1 An Investigation of Interpretability Techniques for Deep … · 2020-02-24 · An Investigation...

1 An Investigation of Interpretability Techniques for Deep Learning in Predictive Process Analytics Catarina Moreira, Renuka Sindhgatta, Chun Ouyang, Peter Bruza, and Andreas Wichert, {catarina.pintomoreira, renuka.sr, c.ouyang, p.bruza}@qut.edu.au, [email protected], Abstract —This paper explores interpretability tech- niques for two of the most successful learning al- gorithms in medical decision-making literature: deep neural networks and random forests. We applied these algorithms in a real-world medical dataset containing information about patients with cancer, where we learn models that try to predict the type of cancer of the patient, given their set of medical activity records. We explored different algorithms based on neural network architectures using long short term deep neural networks, and random forests. Since there is a growing need to provide decision-makers un- derstandings about the logic of predictions of black boxes, we also explored different techniques that provide interpretations for these classifiers. In one of the techniques, we intercepted some hidden layers of these neural networks and used autoencoders in order to learn what is the representation of the input in the hidden layers. In another, we investigated an interpretable model locally around the random forest’s prediction. Results show learning an interpretable model lo- cally around the model’s prediction leads to a higher understanding of why the algorithm is making some decision. Use of local and linear model helps identify the features used in prediction of a specific instance or data point. We see certain distinct features used for predictions that provide useful insights about the type of cancer, along with features that do not gener- alize well. In addition, the structured deep learning approach using autoencoders provided meaningful prediction insights, which resulted in the identifi- cation of nonlinear clusters correspondent to the patients’ different types of cancer. Index Terms—Explainable AI, Deep Neural Net- C. Moreira, R. Sindhgatta, C. Ouyang and P. Bruza are with the School of Information Systems, Science and Engineering Faculty of Queensland University of Technology, 2 George St, Brisbane City QLD 4000, Brisbane, Australia. A. Wichert is with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Instituto Superior T ´ ecnico / INESC-ID, University of Lisbon, Av. Prof. Dr. Cavaco Silva, 2744-016 Porto Salvo, Portugal. works, Long Short Term Memory, Random Forests, Medical event logs, LIME, Autoencoders I. I NTRODUCTION Deep neural networks are one of the most suc- cessful models for prediction in several different fields, specially in medical decision-making [1], [2], [3]. Due to its network representation and activation functions, applications that have in their core deep neural networks can perceive environments, extract and learn different features that characterize the environment, make autonomous decisions and act based on the learnt models [4]. These network rep- resentations together with appropriate regulariza- tion techniques allow the incorporation of thousands of hidden layers that contribute to extremely high performances both in classification tasks as well as in forecasts [5]. Although deep learning models achieve very high discriminatory performances, their deep network representation lacks explanatory power. It is hard for decision-makers to understand the logic of predic- tions of hidden layers inside deep neural networks and obtain insights of why certain decisions were chosen. By explanatory power, we mean models that provide qualitative (and quantitative) inferences about the underlying processes that support their outputs. We have arrived to a stage where high accuracies are no longer sufficient and there is the need to bring together systems that can provide explanatory mechanisms to decision-makers. It has been acknowledged that relying on a couple of evaluation metrics, such as accuracy, precision and recall, is an incomplete description of most real world tasks, and hence new metrics need to be proposed in order to take into account the decision- maker’s ability to interpret and understand the pre- dictions of the deep learning algorithms [6]. arXiv:2002.09192v1 [cs.LG] 21 Feb 2020

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An Investigation of InterpretabilityTechniques for Deep Learning in Predictive

Process AnalyticsCatarina Moreira, Renuka Sindhgatta, Chun Ouyang, Peter Bruza, and Andreas Wichert,

{catarina.pintomoreira, renuka.sr, c.ouyang, p.bruza}@qut.edu.au,[email protected],

Abstract—This paper explores interpretability tech-niques for two of the most successful learning al-gorithms in medical decision-making literature: deepneural networks and random forests. We appliedthese algorithms in a real-world medical datasetcontaining information about patients with cancer,where we learn models that try to predict the typeof cancer of the patient, given their set of medicalactivity records.

We explored different algorithms based on neuralnetwork architectures using long short term deepneural networks, and random forests. Since thereis a growing need to provide decision-makers un-derstandings about the logic of predictions of blackboxes, we also explored different techniques thatprovide interpretations for these classifiers. In one ofthe techniques, we intercepted some hidden layersof these neural networks and used autoencodersin order to learn what is the representation of theinput in the hidden layers. In another, we investigatedan interpretable model locally around the randomforest’s prediction.

Results show learning an interpretable model lo-cally around the model’s prediction leads to a higherunderstanding of why the algorithm is making somedecision. Use of local and linear model helps identifythe features used in prediction of a specific instanceor data point. We see certain distinct features usedfor predictions that provide useful insights about thetype of cancer, along with features that do not gener-alize well. In addition, the structured deep learningapproach using autoencoders provided meaningfulprediction insights, which resulted in the identifi-cation of nonlinear clusters correspondent to thepatients’ different types of cancer.

Index Terms—Explainable AI, Deep Neural Net-

C. Moreira, R. Sindhgatta, C. Ouyang and P. Bruza are with theSchool of Information Systems, Science and Engineering Facultyof Queensland University of Technology, 2 George St, BrisbaneCity QLD 4000, Brisbane, Australia.

