
*0, • * - to "'b*. u P •K The Anchor VOLUME XXXVI U. OF NEBRASKA GRADUATE TO TEACH HISTORY HOPE COLLEGE, HOLLAND, MIOHIOAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. I*, 1925 NUMBER •NINE MISS ANN EIKENHOUT BBX'OMES OTHER NEW FACTl/TY MEMBER i Dr. E. D. Dimnent, president of Hope College, hna engaged Mr. Bruce M. Kaymond of the University of Nebraska to take the chair of History left vacant by Professor Wynand Wichers. Mr. Raymond, who was chosen from a large field of applicants, comes to Hope College highly recommended. Mr. Raymond's college education was received at the Nebraska Uni- versity. After graduation, he receiv- ed h s Master's degree majoring in American History and Politics. He began his teaching at the Tulsa High school. Oklahoma, one of the largest schools of the state. For the past two years he has been connected with the history departmet of the Univers- iy of Nebraska. His ability as a teacher fa spoken of very highly by the head of the Histor> Department at Nebraska. In scholar- ship. he has been ranked among the best. In class room methods. Mr. Raymond comes highly recommended. Hope's new instructor has also done graduate work at the University of Chicago and is now working for hla Ph. D. degree. The Nebraska school ranks very high in scholarship In university cir- cles. Hope College is very fortunate in being able to secure a man «uch as Mr. Raymond. Mr. Haymon l is com- paratively young and he is married. Miss Ann Rikenhout has been en- gaged a« an instructor to replace Miss Van Drezer who will till the position formerly held by Miss Nel!a Meyer. Miss Eikenhout comes from Oranl Rapids and will teach Froii?h and English. She is a graduate of Junior College, Grand Rapids, and of the State University of Ohio. Tn the French Department at the State Uni- versity she has proven herself a very valuable assistant. Miss Eikenhout is also a talented musician, being a pianist of ability. For many years she has been a pleas- ing entertainer in Grand Rapids, ap- pearing as she did. on many pro- grams given by musical clubs of that KMmM i HOPE BUILDINGS ARE PREPARED FOR NEW YEAR -Vl'MEROl'g IMPROVEMENTS ARB MADE IN CHAPEL AND DORMITORIES THE FRONT DOOR OF THE COLIjEOE CAMPl'S—A VIEW OF THE UBRARY AND CHAPEL THAT IS ENGRAVED UPON THE MEMORY OF EVERY HOPE1TE MILESTONE STAFF ALREADY AT WORK EDITORS WANT CO-OPERATION OF STUDENTS city. PROF. LADD GIVES BOOKS TO LIBRARY FORMER PROFESSOR DONATES LITERARY VOLUMES Professor F. J. Ladd , former Pro- fessor of education at Hope College and for several years head of tho V.ucational department at the Uni- versiy of North Dakota, has given a large collection of literary books to the school library. Practically all the books deal with literature regarding the work done in the educational de- partment. These books are also of value in many other lines of study. About two hundred and fifty books are included In the collection. All of these are now listed In the library and may be secured from the librarian. Professor Ladd has left his position of teaching and is at present Inter- ested in a publishing concern. o Dr. Bruno Melnecke, former Pro- fessor of Latin at Hope College and at Carleton College, has accepted a position in the Latin department at the University of Michigan. "The Milestone has tried to offer in a proper way an embodiment of the "Spirit of Hope", in addition to its prime purpose as a record, so that more may become acquainted with that compelling ideal of Hope." Tho quoted sentence is part of the Fore- word featured In the 1925 Milestone, the Hole College Annual. To the new students the Milestone is merely a name. It will become more than that. To the old students the Milestone is a book much con- sulted and cherished, an oasis in the summer vacation's desert. The new staff, members of the class of '27, who are determined to edit a fine 1926 Milestone, seek your co-opera- tion and interest. They wish you suc- cess for the year. The contents of any Milestone deal consistently and cleverly with all of Hope's activities. You, students, are a part of these activities. You want a real book. To answer this desire the Staff feels the studentry must help. Snaps should be handed in gladly. The student should take care of his or her photography work early. The book has a financial side and early discounts are the direct result of ear- ly co-opeation on the part of the stu- dents. We seek your co-operation. Are we going to get It? Last year the Milestones were dis- tributed the latter part of May. The purchase price was three dollars. The price of the 1926 Annual has not yet been determined. But every stu- dent and faculty member of Hope College should have one. Plan now, months ahead, to buy one. Students! help us make a bigger and better annual. Follow your Anchors for the "Milestone Mints." 0MIIMIMIIIIIUHIIIIHIII i NOTICE CLASS MEETINGS The Sophomore Class will hold a meeting Wednesday, (today) September 16. at one o'clock. In Winants Chapel for the purpose of electing class offtcera The Freshmen class will meet In Winants Chapel at 3 o'clock today, the meeting will be in charge of members of the Junior class. All Freshmen be there. A meeting of the Junior class will be held at 5 o'clock today for the election of class officiate. 0 IIIMIIIMIIIM Q Miss Agnes Buikema, *25, will leave Grand Rapids for Amoy, China on Oct. 12, where she will remain for five years in the misionary service of the Reformed Churches. Miss Buik- ema recently underwent a serious op- eration from which she has not yet entirely recovered. She will remain at home until she has been pronounced fit to leave, by her physician. PATTERSON REMAINS AT HOPE RECEIVES AN INCREASE IN HIS SALARY Cornelius Dykhuizen and Martin Hoeksemjt, both of the class of 1925, embarked August 20th on the S. S. "Empress of Russia" on their way to Japan for short term service in the mission schools. WELCOME FRESHMEN PI KAPPA DELTA ELECTION Last June the Hope Pi Kappa Del- ta chapter of the natonal honorary forensic fraternity elected the follow- ing offlcers to serve during the '25-'2o year: Pres—Stanley Albers. Vice-Pres.—Theodore Essebaggers. Sec.-Treas.—Russell Van Dyke. Debate Mgr.—Dwight Yntema. Oratory Mgr.