434 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS, VOL. 21, NO. 3, MARCH 2013 Secure Dual-Core Cryptoprocessor for Pairings Over Barreto-Naehrig Curves on FPGA Platform Santosh Ghosh, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, and Dipanwita Roychowdhury Abstract—This paper is devoted to the design and the physical security of a parallel dual-core exible cryptoprocessor for com- puting pairings over Barreto-Naehrig (BN) curves. The proposed design is specically optimized for eld-programmable gate-array (FPGA) platforms. The design explores the in-built features of an FPGA device for achieving an efcient cryptoprocessor for computing 128-bit secure pairings. The work further pinpoints the vulnerability of those pairing computations against side-channel attacks and demonstrates experimentally that power consump- tions of such devices can be used to attack these ciphers. Finally, we suggest a suitable countermeasure to overcome the respective weaknesses. The proposed secure cryptoprocessor needs 1 730 000, 1 206 000, and 821 000 cycles for the computation of Tate, ate, and optimal-ate pairings, respectively. The implementation results on a Virtex-6 FPGA device shows that it consumes 23 k Slices and computes the respective pairings in 11.93, 8.32, and 5.66 ms. Index Terms— -arithmetic, eld-programmable gate-array (FPGA) platform, pairing-based cryptography, power attack, programmable architecture, side-channel attack. I. INTRODUCTION B ILINEAR pairing rst used in cryptography indepen- dently by Mitsunari et al. [36], Sakai et al. [40], and Joux [39] in 2000. One year later, Boneh and Franklin solved a long lasting problem of identity-based cryptography [37] based on pairing. Since then an impressive number of proposals arrived in the literature for designing cryptographic protocols based on pairings [29]. On the other hand, steep growth of the adversary’s computation power demands increasing bit secu- rity in cryptographic protocols running in these applications. Practice has shown that one of the most efcient options to compute pairings for high bit security is to resort to Tate pairing operating on Barreto-Naehrig (BN) curves [22] dened over a 256-bit prime eld having embedding degree . Efcient computation of Tate pairing with linear complexity with respect to the size of the input was introduced long back in 1986 by Miller [30]. Signicant improvements and the gener- alization of Miller’s algorithm were independently proposed in 2002 by Barreto et al. [34] and Galbraith et al. [35]. Thereafter, intensive research has been carried out for further improvement Manuscript received May 30, 2011; revised September 21, 2011; accepted February 16, 2012. Date of publication April 09, 2012; date of current version February 20, 2013. The authors are with the Department of Computer Science and Engi- neering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, WB, 721302 Kharagpur, India (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the gures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TVLSI.2012.2188655 of Tate pairing computations on specic algebraic curves. Re- cent breakthroughs include the pairing [20], the ate pairing [23], the R-ate pairing [12], and the optimal-ate pairing [4]. Among them the pairing is a symmetric pairing computed on supersingular curves, whereas other three belong to the class of asymmetric pairings on general elliptic curves. In this paper, we extend the work presented in [4] and pro- pose a pairing cryptoprocessor for BN curves. The design is exible and resistant to side-channel attack. FPGA is one of the suitable platforms for implementing cryptographic algorithms. This paper proposes new implementation techniques of addition and multiplication on FPGAs. The in-built features available in- side an FPGA device have been utilized to develop a high-speed 256-bit adder circuit. We show that when utilizing such adder circuits and adopting a parallelism technique, the multiplica- tion in can be substantially improved. Based on such arithmetic cores, we develop a parallel congurable hardware for computing addition, subtraction, and multiplication on and . Existing techniques to speed up arithmetic in exten- sion elds (see [21] and [24]) for fast computation in and are used on top of it. The major contributions of this paper are highlighted here. This paper implements underlying primitives for -arith- metic on FPGA platforms, which provides 1.7 times speedup from existing platform-independent techniques. A dual-core pairing cryptoprocessor for BN curves has been proposed on FPGA platform. Parallelism techniques are explored in different levels in- cluding underlying nite eld operations which computes a pairing in 1/6-th number of clock cycles and achieves a comparable speed with the existing CMOS design. The paper further pinpoints the vulnerability of respective pairing computations against side-channel attacks. A dif- ferential power analysis (DPA) technique has been pro- posed. A suitable countermeasure is also outlined. Section II gives an idea on cryptographic pairings and BN curves. Efcient design of nite eld primitives on FPGA plat- forms are described in Section III. Section IV describes the pro- posed pairing cryptoprocessor, on which pairing computation is provided in Section V. In Section VI, we analyze the DPA at- tacks on pairings. Section VII shows the experimental results. Finally, the paper is concluded in Section VIII. II. BACKGROUND OF PAIRINGS The name bilinear pairing indicates that it takes a pair of vec- tors as input and returns a number, and it performs linear trans- formation on each of its variables. For example, the dot product of vectors is a bilinear pairing [13]. Similarly, for cryptographic 1063-8210/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE


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Transcript of 06180031

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Secure Dual-Core Cryptoprocessor for Pairings OverBarreto-Naehrig Curves on FPGA Platform

Santosh Ghosh, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, and Dipanwita Roychowdhury

Abstract—This paper is devoted to the design and the physicalsecurity of a parallel dual-core flexible cryptoprocessor for com-puting pairings over Barreto-Naehrig (BN) curves. The proposeddesign is specifically optimized for field-programmable gate-array(FPGA) platforms. The design explores the in-built features ofan FPGA device for achieving an efficient cryptoprocessor forcomputing 128-bit secure pairings. The work further pinpoints thevulnerability of those pairing computations against side-channelattacks and demonstrates experimentally that power consump-tions of such devices can be used to attack these ciphers. Finally,we suggest a suitable countermeasure to overcome the respectiveweaknesses. The proposed secure cryptoprocessor needs 1 730 000,1 206 000, and 821 000 cycles for the computation of Tate, ate, andoptimal-ate pairings, respectively. The implementation results ona Virtex-6 FPGA device shows that it consumes 23 k Slices andcomputes the respective pairings in 11.93, 8.32, and 5.66 ms.

Index Terms— -arithmetic, field-programmable gate-array(FPGA) platform, pairing-based cryptography, power attack,programmable architecture, side-channel attack.


B ILINEAR pairing first used in cryptography indepen-dently by Mitsunari et al. [36], Sakai et al. [40], and

Joux [39] in 2000. One year later, Boneh and Franklin solveda long lasting problem of identity-based cryptography [37]based on pairing. Since then an impressive number of proposalsarrived in the literature for designing cryptographic protocolsbased on pairings [29]. On the other hand, steep growth of theadversary’s computation power demands increasing bit secu-rity in cryptographic protocols running in these applications.Practice has shown that one of the most efficient options tocompute pairings for high bit security is to resort to Tate pairingoperating on Barreto-Naehrig (BN) curves [22] defined over a256-bit prime field having embedding degree .Efficient computation of Tate pairing with linear complexity

with respect to the size of the input was introduced long back in1986 by Miller [30]. Significant improvements and the gener-alization of Miller’s algorithm were independently proposed in2002 by Barreto et al. [34] and Galbraith et al. [35]. Thereafter,intensive research has been carried out for further improvement

Manuscript received May 30, 2011; revised September 21, 2011; acceptedFebruary 16, 2012. Date of publication April 09, 2012; date of current versionFebruary 20, 2013.The authors are with the Department of Computer Science and Engi-

neering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, WB, 721302 Kharagpur,India (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]).Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online

at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVLSI.2012.2188655

of Tate pairing computations on specific algebraic curves. Re-cent breakthroughs include the pairing [20], the ate pairing[23], the R-ate pairing [12], and the optimal-ate pairing [4].Among them the pairing is a symmetric pairing computedon supersingular curves, whereas other three belong to the classof asymmetric pairings on general elliptic curves.In this paper, we extend the work presented in [4] and pro-

pose a pairing cryptoprocessor for BN curves. The design isflexible and resistant to side-channel attack. FPGA is one of thesuitable platforms for implementing cryptographic algorithms.This paper proposes new implementation techniques of additionand multiplication on FPGAs. The in-built features available in-side an FPGA device have been utilized to develop a high-speed256-bit adder circuit. We show that when utilizing such addercircuits and adopting a parallelism technique, the multiplica-tion in can be substantially improved. Based on sucharithmetic cores, we develop a parallel configurable hardwarefor computing addition, subtraction, and multiplication onand . Existing techniques to speed up arithmetic in exten-sion fields (see [21] and [24]) for fast computation in and

are used on top of it. The major contributions of this paperare highlighted here.• This paper implements underlying primitives for -arith-metic on FPGA platforms, which provides 1.7 timesspeedup from existing platform-independent techniques.

