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  • From "A Man's Requirements" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning:

    Love me with their lids, that fall Snow-like at first meeting; Love me with thine heart, that all Neighbours then see beating.

    From "Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point, The" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning:

    The master's look, that used to fall On my soul like his lash . . . or worse! And so, to save it from my curse, I twisted it round in my shawl.

    From "Peter Bell, A Tale" by William Wordsworth:

    Or imp from witch's lap let fall? Perhaps a ring of shining fairies? Such as pursue their feared vagaries In sylvan bower, or haunted hall?

    From "Peter Bell, A Tale" by William Wordsworth:

    Vengeance upon his head will fall, Some visitation worse than all

    From "De Profundis" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning:

    Fair mists of seraphs melt and fall Around Him, changeless amid all,

    From "Insufficiency" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning:

    And what we best conceive we fail to speak. Wait, soul, until thine ashen garments fall, And then resume thy broken strains, and seek Fit peroration without let or thrall.

    From "Look, The" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning:

    'I never knew this man '--did quail and fall As knowing straight THAT GOD; and turned free And went out speechless from the face of all And filled the silenc, weeping bitterly.

    From "Goody Blake and Harry Gill" by William Wordsworth:

    Then Goody, who had nothing said, Her bundle from her lap let fall; And, kneeling on the sticks, she prayed

  • To God that is the judge of all.

    From "Guilt and Sorrow" by William Wordsworth:

    There, pains which nature could no more support, With blindness linked, did on my vitals fall; And, after many interruptions short Of hideous sense, I sank, nor step could crawl:

    From "Her Death And After" by Thomas Hardy:

    From the stairway floated the rise and fall Of an infant's call,

    From ""You Were The Sort That Men Forget"" by Thomas Hardy:

    You would, by words inept let fall, Offend them all,

    From "Two Thieves, The" by William Wordsworth:

    And yet, into whatever sin they may fall, This child but half knows it, and that, not at all.

    From "Unlucky Apple, The" by Paul Laurence Dunbar:

    'Twas the apple that in Eden Caused our father's primal fall; And the Trojan War, remember -- 'Twas an apple caused it all.

    From "A Banjo Song" by Paul Laurence Dunbar:

    When de quiet, restful shadders Is beginnin' jes' to fall,-- Den I take de little banjo F'om its place upon de wall.

    From "A Dedication. To Charlotte Cushman." by Sidney Lanier:

    But, writing it, my tears begin to fall -- This wild-rose stem for thy large name's too small!

    From "Laughter In The Senate" by Sidney Lanier:

    They jibe at a wretched people's fall; The tyrants forget how fresh is the pall

    From "Psalm Of The West" by Sidney Lanier:

    The red-coats fire, the homespuns fall:

  • The homespuns' anxious voices call,

    From "Street Cries" by Sidney Lanier:

    "The tears I weep by day and bitter night, Opinion! for thy sole salt vintage fall. -- As morn by morn I rise with fresh delight, Time through my casement cheerily doth call

    From "Life in a Bottle" by Robert Browning:

    It is but to keep the nerves at strain, To dry one's eyes and laugh at a fall, And, baffled, get up and begin again,-- So the chace takes up one's life, that's all.

    From "By The Fire-Side" by Robert Browning:

    Yet should it unfasten itself and fall Eddying down till it find your face At some slight wind---best chance of all! Be your heart henceforth its dwelling-place

    From "Prospice" by Robert Browning:

    For the journey is done and the summit attained, And the barriers fall, Though a battle's to fight ere the guerdon be gained, The reward of it all.

    From "Incident Of The French Camp" by Robert Browning:

    ``That soar, to earth may fall, ``Let once my army-leader Lannes ``Waver at yonder wall,''--- Out 'twixt the battery-smokes there flew

    From "How They Brought The Good News From Ghent To Aix" by Robert Browning:

    Then I cast loose my buffcoat, each holster let fall, Shook off both my jack-boots, let go belt and all,

    From "Holy Thursday" by William Blake:

    For where'er the sun does shine, And where'er the rain does fall, Babes should never hunger there, Nor poverty the mind appall.