A. Wichert is with the Department of Computer Science andEngineering, Instituto Superior Tecnico / INESC-ID, Universityof Lisbon, Av. Prof. Dr. Cavaco Silva, 2744-016 Porto Salvo,Portugal.

works, Long Short Term Memory, Random Forests,Medical event logs, LIME, Autoencoders


Deep neural networks are one of the most suc-cessful models for prediction in several differentfields, specially in medical decision-making [1], [2],[3]. Due to its network representation and activationfunctions, applications that have in their core deepneural networks can perceive environments, extractand learn different features that characterize theenvironment, make autonomous decisions and actbased on the learnt models [4]. These network rep-resentations together with appropriate regulariza-tion techniques allow the incorporation of thousandsof hidden layers that contribute to extremely highperformances both in classification tasks as well asin forecasts [5].

Although deep learning models achieve very highdiscriminatory performances, their deep networkrepresentation lacks explanatory power. It is hard fordecision-makers to understand the logic of predic-tions of hidden layers inside deep neural networksand obtain insights of why certain decisions werechosen. By explanatory power, we mean modelsthat provide qualitative (and quantitative) inferencesabout the underlying processes that support theiroutputs. We have arrived to a stage where highaccuracies are no longer sufficient and there is theneed to bring together systems that can provideexplanatory mechanisms to decision-makers. It hasbeen acknowledged that relying on a couple ofevaluation metrics, such as accuracy, precision andrecall, is an incomplete description of most realworld tasks, and hence new metrics need to beproposed in order to take into account the decision-maker’s ability to interpret and understand the pre-dictions of the deep learning algorithms [6].








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If the goal of deep learning systems is to providedecision-making systems that can assist decision-makers across different fields, including medicaldecision-making, then one needs systems that haveunderlying interpretable and explanatory mecha-nisms that can help decision-makers trust the sys-tem’s decisions: understand why they work, whythey failed, etc [7]. A misclassification in a patientusing a deep learning medical system can haveextremely high human costs if one blindly acceptsand trusts the system [8]. This trust can be achievedby creating explanatory models that are able to pro-vide interpretations of why deep learning algorithmsare making certain choices [9]. In this sense, thereis a high demand for interpretable deep learningmethods that can make the behaviour and predic-tions of deep learning decision support systemsunderstandable to humans [10].

Although opaque decisions are more common inmedicine than researchers might be aware of [11],doctors are constantly confronted with uncertainty,and with data that is incomplete, imbalanced, het-erogeneous, noisy, dirty, erroneous, inaccurate andtherefore there should be a moral responsibility toprovide decision-makers sufficient evidence of whydeep learning algorithms are making some predic-tions in such complicated decision scenarios [11].Ultimately, medical decisions should belong to thedecision-maker rather than the algorithm. The in-formation of the algorithm should therefore comple-ment and augment the knowledge of the decision-maker in scenarios under uncertainty. This leads toa dilemma in terms of the accuracy vs. interpretabil-ity tradeoff: either we have models that achieve veryhigh accuracies, such as deep neural networks, butthey do not provide any understandings of how thefeatures interact when it comes to predictions; orwe have weaker models that provide a reasonableinterpretation of the impact different features in theprediction process, such as decision trees, but withmuch less predictive capacity [12].

Figure 1 illustrates a scenario where a modelrepresented by a black box is learnt by using deeplearning algorithms. As suggested by Lipton [13],the learning algorithm should have a performancemetric that measures how well the estimator y ap-proximates to the ground truth y∗ and another metricfor interpretability, which measures the degree ofunderstanding of a user towards the explanationsprovided by the estimated model. Ultimately, thefinal decision of whether to trust or not the output ofthe deep learning algorithm resides in the decision-

Fig. 1. Example of an interpretable deep learning model accord-ing to Lipton [13]. Given an input vector x1, x2, . . . , xM , a deeplearning algorithm learns a model by approximating its estimatedprediction y with the ground truth y∗. Ultimately, the decision-maker needs to have an understanding of why the algorithmreached certain predictions.

maker.In medical decision support systems, predictive

tasks using deep learning approaches are hard, dueto the fact that doctors are constantly confrontedwith uncertainty, and with data that is incomplete,imbalanced, heterogeneous, noisy, dirty, erroneous,inaccurate. This data is also expressed in arbitrarily,and unfixed high-dimensional spaces, which makesit hard to model it and to apply machine learningalgorithms [14], [15]. Moreover, datasets are small,which makes the learnt models very likely to over-fit [16].

In this paper, we investigate explainability mecha-nisms in deep neural networks and random forests,since these two models are have been success-fully applied in different predictive tasks in med-ical decision-making [17], [2]. We explore a realworld medical decision event log from the BusinessProcess Intelligence (BPI) Challenge1 that ran in2011. This event log corresponds to data that wascollected in the Gynecology department from ahospital in the Netherlands. The dataset containsthe history of all medical activities undergone bythe patient (e.g., blood test, x-rays, medical ap-pointments, etc.), together with information aboutthe treatments and specific information about thepatient (e.g., age, number of years spent in treat-ment, etc). The main challenge with this dataset isthat a patient is not defined by an N -dimensionalfeature vector. Instead, a patient is defined by a setof N features that change throughout T timesteps.This means that patients are represented by anunfixed length of medical activities, depending onthe severeness of their disease (e.g., a patient mighthave gone through a set of 70 different medical



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activities, together with specific information aboutother features, and another patient might have gonethrough a set of 300 medical activities). Figure 2shows a small example of the event log that we willanalyse in this paper.

