0f 6th +, +Nm BEU BmG - Atlantic County Library · 2003. 9. 3. · 0f 6th +, +Nm BEU BmG - Atlantic...

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" " ". +:’’ v.. ¯ ’/.? ’. ’. .p..: ! ~. ¯ .:: ."+:.:++++~- i~,nxi~ i: I[- lsdie~,i O~1~. ¯ ¯ no .-Tues- his~eoofi. ) wh table_kind _whbh i~eo deeisDo that dl anxiety is at ones allayed and no eoro- ~400,000.000 bill- bu our’s zequest is necessary../] r.. ~ .. reserve ih%- t ho-D+-n~r~t~: I~ve ear-ie~ t he Preaideotiltl signature. ~t~tetic~¢t- knd a tnajority no joint-~al- " " , -... lot in the wbieh secu’-es a ,41.. dolphin and=8o~them ::Mail, h--rep0rted ;~ "~e f iui+d~,dm’ing e,. reoent.trip; ’th, ~tortes 0U L ;ho~m--th6’fa~test time evermade’by any + the.Sohuylkill.as :would+ render tbe mR~r steamer bdt~’eeu tll~itWO points named+ .~lofit,for.dtiuk]og’purposeB,’it.h~:gr°wu . ~ ,. WOgTtI C0SSmERiNO. ¯ ’" by purchase and Menadon:, from a corn- In 1860 the a+~e. s+meot of real and per- :l~amtively ,malli!tr~t, :uetil -it: embra~-.s" e~a-a!-plbpa~ty i~::lhis =city amounted t.- thre.b~th~ii~/.’~!; au~ .t+&kell:’thefirst- $155.597 669. The tax rate i~r-thoeit~- rank among the park~ ot the world. In wus $1.75; tor the 8rate25 eencs; making addi~i0a-to~whg~.~ature=haaldoee~or tbi? a total oi $2~.:Ih"1874’ t l~e’t0tal a~e~- :the.~poople;’r’ ithe la/’ge Bums merits + amouoted io$548.#AB,535, a.d ~ushieg epnnga~aed eparl I atmams; its fifty mileil:o! httdi~smeotl~, 0od und, latinl; roada ~or the!eartiat.,~ the: h0rae- mau:~’and ih=’ :l~lettiG’/h; it~ ha0deome "the tax having ;u-:the nci~h~rboed 01 ~y tbomd up more , +mount, und ye~ pop- ulati6nhun0t iU~as~d in a ratto with ~. ,,These ate sub. Zoological Gatdeo;[with.i+,’gro~i.g eo!- +:.~tis +.;n,:oUi,0ed t ha~"+ the. dung-sh0t, hCt|0if0t’aniutal~ its liveried gusrdg, eta. t|oned at equi.qlistant point~ tot tho~ro ~ With which Twhnhell killed his mother-, in.law, Mte,-Hiil, a, Tenth aecI.Pi~o sts.; vcntinn otdisort~ef¯ atid: dew d~iien. its iv 186s, ia,iill in possea+inn el D:. M+iu oomm,’.~di,g ewlfi+nme, ir,.m +bioh can ry, io wh+6m it Wlhs .g|vso by J, O’Byrne, be aecn Ihe merry boatin~eloba ttliding ~+q;,Twitehell’g lawyer, at ,he elo.o.ol along tire river, the erowds~of vi~ii0m.oi+ ihe’ttisl, b;0atl~e nt-Dr Maury’smaln’ a p]ene+n’altertio~m, see’d0g r6tirome~t’.- o ....... ¯ " tats)lag sO firmly on thewetness stand that from the dtlt an2 dust O f t~e~!ty, Ihe.~,!C"the m.~rder.oould uot have been oemmit- ntV~:ett~iU~t a~d balL;pl~y+io~+~P~,rtle~ rex. led wisP+ th0poker. The fllit,gof a roport uriating in their aport~ a.d the,vireS area this week~ by the ~uditor appointed by of bri0k a.d mort,,r beneath, ~r.th"ita the Ooutt’h,setde the estateo f Mr,. Ilill, town’, end .tceples bathed in the tn+ellow sunlight--all these 0bJeet8 and’exoretn~+~ hM thrown nj~w i.lerest On this weeper, and ornaments’ ~mbit’t~’:t0 ’~ako ~sir. of dead,, and Inad~somedevelopments it, .oonnoe~ion wilh t~e erie| Whioli areany- ~otmt Park a spot of which ewry Phila- thing else’lhan ereditqble tu he t,arties detphlen,every Penneyivlnian, everyooneern,,d. Amer,can~ indeed,msuutly be proud. IllSTORIOAiJ"+gI~00NITIOI¢; Dr. ’ William H’."Paneoast has been The 8tats l+lotlso’bulldlu’g and th,, oh+,oted l’r,)fesn+r of Anatomy intho Jef- gtruclu~."otFIIIh~ end 8iltb aud 0henl- t0rson Mudio~l 0olleg~, in ,h, plaoa of his rout mtro*ts have Jo.tir~lved ILl designee feel, or, Dr. Jo¢.’Pun0na~t’, reAanod. tlon=worthy ot-thei."-]iisIorieal-+omtneeli0n ...... Dr.=,|.sel~h "P. -Remi,gto,1 ¯ ha. -hoen ~eory and Pra0110c -On tite~uilo+ o1’8t,,i, r n’~ the triet ~Ign anno $ohn The tnnutl, re ’, American 8tee~.hi the R~+0kht ).| )r.tlm e~n el theI.ur .teantem, the Pltn.’v. OJdo, Indlnna and Illinois, to- P ~ith tbonest M;titllng thole 6us ~mlell Ot Ihelr o~nltruotlon, .I |u :he eollrnot, hp~ exoeedcd the aggrelle,o of the otphalntook aud d~d~t, .~Phll defloieoey.,tl, b+lhl ma+ -+¯b~ a ’ Ioau Irom-thi--Peualyl~ni+ .~+mE!nl- .......................... ¯ oo~olII~+~II ~iiii llll~lflL - ol ’Phnrmeoy i..-Ihe-Phltadelphia Oollege of,Pltarmaoy, to fill,’the vao,,,,op eau.od by ~ha degth ol Prot. Writ.t’r,elor, J,.+ M~dame Jsmla, 0t, Mnrlimer’s Varie- lit, n. at T.nth and 0,tllowhiq ~tresl, sun rained a’~erioue it,Jarv, by a ~:11, dorlng a. ,!l~_p~le+__.pe!fgr_manco, on W~dae~day night. ’ " There ttan baen a dl oreaso in tho nnm- ber of.IWlioalionu fi,r fi0ell,e, for laverflt~, r I’oIIiiUI’IIOIJ; &O,,’Oi 1205 thla Spring, as IglinMI Iho samo ~ason lasl yunr. The re,,eipm ,oi we,or r.,its thu, far durit,II the pre~,td "-tn6nth t’xhibiL an in. oreu.n ,)l+ov~r .$19,0~, aa eompartld with the I~U0e peri,,d t,I the en,respondh, g tttunth ol laet yoar. Atnoog Iho srliolek b "illR dis,o.od :,f at the l~teler Fair, .ow l’f I,rogrcss al Mar. ket !1,11. ts’a pas.an. Ilnkdl It, Etrope on.one ,,r the Ao,erltmn 8.eam~+hip Uo.’e it~’llDera, A ill+ at the:Memhaala L ihtl.t,.Thurs dgy t,l~ht, wh’,oh Orllllnlled frt.n Ihefluo. 0rl~||ed quil," aft eli0hl+met:l, bul, hy the ’:-~A+boulflve kUCl’~J~of:.,ll~tltmlRU 0’ aid el -a "flra eafiUllUishur" ,he flame. th8 luttne Dep~’;~snt of-tk%- BI ,oe~lel were ~oeQ’e"bduod~ Ah~lhoum’~m~l|a~oi:~l’wJthadelhlhtfu There’woteno notable changes in the ConeeffonTue~lt$eveuinl, bytheQutr- tunney market. Theeupply el Ioauablo torte ~holr ot the IJhln~h o[ the Epiph. lund~~tioed |at in eae.~ of the do. ....2.. ,, ..... . - ~, . ..~- Senefltwegetatio’~. ......... ¯ : : - ’ - ’ i~-ti~Oin:wliLel~- Trade generally hassheen more e0tiVe filmllies have be..n u~+ihg, it tot-the -last- ~ " latd .IS ¯ + . . eiPenm~t4atneP~,, Lena. ¯ +. D I~(~O.ql[~ wt ¯ . . . : ¯ .. Th~wa~ of the’poiitical ’peadutum -has- Connect;cur+ a Democratic I~mte mgbam.~Republimtn~ pe4tteg itself. - A Oonneoticat oleeti0, heed, ~ ’m n. the: roaJs and weather New Havuo Democrats, this time they wore eplh; by t+ho Uumber.o[ Pr.hibition- istRepublioatis Who drink water and vote Ddmooratio ~;egularly, as, ne Old used to b? d, fined as~men and voted thoDom y; somewhat and v0ry lXttl6 p!es in,olved iu e.nte~t. -Yhus i~, 1867 tl/t+ Demoera B had 987 a.~d iu 1868 na,* IJ65 majority. oarried +it ~a.e .acratched thlou~zh-b~ 100 t~he first yell a-nd 28.tnc seed,d;.. Last~ear it.wa~ Democratic by 3 347 nut ’ar lrom that figure this wu may bo" able to show a Of perhaps k thousand. m~ses lit tie moaoin~ if i polities i.~ inde¢i,-ion .and a-well-meanit, g, conseim~ii0us non-~lrtizan vote,W,.i~.’. is ulwuya manipa,aled in.’tho interests, ot i,, rlgUt’~’i~O-~’, + t,) d.thst itself. : " Th+immediat~ cmsoa ot th s Dedm- cratt,+ ~ut.~e+s 8cola io have been tfm new Ill- given to the Pr,tt)ibitio.ist~ by the- n,,ti-liquor c, usado al~d Ihc eandidaoy of 8~t,a~or Buckinahautf.rgo-eluo, i0n. ,Thin l bel,tlelt,gn :is n.,W 70 j’esrS of; age. and woald bu nea/ly 80at the en,1 o[ anoiber term. Ho wan aoeused. "molcovor. (if "Buderi~m," ’the 6pizoot ot New E g- la.d, ’,,td ~h6r~ wa~-a wrong in ovm- ing Such a man as Gee Hawlo¥ in ¯ ~ ¯ it , rt, cuedll,g e]eotlen 11J F.rry, som6- ltawloy’s frl,.nds havn not furgolten, though ho has not worken lor the oandtdaey o,rxhiq-orea.ioa, Ae to the lores ot the "’rebuke admiuistered to the Nati.tlal Kdmiaistra;t,n," it seems ’t. hava beon ttl)qlewUttt less thao that of y,,ar ago ’PI.OSO mast bays Mtarpoption who can trace -true b,,littcs in the result nf n UOllrlvo, iotlt cluotio.. [P’IlalIO ’+, nor tariff, ,mr che~p tr,u,sl)ortatioa had any votes in the o,,,nl)aigo. [t wus fbught ,,at on: gr,lu d s Whl’Mt in unether 8,nee w,,,nu he and has psr.y bc dou-n th:, ltetlu-t~hoan side’, :ands a.d Wen7 her purtlll! tl,,~. T",e Smlal. Culre,tcy L, tll was passed by th~ il,,~-~ oa Tuesday. hya vote o| 1,10.y~u.~ tn i02.nays. Thia flg"s IIio l,tax.111alt, a O’+lllt:ll U. 8, noles at $400, 000 UOU. [, WS,lt h.,nemhatoly to the l)ru eido,,t air bl~ sicn,sture. [t has been li~- covert, d in %Va.hinwtt+. tl,~t thi~ bill, so lar a. il, illllllellinle t, ff¢0t on the niroula. / , I1,,I, td IhC tlal i)l+al bs ks II nbooer,wd t IP+ nnt tb. iiiitll.nre i,| Ii,fiittitlll ;.t WaS enl)- II..~ed t,, in,. C,int rl,.l+l’ l{[nox buiog asked for itl~ .pinhm as+!0. tho eff!!ot.of+!!toso ,Ir:lVIMh)n~ IIII the eXiSlill+ll YulUIU? ol cot- roney, r lille ,~ IIl~:t ~ith tho~o~lttlllllVlld- nlcn,, iTqnir~llg Ihrev-qtltll’lerl~ol Ihe bal~k r,~erve~ i,, b. k,’pt a h.mth timbill will really oao~e el, iuiiilt,dlale ellhlraell(in i111:111 i[. piloaaRII Itl, llll InlOnlll i,early ,.qttal ’,st, h,I I.ernu.O el hellk otlrrencyatt- Ih,,r,l-d by il -h+alm, Sl,I-.urll Ihlt whllo CoIItlaUli:’ll nl II1~" Iske plM0~ Mt tlnOl% lhtou~h Ih¢ I,,cki,l~ mr, tll all addit.,,,al alll ,n,II I,[ I I)n rent, rye., tllu is~+ue uf lie+ eurr,, c]/ wil bo v*.ry ~rs,lua,. Tile.t, cnleul,i.t,tt~ havd"~uri,rim, d bolb I1,e Iri: .d~ a,,. opmm~q,I, el i~ti,,~ The: eap,.e-l,,ni+tu wet0 totutly wtil|~d, a~ to Ibo :,fin t o| Ih~J ~OOlt aultlll~mellt, nnd h~ Iris.de aro almuat cqoally .urp-iund, u. i,ioy ,.eem n()t to havu aimed al uro- duointl any auohooatractlun. ",.q, ,~NDEDBJL._~_lbI+ ’£11t; N a< ’ANIES,-: Pat.n b,~rre+mor p} ¥ dealers. ....... .~ ....... . ..... - _:. ..... ¯ - - _ . " I ~ (D I rn .... _ 0 m’ ¯ ..........,sts . ---I0~~ o ...o+ .. ; .> " ’~ ~’ .’V t , ..f~E . .- ’ HA..A EST STOCK . ’7 .x .... . .... 2___ : ,., _ ¯ +.¯ ,:. . + ¯. ",.. WE EVER. HAD~ ForCash paid, INHANDwe will eeli below. the Market rato, and Guarantee~overy article or reternmoney. :II I’W~NI~MA~ ] ~ I J ~ ~ W N ; ~ +.x.p) 0f 6th & +, to the Fsrrioe and Iho Prln- " cipal Hotels and R. R,Dep0te. THE GEORG1 PIANO, FORTES. +Nm BEU BmG ........ Th0 Georgi pianb:l%;rtdWli,~ve-tllk~’il-tim first-~remium over al l.. comwtit~)l.S at the Stttte Fair of W..st Virginm. i, Ken- ~k tucKy, an~.l ,st al’, t,ther I,tii+s and expositi."ns .where they h~e been/+xhibited. ::.+. ¯ Their d:trahh, Iml~ a,,,I r,,lt i,,,i ,,xl:re-si,m ..... ,,.i,,.,¯, t,~;’,11 to bn ekefavoIJ|e t instrume.t i..ion,lllllrD’ +,f’ .,,o, II 2 ,, , ~P,~ ltev I, VAN B()KKI~I,EN, lt,,t.tor,ltJ !] ,,v S,:,[!,,,t,y, ....... ;._ ~..vm , . ’ ,~|T. M,,l:lllS. N ] I UgUSl 141. t lUt~* 4, T have I,lan.s ’ff ,,thor ,elo ,rated makerll le I ,,’ SeniP~,,ry, hutghe :tenrgl Wtil IoilOt41~ al~driled at tb,, t,o,,eor, us t o lie,t, It I~ s re’erred byu,,+t, ha~e nmt ,mplls. From R,’,’. Wq I,’ tlt)LIttlq)N, R,,,.,,r ,~t 8, I., k,"~, I++lt rt, h.,Bliff h), :~Y.’ ~*Oo Ioavi ,g [,~w ~, [ ’~ u+r ,hi,It t,~ll~’ ahll<ed to ,, ~rr ~|tq my fleorglPla-O ~¢,J~rle. waau. ! W*t|l oe 1141ttllld in lhlff+d, n,., ,,t" my Ilrll earell W+III to provhi,,mr t, m "y of thM ealaa,~- laotull, ¯ lt-,atly, ms.,+lllath,, hhlhr+l+a’l.~llon lue tte,d’gl ,ultrumn t:s havo In &Itpar~ll of t h’- OOUntt~. t+ bli~ JOltN Z[JNI)~]h, ’)~¢1 ,,-,r ,,r [lallr¢ Wa,,l ’l ,,.,’,S¢’~ I]IHI’CI~. Br,,nklyn, mye: ’* The (i ,,r41 ¯ *. ml exqul.lr,, aellon, aud eter.ll ,l:mg ahnultIt ihuwlthqr~ugh workllllo ship sndl~d.~.,t., +.,’ ,dll,y." Kov. 8. I1. M,I ’O ,hl~rl°~R Pr,,.ido,. nl ibm1, .,, (J,dl+.+,,..,r,l§,.~ " ,,’. It tv,, , , ,+lti tw o ,: tour i,lauo, the pe.t yearI,I cur o,,lllle, They have IIV~a " great Iltlfa,’:,~,a, W, , t tr,l IIb,m .al),tr|or im, strumeut e.’’ IPtom t~e N,v Y ,c~ 1,,depe,,I, ar: .4 Ae t,,"V ++erehlghly ioo,,mtae,lded to us. we haulihl a-ne-fdr oat ewu alll~ and we Sadk that the 7 are *.rta~ -I all ,tla pr.ls,’ they haver~eelved," The almfe tr,, ,,, y ,: l,,++ .ul,,n.l,,lla Irom letters e, lltti,’~tllY~ttrlv-}i,<+"+-1~lolf’il"t6w + The Ooorg[. t0._be._~h_e..Loadlng ¯ Piano of the ,day, ]~llUlme~t~e,,~,’ ~,ti.1.,mi0,, and ,m+,,rfailt,,d~voih ...... ¯.; ...... 18" FUlt C, IRUUL, AI~ ANDTERM8 ADI~RE’~"IIII (311~OROE A.. ~EOR~I, Mllllll~llrt-r o Pl,[email protected]~, -- Ju+mo~own. N. 3~- ~ ~c n Wednesday evening ¯ haa at la’si-a~t’ r . . .’ . : - :.-- .... .... ..2_. --: ...... . ,,.¯+:lff.0f~llfai~/~ "+~"+:lt h+i~ +¢~.f+m+tl .l’h"~0neP2.J :-~Ii+|;-L--: :--:--+- .... :-~. ........ :~1~:]i~+ :+-"~I~ ~ : ~---- .... :-~ " " ’~"++"?:::/:+;!":"? ?++ + i-;-,,,+notalt+tle,+ut .0+names0 from the’ .... ;’1::3" " l:~+ :.X~’ ..J:t, _t.. ,.--~ ¯ T:T :; -:L .+J :/L : .L’~I:- ,::I +’’.,.. , -:~ 1:8 ~ :i18 +:,::-. ’~./,~-.-:,.+-,.-~.~-,.+.$2~00’Pi gR.’.¥,EAR ...~.~, , ~.S ,- ’: + ++~.+,+Oo¯ ~,,~,-.,-_-.-.., ..... ^ ........ + ..... =:--’-~’++’+--’++-+ithe : .... : - : ¯ +~o:A+,-o+;..~i+ht ofan.vut].l~-xnemur_".u+/:~+P¯~: "" ., . ’B~s~ °’u’°+" irousing common l~orosone:+:, ~~: -:

Transcript of 0f 6th +, +Nm BEU BmG - Atlantic County Library · 2003. 9. 3. · 0f 6th +, +Nm BEU BmG - Atlantic...

  • .’ ¯ .I3 ̄


    / : 4 x~

    : . Ī

    Jue,,P,U+eAed, +.+8..Ud e.eet~s., - i :¯ MILLVILLE, N. J. :~’ " ". :i P,’/ee .~;z 6’e,,ts. ’ " . . .A Lee’ure ’on the ~aturc, Troatment an~ .A. SgtlM_J~[$y |_ IMY~. all. FollowS.

    .- i-+ ,- ¯.b~

    "C H O I O,E

    " Wednesdayl Oetober~Ists 1878.

    ¯ . Friht Jlh, ll.&oom Aoom l~aL~I&y]I " ¯ k. M. Ai M P.M. .IA, M.

    ¯ YineSt. Wharf..., 700 80, s45]60th016’-715 811 too161t, l10B0

    " !’ "~.eakn68JiInv01uutaryEmissiJns, Soxul/I De:,, " ’ ’ ......... : I~1~!1]~1~1~/1’11 752 8ZI 41ul~4zI11fie.... ~ billty’ah’dImp+~iments to Marria ’ ASSETTS, - - ,:Aehland.~;.;..;;~;+..- - 8 05 -8 4’ 4 2718 5.MI1 12JServouaaees, Ooneumption, Epil

    ¯" ~fl~U~

    ¯ White Horse ......... 8~28 8 ~I * 8217 01111 28..... ¯ + ¯ , Situate near Berlin ............... ;.. 8 5b 8.0’ s 4~, 71!1 58. ~eutal and Phys,eal tnsaDa.-t.+y, TOTA~, ’ 01,074,18~ ¯

    ¯ 8e]f-Ahnso,-eto.---By .V.OBE~T ~’.. CULVER: . -- "" .A.N..J~" -¯~ t~Tl~X’O~-:¯~’:tl~-~T-.~O-~ : Abee.,+c,,;;.;,.¯..;..; :007 91, 463ff 2~]1~ ]7¯ WBLL, J~[. D.,:Author of.the JGreon Dook ~ Iasarau~eeffeetad for the .. , Wa~rferd. .......... ’. 9 28 9"21 5 0:tl73fi112~$

    ete. " In the . .... ,’gRR 193: b OSlT4]II23$:. " - : " -’ " -9-48 -9-~’ 81!

    =~+5,~ --o--q’.___~eueo that tho awful uene,’s of self " Y .............. ~ ~-4~

    10 47 10 0~ ~ 42{"modieiuest. and without (laugo oas surgical’ :. " . +.: oporattonsrb,,ngies, instruments, rings or nor Fir’~ and Lie-bin;rig’; " The lllalnmonton Cranberry ttlldl " :::::: il 14 10 l, ~ b~i. ’.. dials ; p’b~tiag oath mode of core at once eer- . I 1 38 10-2’ fi 08i ’taln and dff0,:taal, by which tvery_~ff,,rer,,no and for o~e and three’year term when desired subscribers Improvement Association, Abseo°n ........ : .... 12 J5 10 4: e 21fi 44 ." matter ’what his condltieti i,ay bu, may eur~ .+ The Premium N.t~ roqulrsd.oy this Comps- " . Atltntio arrive, .... [2 42 11 ~.

    . .+. " " ’hlmself cheaply, 7ri~’ately and rod/call.+/, ay, are bet ouo bait ks I rgo as other Mutual ’ constantly ’ t+p TaA~+tS :- ¯ ~ This L~crwtr. will prove a bcou -to -~)~{ffl~n~:s ii~(hi-DE;f~’i~t~ While the 0ash-Ptiy;" + These lauds ure among the¯ ..¯ .

    . ~o.0 .~com.~+,~ ~____.~, P..Sent undo seal. tn a~:va~dr,,ss, Jn ~tp:nio ¯ " : l Ir.M.,t.u. An. l~oorlP.~"

    " of-~oodsin their line,+~,ins all’fatalities for : antra ................ i "]8 25 114 II. +’ 05sealed envelope/on the reeolpt ol.six..eents, or Fttrm Bnildi;;gs nnd-t~ontents ~0Ttment-

    -d-~lh- nf~, J~ ’~;~ 2,:t~o pq~t stamps. ., ’will he insured ut the very lowest rates ..... ’--Flooding ~ Pomona ............ +....,." ~ 57 12 4 d3 40OHAe. J. C. KLINE& CO.. All Losses ere promtU+v patti.,

    ng Hsrbor.~ ...... : ..... ’17 l~. II 1[8"54"- - ~ tt-t~4--.... ~ ~o,ery..~o+,’Cor~; .~-*~.~m,,’. Sr.~+,o~, President. :usually called for m a . DaCoeta, ...........,.... ¯ .It ~ ~ ~Post O~ec Box. 45Sg. F.,. ~.~ L. 3,~tPonn. Secretary; ’ " --6001741 2 2 [[.l 21

    ]~utsels Rz~.vas, Tr6asure~._ Furnitur~ Store. .for coMPA.NY or I~I)IVIDUAL P’uI~*’,SJ~S

    Vimeland Junettvo.....ll 39 6 08;7 47 2 3114 27¯N

    ’ Winslow .................;[t~ 0lO!~+~o


    " J’.AlfredBodine, WilB~+m. tewn; C. E, P: Ma) "VV’e tiongivenhy " . . Waterl’ord...,.., ......... 1570221800 ~0~4.~9hew. May’s I,:mlin¢; A. Stephany, Egg Her Atoo ........................ [2 lb 632180932,l;ifiB,orCi,, ol,t. Da.io’Waltors^b--’oo+Tho’ ....... ropo e G. erlin .............. ....... 8,i1 ,E. Morris. Seiners’ Pont.; IIo~.D S black " ¯ BELLEVUE AVE., HAMMOI~TONsN.$ Whitnllurse....: ....... 12 45i~ 5818 28 41,man,PorE ltenublie: Allen T. Leeds. Toe;rer .... hereafter to . ̄ + " Aehhtnd ............. ;..15 bO 7 0418 al 4 2 15 17ton : D:¯ Lewis’ Reed." tli, ntie City; A.ltre,l W, " " , ~ Richardt’ ".l~ranber:y and its Cul,n ’ i’iaddonfleld ............. !3 00~7 1518 ~9 4 4 ’15 211element, fJad,tonfiold, II..M. Jewett. Winslow sell our goods at Sent free nreeeip+~ of Kaighn’t Biding......,¯ 7 32 5 I II

