082317 The Birthing of a Dream - Reid Temple A.M.E. Church

Rev. Dr. Lee P. Washington – Pastor Sis. Vivian Smith - Instructor Reid Temple Ministerial Staff August 23, 2017 The Birthing of a Dream/Vision/ Promise -- Enduring the Process

Transcript of 082317 The Birthing of a Dream - Reid Temple A.M.E. Church

082317_The_Birthing_of_a_DreamRev. Dr. Lee P. Washington – Pastor Sis. Vivian Smith - Instructor Reid Temple Ministerial Staff
August 23, 2017
The Birthing of a Dream/Vision/ Promise -- Enduring the Process
We don’t want to hear anything about the process, because we want everything to be
instantaneous but the process always comes before the promise.
As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual. And to make you understand spiritually tonight we will take a walk through the natural birthing process.
A natural pregnancy consists of three stages, called trimesters. And you can’t get to the end
without there being a beginning.
A Walk Through the Process
It starts with a seed. What you conceived is so valuable, costly and precious. What was done to you was done by
the Holy Ghost. (Mt.1:18-22). You did not conceive through artificial insemination but through the spirit of God.
You’ve been favored!!!!
Step One – Conception/Impartation
When a women is pregnant with child, her body must stretch to carry and accommodate the growing and
developing fetus that she’s carrying. And because we’re conveying this spiritually, understand its for the men also. Spiritually its gender neutral. Men, mentally and physically you must stretch to be in alignment with the spirit of God.
What do you do when you’ve been called, appointed, and anointed by God; but you don’t fit the description man is
looking for? (I Sam. 16:1, 12-13) Keep a servants heart, and wait on God.
Step One – Conception/Impartation
Can you keep a secret??? Guard your dream/vision/promise. The seed that has been
planted inside of you is growing and developing. God is beginning to stretch you, prepare you for dilation, so you can
birth out the vision for ministry. Like Elizabeth, he’ll bring others that will cause your baby to
leap. They will be in divine alignment with your destiny.
Step Two – Hold it Close
Stretching is never comfortable nor an easy process to endure. (Prv. 24:10) “ If thou faint in
the day of adversity, thy strength is small.”
The tightness and intensity of the stretching makes you think that you can’t go any further, but God said he won’t leave you or forsake you. He’ll
stay with you through the process.
Step Three – Don’t Abort the Dream/ Vision prematurely
He’s stretching you beyond your natural limits and ability to launch you to your kingdom destination/promise. (Isa. 40:29-31) “He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he
increaseth strength. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and
not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
Doubt/Unbelief. Know the voice of God. Trust God, not the haters
Don’t abort the promise because your due date is drawing near. If Jesus had to go to the Garden of Gethsemane to get strength to
endure, what about you. Pray and pray some more.
Moving outside of God’s timing will cause you to slip and fall, thus a tragic miscarriage. (Eccl. 3:11) “He
has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can
fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”
Patience to endure under pressure. Waiting patiently for God’s appointed time. (Heb. 6:12) “And so after
waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.”
Step Four – Avoid the Miscarriage
Seek God for direction. The details and instructions are vital to the successful birth and development of your dream/
Follow the plan of God. The pressure of the assignment/ dream/vision/promise may feel too heavy to handle the
weight, power, authority, and responsibility of the plan. But allow God to prepare you for delivery. I would that you could see through the spirit the great thing God has prepared for
Have you been through the birthing classes? (Quality time in the Word and prayer.)
Step Five --- Prepare for the Transition
Be careful who you allow to speak into your life. What you ingest can cause you to start having labor pains prematurely.
May cause you to start dilating to soon. God’s says “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not
tarry.” (Hab. 3:9)
I hear God’s saying “Let us not be weary in well doing, in due season you shall reap if you faint not.” (Gal. 6:9)
He knows you’re tired of carrying the dream. The weight of it all is starting to bare down, but hold on just a little while longer.
Step Six – Ignore the False Labor Pains
The most difficult of any delivery is a breech birth. Being in the wrong position, and at a very vulnerable stage.
When you’re at a pivotal stage and the enemy tries another shot at killing your dream/vision/promise.
Still births are produced with no life, and can’t be resuscitated. Stay around people that will keep your
dream, vision or promise alive. (Lk 1:41-44)
Step Seven – Avoid breech delivery or still births
Thank God for intercessors!!!! They give life… Those tears you shed are not wasted. They are a
signal! Nothing is birthed until your water breaks. It will either break on its own or they will break it for you,
but it will come forth. That’s when the discomfort intensifies.
Stay the hand of death (cord around the neck). The enemy will try at all cost to kill your God-ordained
Step Eight – At the point of delivery the mid-wives step in and begin to intercede
(Psalms 140:4) “Keep me, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked; preserve me from the violent man; who have
purposed to overthrow my goings.”
(II Kings 19:3) – “This is what Hezekiah says: This day is a day of distress and rebuke and disgrace, as when children come to the moment of birth and there is no
strength to deliver them.” Time to push, but your have no strength
May have to stop pushing for a moment and breathe through a few contractions.
Step Eight – At the point of delivery the mid- wives step in and begin to intercede
At the end of the third trimester. Ready for a full term delivery. (1 Peter 5:10) “But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto
his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.”
Through all the pain, false labor, stretch marks, weight gain, sweats, deep breathes, cuts, and waiting with great anticipation of your dream, your vision, your promise it’s about to come to
pass. The anxiety sets in. Nervousness tries to take over, heart begins to race, because the time is at hand. (Mt. 26:36-46)
You’ve got to know that it is He that works in you both to will and do His good pleasure.
Step Nine – Due Season
(John 16:21) – “A woman, when she is in labor, has sorrow because her hour has
come; but as soon as she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the
anguish, for joy that a human has been born into the world.”
Step Nine – Due Season
The day and time has fully come to fruition. You’ve gone through the process. That which was imparted to you,
and predestined before time has come forth. What seed has God planted in you that has grown to
full maturity and is ready for the Master’s use.
It’s time to come out of hiding. Come out of obscurity and be used mightily by God.
The Body of Christ has been waiting on what God has invested in you.
Now is the appointed/set-time. There is a “Process to Purpose!!”
** The Great Announcement **
(Eccl. 3:1) – “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”
(Philippians 1:6) – “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus
(Philippians 3:13) – “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are
behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,”
GA Mass Choir put it like this: I been through the fire, and I been through the flood Broken in piece and left all alone
But through it all God kept me And through it all brought me
And I still have praise inside of me. ** My praise, my obedience, my faith, my trust is pushing me, moving
me into my due season!!!!