04 The Divine Economic System


Transcript of 04 The Divine Economic System

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The Divine Economic System

for Lasting Prosperity and Peace

In setting out to make an intelligent study of the Divine Economic System

it is essential to take into consideration some definitions and explanations

which must be clearly understood, especially so in view of the widespread

ignorance of the subject displayed in practically all sections of organized


A popular fallacy is that an Economic System deals only with the financial

affairs of the nation. This is most decidedly erroneous. A dictionary

definition of ‘Economics’ gives it as: ‘The science of household and

political management.’ In other words, ‘Economics’ or an ‘Economic

System’ is ‘Our way of life.’

The fact is that Economics, truly understood, takes within its scope all the

rules and regulations necessary to govern every phase of human life and

activity. Money as such should be a means of exchange and not a

commodity used as a power over people, especially when there is no cycle

of debt release.

The Economic Order of the Kingdom

There are four indispensable requisites for the Divine Economic System

under the Kingdom of God upon earth. These are:

1. A Monarch anointed to rule under God.

2. A land or territory administered by the Crown in the name of the


3. A People who are citizens of the Kingdom and who are loyal to the


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4. A Constitution of Statute Law by which the affairs of the People of the

Kingdom are administered.

A careful study of the history of the establishment of the Kingdom of God

as recorded in the Bible will show quite clearly that all these various

requisites were provided for. God was the King. The Land was Canaan.

The People were Israel (Is-ra-el = ruled by God), and the Constitution

consisted of the Commandments, Statutes and Judgments of Almighty

God, or Jehovah, the personal name to be used by the nation ruled by the

LORD God. Constitutionally the Monarchy and the system of Divine Law

is applicable to the Kingdom and its Dominions, but it applies also to

those covenant nations that are republics having constitutions which have

emanated from the same Kingdom origins.

Over and over again God declared that the well-being of the people of the

Kingdom depended upon absolute and complete obedience to the

Commandments, Statutes and Judgments as laid down by Jehovah. It is, of

course, a well-known axiom that no Kingdom can function efficiently

unless there is law and order. If the properly constituted system of law of

the Kingdom is not administered by the Government and obeyed by the

people, lawlessness, discord, dissension, disunity and strife inevitably

result. If more than one system of law is operating, or if the people do that

which is right in their own eyes, this will lead to rupture and disintegration

with all the evils attendant; confusion, panic and chaos.

The Enduring Nature of the Kingdom

The Bible is not a church book as such, but an historical and prophetic

record of God’s dealings with His called-out and separated People.

Church dogma doubts the ‘everlasting’ nature of God’s Kingdom on

Earth. This is a legacy from Roman Catholic Replacement Theology, the

seeds of which came through the Reformation to grow and persist again

from the mid-nineteenth century with the Oxford Movement, just as the

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Kingdom teaching began to develop and expand with the British Empire.

It has been the ‘strong delusion’ to deceive many, which together with the

false money system of debt finance has engulfed the spiritual and politico-

financial world.

The fact is that the Kingdom once set up did not and could not come to an

end which is stated over and over again in the Bible. It is sworn to on the

Oath of Almighty God that the Kingdom which He established on the

earth, made up of the Israel people whom He had specially created and

selected to be an instrument and servant people for the full restoration of a

world that had been ruined by the Devil’s lies in the Garden of Eden,

would endure forever, as long as the sun, moon and stars (Jeremiah 31:35-


In the Book of the Prophet Micah we hear the prophetic words: “They

shall sit every man under his vine, and under his fig tree; and none shall

make them afraid; for the mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it” – a

perfect picture of individual economic security. Divinely decreed, Micah

prophesies this for the future, but the strange thing about it is that he uses

precisely the same words which 235 years before had described an actual

history. That blessed condition had once existed in Israel, but had been

lost; he prophesies in the Name of the Lord of Hosts that it shall be

blessed. The covenant nations have existed in a state of failing economics

over the past century and something very powerful is taking place as we

move through 2012.

