1 Chemistry 1011 Y8Y,U Paul G. Mezey Chapter 13: Chemical Kinetics.

1 Chemistry 1011 Y8Y,U Paul G. Mezey Chapter 13: Chemical Kinetics

Transcript of 1 Chemistry 1011 Y8Y,U Paul G. Mezey Chapter 13: Chemical Kinetics.

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1Chemistry 1011 Y8Y,U Paul G. Mezey

Chapter 13: Chemical Kinetics

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Reaction Rates

Reaction rate is concentration change divided by time change

Reaction rate = [X] / t


[X] = [X]final – [X]initial

t = tfinal – tinitial

We most often use molL-1 as units of concentration

This means that rate often has units molL-1s-1

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Reaction Rates

Reaction rate is concentration change divided by time change

Reaction rate = [X] / t


[X] = [X]final – [X]initial

t = tfinal – tinitial

We most often use molL-1 as units of concentration

This means that rate often has units molL-1s-1

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Reaction Rate

The reaction rate is defined either as the increase in the concentration of a product

over time, or the decrease in the concentration of a reactant over time.


A + B C + D

rate = -[A] / t = -[B] / t = +[C] / t = +[D] / t

Rate is always positive, so we must put negative signs in front of reactant concentration changes!

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2 N2O5 (g) 4 NO2 (g) + O2 (g)


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2 N2O5 (g) 4 NO2 (g) + O2 (g)


Rate of decomposition of N2O5 =

- [N2O5] / t = - (0.0101 molL-1 – 0.0120 molL-1) / (400 s – 300

s) = 1.9 x 10-5 mol(L·s)-1

Between 300 and 400 seconds:

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2 N2O5 (g) 4 NO2 (g) + O2 (g)


Rate of formation of NO2 =

+ [NO2] / t = + (0.0197 molL-1 – 0.0160 molL-1) / (400 s – 300

s) = 3.7 x 10-5 mol(L·s)-1

Between 300 and 400 seconds:

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2 N2O5 (g) 4 NO2 (g) + O2 (g)


Rate of formation of O2 =

+ [O2] / t = + (0.0049 molL-1 – 0.0040 molL-1) / (400 s – 300

s) = 9 x 10-6 mol(L·s)-1

Between 300 and 400 seconds:

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1) Average reaction rate

2) Slopes

3) Time = 0

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2 N2O5 (g) 4 NO2 (g) + O2 (g)

The three values for rate that we calculated are not the same!

Why?We have different molar amounts.

But the relative rates ARE THE SAME!


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2 N2O5 (g) 4 NO2 (g) + O2 (g)

The relative rate of formation of O2 is(1/1) 9 x 10-6 mol(L·s)-1 = 9 x 10-6 mol(L·s)-1

The relative rate of formation of NO2 is(1/4) 3.7 x 10-5 mol(L·s)-1 = 9.3 x 10-6 mol(L·s)-1

The relative rate of decomposition of N2O5 is(1/2) 1.9 x 10-5 mol(L·s)-1 = 9.5 x 10-6 mol(L·s)-1


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Instantaneous Reaction Rates

What’s happening at “this instant in time”?


The initial rate is the instantaneous reaction rate for a

reaction at time zero.

We can use instantaneous reaction rates.

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Consider the following reaction

3 I- (aq) + H3AsO4 (aq) + 2 H+ (aq)

→ I3– (aq) + H3AsO3 (aq) + H2O (l)

a) If –[I-]/t = 4.8 x 10-4 mol(L·s)-1, what is the value of [I3

-]/t during the same time interval?

b) What is the average rate of consumption of H+ during the same time interval?


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Rate Laws and Reaction Order

The rate of a chemical reaction depends on the concentration of some

or all of the reactants.


A reactant might not affect the rate, regardless of its


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Rate laws

The rate law for a reaction is the equation showing the

dependence of the reaction rate on the

concentrations of the reactants.