• A dual-core pairing cryptoprocessor for BN curves hasbeen proposed on FPGA platform.

• Parallelism techniques are explored in different levels in-cluding underlying finite field operations which computesa pairing in 1/6-th number of clock cycles and achieves acomparable speed with the existing CMOS design.

• The paper further pinpoints the vulnerability of respectivepairing computations against side-channel attacks. A dif-ferential power analysis (DPA) technique has been pro-posed. A suitable countermeasure is also outlined.

Section II gives an idea on cryptographic pairings and BNcurves. Efficient design of finite field primitives on FPGA plat-forms are described in Section III. Section IV describes the pro-posed pairing cryptoprocessor, on which pairing computation isprovided in Section V. In Section VI, we analyze the DPA at-tacks on pairings. Section VII shows the experimental results.Finally, the paper is concluded in Section VIII.


The name bilinear pairing indicates that it takes a pair of vec-tors as input and returns a number, and it performs linear trans-formation on each of its variables. For example, the dot productof vectors is a bilinear pairing [13]. Similarly, for cryptographic

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applications the bilinear pairing (or pairing) operations are de-fined on elliptic or hyperelliptic curves. Pairing is a mapping

, where , are additive subgroups of ,and is a subgroup of the multiplicative group of. The most important parameters for cryptographic pair-

ings are the underlying finite field, the order of the curve, theembedding degree, and the order of , , and . These pa-rameters should be chosen such that the best exponential timealgorithms to solve the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) inand and the subexponential time algorithms to solve the DLPin take longer than a chosen security level.The BN curve used in this paper is represented as:

having the field characteristic, the curve order ,

and the trace of Frobenius . With BN parameter(in hexadecimal) [21], it forms the

group with and 256-bit primes of Hamming weight91 and 87, respectively. The prime (mod 8) (so is aquadratic non-residue, we represent it by ).Pairing computation consists of two major steps : the com-

putation of Miller’s function and the final exponentiation. Al-gorithm 1 shows computation of Tate pairing. The first part iscomputed by one of the optimized version of Miller’s algorithmknown as BKLS algorithm [34].

Algorithm 1: Computing the Tate pairing.

Input: , , and .Output: .

1. , ;2. for from downto 0 do3. ;4. ;5. if and then6. ;7. .8. return ;

The BN curves admit a sextic twist [22], which means thatthe point is mapped on a point defined over . Thus,the line functions and is computed overinstead of . Value of the line functions are represented as:

, with , , and a quadraticnon-residue over . The Miller function is computedover , which is represented as:

, with . In step 4 and step 7 of algorithm1 the operations , , and are performedon , whereas all others are performed on and .This paper follows the descriptions that are given in [18] for

computing the Tate, ate, and optimal-ate pairings using Jacobiancoordinate systems. The final exponentiation is performed bythe technique provided in [11]. Let denote the cost ofmultiplication, squaring, inversion in . As described in [18],the costs for Tate, ate, and optimal-ate pairings on BN curve are

, , and .


In 1983, Blakley introduced an interesting algorithm to per-form modular multiplication of two integers and moduloan integer [43]. It is an iterative binary double-and-add al-gorithm. The main idea of the algorithm is that it keeps the in-termediate result after each iteration below the modulus value,which it avoids final division. In this paper, the modulus cor-responds to and we say it -multiplication. All arithmetic inare performed in two’s complement number system, which

avoids input and output conversions like existing implementa-tions [9], [10].

A. Fast Carry Chains for -Primitives

The main difficulty of the Blakley algorithm is the computa-tion of addition on large operands. The modified Blakley algo-rithm for large operands are shown in [25] and [31]. The use ofcarry save adder (CSA) helps to speed up the repeated additionson large operands. However these modified versions require atleast one final addition on large carry chain. Some pre-computedvalues too are used by this technique which require additionaltime and storage area.This work exploits the features available in an FPGA de-

vice for efficient computation of Blakley algorithm on largeoperands. The specific features that are available in an FPGAde-vice are efficiently utilized for developing arithmetic primitivesin fields in [17]. However, this paper looks after the samefor . The modern FPGA consists of 16 slices (or 32 LUTs)within a single row which are connected through an in-builtfast carry chain (FCC). The FCC can perform addition on two32-bit operands most efficiently compared to any other adderstructures [7], . It is experimentally shown that on a Virtex-4FPGA device the latency of a 32-bit addition using a fast carrychain takes only 5.8 ns, whereas the same using a carry looka-head structure takes 8.7 ns. Hence, fast carry chain is 1.5 timesfaster than carry lookahead structure for computing addition oftwo 32-bit operands on an FPGA platform. In order to com-pute an addition of two operands longer than 32 bits, the FPGAwill utilize more than one row which requires additional routingdelay. For example, the addition of two 64-bit operands

