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  • 8/17/2019 07_presentation_workshop_delft_lesny_final.pdf


    Implementation of Eurocode 7 in Germany

    and Consequences for Practical Design

    Kerstin Lesny

    University of DuisburgEssenInstitute of Geotec!nics

    "afety Concepts and Calibration of Partial #actors inEuropean and $ort! %merican Codes of Practice

    &or's!op •••• ()*++ , )+*+-* -)++ •••• Delft University of .ec!nology

  • 8/17/2019 07_presentation_workshop_delft_lesny_final.pdf



    History of Geotechnical Design in Germany

    Implementation of Eurocode 7

    New Regulations for Geotechnical Design

    Consequences for Pratical Design E!amples


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    0istory of Geotec!nical Design in Germany

    Geotechnical design in Germany originally -ased on a glo-al safetyconcept with an o+erall factor of safety  η

    .afety concept defined in DIN '%/0 1'2734 with reference to +arious

    design codes 1e&g& DIN 0%'7 for the -earing resistance4

    Definition of global factor1 2 3 45E ≥≥≥≥ ηηηηmin

    R5 E 6 deterministic +alues5 named as cal E5 cal R 

    Glo-al factors

    e&g& -earing resistance failure 86)5%

    e&g& pile -earing capacity 86)5%

    for load case '

    Distinction of three load cases determining the le+el of safety

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    0istory of Geotec!nical Design in Germany

    to -e deri+ed directly from the results of soil mechanical tests

    -asic +alue is the reduced arithmetic a+erage from n tests

    appropriate additions or deductions to consider the heterogeinity of theground5 uncertainties during soil sampling and testing

    e&g& reduction of shear strength paramaters according to E23 of E9*

    E9*7 Recommendations of the Committee for "aterfront .tructures 

    Definition of deterministic values of soil parameters6acc* to E%U1


    cccal   uu  ≤


    tantancal   ϕ′



    cccal   ′≤′

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    0istory of Geotec!nical Design in Germany

    deterministic +alues R5 E 1cal R5 cal E4 : characteristic +alues E# 5 R # 

    "ith DIN '%/0 1)%%$4 ;.D first has -een introduced in Germanyparallel to the de+elopment of Eurocode 75 re+ised in )%%/

    Resistance factors   γ R deri+ed from glo-al factors assumingtypical partial factors for effects of actions  γ E<

    η≤  R E

    # E# 

    R E

    γ ≤γ ⋅

    ( )   R ER ER E  R ER ER E   γ ⋅γ =η⇔


    γ ⋅γ ≤⇔

    γ ≤γ ⋅

    Global factor Partial factors

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    0istory of Geotec!nical Design in Germany

    Definition of Limit "tates 6in German1 Gren88ust9nde 3 G:

    G: +%;oss of equili-rium without failure of the ground5 e&g& uplift5 floating5 hydraulichea+e= partial factors only on actions

    G: +;>ailure of structures or structural components -y failure of the structure or theground5 e&g& sliding5 -earing resistance failure5 failure of piles5 retaining structures5

    etc&= partial factors on characteristic effects of actions and resistances

    G: +CGlo-al failure of the ground5 e&g& slope failure= partial factors on actions and onshear strength parameters

    G: -Displacements and rotations= partial factors are equal to one

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    0istory of Geotec!nical Design in Germany

    Concept of load cases

    < according to DI$ +)=> 6+?7@1

    ;C' Permanent loads and regularly occuring +aria-le loads

    permanent design conditions

    ;C) plus irregularly occuring +aria-le loads and loads that only occurduring construction

    transient design conditions

    ;C$ plus e!traordinary loads

    according to DI$ +)=> 6-))=

    Concept of load cases maintained5 -ut they now depend on com-inationsof actions and safety classes

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    0istory of Geotec!nical Design in Germany