    From "The Burial of Love" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson:

    For her the showers shall not fall,

  • Nor the round sun shine that shineth to all;

    From "Sir Galahad" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson:

    How sweet are looks that ladies bend On whom their favours fall ! For them I battle till the end, To save from shame and thrall:

    From "Amphion" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson:

    I'll take the showers as they fall, I will not vex my bosom: Enough if at the end of all A little garden blossom.

    From "Come Into the Garde, Maud" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson:

    And long by the garden lake I stood, For I heard your rivulet fall From the lake to the meadow and on to the wood, Our wood, that is dearer than all;

    From "Lara" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    Nor cloud shall gather more, nor leaf shall fall, Nor gale breathe forth one sigh for thee, for all;

    From "Lara" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    And in that posture where she saw him fall, His words, his looks, his dying grasp recall;

    From "Giaour, The" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    But one that for thy crime must fall, The youngest, most beloved of all,

    From "Bride of Abydos, The" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    And vengeance vow'd for those who fall, Have made them fitting instruments For more than ev'n my own intents. And some and I have studied all

    From "Thou Whose Spell Can Raise the Dead" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    "Crownless, breathless, headless fall, "Son and sire, the house of Saul!"

    From "Vision of Judgment, The" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

  • Judge with my judgment, and by my decision Be guided who shall enter heaven or fall. I settle all these things by intuition, Times present, past, to come, heaven, hell, and all,

    From "Mazeppa" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    A greater wreck, a deeper fall, A shock to one - a thunderbolt to all.

    From "Gloomily the Clouds" by Anne Bront:

    Now the struggling moonbeams glimmer; Now the shadows deeper fall, Till the dim light, waxing dimmer, Scarce reveals yon stately hall.

    From "Parting, The" by Anne Bront:

    Those flowers will fade, those leaves will fall, Winter will darken yonder hall;

    From "The Arabian Shawl" by Katherine Mansfield:

    These steps... it is dark... my hand... you might fall." What has happened? What strange, sweet charm Lingers about the Arabian shawl...

    From "To Asra" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge:

    This Love which ever welling at my heart, Now in its living fount doth heave and fall, Now overflowing pours thro' every part Of all my frame, and fills and changes all,

    From "Le Reveillon" by Oscar Wilde:

    And jagged brazen arrows fall Athwart the feathers of the night, And a long wave of yellow light Breaks silently on tower and hall,

    From "Daphnis And Chloe" by Andrew Marvell:

    Soon she let that Niceness fall; And would gladly yield to all,

    From "The First Anniversary Of The Government Under O.C." by Andrew Marvell:

    How near they fail'd, and in thy sudden Fall

  • At once assay'd to overturn us all.

    From "The Definition Of Love" by Andrew Marvell:

    Unless the giddy Heaven fall, And Earth some new Convulsion tear; And, us to joyn, the World should all Be cramp'd into a Planisphere.

    From "A Poem Upon The Death Of O.C." by Andrew Marvell:

    With pensive head towards the ground they fall, And helpless languish at the tainted Stall.

    From "A Poem Upon The Death Of O.C." by Andrew Marvell:

    But within one its narrow limitts fall His tendernesse extended unto all:

    From "Tamerlane" by Edgar Allan Poe:

    Let life, then, as the day-flower, fall With the noon-day beauty- which is all.

    From "The Spell of the Yukon" by Robert W. Service:

    I wanted the gold, and I got it -- Came out with a fortune last fall, -- Yet somehow life's not what I thought it, And somehow the gold isn't all.

