04/04/05© 2005 University of Wisconsin NPR Today "Processing Images and Video for an Impressionist...

04/04/05 © 2005 University of Wisc onsin NPR Today "Processing Images and Video for an Impressionist Effect", Peter Litwinowicz, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 97 "Painterly Rendering for Animation", Barbara J. Meier, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 96 "Cartoon Rendering of Smoke Animations", Andrew Selle, Alex Mohr and Stephen Chenney, Proceedings of NPAR 2004

Transcript of 04/04/05© 2005 University of Wisconsin NPR Today "Processing Images and Video for an Impressionist...

04/04/05 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

NPR Today

• "Processing Images and Video for an Impressionist Effect", Peter Litwinowicz, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 97

• "Painterly Rendering for Animation", Barbara J. Meier, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 96

• "Cartoon Rendering of Smoke Animations", Andrew Selle, Alex Mohr and Stephen Chenney, Proceedings of NPAR 2004

April. 4, 2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Feng Liu

Department of Computer Science

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Processing Images and Video for an Impressionist Effect

by Peter Litwinowicz, Siggraph 97

April. 4, 2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Problem Statement

• Transform images/video into animation with Impressionist effect,

particularly, with hand-painted style

April. 4, 2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Previous work

• Interactive computer-assisted techniques [Haeberli 90]

• Interactive pen-and-ink illustrations making method [Salisbury 94]– Scale-dependent image reproduction method [Salisbury 96]

• 2-1/2D animtion method [Hsu 94].

• System for transforming 3D-gemetry into animations [Meier 96]

April. 4, 2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Stroke rendering

• Stroke generation– Size, position, length

– color

– Orientation

• Random perturbation

• Clipping and rendering– Edge preservation

• Using brush textures

April. 4, 2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin


Without clipping With clipping

April. 4, 2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Brush stroke orientation

• Draw stroke in direction of constant color– the normal to the gradient direction

• Area with small magnitude of gradient ?– Interpolate surrounding “good” gradient

April. 4, 2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Frame-to-frame coherence

• How to move strokes across frames– Using Optical flow [Bergen 90] as stroke displacement

• How to avoid over-sparse and over dense stroke distribution?– Delaunay triangulation

– Maximal area

– Minimal distance

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

April. 4, 2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin


April. 4, 2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin


• An algorithm for producing painterly animation from video

• Highlights– Use optical flow to move strokes across frames to keep temporal


– Orient strokes using gradient-based methods

– Methods to redistribute strokes

– Edge preservation strategy

• Drawback– jittering

April. 4, 2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Future work

• Other artistic style

• Apply methods to 3D objects

• Reducing jittering

04/04/05 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Painterly Rendering

• Goals– Avoid “shower-door” effect

– Provide for frame-to-frame coherence

• Previous techniques achieved one or the other

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Painterly Rendering

• How to achieve goals:– Use object geometry, color to decide where to place strokes

– Distribute particles on object surface

– Paint in screen space whereever a particle is placed

• Randomness adds character– Store random seed in “particle”

– Perturb color, orientation, scale based on user-selectable parameters

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Previous Work

• "Paint by Numbers", Paul Haeberli, SIGGRAPH 90, 207-214– Similar painterly style, brush strokes stuck to view-plane

• "Comprehensible Rendering of 3-D Shapes", Saito and Takahashi, SIGGRAPH 90, 197—206.

– Used reference images, G-Buffers to generate illustrative image

• “Cellular Texture Generation”, Fleischer, et al. SIGGRAPH 95, 239-248.

– Elements rendered in model space

• Every oil-painting book ever made...

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

The Algorithm in Detail

Step 1: Create particles to represent geometry

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

The Algorithm cont...

Step 2: For each frame of animation...– create reference pictures using

geometry, surface attributes, and lighting

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

The Algorithm cont...

Step 3: Also for each frame of the animation... – transform particles based on animation parameters– sort particles by distance from viewpoint– for each particle, starting with furthest from viewpoint

• transform particle to screen space• determine brush stroke attributes from reference pictures or

particles and randomly perturb them based on user-selected parameters

• composite brush stroke into paint buffer– end (for each particle)

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Putting it all together

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Creative techniques

• Like real painting, render the scene in layers– Paint each object with multiple layers, each shrunk in more. Outside layers

are painted sparsely, inner layers painted thicker.

– Isolate highlights, shadows using image processing techniques and paint in a separate layer

– Each object or group of objects in a scene can be given its own layer

• Painting parameters can be chosen per-layer

• Semi-transparent layers allow compositing of styles

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Technical considerations

• Brush strokes may jitter in size and orientation slightly between frames

– So blur the size and orientation reference images before sampling

• Rendering of back-facing particles– Useful so previously obscured strokes don't pop in when animating

– Can cause visual problems when layering

– Their solution culls back-facing particles, but fades them in as they get close to front-facing

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Future Directions

• Combining painterly look with traditional renderer

• Automatically handling changing object size

• Improving particle-placement algorithm to cover geometric surfcace and screen space more evenly

• Implementing longer, deformable brushes that can follow curves on a surface

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin



04/04/05 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Cartoon Rendering of Smoke AnimationsAndrew Selle, Alex Mohr, Stephen Chenney

NPAR 2004

Presented by Jared Sohn

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Cartoon Smoke

• Uses physically-based simulation to drive nonphotorealistic rendering

• Draws silhouette edges based on depth differences technique

• Maintains temporal coherence

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Related Work

• Depth differences technique [Deussen and Strothotte 2000]

• Nonphotorealistic billboards [Lamorlette and Foster 2002]

• Advected non-photorealistic textures [Witting 1999 and Neyret 2003]

• Procedurally-modeled still images of smoke [Yu, et. al]

• Applying NPR to visualizing fluids [Kirby, Marmanis, Laidlaw 1999]

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Smoke Simulation

• Particle systems– Intuitive parameterized control

– Unclear how to create realistic rules to capture all possible effects while retaining usability and need to track scalar fields

• Physically-based– More stable (Stam 1999). Fedkiw/Stam/Jensen 2001 improves on


– Layering approach (Rasmussen 2003) improves efficiency for large simulations

– Key-framed control (Treuille 2003) of smoke simulation

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Smoke Simulation

• Only need the output

• Introduce massless marker particles periodically at the source

• Position, velocity, and density are linearly interpolated from the simulation grid

• Easy to implement because semi-Lagrangian solvers already include particle tracing as part of the simulation

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin


Several approaches examined:

• Apply silhouette rendering to interesting particles

• Work with isosurfaces derived from simulation

• Use global algorithm to determine placement of silhouettes

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin


PASS 1: Primitive rendered to depth and color buffers.

PASS 2: Depth values compared and silhouette edges drawn.

Coherence maintained because particles are advected through simulation.

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin

Simulation-Rendering Interface

• Size determined by density around particle

• Color determined by temperature or density

• Rotation and amount of stretch determined by particle’s velocity

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin


• Smoke simulation requires max of 3 secs/frame on 40x80x40 grid on 3 GHZ Pentium IV

• 2D layered representation could improve performance (maybe real-time?)

• Rendering 640x480 image takes ~ 1 frame/second. Could be reduced by implementing depth difference algorithm in hardware

• More results in video

04/04/2005 © 2005 University of Wisconsin


• Parameters need tuning

• Can’t vary viewpoint

• Smoke simulation is slow, potentially unnecessary

• Can apply same technique to water

• Questions?

04/04/05 © 2005 University of Wisconsin