Fig. 2. Example of an event log showing different features thatare dynamic and change through time and features that arestatic.

Given that a patient is represented not by a singleN -dimensional feature vector, but by a set of T ×Nmedical activities and features that change through-out time, one can visualise the medical processesthat a single patient goes through during treatment.In order to demonstrate the complexity of the med-ical data that we will cover in this paper, Figure 3shows all medical activities that a single patient whohas been diagnosed with cancer of vulva has beenthrough.

In this sense, we are interested in analysingwhether a set of medical activities is targeted toa patient’s specific type of cancer. According toHolzinger [18], health practices should be adjustedto the individual patient and they should be reflectedin the hospitals underlying medical decision models.

The two main question addressed by this paperare (1) to understand if patients with specific typesof cancer have a targeted and specific set of medicalactivities associated to them and (2) what type ofexplainability mechanisms should be involved in thisspecific task to provide the user (a medical doctors,for instance) the right information that allows theunderstanding of why the algorithm is making suchpredictions.

To answer these questions, we use long shortterm memory (LSTM) neural networks and randomforests (RF) to make this prediction. In order toprovide explainability mechanisms to the predictionsof these models, we explore the usage of autoen-coders, where we use these structures to intercept

hidden layers of the neural network and try to deriveinterpretations of clusters that can be found in thedata. We also explore a novel explanation techniquethat explains the predictions of random forests in aninterpretable and faithful manner, by learning an in-terpretable model locally around the prediction [19].

In summary, the paper aims to contribute thefollowing:

1) A deep learning architecture of Long ShortTerm Neural Networks for Cancer Predictionbased on real world event logs of cancerpatients

2) Investigate potential interpretations and expla-nations of the predictions of the Long ShortTerm Neural Networks using autoencoders.

3) Explore the usage of the LIME framework [19]in the scope of event logs for medical decisionmaking. LIME consists in a technique thatexplains the predictions of classifiers in an in-terpretable manner, by learning an explainablemodel locally around the prediction.

This paper is organised as follows. In Section IIwe present the main works in the literature thatprovide interpretable models for black boxes. InSection III, we present the dataset used, how wecleaned it and some initial understandings about thedata. In Section IV, we use deep neural networks topredict the type of cancer of a patient given his trackof medical records. In Section IV-D, we present ananalysis where we use autoencoders to gain deeperinsights about how the predictions are being madein the neural network. In Section V we model thesame data using random forests in order to predictthe type of cancer of the patient given the trackrecord of medical activities. In Section V-D, we ap-ply a local interpretable model-agnostic explanationtechnique to extract rule-based insights from thepredictions of the data. We conclude this paper inSection VI where we summarise the main findingsin this work.


Over recent years, Deep Learning has demon-strated significant impacts on several predictivetasks in medical decision-making, ranging fromadvanced decision support systems [20], [21],[22], diagnosis of different types of cancers [23],Alzheimer’s disease [24], [25], heart disease predic-tion [26], diabetes diagnosis [27], etc. However, thehigh performances that these algorithms achieve in


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Fig. 3. Representing 30% of the most representative medical activities associated to a single patient diagnosed with cancer of vulva.

terms of accuracy comes at the cost of low explain-ability and interpretability of the predicted outcomes.Since these classifiers work by computing correla-tions between features, and since correlation cannotbe confused with causation, a solid understandingis required when making and explaining decisions.

Although explainable models for deep learningare still in their infancy, there are already manyworks in the literature based on different ap-proaches that provide means to open the ”blackbox” [28]. In this work, we focus in model-agnosticmethods, which are models that provide expla-nations and interpretations that can used in anyclassifier by learning an interpretable model aroundthe classifier’s predictions [19]. The literature inthis area can be roughly divided into two mainresearch streams: models based on Partial Depen-dence Plots (PDP) and Surrogate Models (SM) [12].Figure 4 presents an overview of the most represen-tative model-agnostic methods in the literature.

A. Partial Dependence Plots

Partial Dependence Plots (PDP) show themarginal effect of at most two features on the pre-dicted outcome of a machine learning model [29].Generally speaking, PDP approaches use Monte

Fig. 4. Most relevant model-agnostic methods proposed in theliterature.

Carlo methods to estimate partial functions by cal-culating averages and marginal effects in the train-ing data. This allows one to get information abouthow the effect that these averages have in the pre-diction. In Zhao & Hastie [30], the authors extendedthis idea in order to incorporate causal relationshipsbetween features and predictions. One main disad-vantage of this approach is that it plots the averageeffect of a feature in the global overall average.


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The approach also suffers from the independenceassumption and assumes that features are not cor-related between each other. When computing themarginals, this independence assumption can leadto marginalizations that are not representative of thedata.

To address some of the limitations of PDP, twoalgorithms were proposed: individual conditional ex-pectation and accumulated local effects.

