a rose; Over the high, brown mountain The sound of singing goes.

From "Over The Land Is April" by Robert Louis Stevenson:

By highway, love, and byway The snows succeed the rose. Over the high, brown mountain The wind of winter blows.

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From "A Line-Storm Song" by Robert Lee Frost:

All song of the woods is crushed like some Wild, earily shattered rose. Come, be my love in the wet woods, come, Where the boughs rain when it blows.

From "Rose Family, The" by Robert Lee Frost:

And was always a rose. But now the theory goes

From "Rose Family, The" by Robert Lee Frost:

That the apple's a rose, And the pear is, and so's

From "They dropped like flakes" by Emily Dickinson:

They dropped like flakes, they dropped like stars, Like petals from a rose, When suddenly across the lune A wind with fingers goes.

From "God made a little gentian;" by Emily Dickinson:

It tried to be a rose And failed, and all the summer laughed. But just before the snows There came a purple creature

From "The Dance At The Phoenix" by Thomas Hardy:

Time wore to six. Her husband rose And struck the steel and stone; He glanced at Jenny, whose repose Seemed deeper than his own.

From "Leipzig" by Thomas Hardy:

"Three sky-lights then from the girdling trine Told, 'Ready!' As they rose Their flashes seemed his Judgment-Sign For bleeding Europe's woes.

From "Song" by Paul Laurence Dunbar:

Lily to lily, Rose unto rose; My love to thy love Tenderly grows.

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From "Hymns Of The Marshes." by Sidney Lanier:

Ever shaming the maidens, -- lily and rose Confess thee, and each mild flame that glows

From "Two In The Campagna" by Robert Browning:

Then stand away. I kiss your cheek, Catch your soul's warmth,---I pluck the rose And love it more than tongue can speak--- Then the good minute goes.

From "Dtatue And The Bust, The" by Robert Browning:

Meantime they could profit in winter's dearth By store of fruits that supplant the rose: The world and its ways have a certain worth: And to press a point while these oppose

From "Before" by Robert Browning:

Let him pace at pleasure, past the walls of rose, Pluck their fruits when grape-trees graze him as he goes!

From "Giaour, The" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

His queen, the garden queen, his Rose, Unbent by winds, unchilled by snows,

From "Giaour, The" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

I saw her, friar! and I rose Forgetful of our former woes;

From "Mazeppa" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

The last of human sounds which rose, As I was darted from my foes,

From "Mazeppa" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

Not even an ignis-fatuus rose To make him merry with my woes:

From "Self Communion" by Anne Brontë:

The sun that on thy morning rose Will light thee to the evening's close,

From "Z---------'s Dream" by Anne Brontë:

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At first, remembrance slowly woke. Surprise, regret, successive rose, That love's strong cords should thus be broke And dearest friends turn deadliest foes.

From "The Garden Of Eros" by Oscar Wilde:

Long listless summer hours when the noon Being enamoured of a damask rose Forgets to journey westward, till the moon The pale usurper of its tribute grows

From "Improvisatore, The" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge:

Of life's gay summer tide the sovran Rose ! Late autumn's Amaranth, that more fragrant blows

From "Humanitad" by Oscar Wilde:

Dance through the hedges till the early rose, (That sweet repentance of the thorny briar!) Burst from its sheathèd emerald and disclose The little quivering disk of golden fire

From "To F--" by Edgar Allan Poe:

Not even one lonely rose)- My soul at least a solace hath In dreams of thee, and therein knows An Eden of bland repose.

From "To M--" by Edgar Allan Poe:

'Tis not that the flowers of twenty springs Which have wither'd as they rose Lie dead on my heart-strings With the weight of an age of snows.

From "The Eve Of St. Agnes" by John Keats:

Sudden a thought came like a full-blown rose, Flushing his brow, and in his pained heart Made purple riot: then doth he propose A stratagem, that makes the beldame start:

From "The Eve Of St. Agnes" by John Keats:

Into her dream he melted, as the rose Blendeth its odour with the violet,--- Solution sweet: meantime the frost-wind blows Like Love's alarum pattering the sharp sleet

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From "Buried Life, The" by Matthew Arnold:

The hills where his life rose, And the sea where it goes.