    . " -- Cooper’~ Point .’....;..;13 80’7 4218 ~6 fi2i[547

    . ,tlon.:Leavet Vine St.#sell this Favorits.Maeld.e in the counties of 2l~’l-v ’ : to do so, 9 00 a m, 2 dO, 8 40 and 11 15 pCamden. Burlington, Ocean,~ltlantic and Cap - "" " " U S E and Haddonfleld 8 0O and~ 11 00 ~t m, ~d 8~0 ’-

    to fill rates: . ~ Tha~nkful. for p~t favors,~B ~ T3- G- ~ ’ ~ ~o-~,. m;

    ---++o~l-~+AClm~,. ,~5.0o, /:.:"-+: :~’~ ~’ : .... ~- "’ " ¯ .n,u, -_...,,~ I11.:’ -- ....I+o ~ .... .... - . : ss.oo. U~,RI( .....r?,es.n.e,,;...,e w ...... ,,a,e~o0,eZ+eS,

    : ::.~~ : ance of the same " , +ia t~ market.. . --+ -: --0--- .-For-particulars s0nd-for circulars- ---- ’’~’~~~1 ’ + +’........ -~ -!+~’ ~ .... " .... : ....liberal+patron- " ....+ ’ + ..... : RAW ...... rr,: r,’s: r +m rs- .)sammonton, N. ~, Itivent0r & Manuf’r; ~~j age that¯ 20-if . ¯ ¯ - ~’:< .... :- .: . -- ¯ " ’ - .... - Ye&~etablg ~+~romatio

    We ~have had in the p~t. -- "OE0. W, PRESSEY Watchmakers and Jowe’.ers . ~I, D-~&./...-W+DoBu~.- B i ~ "~-e ~:S-~,--"" IK’+~IIE’ "-~’--: ..... "+~i.~mrt~-~eeond-"Stree~---~ Jan. 3-, 1873. 51.tf QUality Isigllly ¯Improved

    " " .... These Bitters must become the universal¯ ~ HENRY BOWER to Ever)" llll)’er.-’ rnmedy of the age. The’re is nothing like them-

    -" --Fire Insurance Co. ~ -~= ........ " .... . ........2!-+:’ p~anE~’o

    ~ _~ 3 " ,~ ’g ~ 1M[an*al’tetueing" CIiemlstt. Rioh in Ammo,dg and S0!ublo Phosphori6 orequal "to them un ler the son. They restore........... ~ Abld--espeeially adapted to Spring Crepe and the weak, invigorate the feeble, and give new. ~.3 ~ ¯ t~RAY’S FERRY ROAD, PIIILA., to Top Dre~ing Grass.

    :.. ; Co~,e+’nof"

    oLher .’ withAlum and lqaster-of-Parls. ;

    I A YXN .& :COt,....... 7o- I-.Chestpu~ Sift Phila-.--

    ¯ 2~;ly

    I - Great Rush for Hats-!MME Sg. ATTRAOTION,

    Fall 8Ivies Now Ready.STIFF & SOFT FELT ~IATS,

    CLOTII IIATS ^ND CAP~Atso, an assortment of

    Neat Children’~l Goods.Various S tyl.vs,


    +’ SILI~ HATS,’

    di~c~R shnpm+ nads,

    N0, 41 North 2d 6t., Pniiaump hia’


    All klnde peslt;vsl.V, per.fecrl,¥ aad pstmaosNt-1,/ ,:,,red by ABS()RPT:ON, without pare,dut: eaustlss or instruments, by

    WM; A .~MeOANDLISS, M. D.,J~. 2001Arch Street, Philadolph/a

    /, . ,~ .f ~,f er~nl ~em to persooe cured, e

    ! ,,:4,r,, o,,,r II .. ,, ~ pi,,,,^6~MqliX. I

    ia,dl~s , ,I - 11

    has eoos’tantly on hand and for saleX~so, life and tone

    PUILII~ GROUND ~N-E~, mlasma~tie and ma]ar-ioui distriots they uro :.

    :~.~~ ~ Sulphate Amm0nia~hso, for Manure, PURE BONE~.~.]iEAL " Worth a ship.load’of, quiaine powdets.snd pills.

    . . ~ SOLE pRop!~iETOR "& MA~.U~’ACI’R OF FERTII.lZlNG ~IiUPPLIIPJi. They are especially adapied to persons=suffer:-OWIER’S ¯ .

    -: ~ +e,+o+-++,~. :~|t~|

    " ]~kU(~’R ~z SONS, ingfrem ~ . ~ ..:.....

    - ~’ ¯ imp(;rters:a+nd’Manufaeturer’s, " :DJ’spepsi:j, Li~/’e-i-Cotnpiaint.s~: :P rtiealar attontion Duid t6 M~sos,c M&u~s

    ~ No. 20 ~. D.lawaru Aveeuc, PhBa. Co$11veneJim9 l?eadaell¢.and emblems ,: I kin,I. . ~tADE’ FI¢OM STOUES: l+Nv. I03 South 8trot, Baltimore. ’........ "~ Nul’er’Photlphateof ¯ - " a.29 ’ Neuralgia, Rlieummli.~m. ~"

    tL’l,iila, ~t~e~er and Piles........ : ............. A~I~ 7--::- -::: - :.7 < : "

    ¯ ’).’his Fhrtilizer is b%ing.prepa:’e4i,’h s I,~ ..... " "w"hsi,+l’r~fe,ono~,;o,h~.’,i.,~,o~..:.. :STANDABD " MANURESTO DELIGATE FEMALEs["uper-Phosp~te of I ’;me cont.i,~e,l-in is of v’ery FOK ALL CROPS. ̄ " .... .h]g~-~Vade=bavihg’~.eeo im-.rled by Ihe m..nu. " " -- ... Lndi,.s, old or young, will find+ tbese bilters e~,faeturerd,roct ,r,,m ~+’ug,an,I. where the averseReputation’ " E~tal>li~hed-. +.~ ¯ pet’iMh’, ~ lq ....adaPuq,eed tok "dim’t/SeStt : ’ peculiar. to theirerov of Wn0at is 50 I!u..hel. t. tire gcre. ~ . ~" " " ~ .... ,~ , L tsttu~e, ~ent ef Appo:-

    ¯ . DFPOT.ti:_ . " Send for Cireulnrr, aod see that our . tite, snd General DvhiliLv, nllyneldtoth,,mtgiu39 SOUTH : ++;iA’P’~+’R s:r.. P[IILADLPHIAs " n~m0 is o,t the Bags. eh..sm of these inoslimable Bitters.

    .. ~....

    - .L


    Br~ach Ottic~.& Factory~O6 West Ntreet, New York.

    Th0 Best Paint--in the WorldAny Shath from Pure Whit0’to Black

    A cotnhination of the purest paint With IndiaRobbo", f.rmb~g asmo.*.h, gloss~, firm, duralflo,ela,tio und heautifol P,iot. unaffootod by change

    tlo liyA. G, Cn"rk

    KIRKBBIDE’S .......¯ ’ ]~’uropean



    Cures ]Dyspepsia.of te:np0rature, is perfechy water-proof,~nda,lspt.d t,t all oh:sees , f w~rk, and is In avery ONCE Dq~l,I, AIg PElt neTTLE.way a bo’,te’r paint fbr either Inside or autsbtei).dn(iag Ihan nny other paiut ta the world. ~ L ~ !-~ ]~X~ ]~’~ s "Bein¢ from on,’-third to on../0urth cheeper awlI.~sllng at leas, three tilO~S Its long us the best ~oteAf/~/,tfiTr.L%,//ed ,S’t,,tes :5(?a+leu,l aod o!l p,dots. 410 Arch.Nl.. PIsllada.~ orae Sffag TI|dT OUR TRADE-MARK, (¢, rac-

    e/MLLg el ~ W,,’I011 IH .IVt:S Anova) IS

    "Rrepared ready for u.o and sold by the gallonon;y.

    Thsr,s ha, nsv~r hu.n a P,:l,t efferetl the puh-Ihs that has ho,~.lae s,~ pOl,Ular (111 Iho sametime, an,[ given a~ portent -s,~tlst’act[oa as therabbor palut. 8.32

    :]~t.ltlal)llt.lh~d In It’t, ll().

    J, &~W- JONES,

    18.tf Atl.nlh, Cily, Now Jersey

    Fever. and Ague R0medy,P0aittvoty Burn and ~toliablo.

    PII it;I,l ~i,50.Delivered free to any address ~m re.0e|pf

    pries. ....t)sm vn,^,, will oonvilleo yon+ of lls w+rth,

    "Tlil¢ I"ltlgN.’ IN TL3,|I~ OP NIXED."Addron~ all orders ,.

    . ~, J. JOX,~,,’N.82 North Front Nireet, i’hii’a, ~",-?v y ,. ~1;~ ilroaa ,,roa~..,ew for..:

    I)yo Silks, Woolen att.t lt,~,,ov (leo’Is of every _--.:’ ......... = .............. ,:deserlpth,n, ’L’h,,it’so?ortortty,,f dyeing l,a..../~ . . ’ . "~dies’ and tle,~tlsmen’s t;arments I, widely +~ "u~knuw.. (~Iapo .,|d Merino ~hawls dyed thou~oet htlllla::t., und. plain- oolor,. Crape+~ndMerl.u t+ltuw]s cleansed to Ioolt like I)OW. Aloe,(lent[olnOlltS n )partsl, 41r ciirlltilll cJbslJse~l orro,l,o,,. ..... ,o+., or,,,od tn,.ok :’ ".iikn .,ew, C.ll ond bmk at our work belnre

    805 Aroh Street. ]Philadelphia,[Ml,ou.rnu, J~|&NurAcTUnl~n oF SaD t,~,ALan I!

    F[~.F+ (iOhD AND SII,VEIt WA’J’IIlIES,BOLID UOLD CIIAINS, tJ,,t,n ~41’I,:(2TACI, F+I: ~’’"~’" "


    AND EYI~ 121-1881~8. - .........................Al.. a i,,r~o ...,,,,,,,~nt of -- ~i

    FINll (Io1., JE’VEI,I~Y AND SII,VI~,ItWAIt~,~EI

    " ’~ ~’ .’V t

    , ..f~E . .- ’


    . ’7


    .... . .... 2___

    : ,., _ ¯ +.¯ ,:. . + ¯. ",..

    WE EVER. HAD~For Cash paid, IN HANDwe will eeli below.

    the Market rato, and Guarantee~overyarticle or retern money.

    :II I’W~NI~MA~ ] ~ I J ~ ~ W N ;~


    0f 6th & +,

    to the Fsrrioe and Iho Prln- "cipal Hotels and R. R, Dep0te.


    +Nm BEU BmG ........Th0 Georgi pianb:l%;rtdWli,~ve-tllk~’il-tim first-~remium over all..

    comwtit~)l.S at the Stttte Fair of W..st Virginm. i, Ken- ~k

    tucKy, an~.l ,st al’, t,ther I,tii+s and expositi."ns.where they h~e been/+xhibited. ::.+.

    ¯ Their d:trahh, Iml~ a,,,I r,,lt i,,,i ,,xl:re-si,m .....,,.i,,.,¯, t,~;’,11 to bn eke favoIJ|e

    tinstrume.t i..ion,lllllrD’ +,f’ .,,o, II 2 ,, ,

    ~P,~ ltev I, VAN B()KKI~I,EN, lt,,t.tor,ltJ !] ,,v S,:,[!,,,t,y, .......;._

    ~..vm ’ ’ , . ’ ,~|T. M,,l:lllS. N ] I UgUSl 141. t lUt~*4, T have I,lan.s ’ff ,,thor ,elo ,rated makerll le I ,,’ SeniP~,,ry, hutghe :tenrgl Wtil IoilOt41~

    al~d riled at tb,, t,o,,eor, us t o lie,t, It I~ s re’erred by u,,+t, ha~e nmt ,mplls.From R,’,’. Wq I,’ tlt)LIttlq)N, R,,,.,,r ,~t 8, I., k,"~, I++lt rt, h.,Bliff h), :~Y.’

    ~* Oo Ioavi ,g [,~w ~, [ ’~ u+ r ,hi,It t,~ll~’ ahll

  • = ~ ~: ==:--~. ¯: i ~ ¯: : : :~: ¯::~--~:__L_~ ....

    -’ =.: :- = :.

