0604 Articulation ADFL87

SCH OOL.CO LLEGE ARTICULATI ON STANDARDS: A STATUS REPORT FOREIGN languaceieaches andstate departmenis oi educarion thloughout the nation have taken a r€newe.l rn_ terest in schoolcollege afticulation andin Ihe€slablish men, o .raroirJ. Ior d.'ere1r k'cl' o ir"rL. iol Duins 1985 86the Northern Adzona Univesiu DeParr ment of NlodernLanguage! obtailed a Criiical I'f uase. s.d r rromr\'I S D'nJ me' o FdJca ion *hose objectives included lhe garhering ofinformahon for rhe Arizona slate laskforces qorkjng on aniculalion A pa lol ou .a. _ rdjne<rlo- "e '"11 a qu" io ' naire io learn $hat othciswere doing to improve arlicu- lation or to set proficiency slandards We asked specificnlly aboul ACTFL ETS euidelines This arlicle rer)orts on thenalusoiprojectt nationwide as indic'r€d rn questronnarre responses N€ed ror Aniculalion tnd Unifo.d Slandards Theneed lor articulation and xnifonn staldards isob \ho 1d\e.r'di"o a lan.u3se n "ipl schoolibr tNo,Ihce, or tour years muslsonerimes start rhesame languaeelllovd asain in colleg€. wilh or {'irh out placemcnl tesling. Peler Hagisarahas foundthal, Ior placement purposcs. an averase of l 6vears oflanguage nudy in highschool {as needed lorone semestcr ol coL lege work. A priDarypxrpose olour articulation studv ' ro\orl o.'o.crl e gJp ocLseen'e ro Ael :our eor' is to sct guidelines to Ihat one vear ol high school l'n guage stu.ly concsponds closel) \tith one semesler of'ol Commonsrandards lor lcveltof siudvcanbe used to encourage arriculation, or th€y ca! linil rhemselves etr her ro rhe schooh or colleges Gee Phillips, "Oulcomej'i Mag' nan, 'Assesshe"). Most groups in our surrtv$ho$ere e1s.'sed i errin rdddtJ'drr1' le'tloDrc_d"n ir lcr€\tin knosingabout othcr Sroupj $ndards Respon dents included those in\ o1lcd in experimenrs at the slaG o (oJ i ,(.eI. \c .nJ \ioJJ. 'c'ool L(\(l. d d 'he 1_ dividual unilesity level- All groups *ere lntefested rn conmon standards. The sur!ey\ underlvine asunption was thatsecondary schooland collegei€achen have smt lar obj ecdves for language acquisirion, elenthough thev may xsc ditferent pedaeogjcal materiahand teach in Thc Queslionnaire Whenlve se.t out the l9E6 queslionna;e Gee appen_ d.) A), o.r plr'rna'I. u e ALIII l-l( r'otcienc\ euidelines, at leas! in pan, for articulation in our state ADFL llurllrrN, lt, No, 1, SETGMBFR 1937 AND PRoFrcrENcY oboq'l Patticiaw Cunntns Before takine theleap, $e warte.l .esponses ol srales ihal had alr€ady adopled guidcline! either foi proficiencv standards or for articulation. \Ve alsowanted to knoN {har other proliciency slandards \tere used bv those who eitherdidnotknos aboul ACTFL ETSguidelines or .e_ jecr€d lhem. Fromrhe lattergroxp,servere inleresled to learn ihe problems they saw wilh implementing theeulde- lines. Thusthe purpose ofthe questionnaire wasto de_ 'e. nc ne.o,rndnc.o o.r ndr'ror arr:.ur3 ion guidelin€s and to make nodifications base.l on lhe ex- Desisn oJ the Question airc The questionna;e sas designed tor three drrrncr e.oups *irh dilfercn! pe6pecti!€s on arliculation,nd proficiency. One wasconipos€d of leaders of seventv- 'nre.o..aoora r\. dnJ o' nrerJ.nr. or- rdrP torierr languase organizations, indiriduals whos cr! mon likelv to kno$ abour localetforLs in articulaLion ihrouehther. .o -.r'i l'm.mber'irboI |e.lool.Jnd oLPe+ A second group *as made np ofallstale langiraee super visos and iome localeducation agencv represenratives nerlioned by earl) resl1ondents. The third group con sisledolpeopleinvolvedinproficiencv indi!idualsrvho hadderised lhe ACTfL guideliDcs, l.aiier, iester rork shot and curi.ulum workshopparticipants in states $here proficiencyhad a significant idpacl, aulhors ol ar ricles and booksabou! proficiencli and othes recom- mended by earlyrespondetrls. R.$rlts ol lhe Questionnaie Respohse Ratean.l Interesl OI lhc 2r3 questiomanes niailed. I 55 .omDlcted ques lionnaircs sefe reiu.ned, giling us a fcsponse rale oi 58.?0i0. Therespons€s reflecled goodrepres€ntalion fo. allthreeeroirps:43 rcspondeDts b€longed to ilo ot the rhreecroups (proficiency experie!ce andmcmbersh'p nr a collaboralive or state orgaDization accounte.l lor oler halloflhe duplication) and 2 respondents belonged ro all three ofthe groups. The lotal reprcsentarjoD of each eroup \!asa5follows: collabomrivsand starc language organizations,9l;stat€andlocalcducationasenci€s, j3j The aullbr isPrcf*sar oI Freh.h and Chun aJ Ihe Depattnent af Motlent Lansuases 11 Northern A tilaha Unirertitr'


English Language Teaching

Transcript of 0604 Articulation ADFL87


    FOREIGN languaceieaches and state departmenis oieducarion thloughout the nation have taken a rnewe.l rn_terest in school college afticulation and in Ihe slablishm e n , o . r a r o i r J . I o r d . ' e r e 1 r k ' c l ' o i r " r L . i o lDuins 1985 86the Northern Adzona Univesiu DeParrment of Nlodern Language! obtailed a Criiical I'f

    uase. s .d r r rom r \ ' I S D'nJ me' o FdJca ion*hose objectives included lhe garhering ofinformahonfor rhe Arizona slate lask forces qorkjng on aniculalionA p a l o l o u . a . _ r d j n e < r l o - " e ' " 1 1 a q u " i o 'naire io learn $hat othcis were doing to improve arlicu-lation or to set proficiency slandards We askedspecificnlly aboul ACTFL ETS euidelines This arliclerer)orts on the nalusoiprojectt nationwide as indic'rdrn questronnarre responses

    Ned ror Aniculalion tnd Unifo.d Slandards

    The need lor articulation and xnifonn staldards is ob\ h o 1 d \ e . r ' d i " o a l a n . u 3 s e n " i p l

    schoolibr tNo,Ihce, or tour years musl sonerimes startrhe same languaeelllovd asain in colleg. wilh or {'irhout placemcnl tesling. Peler Hagisarahas foundthal, Iorplacement purposcs. an averase of l 6vears oflanguagenudy in high school {as needed lorone semestcr ol coLlege work. A priDarypxrpose olour articulation studv' r o \ o r l o . ' o . c r l e g J p o c L s e e n ' e r o A e l : o u r e o r '

    is to sct guidelines to Ihat one vear ol high school l'nguage stu.ly concsponds closel) \tith one semesler of'ol