—Peter Wesselink. o Among the missionaries who have returned this summer are: Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Holleman, and Mis« Tena Holkeboer, of Amoy, China, Miss Jennie A. Pietera of Shimoneskiki, Ja- pan, and Mr. Meinte Schuurmans of Vellore, India. Greetings! A hearty welcome we extend to you, new HopeUen. A spec- ial greeting Is yours. You come fresh from conquered fields with renewed spirit and enthusiasm. You come seeking—seeking to broaden your life by what college can give you. So we are glad to have you come, for we feel that we have here what you want and what you need. But, too, we look to you bemuse we know you bring something to us. We look to the new element among ys for re- awaking. You bring with you happi- ness and Joy of a new adventure and you inspire us with your zeal. So, doubly, we welcome you. Bring on your "pep." We are waiting for you. In fact, we cliallenge you. In another way, we greet you as Freshman, whom we gaze down upon with austerity. We greet you from the height of our dignity. From ex- alted positions—assumed because we have run the gauntlet of your year— we nod to you. Yes, we greet you as Freshmen. But remember! That greeting Is temporary. It exists only for the good and the fun we all will get out of it. Our flrsC greeting is the lasting one. It is the one we want you to accept, earnestly. We speak from our .hearts, approvingly, happily, when we say, \%c greet you, NEW HO^EITES! Hope College officials have been very fortunate In retaining Dr. F. N. Patterson aa head of the science de- partment through an increase In sal- ary. The Hope College authorities and student body had been very an- vious In awaiting the outcome of his resignation and his reconsideration and his affirmive reply have been met with enthusiasm by all. * Dr. Patterson received many offers froik various uniiversities but the good work of Hope's authorities re- pelled these offers and succeeded in Inducing him to remain at Hope. Ifr. Patterson has served sixteen and one-half years at Hope Collegb as Professor of Biology and during that time has come in contact with many students who learned to know him as an excellent teacher, and hard- worker, and a willing helper In all affairs concerning the welfare of Hope. Before coming here, Dr. Patterson had served as principal In a Canadian school and later having taught at Mount Hermon, Massachusetts. He also became a research worker In the nutrition laboratories of Carnegie In- stitute, Boston. - o ALUMNI NEWS Wedding bells have rung merrily for Hope Alumni this summer. The velvet covered shackles have been pleasant for Garry De Jonge and Ev- erdene Kulper, Bert Brower and Sub Hamelink, Albert Van Zoeren and Irene Van Zanten, Ray Kuiper and Lois Thoms, Rev. John Kempers and Mabel Van Dyke, Maurice Visscher and Gertrude Pieters, Theodore Trltenbach and Marian KJaaeen, Rev. Paul Trompen and Helena Jager, and Rev. Claude Leon Pickens, Jr., and Miss Nellie Elizabeth Zwemer. o Returning Hope Students art no- ticing the varied Improvements which were made upon the College buildings during the regular summer vacation. All of the work has been fully com- pleted so that the College work will In no way be Interrupted. Winapts Chapel was furnished with a more complete heating system and all the necessary alterations have been made in the chapel basement, so that the apparatus might b® cor- recently Installed. All of the rooms In the chapel have also been made ready for another year's work. Students at A an Vleck and Vorhees Dormitories are finding their rooms re-decorated with appropriate wall decorations. The colors used In decorating these dormitories proved to be most effec- tive in bringing out the beauty and cheerfulness of these temporary stu- dent homes. Van Raalte Hall was not complete- ly redecorated, but' all necessary changes were effected and the build- ing is in first-rate shape for use. The college greunds have been generally Improved and the work of beautify- ing the lawns which was started last spring has been entirely finished FORMER HOPE CHINESE STUDENT RETURNS HOME K. G. Chlu, graduate of the class of '24 has returned home to take a position as teacher in education at the Talmage College, China. He be- comes an instructor at the college of which Rev. Henry P. De Pree of Zeeland is president and George Kots, a Hope graduate, la a teacher. Mr. Chlu entered Hope after having com- pleted a courae In Talmage College. He received hla A. B. degree In 1924 and later entered Columbia Unl- veralty where he waa awarded hla A. M. degree. EXCELLENT RECORD MEETS APPROVAL HOPE RATED HIGH IN GREEK, LATIN AND ENGLISH Dr. John B. Nykerk has been elect- ed a member of the board of direc- tors of the Chautauqua association of the Reformed churches held at Chau- tauqua. N. Y. o-. Dr. Joseph R. Sizoo, pastor of the New York Ave. church t^t Washings ton, D. C., gave the address at the bier of William Jennings Bryan. In his discounae, Mr. Sizoo stated that his whole attitude In life was changed when he heard Mr. Bryan's speech at Hope College when the great lecturer gave as his theme "The Value of An Ideal" the subject selected by Dr. J. B. Nykerk for a number in the Hope College Lecture Course. Hope College has been given a place on the accredited list of the leading universities of the nation. These represent all the standardizing associations and state universities, New York and California included. Hope College also la a member of the As- sociation of American Colleges. These ratinga are on the baaa of scholar- ship standards, plant and equipment, teaching force and endowment. The University Club ef the City oX New York has entered Hope on Its ac- credited list, which gives Hope gradu- ates full membership privilegee and other conalderatlona. The high scholarship In Greek, Latin and English maintained by Hope over* of period of more than forty years had been recognised la the east. ^ Only recently the University of Il- linois has given Hope the highest rating as an accredited college. Rev. and Mrs. John Kempers are to be pioneer missionaries of the Re- formed Church of America in Chla- pazo, Mexico. They will start for their new post In this altogether new fleld, shortly.