using a single 64-bit carry chain is slower than the sameusing three 32-bit FCC and a 2:1 multiplexer [7].We develop an efficient 256-bit adder useful to -arith-

metic using 32-bit fast carry chains. The repeated Karatsubadecomposition is applied on 256-bit operands. An operand isdecomposed upto a depth of three for converting it into eightpieces of 32-bit operands. A 64-bit addition is performed byusing three 32-bit fast carry chains with a carry select structure.Let, , , and , where

are 32-bit integers. We compute , ,and in parallel on three FCC. Then the carry outof the least significant addition is used to multiplexthe results of the most significant additions. Thus the latency ofa 64-bit adder is 1 FCC + 1 MUX, where MUX corresponds toa 2:1 multiplexer. Similarly, an 128-bit adder is developed bythree 64-bit adders, and a 256-bit adder is developed by three128-bit adders. Therefore, a 256-bit adder is developed hierar-chically from 32-bit adders. At every level of hierarchy it adds

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Fig. 1. Architecture of adder/subtractor/multiplier unit.

Fig. 2. Internal structure of a 256-bit adder—the A256 block.

one additional MUX in the critical path. Thus the latency of a256-bit adder is 1 FCC + 3 MUX delay, which is 9.9 ns on aVirtex-4 FPGA, whereas the latency of a 256-bit carry looka-head adder on the same platform is 16.7 ns, which is 1.7 timesslower than the above technique.

B. Programmable -Primitive

In this section we develop a programmable -primitivebased on above 256-bit high-speed adder circuits. Essential op-erations for pairing computation are addition, subtraction, andmultiplication in finite fields. Fig. 1 depicts the overall resultingarchitecture of the proposed -adder/subtractor/multiplierunit, where the internal dataflow of A256 blocks are shown inFig. 2.1) Architecture Description: Our first objective for de-

signing such an integrated architecture is to reduce the overallhardware costs for computing three essential prime field op-erations in pairing computation. The architecture consists ofseveral independent blocks which operate in parallel for accel-erating the execution of respective operations. The whole archi-tecture is subdivided into four macro-blocksand seven micro-blocks . Themacro-blocks are used to compute the arithmetic operations,whereas, micro-blocks are primarily responsible for dataflowamong the macro-blocks, the registers, and the i/o ports. Thefunctionality of the individual blocks are described here.• Macro-blocks , and are 256-bit adders based onour proposed technique as described in Section III-A.

• Block performs for an integer . This is doneby simply one bit left shift having only rewiring and noadditional logic cells.

• Micro-block consists of one 2:1 multiplexer that selectseither or based on the most significant bits (or carry-outs) of and operations. Therefore, this blockcompletes the mod operation.

• Block selects either or as the input to the .• Blocks and help to compute —addition andsubtraction in and . The control signal holds zerofor addition and one for subtraction. Thus, if thenblock selects else it selects . Similarly, ifthen block selects else it selects . Block com-pletes the operation by selecting the correct result. In caseof -subtraction (i.e., ), it selects either or

based on the most significant bit (MSB) of only,whereas, for -addition it does the same based on theMSB of both and .

• Blocks and multiplex (the output of mod )and (the output of mod ) as the new value ofand registers, respectively.

2) Computation of -Multiplication: Proposed -primi-tive follows the parallelism technique of Montgomery ladder[32] for computing Blakley multiplication algorithm in [43].Basic Blakley technique for computing with inputparameters and is as follows:

from to

The choice of this algorithm is due to its lower hardware costand intrinsic adaptability to Montgomery ladder for parallelism.We rewrite it, in Algorithm 2 with parenthesized indices in su-perscript in order to emphasize the intrinsic dependency as wellas parallelism of the multiplication procedure.

Algorithm 2: The interleaved multiplication based onMontgomery ladder .

Input: , and .

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Output: mod .

1. ; ;2. for down to 0 do3. if then ; else ;4. ;5. ;6. ;7. ;8. ;9. ;10. if then ; else ;

11. if then ; else ;12. if then ; else ;13. if then ; else ;14. end for15. return ;

In the algorithm, represents the value of at th iteration, indicates

the th bit of , and indicates logical OR.