    Common srandards lor lcveltof siudv can be used toencourage arriculation, or thy ca! linil rhemselves etr herro rhe schooh or colleges Gee Phillips, "Oulcomej'i Mag'nan, 'Assesshe"). Most groups in our surrtv$ho$eree1s. 'sed i err in rdddtJ 'drr1 ' le ' t loDrc_d"n i rlcr\t in knosing about othcr Sroupj $ndards Respondents included those in\ o1lcd in experimenrs at the slaGo (oJ i , ( .e I . \c .nJ \ ioJJ. 'c 'oo l L( \ ( l . d d 'he 1_dividual unilesity level- All groups *ere lntefested rnconmon standards. The sur!ey\ underlvine asunptionwas that secondary schooland collegeiachen have smtlar obj ecdves for language acquisirion, elen though thevmay xsc ditferent pedaeogjcal materiah and teach in

    Thc Queslionnaire

    When lve se.t out the l9E6 queslionna;e Gee appen_d . ) A ) , o . r p l r ' r n a ' I . u e A L I I I l - l ( r ' o t c i e n c \euidelines, at leas! in pan, for articulation in our state

    ADFL llurllrrN, lt, No, 1, SETGMBFR 1937

    AND PRoFrcrENcY oboq'l

    Patticia w Cunntns

    Before takine theleap, $e warte.l .esponses ol srales ihalhad alrady adopled guidcline! either foi proficiencvstandards or for articulation. \Ve also wanted to knoN{har other proliciency slandards \tere used bv those whoeitherdidnot knos aboul ACTFL ETS guidelines or .e_jecrd lhem. From rhe latter groxp,se rvere inleresled tolearn ihe problems they saw wilh implementing theeulde-lines. Thus the purpose ofthe questionnaire was to de_' e . n c n e . o , r n d n c . o o . r n d r ' r o r a r r : . u r 3 i o nguidelins and to make nodifications base.l on lhe ex-

    Desisn oJ the Question aircThe questionna;e sas designed tor three drrrncr

    e.oups *irh dilfercn! pe6pecti!s on arliculation,ndproficiency. One was coniposd of leaders of seventv-' n r e . o . . a o o r a r \ . d n J o ' n r e r J . n r . o r - r d r P t o r i e r rlanguase organizations, indiriduals who s cr! mon likelvto kno$ abour local etforLs in articulaLion ihroueh ther.. o - . r ' i l ' m . m b e r ' i r b o I | e . l o o l . J n d o L P e +A second group *as made np ofallstale langiraee supervisos and iome local education agencv represenrativesnerlioned by earl) resl1ondents. The third group consisledolpeopleinvolvedinproficiencv indi!idualsrvhohad derised lhe ACTfL guideliDcs, l.aiier, iester rorkshot and curi.ulum workshop participants in states$here proficiencyhad a significant idpacl, aulhors ol arricles and books abou! proficiencli and othes recom-mended by early respondetrls.

    R.$rlts ol lhe Questionnaie

    Respohse Rate an.l IntereslO I lhc 2r3 questiomanes niailed. I 55 .omDlcted q ues

    lionnaircs sefe reiu.ned, giling us a fcsponse rale oi58.?0i0. Theresponss reflecled good represntalion fo.allthree eroirps:43 rcspondeDts blonged to ilo ot therhreecroups (proficiency experie!ce and mcmbersh'p nra collaboralive or state orgaDization accounte.l lor olerhalloflhe duplication) and 2 respondents belonged roall three ofthe groups. The lotal reprcsentarjoD of eacheroup \!as a5 follows: collabomrivs and starc languageorganizat ions,9 l ;s tatandlocalcducat ionasencis, j3 j

    The aullbr is Prcf*sar oI Freh.h and Chun aJ I he Depattnentaf Motlent Lansuases 11 Northern A tilaha Unirertitr'

  • proficiencr erlerience,58. In hll 1986wecalled at leasrone neson in aU fiftr nares to verift.urenl aclivity andIo check the accumcy ofrlie infofmation given in appendix B. Along {ith Lhei. queslionnaircs, 47 rcspondcnrssent ns:nformarion on trojects going on in their areas.iDch'ding se\eral nare depannenl guidclincs, and l0rcspondenrs senl info.mation afte. we rele!honed them.

    Kirds aJ Aniculdlion an.] Pt olrcieiL:-t Pra|ectsAs aDpcDdi\ B rereah,Ihe vasl majoritr ofsrates are

    ( r ' c r g J . r ' d p ' i . " e ^ d J " v e d o r ( l i r d o ' . | | .ularioD or proficiency gtridelines. \'los! were arvare ofACTFL ETS euidelines, and ma.r made use oflhn roonc deeree or another. Dnrnre our foUos'up telephonecalls, a leN sate foigr language sute.visors indicatedIhcr had \vorked c losel r $ i rh ACTIL or E IS rpresen-tativcs iD desisnins snidelires, while orher s!peryiso.s

    ' J d . " I c ) u r . . n d ' m . j o r d ) r o i a - 'cludcd ACTFL ETS suidehies. Some srares had boFroNed lrom earlier eujdelins pro ded b] colleagues 1nolher states. Sincc ACT|L ETS guidelines are nol spe'ciiicallr dcsiened forchildrflr, x numbr ofrespondcnrsdcahrg NiIh K l2 explained rhar because ACTIL lTSguidclincs *crc nor al$als suffi.ient, rher someL,mesI n J , r l r . . o " a J o r ' l e r , . c e r ' a e I a " e J o l r .o sdJ r i rcJ r . .n i re c . \e ' r , eo | o ' ic ien. j .n-terview tcchniquc, unrall]' in cooperarion $;rh a localunilersily. Llur most \!efe mereiy contenr to address lhefou. lkills and culturc in some $arl

    ,^llhoreh limited research has beer done on prolicienq e\peclalion! ir rcading, $ritile, lislening, and crln !e, xs {e l las lpcaking, maDy stars have r reatedrhoseskills unevenl!, and le$ haveaddre$cd rheinrdactionofsk i lh . fhe n 'Leg.ar ion o i sk i l ls is a cru c ia l .onsiderar lon' \ l e r : r . o , e , . J - . t n - f , r . u . , . l d , . p F i .o. rpd ne 'en .1 1\o . c l l \ .Tf l FTSC,T'de e,

    A smal lnunbcr ofs lares provided cur icL lun No.k-shops ro help reache.s implcmenr suidelines. Tbis ex-perience renrlo.ced the blicl that euidelines hare xtrleimpa.I, especially rhen gilcn as sugeesrions, ullessr c . r ' l o \ ' ' l l r ' l \ . d o p p l J h e g | d " n " i n' l . c i l : r o o . , . . r \ p + b o o l ' . ! r . . | ' r 9TcachcN aDd superviso^ alike Jll in-sc.,ice ilas a key rousnrg any .uric ulLn' e u jdelinc or proficieD.y standard.