Transcript of 09-16-1925

* 0 ,

• * - to

"'b*. u P








i Dr. E. D. Dimnent, president of Hope College, hna engaged Mr.

Bruce M. Kaymond of the University

of Nebraska to take the chair of History left vacant by Professor

Wynand Wichers. Mr. Raymond, who was chosen from a large field of applicants, comes to Hope College highly recommended.

Mr. Raymond's college education was received a t the Nebraska Uni-versity. After graduation, he receiv-

ed h s Master's degree major ing in American History and Politics. He

began his teaching at the Tulsa High

school. Oklahoma, one of the largest schools of the state. For the past

two years he has been connected with

the history departmet of the Univers-iy of Nebraska.

His ability as a teacher fa spoken of very highly by the head of the Histor>

Department at Nebraska. In scholar-

ship. he has been ranked among the best. In class room methods. Mr.

Raymond comes highly recommended.

Hope's new instructor has also done

graduate work at the University of

Chicago and is now working for hla Ph. D. degree.

The Nebraska school ranks very

high in scholarship In university cir-cles.

Hope College is very for tunate in being able to secure a man «uch as

Mr. Raymond. Mr. Haymon l is com-paratively young and he is married.

Miss Ann Rikenhout has been en-

gaged a« an instructor to replace Miss

Van Drezer who will till the position formerly held by Miss Nel!a Meyer.

Miss Eikenhout comes f rom O r a n l

Rapids and will teach Froii?h and English. She is a graduate of Junior College, Grand Rapids, and of the State University of Ohio. Tn the

French Department at the State Uni-versity she has proven herself a very valuable assistant.

Miss Eikenhout is also a talented musician, being a pianist of ability. For many years she has been a pleas-ing entertainer in Grand Rapids, ap-

pearing as she did. on many pro-

grams given by musical clubs of that












Professor F. J. Ladd , former Pro-fessor of education at Hope College and for several years head of tho V.ucational department at the Uni-versiy of North Dakota, has given a large collection of literary books to the school library. Practically all the books deal with literature regarding the work done in the educational de-partment. These books are also of value in many other lines of study. About two hundred and fifty books are included In the collection. All of these are now listed In the library and may be secured from the librarian. Professor Ladd has left his position of teaching and is at present Inter-ested in a publishing concern.

o Dr. Bruno Melnecke, former Pro-

fessor of Latin at Hope College and at Carleton College, has accepted a

position in the Latin department at the University of Michigan.

"The Milestone has tried to offer in a proper way an embodiment of the "Spirit of Hope", in addition to its prime purpose as a record, so that

more may become acquainted with that compelling ideal of Hope." Tho quoted sentence is part of the Fore-

word featured In the 1925 Milestone, the Hole College Annual.

To the new students the Milestone is merely a name. It will become

more than that . To the old s tudents the Milestone is a book much con-

sulted and cherished, an oasis in the summer vacation's desert. The new staff, members of the class of '27,

who are determined to edit a fine 1926 Milestone, seek your co-opera-tion and interest. They wish you suc-cess for the year.

The contents of any Milestone deal consistently and cleverly with all of Hope's activities. You, students, a re a part of these activities. You want a

real book. To answer this desire the Staff feels the studentry must help. Snaps should be handed in gladly.

The student should take care of his or her photography work early. The book has a financial side and early discounts are the direct result of ear-ly co-opeation on the part of the stu-dents. We seek your co-operation. Are we going to get It?

Last year the Milestones were dis-tributed the latter part of May. The purchase price was three dollars.

The price of the 1926 Annual has not yet been determined. But every stu-dent and faculty member of Hope College should have one. Plan now, months ahead, to buy one. Students! help us make a bigger and better annual. Follow your Anchors for the "Milestone Mints."



The Sophomore Class will hold a meeting Wednesday, (today)

September 16. at one o'clock. In

Winants Chapel for the purpose of electing class offtcera

The Freshmen class will meet In Winants Chapel at 3 o'clock today,

the meeting will be in charge of

members of the Junior class. All Freshmen be there.

A meeting of the Junior class will be held at 5 o'clock today for

the election of class officiate.

0 I I I M I I I M I I I M Q

Miss Agnes Buikema, *25, will leave Grand Rapids for Amoy, China on

Oct. 12, where she will remain for

five years in the misionary service of the Reformed Churches. Miss Buik-

ema recently underwent a serious op-

eration f rom which she has not yet

entirely recovered. She will remain a t

home until she has been pronounced fit to leave, by her physician.




Cornelius Dykhuizen and Martin

Hoeksemjt, both of the class of 1925, embarked August 20th on the S. S.

"Empress of Russia" on their way to

Japan for short term service in the mission schools.



Last June the Hope Pi Kappa Del-ta chapter of the natonal honorary forensic fraterni ty elected the follow-ing offlcers to serve during the '25-'2o

year: Pres—Stanley Albers. Vice-Pres.—Theodore Essebaggers. Sec.-Treas.—Russell Van Dyke. Debate Mgr.—Dwight Yntema. Oratory Mgr.—Peter Wesselink.

o Among the missionaries who have

returned this summer are: Dr. and

Mrs. Clarence Holleman, and Mis« Tena Holkeboer, of Amoy, China, Miss Jennie A. Pietera of Shimoneskiki, J a -

pan, and Mr. Meinte Schuurmans of

Vellore, India.

Greetings! A hearty welcome we

extend to you, new HopeUen. A spec-

ial greeting Is yours. You come fresh

f rom conquered fields with renewed

spirit and enthusiasm. You come seeking—seeking to broaden your

life by what college can give you. So

we a re glad to have you come, for

we feel tha t we have here what you

want and what you need. But, too,

we look to you bemuse we know you bring something to us. We look to

the new element among ys for re-

awaking. You bring with you happi-

ness and Joy of a new adventure and you inspire us with your zeal. So,

doubly, we welcome you. Bring on

your "pep." We a r e waiting fo r you. In fact , we cliallenge you.