    : SATU~DA.Y, AP~IL"IS’,::lS~,--

    : .... i ’ HAM~ONTON, ATL/k~TI0-,Co,, }t,ff._~.: ~--~

    It is amusing, iT ~i’0t inhtrdqtivo, nnd.......... ..... not a little to ha regretted, sometimes, t,,

    ::-:+~=: .: +-= .... : notice:the peculiar-straiqs~,-t~grr’f thai

    ,m ~the_I~moeratio

    .An-rid ca,ray Jgapno

    . . m~uistratiot,: T0 one knee, log tlid true’

    condltton of thegn, the peeu,lar tac los elthe opposition are:about as furi.’idnl a.-they well can be.’ But+ we do no’. neiifi~r’We

    ....... m 1 gift b~- be~ex e d_W-o-w o~ll," "¯to justily..everythinz the R’-publican par,

    ¯ ’ ty havedov. ~d6rati~n, no administradoo ’el our


    1 I i goverotlient 6a8 over done better.’" ", ]party. in’the, first plaee;/is madeup of’

    ...... " ]met,from a4I the shades el i~Olities:"anda

    , ’ "’rightsnta.rt" ~prinkling of ])emoerats,._ _._=--- wb~(-though-~jmy:~m~,~:have7 changed

    ¯ names, are proverbial tot never.changing

    . political opinions, widl a few henorable

    exceptionr,, perhaPS. Though they have- jom~o

    known as Republicans, tlio same element.

    of the~y_ _

    same old lea grounds are at ~o bottom ofthe-teat)ot+yei. P----... -~ __

    ¢agbarty ll:at tposl; o,I our trouble.s oriel-nat?. We need only mention an instance,

    acd it.: serves for all the rest. And we

    ._take a prominent oi.e, tl’,at el Ben Putter.- :,~who belofe the war was a preminevt and

    a risir:g men~ber..oLt he..Demoerati~-partY.¯ . " " and when it lo.~t"htm it~ gl,~ry wa~ din,-

    . never been an ornamentto the party oihis adoption~ tbr ~that in-

    .. domitable spirit ,md c_,.ation, you ~hall

    i- and you shun!t, wtthout reason, wm or

    :thin, is the predotninant tbatttre in_the_man, and a.~ is too well known, his. animal

    :" cuhningaed toXy erah, that muds him

    aa 2xeAlent criminal cbunsel, has been¢o qstantly ~t work, in one way and an-

    " ~othei-i bi:eeding mi,.ehiei and:~votkin-~ghi~i

    the weltaro of the uation: or t’is co,malta-eats. Weed thc Rel,ublican party of such

    elements, at~d

    a: d th-ir.m’gans wel~ecessity tor recommending an unload-:, . - . . [lag. :Dunlp this eletnent, back Into the,¯

    "w il~srty hem ~henee tt came, and tt nu.dbeol more ~ervle~ to the. ]{.e.publicatiiparty, the administration and thoeountr.vI

    than any otherui~,o~ding t.%y can d0.:Gem Grant was a 1),..mocrat previgu-

    ticinn. ]:le ~;as:at il-m dO-tsar t,t’ t/i0

    ................................ _ ............. V. I_A_ ~.~ . _ . + .’.. ............ i ............ ’ ................................. I ..... |+ -+ ~

    ..... ’: ....................... -- ~ ........LJ

    joke/hnd as such produced the effect

    crowds at the various towfis 0ii-t~o-i;dad,who afterwattmg for hours for the arrtviilof the imythiea!, vessel~ discovered that

    ins this am-phibious "sdl;"ir. older to give angreater plausibilityto~ho affaia;, lelectodthe name of’a wide’ly,l~nown and honora~bl~JsuSines/ifirm in Camden, anda’.sO:ap.0endedan oid advertise~abh~i~r-thei~s

    . TliiS Of course was all wr, ’ . ..... -. + . .... d .......... +" d q/ -= - .-- i -:

    + ̄ ~-- t t . . ~ i

    ..... : ............... . ................ t ......... L ..... ¯ .... -


    ¯ he Hamn~ontnn band;of eonrs"%, will be there, D-+more, t’s Mn~tltht for’~ay fully s,stalns allI~" A cheap Farm Horse for sale, by and th.e Winslnw band, always+ ready to lend a we have said of it he~et0foro. Aside from the

    L. W, 00aL~Y’~ ,helping baud;or give a blot# for Prof.Quinn, Fa.hbm Department, it ha=, the UsuaP’quantity" - - !t/lddla Road. w|ll be present+and will perform the celebrated .of most cxoelleu~ readingl and presented in an

    I~’Mr.W.D. 3~hart0n speaks atU,ion Sleigh Polka, aomposed by Julian, descriptive attractive style. -.’. at ~o’ek. --~’ou~-Am~ea for- May is-roeelved. This

    any other In Hammonton.

    A large and convenient House topleasantly located on Bellevue Avenue

    g on Mrs. Bie~inor. at her red-

    I~ ~ 0ANVA88gR8 WANTED.~Ca!~

    The Ch’rlstsannt Work, C.

    special contributor¯. Sample co-; and terms sent free.’ Office 102 Chambers

    N.Y. See their advertisement.- .....

    A small house, wills~ an acre of~r-sai0,-on--Vnlley---Avenuo. - -Well

    pleasantly situated, with fruit trees of dif-a geod wd.1 of water ¯with pump.

    order, and will be sold cheap {or

    from "our own correspondent]’ full of interest,to/L let.te~. These letters

    obtained at considerable expense and give

    to onr paper, which we havedoubt will bo duly appreciated.

    ~f. ~ TLe weather programmeIll]past week has pot varied m.terisliy from that

    11J6]" last-weeE~b~ly it ban aoTbbe~-as co~d. - Oneor two days thu weather ws~qulte warm. ~rassand grain are growing finery.ha bloom in some lo-~ations, and everythii~g willsoon have on the verdant garments e f Spring..

    --l~ir’-Mi~---l]; -C;- M~r ton - has againapencd a Dressmakieg Room, where she will

    keep constantly on hand and tbr sale Patternsof the latest styles from Phib, delphia, New

    - [.York. and Bostnn." +Ladies-wishing to give herall a call will find her ro~m over Mre. I.¯8. Pot-

    :]~t6r’e MiLlinci’y-’Storc. Please notice advcrtis~-

    1~ meat iu anothnr column.

    ~o. requested to aunounde, ?rom the e"terprtslug puhllshelor mnsle, L. - i ..... ~ ---_=~_L~ oct. ~_.eInt~atlL~=~_ba~/e.re."e|ved~-~os. 4and5 of a eollcotion of ~ :I ---"r-_therewith; that our ifHend and oitizen~ Prof. Music for aUvanced:players, containing, as the

    {] .W.. Qfa E a,tliepb-pila-r- h f r drban I--tRIe- hd[ ahi. "Za.a-emede la-Cfe-n7f he T.A:.is E .......wall as nf a~veral othar blatds In thi~".vloin- best of the bes~ In eTery nnmber you get overtwo dollars’ worth of mu~le, and ! n a year yc ..ity, ia to have a benefit ne~-t ’£uesday aveulng,

    ar $30 wl ’ ¯ ., ’eta.

    that it will be impossible ta resist the"tempta-t i/9n__tojgjn in the_d_an~o,The _ 0rohe(Jtrawillalso assist in tko festivxties. The tickets tothe flMI 25 cents. ~’or dance 25 0enta .extra.We hope thn friends of the Prnfe~sor wilt seethat be h’aa a big benefit, for he iteeerves it.i

    ................. [¯

    -- .: ATIdLN~IC C01B’TE-001TRT. -7’143_h_t at lo

    o’clock, with IIon. Bennett Van Syekle presid-

    ing, and Simeon ]Ianthorn, John H. Godfrey,and David S. Blaokman, qtssoc~ate Judvc~."

    There was a full calendar, but manywere postyoned for tht term, among which

    we.ro,..pne 8upremd Court case-7. M ary.S..8!ed-Lman as. Natlmn Matrix, et al. Circuit Cob+t--David S. Blackman and Joseph P. Cake, et al,

    Abraham Win. B. Steelman and

    In the cash of Thomas Clark ,,s. Benjamin

    "tricd without a Jury, by the consent of counsel.

    . Francis Derbyshire es. Frank E, Clark, acase of repTevin; ws+s given to defendant. Wm~-C~L’+6u-dd 6r -’a rid--Re b er L- C:-C o o ~k’~, J oh-fi’--G:-Lingle, was polRpono~t: "

    In the Co~mon PleaaCoort thefollowing/icens’~ea-wer--e granted, and eases brought up or

    _a~pg~al~ nn od LLicenses Granted--Elmer Murphy, Absoeon,

    Issao Smilh, Smithville; We. ]Ioldsk~un,’Brig-.antinc Beach; James Baker,. May’s Landing;Win. Veal; ’do.; Sdmers -R-$teelnign~-Ea-g’li.h-Creek: John Gouldy, Somere’ point; William E

    Brad~oek~ do.; J. F. Cake, Buena Vista Town-"ship; John H¯ Andersen, Lcedd Point.

    Nicholas 13. Gaskil[, appellant..rs. M.B.Peek, appel,ee. Appeal. Jury could .rot ~g:reo.

    Joseph Biddls. appellant, re. Francis Dcr’by-OFF for term,

    ~ To RENT--Two, Three, or more Daniel Waiters. al,pellunt v*. Enoch S. Ris-

    "1:11 Repass, convenient, comfortable and pleasantIcy, npTellee. Off for Term.

    ¯ e+~Imear the Stsliiln, with water, .to. One room isetll well fitted fur a store, with glass fron.’, and a

    good location. Further i,,formation obtained

    A ride through~ome of oursub--nrbao itleeta the ether day revealed to US theJessie," fact teat we have many neat and

    In the Court of Oyer and Terminer," John II.Rheinhardt was tried for assaelt and ba’tery,

    fmmd guilty, and fined $1 and costs. Jolm

    ¯~,a+ilt ~. -

    SOMERIt.~=.t~Leedsvllle, -.on- Sends’y,-thc-

    years. ~r~nt-

    ¯ offices of the County¢ and’wen highly e~teemed


    - New Advertisements.-



    Superior lor all ~primg"Crops.=


    -- -G-R~SS-an-d-CO2~..



    No. 420 Library Street.


    guilty and fined $1, with eo+ts. Charles Li:tle,for petty larceny, was found guilty, and .cotenced t.o SO days in jail. We; Braunbeek was

    -fouod guilty of- selling +liquor on SuKd~dfitted $5 an.’Oosts. The some defoudant w~convicted of selling liquor w’itho..t li:nnse, and

    was fined tbe same nm,,unt, with costs, lleoryllorner was found guilty of po’t~" iarcedy. Sen.

    tenoe suspo~.tded.

    lllI~ H. C. ~oIrroN,

    - -- -l?..oomt~-a¢

    Mrs, I, S. P0tter’s Milliqei’y St0r%~E,.~SVUE AVS~ U~. ,.~,~raO~TO~, ~. J.LADIES’~ ~liIllSalJ# AND cnIt, DREN’S PATTERNS

    Pen I~ALE.

    g andNEATLv DONE


    Address EDWARD’SO~51S,’~bx 49,

    49-tf Upper 01~c% ~lammonton,’N. J

    =M:TLL~ ~T E R’~./!I RS. /..’-~-~OTT IER.

    ORI’NANS’ COURT IIUSINESS. CornerTt,n following oeeouata were ellowod by the Bellevue ’Avenue and Second St.

    thrifty farmers, wllh prospects as good as Jni~ any farming eommunlty. We shall speak par-

    .~.~ tienl-rly of certain plnees, next week, or soon,~ll that are deserving of notice. We. fiud quite a

    number Of new. comers, and more ex’peoted.

    Mr, Banks, from near Pittsfield, Mass., hasti:, perch.se,I the fine’farm of Mr. Ravso_m,.on the

    eoroer ot Ma;n and J’ine roada.__Gan~Bigg,.l~ froa, ~h!eag,,. has purchased the Bcekwith

    ¯ . . i.

    . On and’ after. January 1st, 1874, "



    OLits_equbzahnt. "

    The ~mbli~-will-fint eiradvantage LtO c~ll and-~

    All persons indebted to the subscriber are requested to callr ~e~h-e 10fli-6fY,~.-187~.

    =/P,! S. T. LTON,, _ [



    - n0Km-my erttife stock of xV, inter Clothing.Consistin~__~ of

    - COMEThat want CAn ~_ ~,$k R ~/~ Pt]Sand exam!he for =

    yourselves.P. S.- TILTON.


    &c., dec.

    COME ALL L! .....................

    Look Out For Your Best Interests

    CASH AIf. ....... - .....No. 3 Fay’s Block,.Ha-mmonton,_N. 3. =

    ..... eed,CASR ""~ ~J~L0R00KERY AND WOODEN WARE *

    ¯ " urge _We ha~e been .h,lwn a specimen

    of Petatoes ratsed by James Bvan~.en lllh~1 at.. a new v,riet~ known as th~ "Shaker Fan

    ey.’y they ~.rtamly are good Inokingp-.latoos,il ’ieai,lu and out, an,t aS’ Mr. Evans sp’o~ev~ryt~ htshLv el Ihem, we would recommend our hr.

    mer~ t,* try thole. While speaktag of thlaln

    -t’ordon--R3:on, ns~ignee ot Jesse Adams, adehu~r.

    ltnohel S, and I,orenso S. B.ve, executors ofJo.,eph Bya. dceoa~ed.

    ¯ ]dizabeth English+ ~.dm,ni~tratrix of PeterEnKLish. "

    Louisa t’razter, guardian of Louisa Frazler,min,,r; Luuiea Frasier, I.’uatoian of Lewis 11

    di,~[,,mNtele at,isle ,,f food we wouhl call the b’rasl.r, a mhtor.

    [IuUel,ti,,e uf t,ar rtaderl 1o the fact thai, whim lluhnes A. bieore, guardian o. Joseph F. Da-polo hn’, Ilavo r,.th.d h,(lly everywhere else, ,nr v[-, a mhlor.