    f o . ) o . 1 . ' r ' ' " , p p o J . 1 l J r c " . . d r l J d L Liarion projccrs or rhe desisning ofproficienc! standardsin Ih. schooh \rerc in process, on nalc and local 1oeh,j n h c i r J r c a . O f l r r i u , o r 3 r J p _ o I i . , c n r r p ' o . . .$cDron in univ{snies. A p.oficienq.equi.cnrcnt iDsiead

    e r ' ' . . d e . . k . o L r h . o m . rnirurions $iablished a conbination of scat time forsraduarion purpose! ar.{ p.oficiencr lbr proemm requnemenrs. ScveEl rhools said they u\edACTFL-ET5shndards ibr resring niajos ard nudy-abroad cardidatcs, sclecline teachi.g assislait!, or planning teacher!.eparatioD pfogranis. Other schools nnrioned diffcr

    e(oo.(^ zenI tcsts fof dre samepurposes, inclLiding locally p.eparedtes $ drai uscd computers ro measure reading and listcn -ing sk i l ls .

    kschd Ceni.ficatianAlthough noi asked dircctly, scveral rcspondcnis men

    r ' o n e o r e l . l e r c e ' r U L d r o _ " n d r l e o r a . p r o r . . e r q rteniew (OPI). For ej'mple Texas has srch a standard andlinds that oler 60% ofrhose lesled for certificarion placear InternediaG-High orbeuer They hale a problen lind-ing cnough reners but hope to increase lhe nunber (see

    Louisiana has anOPI componentin French. butthrerr ( nor e lou! \ cerr i ' ieJ OPi te ' rer ' ro e 'o ce c,qu. e-meDt. At thc l986meering oirheAmcrican A$ociatioDof Teache. !o lFrench, iheCommissiononProfessionalStandards dcbltcd whcthcr to rccomnrcnd anomlproficien.yrating ofAdvanced or higher for French teachers$ho wished 10 obiain a special AATF endosement. How-ere., since al Lha! time only ninely-oneFrench testers hadbeen cenified andnos!sere in Texasand Illinois. therNas concrn rhar AATF could nol prcvide such a test,cvcn it such cndonemenis wcre dcsirablc.

    A.kansas and Ceoi-{:ia would likea proliciency rqure-menL, bu! rhey are taced $jrh a teacher shortage and donol Nan ! !o .aise another hurdle. A Nebraska statcomftirree ;.ecodnending a proliciencr-based option fora toreien language teaching endorsement. Ulah is considerine an OPI lest tor cenificalion. Thewyomins forei-qn language oreanizatio! falors hisher standards butis not making much head*a,

    ACTI.L ETS Gu i.lelines: The Cu rritu Iu rl and Marcridls

    A limited anounl of research is alailable on proficieDcy slandards andcurricuium and materiah delelop-menl. Nledley emphasizes that a proficiency-orientedcuriculun should be based on studenr needs and deleFI n . n e d m o r e b ) h e g o " l . o ' r l e c l ' o o l d i n ' i . o r u i v e rsity than by objectives at the national or srate level.Birckbichler belives that any cu(icLr lum nusl considerle. . - . .ep. a rd oe^o a l i r i " . and dAtof . t f ,op, a eslrateeies for lhe sroups in question. Kramich is con-cerned thal the proficiency molemnl"has shiftd ar!n-Iion fron tbe learning process ro the lesting of an.n ru- ionJ orodr , , r22l and fd, i r r ld .e p. fo1. -Lrility o! the leacher more thaD o! the learner; Bernhardtwonies that ACTFL reading guidelines address morewhar tert chamctefislics should be lhan whar lear.ersshould do. Not surprisinsly, the opinions of surveyre.p"n. l -1r ' . le he r .e, c 'er . \ ._ ied r 'o l p l l ura*ic or .au io ' . \ op, i , i r . ro .o rce n.J o, r r .e , a,n

    Nineten respondents feh iha! ACTFL,ETS suidelines\ J d ^ o , a b l v n f l L ( n c e d r h e i r . r ( . . u u m p l d n n r n s .f le 'e1 r ' ouehr rhe eLrde.rne. t rere h.v rg a rna.or .mpact on their leachirg or that of rhe people lhey supervised.33 a small or liniied impaci, and 25 did nor know

  • ofany idpact on which thcv could coment in drci'areas(this last srou! includcd respondenis who had n4erhea.d of ihequidc l ines as wel l asrhose $ho had had nosuc.es). Six said it \ras loo *rlv to iell

    Several people vho had reserlatiors abour lest validitr, the practicality oftening large numbes oistrdcn!s,and the tine and cosl for cerdfving tesles neverlheless' F , ' \ d f r o l . . , r nA eoc l . . ouU

    : r r l , c L J f c L^ed t ' o ' itivejnpact on the curiculum Nine respondenrs g'ledthat belter cu icxlum planningNas the most imporranire, - l l h" . cou o t 'c e\pe. .eJ o" p o l crc ' gurdelneBoth those $ho complained about the dillicuhv ofim-p 'ener . rn he c- 'Je r r ,e ' 3nd rLo\e { ' ^ $ere opr iar _iic cited nvo troblcns: teacher \tere not lrained torea'hlof pro tici"ncy goals (16 quenionnanet and anadaptar . ( r e , , b o o " p . o r d e r i a r { e ' e h . d o " . n d , 2 o u e . r i o n _

    Cunicllum ard matcriah dlelopmenl are the arcasihat encountered the 1easl o!position and the most svm-pathy irom relpondents. Proticiencv proponeDrs esDoL.ednooncme noJolos\ bur ' rurha 31rmp'o enenL. n e a o r r e , r r r r r g . p e a k i n " a n d ' r e r ' n e q r r l a ' u 'on communicaiio! abilit! (see Omaseio). Thev cited rren e e d l o r r o ( . T p ' a ' o n . o n n u n . r ' \ e d i \ ' r ' i r' h . r a * r o o r , , , I n l e r . x b o o . a d 1 1 r h e L o " u r l r n i 'narerials. Most people falorcd communicative goals, buimany indicatd a nced for guidance oD ho{ to ach'evethem, an.l some stregesred that morewofk remains to be