Individual Conditional Expectation (ICE) is amodel originally proposed by [31] and is very similarto PDP, but with the difference that it focuses onindividual data instances, the individual conditionalexpectation plots, rather than taking the overall av-erages.

Accumulated Local Effects (ALE) Plot was origi-nally proposed by [32] and differs from PDP by usinga small window on the features and making differ-ences between the predictions instead of averages.Since it is not based on comparing averages, ALEis less susceptible to bias and is faster in terms ofperformance.

There are already packages publicly availablewith implementations of these algorithms. Some ofthem are:• R packages that implement PDP methods: iml,

pdp, DALEX, ICEbox.• Python libraries that implement PDP methods:


B. Surrogate Models

Surrogate models are defined by starting from theinput data and the black box model by performingseveral evaluations of the objective functions withthe original model [33]. In other words, they aremetamodels (or approximation models) that usemachine learning methods to approximate the pre-dictions of a black box model, enabling a decision-maker to draw conclusions and interpretations aboutthe black box [12].

The core idea underlying surrogate models isto use basic interpretable machine learning algo-rithms, such as linear regression and decision trees,to learn a function using the predictions of the blackbox model. This means that this regression or deci-sion tree will learn both well classified examples,as well as misclassified ones. Distance functionsare used to assess how close the predictions ofthe surrogate model approximate the blackbox. The


general algorithm for surrogate models is presentedin Algorithm II-B [12]:

Algorithm 1 General algorithm for surrogate mod-els [12].Input: Dataset X used to train black box, Prediction

model MOutput: Interpretable Surrogate model I

1: Get the predictions for the selected X, using theblack box model M

2: Select an interpretable model: linear model, re-gression tree,...

3: Train interpretable model on X, obtaining modelI

4: Get predictions of interpretable model I for X5: Measure the performance of the interpretable

model I6: return Interpretation of I

The most representative model in the literaturethat applies the surrogate formalism but to ex-plain individual predictions is the Local InterpretableModel-agnostic Explanations (LIME) framework pro-posed by [19], which we will explore in this pa-per. The main difference between LIME and Al-gorithm II-B is that LIME focuses on training localsurrogate models to explain individual predictions.This is done by adding a new dataset X ′ thatis a perturbation of the points in dataset X. Thisallows one to see how the features change aroundthese points and how they affect the predictions.The authors explored the Lasso model as the linearinterpretation model to approximate the black box.

An extension of LIME which was also proposedby the same authors is the Anchors model [34].The model explains individual predictions by meansof easily understandable IF-THEN rules [12], whichare called the Anchors. To find anchors, the authorsuse reinforcement techniques to explore the sets ofperturbations around the data and how they affectthe predictions [35].

Another surrogate model that is inspired in gametheory is SHAP, SHapley Additive exPlanations,originally proposed by [36]. SHAP is based onShapley Values, which is a type of game in gametheory that focuses in how players distribute payoffsamong each other in a fair way [37]. In this case, thedecision problem is modelled with n features thatcorrespond to the players and the goal is to finda fair way to distribute the weights between eachfeature. In order to compute this distribution, the


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authors proposed the KernelSHAP, which estimatesfor an instance, the contributions of each feature tothe prediction. More recently, the authors proposedanother kernel, TreeSHAP, that is suitable for treebased machine learning algorithms [38].

There are already packages publicly availablewith implementations of these algorithms. Some ofthem are:• R packages that implement surrogate methods:

iml, lime, anchorsOnR,.• Python libraries that implement surrogate meth-

ods: lime3, skater, anchor4, shap5


The Dutch Academic Hospital Dataset is a pub-licly dataset made available by the Business Pro-cess Intelligence (BPI) challenge in 2011 by a hos-pital in the Netherlands6. The business processintelligence challenge is a competition where or-ganisations make their event logs publicly available,together with specific questions that they would likeresearchers to address.

The Dutch dataset contains a set of 1142 patientsthat were diagnosed with a certain type of cancer,together with all the medical activities that they wentthrough in the hospital [39]. These activities aredynamic and specific to the process of the patientand can describe some specific urine test, in orderto try to identify potential tumours in the bladder,tests to the heart, as well as general blood tests andspecific cancer-related treatments. The dataset notonly contains dynamic features that are connectedto the workflow of the process, but it also containsstatic information, like the patient’s age, diagnosis,etc. In total, we have some 150 291 activities cor-responding to all the 1142 patients. Table I

The original dataset contains up to 67 features.Many of these features had redundant informa-tion. For instance, the diagnosis of the patient wasspread across 16 features: Diagnosis, Diagnosis:1,Diagnosis:2, . . . , Diagnosis:15. This diagnosis at-tribute can take values such as Squamous cell cacervix st IIb, which is a squamous cell carcinoma ofthe cervix at stage IIb of malignancy. Associated to adiagnosis, the dataset contains a set of 16 featureswith the diagnosis code: Diagnosis Code, DiagnosisCode:1, Diagnosis Code:2, . . . , Diagnosis Code:15