    Combinations of actions$ormal combination C%+1 Permanent and +aria-le loads

    4are combination C%-1 Rare loads or loads occuring only once

    EAtraordinary combination C%(1 E!traordinary actions occuring at the sametime5 i&e& catastrophic incidents

    "afety classes"afety class "C+1 Normal conditions during the lifetime of the structure

    "afety class "C-1 Conditions during construction or maintenance of a structure

    "afety class "C(1 .ingular or pro-a-ly ne+er occuring conditions during thelifetime of the structure

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    Implementation of Eurocode 7

    /riginal timetable for t!e implementation of Eurocode 7 inGermany as DI$ E$ +??7+1

    @empfert 1)%%24

    DI$ E$ +??7+ Bit! $%

    revised DI$ +)=>

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    Implementation of Eurocode 7

    DIN EN '227')%%2

    .chuppener A Ruppert 1)%%74

    DIN '%/0)%%/ as Bthe German way to Eurocode 7 designed to maintain thespecial e!periences included in German design codes

    DIN '%/0)%%/ had to -e completely re+ised due to o+erlapping regulations





    e&g&limit states5




    e!periencese&g& acc& -ase

    pressures5pile resistances

    DIN '%/0)%%/

    Eurocode 7 vs* DI$ +)=>1-))=)+

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    Implementation of Eurocode 7

    Current situation

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    Implementation of Eurocode 7

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    Implementation of Eurocode 7

    $ormen0andbuc!6Codes 0andboo'

    "ummary of t!e t!ree codes

    pu-lished in ay )%''

    >or a -etter reada-ility of thethree codes<

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    Implementation of Eurocode 7

    according toDI$ +)=>1-)+)+-

    according toDI$ E$ +??7+1-))?)?

    according toDI$ E$ +??7+1-))?)?

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    Implementation of Eurocode 7

    Deadline for implementation>or the ultimate implementation of the new codes a deadline regulation has-een esta-lished

    Estimated date +st of uly -)+-

    .!is means1

    DIN '%/0)%%/ will -e withdrawn

    new codes 1most pro-a-ly a set of Eurocodes % to /5 7' and 2 with their

    N94 officially will -e appro+ed and introduced -y the -uilding authorities new codes may already -e used -efore the deadline -ased on a proect

    specific agreement especially with the appro+al authorities

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    Implementation of Eurocode 7

    .chuppener A Ruppert 1)%%74


    #uture system of German geotec!nical design codes

    In DIN '%/0)%'%')reference is made to

    Design codes e*g*DIN 0%'7DIN 0%'2DIN 0%?0


    E9F5 E9*5 E9P5


    Construction codes5 e&g&EN '/$3 1-ored piles4EN ')%3$ 1sheet pile walls4


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    $eB 4egulations for Geotec!nical Design

    @empfert 1)%%24

    inner failure of the structure , where

    the strength of construction materials for the resistance

    Limit state

    loss of equilibrium of the structure or of the foundation

    ground, where the strengths of the resistance are notdecisive

    loss of equilibrium of the structure or the foundationground due to uplift or by the effect of other verticalforces

    Hydraulic failure, inner erosion and piping inthe ground, caused by flow gradient

    inner failure of the structure , where the strength of construction

    materials for the resistance

    inner failure of the structure , wherethe strength of construction materials for the resistance

    fail or very large deformation of the structure, wherethe strength of the foundation ground according to the

    resistance is not decisive

    Definition of limit states

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    Design "ituations Load Cases

    $eB 4egulations for Geotec!nical Design



    Load case 6LCaccording to

    DI$ +)=>1-))=

    Permanent designsituation

    ;"P ;C '

    ,ransient designsituation ;". ;C )

     9ccidental designsituation

    ;"% ;C $

    Design situation

    for earthqua#e ;"E ;C $

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    $eB 4egulations for Geotec!nical Design

    Design approac!es according to DI$ +??7+1-))?)?1

    Design %pproac! + 1

    D9' is not allowed in Germany according to DIN EN '227'N9)%'%')