Why the Global Financial System is Failing

Today it is almost four centuries from when the Pilgrim Fathers landed in

North America and where a debt-free economic life developed. It was a

new country and prosperity was guaranteed except that financial powers in

London felt threatened and sought to maintain their financial control. The

birth of the great Republic in 1776 resulted, securing the future

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development of what was to be the greatest superpower the world has

seen, except that on 23 December, 1913 – 98 years ago – the Federal

Reserve Act was waved through by proxy votes known as the ‘Christmas

massacre.’ The Constitution ceased to be the governing covenant of the

American people, being lost to international banking. Thus, the Federal

Reserve has never been called a Central Bank. It is privately owned, US

shareholders being subservient to banking powers in London. It has also

never been fully audited in 98 years – significantly 14 x 7 years as will be

expanded on below.

The developed world is now witnessing a meltdown of the global financial

system on both sides of the Atlantic and more and more the banking world

operates on the principle of what in effect is theft by the few from the

many. Nationalization and socialization of banks that fail is being

discussed and the economic ‘Armageddon’ looms nearer day by day.

In prophetic terms, the blind 13th

Judge in Israel, Samson, is now leaning

against the twin pillars of the House of Dagon in Gaza. The Twin Towers

of the World Trade Centre in New York were brought down in a single

hour on 11 September, 2001. This was a symbolic warning of what was to

come, for exactly 7 years later in September 2008 the financial meltdown


The proud Philistine lords had come to witness the death of their enemy

and the blind Samson was led by a young lad to the main pillars of the

temple. What his enemies had failed to notice was that Samson’s seven

locks of hair had grown again and that his great strength had returned. In

the midst of the chaotic scene that followed Samson utters a prayer to the

God of Israel to be remembered and strengthened so to avenge himself

upon his enemies. He knows full well that this last stand will cost him his

life, but he dislodges the pillars on which the whole House stands, thereby

collapsing the temple upon all that were in it (Judges 16:23-30).

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In the outworking of this prophetic scene today, we see the 13th

Judge as

the United States. It is the only superpower in the world and it is

economically powerful – except for its outstanding $15 trillion of public

debt! The U.S. National Debt has continued to increase by an average of

$3.96 billion per day since 28 September, 2007! It is the failing system of

debt finance that dictates this and it cannot go on. An almighty crunch

point is approaching. Who is going to win? Will it be the proud lords of

the banking world and International Finance, or ‘Samson’ in the form of

the Sovereign Republic of the United States and its People?

What is clear from the prophetic story of Samson’s final end is that his

death points to the end of the present order of debt finance. The young lad,

who holds him by the hand, guiding him to the two middle pillars upon

which the house stood, is a symbol of the new order that is to arise after

the passing away of the present system. It is therefore the People of the

United States who are to emerge successful from the coming economic

upheaval. The seven locks of hair that grow again represent the ‘Seven

Times’ chastisement for Israel of 2,520 years (7 x 360 years) which have

now expired. Thus the strength of ‘Samson’ has returned prophetically in

superpower expression.

The Practical Outworking of Divine Economics

In outlining this Law, we are speaking of an economic system that was

once in practical operation amongst ordinary men. Its laws are found in

the Bible and a history of its success and also its judgment when these

laws are abandoned is plainly recorded. More than that, we are speaking

of a Law that is still a workable Law for us today, in spite of our

ignorance or rejection of its principles. We are speaking of the restored

economic system of our people, alongside which we must measure every

other system that politico-economic globalism is seeking to construct and

urge upon us in these extremely troublous times.

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Firstly, this Economic Law of the Lord, before it did anything else, gave a

family its own piece of private property. Every man in the nation had his

private freehold, which could not be bought or sold away or taken from

him. The national landlord was Jehovah, Who stated that “the land is

mine” (Leviticus 25:23) and He forbad it being sold. He ordained that it

should continue the property of its original holders and their descendants,

enlarged as the family increased for posterity in the remote future.

When a child was born into the nation of Israel, that child was already

provided for by the birth certificate which was a title-deed to his estate.

Under the present system, estates are inherited by reason of someone’s

death; under God’s law an estate was inherited by reason of birth – and

that is very significant, for the difference between the two systems is just

that – the difference between life and death. Thus every child born

increased the wealth of the land. It was not as with us today in the money-

orientated civilization where children are more and more received with

regret, because, in that terrible phrase, each child means “one more mouth

to feed.” In Israel, children were an addition to the wealth of the land, not

a drain adding to poverty.