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aA + bB products

Rate = k [A]m[B]n

k is a constant for the reaction at a given temperature, and is called the rate constant.


m does not have to equal a

n does not have to equal b

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“Sensitivity” to concentration change


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Reaction order

Reaction order

with respect to a given reactant

is the value of the exponent of the rate law equation for the specific reactant only.

The overall reaction order is the

sum of the reaction orders for

all reactants.


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Reaction order example

rate = k [A]2[B]

The reaction order with respect to A is 2 or the reaction is second order in A

The reaction order with respect to B is 1 or the reaction is first order in B

The overall reaction order is 3 (2 + 1 = 3) or the reaction is third order overall


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Consider three reactions with their given rate laws below. What is the order of each reaction in the various reactants, and what is the overall reaction order for each reaction?


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Experimental Determination of a Rate Law

Reaction rate laws can only be determined experimentally!

We most commonly carry out a series of experiments in which the

initial rate of the reaction is measured as a function of

different initial concentrations of reactants


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Method of initial rates


If you see a table like this with chemical concentrations or pressures and rate data, chances are good the

question is a method of initial rates problem.

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Method of initial rates

Focus on the chemicals in the TABLE.

You always require at least one more experimental reaction than your number

of chemicals given in your table!

Sometimes we are given a table with an extra experiment which we can use to

check if we’ve done everything correctly.


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2 NO (g) + O2 (g) NO

2 (g)

Since rate laws are always expressed in terms of reactants (and sometimes catalysts – we’ll see these later), lets create a general form of the rate law for this reaction based on what chemicals the TABLE tells us are involved in the rate of the reaction.


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2 NO (g) + O2 (g) NO

2 (g)

rate = k [NO]m[O2]n


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Method of initial rates

For our initial reactant order determination we need to choose a pair of reactions where only one reactant concentration changes. Experiments #1 and #2 fulfill this condition.


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Method of initial rates

rate = k [NO]m[O2]n

Since k is a constant then

k for experiment 1


k for experiment 2!

k = rate / [NO]m[O2]n














rate so






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Reaction order w.r.t. NO

0.50 log m0.25 log

(0.50) log0.25 log


M) (0.015M) (0.030

M) (0.015M) (0.015

sM 0.192

sM 0.048



















0.50 log

0.25 logm

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Reaction order w.r.t. O2

0.50 logn 0.50 log

(0.50) log0.50 log


M) (0.030M) (0.015

M) (0.015M) (0.015

sM 0.096

sM 0.048



















0.50 log

0.50 logn

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Our rate law

rate = k [NO]2[O2]1


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Rate constant using experiment 1


k = rate / [NO]2[O2]1








sM 10 x 1.4k

M 10 x 3.3

sM 0.048

M 0.015M 0.015

sM 0.048



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Rate constant using experiment 2


k = rate / [NO]2[O2]1








sM 10 x 1.4k

M 10 x 1.3

sM 0.192

M 0.015M 0.030

sM 0.192



The rate constant is the same, as it should be!

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Check using extra experiment


The rate is the same as the experimentally observed rate (within rounding errors). We MUST have done

everything right!

rate = (1.42 x 104 M-2s-1) [NO]2[O







sM 10 x 3.8rate

M 10 x 2.7sM 10 x 1.4rate

M 0.030M 0.030sM 10 x 1.4rate

ONOsM 10 x 1.4rate

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Units of rate constants

Rate always has the units mol(L·s)-1

To ensure we get the right units for rate means the rate constant must have different

units depending on the overall reaction order.


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H2O2 (aq) + 3 I- (aq) + 2 H+ (aq)

I3- (aq) + 2 H2O (l)

[I3-]/t can be determined by measuring

the rate of appearance of the colour.


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a) What is the rate law for the formation of I3-?

b) What is the value for the rate constant?

c) What is the initial rate of formation of triiodide when the concentrations are [H2O2] = 0.300 molL-1 and [I-] = 0.400 molL-1?