From "To A Clergyman On The Death Of His Lady" by Phillis Wheatly:

"He in his death slew ours, and, as he rose, "He crush'd the dire dominion of our foes;

From "Thoughts On The Works Of Providence" by Phillis Wheatly:

Among the mental pow'rs a question rose, "What most the image of th' Eternal shows?"

From "The Flower of Liberty" by Oliver Wendell Holmes:

The red that fires the Southern rose, With spotless white from Northern snows,

From "October" by Edward Thomas:

In alternation of violet and rose, Harebell and snowdrop, at their season due, And gorse that has no time not to be gay. But if this be not happiness, -- who knows?

From "Regret" by Charlotte Brontë:

Though the soul's bright morning rose O'er Paradise for me, William ! even from Heaven's repose I'd turn, invoked by thee !

From "The Wanderer" by John Masefield:

For soon the outcry of derision rose, "Here comes the Wanderer!" the expected cry. Guessing the cause, our mockings joined with those Yelled from the shipping as they towed her by.

From "Bagman's Dog, The : Mr. Peters's Story" by Richard Harris Barham:

At length the fumes rose To his brain; and his nose

From "Black Mousquetaire, The : A Legend of France" by Richard Harris Barham:

Fill'd a bumper, and rose With 'Messieurs, I propose --

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From "Captain Stratton's Fancy" by John Masefield:

Oh some are for the lily, and some are for the rose, But I am for the sugar-cane that in Jamaica grows;

From "To The Pious Memory Of The Accomplished young Lady Mrs. Anne Killigrew..." by John Dryden:

To such immod'rate growth her conquest rose, That fate alone its progress could oppose.

From "Religio Laici" by John Dryden:

Flew high; and as his Christian fury rose Damn'd all for heretics who durst oppose.

From "Gertrude of Wyoming" by Thomas Campbell:

Calm, opposite the Christian father rose, Pale on his venerable brow its rays Of martyr light the conflagration throws; One hand upon his lovely child he lays,

From "Death and the Lady" by Mary Elizabeth Coleridge:

I have striven, and won the strife. But that which conquered thee and rose Again to earth descends ; For the last time we have come to blows.

From "Affection" by Mary Elizabeth Coleridge:

The earth that made the rose, She also is thy mother, and not I. The flame wherewith thy maiden spirit glows Was lighted at no hearth that I sit by.

From "Lycidas" by John Milton:

As killing as the canker to the rose, Or taint-worm to the weanling herds that graze, Or frost to flowers, that their gay wardrobe wear, When first the white-thorn blows;

From "To a Very Young Lady" by Sir George Etherege:

But kindly opening, like the rose, Fresh beauties every day disclose,

From "The Deserted Village, A Poem" by Oliver Goldsmith:

Along the lawn, where scatter'd hamlets rose,

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Unwieldy wealth and cumbrous pomp repose,

From "Honeysuckle Rose" from "Ain't Misbehavin'":

Honeysuckle Rose Ev'ry honey bee fills with jealousy When they see you out with me. I don't blame them, goodness knows,

From "I'm The Greatest Star" from "Funny Girl":

Who's an American Beauty rose With an American Beauty nose,

From "Royal Nonesuch" from "Big River":

And lips like the bud of a rose So says I, if you look her in the eye You're better off looking up her nose

From "I Know a Girl" from "Chicago":

And she'd come up smelling like a rose How she does it, heaven knows.

From "Moses Supposes" from "Singin' In The Rain":

A rose is a rose A toes is a toes

From "The Scarlet Pimpernel" from "The Scarlet Pimpernel":

Me sister says his breath is sweeter than an Irish rose I'm sure I'd fall in love if he would cross my path La, yes, if you could overlook the warts upon his nose And possibly persuade him he should take a bath

From "Moon of Love" from "Very Good Eddie":

When the shades of twilight fall Where the setting sun turns the west to amber rose, Mister Moon comes stealing out when the day is done, He likes watching sweethearts, I suppose.