    Pnbters Pased b! ACTFL ETS GuidelihesRespondenrs who criticized the ACTFL ETS guiddines

    poi'ued oul iha! the 8lidelines are xperimental andshould not bc implemenied anvwhere unlil they areDroved lalid. Jarvis and Kransch have vorced concern;boxt the OPl. Kramsch is disturbed lhar lhe level ofcommunicative difficulrv seems ro have roo much io dosi rh ma\rc ' ) o l er3mmdr cJ ' "nJ 'e \ ' .d l for r ' inA , l l l - l l \ d L J e n e . : n e P e ' r h ( g l ' d e n " i e r o r evarialional tcalures lilte social distance, the rclatilt lowero h - i e r . o ( . o . . r . r a r n o J r ' o l ' L a r e d r ' ' u T p l o naboula lopic , andsoon Jarv is notesthat fore ign teach_lng assistanis restcd with lopics in lheir discipline funciioncd fd better rlun acenericoralProficincv tes!coxLdhale Dredided: he iels thar testirgshould be tailored iorher;eds it is detisne.l |o meet.'tbst lalidilv ofthe oralinteNiew, thcn. is not what people nece$arilv wanl tbrromc evaluaiion situarions. Kramsch aho is concernedthat "critical thinking skills, conceptual development.and skilh of empathy cannot be caprured bv the oralrroiiciercy test, nor do rhe proficiencv suidelincs shoN-how

    to inteerate rhe iurclional, pragmaticaspect ol lan_euase and its analvtlc crili.al dinensions" (24)

    dvo resDonoents stara rhai lhv asteed with the article by Lantolf and FraNlex vhlch descnires prorrrenswith ACTFL guidelines in all skilh but especiauv sjlhoral testing and the lalingscsle The arlicle cchoe\ Hunnel\ and Jarvis\ poin t abour using inreresl in a topic to

    o t 0 1 " 3belter someonet perlorma!ce, and i! qpresses concernaboul rvhy rhe peson being tested should alsavs be atfault in miscomnunication and about how definitions ofthe difierent levels are arived a! Similar problems areraised by Bachman and Savignon.

    Sonc respondenrs ciled lroblems wilh lit valjditv andothe6 problems with ihe naiure ol lhe suidelires Theo.iiinal AcTfL proficielcv cuidelines. published in1981, lvere called provisional. Theuldaled suidelines oi1986 are no lonscr caUed provisional. oen rhough it ilcxnlaired thallhev "should nor be consideredrh defini_riklersion. sin.e theconsl.udion andxtilizarion of lan_suaec Droficiency guidelines is a dvnanic, inlera'riveo o. . . 1 '1 r le oroUtem i r dronTrng l 'e ern p/ ' ' ';iordlis that some slates are ushg lhem as a basis lor curr ' . urLm de. f :on . P,opone \ or r \e L 'c ^ l eJ idel rnewhile nol denying lhe qisiencc ofproblems, beliae thardiifererces oi irterlrerarion aboul what a proficielcvorieniation should or sliould nol do Nill nor dter cdu'caloB fiom seeine proficiencv as

    'a comprehen\ibleiiameolreierenceto which elertone can tespond" (Bragee.,

    "Teaching" 13)Still orhe. respondents wereunhappv *ith the inabil

    i t f orunsi l l ingnssoiACTFLtomeetdeniandsplacedo n . r . r h e e ' o c . o d e a d l d w e e r e r , o ' d r i 6 r 'A r I I L r t u , a . d n o . b . n e ' i n ! h e d n J ' o r o - \ o r L' l o n o r . \ ' 1 0 . l o e r r ' d l \ ' o r r ' h o p p d r ' r ' r " I ^ r l dnor dt rend o.e In l 'e i 'drc. , " l r ided I d ' r 'cr \o l ' lop.ould not tnke place, andqualitv of some qorkshops vasiauhe.l. A serious complaint was lhelime it took ro be_come acertified iester some lrainers took iiom 6to l0monlhs to return a first se! ofiales, and two sets mlntmxm sercrquircd forcnilication Second, ACTFI- andthose {orkine Nirh ACTFL did nol ahlavs cooperatewith indcpenden! rescarchcrs Norkine on !roiiciencv;lomelnnes requesls for information weDI Lrnansweredl ' d . A c I I I s - . " o I r l , o b . . o s I n , e p o n d i r o ' iquiries aboul horv to set up $o.kshops, aboul ACTFI requirenenrs lor holding worklhops, and abour now tonrDlement euidelines locallv. Lists ofrfainers and testcrs"-"no.a 'a, aoreonclen,nJbu aprJ cn l . s( regi \erro some rnd not Lo orhers bv ACTFLstatf Theselroblems need lo bc addressed

    P r o r o l J n r ' o . p o ( e r q I J ' o c 1 " ' i l ' d l d i f '. r r ' r n o . r u . d j n ; ' o o n J a ) ' \ o o , . ' J ' o l l e g ' e ' f l ',ndadminis l ratosof ihead!anhsesof learn insaboutand usine lhe Cuidelnes Allitudcs from apalhy 10 ou1-righ! hoslilitt have becn encountcred Yet most propo_nents are cauliouslY oPtimistic

    Bolh skeplics ard proponents menlion lhe Line andcosr involved in certiliing lcster! and in tes!ing s!udent!;l 0 r e . t o l d e r . . n o e d d I o r r c e e o l l " c r ' J _ d r a i r ' r 'ACTFL has had to poslpon implemertrng irs requrre_ment that tesiersobtain rccerrificalion everv !*o vearssince rliere are so lew curent leslersand Potenual restersottn do not hear the results of their firs! lapes lor manvm r n r t . q o n e r e d . r c r . . ' e . ' p e r r . 1 . r - B \ r r 5 c r r r n gd o ' o . r l d c n t - r ' n g r r n e b r r ' t ' e I o r r ( ' r c J i r e

    l 0

  • nerhods !n thelanguage lab Gee both articles by Lalson

    Olhef problems, sonre significant, $ere meDtionedbysmall numbes ol resporderrs. One conplained ihallixas "goah are toovague and . the rating system(lnte.mediale'Hish) is being applied inconsislentry Toonany people are being lrained loo quickly wirh loo Ij!'ric Jeedback." Anothe. Texas respondentalso had doubrsabooL rhe inpacr ot rhe ACTFL Cuideli.es on rhe cucricnlum. slatirg that proficiency as propagated byACTFL k not rheabsolule good which many had hopedfor" Sevdal respondenrs echoed the words ofan OregonIeacher: the $ hole idea [is] beine thouebi noble bnt rm

    \ : , o n q i J ( , 1 b 1 J J a - ' d , e { t . n e o . i r l d r o nand proficiency standards. Over halt ollhos states proia$ 10 use ACTFL-ETS nandards in sone sar Programsin mosr smtes a'e nillin procss or under revies.

    Sktes Lhat p lan louseACTfL ETSslandards do notnccc\sarily have sufficient lerter! and l.ainer! ro deetrhcjr nccds. Nlany sutes we.e olerly optinistic or ho*soon rhey sould be able 10 meet their states' needs iftheydecided ro do teslinc on a larse scale.

    ln the araofcu.riculum. lherevas much caur for op-rimisn. Nlan) states feft capable ofxsirg the coah oftheguidelires aI least in pa in lhel curiclla. But thoseIrajred in proficiency somelimes feared nrisusc. Thcre.e ,n, ro be " , t red io , .omeone ro be " \ r i l "b le to a-Lrares and local educalion agencies $iIh inplementation.