    U:iilllUlllOfl¢on Peach Itiows, I)olh varieties, hate The f~)llowing s~,ler of land wore confirmed

    W rata.,,, d st,ulnl, wlli¢ n,) rotting amuog lheot, Iq.tnu,¯l L. 8nlith, adminl~ttalot uf Itichsrd~¢ eu,I ~lllbring a higher pr,ee in t e market Smhh, deo’d.W tit,,O a.y utht r pol toes off, re,I. Tbis may h} ~qalnaul P. Bukrr. edmlnlstrater of Entmhh laid ol OIIle? vl, rlt, tlte rub. d hele ulso, Th*,ru Steelatau, den’d.a is a ,lullol,ms Ihtr.r and a mealy a ppeer+mee in John T, Lal~v~ admitlistrah,r efEtraAJ;al~e,

    uur i,.tttoae thai IS suhh~m fotmd. Thay ducua~ed.the t aleJh,I I,r,t,.u td ~trangere. Th.y grew Wah Moor% t|e..gc Wheat,In, andlJohn C.We l WhUh pr ,I,erly I,I,Hlled, and tl, kell caru of. Ahbult. tJ~,ltllllt~l~ll~llurll Ol tile Istate nf Jahn P.

    l,re~ent prleel ene nf the m It larch Wulkur, deo’d.

    il:,,#" The Arl, l,ttco,t l’~xh,hitio. ¢,,

    t~,’rd wsday t.’,¢e,H’~g dhl ii,.I |all ,it rile [tartleo.

    I~ lal. ,,;*,w fllt~ .l++nl[ald wt~ Saee It ’est Wel,k

    It ~t-d,’el,h’t|l.Y I u’li,l~t ttlieg et Ill~J khmwe ,it’t evt, r wl[llt, es,Jtl, i’he rellr~stlOlatta,llSwl i, ili41|o lisl, [he

    I~’lv, it I,O.=,bl,~ Tile"aut, liKut and me+ndlglttnp ~, Ilto .IrtlulS aad w.lla ul Iho bnlhihlgs,~u,o ,Is na[llhtl em hie. , ht~ et,loril,g el S(ILnuIt{ thtl li~hlt+ WaS ,,I Ihe Itt’htl.t ,h~,ertl,tiea’’t’h... who did hot allelH| It Inl~stHI a rare treat.Tl,,,eo wh,, ,It,I, I.ui,d ¢o,,sgh tO Ihlilk uf ft,r a

    I h,L,g tic, e, and wet. dt’li,~hh,~l, W. uIe’ pIcmdto u, ,+ ha,, +~.t ,Xlr, !’:. ~.r,!u...,al,! t!t. h,,y.

    l,,~.,,iv deserved e.ml,liu.e, t. llu .ahl i+e hadnr’. ’ doU bettur -rd~r among buys, hi all LheI+,S;lllllll,d’lS he Ilad glvt/e, Mnd IhMiiklld theulI..t I .

    +,+a" ’+Cover thcot .vet wllh ll,,autttul}’l,,~ors," by Sluw.rt, ts ¯ ~Nuw Quarlalte lurI)l" ,,,~llull D~. A’.e ll~ntlla’ Ill embrae,d iuIh, ,.,obr+dh,,l lJ a’b~au,tlul ouu. and Iheqa,ltut,~ t,a.t.d I. an, Ion+l), hutb ht wurtha¢.l m,t,i,~, w.ddad lu Ihe oe0aslon, Kvar)h,aiy~l,,+,ut’~d the br.tw h,,ye, end churl.ires lhetnt,.,t.y ’,1 .at fallen It,+tt,e,+, will want.lo hearlilt+ .t’l*~, ell,i ,t+ It is n,,w llt hail reht, arlal

    I;t’l.~ or tnd ,hL)’ Ii l, tlUttfuti ...h~e%er tbt, nl UpWlt[I It~aUtl. Ol i"lt, wvr." w i’ buaulUu rery p.I+

    Ola,, l+ ¢,¢. t,. h,A mt etl .Masie Hh,ral I¯,+r 30It’lll’+ Ul lli[[ lit+ Ill’ileal I,,r .hal amount h~ Ihai,u,,i+hult+ l, ev j’ P+~.lltvI, Phlledt, Iphla, ~e

    Ilye. guardian ~+¢ l’lus.a¢it M B3e and Juse.i,Ilhta I|yo, miners.


    TtlK ]|[.rt,nhlt~: ’rids ntagaslne forApril tatlllW hefure an. aud In¯ rariety uf mat+st and th,~aid ily with whh’h Ilte h.I)lee aro’lrested is fullytip tO the ~{al Pa~d i)1~ t*~Pel PIil’n wo have euluillVlldvd In f,,rlllOr nuln II’[N. The apl+olhhs re,Ill,+ prt, aenl iltllnhl, r e(UltStnS Ihe ab I, Sl)t*eP IO~of II.n Me.~r., McCrery ,,f 1owu+ and t]eo, l".Ih,ar, .f .~le~e,,r.hn++vtls+ on |he trunlporlall,,nqu,.,thm, and th.I of Ih,. N, P Chil~m n. , ftile Di.trlet 4 t!ohtlnh e~ giving many Inlare.t.lt~g historh, al [’ell rrlatlng tu i)lstrlct afialrs, ~llllHIg tile IiiIl~ly arllvlu, ol h|lerest hi tltoInag.,=i,,e prap,,r ere tht,.e eulltled, The ~laloIt.lmtlultn~l, I,.llvhluel Patr,,+l[.m, Ilas Ih,,tt,,¥t+rnlll¢ln| Ile~leclod the Fatm.rs ? ~nulhurnW.r Ulam~+, The P.Ilth’al 8int..tl.,n~ I’ennaItullrot,I It.p,,rt, lodlaa thdloy, &o,

    Thin peblleati.n Is Ire v,,lu,hleto I,a nng),,eu+d by .a,y t,¢,rsan .Iv.lrlng rellahle Informa.II,In un ally lutp,+rtant poblle IoldU,

    I’uhll.hml at WeMthtgtan, D. C,+ at 12,(}S i~eryear,

    That s~ mrh Qlar,erly, ’qqmlflt’e illuslr~ledPatLt, rn Ih, tn~r,’ b.s bratt re,,dved, attd it IsI,l,rlllH, hlg how S,,~IUU h sen ho famished G,r.ullllh,+ nit vthlv, II Is a Jaerca af fashloos0 hute,,elllhlS all iAIitln~al, eO i1| iiIhar moil IIX,Itll eattut,liog. Sah,+vrl,,+hm $1 ayear, with prafnseofl.rs o’ premhtta~ fur Ib,,so whe luh.{~rlM andh,,.e wh,, g~t lip ,dubs. rlnaiag from $I Io

    p,ltll+rn., h) ~IU0 in a,,hl, Im, lud ng chromol.h,,.ka aed jew,qry. H.od fura semple. A.Iluldelte .qmith, 914 llroadwsy, New York.

    h,,~,,.l’.ruu’qvud ¯ lhlt pLteuf mu,ie [ram The ~;at nunthcr of ArtAur’s M0,,v~s/.ebas,t+,+ . ,,.. p,,i,ul,+r i,ubli.ht~r., "l’he : lerellt’a ’ put I,I .It n~trlv apt,n.,rahoe, snd I. ee ovar, full,+. ,,, ’ /hit h,lh I ehauhl ,t t,aee secur,0 Ihl., ,,I e v¯tiulv uf ulatul illd highly lelerleh, lnr

    ...... , ,I iI I,, tr,,+t, al,v,~dy ralutblo cull elh,ar,+a,lie~l, I",,r a uni,+Sl.al I.n, lly favurl e. wer,.P.,,.,,,..,I lul% Iw,..,,.. II I. tr,dy a llnusn.

    v, , m. ,~. k,J~ #.,.,,,,~,a. $...0 ,L,I~,~L,

    Work nicely and cxpediti,nisly finished. 40 "................................ i

    DR. :lB. 0 STOOlgltq’G.DENTIST,

    lOal9-]y IIAM>IOMTON,. N. J.

    Barber Shop!The attderaigned has opened a Barber Shop nn

    Bellevue Ave.and Isprepared to Cut Ilair. Shampoo, Shave,¯ to., In the best manner.

    A (.’lean ?btvd to l’]v,~ry ManlOpen every day, On~qunday front 7 tol01nthe morning.

    JOSEPll COAST.l[ammonton. May, ’72. 15 tf


    an{- oes.

    One PriCe Only !

    [ du nul Prol)cse tll pnff Iny owut (|oods. Thoqt;+.l.ll’Y or lilt{ wull-klluWu vorlely t keepHI.IS! ~kl l TIIFM ’I ,"’, ’ ,, ... ’ht (hmtle are OPEN

    +°,o,,"’+w,,,," ,,’°,,,, ,,+ ,. I’:’ ,, G r o-e-eri+-s-a-n-d .P rov i s i onto


    ANDERSON BROS. wotfld, respectfitlly invite the atLention)[ thc publ’ic to their Stock ot

    Staple" and Faney

    1And :Z o’tions, ....


    Carpet Weaver,~.f,~,i,~ 1{on.d,

    NF, A]L OLD IIAMMONTONCll~ltOl|l ]Work i)r.mptly attended to.

    @ J. W00LEY, @DRAl, l~lt IN

    Wltlehell. ITIo¢lkll dl~ Jewelry,.all ktudl, hi hie itlte, don~ with

    ne&lnesl nud dispatch. 14atlefaeflan [|yen andprices a. reasonable as at any nthor pl~u~e..

    ¯ ~p~e;al art.milan 91t’e. t~ r~pal’¢~’~ ~"l’mSIt’A T(?IIES’, Aist), demur In

    BOOKS & ,.~TA270NERYall kLnda,

    TOY~, NOTIONS, FAI~CY ARTICLI~8,llO~[KltY. CLOVES0 ~e.. at his.

    OLI) I~TAN I),

    tl~lt"t~ I+| ai~ ~ ~i|].tr,~ ~’ilh

    ¯ BOOTS AND SHOES:F’T-OT_TI=t.Call aud examine our Goods before pnrchas;ng elsowhere~

    ~" VEGETABLES ill 8euon.d~l~lO.A.S;~-~ i~aiq for :Ec,~s and ~hioken~.


  • . /,.

    ;t ¯- , ’ ’ . . ~ t. . ] + ,..~ - " ’ .......... t " " : .... ~ ..... "+ =.- t . -

    ¯. . bon~-i- ltay; " ............. ~-----=- .................. ;,:/- ;=,r ,~: ̄ i,:-. : .... .~.. ¯TffE ATLANTIC ICEBERGS, Farm, Gar~len and Household, ¯: remove the ve~m+ ! Scurvy on Cattle

    ..... ’ =.=~_ -v:. ’ ’ " A Contributor to." . i. -. ". " .i -:: .-=- .... ~--±--~ ~~-:~4~:--: --, -c..a~-.b.e~-suo~b’fnil _y~’eated-bytho~kl~-~=~£ Mtew!ldered.’Cong~eg~tlon aetilti~ht ourlittla hayof hay A Clew to lhe Late Oee~,~ Weather. DomesUcReetpeso ,. :. p~ea~zon ox: zresh :hogs lard: to thel

    ......... by the El,letdaiton of a *Parable. ’;.-. fcat cube, or thereabouts--I find Cons D~op CA~S.---Mix: .corn.meal aneotea parts, previously washed eleaxznew milk until with soap and watar.~r. Seward was°a sort of standing -medl- herbage ef the par Of the meadow it came ...... :

    ’- ator_ofchuichdifllculties=in, th!s_ceintry_;. =from,+andthe-clrcumstanees of ilagather- sceTit of ice think-battel:+~ ~- --’. BI ~lllrl~ L~__. ~:¯ . ’ ’ contending pexLles in those dlspul .~s and in tile regular inverted sequence of thc Afrotio Ocean. ],argo fields of ice were once,¯ and .bake for. thirty . .It i~ a wellknown fact that harde~ ’i +

    troubles’: ,which destroy harmony, and ’harvest, The loads that¯ were perfect- repoited, from St. John’s, sailing off minutes.. . " ¯ : ¯ - and other leather exposed to the action¯ ’ . brotherly loye In churches would often aa account of themselves in towards the’ Grand Banks of Newfound. FItw~ eli ¯Bo~ E(to~l~a~rz.--Par. of ammonia in’ sl;ables~ soon become#

    mutually seek hls mqdiation and such was s mere aromatic sweetnes. Tho~o.that were land. -The Cu~and steamship: Calabria ; curt/ire slices an( . and ~zotten,’--even though often .i: ..... ...... tl~eir ’cen/idenco id him that each p-arty

    stored̄ with a:rl.~ky excess of m01stnre tell quantities of’ice, latitu~ and salt oleanea ann greased. Prof. Azthurree-7-~ " would accept his advice and settle appar- .the tale in volume~ of fine musty dust, es- longitude 50 ommends:the addition of_a’smalLquailL. :’=:-" - 7 ently-ixreconcltable=quarrcls and difficuL ’ in the middle of the mow. ~The

    the~oil-=nsed ~i~: ;+:~

    ~- : " = of an S in one of these church become verf the stoamshi’ milk, one largo teacup , one tea- ~ -. ’ ..¯ difficulties a The sugary gums and enta~ of-- salt, one teaspoonful of. threatened the d belonginl~ to hay ia its best¯ and her engitles .The Iother In Heaven..: ..