The guarantee of individual independence was at the very basis of God’s

economic law as the family allotment of land remained with that family

forever. It could not be sold. It could not be lost on a mortgage. It could

not be seized. It was a perpetual possession. No generation could waste

the patrimony of its descendants or weigh them down with debt. Men

were not compelled to spend most of their lives and half lose their souls to

obtain a foothold on the earth. They were able to live as sons and

daughters of God should live and this is why Israel, under God’s

economic law, was able to bless the world with spiritual light unrivalled

by any nation or by any other period of history.

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Of course, the Divine system meant that mass immigration of other races

and their cultures could not take place, this in order to preserve the

inheritance of land for posterity. This outworking of God’s plan and

purpose for His People comes into sharp focus in our day, with multiplied

millions with their alien religions having transported themselves half way

round the world, to distort the basic integrity of the covenant nations.

Christians all over the world repeat with enthusiasm the promise of God in

II Chronicles 7:14. This was when the LORD appeared to King Solomon

and promised to heal the land of His people if they would but humble

themselves and pray. The land here can only apply to the nation, or the

Kingdom of God upon Earth with its territory and borders. It cannot apply

to the church which is without borders and without a national constitution

and laws.

Secondly, we begin with the individual family unit on their land – secured

for a lifetime and to their children after them. What do they give in return

for it? As a price for the land, there is no tax. How is it taxed, then? Are

there to be no taxes? Yes, but neither the individual nor the land pays

them – God pays them and this is how the Divine system of taxation

works, the only scientific basis of taxation known to this debt and tax-

burdened world.

God’s taxes are called tithes and offerings. They were not based on

property but on the produce of property – the natural produce of the land.

Even then that hardly describes it, for there was no tax at all for the

family’s living. A property tax is a form of piecemeal confiscation. What

does a working-man’s cottage produce that it should be taxed? Yet put it

on the tax roll for a sufficient number of years, and you have eaten it up!

God’s taxes were not like that; they were not laid on property nor on the

means of living; they were laid on the annual increase, and rose or fell

accordingly. Every individual paid their own tax, not the taxes of

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everyone along the line of trade which are combined and accumulated

until they fall in one lump upon the shoulders of the “ultimate consumer.”

There was no way to avoid one’s own tax except by committing a sin

before God, and there was no way of being compelled to pay anyone

else’s tax.

This tithe, or tax, supported all public activities – much more than our

taxes do today. Government, religious worship and all public services

including the Law, Medicine and Education were supported by the tithe.

In addition, a fund was formed in the tax-payers own hands for travel,

recreation and culture for the individual and the family. God’s system of

taxation actually left part of the taxes in the tax-payer’s hands for holiday

trips and seasonal festivals and for the aid of those temporarily distressed.

Truly it may be said in this matter that His “yoke is easy and His burden is

light” (Matthew 11:30).

Thirdly, as to money, we do not hear much of it under God’s law – only

certain prohibitions concerning it. This is the difference between a

civilization where the profit of living is cash and a civilization where

profit of living is life. Where there can be no economic collapse, where

you cannot cheat a man out of his property, where there is no profit in

debt, where money is not regarded as wealth, money naturally drops to its

own place – a means of exchange. It is only where the Law of God is

unknown that money is regarded as wealth.

The principle money law in Divine Economics is the law against Interest.

Simply stated, finance operated by a system of accumulated debt without

regular debt release is a dishonest and corrupting power, now exposed in

the way banks and the world of international finance have operated as

predatory institutions, only to crash with the taxpayer having to foot the

bill through bailouts. In Israel, because of the law against Interest, there

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was no incentive to invent means to get everyone into debt, because there

was no profit in debt.

There really is no profit in debt and we pay dearly for every departure

from God’s economic law as we are now finding out. Yet this Law, which

prohibits the creation and expansion of long-term debts is also the strong

source of Credit – not as a burdensome debt, not as an advantage taken of

our pressing need, but Credit, a lift, a help, a true favour, an assistant of

our advantage rather than a tax on it.

The creation of Credit without the multiplication of debt is a masterpiece

of Divine legislation. Another point is that this law which absolutely

prohibits interest or the increase which is called usury comes from the

same Divine power which practises increase all the time!

Fourthly, while we have set out God’s land laws, tax and money laws,

there is another section of the Divine economics. It has to do with the

cycle of hard times, only under God’s law it became the cycle of good

times. The regularity with which economic panic and depression appear

has long puzzled economists. They have studied it from many angles and

have pronounced that they observe the ‘supposed cycle’ but reveal that

they do not know why it happens.