    Impliralions lor Stales \\brking o!Aniculation or Stting Proficiencl Goals

    Destite the reservations ofmany expens aboul profic ierq euidel i ' res, Ihose of ACTFL or oforber sources,srates and localeducarion aeeicies sall aDd need curdculunr euidclincs. iUosl would asrce rvith ihc comnNicativc objcctilcs cspoused by ACTFL, and Dranyapprole ofa standard rhar correlares ilith a eoverlmeltscalc. Thc conccpr oia nalionalmcasurc of!roficicncyis ariracrivc cveD if flascd.

    II sc.N logicalthat slales Nanting Io lake adionaldusc a slandard rhai aiDs ar uniformeoah should nol bedilcouragd liom doire so. lly the same token, no oneassumes anl system $illbe perfect, and everroneshouldbe cauriou! about makins serious personneldecisions onthe basis ola single systen. The obvious solution seenrsto be LhaL, in the evalualion ot teachcrs or thei.!ludents,lrovision should bc madc for an altcrDatc cvaluation ifrcquc(ed b! lhosc bc jng evaluaicd.

    Possible Solutions

    Rceional and national laneuacc rcsourcc ccnrcrs thararc curenily beins established with privale and public

    o6oq_: llundingna} wellbeableto offer solutions to !h manyproblens raised byour quesrionnaire. we rvould like roproposethar theselanguage certe6, in additioD to lheirorhcr projects, pro!ide nrformationa!d supporr researchand trainirlg on aiticulation ard lroiicjency and olher

    Tltesc lansuag centrs could pfovide information on\ , r r c . e a r - n l o ' a n J d g a i n . a s ' r e l . e , o t J " n d " r d . . . ncluding informaiion on tesl validlx thc dpdimcntal sta1us ol standards, and the philosophy behind them; (b)eran t projects compleled or in proere$ drat $crc iundedin the area ofarriculatioD and proiiciency s1an.lar.itt (c)help available from the laneuagc ccnler or elsewhe.e roinplernent agiven seI oislandards; (d)ardculalion andproliciency!rojcrsgoins on in olher locations and po-lle1.J contac!there; (e) Ihe namcs and addresses ol atairable conrullanls. Researches oD fcllowships at languagecenlers could be obligated to publish through the cente6rhei findings o! driculation, prolicicncy (andards, testder lopment , andotherDedagogical is ! !es.

    l r a u . - e . . n r e , . ^ . l J a h o p l . o , d o r \ - , ' . i . . . rof ACT|L lor nor meering lhe dmand for sellirg upworkshops. Theycould address thetroblems rhal propon . n r . o f A a | | l - l l \ T ^ ' i e , . v s u d i i n e . h . e ; r lreaching enough reache6 espe.ially those in nral areasd n J ' o . e " r o r e . . h o r ' e r . r h r . . a s " l l J d t o e ' e r llanguase and they could help convince apaiheric orhoslile colleaCues. Anong the sreps the cenle6 could takea . r h e . : ' a ) o , s . i / . { o ' l - o p ' o r r e p r r r r ' 1 i r e .t ra iner lmin ing, andcur icu lun ra in ingatareasonablecosi. p.haps through stipend asislance; (b) provideACTFL and ETS with independenr and unifonn evaluarors; (c) disreminale informalion oD oreaDiznre work' h o r ' . \ J ' n . n F i , a i ' . - " \ D A , \ . 1 ' ' e r o \ i . 'reachen ir given reeionsi (e) perhaps help subsidizeleachers in cerlaincase!; (f) handle oflicial inicrview .arjngs and proftore other certificarion pfojects.

    The cudenl stalus ofschool collese aIticulaiion andproficiercy siandards is ma.ked by charse. States en-gagedin such projecl! apply bothACTFL ETS standardsandorher typ$ ofstddards. ACTFLdoes nor coDsiddns srandards to be definirive, and dre e{perimenral resrsil has developed for reading, writine, and lislenins willn o b - r . r e a l l y r . " l a b e ' o . , r e i n p . f \ e n r l e o i csystm ol ihe oral proficiency i!rerview is not definitive.f \u . , b) de i r i . ion, " l i . r / ,e u. .nc Ar l l l sr . ,J . Inc 'nust keep abreast of reiinemdrts in euidelines aDd ofprogre$ in test daelopment. Stalcs u siDg othcr stan dardsshould also bc awarc oi issucs concernine lest validilr,teachins philosophy, aDd thc nced lbr cxlerimntalionbelore acceprnrg d final any set of$idelires. States ncedto sray in touch rirh onc anolhcf aDd bc aware oi cuFrert research. Teachers musi have ar oppo(unity !o be-cone acquainrcdwith siandards bywhich fieyand lhensludeDts will bejudscd. NationalaDd regioflal languagecenres can play a vitalrole if rhey are desisned to ncci


  • NOTE

    ' l o r r r h . r o 1 d ' 1 0 ' D o " e ' a e " r r ' o r ' ' n ' d

    ' n c e P r i l r r ' , D " c . - B J n ' L d c h r C X d i a r

    ; ; ; - " " ' . " . - o , 1 r i . ' s e P r ' d o ' ! r : \ 1 3 c n o ' . ' P \; ; - i o ! f . . , q , * r , . * . r , o . ' ' , " ' a n d v o o d\ \ ' ' l v o r ] I o r ' f o P " " 1 N *u ' . ' ' . ' r "1 l Pr , "D R i e" o t 'a 1 ; r1 "3

    'dv .o1o '

    d Bq Br "Jq \ l c '1n ' Io " ' re r ' ' o o l [ ' L r "* , ' ' -

    ' " . r ' + - . ' , H n ' e r ' J h e ' o m r n a d


    Allen, \\tnd-r' Iolvald Cuttlml Proficiencv" Onagsi' and

    Le\ ! l l r 66o l ro e ' L '_c ' r "e '


    AcIFL Profi.ien', Crl?/r'er' Hasines on_Hu'lson:\ ' l l , 0 8 .

    A t t l L P ' o i n - I P o ^ t e a ' ) 6 L : t p t t f l a q n * 'onlludsonl ACTr:l-. 1982

    " . , ' , " . . ' , u , , " , . , . r I " . , . s n o ' , \ e ,

    - r . r : o n o f ' ^ nI d - s u ! - o . o t ' . ' e n . \ : I . . ' i o t " ' ' ' \ e

    u i : : b " ^ , - | d ' L q r r o r ' o r r R s r d a dJ o , ' t v ' \ ' 1 ' ' o 0 ' I d e D "

    r o 3 (O . ' f , O , ' ' z . t e f R P o i e r l o - P r o r ; ' e n r

    Readedr ' /DF l B , / /e r ' l8 l l l q86) 25 23s".kil.i'l.t ot* "rhe challenge of Proiicienqf Student

    | - . . r t . l a p t t ) l P r ' c a t e h t ? 1 4 t o r h

    ; ; ; . , " p t d , a . . I J u ' o 4 a r r \ ' \ r r r d r c b r ri . ' n " " " ' * " . ' ' ' h ' iea ' ' s o r 'o re g1