The algorithm computes two intermediate results and) in each iteration. The data transfer inside the architecture

(see Fig. 1) for computing mod is as follows.• The register and hold the iterative results and

of Algorithm 2, which are initialized by zero and ,respectively, as specified in step 1.

• Iterative execution starts from and goes downto zero as shown in step 2. This step is executed by a 8-bitcounter, which belongs to the control part of the proposeddesign and it is not shown in Fig. 1.

• Block of Fig. 1 executes step 3. The modular doubling(as computed by executing the steps 4, 6, 8, and 10) andthe modular addition (as computed by executing the steps5, 7, 9, and 11) are performed in parallel. In Fig. 1, steps4 and 6 are performed in blocks and , respectively,whereas, both the steps 8 and 10 are performed in block. Similarly, steps 5 and 7 are performed in blocks

and , respectively, whereas, both the steps 9 and 11 areperformed in block . During the execution of -multi-plication control signal remains zero.

• Finally, results of the current iteration are restored as spec-ified in step 12 and step 13 in parallel by and blocks.

All steps from step 3 to step 13 of Algorithm 2 are performedwithin one clock by the proposed architecture. Therefore, tocompute a multiplication in the proposed design takesonly 256 clock cycles.3) Computation of -Addition: The proposed design exe-

cutes Algorithm 3 for computing -addition. As described instep 1, the architecture initializes registers and by operandsand , respectively. It executes steps 2 and 3 in blocks and. Based on the most significant bits of and it produces

the correct result of mod in block as described instep 3 and step 4. During the execution of -addition the con-trol signal holds logic zero. The proposed architecture com-putes a -addition in one clock cycle.

Algorithm 3: The addition in prime field.

Input , and .Output mod .

1. ; ;2. ;3. ;4. ;5. if then ; else ;6. return ;

4) Computation of -Subtraction: Subtraction modon the proposed design is performed by executing Algorithm 4.It is executed by the architecture mostly like Algorithm 3 withadditional help by block B5 for .

Algorithm 4: The subtraction in prime field.

Input: , and .Output: mod .

1. ; ;2. ;3. ;4. ;5. if then ; else ;6. return ;


The main novelty of the architecture lies in its efficient uti-lization of FPGA features. Independent operations are exploitedat each level of pairing computations to evolve an optimizedparallel design. We explain here the top level of the design fol-lowed by its internal parts.

A. Datapath Design

The major operations for pairing computations are point dou-bling (PD), point addition (PA), line computation , ,and . In case of Tate pairing on BN curve, the PA andPD are performed on . Hence, the underlying operationsare performed in . Similarly, the operation is performedin , while the other two operations are performed in . Incase of ate and optimal-ate pairings, the PA, PD, are per-formed in , and , are performed in . However,each of the above computations are well defined and constitutea number of independent -operations. The proposed datapathexecutes those independent operations in parallel to speed uppairing computations.Fig. 3 shows the overall resulting structure of the datapath.

Two configurable arithmetic units (CAU) are includedwhich perform arithmetic in and depending on theirmode of configurations. The instructions to configure the CAUsare stored into a small memory segment called instructionmemory. There is a special instruction fetch and decode (IFD)unit which reads the respective instructions and converts them

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Fig. 3. Datapath of the pairing cryptoprocessor.

Fig. 4. Architecture of configurable arithmetic unit (CAU).

to proper configuration signals for both the CAUs. The inputdata to the CAUs come in parallel from respective registers.The mechanism and regularity of data access for computingabove operations are fairly simple. The distribution of accessto the registers and resolution of access conflicts are handledefficiently at the runtime by a dedicated hardware block calleddata access unit which communicates among the CAUsand the registers.Each CAU performs atmost three -operations in parallel.

Thus, overall 12 independent operands along with modulusand 6 outputs are accessed in either directions between memoryelements and the CAUs. This on-demand concurrent data re-quests result in multiple independent read or write connectionsbetween CAUs and DAU. The DAU takes care of granting ac-cesses. Therefore, a simple multiplexing protocol is used be-tween CAUs and registers, which is able to confirm a requestwithin the same cycle in order not to cause any delay cycleswhen trying to access data in parallel. The data accesses and in-struction sequences are hard coded into the sequence control ofthe architecture which avoids the additional software develop-ment costs.The data access conflicts have been resolved prior to design

of the DAU. The proposed one is a custom hardware for pairingcomputations which executes a fixed set of operations. The de-pendency of the instructions are predefined and thus the accessconflicts are known. The priority of the data processing and therespective execution is rearranged accordingly which achievesmaximum utilization of CAUs.