    chlrch In a towll¯ and tendi~ " the weight an~ and flour enough to form a ¯seems to have been lOWS to many seamen Mix the lard-and flour-by rub- T~ turning over semi old papsrs +in a

    ,pold ]fie- then add the other ’ attic some time since,and that partsof some Clintock found

    them Greenland, afterwards to b0 dislodged -’ the +author accom-

    -and precipitated toward the intO-Atlas- --~o~Pn~s~nvx CRa~;Ain~r~s_--To 1 lb;::....... time he.arrived at a that, if I had taken the tic. In that accumulation

    L members of the church., holes from the bottom Ul as The unusual apples and the sirup; let from sothem boil till a straw will puns- ~ured to .copy them and send them to

    - - ~f a fm-m in anotherpart of the country, hay was being of the .been potential, avon i~ theeehi them ai " .: ’which was occupied by a tenant, to whom richer and more appetlzin_~ portions of the tudes, in unloosing them on the swift into pots, and cover well¯ - ..... - he wrote at the time hc ~s. about to mail fodder might hare been l~reventcd. ’ Polar currents, whl’ch,sweepinlz through Cooxe~ ~471~lT -.TT.~smlv.--Cut, md give them a= _ _ =~:: ~ his decision in the case of the church. In A partial remedy in tl{e use of such hay Davis Strait and along the Lab~rsdor about 1 lb.; into thin slices, to_ paper : "the heart is oppressed with¯ .: directing.the letters, the one intended forl is to~prink!e ~arh foddering with water " Is" with or underrun add 1 teaspoonful of flour, I t of

    ........ th~chn~chwss:direetcd~to:thc-tCfi~t,-_Whilc sevcral_hours_bcfoi’e:itis~wantcd~ApaiL anxious eares, i:-when--the-worl~¯ cold and drear,.whenblaok d/sappointg--.the one intended for the tenantwas- sent to tbr ten or twelve animals: i It ¯ ~trc/~in. ¯ ’ V over an ments hang heavy Pound our neeks,a~dtheproperChUrch.0fficer,: ItandWasthe membersdUly rcceivedof thebYcon-themayiS befine’mlngledWhateVerwith "prOthe fiay,VenderlayeriS The early and apparently excessive ~ h~s simmered- we hunl ~r after ~love that seems ever

    lay~r_-=-~Ad~oze_~iolz~th~o~, precipitation of these islands into the it is ~ ve_.__~...~_____~ ~ ,~w] dthe rdu-om "~’61ilh"til-~-f6~Seward, which was to heal all diMcul- the water pot. Thi~ without a slop up- "~Tail’b’r:l~’~e-nre-g~n of.-t-he-w--~TnAflantie Pn~_r~ PeW -OAK~.--Beat one pound succor ? To that mother in heaveli who

    t{~sion~, a clew to of butter in .After eallln to order ture heavier than wiltered

    .... tlfe Ltle the dust~ and de- in which so man, in. nine¯ whole ~ until selves no longer needbTl to partake¯ in

    in my h,+ndi" he, "a be capable of ~m loeuergs which penetrate the warm- fine lemon peel, then work in a pound .o share in their sorrows ; "am about toopen and read to this a~sembly, provement isas obvious as th:,t water belt easter Cape Horn aresaid to and a quarter of flour ; put it into the- #hen cold du~Ltak~s~the_pla0e_df_the____-which is, I hav~no:doubt, the olive branch in stale by cause the violent h~rieanes of the

    ¯ to this church and congregation. It comes dampening by the weather that makes immense ice masses, with their wide- FA~ Inm~ ST~w.--Tako 2 ing, to whom do we cast our eyes up-wards, "thinking, oh, were M/s here,Ibs. of neck of mutton, divide into 10 Whom Skould we find ever at our side ? ’¯ from one:who,~thougha-f~yer,-loves-the+, , rough andmusty fodder, .thrown from the" spreading boreal infiuenco, to thesouth-

    pieces, and place them in a pan. CutLord an~ is a peacemaker. Then, break- stack, mere acceptable t0 cattle, sometimes east of Newfoundland, would undoubt-8 large potatoes and 4 onions into slices, Ouy mother in heaven, ¯ -ing open Mr. Seward’s letter, he read the than the best dry hay would beY

    oll in " " edly cause rapid and excessive conden- and ssason the whole to suit. Cover ’~Whenthose wolovehavegonoastray,off thatew old, g : dangerousY°U will blacktake particularbull who oftenCare


    ~.. sutton of vapor, .and hence a rapid fallOver with water, and cook over a slow aria language fails ~o express the bitter

    attacks the people when not aware of his of the barometer and the invariably fire in ~in oven for two hours. Theu sh.ame ; when thelittls feet: Whee-6~t.--presence, and sometimes l~]ueges_atthcm-~ddo, as~a cityof palace ~ndt~ mplcs consequent tempest. The. same chill- stir np ’v~ll and serve in deep dishes, wshave upheld, orwatehed ¯-ope~-an--d-~OVfn-d~t-c~areidlly see to the conlains nothing rem~’~-k~51e~f, e- -ing- agency- woald--also_explndn_the. More we ~e ~-’ ’i giVe--morebroth,4f-re- firmer strides of’ andregair of the ’fences, that they are built appearance of grandeur and n furious snow storms which were re-high, and a’so see that the water in the in its buildings, but.yet forming ported by several of. the disabled yes- quired. - " . "

    -sels+~pring-is-al~vays kept-purcP : : Pnowl..l~ heedless of_

    There was a mystery about this adT!ce well wooded yell McOlintock describes one of these ’ C. ~ Fanginroth, of Madison coun- turn,that greatly puzzled the whole assembly, calitles, which i’ealiz- frozen monsters two hundred and fifty ty, N. Y., after six years’ trial recom- ’ heads on the bosom that everan.

    - ¯ wh~for-a--long~time~sat-~-in-profound in--Tact tt in, sin= _feet~n-!g-~ ~h~c~-:~S~groil~d in five :mends all rolling on fiatgrouffc~[-to--bs d -our cry-for-eympathy?--Thu ~--¯ sih.nce;:-The-Modemtor stood like-One.b~- ing-~dm ~ two-c Of peoI~le.-, hundred fdet.of :water in Bafl]n Bay~and plowed in; large lands of at least ten ~other in heaven.wild’ered. Presently, however, he rec~veted-~Vnile-- cvc~£ on the neighboring ships, we know,̄have passed hundreds acres, beginning in the centre and turn. "When yearn have passed, and we are

    left alone, children gone, some separa.himself to say: : contLment of C S~cm~ to be out of re- of smaller ones on the trans-Atlantio ing all th~ furrows towards that line. ted by seas-or mountains, others by the"Brethren, I--I--dealt exaefly~that is pair and falling into decay, here in Japan voyage. To melt a single one of them In:this way the troublesome dead fur-to say, I--Ican_ hardlysee how this up- iiugweaxs tile air of neatness and an inconceivableamount~~t :row in the centre is distance of coldnessor forget-

    .... be drawn from the surrounding air and on, at to us with the loving tones we vainly ¯season of prayer over it and ask the Lord me ~ts around the and ocean and.their temperature be cease- instead of beinforinstmction-" .... ¯ the officialquartem of’ the feudalquentlyreduced.. . . is tl~rewil away

    long to hear once more? The dear: ~c~ordingly h ~ ~ nine miles of c!ear mother in heaven. ...... "

    ¯ ~ra-l~ 2 ~ ~ ~ members for- water fed by ~mo~e- the field aad ~ ditch left "Is not the wish wrung from us,.that" wntly .~tddresscd the Throne of Grace. edge with beautiful coppices of cedar, cy- ment. of unusually large numbers of+ all land deep except verysand ~ag’ain~@e’~w-er~’liildfen~t~b~:~

    When the people resumed their seats, one press, and the cD’ptoncria:japonicaof Eu- these ice mountains into the North At- clasped iu that warm embrace? Do notof the oldest, ~most esteemed and pious of ropean botanists, form a succession of lantin double skill and vigila~uee are de- sat dy subsoils. Some farms failthechurch arose¯:. : -. : gardenscenesrivahlrgLh~:p~ks-oELondon’a_._mandedpfthe~teamship-c~pt-~ius. -No sullsoilin~eep at firsti:tt ~.[ the bitter~te-ar~qo-me~.e--rememah~~--:-

    -" ’-~rll~-~id li6,~"nothiEgc-emcx- ’"~(end," and render Yeddo one of doubt the equinoctial gales that have .int~o mucLl-ne-wsoil. He we hbwniimindful we were of the rich .¯ ceed the wisdom of Mr. Scward’s decision, the. most piCturesque cities in the w+$i’ld, now set in, andth’e early approach Of sulisoil only a few ineh~s the fll~t~_ j

    motherly biessi ~gs while we had them ?’ " " Ihave no doubtthe Lord directed’him The roads are broad¯ the street~ clean, the s~ring, will occ~siongreat dislodge- an, tletth-o-lo-o-s~~ ~ ~ ~f - - vo~m~ e -----=for you in your joys or your sorrows,when he wrofe .it, for It is just what we people orderly, cxtrenle destitution.seldom ments of .thd glaeier~ .on the Arctic bottom of.the furrow instead of bring- remember’, however -your .hearts may

    need, and I know itwiil restore peace and meet~ the eye, and the f0rcc ef law seems Coasts, and render unwearied caution ing it up to the Surface. But he is a change, their’s never do ;’ the mother’s .harmony among us: Look at- its great everywhere to prevent unseemly suectac!es on tile Atlantic necessary, not only ~ great advocate for Underdrsiniug. ’ He

    : . . wisdom; Thedireetioe io-keepthefcnces of quarreling and fights Powcrlu’l in their reasonof collision with ice, but also ~ ~sfrom~20tor$100 are expendedin hea~t is the one thing that n~vergrowsin rel~air is to admonlsh us to take good own material resources, and pcas iss;nl reason of the tempestuous .weather t ~ per acre" in’ lnderdraining,

    old. Amid the traits that must be oar’¯. . .. heed in the Mmissi~n and government of within their own territory every pf ~duc ice serves to breed. ¯ .. . proved ’productiveness well

    portion in.thisworld, a good Being.has¯ . . sent to all one blosslng--oUa 10ve ~urerthis chqrch. We must see to it that only tion neces,ary for subsistence and the corn Statisti~

    wheat has been=--- ........ : ...... ~-lnto- . . . to-keep-the rulers-of:-Japan deem them,elve~lnder)c .......... ; Flgeon;Engl|sh~ . ing from 12 bush- with anguish and remorse, do not have..... eprmgopenana pure means tbat we must dent of all imports fn,m abroad, and"An rn’mnslng page inMr. Simpson’s els t0 26 bushels to theapre. ¯

    to say, itisour motherin heaven/’-¯ " not l~t Our faith, cur love in God and our their apprehens:ou of political dangcl " - . 1:]xchangc.. . . . ....love Ibr each other get cold aad clo~-~ed, rigorously ex~inde forclgners from travers, book of travel in China, is that in which Pleasant Whtlewauh~ . .... -

    - and cur daily walk and cosvcrmitionT"~or’- ing the. length and breadth of their lands, he gives a specimen of pigeon-English The season of the year has returned , Does Not Intend to Bolld; " ’¯ " rpptod by the weak and beggarly elements The misconduct of unprinclpled men Is --a language whi¢.b.aecordinl~ to him, .whon’the inquiries for good whitewash’ ofthe worl4..Andwamust, ina psnteu, thegreat danger at the coalmcnCementofis spreadingwith" great.rapldity i and areraised. We give the follo~ving as Gen. Sherman has r0centlywritten a¯ lar manner, set a watchflllguard ever the our internathmal intercourse, autl large possibly:destined to establishi’tself per- ¯excellent : Take half a bushel of excel- letter to the.agen~ -of a firni who had¯ ¯ devil--the old, dangerou~ black bull, who powers mudt b_¢_ 1edged in the official i’ep- manentty as a means of communication lentburned lime:i slake it with boiling applied to him for the o0ntraot topl~ee.often.attacks us when we’~i~"iiot aware.of rcsentatives.of Gr, at BrilMu, to check the even betwTeen natives who speak mutu- water ; cover it during the process, to lightning-rods upon the fine mansionwatch, it was rumored, he intended to

    his prcsence, and who, with his long hems, : reckless dishonesty and vi’olenci of someofally unintelligible dialects. At present keep ill.the steam. Strain the liquid build "u~n iOrange Mountain, New¯ . ’ plunges at us opecly, and who has made the traxlom who axe now flocking to Japau. it can hardly~be called graceful. The through a fine sieve and iidd to it soveamany savage plungc~ at this church in par- --Eagh’eh Paper. fragments which wd give are takes fromticular." . " " ’ ~-- a translation/of ’¢Excelsior.". We will pounds of salt previously welldissolved Jersey, in which he says :"II you find the llouse I am eroetlngm warm water, three pounds of groundon Orange Momltain, plee~o put any

    ¯ These remarksopcned the eyes of all the A Lonesome I’Jaee. " onl add that the phrase " Mow" is rice boiled to a thin paste and stirredquantity of ligktning-rods, to attract

    peopla present to the wisdom cod eellght- The life of the keepers of the Fatal- eai~to untranslatable ; but t~lat it has ill boiling hot, one-Ilalf pound of pow-cnc,l piety of Mr. I:teward’s declsh;n. It" " the lightning of heaven to demolish it.lon light, on the California coast, ia the effect of converting topside into dered Spanish whiting, and one pound Idon’t care whether the rods be round,was ummlmously resolved to abide by it,

    singularly Ion-ely altd monotonous, an exclamation nearly eqnivaient to of clean ghle; which has been previous-and- peace,, good will and pro..perlty re-¯ s~re.~ to the.church, hrothcrly Iovetook Their hous~ is built somewhat under "exeelslor." Hera is a verse or two ; ly dissolved bysoaking it well, and then square or twisted. Anything to stop

    me peace of flatted, and piety Increased. the slleltor of the reeks, bnt they live the whole poem in givenin Mr. Simp- hanging it over a slow fire, in a ¯mall this nonsense. Architects, landscapegardeners, builders, &e., keep writingNearly forty years liars passed away dncc in what to a landsman wouhl seem a son’s pages. "Maskoy" means "not- kettle within a large one filled with wa-to me about this .house, when, in factlthis remarkable ~lcctslonwas recelved by perpetual storm; the ocean roars in withstanding"--’ . ¯ " ter. Add five gidlons of hot water tothat churcll. Its organization ll~iS been con- their ears day and nigiit ; the boom of

    ~~mcw’li’ll==~. the surf is their constant and only Thatmlghtytimobeginchopclmp,the Stl~ritweil, anilletitstand it is as muoh ac I van do remake ends

    - ln~e~pn~sperlty. - .... ;’---tG ~ [" ~ ma- " "O~u~tl-i~"~ll

  • ¯ The recent test of Rre’Proof Safesbythe English Covernment prey’act~he su’pefioi’it7 of Plum Filling J3oother ~afes fills d with

    Alum ami P]asfiu"of-PaH.%

    2~5 Bix)adway, B, Y.-. --721 Che~tn::t ~.?,, Philo.