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Reaction Rates and Temperature

Increasing the temperature increases a chemical reactions


In general, reaction rates approximately double if you increase

the temperature by 10 °C.


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Bumper cars


“Reactions” occur ONLY when the bumps are “very hard” and occur

“from behind”.

A gasp of surprisecould be a “reaction”

when riding in a bumper car.

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Collision theory

A + BC AB + C

If this reaction occurs in a single step, then at some point in time, the B-C bond starts to break, while the A-B bond starts to form.

At this point, all three nuclei are weakly linked together.


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Collision theory

Molecules tend to repel each other when they get close.

We must insert energy to force the molecules close together. This is like forcing together the

north poles of two magnets.

This inserted energy is the kinetic energy of the molecules. It becomes potential energy as the

molecules get closer.


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Collision theory


has a higher potential energy than either

A + B-C or A-B + C

A---B---C‡ is the transition state

or the activated complex


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Figure on Reaction Barrier


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There are two useful energy

differences in the Figure.

The difference in energy between products and reactants is H

The difference in energy between the transition state and the reactants is

Ea – the activation energy

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Activation energy

The activation energy (Ea) of a reaction is the will always be positive!


The energy of collision between two

molecules must beAT LEAST as big as

Ea otherwise we cannot make it to the

transition state.

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Collisions between molecules at higher temperatures are more likely to have collision energy GREATER THAN the activation


Higher temperatures mean higher rates of reaction!


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An individual molecule collides with other molecules about once every billionth of a

second (one billion collisions per second).

If every collision was successful in creating products, then every reaction would be almost

instantaneous. This is not the case.

Not every collision breaks the activation energy barrier!


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The fraction of collisions that have enough energy to break the activation barrier is given by

f = e-Ea/RT


e is approximately 2.7183,

Ea is the activation energy,

T is the temperature in Kelvin,

R is the gas law constant

(8.314 JK-1mol-1)

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Bumper cars and energy

bumper car - a more energetic collision is

more likely to make us gasp (our “reaction”)

molecular collisions -higher energy collisions are more likely to lead

to reaction (by overcoming the activation energy)


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Bumper cars and orientation

You are also more likely to gasp if you are hit from behind by another bumper car.

The orientation of how the collision occurs is also important to get a “reaction.”

The same is true for molecules where the fraction of collisions that have the right orientation is p. We call this fraction p the

steric factor.


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Cl2 MUST collide with the N side of

NO to form the transition state O=N--Cl--Cl‡.

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If Cl2 hits the O side, we get a

different transition state that might

not give the same products or has a higher activation

energy. (molecules “bounce off” each


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Steric factor


Our steric factor in this case would be p ~ 0.5 since half the collisions lead to the

wrong transition state.

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General reaction A + BC AB + C

Collision rate = Z [A] [BC]

Z is a constant related to the collision frequency.

Recall only a fraction (f) of the collisions have a collision energy greater than or

equal to the activation energy.

Of those collisions, only a fraction (p) have the correct orientation to proceed

through the transition state to the products.


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General reaction A + BC AB + C

Reaction rate = p x f x Collision rate Reaction rate = pfZ [A] [BC]

Since for our general reaction

Reaction rate = k [A] [BC]

k = pfZ = pZ e-Ea/RT = A e-Ea/RT (where A = pZ)

(frequency factor) 55

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Arrhenius Equation


pZ = AAs T increases

k increases

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What is the value of the activation energy for

this reaction? Is the reaction endothermic or



Suggest a plausible

structure for the transition


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Using the Arrhenius Equation

If we know the rate constants for a reaction at two different temperatures, we can then

calculate the activation energy.

k = A e-Ea/RT

ln k = ln (A e-Ea/RT)

ln k = ln (A) + ln (e-Ea/RT)


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ln k = ln (A) – (Ea/RT)

This is the equation for a straight line!