The or DAU acts as a mediator whiletransferring data between CAUs and memory elements. Dueto the demand of parallel access, the proposed cryptoprocessorstores all intermediate results in its active registers. To fulfil ouraimed parallelism of pairing computations on BN curves theproposed design consists of 50 256-bit registers (i.e.,in Fig. 3). Each of the register consists of data-in, data-out, andenable lines. It gets updated by data-in lines when the respec-tive enable signal is invoked. The crossbar switch (results) redi-rects the outputs of each operation to registers. Similarly, theoperands are redirected from registers to the input ports of theCAUs. The respective select signals are generated prior to theabove two redirection procedures by the sequence control unit.The access control block synchronizes the select lines of themultiplexers for operands and results. It also synchronizes theenable signals of registers for restoring the intermediate results.1) Configurable Arithmetic Unit (CAU): Fig. 4

shows the architecture of the proposed CAU. It consists ofthree -adder/subtractor/multiplier units described beforein Section III-B. Each of these units along with their inputmultiplexers are identified as separate blocks ,which can operate in parallel. The CAU operates on two modes;namely, -mode and -mode. In -mode, it computesthree independent -operations on , , and blocks.The respective operations that are computed in this mode are

, , andas shown in the figure.

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In -mode, the CAU computes -multiplication. Let anelement be represented as , whereand is an indeterminate. The formula of Karatsuba multi-

plication in is

where . Here is a quadraticnon-residue in which is in case of BN curve.We compute

in the proposed CAU as described in Algorithm 5.

Algorithm 5: The multiplication in .

Input: , and .Output: .

1. ; ;2. ; ; ;3. ; ;4. ; .5. return ;

All operations within a step of the Algorithm 5 are computedin parallel, whereas, individual steps are executed one-by-one.Step 1 of the algorithm is computed by block and block .Then the CAU executes three independent -multiplicationsas defined in step 2 by , , and , respectively. After ex-ecuting steps 3 and 4 by and blocks the final result isstored into the registers and as defined in step 5. The costof multiplication in is 3 m, where represents the cost ofone -multiplication. However, due to three parallel indepen-dent -multiplication units this cost on the proposed CAU isonly . The -squaring is performed as for reducing themultiplexer complexity of the CAU for which too we pay thesame cost.The micro instruction sequence generator finds the current

operation type and generates the respective micro instructionswhich are nothing but the control signals , . Therespective values of control signals, which on the other hand,represents the scheduling of different operations on CAU aredepicted in Table I.This sequence generator is constructed as a typical state ma-

chine which generates micro instructions at each state. Its deter-ministic state transition takes place at every clock cycle basedon the current state and overall status of the CAU. In case of a

multiplication in , it remains in a same state for 256 cycles,whereas it remains for one cycle only in a state for computing

—addition and subtraction. Thus, the cost means 256clock cycles in the proposed pairing cryptoprocessor. Similarly,the computation of in takes only 259 clock cy-cles which is approximately equal to the cost of .


This section describes the computation of Algorithm 1 on ourdual-core cryptoprocessor. The Tate pairing over BN curvetakes input points and over and , respectively. TheMiller loop runs for 255 iterations having 255 doubling stepsand 90 addition steps. Our dual-core design consists of a fixednumber of functional units. Therefore, an optimization is donebased on the available functional units and the operations whichis described here.

A. Computation of Doubling Step

The doubling step consists of the following computations.• The point doubling operation.• The computation of tangent line at point .• The squaring of Miller function .• The multiplication of Miller function with line function

.The computation of , , and are performed in

parallel on our design. In Jacobian coordinates the formulae fordoubling a point are , where

, and. The tangent line at , after clearing 26 denomina-

tors, is [25].In case of Tate pairing computation on BN curves, the pa-

rameters and . Let usassume that and are represented as and ,where and is an indeterminant. Thecomputation of , , , and are performed by oneof the CAUs by 14 instructions, among them, 6 are nonlinear-operations. If we assume that squaring multi-

plication then the cost of above operations is on a CAU.At the same time, other core starts the computation of . We

represent the Miller function as :, where .