    ' "

    edaees, t ,184.1? r8 -" , . " : ; , - ' " : " ' , . D \ r " re" " D$" rop ' en " \e"

    i ' " ; , . i . o ' . . . " " . a l a a n t a a q - k a " " a e e P a a '

    . n t F : r " C l o a d a n d B " o 4 d l d ' f d 1 ' r d r "

    iliii ..'"" *""*" to'catio'' Lincornvood: Nad'l e . {bor I l t l35 l ! 115-

    l . . " , - , " p o , . r n . \ A \ \ p R e J d ) r n ' ld ! r . r , L8 l (1436) l l l4

    g ' ' . " * 1 . R o . o l m I e L o m n r m ! ' - - a : 1 T l" , " l . e " t o t ' L q ' " a 4 n t | | a 8 ! ) ' - - ) a


    "::i.J*.*.ia r-ficicnov: rhe Receptlve skirh'"

    Omdce io and Le !1 r7 l0 l. " * . . r i . r , . r t , . ' o H . o ' B * D d r : r E o / t 1 D ' v t o D '

    nrPr ,J t ' - . ,u )d r - l t4D14ant :aa ' td n t ?p 'i ; . , . ' , " ' B r ' - r i r ' o 1 1 o o ' \ ' ' F \ b o o r '

    l9c : .. " . : ' " r " . . . " -

    ' r d v e D ! e r o p ' " u o r ' c i e " i- -

    O ' " n r " o i , , . , m . h P q e o . l r r l P e l f r ? : 3 a l '

    t !d !e 4 r t , / l3 L l935r ' 461-6"., .,r.g"eo, " 4ndalt P4m aho4r roe''r LttM


    t - . . . ' . " r . ' . ' tn r t to | t1 :Eht to r o (o ?ea \ev\o r t CoLeqe En i ranue E\aminar ion uoaru tY6o

    . " - " , " t , ,1 t , " " .n ' . "w 'hEr ta taeEnLanetuaP ' i- ' " ' i , r " " r ' * " - " t " ' " ' o1 : ' \ tu \ d1o

    od dr '

    L A L E R I C , l t 8 l' ' - . " r . - \ " ' o l o r ' ' 1 d V \ l o J \ \ a P ' J "- - . ' . .

    i . ,u", | 'e.e R e'r hl l ' -11:"^^: l " h '. . , . " " i - a ' l 01s ' 4e a t ' o l l - ' 1a84 :

    ' r i ? !

    c*'i'*-" 6"

    -ir'* r Phillips F!"ronal-u'tiotdl" i.,. ,-, *'*'ary ha8n3 t Da

    I Lat' - r ; 1 "

    a . . ; : 1 f p o , . , 1 d P r " r ' " d i ' a r F R I c


    0boq -rH d e r r d . R r e

    _ \ ' L o e n ' P l a c m e d d ' o l e e c v ! d \

    I ' L l , Lo . jD r l a r l p r r r - r r l ab ' 5 ' ) id e p 1 n d r , l " L q \ " ' l d l _ b e " V & - " 0 P o ' i ' a n $ r' ' '

    * " ' . . ' * ' . . t ' l - " * t g e ( u t u l l r / n 4 ' I _ r '" * " "

    p - t , . ^ i ' h " t t " ' ao ' - r d B? ond rd

    i iil., ""-. ei r r r Fo-'sn Lnntu"s" ' J!'ar'o' r i1'.o -n*ood. \ i . l " \ rooo ' 1o85 55- '8

    H r n r e R o o e d D _ a l r a ' n g P o i t r r ' r i ' < o n D - e l a ( " n' ' - . . i i ' * * , * * . " * ' L e w h a r $ e t ' n ' o b ' e ' P


    ,4DFl8 , /1er r t l i r 2 {1e85) l l . l6' " , , " . . ; " , . o P o i . ' c n r f e r ' r c \ \ l ' e o l ' l e

    HonL) ,4DFl Ar l /P 'n 13 l i !9861 20 ? l -

    r h n o ; . . r ' . H . r n d B o b o : $ o B o d e _ { s " u P e p o ' o 1' ' , . f . . " g " , P r o . p e . r \ e d r L a C e r ' h e r ' o r ' 1 r d l

    . , " . i - , : " . t r - " c I i ' " n E ? 4 n a L : n q s a \ :

    14t-12*^ - . , , , . . . ' . i " d rJ Ar ron \ .d o '

    _ \ ,1J . io mea " " l' _ ' - ' , '

    . ' r . , " i " " , " " r *g t necd ns Pro i e l$ PrP[mrdv, : ; , , ; ; ; ; . r . ; . , " ^ . ; . " . . ' . 1 o , r 'e 1 L '1q 'oLp t ' a , l

    l8 l1986) q5 loz* , . , . . . , , . " .

    _ P o ' c e r o c r ' r ' q - r ' + l n r y n " d

    ' ' -

    " " ,n . " " , " * " t t " t f l lD l / a '1 ' / 18 ' ' l q86r :

    r - " ' , ' u , 1 " " ' r " , " u " ' " n _ r ' ' r o I P r o r ' t " r ' , '

    n A . A ' l r d l A 1 a ) ' U o d ' t L a t [ t a ? J o u r n o l o -11985) : l l7 -41

    ur ' n . ,c r r r w ' 'na p ' r ' : ' r ' ' o le _P o ! 'P ' ' ' r ' ' P Lo

    'n ;o rh ; - hne " "e \ loddr ' ' l ca t rE o ' Hot r ? ' ' :

    ' i .o i" , . . ' . isn. p 'PI ' \ "od" 'ev H'ge \ ' r Ir . , "n" r "* l""" r ' r" " - ' ' r 'or ' ood \r ' r r"_boo l , 1984 l l l 13 - . .

    . 1 . " r , n s \ p e r , i " A b J ' ' / n r e ( i i ! n I ! e l _ a '' r ' ' " - . 1 r . . . ' " , . f ' P r \ n L ' a u " 3 a ' ' " 1 l _ ' l o 8 d l :499 507

    , . * - pu ,a" . . - , r . r r n p ,o" "n , \ . .1 " - i ' ' i l e i n ! Re*-:-;; P' "- " toteta LdasLaa PraJt i?n !-\ ]P

    C . a r c a , a . l B e \ o 4 r r - ( \ a ' ' l d e { ' r r r r (. " ' , . ' -

    " L " ; . " ' " l r ' ' o r ! o o d : \ r ' ! \ ' b o r '1 9 8 5 . 9 5 1 .