Code Cancer Name # CasesM11 Cancer of Vulva 60M12 Cancer of Vagina (not representative) 13M13 Cancer of Cervix 195M14 Cancer of Corpus Uteri 95M15 Cancer of Corpus Uteri of type Sarcoma (related to M14) 11M16 Cancer of the Ovary 128106 Mix of cancers: cervix, vulva, corpus uteri and vagina 113821 Cancer of the Ovary (related to M16) 29822 Cancer of the Cervix (uteri) (related to M13) 22823 Mix of cancers: corpus uteri, endometrium and ovary 8839 Mix of cancers: ovary, uterine appendages and vulva 14



which can be one of 11 different types of cancerthat are specified in Table I. The original datasetcontains the following attributes:• Activity: describes the medical activities that

the patient went through;• Department: identifies the department con-

nected to the activity;• Timestamp: record of the time that the activity

took place;• Number of executions: number of times the

activity was performed;• Activity code: The dataset does not provide

information about this feature;• Producer code: The dataset does not provide

information about this feature;• Section: The dataset does not provide informa-

tion about this feature;• Age: age of the patient;• Diagnosis, Diagnosis:1, . . . , Diagnosis:15:

specific diagnosis of the patient, referring totumours, carcinomas, metasteses, sarcomas,etc;

• Diagnosis code, Diagnosis code:1, . . . , Di-agnosis code:15: general code specific to atype of cancer;

• Treatment code, Treatment code:1, . . . ,Treatment code:10: code specific to the treat-ment applied. The dataset does not provideinformation about these codes;

• Diagnosis Treatment Combination ID, Diag-nosis Treatment Combination ID:1, . . . , Di-agnosis Treatment Combination ID:10: codespecific to the combination of the treatment andthe diagnosis of the patient. The dataset doesnot provide information about these codes;

• Start Date, Start Date:1, . . . , Start Date:15:start date of the activity of the patient;

• End Date, End Date:1, . . . , End Date:15: enddate of the activity of the patient;


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• Specialism code, Specialism code:1, Spe-cialism code:2: code specific to the spe-cialism of the diagnosis of the patient. Thedataset does not provide information aboutthese codes;

The data cleaning process was conducted in thefollowing steps:

• Missing values. The dataset contained 455instances of patients who did not have any di-agnosis code. The diagnosis code was spreadacross 16 different features (Diagnosis, Diag-nosis:1, . . . , Diagnosis:15). In many cases,missing values were found in the remaining 15features. For the cases where this informationwas not available across other features, wewere able to infer the type of diagnosis basedon patients who shared similar activities andtreatment codes.

• Time features. The dataset contains 33 timerelated features: tart Date, Start Date:1, . . . ,End Date:15, End Date, End Date:1, . . . , EndDate:15 and Timestamp. The start and enddates had a huge amount of missing informa-tion and it was difficult to make any inferencesabout the distribution of the missing data. Forthat reason, we ignored these features, andinstead, we created a new feature years thatcorresponds to the total amount of years apatient was under treatment. This informationwas taken by making the different betweenthe timestamp recorded for the first and lastactivities.

• Repeated features. Features whose informa-tion was spread around multiple features (e.g.Treatment code, Treatment code:1, . . . , Treat-ment code:10) were collapsed into a singlefeature representing the last event recorded.

After cleaning the dataset, we ended up with 12features: Activity, Department, Number of execu-tions, Activity code, Producer code, Section, Age,Diagnosis Code, Treatment code, Diagnosis Treat-ment Combination ID and years. We analysed thedistribution and correlation of the features of thedataset. Figure 5 show these relationships.

An initial look at the correlation map of the featureshows that the features do not show many cor-relations with the diagnosis code. This preliminaryanalysis suggested that there can be a template setof procedures to apply to patients that show somepotential symptoms of cancer, however it does notseem to be any targeted set of procedures that a

Fig. 5. Correlation between features in the medical event log,after balancing and cleaning the data.

patient goes through that is specific to a type ofcancer. This lack of correlation can already indicatethat machine learning approached might not havevery high accuracies in this specific dataset for thetask of cancer prediction.



In this section, we test the hypothesis that, intheory, patients with a specific type of cancer shouldbe associated to a more targeted set of medicalactivities. We test this hypothesis by formulating ourproblem under a deep neural network approach.

A. Problem Definition

Contrary to traditional deep learning approachesin the literature, where a patient is defined by asingle F -dimensional feature vector, when usingevent logs, we have a description of daily (or evenby hour / minutes / seconds) medical activitiesassociated to a patient. This means that a singlepatient X(i) from a set of M patients, X(i) ∈{X(1), X(2), . . . , X(M)}, is defined by a set of Ffeatures that are both dynamic (showing the evolu-tion of medical activities throughout time) and static(features concerned with the number of years thepatient stays in the hospital). The length, T , of these


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features is also dynamic, meaning that a patient thatstays 2 years in the hospital can have records ofmore than 1000 medical activities associated to him,while another patient that spends 1 month in thehospital can only have 20 activities in his records, forinstance. Therefore, a set of patients is representedby a tensor with dimensions (M × L × F ) whereM corresponds to the total number of patients, Lcorresponds to the length of the patient’s medicalrecords and D is the set of features associatedwith the patients. Each patient is also associatedto a label that corresponds to the specific typeof cancer that he has been diagnosed with, Y (1),where Y (i) ∈ {Y (1), Y (2), . . . , Y (M)}. This is theclass that we are interested in predicting.