The operation is performed using complex methodas: ; ;; where are in and is a quadratic non-residue,

and thus . It requires two multiplications.Now, one - multiplication is performed in the tower field

using Karatsuba technique by six multiplications in[24]. Let us consider that an element is representedas: . The result isrepresented as: ,where . It is perform on a CAU in the cost of . Thiscomputation is performed in parallel with , , whichare executed in other CAU. The second multiplication, i.e.,the computation of is performed by boththe programmable cores, which costs only in the proposeddesign. Therefore, the total cost of computing , , andis .

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The is represented as: , where, , which is equivalent to .

The computation of is performed in the tower fieldas: ,

, . The topmost extension is quadratic. Thus the computation ofis done by three multiplications, which are identified as:

,, ,

. One multiplication inusing Karatsuba method requires multiplications. How-ever, due to the sparse representation of the cost of com-puting is lesser than the actual costs of three

multiplications. Each of the equations for and requiresmultiplications. In our parallel cryptoprocessor, the above

two equations are computed in parallel on two CAUs, whichcosts . The computation of requires only nine mul-tiplications, which is performed on both the cores and it costsonly . Therefore, the computation of requiresmultiplications, which costs only in our design. In total, thecost of doubling step (the computation of and

) is .

B. Computation of Addition Step

The addition step consists of the computations of ,, and . The formulae for mixed Jacobian-

affine addition are the following: if is in Ja-cobian coordinates and is in affine coordinates,then , where

.The line through and is

. During the addition step ofMiller algorithm we compute the above operations in parallelon both cores. There are limited independent operations in thisstep. Therefore, there are scopes for optimizing the schedulingof operations on arithmetic units for reducing the additionalregisters and related wiring. The cost of addition step is .

C. Computation of Final Exponentiation

The final exponentiation follows the optimization to factorinto three parts [21] and compute


The power of in is an easy exponentiation,which is performed by a conjugation (Frobenius) and a division[12], [15]. The operation . Thus, is per-formed by one inversion and one multiplication in , whichcosts on our dual-core design. The exponentiations ,and are performed by repeated square-and-multiply.

D. Pairing Computations

The total cost for evaluating iterative Miller function of theTate pairing computation is on our proposed dual-corecryptoprocessor. The cost for computing the final exponen-tiation is . Hence, the total cost for computing a Tatepairing over BN curves by our cryptoprocessor is ,which takes 1 730 000 cycles. Similarly, cost of ate pairing is

clock cycles, and costs for optimal-atepairing is clock cycles.


Page and Vercauteren [28] presented SPA and DPA attacks onthe pairing computations performed by the Duursma-Lee algo-rithm [32] and the BLKS algorithm [34] over . The powerconsumption attack on pairing computation over is de-scribed by Kim et al. [19]. However, the same in case of hasnot been studied so far. In the decryption step of identity-basedencryption schemes [38], a dominant operation is ,where is the fixed secret key, and is a part of a cipher-text. During the addition step of Tate pairing computation theformula of the line function is

[27]. In pairing-based cryptographic schemes,the point is an intermediate resultant pointof current point doubling operation, the point isused as a public parameter (it could be the plain texts or mes-sages), and is used as the private key. The resul-tant point is represented by . Therefore, insuch a scheme the operations and could beexploited through side-channel attacks.

A. Proposed DPA Attack

In this section, we investigate differential power analysis (orDPA) attack against the subtraction used in the Tatepairing on elliptic curves in , where is secret and ispublic and known to, or even chosen by, the attacker. The sub-traction in is computed by first computing

and then the result is reduced (if required) by addingwith . Let us assume that all operations are performed on

2’s complement numbers. Therefore, the subtractioncould be performed as:

, where represents the bit length of operandsand corresponds to the 1’s complement of . The

subtraction is started from the least significant bit (or LSB) bycomputing sum and carry bits iteratively. The formula for -thcarry bit is: . Similarly, the thsum bit is computed as: forwith .The attacker first collects the power consumption traces ofnumber of randomly chosen public point . We consider the

simplified Hamming weight model for power leakage [38]. Thepower consumption is computed as: , where, , and represent the Hamming weight of the intermediate

data, the incremental amount of power for each extra 1 in theHamming weight, and the noise, respectively. We assume thatthe average of noise is zero.Let be the power consumption associated with the subtrac-

tion operation . We start from the LSB and iterativelyfind all bits of the -coordinate of the secret point .To recover the th bit of , we guess that and dividepower consumptions into two sets by


Thus, the differential power consumption is. If the guess is correct, then the averages of and

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Fig. 5. Correlation between LSB and corresponding average power differencesof an addition in (a) for and (b) for .

are, and , where corresponds to thebit length of . Thus, if , we know that ; otherwise,the averages of and is and . Thus,if then . There should be a positive peak when

and a negative peak when .