    N t . " , " . . , r ' \ . . r . D e . r ' r g P r o " r ' h e U ' F l

    _ "

    : - ' , . , , ' , , ' n D . ' r I o r ' l " h / o ? ! r r - '

    p !u ! . l r ra^ ! r ( tabbr 42q-13- i t , - n , s . n a t n " D o t ' - n . \ r n $ r ' a s s l l o

    , " , . " " ' r , t . , " " " ' O ' s " " d

    Lc . \ l0o-16nr . " " ' , , , . ' * . o " ,

    Onaeeio ud L8t ll 40'^ ' . , " t . 1 " I P r t ' " d a l h a " L a s e L r " r " I I D '-

    i , "o e r "1 ' ' , i ' q . ' t ' t te r ' t ?n ' 'oaDeh

    ' . , ' ' ] * * . , ' , - . n o : t r e " ' r " ' o P " ' qcaL ' ERiC, lq84

    o . " - . ; ; i ; ; ' ' M e t \ o d o o s r " r ' 1 r i o n \ e v r r o' _ - ' p r o r " , . - \ t o a & " r " P / L r o r l a 3 r )

    ' I 0 4 lo m J e - o . A 1 . . , J \ r f \ ' n i d P ' ^ : t ! t u u" " i ' , ; .o

    " - , ' / ;??e / r ' a 'd I dJ o r ' \ ' l

    ern Conlerence on the ltachine ol Forergn LanFua8es1935

    Pnt l ro . rn k _OLr 'o re "1JF\ l " c 'e "Pro ' cn ' r' ' ' 6 , , * " " * . t l o ( d r d R e r " o b r " r ' e ' D l /a ! tk r , lb I ( lq8( ) : l l: : " ' " . " i i " " r . " ' 4 " r R e ' R " { ' d ' "roeifi l-anEuaSe Anndk 1'l \19111):28t 96'

    t 2

  • Reschke, Claus.'Prolicienq.Based Foreian Languaee GacherCeniticarior: The Texas Projecr." ADIL Bulleti| 16.2(1935) i l r 21 .

    tu!.\ls. wirsa. Cohn,,i.zr'"r Nrttrul, nt a *.ond Ltapuase.Cambfidgc: Canbndgc UB 1931.

    . Comprchcnsion and Pfoduction in Inrcra.rile Lang!rg. tachi.g " ,Vorle., &,guage Journul 10 11986): I i .

    5.!ig.on. SlndE J.- lnd Nlargie S. Berns l"tulifer ni co--,tu hrctt ive LahttuEe Teachi\. Reading: Addison, 1984.

    < T \ - H N - d . t d \ r t q t L L " 1 : < t ' a . e . \ J o , ' a t a , " L o/i,,. Li..oln*ood Nall. Textbook, 198,1

    \ \ . . P . l r i . e l f \ , . o " p p \ ' r i a 1 A p p r a . h r T r L I E 1

    La\rute lnstruttion, R.*ley I Newbury, 1981.

    APPINDIX AQr$rionnai'e

    Cncle (ll arptapridle dh\vet\

    a. an acrilc ncnber ol. collaborative, orsGte laneuase oF

    b. a represeniative of a stareeducation asencyc. a Epresenraliveofa local educalion ae.ncyd. someone ac !ve ly in !o lved i . p ro l i c ien+ re ! ing(Nlorc rhan o.c aD$\cr is posible)

    :. I have becn in\olvcd in or kno\r aboua. selting prcfici.ncy soals for unircsity-lcvcl lansuaec $u

    b. serlinsproficiencl coals lor public school lansuace stu.

    c adicularion D.ojecLs berw,"en hish schoolandcollege forlancrace nudena in.rr arca

    J i . i . n . 9 l o . . . r " i o r . o

    l . l l youcnc leda,b ,orc i .ques l ion2,p leasedescr ibedrek indsoJ goah and objednes you have ser or rhe proeressyouraEahas madc. (,\tachmenK des.ribine those adi!itie\ are!lso

    1 Con imentonrhesucce$eror rheACT|LETSpro f ic iencynrorenenl inlaneuaeereachnr8inlourntrriturionof nryour

    5 Commenr on ,ny problen, lou have en.ounrered in rmplene.tina ACTFL ETS trofi.ienqy goals

    APPENDIX BStarc and Local Articulation

    ,.d Profi.icn.y Siandafds in 1986 87

    Alab.ma, Alabama has a suideline, Alabana Cnure af Stud!:ForeiEn bnsuqe, that is ^ .r based on ACIFL ETS euidelinesburaddE$esDro f ic ienc ! o ! rcones in readhg,wrn inc ,speakinC, lislening, and.ulru.e.A ld . t i , 4 l " r .d i r 'burcd ' d . i re ro ' ecc l d i ! .p i ine .ncluding languages,Ii hilored ACTFL ETSeuidellnes to loweraBe s o .p do . l .n -o rpor " red . .c . ie r o i merhodo log ie .Arizona. One nare Lask iorce has pEpared documents on. o ' p q ' . . e ' t b " \ e n . o r n L r ' r / o l l " ! - ' d L ' \ e . ities. a second rask lorce subnitted a &aft repoft ro rhe sbteBoard ol Educarion in April 1987 Thesecond Broup lookodclosely at aniculation and ACTFL proiiciency standads as well.Sinilarlr aU rhrce slaie unilersilies are considerins inplemen-

    o60c/-btarion oi proriciency slandards, ar leae nr some laneuases to

    Arkrnsrs. The,'bldr8, &rgrage Cautft Content Gujde wasdelisedbyuive(iryand publi.school tea.her and n nolbasedon ACTFL-ETS guidelircs. Thet planned Dandatort a$esnrenrofnudents on basic skilk" for each coure.Clfitomie. Thepubliarion,ur.lel Cutitulun Standatds Lbr'e,s,aa,6!age(1985) prcvids mate standeds rhar in.orponteelenents ol ACTFL ETS suidolincs. The $atc is also asishneteachctr with scninasandin{ervice qorkshopsrelativeio curriculum planninc, and n published a Hanlbaok Iar Pta.nintan ElJectire FoieiEn bryuase Procrunt.Conneclicnl, Conneclicut uses ACTIL ETS guidelines in nudent tess ior reading, sririnc, speakinc.lislening, !ndc!lture.ETS helped the naredevise theseresrs, lnd ACTFLhelDed tralnonl tesleG, $ho arcnill coinc lhrough thecertiricarion proce$.The Connecticut Councll of La.guaae Teache6 has a school-college conmiiteethat *ist 10 servethe end oibelter afllcu.larion besveen schooh and colleses." \vhile acknosledsins theneed for beiter articulalion, the croup publshcd a pamphlei eD-