From "Spanish Rose" from "Bye Bye Birdie":

Call me the wild Spanish rose! The craziest flower that grows

From "Sixteen Going on Seventeen" from "The Sound of Music":

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Innocent as a rose Bachelor dandies drinkers of brandies What do I know of those? Totally unprepared am I

From "Don't Rain On My Parade" from "Funny Girl":

But whether I'm the rose Of sheer perfection, Or freckle on the nose Of life's complexion,

From ""Happiest Girl in the World, The" Review - Broadway musical" from ""Happiest Girl in the World, The" Review - Broadway musical":

Says it's all a small five minutes of spring. Hope, dream, lover and rose Fade into one When the wind blows.

From "Always, Always You" from "Carnival":

You�re my Marco, I�m your Rose Life is magic goodness knows

From "Wait A Bit" from "Just So":

When I came to try I watched the others as they soared and rose. It seemed so effortless but then, who knows?

From "Don't Leave Daddy" from "Dance of the Vampires":

Though you're lovely as a budding rose But there's always someone out to steal you You can't see them but your father knows

From "Like Zis/Like Zat" from "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels":

Like zat, ze rose, Delightful to ze nose,

From "Poison Ivy" from "Smokey Joe's Cafe":

She comes on like a rose but everybody knows

From "Washington Square Dance" from "Call Me Madam":

Dance till your cheeks are red as a rose But try not to step on your partner's toes

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From "Painting Her Portrait" from "Jane Eyre":

Nor golden rose Make her a lady of rank Glistening satin Oh, how she glows

From "The Best Of Times" from "La Cage Aux Folles":

But a faded rose? The best of times is now. As for tomorrow, Well, who knows? Who knows? Who knows?

From "The Stepsisters' Lament" from "Cinderella":

Her face is exquisite I suppose, but no more exquisite than a rose is. Her skin may be delicate and soft but not any softer that a doe's is.

From "And So It Goes" from "Movin' Out":

And every time I've held a rose It seems I only felt the thorns And so it goes, and so it goes And so will you soon I suppose

From "Lida Rose" from "The Music Man":

Lida Rose, I'm home again, Rose Without a sweetheart to my name. Lida Rose, now everyone knows That I am hoping you're the same

From "I'm Still Here" from "Follies":

Irish Rose, Five Dionne babies, Major Bowes, Had heebie-jeebies

From "Rosie" from "Bye Bye Birdie":

"A rose is a rose is a rose" Well I don't agree, Take it from me, There's one rose sweeter than any that grows!

From "Long Distance" from "Caroline, or Change":

It?s long distance, it?s your brand new southern daughter, it?s Rose!

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Oh everything?s fine here, I suppose.

From "A Sword And A Rose And A Cape" from "Carnival":

Where are the great romantics who would languish for a rose Who fought a duel with one hand while the other hand wrote prose

From "She Goes" from "High Fidelity":

But once the blush is off the rose And the girl fin'lly figures out That you'll never propose She goes!

From "Lazy Afternoon" by Barbra Streisand:

A far pink cloud hangs over the hill Unfoldin' like a rose If you hold my hand and sit real still You can hear the grass as it grows

From "I'm The Greatest Star" by Diana Ross:

Who's an American beauty rose With that American beauty nose

From "It's My House" by Diana Ross:

On the table, there sits a rose Through every window A little light flows Books of feelin' on the shelf above

From "In God's Country" by U2:

Dreamed I saw a desert rose Dress torn in ribbons and in bows

From "Bitter Wine" by Bon Jovi:

I didn't have much money, so I stole you a rose You were dressed like an orphan, in Salvation Army clothes

From "No More Mr. Nice Guy" by Alice Cooper:

When everybody rose The Reverend Smith, he recognized me And punched me in the nose

From "Piggy Pie" by Insane Clown Posse:

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He walked in the room and everybody rose Lopped off bucket chillin' underneath my clothes

From "Kentucky Rose" by Michael W. Smith:

To say their last good-byes to sweet kentucky rose Now, on that hill one flower grows

From "Pasties and a G-String" by Tom Waits:

Chesty Morgan and a watermelon rose Raise my rent and take off all your clothes

From "Thirteen Autumns And A Widow" by Cradle Of Filth:

Elizabeth christened, no paler a rose Grew so dark as this sylph None more cold in repose Yet her beauty spun webs

From "Mmmmbop" by Hanson:

Plant a seed, plant a flower, plant a rose You can plant any one of those

From "Aren't You Glad You're You" by Bing Crosby:

Every time you're near a rose Aren't you glad you've got a nose

From "Aren't You Glad You're You [The Bells of St. Mary]" by Bing Crosby:

Ev'ry time you're near a rose, Aren't you glad you've got a nose?