B. Mounting the DPA on FPGA Platform

We perform the actual DPA attack on aforementioned pairingcryptoprocessor. The design is implemented on a customizedFPGA board for power analysis.We choose an with and perform for 2000

times with 2000 random . The respective power consump-tions are stored in 2000 one dimensional vectors and we com-pute differential power consumption . Then we accumulatethe samples of and plot it, which is depicted in Fig. 5(a). Thepositive peak ensures that .The same experiment has been repeated for another having

and plotted the respective difference-of-means inFig. 5(b). In this case the expectation of is negativeand we achieve the result as expected. Above experimentalresult ensures that an attacker can easily mount the DPA onpairing computations over . After finding out the LSB, DPAcan be performed for second LSB, and so on. The same powertraces could be utilized for finding out all secret bits.

C. Proposed Counteracting Technique

The line function is computed during the addi-tion step of the Miller algorithm. In IBE scheme [38] is re-placed by . The formula of is

, where is the in-termediate result of doubling step and representsthe addition result of . In this formula both public point

and private point are used. Thecomputation of is the main weakness of pairing com-putation over against side-channel attacks. The main draw-back of the above formula is that the public and private pa-rameters are directly involved to perform an operation. Theside-channel attack thus exploit the respective operation forfinding out the secret bits by manipulating public parameter .To counteract against side-channel attacks it could be computedas

.This computation technique have no -primitive which

consists of one public parameter and one private parameterwhich defend DPA attacks. This countermeasure requires



, , and overhead operations for each Tate, ate,and optimal-ate pairings to defend DPA attacks [2].


The whole design has been done in Verilog (HDL) on XilinxISE Design Suit using a Virtex-6 xc6vhx250t-3ff1154 FPGA.The design can run at a maximum frequency of 145 MHz. Thepairing hardware uses logic slices including controllers anddata access unit. It uses flip flops for registers. It finishes oneTate, ate, and optimal-ate pairing computations in 11.93, 8.32,and 5.66 ms. Table II shows the implementation results.Performances are compared with actual implementations of

cryptographic pairings on software and dedicated hardwareachieving a 128-bit security level. Table III gives a performancecomparison of related implementations.Due to the parallel structure our design computes six mul-

tiplications in parallel which are completed in 256 cycles. Themain features that strengthen the proposed cryptoprocessor forpairing computations are as follows.• Adopted parallelism and efficient use of arithmeticcores reduce the total cycles by 1/6 from [9].

• Due to the inherent properties the frequency of a design inFPGA is much lower than that in ASIC (CMOS standardcell). However, the speed of the pairing cryptoprocessor iscomparable to the CMOS standard cell design.

• The proposed design is flexible w.r.t. curve parameters.The underlying platform plays a crucial role in determining

the performance of a design. Thus, existing designs on differentplatforms does not lead to a fair comparison. The cycles re-quired to compute pairings on different designs may be con-sidered such a platform independent parameter. With respect toclock cycles count, the present design is the best design pro-viding flexibility to work with any curve parameters.

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In this paper we explored the inherent FPGA features for de-signing efficient -primitives, based on which the paper fur-ther proposed a dual-core cryptoprocessor for computing pair-ings over BN curves. The proposed design can be programmedfor any curve parameters. The paper further analyzed the effectof DPA attack on the pairing cryptoprocessor.

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Santosh Ghosh received the Ph.D. degree from the Department of ComputerScience and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India, in2011.Currently he is a Post-doctorate Researcher with COSIC/ESAT, Katholieke

Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.

Debdeep Mukhopadhyay received the Ph.D. degree from Indian Institute ofTechnology (IIT), Kharagpur, in 2007.He is currently an Assistant Professor with the Computer Science and Engi-

neering Department, IIT.

Dipanwita Roy Chowdhury received the Ph.D. degree from Indian Institute ofTechnology (IIT), Kharagpur, in 1994.Currently, she is a Professor with the Department of Computer Science and

Engineering, IIT.