    Florida. llorida k inthe proce$ olenablishins both profi-ciency and arliculationcuidelines. Special needs olrhe Lli5pamccomnunity are ako beins addresed. Articulation betweenschook, colleses, andjunior colleces sillbe considered. Thetrahewo'k, nos conFleled, is based loosely on ACTFL ETSguidelines, The Boardof R.gcnn, in its rcpon on programs onindividual campuses, reconnended fie ACTIL ETS guidelibes.l6ls lublication n ,tE,g, rrrnrote an.! Lintuisti.s Prottuh Rerie|| Foltaw Ur {J^. 1986).G.orgia. Ceorgia is revning ns philosothies and coutreguides,including the roren Zargrage Ctticulutn Arde K 12. \4.tkwill be co6plerein 1988. Ar lheunive6irylelelj the Georaia system is workiha on scloclinaalrcadycxkrins tcns. Somc schoolshad be8un sclectinsonetcsi, but the expcclation qas rhai even-' L " l / ' l - e 1 i e r ' ' e . L o L d r c r " e o 1 o r c f o ' q \ r n

    tlaMii, Thenatehadnoi yer ccmpleted thc enablishment ofobjcdncs lor ldious ldds injunior high and hish school. How-evcr, stare lansuase icachen had a Second Laneuaec Articula-tion Conrniitee (elenentary tbroucb uniletsity) cunently alwork. So far fttle hadbeen said aboul ACTFL ETS suidelrnes.ld^ho. Secan.lary Srhoal Col/s? o/Slzd]| nanulls establishprofi ciency goals nor based on those proFoscd by ACTFL-ETS,Illinois. lllinois isrvorkin! on naie$ide ani.ulriion. A iaskioice is renraiively planned Dnder thc aesis of ihc Illinois StareAo. d o f ) d r .a rondr ' ng qc_ 33 Aa l I fS p - f i . ien Jo e r , ' r , o q r o e r . e d n d " e - i l n A l " \ " . " r d " l r l a o rsoah iion elementary rhrou8h univesily levek. ln 1988,ACTILETS suidelines includinc a pbficiency inrerview will beused in the initial teacher cefiification prce$; a lield 1est is being

    In.ri!n!. Inlliana deleloped,,l Ourde ta Prcft.ieh.t Bde.1 tnnrrctiaa in Madern Forekn lnuuaE.s.fot t,didnd S.hoolslollevels I Mheproficiency'based curiculum euidclincsareseFarare rron lhose oiACTIL ETS.loM. Represe.krns iroinelemcntaryschooltlro!gh.oll4eurcte a model curlculun based on rvork done in Urah, NewYork, lndiana, a.d especially wisconsin. the lare endobcsACTFL-ETS !roliciency suidel,nes and incorpoEtes rhenr in,.1Cuidc Jar Dereloptv Cuili.uluh1 i, FareiEi Laneuage.


  • 060q-7

  • I/rrtrrrtl rnd trv. lanlualr stc.lr. luidd\ har u\: r L!f erl. l p ioJ i . i .D . ! {a .dard ! iD . lLdLngACTFL ITS S in i l ! r !u ' . c \n..e b.ing pub|nh.d ior ralin, llcbrs, ccrDan, and IraLranSonlhCrrolim. A.onnnift.coi Ir.r.ien lffgurle Plr.e,neirandCur i lum\a ;nud, r i . ! rhenandardsu{dbr . rhcr nar . : ,and i l .oD i rhed I .a .h . rsonrhar ra i r rac t i ca laor Sout l i ca ioin r Ar rhc .o l l . : c l$ .1 , rd roo ls ! i c l io c . i rc thar DLa.c . r .Dr

    1c i .n id iJ i i : . . r lo ra r ion ; . . t r1 .1as . i t .omDarabLc langu:g . !b i l

    linnc\\e., len.e-see \a5 \'oilii.3 o. rroai.i.n.r !.aLs b,idr..l ..ile!e airld,l!lon: ACTFI FTS glldeli.es rer. notnc i l ( r red Sr i l l , theNarhr i l le a rea r . \ l sed i l s c0r icuhm to b .polici.d.ylrie.r!d TheB.rrdof Re.sent\en.ouraseds.hoolc.lLcg. ac!d.nnc alli!n.es lnr belrer ani.ulali..' l e \xs . l i \as r i rhc{arc r . \ r l r i .hACTFI daor !d rhcqrea(e ianiDudr ol IttJ{i.n rn imple.rcnhng lr\ srldeli.e! Te\as obra i . .d t lud i todcr .nn in . rca .hu p f . l l r i .Dc ! lc \ . l sand, f r r ro rr.arh.r rrarnrg pro3rans to r.Jl..t bctcr Fr.tici.n+.ur..nio\A\ lor rnlicisnq obi!!tns and aili.!hlion, rrncrous collcgc.nd \.(ndarv \.hool tcach.rs and lo.al and slatc cdrcah.n

    . i . r . . i . i e n . . . c f o l . r L ' .ul, \\'o.kJ,oF5 de!-q.!d Lo preFlrc kachc^ ior profioencr"loaLr rrcb.nrsolllrcd kt n\ llnlttler nl the Srhaalt: Bu\iPtut:\r.r A rutrt I t 2. he le\r5 Fducninm As.n.\ del clop. . i { i t \ rde !oa f tu l . b ! r l . xJ . 'n , i r i l c \ . .n i . r , nLb ie . r io

    t rrlr. Lir$ lrx\fublini.drh.lbr.ilr lihttrt. \ldetr CrL.r.?I,x, bas.d la,!.i! on ]\cl lrl LT! !!nL.lin.! Durngl95j 56 rli.,\CT|L l]fS orxl inr.rvia! ns rn.diJr Srrni\h

    oaDq-?\nrno.1- Th. slar.lnr.i!n la'r!uage a$ociarnrnand rft Stat.Dcpxfun.fi ol Ldudrion \crc \orki,r! or luidglinei lor reachi rq ine ign la .g0ages lhar Non ld b . . .Dr l [ rxhk ro s r ide l in . r

    Vneini!. Drring l98i S6, l:i13nrii publish.d ! drali of nsSnt".laaL oj leotninr.rtrtitr lrnr lor l..cr.h. c.dnar. ,ndSD..rnr Thenand. \. bredprinaril-r on^c]I.L ETSglrdeln,e\. addre$ed rll htr \kill5 .nd .ul1ur.. R.rni.rs $c..lonh..dnig n, l98r-.nd includetl nn isessnen( .ompon.nl d$^.dby LTS \ irh rhe Vilitux Det.n e.r.f Edrcdn,n. Skill ar.ri,.u:.\ ar.rami..d ar cach l.vcl.

    \ \ . . l r i n s r r . Tsnhs .condary(ho . lsa .dco ' . rnun i ry . r l lese ! , g radra l l vdchncd 15 o\r froU.i.n.! {rndard lor enr.lnce The Srar.D. ta r l . r .n i o fLdu.ar io i d .v .L .ped ! d ra lLo i n . re gu ide l r .csin 1937, nr \1iich so.ral kirds ol sa.da.d\.llctud rea.ltr1) a

    \\en virginia. \vc{ !ilsinia has xlatrgagc by la.gu.ge nlbiiratioD "irh !uid.lin.s lof rcaclr.61|!|nc!For.l.j lea.hcr in-prr iron aL1 L.!.ls. .\CTFL ETS 1!id.lid.i n... nor r \ig.l r.!nr

    $n..nsin, \\'isronsinfrblnbed ) Guitl. ta ( rmi.thnn Ptanni,! nt F.,1jr. Lnruar..6as.d ln parl or \CTFL ETS!!id.lni.i. High \.h.ol !nd c.llese rea!he6 colhborared ln 1986 87on x rcvs ion o fsy{ !Jn \ ,de huh i \k i l l . . l l ege n lacemenr tens rnI i c .ch C ic i . ran , and SD!n lsh

    l 5