    From "To --" by Edgar Allan Poe:

    Thine eyes, in Heaven of heart enshrined, Then desolately fall, O God! on my funereal mind Like starlight on a pall-

    From "Al Aaraaf" by Edgar Allan Poe:

    Of molten stars their pavement, such as fall Thro' the ebon air, besilvering the pall

    From "Blue Bell, The" by Emily Jane Bront:

    If chilly then the light should fall Adown the dreary sky And gild the dank and darkened wall With transient brilliancy,

    From "Scholar-Gipsy, The" by Matthew Arnold:

  • Turn'd once to watch, while thick the snowflakes fall, The line of festal light in Christ-Church hall--

    From "Last Word, The" by Matthew Arnold:

    When the forts of folly fall, Find thy body by the wall!

    From "Voice, The" by Matthew Arnold:

    Like bright waves that fall With a lifelike motion On the lifeless margin of the sparkling Ocean; A wild rose climbing up a mouldering wall -

    From "Loves' Infiniteness" by John Donne:

    That some to me, some should to others fall, Dear, I shall never have thee all.

    From "Funeral, The" by John Donne:

    For if the sinewy thread my brain lets fall Through every part Can tie those parts, and make me one of all, Those hairs which upward grew, and strength and art

    From "Good-Morrow, The" by John Donne:

    O how feeble is man's power, That if good fortune fall, Cannot add another hour Nor a lost hour recall!

    From "Good-Morrow, The" by John Donne:

    Numbers are odd, or even, and they fall First into this five, women may take us all.

    From "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by Thomas Stearns Eliot:

    I know the voices dying with a dying fall Beneath the music from a farther room. So how should I presume? And I have known the eyes already, known them all--

    From "Of the Four Ages of Man" by Anne Bradstreet:

    In danger every moment of a fall, And when 't is broke then ends his life and all:

  • From "Upon Watts' Picture "Sic Transit"" by John McCrae:

    Remain the well-wrought deed in honour done, The dole for Christ's dear sake, the words that fall In kindliness upon some outcast one, -- They seemed so little: now they are my All.

    From "Under the Violets" by Oliver Wendell Holmes:

    The acorns and the chestnuts fall, Doubt not that she will heed them all.

    From "Poeta Fit, Non Nascitur" by Lewis Carroll:

    Then mix the bits, and sort them out Just as they chance to fall: The order of the phrases makes No difference at all.

    From "Good Counsel of Chaucer" by Geoffrey Chaucer:

    The wrestling of this world asketh a fall; Here is no home, here is but wilderness. Forth, pilgrim! Forthe beast, out of thy stall! Look up on high, and thank thy God of all!

    From "They Flee From Me" by Sir Thomas Wyatt:

    When her loose gown from her shoulders did fall, And she me caught in her arms long and small;

    From "Mine Own John Poynz" by Sir Thomas Wyatt:

    And as to purpose, likewise it shall fall To press the virtue that it may not rise; As drunkenness good fellowship to call; The friendly foe with his double face

    From "Wife's Will, The" by Charlotte Bront:

    Aye,well that single tear may fall; Ten thousand might mine eyes recall,

    From "Wood, The" by Charlotte Bront:

    Suspicion must as duly fall, As day returnssuch vigilance Presides and watches over France, Such rigour governs all ?

    From "Monna Innominata: A Sonnet Of Sonnets" by Christina Georgina Rossetti:

  • For woe is me who walk so apt to fall, So apt to shrink afraid, so apt to flee, Apt to lie down and die (ah, woe is me!) Faithless and hopeless turning to the wall.

    From "To Sara" by Joseph Rodman Drake:

    I reck not when they fall, While I have thy kind lips, my Sall,

    From "Culprit Fay, The" by Joseph Rodman Drake:

    Sudden along the snowy tide That swelled to meet their footstep's fall, The sylphs of heaven were seen to glide, Attired in sunset's crimson pall;

    From "American Flag, The" by Joseph Rodman Drake:

    And gory sabres rise and fall Like shoots of flame on midnight's pall;

    From "Niagara" by Joseph Rodman Drake:

    Wildly the winter wind howls round his pillow, Cold on his bosom the spray showers fall; Creaks the strained mast at the rush of the billow, Peaceful he slumbers, regardless of all.