In another way, we greet you as

Freshman, whom we gaze down upon with austerity. We greet you from the height of our dignity. From ex-

alted positions—assumed because we

have run the gauntlet of your year—

we nod to you. Yes, we greet you as Freshmen.

But remember! That greeting Is temporary. It exists only for the good and the fun we all will get out of it. Our flrsC greeting is the lasting one. It is the one we want you to accept, earnestly. We speak from our .hearts, approvingly, happily, when we say, \%c greet you, NEW HO^EITES!

Hope College officials have been very for tunate In retaining Dr. F. N.

Patterson aa head of the science de-par tment through an increase In sal-

ary. The Hope College authorities and student body had been very an-

vious In awaiting the outcome of his

resignation and his reconsideration and his affirmive reply have been met with enthusiasm by all.


Dr. Patterson received many offers froik various uniiversities but the

good work of Hope's authori t ies re-

pelled these offers and succeeded in Inducing him to remain at Hope.

Ifr . Patterson has served sixteen

and one-half years at Hope Collegb as Professor of Biology and during

that time has come in contact with

many students who learned to know

him as an excellent teacher, and hard-

worker, and a willing helper In all

affairs concerning the welfare of Hope.

Before coming here, Dr. Patterson

had served as principal In a Canadian school and later having taught a t

Mount Hermon, Massachusetts. He

also became a research worker In the nutrition laboratories of Carnegie In-stitute, Boston.

- o


Wedding bells have rung merrily

for Hope Alumni this summer. The

velvet covered shackles have been pleasant for Garry De Jonge and Ev-

erdene Kulper, Bert Brower and Sub

Hamelink, Albert Van Zoeren and

Irene Van Zanten, Ray Kuiper and

Lois Thoms, Rev. John Kempers and

Mabel Van Dyke, Maurice Visscher and Gertrude Pieters, Theodore

Trltenbach and Marian KJaaeen, Rev. Paul Trompen and Helena Jager , and

Rev. Claude Leon Pickens, Jr . , and Miss Nellie Elizabeth Zwemer.


Returning Hope Students a r t no-ticing the varied Improvements which

were made upon the College buildings during the regular summer vacation.

All of the work has been fully com-pleted so that the College work will In no way be Interrupted.

Winapts Chapel was furnished with a more complete heating system and all the necessary alterations have

been made in the chapel basement, so that the appara tus might b® cor-

recently Installed. All of the rooms In

the chapel have also been made ready

for another year 's work. Students at

A an Vleck and Vorhees Dormitories are finding their rooms re-decorated

with appropriate wall decorations.

The colors used In decorating these dormitories proved to be most effec-

tive in bringing out the beauty and

cheerfulness of these temporary s tu-dent homes.

Van Raalte Hall was not complete-ly redecorated, b u t ' all necessary changes were effected and the build-ing is in first-rate shape for use. The

college greunds have been generally Improved and the work of beautify-

ing the lawns which was started last spring has been entirely finished



K. G. Chlu, graduate of the class of '24 has returned home to take a position as teacher in education at the Talmage College, China. He be-

comes an instructor a t the college of which Rev. Henry P. De Pree of

Zeeland is president and George Kots, a Hope graduate, la a teacher. Mr. Chlu entered Hope a f t e r having com-pleted a courae In Talmage College.

He received hla A. B. degree In 1924 and later entered Columbia Unl-veralty where he waa awarded hla A. M. degree.



Dr. John B. Nykerk has been elect-ed a member of the board of direc-

tors of the Chautauqua association of the Reformed churches held a t Chau-tauqua. N. Y.

o-. •

Dr. Joseph R. Sizoo, pastor of the

New York Ave. church t̂ t Washings ton, D. C., gave the address a t t h e bier of William Jennings Bryan. In

his discounae, Mr. Sizoo s ta ted tha t his whole at t i tude In life was changed

when he heard Mr. Bryan 's speech a t Hope College when the great lecturer gave as his theme "The Value of An Ideal" the subject selected by Dr. J. B.

Nykerk for a number in the Hope College Lecture Course.

Hope College has been given a place on the accredited list of the leading universities of the nation.

These represent all the standardizing associations and state universities, New

York and California included. Hope College also la a member of the As-

sociation of American Colleges. These ratinga are on the baaa of scholar-ship standards, plant and equipment, teaching force and endowment.

The University Club ef the City oX New York has entered Hope on Its ac-credited list, which gives Hope gradu-ates full membership privilegee and other conalderatlona.

The high scholarship In Greek, Latin and English maintained by Hope over* of period of more than forty years had been recognised la the east. ^

Only recently the University of Il-linois has given Hope the highest rat ing as a n accredited college.

Rev. and Mrs. John Kempers are to be pioneer missionaries of the Re-

formed Church of America in Chla-

pazo, Mexico. They will s tar t fo r their new post In this altogether new fleld, shortly.




Published every Wednesday during the collegiate year by the Students of Hope College.

Subscription $1.60 Per Year

STAFF Editor-in-Chief J )wlght B. Yntema

Associate Editors—• Anna Mae Tysse Nell Van Oosfenberg

Depurtinent EdltorH Sandrene Schutt ....Campus Anne Meengs Alumni Russell Damstra.... Sports John DeBell, Peter Wesselink..Humor Hermlna Relnhart Exchange Aaron Ungersma Questions Silas Wlersma Statistics

Reporters James Ten Brink Head Reporter Arlyne Haan; Harriet Henneveld; John Mulder;" Hester Ossewaarde.

Buslnefls Gerald Pool Business Manager Jacob Klk, Carl Bovenklrk Ass'ts Eliot Weler.: Subscrptlon Manager

Accepted for mailing at special ra te of postage provided by Section 1103, Act of October, 1917, authorized Oct. 19, .1918.