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If we graph the natural logarithm of the rate constant versus inverse


ln k (y axis) vs 1/T (x axis)

we get a straight line where the

slope = -Ea/R

So Ea = - slope x R60

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ln k vs 1/T


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ln k2 – ln k1 = (–Ea/R) (1/T2 – 1/T1)


(ln k) = (–Ea/R) (1/T)


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Some textbooks say

ln (k2/k1) = (Ea/R) (1/T1 – 1/T2)


This is absolutely correct as well! Use whichever form of the relation that you feel more comfortable with mathematically.

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Rate constants for the decomposition of gaseous dinitrogen pentaoxide are

4.8 x 10-4 s-1 at 45 °C and 2.8 x 10-3 s-1 at 60 °C

2 N2O5 (g) 4 NO2 (g) + O2 (g)

What is the activation energy of this reaction in kJmol-1?What is the rate constant at 35C?

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Reaction Mechanisms


A reaction mechanism is the sequence of molecular events (elementary steps

or elementary reactions) that defines the pathway from the reactants to the products in the overall reaction.

The elementary reactions describe the behaviour of individual molecules while

the overall reaction tells us stoichiometry.

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NO2 (g) + CO (g) NO (g) + CO2 (g) (Overall Reaction)

The reaction actually takes place in two elementary reactions!

2 NO2 NO and NO3

NO3 + CO NO2 and CO2 66

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NO2 (g) + CO (g) NO (g) + CO2 (g) (Overall Reaction)

Elementary reactions must add together to give the overall



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NO2 (g) + CO (g) NO (g) + CO2 (g) (Overall Reaction)

Some of the “crossed-out” chemicals are neither reactants nor products in the overall reaction.

For example, in the above reaction NO3 is formed in one elementary step and

consumed in a later elementary step.68

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Reaction intermediate

A reaction intermediate is a species that is formed in an elementary step reaction, that is consumed in a later elementary step reaction.


We never see reaction intermediates in the overall reaction!

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The molecularity of an elementary reaction is the number of molecules

on the reactant side

of the elementary step reaction.


A one molecule elementary reaction is unimolecular.

A two molecule elementary reaction is bimolecular.

A three molecule elementary reaction is termolecular.

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Chances for molecularity


The chances of a unimolecular reaction only depend on the one molecule, and are good.

A bimolecular reaction requires that two molecules collide with each other. This isn’t difficult and happens quite often.

A termolecular reaction requires that three molecules collide with each other at the same time. The chances of this happening are not very good.

The chances of four or more molecules colliding at the same time are almost impossible.

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Bumper cars


Consider bumper cars. Very often, you will hit one other bumper car. Every once and a while, you and another car will hit a third car at the same time. It is a very rare occurrence to have a “bumper car” pile-up where many cars hit a singlecar at exactly the same time.

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A suggested mechanism for the reaction of nitrogen dioxide and molecular fluorine is


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a) Give the chemical equation for the overall reaction, and identify any reaction intermediates b) What is the molecularity of each of the elementary reactions?


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Rate Laws and Reaction Mechanisms

Unlike an overall reaction the

rate law for an elementary reaction

follows DIRECTLY from the

molecularity of the step reaction!

For a general elementary step reaction

aA + bB products

rate = k [A]a [B]b 76

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Unimolecular decomposition of ozone.

O3 (g) O2 (g) + O (g)

The rate law will be first order with respect to ozone

rate = k [O3]


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Bimolecular reaction

A + B productsReaction depends on collisions between

molecules A and B

Increase [A], you increase # collisions

Increase [B], you increase # collisions

rate = k [A] [B] 78

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Elementary reaction rate laws


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Mechanisms and overall rate law

The mechanism of the overall reaction is predicted through the elementary reactions therefore

the elementary reactions will determine the rate law of the

overall reaction!