    From "Tragedy, The" by Richard Harris Barham:

    In her hurry she, somehow or other, let fall A new silk Bandana she'd worn as a shawl;

    From "Statesmen, The" by Ambrose Bierce:

    Lo, D lifts up his voice: "You see The single tax on land would fall On all alike." More evenly No tax at all.

    From "To The Pious Memory Of The Accomplished young Lady Mrs. Anne Killigrew..." by John Dryden:

    What can we say t'excuse our Second Fall? Let this thy vestal, Heav'n, atone for all!

    From "Absalom And Achitophel A Poem" by John Dryden:

    In Corah's own predicament will fall: For Witness is a common name to all.

  • From "Absalom And Achitophel A Poem" by John Dryden:

    If ancient fabrics nod, and threat to fall, To patch the flaws, and buttress up the wall,

    From "To the Fringed Gentian" by William Cullen Bryant:

    Blue--blue--as if that sky let fall A flower from its cerulean wall.

    From "Song To A Fair Young Lady Going Out Of Town In the Spring" by John Dryden:

    When Chloris to the temple comes, Adoring crowds before her fall; She can restore the dead from tombs, And ev'ry life but mine recall.

    From "The Water-Fall" by Henry Vaughan:

    Here flowing fall, And chide, and call,

    From "The Water-Fall" by Henry Vaughan:

    As this loud brook's incessant fall In streaming rings restagnates all,

    From "Last Man, The" by Thomas Campbell:

    "Go, let oblivion's curtain fall Upon the stage of men, Nor with thy rising beams recall Life's tragedy again.

    From "Essay on Man" by Alexander Pope:

    Created half to rise, and half to fall; Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all;

    From "Le Vieux Temps" by William Henry Drummond:

    Black hair--black eye, an' chick rose dat 's lak wan fameuse on de fall But don't spik much--not of dat kin', I can't say she love me at all.

    From "How Bateese Came Home" by William Henry Drummond:

    He say dat 's leetle strong for man jus' come off Central Fall An' "tabac Canayen" bedamme! he won't smoke dat at all!--

  • From "An Ode to Master Anthony Stafford, to Hasten him into the Country" by Thomas Randolph:

    The buck shall fall, The stag, and all.

    From "The Vanity of Human Wishes (excerpts)" by Samuel Johnson:

    The form distorted justifies the fall, And detestation rids th' indignant wall.

    From "BLACK CROW BLUES" by Bob Dylan:

    I'm Too high to fall. Other times I'm thinkin' I'm So low I don't know If I can come up at all.

    From "IT AIN'T ME, BABE" by Bob Dylan:

    Who'll pick you up each time you fall, To gather flowers constantly An' to come each time you call, A lover for your life an' nothing more,

    From "I SHALL BE RELEASED" by Bob Dylan:

    They say ev'ry man needs protection, They say ev'ry man must fall. Yet I swear I see my reflection Some place so high above this wall.

    From "IF NOT FOR YOU" by Bob Dylan:

    If not for you My sky would fall, Rain would gather too. Without your love I'd be nowhere at all,

    From "SITTIN' ON TOP OF THE WORLD" by Bob Dylan:

    One early fall, Just tryin' to find my Little all and all Now she's gone,

    From "It was destiny, it was God's will."" by Bob Dylan:

    "Not I," says the referee, It wasn't me that made him fall. "Don't point your finger at me. No, you can't blame me at all."

    From "SHE BELONGS TO ME" by Bob Dylan:

  • She never stumbles, She's got no place to fall. She's nobody's child, The Law can't touch her at all.

    From "have known it would someday." by Bob Dylan:

    The festival was over, the boys were all plannin' for a fall, The cabaret was quiet except for the drillin' in the wall.

    From "CAT'S IN THE WELL" by Bob Dylan:

    The cat's in the well, leaves are starting to fall Goodnight, my love, may the lord have mercy on us all.