How do you do. Have you met the

Anchor? The Hope weekly Is on the Job,

glad of a rest and ready for a real


The Anchor wants another basket-ball championship, some more M. O.

L. firsts, a fighting football squad,

last year's murderers row, glee club

and forensic victories; every loyal Hopelte wants these.

The only way to win them Is to get

out and push all the time. Support

the coach, yell for the team, and ev-erything is possible. This isn't so

hard either a f te r the habit Is formed. It 's fun—It 's great—pushing and shouting for Hope.

That is what the Anchor plans to do.

Altogether then, let's push.

Taps had sounded. Lamps were ex-

. t 'ngulahed. All the men had retired but not all slept. Some thot of home,

of school, and, of the Lake Geneva

Conference. 'Twas the close of a beau-

tiful Sunday, June 21. Pleasant rem-iniscences crowded my mind. We

thot of the Impressive services led by Bishop MacDowell, of the Inspiration

of his personality, and of what he

said. We thought of the hymns from the throats of a thousand men of

every color and creed. We thought of

the tremendous Influence th ' s large lK)dy of men could have if each took

Christ seriously and tried to imitate him.

Religion was talked about mucu

but Is not lived by those who profess to be Christians. The sentiment pre-

vailed that the church as 4t exists has failed. Somerthing must be done. It

was affirmed that all college men and

women are to bring about a change

We must follow his example also In this respect. Such was the opinion

of Dr. Bruce Curry of the Union Theological Seminary of New York.

Nineteen Hope men left Lake Ge-

neva Impressed with the possibilities opening before them—opportunit ies

of leadership, of molding thought, of encouraging reform, of shaping men's

lives. This is the task for Hope men.

"Y" gives you the opportunity. Get linked with the best on Hope's cam-pus.


Each Canadian university may

soon have a representative In the

House of Commons at Ottawa. A

member of the Federal House pro-

poses to introduce the following reso-lution:

That in the opinion of the House

the time has arrived in our national development when Par l iamentary representation should be accorded our

Canadian Universities." Parl iamen-

tary representation for universities Is an old Idea In England.

—The New Student.

DURING SUMMER Wha t did you do this summer?

One group of students forms here, while another forms there, like so many bees around a drop of water— only In this case money Is the a t t rac-

tion. During the first weeks an adventurous dozen Invaded the pea fields of the Badger state. Later man-aging pickle stations has been a big attactlon.

Others with stronger,social Instincts have been busy canvasing—hosiery, kitchen ware and what not. Con-trasted with these are the . manual laborers. Temporary painters, car-penters, and- fa rmers blossomed forth to ply their trades as soon as last semester was completed.

The girls can not be ignored eith-er; for what would Waukazoo do

without them, or the other resorts that are acquainted with Hope coeds?

There weren't many Hope students walking the streets of Holland this

summer. Most the outsiders went home. The local students were busy during the day and a t night there are so many things to do. Of course, usually a bunch of fellows hangs

around the sporting stores, but most everybody Is doing something.

The bathing In Lake Hlchlgan has been fine all summer. It sort of made up for the hot days. And playing tennis was all right before the ther-mometer hit the top and forgot to

come down. Golf, that cripple's game, some students have dared to try.

It was rather lonesome not to see a lot of Hopeites on the streets, but now Its better. All we want is to get acquainted.

R e m e m l i e r

We have a complete line of

Fall Athletic Goods

Everything in the line of Gym, Tennis

& Football Goods.

VAN TONGEREN'S 12 Eas t 8th S t .

Hunting Licences Issued


c ^ N e w P e n

fcrtk B r o k e n

P i e c e s

(•JiiiiiiiiiiniiiiimiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMmniiiiiiMM QJ : =

i Where Most Ladies Go

i The Bob Shoppe, I Do You? I i "Expert Work dove on Robbing,

Shingling and Marcel Waving


Over Green H i l l Gate


I Holland's Leading Beauiy Shop BiiiimiiiiiHUiniHiiiiniiiiiiinmiiiiiiiimiimiiiimiiiiiiiiip]


Enrollment in American colleges will total more than 300.000 this year.

Columbia cladms the largest quota, with 35.000 students. ^

Today the melting pot begins to

bo.l. New oYrk's pomade and the country hayseed, the city's marcel and

Main Streets' curlers; the cultured

Eaet, the breezy West, the fiery South

and the keen-eyed North. together

with a sprinkling from across the

waters.—from these we expect to

crystollze our "Hope." We have had

a great product In past years, small

In quanlty but superexcellent In qual-

ity. We want to keep the lefrger quantity to the same high standard.

Perhaps the pot boiled a little harder

in those days. If so, why? Perhaps

we ourselves a re a bunch of dead coals Instead of flaming embers. Per-

haps we are throwing on sand Instead

of fuel. It may be we think our htKe ftpa/k isn't worth fanning into flame,

Or maybe we are not willing to de-velop Into the mighty flame we might

be. W h a t e v e r the caus®, let's shake out all the loose ashes, and set the pot bubbl ng again. We have a bunch

of new material to melt down. Let's (to for a bigger, better, peppier and more loyal Hope!

Only 35 per cent of the 080 men at Syracuse are physically fit. Flat feet

and defective eye-sight were mt, most common Imperfections.

The Intellectuals f rom away aren' t saying much yet, a re they? The ones f rom the fertile corn state especial-ly. We hope that during their so-journ In that " fa r country" their prodigality did not reduce them to the "husks" of their pet crop.

Meanwhile grass has grown under our feet. While the fai thful janltois have been doing well mowing the lawns, the longer grass and some weeds have found sanctuary in the

hinterlands. The sprouts f rom former seedlngs of sandburrs near the Gym will soon have reached an effective maturity. When the Prosh are being introduced about, don't forget the sandburrs. And remind them that it Is their bounden duty to wholly ex-

terminate them this year.