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Mechanisms and overall rate law

If the overall reaction occurs in ONE elementary step, then the elementary reaction and the overall

reaction ARE THE SAME. The rate law for the overall reaction is given by the

rate law for the step reaction

rate = k [CH3Br] [OH-]


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Rate-determining step

The rate-determining step

of an overall reaction with a mechanism of two or more steps is the

elementary step reaction

which has the slowest rate.

The overall reaction can occur NO FASTER than its SLOWEST elementary reaction.


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NO2 (g) + CO(g) NO (g) + CO2 (g)

The second step has to wait for the first step to create the NO3, which is then used rapidly

for the second step reaction.


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NO2 (g) + CO(g) NO (g) + CO2 (g)

Is the proposed mechanism plausible?

The elementary steps MUST ADD UP to give the overall reaction


the mechanism rate law MUST BE CONSISTENT with the observed rate law.


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NO2 (g) + CO(g) NO (g) + CO2 (g)

The elementary reactions DO add up to the overall reaction.

The rate law of the rate-determining step is

rate = k1 [NO2]2

Since this is the same as the experimentally observed rate law, so this mechanism is



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Just because a mechanism is plausible doesn’t mean it

is right!

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Write the rate law for each of the elementary reactions:

O3 (g) + O (g) 2 O2 (g)

Br (g) + Br (g) + Ar (g) Br2 (g) + Ar (g)

Co(CN)5(H2O)2- (aq) Co(CN)52- (aq) + H2O (l)


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The following substitution reaction has a first order rate law:

Co(CN)5(H2O)2- (aq) + I- (aq) Co(CN)5I3- (aq) + H2O (l)

rate = k [Co(CN)5(H2O)2-]

Suggest a possible reaction mechanism, and show that your reaction mechanism is in accord with the observed rate law.


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Reaction rates are not just affected by reactant concentrations and



A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a reaction without

being consumed in the reaction.

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How does a catalyst work?

A catalyst makes available a different reaction

mechanism that is more efficient than the

uncatalyzed mechanism.


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How does a catalyst work?

To get from one side of a mountain to the other we have to climb up to the top (the activation energy), and then down the other side of the


If there is a mountain pass partway up the mountain then we can climb up to the pass (a

lower activation energy) and then climb down to the other side.

Going through the pass will be quicker than going to the top!


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2 H2O2 (aq) 2 H2O (l) + O2 (g)

Ea for this reaction is 76 kJmol-1

At room temperature, the reaction is slow.

In the presence of iodide ion the reaction is faster because a new pathway with a lower

activation energy is made available.


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This catalyzed overall reaction is faster than the uncatalyzed reaction because it has a

lower activation energy (our “mountain pass”) of 19 kJmol-1.

Because the activation energy is about 3.75 times lower than in the uncatalyzed reaction,

the catalyzed reaction rate will be about 40 times faster than the uncatalyzed rate



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The reaction O3 + O is catalyzed by Cl atoms


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Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysts

A homogeneous catalyst exists in the same phase as the reactants.

A heterogeneous catalyst exists in a different phase (usually solid) than the


)()()( 62Pt solid

242 gHCgHgHC


I- is a homogeneous catalyst here

Pt is a heterogeneous

catalyst here

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Page 98: 1 Chemistry 1011 Y8Y,U Paul G. Mezey Chapter 13: Chemical Kinetics.

Heterogeneous catalysts

Most catalysts used in industry

are heterogeneous

It is much easier to separate a solid from a gas or liquid (for example) than two liquids or gases).


Page 99: 1 Chemistry 1011 Y8Y,U Paul G. Mezey Chapter 13: Chemical Kinetics.

Enzymes are catalysts

In living beings catalysts are usually called enzymes

Carbonic anhydrase catalyzes the reaction of carbon dioxide with water

CO2 (g) + H2O (l) H+ (aq) + HCO3- (aq)

The enzyme increases the rate of this reaction by a factor of 106. Equivalent to

about a 200 K increase …99

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Lock-and-key model

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101Chemistry 1011 Y8Y,U Paul G. Mezey

Chapter 13: Chemical Kinetics

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