    Design %pproac! -1

    D9) is applied for the limit states ".4 and GE/

    In case of loaddependent resistances the resultant resistance is calculatedwith characteristic effects of actions R # 6 f1E# 4 1also named as D9)4

    Design %pproac! (1

    D9$ is applied for the limit state GE/ in case of glo-al sta-ility or slopesta-ility analyses

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    $eB 4egulations for Geotec!nical Design

    Partial factors for actionsaccording to DIN '%/0)%'%') ( a-stract

     %ctions andeffects of actions "ymbol

    Design situation




    ".4 and GE/-1 Limit state of failure of structures structuralcomponents and t!e ground

    Effects of actions frompermanent actions5general

    γ G+(=




    Effects of actions fromunfa+oura-le +aria-leactions

    γ J+=)




    ;lac'1 partial factors acc* to DI$ +)=>1-)+)+-

    4ed1 partial factors acc* to DI$ +)=>1-))=)+

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    $eB 4egulations for Geotec!nical Design

    Partial factors for resistancesaccording to DIN '%/0)%'%') a-stract

    ;lac'1 factors acc* toDI$ +)=>1-)+)+-

    4ed1 factors acc* toDI$ +)=>1-))=)+

    4esistance "ymbolDesign situation






    6LC(".4 and GE/-1 Limit state of failiure according tostructures components and foundation ground

    "oil resistances

    Passi+e earth pressure

    and -earing resistance

    γ R5e5 γ R5++>)





    6+-).liding resistance   γ R5h




    Pile resistance from static and dynamic pile load tests

    -ase resistance   γ -++)




    shaft resistance1pressure4

      γ s++)




    total resistance1pressure4

      γ t++)




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    Eurocode 7 Design EAamples , EAample +

    .quare pad foundation

    Characteristic loads

    G+5# 6 '%%% #NGh5# 6 %J+5# 6 7/% #NJh5# 6 /%% #Nγ c 6 )/ #NmK

    .oil -oulder clay

    Detailsfi+e .P, tests5 water contents and inde! tests-ul# weight density )'&0 #NmKground water le+el '&% m -elow ground le+el

    Consequences for Practical Design , EAamples

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    Comparison of design approac!es Bit! German design Bit!inD%-

    "pecific features in t!e calculation1

    Design %pproac! + 6combination + and - and (

    partial factors according to DIN EN '227')%%2%25 ,a-les 9&$&' to 9$&$

    Design %pproac! -

    partial factors according to DIN '%/0)%'%')5 ,a-les 9&)&' to 9)&$

    Design met!od for bearing resistance according to DI$ >)+71-))@)(

    Consequences for Practical Design , EAamples

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    C!aracteristic soil parameters1

    *ndrained conditions cu# 6$%% #NmL5 Mu# 6%

    Drained conditions cO# 6'/ #NmL5 M # 6$%

    Derived as eAperience values acc* to recommendations in

    E%U 6-))>

    Consequences for Practical Design , EAamples

    DIN EN I.Q ))073$)%%/%0 on .P, testing does not include anycorrelations to shear parameters=

     arious correlations a+aila-le in the literature ha+e -een e!amined=

    >inally e!perience +alues found to -e reasona-le

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    4esults of t!e bearing resistance calculation

    *ndrained conditionsPad width acc& to D9) ) minimally larger 1)5?2 m4 than acc& to D9' and D9$

    Drained conditionsPad width acc& to D9) much larger 10532 m4 than acc& to D9' and D9$

    Pad Bidt! D%+6Comb* + D%+6Comb* - D%- D%(

    F SmT1*ndrained condition4

    )5/$ )53$ -F? )5/$

    F SmT1Drained condition4 $500 $50/ >@? $500

    86R d Nd or R #  N# 1undrained condition4

    '5%'0 '5%)' '5??% '5%'0

    86R d Nd or R #  N# 1drained condition4

    '5%'7 '5%)7 )5'%? '5%'7

    Consequences for Practical Design , EAamples

    DI$ +)=> 6+?7@1

    ηηηηmin 3 -) 6LC+

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    Eurocode 7 Design EAamples , EAample @