    ,uzd for one und three rear term Whet desired

    :,y. are i)ut ono.hslf as i rue ap other 31utu~l~:ompaoi s iu thl. Distrlets while the Cash .Way-moat.i~ the ratine... . . . - . . , ,

    wili bo insured at the:very ioweet rates.

    ¯ . . . ¯ . ..[

    " The "

    keep.constantlyōn ¯hand a,

    sort-meet of. goods in :their lies,

    Usually: called for in- acountrY H~rdwar9 or

    Furniture-S..... :: ..... ::We

    hereafter to

    the 1


    ~7:~: , .$1191Asbiand.i........;... 8 0! 1471

    " ":"-/: , ........ ; ......" WhlteHOtte.L: ..... 8]I :SfiSI, -84t ’--e-o~

    9,2le~9 ~Z 9 891

    ---- Hammonton i0 1~ t~filtnd a~olning the land of t’~e~ ii(~ .... DaCosto.~ ............. [02~ fisIII~lwood: ............... io.47l0 081.nammonton,.Crmnberr~. and . .Egg ]lather ...... ." LLi4 10 141

    Pom0~a.’ ............ . :188 I0=91

    aitd to enable us to sdO’ so,we mvst sell for ready ,pab~Thankful for. past favors,

    :25111’; ~ 05’441i2 829

    we solicit a eontinu-¯ ¯ance of the same

    ¯ ¯ :liberal patron,age that

    !~ :we h ay6had iff the pest.ill;. D. &J. W. DoPuy.

    Jam 3, i87~. 5l.tf


    ..... DevOte-d=:t0-:%he Interests of Ha t monton.

    VOL HL--NO. 1.5. ’ ItAMMONTON,-N, J,,SAT.URDAY_, APRIL 25, 187.4 - ~9; ] 0 { } .... :

    i’mmtM¯ Own !k..:~, sPOndent;o, - , .... ¯ ,¯ . . ..~- ¯ Pmf

    An interesting in~urteee eaee .|~ I~outto be tried in the United 8t¯tes Oizeeit

    -Cbe~t o f- t-I~m--T ~q~. w--~t~l~-es the

    ¯ " ¯ ," 9 - ,8pn,g 01’1873. the,l~ly, of Monroe 8ny-

    ~my.~ ot vioi0.ee upgp |t~’. The verdLet of

    from the effu,doe ef blood, upon the belie1mused by!injuriefi re0eived :at the h¯udsof some ;,erson or ~enous unknon. : Helind bi~life lU~ured in the Mutund Life1usuraeee Compauy ot NetWork. for theamount already named.. ~ them ,~msto be eome doubt in the minds ot the im#urau~ ̄gents t.~ to the ezact:m¯naer iuwhieh 8uyder came to him deatl~, t t isexpected that the tuitwill be w¯rmly eou-tested. .

    ’ , B£MOVAL.-At_it i n ~0:~ |~lutLg¢~l |ilY.that tbt~e-wbo control the trade OfJuum slipping, uteditate the removtl of

    port,_-_.-.~reeuwtoh Poiut, Oibeon’s Polut. P-lot

    The stand ̄ ira of the rentov¯i is,¯ ure greater eeooomyiu ex,,euso~ of shii~-meut, but, it i~ ~ai.t, the mofi~ direcleaase

    taut demsn-dsof the l¯b0rers wh~ h¯udlethe bat2ei~ ̄ t the sh;pping poiute." Sueh¯ measure wo.ldbo damaging to our cityiuteresta, and it is hoped ~me sue~=ffulmep~msy i~ t~keu to p~voilt its beingoarried into execution. ’ ’."

    ¯ RI~ONABLg REQUE.W~.¯ "&t a meed.g of the Be=i’d O! Edu~-lion on Wednemisy. a eommunimtion w¯s

    #~tere, ttstidg that Jewlsh ehildr,m¯ trend the schools, tre_t.requQntl~ ̄b~enton ac.onut of their reiigious observanee el

    tai:~ da~: s, aud. when ,l~e.nt, are niark-in su0b ̄ m¯nnprasto ]o~eth¢ir si¯od-

    i¯~. This rractJoe, they ¯@the teaohereto di~2outiu.te.

    RKADY TO RK(]EIwP. "1 & tnoeti.g 0t the B~.ard of I)ireotore elth¯L noble charity, the Frau kliu Relort.o¯ tory [l~mo, Ioeuted ̄t 91~ L tou~ street,was held a f~w nveninga stt,oe, ¯rid ol~-¢,:rs, rtanding o~mmitte0e e,td emptoye~were eleeted |or the your. The lnorenmedtscilitiosof tire Home, it. is snnounoed,¯ re now such a. toe.eblo tile I)ireotors te’soiioi! epp]iestion~ tt~r admit~ion.

    BgOINNINO WOntr .The first sotusl step ¢ow=rds tho eras-

    -Imade abottt the ~y.the temporary Iratne t,flices Ioreomnmdstior, el the architect

    ’~enrs are be!.,g oreo!ed,,~. B!~ta3ont ~lOd:.~{’111 ̄re]rues

    : Sui! itsv.,~ beam ou,.ntenee~l by CityMuhn, tor (~,t,1;ts, sgainst so~e of our P/l~-a ,.~,.r ltailw~y :3outpaniee,/or pegleot[ngt t rel,atr roads ~mOd by them. they baeu

    a-reed t~ gtt tO work uttd db tht!irduty in{htS r~e|!t, eh

    ABOUT TOWN. .A lane tamp,toner me~tln~ wtfi held

    a~ II,,rt,oultur¯l’llfill;’ei, Tuekdsy eve.

    ni.x Max. Whllldiil, ’E~i,; v’reslded,l=n,I snrrv,g sd,lre~ee were muds by Item.’A. A. Wtllh.. [$eog~tr.. Tiptvn~ ef Ne-

    ~,,d Re:’, Dr, Wylie,’o~itl,to to le#bs roluuR IQ build-

    Wa’lttut ~treet, lot the U.~0 ol~:’t|~’ (h,,trl, has |)Oetl ̄groed tt,~.,n,| ,no o. Cil$ l’rol~:r,y.170 ,,t Ih. Ol)flhttiveu at I ho Koy-,.,d ~t,’ul Works oi Henry Dis~

    ¯ It,,, & ~,,,.e. u,,. "ut .n ¯ mtrik,,, beoau~.,in,re *,1 t e,, , un,l,vr he, beeti ,h~chsrgcd.;Ly I ltu fir,,, I tV h.t ,tell ?

    . On W, d.e.u,o tat thn ha&ms¯ufaotoryi,IJ. [I. F ,,"", st-0.,,’t.,raer ,,! d~o,,d;e~d lt.,ne .tt,, t., Ilu,,J,t,,,iu i.rx¯u, eu..I,lu)’~,t~ In 1he e, tabli~itulunt, shut Win.WIIkit,~,,t,~. e.h,rt,d mao ~bo soled Inthe e.i,.t,,ity ul potler. ~0 ¢o’,~ is al,-[mlt:~d for the ,,,urderttu. ~..ulL Thewuuttd is likely to t*l’U.~ llttsl, aud [rqtsu

    iu ppsl,n.& hu,,d.ot.e C,,ulentdal’tase st bronco

    Itam bet,. id.oed at ’[’wcilth and 8i,ring~trects by ltub.rt Wood &.Uo.--

    The ami~tmt red ised,thtm ~tr l~y ’the sale ~’-n~ the oorperate pewersof Arch, street Th~tre tieket~ for the Rkllrod or Turnpike ~atp~y, ons fifth of s -"

    --~hler l.unt..former|i eon.~with ¯uthot.i~. ",. ̄ to.uSO, thoroughly free fromcolor and

    : ]rer~raupplsmentth_er*to(sxoeptb,’Tsrin smell, tfyou sre umngoommLon¯kerosene do nOt : .the IewX’¢rk:Ora~,ahdthe’fi;"i~=- sre=,o of.pp-;), ~. .expose ’, ]1fete:the chance of an expiOsionone !tot 0Ltheir_lmll®n exhibi!iou- " Oomp~nie~) half . .:

    .................... [L:L: I72C N T..... " ] R : :" ""’ ]’=" t m’~ ] (*XO~ t for] iu ~’ ’ L ] -- ~’ ] :=t ,o ..... or -1D=I J . I - ........of-Ri4ge ezten4tlm’corpornte~ower=ofanywsterpuw- whl~I Is ssf~

    ’o~idttll ehtlsntee. Thotl.. 4tdpl’and t h~asatldn O~’r= tit lot’ the later t~n leartt.at,sd__tnst4et atll

    ou each strett. ~Pho Pennei

    . $25. ¯ , e~re,lssletltaeem ....

    ~st ¯ud iostutnoe Oompa.0~ Ev y a@t to" iaeorporst~, eh~ter.’r0new or "t ll~m beau borniu~, no ,~=lS. onemt igECO~I-_

    extend the eorpornte pew.ers of~mv Steamboat, MilRNBIgD--IFII( -KI.I~L--’fI[Ib’~N N~l [. ~q~Ch~S.ll-

    PANig.q.. Put np in b,trra~ ,S or pate,ts v’~tue,.V;.tessznl,: s’.ns do~igm- ~’ifieme¯ time~ oommenoe~the:ereetion of ¯ Feny, Exprs.s; Brtdgecpl.t"k Rog~ M~muf~- ~@ expre~ely for |ml~i|-~sl4ti,-bl-ttt,~ D~v~so .~htatull~eturiteg (:st :NeWaimiltr buildiug6u the two edjoiniug lot&. turiugorM;uingCompam.hla(g York. For .=aleby den.tars. " , . - ...... 10 18 .[

    : TALgNT IM&GOGNIZgD. Every sappiemant thsreto. $9.0.*’" "7 ~.Me. pemous vieiuux our ci,y h¯ve no- B~ory ~t.or supplement to Bet grtutiag ear. ~f"~ L:

    tired s. lad. d"niug eh¯metere ou the p~r~o paw,., or extruding or rouewiugovrpo* . ¯~

    St¯te [louse: pavement. It hg~ ¯lwaye rata poweraio nmy ~’whete the sathority to " "

    seemed t’9 us that some dsy hjat¯leut tn gramt sueh powere is nr may be b$ l~w vostod " -" -- ~ ’~

    this directiou would eomm¯ocl attention, iU aUy00urt of this Statoj ,so. :¯ ~:. . .

    Thi-s-iqma(.ieng.h some to pass. ~e -ltv~v~-t~i" supp~~-o~e. * ¯ Ijuvenile is tO be takeo is.,eharge Of by msuti~ke~i (oxoapt suoh u toter t0Bonevdeut, --


    .M¯t~ ¯ "~[o ~qto,!-eelebrated=New-~orkRcllgiout~ t2baritable or Edueatloaal I~tltu~- ’ ~ ~i~ {l} . "

    ¯ rti~t, a,,d we shall uot be astonished iu it.r~t Compmdu), $~. " " ~!~ ¯ ~ f.~ "¯ tew yetrfi to he=r o! him reaehiug di~- Tbe tnz on tote whioh h¯d bmomo letaUd ontine~oa. .toeount of-th..non.paymeat-tf=_tha above.t~=i ....... ’ - ......-~d ......... .... :

    A BUSIN~ =rod wUleh.btve besn _reinhold bY the ’amt .~

    e. *-6e ¢or~ tl, s 1st of M~gs 1874, u also au ad- (D t4~:f,~

    ditiou,l $. on...h so,. _J : ,.e..

