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Repairing and Establishing a Positive Credit History

Adapted from the FDIC Money Smart Curriculum

Presenter: Michele Seybert

Build Your Credit

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Credit report – what is it and how is it used? How to order a copy of your credit report. What a credit report looks like. Identify ways to build and repair your credit history. How to minimize the risk of identity theft


You will Learn

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A credit report is a record of how you have paid your debts. It tells lenders: Who you are. How much debt you have. If you pay your bills on time If there is negative information about you in public records.


Credit Report

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Identifying Information Name Social Security number Current and previous addresses Telephone number Birth date Current and previous employers Spouse’s name


What does a credit report say?

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The credit score is:

A number that predicts how much of a credit risk you will be.

Calculated based on information in your credit report.


Credit Score

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Scores range from about 300 to 900. How do they get that number?

Past payment history – 35 percent Outstanding debt – 30 percent How long you've had credit – 15 percent New applications for credit – 10 percent Types of credit – 10 percent


FICO Score or Credit Score

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A chart showing Percentage of credit score:

Payment history 34%Outstanding Debt 30%credit lenght 15%new credit apps 10%types of credit 10%


FICO Score – Where does it come from?

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Pay off your debt Pay on time Only open accounts you need Don’t close old accounts Keep track of your credit score


Boosting Your Score

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Your credit history is your account record with different creditors.

It will show how many loans you have received and how you have repaid each loan.


Credit History

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When you apply for credit, you allow the lender to ask for a copy of your credit report — an inquiry.

Your credit score may drop if you apply for new credit.

Most credit scores are not affected by several inquiries from auto or mortgage lenders within a short period of time (30 days).


Inquiries and Your Credit Score

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A list that shows who has requested and viewed your credit report.

The only inquiries that count toward your FICO score are the ones that result from your applications for new credit.



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Items that are matters of public record Collection accounts Bankruptcies Foreclosures Tax liens Civil judgments Late child support payments.


Public Record Information

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Tax Lien - claim against property, or assets, filed by the taxing authority for unpaid taxes

Judgment - court order placing a lien on a debtor’s property as security for a debt owed to a creditor


Public Record Definitions

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Collection account - past due account that has been referred to a specialist to collect part of all of the debt

Bankruptcy - legal proceeding that can legally release a person from repaying debts


Public Record Definitions (Cont.)

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How long will a public record stay on your report?

Negative InformationTime on Credit Report

7 years from date filed 7 years from date paid 7 years from last activity 7 years from date of

discharge 10 years


General civil judgments Tax liens Collection accounts Chapter 13 bankruptcy

Chapter 7 bankruptcy

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Equifax Experian TransUnion


Credit Reporting Agencies

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Information in your credit report may determine whether you will:

Get a loan or other form of credit.

Get a job.

Rent an apartment.


How Your Credit Report Is Used

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If you have a computer that can access the internet you can go to www.annualcreditreport.com to get a free copy of your credit report.

Caution:  Misspelling this site or using another site with similar words will take you to a site that will try to sell you something or collect your personal information.


How to get a copy of your Credit Report - Website

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Name Date of Birth Social Security Number Address Previous address - if less than two years at current

address Click Submit


Required Information

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By Mail By Phone - Call toll-free 877-322-8228 These are the only ways to get free credit reports

without any strings attached.  The "free" credit reports advertised by other sources are not really free!


Other ways to get your free credit report

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Apply for small loan where you already bank. If possible, make a large down payment on a

purchase. Ask a friend/relative to be a cosigner. Pay bills on time. Ask lender to review rent and utility payments. Make regular payments to savings.


Tips on Building Credit History

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No one can remove accurate information from your credit report.

It can take years to repair your credit. No one can create a new identity for you.


The Truth About Credit Repair

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Legitimate companies provide a service before requesting payment.

You can order your credit report yourself.


The Truth About Credit Repair (Cont.)

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Protect your social security number, credit and debit card numbers, PINs, and passwords.

Protect incoming and outgoing mail. Sign up for direct deposit. Shred financial information before placing in trash. Keep close eye on bank and credit card statements.


Avoiding Identity Theft

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Avoid ID theft on computer. Exercise rights under FACTA (Fair and Accurate

Credit Transactions Act). Visit the Federal Trade Commission Website:



Avoiding Identity Theft (Cont.)

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If a victim, act fast! You are entitled to place a fraud alert on your

file. You can receive copies of your credit report

from each of the three CRAs free of charge –regardless of whether you have previously ordered your free annual reports. 


Victim of Identity Theft

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Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) Money Smart Financial Education


• Your Money: the Missing Manual By J.D. Roth• Pursuit of the Dream: Building Credit For Life (20

minute video) Available at www.aecf.org



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Contact me if you have any questions:

Michele Seybert


[email protected]



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"The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing." -John Powell

"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." -Will Rogers


Final Thoughts