X(1) =

f(1)1,1 f

(1)1,2 . . . f


f(1)2,1 f

(1)2,2 . . . f



. . ....

f(1)T,1 f

(1)T,2 . . . f

(1)1,F )


. . .

X(M) =

f(M)1,1 f

(1)1,2 . . . f


f(M)2,1 f

(1)2,2 . . . f



. . ....

f(M)T,1 f

(1)T,2 . . . f

(M)1,F )


Y =





B. Exploring Deep Learning Architectures for Can-cer Prediction

In the scope of this work, we analyse a trail ofmedical activities and appointments associated to apatient. This set of medical activities is recorded ina given order, which suggests dependence betweenthem.

Since the nature of the data analysed in this workis dynamic, one needs a supervised learning mech-anism that is able to cope with data that has a strongand meaningful dependency between features andthat is also able to keep in memory all the informa-tion from previous time steps. For these reasons,we opted for a Recurrent Neural network (RNN).RNNs were originally proposed by [40] and consistin a neural network with hidden units capable ofanalysing streams of data and that has reveled to be

effective in many different applications which requirea dependency in previous computations during thelearning process, such as text classification [41],speech [42], or even DNA sequences [43]. Oneimportant characteristic of RNNs is that they sharethe same weights across all training steps, whichis something that does not occur in traditional deepneural network models.

In this work, we explored two different types ofRecurrent Neural Networks:

• Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) NeuralNetworks: are a type of recurrent neuralnetworks that are particularly suitable forapplications where there are very long timelags of unknown sizes between importantevents. They provide a solution for thevanishing and exploding gradient problemsby using memory cells [44]. These memorycells, Ct are composed of a self recurrentneuron together with three gates: an inputgate, it, an output gate, ot, and a forgetgate, ft. These gates are used to regulatethe amount of information that goes in / outof the cell. Information on a new input willbe accumulated to the memory cell if it isactivated. Additionally, the past memory cellstatus, Ct−1 can be forgotten if ft is activated.The information on Ct will be propagatedto ht based on the activation of outputgate ot. Based in the activation functions, newcandidates for the memory cell, C, are created.

• Bidirectional Long Short Term Neural Net-works (BiLSTM): are also a type of recurrentneural network that connect two hidden layersof opposite directions to the same output, whichwas originally proposed by [45]. The motivationof bidirectional neural networks is due to certaincontexts specific to datasets. It is not enoughto learn from the past to predict the futureactivities, but also it should be possible to lookat the future activities in order to fix the currentpredictions.

C. Predicting Patient’s Type of Cancer

In this section, we test the hypothesis that, intheory, patients with a specific type of cancer shouldbe associated to a more targeted set of medicalactivities. To validate this, we performed a crossvalidation setting with a train/test set split of 80%


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Fig. 6. Deep neural network architecture used in our experimental setup.

/ 20% over the network architecture illustrated inFigure 6. Table II illustrates the results obtained.

Nodes Epochs Accuracy LossDeep NN 25 30 0.468 1.297LSTM NN 20 200 . 0.552 1.216BiLSTM NN 20 150 0.517 1.230




One major challenge with deep neural networksis that they require a significant amount of trainingdata. Given that the medical dataset is small (only1142 patients). The best results obtained were witha Long Short Term neural network that keeps mem-ory of previous past activities in order to predict thetype of cancer of the patients. However, due to thelack amounts of training data, the algorithm couldnot generalise well and all models found using a gridsearch approach showed some levels of overfittingas it can be seen in

D. From Predictability to Explainability using Au-toencoders

Understanding the reasons why deep learningalgorithms make certain predictions, play an impor-tant and fundamental role to assess the effective-ness of the model and as well as providing newinsights of how to transform a system or a predictionthat is untrustworthy to a trustworthy one.

In this section, we investigate how the differentalgorithms in Table II are classifying the patients’cancers by using autoencoders. Autoencoders wereoriginally proposed by [46] and are unsupervisedlearning techniques which use neural networks forthe task of representation learning. The networkarchitecture enables a compression of knowledgerepresentation of the original input. This implies

that correlated features provide a structure that canbe learned by the network and consequently onecan obtain visualisations of neurons that are beingactivated in the hidden layer. This compression ofknowledge is crucial for the network architecture,since without its presence, the network could simplylearn to copy the input values and propagate themthroughout the network [47].

The structured deep learning network that waslearnt using different layers fuses different modali-ties of information, based not only on the patients’track of medical activities, but also other featuressuch as age, time spent in treatment, etc. Thisfusion of information is non-linear and leads to therepresentation of one single state of knowledge.

To gain understandings about the network’s struc-tured representation of this state of knowledge,we intercepted the first hidden layer of both theLSTM and BiLSTM neural networks in Figure 6 andapplied an autoencoder to learn the input that ledto the projections in this hidden layer. To be morespecific, we used an autoencoder with two denselayers to learn the generalized latent space thatbetter approximates to the training data. From thestructured deep learning network, the autoencon-ders apply a non-linear transformation in the datathat leads to a non-linear representation of clustersthat can be helpful to provide additional insights andthat can enable the investigation of misclassifica-tions in the dataset. This provides better insights ofwhy the algorithm is classifying the data correctly orincorrectly, and new understandings to the decision-maker of

A grid search approach was used in order to findautoencoders that could provide meaningful resultsto the decision-maker regarding the relationshipsbetween the patients features and their types of can-cer. Figures 8 and 7 show examples of projectionsthat were obtained using an autoencoder with twodense layers and different number of neurons forthe BiLSTM and LSTM layers, respectively.