Hood College students celebrate a pay-day every year, on which occa-

sion everybody in college settles all

debts and starts the year clean. A

central point of meeting Is decided upon for this purpose,

—Richmond Collegian.

Tune me for life again, O quiet musi-

cian. Strive to adjust my loosened thots

- u n t i l . . -Made taut, they shall be yielding to

Thy Fingers

Gladly as trees to winds tha t touch

this bill.


y 22 West 8th S t ree t ,

Office Hours—

- 8 to II A. M

2 to 5 P. M Sat . 7 to 9 P. M

DR. A. LEENHOUTS Citz. Phone

STUDENTS Get Y o u r Ea t s


Molenaar&DeGoede 14 East 8th St.



The White Cross •

Three experienced Barber8, Hair Bobbing a specialty,




The unconditional and perpetual guarantee given with every Conklin Endura means that when-ever, however, and from what* ever cause, the pen is rendered less than perfect it will be repaired, or adjusted without charge.

Conklin Endura In ltd* black, mahogany, long or short, dip or ring cap, $5 and $7. A wide variety of other peiu, $2.50 and more. Rubber pencil* to match, $2.50. Oold pent—white, vellow, or peen—$S and more. Pencil* in all metaU to match. $1.00 and mora.

Sold by stationers, druggists, jewelers, and department stores.

THE CONKLIN PEN MFG. CO. TOLEDO. OHIO Chicago San Frandaco Boston


The Journalistic department of the

Un versity of Iowa has a newspa-

per library which contains an edition of every daily paper published In the

United States. 2500 In all.-->Sun Dial.


Out of 4.700 students at the Texas University only 12 are foreign stu-( ' e n t 8 , Crimson-White.

Every door I opened

In the great castle of Wisdom Showed me an empty room. -jM

Thus, having l e a n e d wisdom,

I leave the last one j Tightly locked. F

But to go tV) 'school in a summer m o m

Oh, it drives all joy away!

Holland City State Bank


Capital $100,000.00 Surplus and Profi ts $140,000.00

In te res t paid on Time ^ Deposi ts c<"np^1.AI1„u.ll, Mo

Conkliti ENDURA Uwaadtfioiialig fir* PrrpttuaUy Guarudtal

Parker Pens & Pencils L a r g e s t C o m p l e t e A s s o r t - •"

m e n t in t h e Ci ty

We make no charge for engraving names on Pens purchased ^

at our 8tere.

MODEL DRUG STORE N E. Cor. 8tli St. Sl River Ave. ^

' i t payg to trade at The Model"

Miss Evelyn Zwemer who has been

teaching In the m salon schools In

Kentucky for the past few years has

bee appointed field secretary of the

Woman's Board of Domestic Mls-


Bccause of racial discrimination in Omega Beta Phi fraternity, Carl Col-

by, a sophomore medical student at Knox College, Galesborough, III., re-

signed from the local chapter . A

Japanese and two negroes had to re-

sign before the Knox Chapter could

be a member of the National organi-zation. and Colby withdraws.

Rev. and Mrs. Ralph G. Korellngv

former Hope graduates, are planning

to sail fo r the mission field In Arab a

In November. Rev. and Mrs. G. J .

cPennlngs plan to return to Arabia

next fall.

Responsible Jobs for Seniors

fa l l ing out stations on an ocean liner.

Deck swabber on a submarine.

Chief linesman for a wireless tele-phone company.

Stoker on an oil .burner.

Selling electric fans In Ic^lanl , and overcoats Jn Af/lca,




for • • ^ A ' 9 * '

The Anchor

now! V -


Dry Goods, Coats. Suits and Millinery





Get a Rea l H a i r c u t in a

Rea l S h o p

Warm Friend Tavern Barber Shop


About Your Eyesight And For

Perfect Fitting Giitsei

Call on


THE OPTICAL SPECIALIST, 24 E. 8th St. Holland, Mich.

yg *



the honor system r r j ' r . r z r " : * of the honor code.

Nine years ago, the Honor Code was S e c t l o n j j ^ n y at tempt, or actual

drawn up and adopted by the students 8 u c c e 8 8 l n a n a t tempt, to receive aid

of Hope. Each year since then the f r o m b o o k S i not'ebook, paper, etc.. In

code haa been submitted to the stu- a n y examination or quiz ehall be dent body and reaccepted by I t—after deemed a violation.

any necessary revisions. Read the S e c t l o n m — A n y attempt, or actual code carefully and then decide how flUcceas i n a n a t tempt, to obtain p re -

you will vote,. vioua to an examination or quiz,

o knowledge of the questions or copies Hope CoIleKC o f t h e questions to be given in the

HONOR SYSTEM examination or quiz shall be deemed Article I a violation.

Sect on 1 The Hope College Honor Section IV—Any at tempt or actual Bpitem shall embrace all curricula 8 U c c e 8 H jn a n a t tempt, by any person work. I. e., all examinat ions written a t t c n < 1 i n R t h l s B c h o o l t o 8 U i ) S t l tute

or oral, sectional, semeeter and dally H ( , m e o n e else's work for his own,

quizzes, and all work done out- 8 h a l l h e (1eemed a violation. This

side of the class room for which p e ; . t a I n 8 ( 0 e s^ys , short stories, ora-eredit Is usually given. t i o n s n ( U 1 r C 8 8 e 8 | etc.