One of the most wonderful phases of the Economic Law of God is that it

announces the Law of the Cycle. Throughout the history and experience

and teachings of Israel, this fact of the cycle is continuously recognized.

There is no explanation of the cycle – there are just plain regulations

prescribing what Israel must do about it. The cycle remains a puzzle to the

economic scientists, because they approach it with a purpose to abolish it.

God’s method is to tell us that it exists and is as much part of His order as

day and night; to help us recognize it and to teach us how to enter it and

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reap its benefits. This is because there are mighty individual and social

benefits inherent in the cycle which our generations have never enjoyed.

Our economic history reveals that we are keeping in distress the economic

Sabbaths we would not keep in our prosperity. This is the whole reason

and history of hard times. If the charts of the statistical economists are

examined for the past two centuries, we will see the chart lines dip

approximately every seven years, with the deeper dip every fifty years.

The fifty-year cycle, which appears every seven Sabbatical years, is the

Jubilee Year of Israel – the time when all corporate obligations are

finished, when land returns where it was originally held, a time of the

restitution of the social and economic balance.

This restitution was not confiscation; nor levelling up and levelling down,

but restoration. The level of debt was not allowed to accumulate as all

debts not repaid within seven years were cancelled. As the seventh year

was the year of individual release, the 50th

was the year of corporate

release. This was not any form of Socialism or Communism, but God’s

justice set in the freest and most helpful individualism.

The Proclamation of Liberty is Mandatory

The dollar system in the United States of America works because the

different states are one country with the added strength of being a reserve

currency. Any attempt however to engineer a take-over of the US dollar

by the United Nations as a world currency would be fatal.

The terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre in September 2001 when

the Twin Towers collapsed within one hour was certainly a warning of the

international economic crisis that was to come according to the Historicist

interpretation of the Apocalypse in Revelation 18. Significantly, as said

above, it was seven years exactly to September 2008 when the economic

crash began and which is ongoing in 2012.

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The great law of the Jubilee is cast in letters of iron on the Independence

Bell of the United States at Philadelphia – “Proclaim liberty throughout

the land to all the inhabitants thereof.” Referring to the context where this

is found in the Scriptures (Leviticus 25:10) we see that economic liberty is

meant – the general economic liberty of the Jubilee year. The pity is that

our ignorance makes it such a time of distress. We do not avail ourselves

of the cycles; we have to be kicked into them.

Some people say, Christians in particular, “Were not these laws done

away with by the New Testament (Covenant)?” If they were done away

with, why do they still operate? If they were done away, why do we meet

the severe penalty at the very point where we transgress them? The

proclamation of Liberty is not optional, it is mandatory for lasting

prosperity and true peace. The Divine Economic System is given to the

covenant nations in their supreme text-book of economics – it is the Holy


Final Economic Judgment is Approaching

After a decade of political eurozone economics it is self-evident that fiscal

union under one economic policy is the only way for a single currency to

work. This kind of union was never going to be workable for separate

nations with very different economies. The attempt to establish a workable

single currency in Europe has been a classic example of forcing upon a

group of nations a manmade politico-economic agenda that ignored the

basic rules of Divine economics for the Kingdom of God upon earth.

This basic truth is only now becoming apparent under the proposals of the

British government to bring in banking reform. National, or ‘high street’

banking, is to be separated by a firewall from investment and international

banking, which has brought about what is termed ‘casino banking’ – the

utter madness of gambling away billions and even trillions of currency so

undermining the financial stability of entire nations.

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In Conclusion

The world economic tectonic plates are moving and the International

Monetary System, which has been in a state of repeating crises for at least

a century, appears to be approaching a gigantic corrective meltdown. It is

vital therefore that positive guidance is given to the covenant nations in

the Western World concerning the Divine Economic System that must

soon be reinstated over the present dishonest system of debt finance based

on usury.

There is only one direction that will bring prosperity and peace, so as

servant people showing God’s way to the world, let us return to him and

obey Moses’ words: “therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed

may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19).

Acknowledgements to The Economic Law of the Lord. An Address by W. J.

Cameron, President of the Anglo-Saxon Federation of America, at Detroit, USA and

pub. 1936 by The Covenant Publishing Company Ltd, UK.


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