After performing a grid search, we extracted


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Fig. 7. Example of grid searches over the first hidden layer ofthe LSTM network for different configurations neurons in each ofthe two dense layers of the autoencoder.

Fig. 8. Example of an output image from a grid search approachthat intercepts the first BiLSTM layer of the proposed deep neuralnetwork architecture. Some clusters identifying the projections ofthe types of cancer can be found

the most meaningful representations from the non-linear projections of the autoencoders, both forLSTM and BiLSTM network architectures, in orderto analyse the misclassifications in each model.

Figures 7 and 8, show the general latent spacesthat were extracted for the LSTM model and BiLSTMmodel, respectively.

Fig. 9. Misclassifications found in the projections of the LongShort Term Memory network with autoencoders.

Sparser results were obtained in the LSTM model,which enabled the identification of non-linear clusterrepresentation in this latent space representation ofthe state of knowledge of the network. As one cansee in Figure 9, one is able to find three differentclusters of data: (1) cluster 1, M16 (cancer of ovary),(2) cluster 2, M11 and M14 (cancer of vulva andcancer of corpus uteri), and (3) cluster 3, M13(cancer of cervix).

In all three non-linear clusters that were identified,one can see that patients with different types ofcancer were projected to the wrong clusters. Forinstance, in cluster 1, that is identified as the clusterwith patients with cancer of ovary (M16), there arepatients that have the label cancer of vulva (M11)and yet the model classifies not as M16, but asM13 (cancer of cervix). This can either mean twothings, (1) this specific patient diagnosed with M11shares a very similar track of medical activitiesas a patient diagnosed with M13 or (2) the non-linearity nature of the projections in the generalisedlatent representation into a lower dimension space,distorted the distances between these patients, andas a consequence they were assigned to the wrongcluster.

When it comes to diagnosis code 106, whichpertains to patients with a mix of cancers (cervix,


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vulva, corpus uteri and vagina), projections from thegeneral latent representation into lower dimensionsdid not show specific misclassifications around thiscode in that specific region of the lower dimensionalspace. However, since code 106 pertains with pa-tients with different types of cancer, which accord-ing to the figure mainly intersects M14 (cancer ofcorpus uteri), then one can understand the differentmisclassifications around patients with code 106throughout the space.

Fig. 10. Misclassifications found in the projections of the Bidi-rectional Long Short Term Memory network with autoencoders.

On the other hand, the non-linear projectionsfound in the BiLSTM (Figure 10) did not show a clearunderstanding when compared with the projectionsin the LSTM network. This is due to the fact thatduring the grid search process, no sparse represen-tations were found, which makes the representationof the space very compact. One can, however, stillgain insights about the misclassifications. Like itwas found in the LSTM layer, patients with cancerof vulva (M11) were wrongly projected into theM13 cluster (cancer of cervix). Once again, thenon-linearity of the projections, together with themapping into lower dimensions, disturbs the spaceand the distances between the patients, leading tomisclassifications.


In this section, we explore alternative sub-symbolic representations and understandings of

data using random forests and by learning an in-terpretable model locally around the model’s pre-dictions.

A. Problem Definition

The problem is converted to a classical super-vised learning problem to compare and contrasttraditional approaches while using event logs topredict cancer. Here, for each patient X(i), the set offeatures F (both dynamic and static) are mapped tothe window of length T . The window represents thedaily (or hourly) medical activities associated to apatient. A patient X(i) is represented by the vector:〈f (i)

1,1, f(i)1,2, . . . , f

(i)1,F . . . f

(i)T,1, f

(i)T,2, . . . , f

(i)T,F 〉. Hence, M

patients are represented by a matrix with dimen-sions (M × (F ∗ L)). The length L is the numberof patient’s medical records (or activities recordedfor each patient). The cancer associated to eachpatient is the class we predict. The advantage of thisapproach is that it allows any classical supervisedmachine learning algorithm to be applied.

B. Random Forests for Cancer Prediction in EventLogs

Random forests are an ensemble method thatcombine several individual classification trees [48].A Random forest classifier uses multiple decisiontree classifiers where each decision tree classifier isfit to a random sample, or a bootstrap sample drawnfrom the original data sample. The feature selectedfor each split in the classification tree is only from asmall random subset of features in each tree. Thus,a random forest classifier consists of a number ofclassification trees, the value of which is set whenidentifying the model parameters. From the forest,the class or label is predicted as an average ormajority vote of the predictions of all trees.

Random forests are known to have high predictionaccuracy as compared to individual classificationtrees, because the ensemble adjusts for the over-fitting caused by individual trees. However, the in-terpretability of a random forest is not as straight-forward as that of an individual tree classifier, wherethe influence of a feature variable corresponds to itsposition in the tree.

C. Predicting Patient’s Type of Cancer

To validate the Random forest classifier, we per-formed a cross validation setting with a train/test set


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split of 80%/20%. The optimal parameters for theclassifier were found using grid search with k-foldcross validation. Table III presents the accuracy fortwo different parameters used during the grid searchparameter tuning. Figure 11 presents the top five im-portant predictors. This plot shows the features suchas the Age of the patient, the type of Treatment,and initial set of Activity performed in a givensequence during the treatment (Activity Coded 0,Activity Coded 1, Activity Coded 2 representingActivity (sequence number) are among the mostimportant features for predicting the cancer.