    Fored piles5 D 6 0/% mm5 a 6 ) m

    Characteristic loads for each pileG# 6 $%% #N

    J# 6'/% #N

    .oilPleistocene fine and medium sand

    co+ered -y Holocene layers of loose sand5

    soft clay5 and peat


    ' CP, at a distance of /m from the -oring

    performed and e+aluated acc& to DIN 0%20')%%)

    Consequences for Practical Design , EAamples

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    Determination of soil parametersCP, test used for the determination of pile length acc& to DIN '%/0)%'%')and E9P 1)%%74


    1U4 6/%5$0V)523/U

    0 4 8 12 16 20

    Spitzenwiderstand qc[MPa]





       T   i  e   f  e  z   [  m   ]

    Consequences for Practical Design , EAamples

    ;inear regression

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    .oil layers -etween % and W'/ m assumed to -e not-earing

    Design pile length -elow W'/ m

     9+erage +alue of cone resistance for this depthrange

    qc 3 +++F> $5mH

    ,a-le cone resistance +s& depth from linear regression

    Consequences for Practical Design , EAamples

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    Tiefe z[m] qc [MN/m²]

    15,5 -4,3825

    16 -2,9

    16,5 -1,4175

    17 0,065

    17,5 1,5475

    18 3,0318,5 4,5125

    19 5,995

    19,5 7,4775

    20 8,96

    20,5 10,4425

    21 11,925

    21,5 13,4075

    22 14,89

    22,5 16,3725

    23 17,855

    23,5 19,3375

    24 20,82

    24,5 22,3025

    25 23,785

    25,5 25,2675

    26 26,75

    depth z[m]

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    Comparison of design approac!es Bit! German design Bit!inD%-

    "pecific features in t!e calculation1

    Calculation according to D%+ 6Combination + and D%-

    D%+ 6Combination - and D%( were not included in this calculation

    ,he applied calculation model acc& to DIN '%/0)%'%') and E9P 1)%%74is -ased on empirical +alues for the pile resistances=

    Partial factors can only -e applied on resultant resistance 1i&e& γ R 45material factors γ  cannot -e applied<

    Consequences for Practical Design , EAamples

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    4esults of t!e pile analysis1

    Design pile lengt!1 +7= m

    16 minimum em-edment depth in competent layer )5/m

    acc& to E9P5 )%%74

    Pile lengt!D%+

    6Comb* +D%+

    6Comb* - D%- D%(

    ; SmT '750/ +7-= 86R d Ed or R #  E#  '5%'$' '5% '5//%0 '5%%27

    Consequences for Practical Design , EAamples

    DI$ +)=> 6+?7@1

    ηηηηmin 3 -) 6LC+

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    C l i

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    Implementation of ;.D -y Eurocode 7 represented a radicalchange in the German design philosophy which was -ased on alongterm e!perience and which was commonly ustified to -e+ery relia-le

    Engineers had to adust to the new concept of limit states andpartial factors and the new terminology with the introduction ofDIN '%/0)%%$)%%/ parallel to the Eurocode 1the German wayX4

    "ith the deadline of Yuly )%') DIN '%/0)%%/ can no longer -e

    used and engineers again need to adust to changes accompanied-y the implementation of Eurocode 7

    In the future three codes 1EC7 and its N9 plus a re+ised DIN'%/04 are to -e used in geotechnical design -esides other designand construction codes

    ,he safety le+el included in these codes is not -ased onpro-a-ilistic calculations5 -ut has -een deri+ed from the former

    glo-al safety concept ( i&e& the actual relia-ility remains un#nown"or#shop • $%&''(%'&')& )%'' • Delft *ni+ersity of ,echnology page $'