    From "The Greatest Star Of All" from "Sunset Boulevard":

    I've seen so many idols fall She is the greatest star of all

    From "Next Time, I Wouldn't Go Back" from "Closer Than Ever":

    I'm feeling the barriers crumble and fall I'm not even sure where I'm heading at all

    From "Portrait of a Girl" from "Bare":

    Daring you to fall Fairest of them all

    From "Hold Me, Bat Boy (Reprise)" from "Bat Boy":

    I could not stop his fall. But in his precious hours on Earth, he taught us all.

    From "I Don't Wanna Be Married (I Just Wanna Be Friends)" from "Face the Music":

    I simply fell for you because I wanted to fall Don't speak of wedding chimes Because we mustn't be behind the times Besides a wedding isn't necessary at all

    From "Set Those Sails" from "In Trousers":

    Be preparing for a fall. Stay clear of love, and jail. Lovers don't go hungry And the appetite of young men counts for all.

  • From "The Greatest Practical Joke" from "See What I Wanna See":

    So mange! Feast, before you fall For the greatest practical joke Of all!

    From "Alas for You" from "Godspell":

    On you will fall! This nation, this generation Shall bear the guilt of it all!

    From "If Ever I Would Leave You" from "Camelot":

    Summer, winter or fall! No, never could I leave you at all!

    From "Once and for All" from "Newsies":

    Watch how the mighty will fall For once and for all

    From "Old Boy Neutral" from "Very Good Eddie":

    A dozen times each day I fall. If any man was ever neutral That's me. You/I love them all.

    From "Little Me" from "Little Me":

    Rise or fall, Loyal friend, Through it all To the end.

    From "There's Always Me" from "All Shook Up":

    When the evening shadows fall, And you're wond'ring who to call

    From "Next" from "Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in Paris":

    The high heavens did not fall But how much of that time I hated being there at all Next, next

    From "No Time At All" from "Pippin":

    Time to take time, cause spring will turn to fall In just no time at all....

  • From "Game" from "Damn Yankees":

    We will see you in the fall, But for now we've got to stall,

    From "Opening" from "Queen of the Mist":


    From "Hammer to Fall" from "We Will Rock You":

    Here we stand or here we fall History won't care at all

    From "I've Found a New Baby" from "Bullets Over Broadway":

    I don't mean maybe! I just had to fall! I found a new baby! New baby, that's all!

    From "Tears of Sorrow" from "Z, the Masked Musical of Zorro":

    Then they lash you till you fall And the worst part of it all

    From ""Who's Tommy, The" Script - Broadway musical" from ""Who's Tommy, The" Script - Broadway musical":

    The digit counters fall, The deaf, dumb and blind kid Sure plays a mean pinball! He ain't got no distractions;

    From "First You Dream" from "Steel Pier":

    I promise that i won't let you fall Don't look back The looking back could end it all Off we go to the sky

    From "It's an Art" from "Working":

    But I kept my poise Not one guest heard me fall Never made a noise Not one noise food and all

  • From "I'm Not Afraid Of Anything" from "Songs For A New World":

    And watch them fall ?Cause after all

    From "What Comes Next?" from "Hamilton":

    Empires fall Its much harder when its all your call

    From "Today's the Day" from "Good News":

    A punt, a fall We'll follow the ball

    From "So Anyway" from "Next to Normal":

    To catch me when I fall I'd never get to know the feel Of solid ground at all With you always believing

    From "Funeral: There Is a Fountain/It Don't Make Sense" from "Parade":

    The way the world can let you fall--- I swear if don't make sense to me at all.

    From "Getting Tall" from "Nine":

    Part of scraping knees if we should fall Part of getting tall.

    From "Grovel, Grovel" from "Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat":

    Grovel, grovel, cringe, bow, stoop, fall Worship, worship, beg, kneel, sponge, crawl

    From "Pinball Wizard" from "The Who's Tommy":

    The digit counters fall. That deaf dumb and blind kid Sure plays a mean pin ball!