Estimators Maximum features Accuracy1000 100 0.5561500 200 0.572




Fig. 11. Top 5 important features used by Random Forestclassifier.

The importance of a feature when using a Ran-dom forest classifier is computed using the ‘giniimpurity’ measure that indicates the effectivenessof a feature in reducing uncertainty when creatingdecision trees. However, this method tends to inflatethe importance of continuous or high-cardinalitycategorical variables [49]. Hence, while feature im-portance using ‘gini impurity’ measure has beenconsistently used, it is provides interpretability of the

entire model and does not provide explanation of aspecific instance.

D. From Predictability to Explanability using LIME

LIME [19] is used to explain a single predictionas well a global explanation of the model usinga subset of individual data points or instances.LIME approximates the underlying model by aninterpretable model such as a linear model thatis learned on small perturbations of the originaldata point. This is done by weighting the perturbedinstance by their similarity to the instance to beexplained. Hence, the explanations are based ona linear model in the neighborhood of the instanceand the explanations for an instance does not rep-resent how the model behaves for all data pointsor cancer patients. Figure 12 illustrates the local

Fig. 12. Local interpretation of 106 cancer class for a patient.

explanations of predicting the cancer class ‘106’which is associated to cervix, vulva, corpus uteriand vagina. The explanations are based on thefeatures Age > 70, and specific activities performedat a given step or sequence during the treatment (Activity_(sequence_number) ).

The global understanding of the model is providedby explaining a set of individual instances. Theglobal explanations of the model are constructedby picking a subset of instances and their expla-nations. The importance of a feature in an expla-nation and the coverage of all features defines acoverage function that is maximized to pick a sub-set of instances and generate global explanations.Figure 13 presents the global explanation for thecancer class ‘106’. Here the age, the treatment andactivities performed initially provide explanation ofthe predictions. Global explanations for two cancerclasses (M11, M14) are presented in Figure 14 andFigure 15 respectively. While some of the featuresused by the model are relevant such as Age andthe treatment undertaken, many features such as


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Fig. 13. Global interpretation of class 106 cancer.

the activity ‘Consultation’, or being associated tothe ‘Obstetrics & Gynaecology clinic’ are not signif-icantly distinct features and cannot be generalizedin predicting the type of cancer. However, use of

Fig. 14. Global interpretation of class M11 cancer.

such explanations provides good insight into themodel and improves the trust in the prediction, andthe features used for the prediction. In the contextof traditional machine learning algorithms, use oflocal explanations provide insights on the design offeatures.


In this work, we explored the usage of deep learn-ing techniques and random forests in a real world

Fig. 15. Global interpretation of class M14 cancer.

medical event log from a hospital in the Netherlandscontaining the track of medical records undertakenby patients with cancer. Our hypothesis was that, intheory, patients with a specific type of cancer shouldbe associated to a more targeted set of medicalactivities that are particular to their type of cancer.Results showed significant results and that onecould actually predict the type of cancer given pastmedical records of patients. The structured learningmodels that we explored learnt to fuse differentmodalities of information, based not only on thepatients’ track of medical activities, but also otherfeatures such as age, time spent in treatment, etc.This fusion of information is non-linear and leadsto the representation of one single non-linear stateof knowledge. However, this analysis in terms ofaccuracies can be misleading since we do not haveany understandings of how the learning algorithmswere making the classification.

In this sense, this paper also explored explanabil-ity and interpretability techniques in the scope ofmedical event logs. In order to gain more insightsabout the model’s black box, we intercepted thehidden layers of deep neural networks with au-toencoders in order to learn a generalized latentspace that better approximates to the training data.From the structured deep learning network, theautoenconders apply a non-linear transformation inthe data that leads to a non-linear representationof clusters that can be helpful to provide additionalinsights and that can enable the investigation of mis-classifications in the dataset. This method provided


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better insights of why the algorithm is classifyingthe data correctly or incorrectly, and provided newunderstandings to the decision-maker.

For random forests, we explored local surro-gate models, more specifically the local inter-pretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME) frame-work. LIME is a metamodel that instead of interpret-ing directly the black box, it uses the metamodelto draw conclusions and interpretations about theblack box. The individual predictions were computedby applying perturbations of the points in the originaldataset. This allows one to see how the featureschange around these points and how they affectthe predictions. Results indicate that learning aninterpretable model locally around the model’s pre-diction leads to a higher understanding about whythe algorithm is making some decision. The use oflocal and linear model helped to identify the featuresused during the cancer prediction of an individualpatient. We were able to identify distinct featuresused in different predictions, along with features thatdo not generalize or are not relevant.

In summary, both methods provided different sub-symbolic interpretation insights, one based on non-linear cluster representations (autoecoders) and theother based on the local impact of features in indi-vidual points in the data (LIME).


Dr. Andreas Wichert was supported by fundsthrough Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia(FCT) with reference UID/CEC/50021/2019. Thefunders had no role in study design, data collectionand analysis, decision to publish, or preparation ofthe manuscript.


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