' Section H All term-end, mid-term, S o c t i o n y—Fai lu re to sign the six weeks, or sectional semester ex p I c ( l R 0 s h a l l l>e d e e m e d a v i o l a t l o n .

am nations covering a period of two S o ( . t i o n y i —Any failure on the par t

weeks, or more shall be announced o f t h o p ^ f e ^ o r or Instructor to abide

forty-eight hours In advance by the | ) y t h o st ipulations in Article II, Sec-professor or Instructor in charge. t i o n ^ n a m e l y t 0 p r o v l d e d , f f e r e n t

Artlolo II o t ' (ju est ions where al ternate seats Section I Where possible, profes- a i . e impossible, be deemed a violation.

sors and instructors must insist that % i Article \

s tudents occupy alternate seats dur- c, t rnu t t r. Section I—The Honor Committee

ing any written ezaminntion or quiz. . . . . , , .u shall be comi>o8ed of the presidents

Where this is Impossible, the profes- . 4. of the four college classes and one

sor or Instructor must prepare more . , impartial faculty members to be

than one set of questions, so that no , , .i .u ^ chosen by the other four members of

two students sitting next to each 4. the committee. 'Absence of any mem-

oher shall be answering the same set . , ,, . .... . . t , ber shall be filled by the next highest

of questions.

Section II—No notebooks, text-books, or notes of any kind shall be

taken to any examination or quiz tha i

has been announced forty-eight hours In advance.

Article HI The following pledge must appear

on all written examinations and

quizzes and work done outside of the

classroom for which credit is given: "I pledge my honor tha t T have

neither given nor received aid in this examination, (quiz, outside work.)

Article IV Section I—Any attempt, or actuaT

success in an at tempt, to render as-

ofllcer in the class.

In case of the unavoidable and un-

forseen absence of any committee

member, whose place cannot in the

circumstances be filled by a next highest officer in the class, his place

shall be filled by a member of the

class chosen by the remainder of the committee.

See tion II—The impartial faculty

member chosen by the Honor Com-mittee must not be a professor nor in-

structor who has an offender or of-

fenders of the Honory System in any of his classes.

Section III—The Honor Committee sistance. or to receive assistance from shall meet the second week of tho

any person taking an examination or school year to select from the Junior

quiz, whether the person at tempting or Senior claws the man who shall act or actually receiving or giving assist- as prosecutor in any trial of any of-


We choose our styles carefully. But we do not cater to Style alone. We insist on shoes that a ie care-fully made, of best materials. And then we guarentee you fit and satisfaction, thus giving ycu real Parisian Styles—combining Comfort and long-wear.


18 West 8th St. STORE No. 96 Holland, Mich-

OR Distinctive Stationery, Unique Pro-grams and Menus, or Fine Papers, the Holland Printing Co. can serve you best.

Holland's Finest Pr in ters 210 College Avenue

fender. The prosecutor shall be

chosen preferably f rom the Senim class.

Section IV—The President of the Senior Class shall preside at all meet-

ings, and in all cases shall have a vote.

ARTICLE VI—Procedure

Section I—Procedure for violations outlined in Article IV, Sections I, 11,' III, V.

Section I (a)—If any student, pro-

fessor or Instructor suspects or has knowledge that violations of this

Honor System as outlined in Article

IV, Sections I, II, I I I and V a re In progress, tha t student, professor or

instructor shall immediately t ap upon

the seat, chair, or desk with sufficient intensity so that no student shall be in Ignorance of tho warning.

Section I (b)—If, a f te r this warn-ing has been given, a student, profes-

sor or instructor be reasonably as-sured that violation is still in pro-

grews. he shall report the offender to

tho Honor Committee as soon as pos-sible.

Section I— (c)—Warning shall be personal for any violation of Article IV, Section IV, pertaining to work

done outside the class room. If viola-

tion continues, report shall bo made

to the Honor Committee as soon as possible.

Section I (d)—Upon receiving no-tice of an offense, (he Honor Commit-

tee shall convene in a suitable place

no later than a week a f t e r the time of the report of the offense, and the case shall then be prosecuted in accord-

ance with the provisions stated in Ar-ticle V.

Section r (e)—Defendant shall not be denied the right of counsel. Coun-

sel shall be limited to one individual.

Counsel shall have the privilege of asking only such questions as lead to the establishment of t ruth.

Sect on I ( f )—The Honor Commit-

tee shall have the power to subpoena

witnesses and assess a penalty for failure to appear .

Section I (g)—All trials before the

Honor Committee shall be private. Facts In tho case shall not be di-

vulged, except the final decision of

the committee. A unanimous decision shall constitute a conviction. From

this final decision there shall be no

appeal by the student body or defend-ant.

Section I (h) —P EX A LTIES—Pen -

alties shall be assessed at the discre-tion of the Honor Committee. Mini-

mum penalty shall be a failure in the examination or quiz in which the vio-

lation occurs. Maximum penalty shall be expulsion from the school

by the constituted authorities.

Section II ( a )—PROCEDURE FOR


TION VI—If any professor or In-

structor fails to comply with Article 11, Section 1, namely that of provid-

ing sets of questions where alternate seats are impossible, the attention of

the professor or instructor shall be

called to the fact of the violation by a student or students taking he exam-

inaion or quiz. If provision is not

made according to Article II, Section

I, the examination or quiz shall not be binding upon the students taking the examination or quiz.

Article VII

Section T—Disposition of any case

in any way except by trial before the Honor Committee, a f te r due warning

has been given, shall not be 'b inding

on a student, students, professor or instructor.

Article VIII

Section I—This code shall be print-ed in booklet form by the Student Council of Hope College and distri-

buted to the student body the second week of the school year.

Section II—The third week of the

school year, the entire student body

•shall vote in mass meeting to uphold

this code In Its entirety, to revise It,

or to abolish it altogether.

Section III—This code may be

amended, revised or abolished, by a three-four ts (%) vote of the student

body present at a meeting called for that purpose. A major i ty (51%) of

the student body shall constitute a quoru j i a t such a meeting.

Q M I I I I I I I U I I I H ,


- A N D -

Even Barrels and Caps Guaranteed


T R U S E L L Quality—The one-piece cover.


is enclosed.