From "Starfish And Coffee [Live/Alone]" by Prince:

All of us were ordinary compared to Cynthia Rose She always stood at the back of the line A smile beneath her nose Her favorite number was

From "Dolores" by Frank Sinatra:

She whispers "Love me" and throws a rose Ah, but she is twice as lovely As the rose she throws

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From "An Occasional Rose" by Marty Robbins:

Just an occasional rose I can bear the pain for a while Even though my heart knows You'll be thinkin' of him when

From "Only a Rose from My Mother's Grave" by Hank Snow:

For mother was like this snow white rose Gentle at heart and lovely too Soon came the twilight with repose Angels made her bed and knew.

From "I'll Tell The Man In The Street" by Barbra Streisand:

To the red, red rose Or the running brook Where the sweet magnolia grows I won't tell of my love

From "All That I Want" by Barbra Streisand:

A rose is a rose And a nose just a nose

From "Something's Coming" by Barbra Streisand:

Gleam in its eye, bright as rose Who knows?

From "Second Hand Rose" by Barbra Streisand:

That's why they call me secondhand Rose Even our piana in the parlour, Daddy bought for ten cents of a dollar Second hand pearls, i'm wearing secondhand clothes,

From "Spanish Harlem" by Neil Diamond:

I'm going to pick that rose And watch her as she grows

From "Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes" by They Might Be Giants:

And nothing's smellin' like a rose But I don't care if no one's coming up for air 'Cause I know nothing's gonna change my clothes Ever anymore

From "Señor Santa Claus" by Jim Reeves:

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I don't know what I buy for her, I think I buy a rose So she can wear it in her hair most everywhere she goes

From "Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses" by U2:

Hallelujah, heavens white rose The doors you open I just can't close Don't turn around, don't turn around again

From "Ride Your Wild Horses" by U2:

Hallelujah, heaven's white rose The doors you open I just can't close

From "Violet And A Rose v1" by Porter Wagoner:

A violet fell in love with a rose And started it flashing from its head to its toes

From "The Greatest Thing" by Elvis Costello:

She sends back his tribute of a rose And says this ring is better suited for the nose

From "I Don't Want To Be Here" by XTC:

I don't want to pick the thorny rose I don't want to let love spoil the day again But it may again, who knows I don't wanna be here

From "Does This Bus Stop At 82nd Street?" by Bruce Springsteen:

well i sinorita spanish rose wipes her eyes and blows her nose

From "Knock 2 Dis Mix" by Insane Clown Posse:

He walked in the room, and everybody rose Lopped off bucket chilling underneath my clothes

From "Wicked Rappers Delight" by Insane Clown Posse:

im the stink on your toes im the weed to your rose not one of your friends but one of your foes

From "Sweet Shine" by Sonic Youth:

look it's changing colors, it's bigger than a rose (?) look it's changing colors, it's bigger than a pose (?)

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From "That Little Boy of Mine" by Ferlin Husky:

Two cheeks just like a rose So sweet from head to toes

From "I Like to Feel Pretty Inside" by Tom T. Hall:

If a skunk had a red coat and smell like a rose Do you think he'd turn up his nose.

From "Titiyo - Come Along" by Absolute Kidz:

Lets be the thorn on the rose Time flies, make a statement, strike a pose

From "Then It's Love" by Don Williams:

Some people say that love is a rose Maybe they've hit it right on the nose

From "Tomorrow's Calling" by Marianne Faithfull:

Silver patterns of porcelain rose Cobwebs of filley green. Where I get them from nobody knows, No one but you can see.

From "The Briar And The Rose" by Tom Waits:

I picked the Rose One early morn', but Priced my finger on a thorn. They'd grown so close

From "My Wild Irish Rose" by Hank Locklin:

My wild Irish Rose The sweetest flower that grows

From "Danny Dear" by Hank Locklin:

Then one day he met a girl As fair as any rose And Danny's roving days were done For she made him propose.

