1. A solid material made up of one or more minerals...

1. A solid material made up of one or more minerals or other substances, including the remains of once-living things is a ___.

Transcript of 1. A solid material made up of one or more minerals...

1. A solid material made up of one or more minerals or other substances, including the remains of once-living things is a ___.

2. A layer of solid rock that surrounds Earth’s surface is the ___.

3. The study of planet Earth, including Earth’s surface and interior is ___.

4. Scientists who study Earth and the processes that have shaped earth over time are called ___.

5. A sphere of hot, solid metal inside the earth is the ___ ___.

6. A layer of molten (liquid) iron and nickel that surrounds the inner core is the __ __.

7. A thick layer of hot, mostly solid material that surrounds the outer core is the ___.

8. The rigid outer covering of earth made up of the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle is the ___.

9. The molten part of the mantle that the tectonic plates “float” on is the ___.

10. A solid, inorganic material that forms naturally on or beneath Earth’s surface that has a crystalline structure and a definite chemical composition is a ___.

11. The color of a mineral’s powder is the ___.

12. When a mineral breaks apart easily along flat surfaces that is ___.

13. When a mineral breaks apart along irregular surfaces that is ___.

14. Molten material inside Earth is ___.

15. Molten material that reaches Earth’s surface is ___.

16. Rock formed when magma or lava cools and hardens is ___ rock.

17. Rock formed when particles of rock and other materials are pressed and stuck together is ___ rock.

18. Particles of rock or material from living things that can settle in layers is ___.

19. The movement of sediment form place to place is ___.

20. When sediment is laid down that is called ___.

21. Rock formed from high heat and great pressure deep beneath Earth’s surface is ___ rock.

22. A series of processes on and beneath Earth’s surface that slowly change rocks from one kind to another is the ___ ___.

23. The remains of living things that lived long, long ago are ___.

24. A person who studies fossils is a ___.

25. The process that turns living things, like bones, into rocks is ___.

26. What are 5 characteristics of minerals?

27. What are six properties of minerals?

28. What are the two ways a mineral may break?

29. How much mass is contained in a given volume is ___.

30. What is the table that will tell you which mineral will scratch another mineral?

31. What is the softest mineral on Moh’s Hardness Scale?

32. What is the hardest mineral on Moh’s Hardness Scale?

33. What do geologists use to classify rocks?

34. What are the three major groups of rocks?

35. What are the two types of igneous rock?

36. Igneous rock formed on Earth’s surface is called ___ igneous rock.

37. Igneous rock formed beneath the Earth’s surface is called ___ igneous rock.

38. What are the three types of sedimentary rock?

39. A type of sedimentary rock formed when dissolved minerals come out of solution and form crystals, like halite, or rock salt is called ___ sedimentary rock.

40. The type of sedimentary rock formed when pieces of rock that have been pressed and stuck together, like conglomerate rock is called ___ rock.

41. The type of sedimentary rock that is formed from the remains of living things, like coal and limestone is called ___ sedimentary rock.

42. The type of rock that most fossils are found in is ___ rock.

43. What must occur for metamorphic rock to become sedimentary rock?

44. What must happen for metamorphic rock to become igneous rock?

45. What must happen for igneous rock to become metamorphic rock?

46. Number the steps correctly for petrification to occur.

___ the bone decays

___ animal dies

___ water seeps into bones

___ the remains get buried under

sediment, like sand

___ minerals from the water replace

minerals from the bone forming a rock

___ the tissue decays or rots away

47. What is the approximate depth from the surface of the earth to the inner core?

Check your


1. A solid material made up of one or more minerals or other substances, including the remains of once-living things is a ___.


2. A layer of solid rock that surrounds Earth’s surface is the ___.


3. The study of planet Earth, including Earth’s surface and interior is ___.


4. Scientists who study Earth and the processes that have shaped earth over time are called ___.


5. A sphere of hot, solid metal inside the earth is the ___ ___.

Inner core

6. A layer of molten (liquid) iron and nickel that surrounds the inner core is the __ __.

Outer core

7. A thick layer of hot, mostly solid material that surrounds the outer core is the ___.


8. The rigid outer covering of earth made up of the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle is the ___.


9. The molten part of the mantle that the tectonic plates “float” on is the ___.


10. A solid, inorganic material that forms naturally on or beneath Earth’s surface that has a crystalline structure and a definite chemical composition is a ___.


11. The color of a mineral’s powder is the ___.


12. When a mineral breaks apart easily along flat surfaces that is ___.


13. When a mineral breaks apart along irregular surfaces that is ___.


14. Molten material inside Earth is ___.


15. Molten material that reaches Earth’s surface is ___.


16. Rock formed when magma or lava cools and hardens is ___ rock.

Igneous rock

17. Rock formed when particles of rock and other materials are pressed and stuck together is ___ rock.


18. Particles of rock or material from living things that can settle in layers is ___.


19. The movement of sediment form place to place is ___.


20. When sediment is laid down that is called ___.


21. Rock formed from high heat and great pressure deep beneath Earth’s surface is ___ rock.


22. A series of processes on and beneath Earth’s surface that slowly change rocks from one kind to another is the ___ ___.

Rock Cycle

23. The remains of living things that lived long, long ago are ___.


24. A person who studies fossils is a ___.


25. The process that turns living things, like bones, into rocks is ___.


26. What are 5 characteristics of minerals?

a. Solid

b. Inorganic (non-living)

c. Naturally occurring

d. Crystalline structure

e. Definite chemical composition

27. What are six properties of minerals?

a. Hardness

b. Color

c. Streak

d. Luster

e. How it breaks

f. Density

28. What are the two ways a mineral may break?

a. Fracture

b. Cleavage

29. How much mass is contained in a given volume is ___.


30. What is the table that will tell you which mineral will scratch another mineral?

Moh’s Hardness Scale

31. What is the softest mineral on Moh’s Hardness Scale?


32. What is the hardest mineral on Moh’s Hardness Scale?


33. What do geologists use to classify rocks?

a. Color

b. Texture

c. Composition

d. How it is formed

34. What are the three major groups of rocks?

a. Igneous rock

b. Sedimentary rock

c. Metamorphic rock

35. What are the two types of igneous rock?

a. Intrusive

b. Extrusive

36. Igneous rock formed on Earth’s surface is called ___ igneous rock.


37. Igneous rock formed beneath the Earth’s surface is called ___ igneous rock.


38. What are the three types of sedimentary rock?

a. Clastic

b. Organic

c. Chemical

39. A type of sedimentary rock formed when dissolved minerals come out of solution and form crystals, like halite, or rock salt is called ___ sedimentary rock.


40. The type of sedimentary rock formed when pieces of rock that have been pressed and stuck together, like conglomerate rock is called ___ sedimentary rock.


41. The type of sedimentary rock that is formed from the remains of living things, like coal and limestone is called ___ sedimentary rock.


42. The type of rock that most fossils are found in is ___ rock.


43. What must occur for metamorphic rock to become sedimentary rock?





44. What must happen for metamorphic rock to become igneous rock?



45. What must happen for igneous rock to become metamorphic rock?



46. Number the steps correctly for petrification to occur.

_5_ the bone decays

_1_ animal dies

_4_ water seeps into bones

_2_ the remains get buried under

sediment, like sand

_6_ minerals from the water replace

minerals from the bone forming a rock

_3_ the tissue decays or rots away

47. What is the approximate depth from the surface of the earth to the inner core?

6370 km