W E B S T E R ' S Collegiate Dictionary Your Professor's Recommend it

~ i

Brink's Book Store Q iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiMMiiiiiiiti "TtT ' T i m t m m t i i i i i i M i i i i i H i M w i i i i i i i f t t t t m i i w n m i i i •B1

0iinniiiiii inn


- T H E -

: a

MILESTONE is made more attractive by

Good Pictures Hand your best snapshots to the


The first of every month we will pay

$2.00 for the most useful or interesting

snapshot submitted, and

$1.00 for the second best .


is the only judge. Z'


P h o t o S h o p


WE ARE READY v • * ^ *• '

To s e r v e you fo r ano the r y e a r in

Tennis Goods, Football Equip-ment, Gym Equipment and

other Sports at

SUPERIOR 206 River Avenue

Come in and say "Hello"


It 's a wonderful th ing for the women,

The popular permanent wave;

Now its up to some struggling In-


To get out a permanent shave.

The helghth of l a f lnew—the man

who would freeze to death before he'd shiver.

StUde—"Could you tell me In round

numbers what I made In the tes t?"

Proi .—"Yes. Zero.

Is there a word In the English lan-

guage t ha t contains all of the vow-els?


What Is it?

I Just told you.

She:—"Are you going to the library th'n a f t e rnoon?" •

He;—"No, I have to study."


Victor and Brunswick Records —at the—


Pianoi and Viclrolai rented at reaionable prfcei.

Quality Shoe Repairing—That*8 Our Business

' Dick" the Shot Doctor ELEC. SHOE HOSPIT i lL D. S c h i f t e n u r , Prop.

P h o n t 5 3 2 S W E CALL AND DELIVER 1 3 E. 8 i t i S t .

Fall Suits & Overcoats ARE HERE


He:—"Say, Mabel, may I come ••ver ton ight?"

^be:—"Sure, John, come on over **

He :—"Why thJs Is not John ."

She:—"Thl« Isn't Mabel e'.tner "

Ready Dishes, Hot & Cold for Busy Patrons Laughlin's Restaurant

72 East Eighth St. "A Real Good Place to Eat." Lunches put up

Mltrhcll says: "One If by land.

Two If by sea.

Three If they come

By the air ,h' gee!"

YOUR WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR W O R K Get P r o m p t A t t en t ion a t

PETER A, SELLES, Jeweler 14 East 8 th St .


The College Inn Open for business to-day, catering to both s tu-

dents and townspeople. Meals at usual prices, sanitary conditions, homelike atmosphere. Come and investigate. Conducted by "Pa t" and Mrs, Patterson, formerly of DUKE'S CAFE.

Corner College Avenue and Tenth Street

College Grad :—"I 'm a college man, and I want a position."

* Employer :—"No college man will

work in this place aa long as I a m boss."

College Grad :—"Who mentioned work ?"

The Folks at Home would Appreciate Your Picture. SEND ONE NOW.

T h e L a c e y N t u d i o

She:—"Meet me at the library at seven."

He:—"All right, what time will you bo the re?"

Pete Wesselink (growing passion- 4

ately poet ical) :—"I am only a t iny Pebble in your life."

She:—"Then why don't you be-come a little boulder?"

The Old Students knew and the new ones will l earn that for fine Tailoring and Men's Furnishings


can't be beat. Pressing by hand the best way.


College Man :—"What do you charge for rooms?"

Landlady:—"Six dollars up."

^ C oilege Man:—"But , madam, I a i u a s tudent ."

Landlady:—"Then it's six dol lars down."

Arctic Frost Bites 5 CENTS

G r e e n M i l l C a f e Holland's Leading Restaurant is ready to

serve you with the finest cuisine. Our watch-words are


Green Mill Cafe CHR1S KORSrif,or

T h e B o s t o n R e s t a i i r a n t


Our Pa t rons are Satisfied

A peach came walking down t h o street

She was more than passing fair ; 1

A smile, a nod, a half-lo«ed eye, 1 And the poach became a pair. 1

She:—"How many c g a r e t t e s do you smoke a day?"

Van \ l e c k : — " O h , any given n u m - , ber ."

N. HOFFMAN & SON, Propr ie to r s

K e e f e r ' v S Restaurant 29 W» Eighth Street

BERNARD KEEPER, Prop. Phone S445


"Rastus. I 'm sorry to hear that you've burled your wife!"

Boss, ah just had to, she was; dead."


Ice Cream, Candies, Fruits and Nuts,come to A. PATSY FABIANO 26 West Eighth Street

JACK BLUE Welcomes jnu back, and offers j o u de-licious Hot Lunches in addition to his famous Malted Milks.

Cite—"How do you get so ma.ny gir ls?"

Har t—"Oh, I just sprinkle a l i t t le gasoline on my handkerchief ."

o "What ' s the mat ter , old m a n ? "

"I wrote an art icle on fresh milk and the editor condensed It."


CollegeSociety Jewelry —at—

V, •i.

r BRICK > •r


65 West 8ih St. Phone 2212


SUGGESTIONS TO F R E S H M E N Sell the Second-hand Ford—

It cannot make the grade.

We don't want rat t le traps.

It 's bet ter to walk than push

your girl In a balky Ford pe r - 1

ambula tor .

Avoid dates of unknown origin. Look for a rich man.

Three datea make a "go '—that ' s why hope comes before Hope.

Honor the Seniors; Love the Juniors* * .*!

Obey the Sophomores. • ' ! ( '

Don't be yellow. r *

Don't he red, ? ' 1 • ;

Don't be blue. yi

Be n a t u r a l — G P E E X f T

Pay attention In Chapel. ^ • •jj •

Geo. H. Huizenga & Co. Opp. Warm Friend Tavern

STILL ON THE JOB Yes sir, you will find us at the old stand

dy to serve you. You will also find j new line of Fall Merchandise at



19 West 8th St. HOLLAND. MICH.