From "Lonely Woman" by Connie Smith:

Her life without love is like a rose That wilts and dies when her lover goes

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From "Balsamic And Anathema" by Cradle Of Filth:

But as the Demon rose In sweet miracles of prose

From "Midnight Shadows Crawl To Darken Counsel With Life" by Cradle Of Filth:

Each murdered son, each frozen rose Handpicked, was gently fed To the sumptuous one in black and those Whose lives were thrown in with the dead

From "She's Only 18" by Red Hot Chili Peppers:

Her little sister Rose A smell of Springstein A Pair of pantyhose

From "Ex-Girlfriend" by Esham:

When she came over, I gave her a rose Then slit her throat and watch her shake untill her eyes close

From "MMMBop ('95 Version)" by Hanson:

Plant a rose You can plant any one of those

From "Do It Well (Remix) (feat. Ludacris)" by Jennifer Lopez:

Sip some Rose Either that or some Veuve Clicquot And on that note, 'Adios amigos'

From "Spanish Harlem" by Aretha Franklin:

He's going to pick that rose And watch her as she grows

From "Land Of The Slowed" by Chamillionaire:

Sitting high on 24's, and my cuttly's to a rose See nothing but gray smoke, when I open up my dows No need to say mo, real G's get chose When the top drop and the trunk pop, you goin see the gray blows

From "Tokyo Rosie" by Strawbs:

There's no-one so fair as my Tokyo rose. I don't care if anyone knows,

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From "Blossom" by Ryan Adams:

And the nighttime crushes the hurricane rose And with no one to care for you Who knows Blossom for me rose

From "Strawberry Wine" by Ryan Adams:

The old Irish rose Drinking strawberry wine Until it comes out her nose She spent too much time on the other side,

From "Colorado Trail" by Burl Ives:

Eyes like the morning star, cheeks like the rose, Laura was a pretty girl everybody knows.

From "Medley: Ramblin' Rose/Your Cheatin' Heart/Jambalay" by Jimmy Dean:

Ramblin' rose, ramblin' rose Why you ramble heaven knows

From "Anastasia's Eyes" by Dan Fogelberg:

There's thorns on the cactus tree There's thorns on the rose There's thorns in the heart of me That nobody knows

From "Guilty Cocker Spaniels" by Modest Mouse:

The truth had stopped and the skyline rose Exchangin' comfort for more fashionable clothes

From "Guilty Cocker Spaniel" by Modest Mouse:

The truth had stopped and the skyline rose Exchanging comfort for more fashionable clothes

From "Only A Woman Knows" by Hazell Dean:

And what's so special about a rose Only a woman knows

From "Everybody Knows" by Leonard Cohen:

And a long stem rose Everybody knows

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From "Kaliope House" by Waterboys:

in search of a Rose Whatever the will of the weather and whether it shines or snows wherever I`m going I`ll go

From "L'Embellie" by Jean Ferrat:

Je l'aurais voulu si joli, ce poème en bleu et en rose Cet instant de rêve et de pause dans le tumulte de la vie Je l'aurais voulu si joli, mon amour en qui tout repose Et que nul ne puisse ni n'ose douter que tu es dans ma vie

From "The Gypsy And The Rose" by Al Stewart:

Torn between the Gypsy and the Rose I was led on I suppose

From "The Gypsy And The Rose" by Al Stewart:

Torn between the Gypsy and the Rose It was Romany I chose

From "Rambling Rose" by Nat King Cole:


From "Tender Love" by Shaggy:

Water her garden and bloom up her rose Mind sharp It happen straight under your nose, sex pose I got to let them know

From "Chica Bonita" by Shaggy:

Chica bonita you pretty like a rose Mi senorita mi love how you a pose

From "The Painter" by Chris De Burgh:

what do think of the colour of her skin, it has the bloom of a rose, you see she begged me to bring a certain painter in, and for that picture in her bedroom she would pose;

From "(F)lannigan's Ball" by Dropkick Murphys:

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Her cheeks by now were as red as a rose Some of the boys decreed she was plastered Had a small drop too much, I suppose

From "The Universe Listened" by Melissa Etheridge:

On a mid-west rose I found out fast Love is last And it comes and goes

From "You're My God" by Jaci Velasquez:

When I'm watching a rose How it naturally grows