    -Asmttulsr berne is now on ezhibttion ~ ~ - " ~ ....

    hi,-ebild; the I,,uer’= height sm,rt, ca- ¯ ,, , ~ IL LI...-getting, iut¯ut ot three-sud-hd~,ye¯r,


    [ [ .....



    old, over who,efaoe,aqd h0se the d’~wn .,;of hair is already thickly spreading. The " .--|ather’afue-.iswiththeexoeptionoftl, e NOW 0 HA ’eyes eompletely, we misht almott sa} : "d~nsety, severed wit h fide soft, brown hsit

    --~ ’ ’ ~ I"H ANQ-SO M ES TO1he heir st ~liu s aqte |eogthva,~ t|lO-fere~ ~ -head(eheek~, nnd nil parts ot the tao,,; it, OF

    ’SPBING CLOTHINGfaet, the. whuld heud of .tit. matt is likelhatol a Very long-hinted "rod wooly-lo.k ~ "leg Skyu terrier. Tht, e’ffoot i. ¯!;ythiu. "*bat I:roptv-se.~i.g, tmr du the man’s feu- WE. EVER HAl},tures tend io disp,,I this intpret~ion, it~is dro~,.~d a, a wed-,,¢d,, Ru~isn mujik

    For Cash paid IN’HAND we’wJI! re!! below ,~d s,,;u,s _q,~i~, ~,,,~uglt. but st ,it,,e~ i, the Mark0t rate, and Guarantee everys..id tu be eulte, snd u~oroae, vqhen h,. ¯ ertlele er return money.dud his sot, weN =,,tared about- y,:at

    ’ ""BOW#

    ago in th.. fi~rest ,,f N,,~trom~. in Ru.stu. O_ "they were elad i,t skjos. They ouul, ~ ’epesk oo ]atiR~aAce of auy kind; ’even tt?~

    virtu, ’ted UOett S’) with diflloutty attd witl."’| treleetattqe. What Ihey h~ve been sbh,

    to sscorluin frhm him js that Ihe nt.tht,, ....ul hik boy died .bout throeyears egot trod ....................;his t!attotlyt,,lli;~S With the tales ot tht,eharooal burners, who ss~nrted Ihat about HAMVY to the Ferdee andthe Prig-,hat time tht,y used t,, sou nt a dietanoe e Hotl~ amJ R. R. Depots.hairy-laoed, wontstt-trunk] ng .#e t~’snl, " .......................................

    who fled at Ihulr ei)p.’oat:h. It wa. no,grew InlO i~

    histu~y that boat oh wu. mudo which rt,- ~ ...............

    LATE NP.WS ’ BIZ:..it.d ,,, ,,,e .p,.ru’or ,,,,s ,,,,,,, .,,d ’; i i ;~ot,. Nennt,r wou,d e,,t u,tvth.m but r~u ~.L " ’ .,"" i’.’~tJteat Ior s IIItl tiuJe h hse beeo .Ul,- __~.-,.---. ¯p.~rd that Iltt.y ’,rerelic~ol. so extto,v The Georgi I’i~ttlO-It~ttl’teM ’ It;tt.,t, Ittk,.tl tht. It’-

    l)l’Olllilllt ,,.~’r ~.~L,.on, attd lite eziruttrdmsty sppearatlt:.’,~fYh6"uhknwohld il-6,bdtJh-~iify thi~ i*dl;- " " " comp,tit,ws-,tt Ihe St;lh, F.tir ,~l ¯ W .st V,, ;{Iti’ltt, ~ti :, ,.tt-p.~hiuu; but the |~ue el tt,e ohild, whluh It|sky. tuid at ill: |ht.i t,tll.,-~ ;tlltl t,3 p,)-itie)lS,. t. lul i.tullmen.,:, i. hsrdly oon.i.v’ul "\ wht, rt. the.v |l. ,,~ I~.t,,,, ,xhillit..ilwl,lt ,ueh ̄ theory. It ie th, rervinx of n,,

    .\~ .........

    i~ that neither Islhelt ur .t)tt have tn,,t,. Their th, ,I, , ,, ,I tli,:l ,,’fi,,vd t’XL;t~ ........ ,,, . ,, .~ h ,.~or,m,halt h)ur Jroot teeth in tho h,wor jaw io.truttm,d i,, ,.,,, ,,t ,,f ’,,.,,,i ,e,,nd otto sin~ht uta~tv, ittms,w i,t the Up From Ray. I., V~I ~, llOl{.[¢.l,;],l’~N. Jtt.t:t,., ~ t; ,., - .,y,

    ~l u,,,’ x¢ ~’," UeU~¢ I1! ;"7~.lit’t. A VUlgieal t’X*.Ulit|,tlioO |tu.~ shown - f hnv. I’,"""" "~ ,,thrr (,vh.hrate,i mokt.rt ~, .~,t’t ,, ~ I... tht.. ti~,,r.l w ,. s. |et:l~t~~ll’tt nit olbur teeth have .xi.t.,d, t,r ’., a,td ust,,I al Ill.. , .,,err* A~* t ¢ hv,I. [I ~s I rvl*,’st., ¢ ,.,,~ ,,, ,l .... t,i,..,’kuiy It); And Ihat tbts I),o"ltard.l,,r. [~r,~tn R,,v. Wq I~ ~|L)IIRI’I~)q, R.ct,,r :, ,’. l .,.It. ]~. q ,. Y.,-oo.geliitd. ’rhonppear.n~u ,,1’ thnlttil- . o. lua, I ,;t I,,wt, I *~ r,tw,t,volt ohD.~.l ,,, ..-’ *t ,...I , I’m,’. , ¢, ~l,e.

    [ ~sttlsd in llttff,*l, o,., ,,I te.¥ flrt! vurt~s W,s tt. pt.tc, .,, t ,,,, ~ ,, ,’, u, ol I r ~.~" mae-.,,r rvna][s’ heosmhtl thai "l)oroupi.u" it,,,h~ steturs, it laliy ~os*.iltathu hhtb Ihq,at,tl[uu t.u (] It .. i,thA’ ’ , i ¯ t’ ill t| , t S t,f I,|~~it,t w.s t~xhlhh.,d Io l’/-’tl, a.d wh,,., *,,,ae,ry "rattduhlldrt,nwure~httwu u#htl*~as It4O2, Mr. Jt)HN Z||NDIeA~. Or¢,trti.~t or I|.,trv W ........ ’, t’,,,., ’,t ~y~:

    " The tl.,,,rzi 10,t. a,t cKqt~itlte a@lloa, aud wet) ’ . t ,’ ~’’’ ,t it : I, ~. Ihor,,e w,,tkm,ta-h,’.u wore oovcred Wits I’tng hslrxw.rtt, ship au4 iu,l,,,,,t,,~ lur ,hLltiy." ’..shkh ,the# .had ev,’ry sprhtfi, a. a ~t,,,

    Kur. d. tl. bL~’ ’O .I.I~SI’E[1. i’r,,.idu,tl ,,I It,,,,. " ,’I-:.. ,’ ,’, ’i .. : . ,,- ¯Iwt.~ hi. notlats. Too raoo,..h,twv~.rt. " .,’ely;.,,.., , t,su4 tw, .fy,,ttr’bl,(.h. tht t"(’ ~’ .t, I,, ~tt~ ,,’,:?~’;~" ’L’:, " ’ ’Jl~wtt .....Ih’d "ut, stt:! if th~ h~ r y-I.e, tl nlt*ll great |atifsetm,t. ~’s r ~a,,I luem euperler Istttvmtnt. ’

    h,,ul.l,b, eotue vXlllOt t.I) lheywlll t,,’l,,. ~ittln t~:e’N ,w ~" ,rX [.drpc.d,.at : - .’ ’..’* At t**’$ ware h|tthl.v I’~t~.tatttun,led I@ or: w,. I,.,u.~ht , tt" ",r , tr .wtt a a¢ tll~ ’ ’, ’ ’",’¯ tt.~t iU ap[Le O’ II,e little bluL.-eyeiJ b,,y that the.)’ are worthy.rail ths pr.i.e :~.v hava wc*,t,~,t,"

    ¯ hn~o |SdU Is atresd.~̄ like a eygtltlt W|ltH,10S plut:’age I. *.’ore m y. ’rbe ̄bovo ̄ re ,.y ¯tew eeleotion. Irom lettel"~ u ,nttouttl[y ., h ,~ t

    ........ Th. Georgi to be th0 Leading t" th, ,.,.Th*a F~.,sh stoeu,shtt. L’Ame0.J(iuo w~. - ,lamed iNIo Iqym,mth harbor ou thu IMth L gulmnte0 entire ~tti~faelio..’nttd .,,v,.r tail t,, w,~,~ h.,,,st., by the ate.re’r. ~pr.y. Ir.m New ni4".FOlt CiltCULAItS AND ’rl.’l{M..I Al),!)i|l,;-~s --(drYork h,r I;ihrolt,r, sad the l", T. Bart). (ll~Olt(t I’; ~. ( i L"( )l~(tl

    ot "l’lmu,J.ttlsU o~,Vtt. ,~. y.

    salvsnl¯ Oeutrtl Rti!.mtd shipped °.24.000ears of freight Item Philadelphht thnmtbto New YerL This iSeonsTdembly more

    tmyhistory, ¯ud tbe amouut vf threufreight ’ia sleadilY there=ruing Week l,yweek. T;.e coal and ooke tonnage I¯st¯ week warn65.786 to.s:,end for the year602,~’tOue. Of ¯athrtoite aod bituminouo there.were 5~L3,99. toz~. ¯nd.ot t~ke118,49~ toes. ¯ "

    iNZV.azurrlNo Blff.lO: ....."’ ¯ndl’haudmome antique

    is seen In the window

    . street.~This elookp,ts~emon of.Oeuerni W~hiti&interesting #t.ibu

    lever i~ the (:The t¯.te tlt~ hss

    played iu. its eonstruoti.n sod des:gochows but i ttle prosress to the prcsattd’ry.

    ...... OoLLlS[ON;The steam~lfip [ihuois. ,tl the Amerie=t~

    hi.e, lett her pidr, (Jhristiso el. whari,,.t ’[’hur~d~ mort.ioA, oo her voys~e tol~tvorpool. Just below the Nuvy Isrd ~*he

    .r¯t| into e flo~ta)t oa’ al boutts loaded with~osl, which were ooming up the river uu.ci.r tow. 8h~ out through th,. boa’tS within’esi.tiblo IOroe. ̄ Lid two t,f them sunkIn:me4iatety. 1’t*o [llinoi. wa~ not at sll

    delay prtmesded utvh~r way ooe¯u-w¯rd

    I~CII(IOL PItOPZaTYFrors the fit0.v-ltf,h annual report of the

    Board of Publio ~JO0all00f it appe~r~I|la( the value ot ~ht,til i,roper, y ie Ihts

    070700, value el h,t.. SL.fi30,420; v,.Io,ut furtdt¯re. ~’242 4oo. " ’ ’I ,,t.,,,, $4,tH3 ~20

    need ¥1tlDAYThe Prembyt0rtu,, Mi.i.terial As.eel.-

    has hnd an at,ttt,s,,,tl dl~ct|e.ion t,I¯ p6ttes,

    ’ltgltllNt Iho sot,on ol I I,e J~tuli,lalurt, ¯ lawyesr. ~i.oo. in t,,uki,t~ (J ,od [,’t’idsy;ogsl holhlsy. The .ultjeo* i. t, Xoitin,t not,.,idersble attcntitm, uttd ~oute ol the .t, ett-htr papers’have sp.kt.tl ~lliln lrt, ely in re-

    t gurd ’.(t it. Th" pub,lo tat d i. very ~et,-~[tive in .ega,d t..uy i.’t’rtvrenne by ’h,’olvil sut,horitio~ i,t ths d,).tsin uf c’oolet, i-ssliesl fsitk sml I~raotieo.

    Truly Ihi~ ,,, l|Ro,*.unttIM,

    STATE TAX ON PEIVATE I.~LWB.Psrlles Intetsttsdht art. whieh bare bes,,

    pasted this eessi,e sh,mld t,.Ioverinuk ’be fa,’t

    that utdoss Ih*, 8tsto Asssesm~nt It i,ald en privSto aata h~for~ lho I.I or J.,y, they beo,,m,Inolmratlw i~lld th,| ’, and use cloy ba ru.rwt, ’by It sp*¢lal art =t ths I,uXl ,, I ion af the I.oKLSlatsr~ sed ellses.munls mu.I Le Ihee p.IuU the*rLiih, al aed tl,*~ r~.elvluI act as wellTka only auf* way is 0,, p,y ’he I.s ,ew prorur~ y.ar esrtlned oopy be(ors I,aeiug Treated.The ~ta is ~a follows t--’

    grery lutt to (,,s.rp ,rats, *h-rbr, r~neweat*=d the eurp,,rst~ pnw.r, or say |lsnk, tht,sere bf tl per $1.eO0 ol abe oapltel ,reek.

    mvory supplem..t thsrutu (ez.col,t f~t 0m tasTeaLs of eaphsl), $25.

    Itrory eat tv lace01 renew