    From "We Beseech Thee" from "Godspell":

    Humbly at thy feet we fall Prodigals confessing all

    From "You've Got a Friend" from "Beautiful":

  • Winter, spring, summer, or fall, All you have to do is call

    From "Love Won't Take No for an Answer" from "Triumph Of Love":

    Watching my fortress fall. I, who was taught to reason, Stripped of the wherewithal! Not that I'meager to understand

    From "Little One Come Hither" from "Just So":

    Why am i scared? How can i fall? Birds take the air in their stride after all

    From "Can I Have This Dance" from "High School Musical 3":

    Afraid to fall You know I'll catch you Through it all

    From "Townsfolk's Lament" from "Seven Brides For Seven Brothers":

    Shootin' em down. They're gonna fall. Beatin' 'em up. They're gonna crawl.

    From "The Night That Goldman Spoke at Union Square" from "Ragtime":

    As the snow began to fall. And the workmen's hall had not a seat to spare. When a young man stepped inside, Just to warm himself, was all,

    From "It's A Maze" from "The Secret Garden":

    Miss a step, trip and fall. Miss the path, meet the wall.

    From "Don't Be Anything Less Than Everything You Can Be" from "Snoopy":

    `cause a leaf may fall, But the tree remains. It may never rain at all, But the sea remains;

    From "Look Who's Evil Now" from "Evil Dead":

    You'll surely fall One by one

  • We're gonna kill you all

    From "It Must Be Believed to Be Seen" from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory":

    Won't you help me please, I'm afraid that I might fall For my eyes and knees Have grown frail behind this wall

    From "Make 'Em Laugh" from "Singin' In The Rain":

    Take a fall But a wall

    From "Entr'acte; Take Back Your Mink" from "Guys and Dolls":

    And the gown the following fall Then the necklace, the bag, the gloves, and the hat, That was late '48 I recall Then last night in his apartment

    From "The Fall" from "Xanadu":

    I watch the shadows fall I don't see you at all

    From "I Know Him" from "Hamilton":

    Empires fall Next to Washington, they all look small

    From "Enjoy the Trip" from "Bring It On":

    And let the tears fall, Til one day this custodian Knocked on my stall And asked if i'd heard

    From "Goodbye, My Lady Love" from "Show Boat":

    When the dewdrops fall This then your heart, I know, will call.

    From "Anytime (I Am There)" from "Elegies":

    And I am there each morning I am there each fall I am present without warning And I`m watching it all

    From "Embraceable You" from "An American in Paris":

  • I went about reciting, "Here's one who'll never fall!" But I'm afraid the writing Is on the wall.

    From "Epilogue" from "City Of Angels":

    Set up to take the ultimate fall So have a last cigarette And bet it all As they're plowing you under

    From "A Tight-Knit Family" from "March Of The Falsettos":

    I cushioned the fall I want it all

    From "If I Didn't Believe in You" from "The Last 5 Years":

    Trip us or trap us, but we refuse to fall" That's what I thought we agreed on, Cathy If I hadn't believed in you I wouldn't have loved you at all

    From "Scream" from "High School Musical 3":

    I gotta make them fall Just break through them all

    From "Happy/Sad" from "The Addams Family":

    All we know, love survives either way we choose. Here you are at the edge, go ahead and fall. Don't resist, I insist. Love still conquers all.

    From "Now There Is No Choice / This Is The Moment" from "Jekyll & Hyde":

    I must not fall! This is the moment, The sweetest moment of them all!

    From "Careless With The Truth" from "Calamity Jane":

    Did I tell ya 'bout the time last fall, I'm loggin' trees at Lake St. Paul;

    From "I Know the Truth" from "Aida":

    How did I slip and fall? How did I throw half a lifetime away

  • Without any thought at all?

    From "Here On Who" from "Seussical":

    I won't let you down. No, I won't let you fall. A person's a person No matter how small.

    From "Angels Arise" from "Dance of the Vampires":

    Angels arise As night must fall And radiant eyes Stare down on us all

    See FALL used in context: 216 Shakespeare works, 5 quotations, 5 Mother Goose rhymes, 175 Bible passages, 245 definitions

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