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Transcript of 04-26

  • 8/2/2019 04-26


    Resolve to Read: April 26 Readings:


    Judges 6:1-40 http://www.esvbible.org/devotions/every-day-in-the-word/2012-04-26/#old-testament

    Luke 22:54-23:12 http://www.esvbible.org/devotions/every-day-in-the-word/2012-04-26/#new-testament

    Psalm 95:1-96:13 http://www.esvbible.org/devotions/every-day-in-the-word/2012-04-26/#psalm

    Proverbs 14:5-6 http://www.esvbible.org/devotions/every-day-in-the-word/2012-04-26/#proverb

    Meditation Key Verses: Judges 6:11-12 (ESV)

    Then the angel of the LORD came and sat beneath the great tree at Ophrah, which

    belonged to Joash of the clan of Abiezer. Gideon son of Joash was threshing wheat at

    the bottom of a winepress to hide the grain from the Midianites. The angel of the LORD

    appeared to him and said, Mighty hero, the LORD is with you!

    Mighty Hero? Who, Me?By Dorothy A. DeBisschop

    The story of Gideon and the fleeces raises a number of questions. Frequently

    readers ask:

    Who was the angel of the LORD that spoke to Gideon?

    Was Gideon right to ask for so many miracles before agreeing to the task?

    Theyre both good questions, but not the most important lesson to be learned from the

    scripture. Lets get them out of the way briefly before going to the meat of the story.

    The angel of the LORD in the Old Testament was a preincarnate form of our Lord

    Jesus Christ, who later became human as a baby in Bethlehem. In verse 11, the

    visitor is called the angel of the LORD, but further on in verse 16 the same visitor

    is simply called the LORD.

    Gideons asking for so many miracles strikes many as presumptuous, but Jesus

    patience with doubting Thomas, shows that He accepts our sincere doubts and

    questions. He tells Thomas that he is blessed to know the truth, but that those

    who believe without seeing proof are even more blessed. Honestly facing doubts

    and seeking answers from God is a way to increase faith.

    These points are interesting and add to our understanding, but dont miss the most

    amazing part of the story. The Lord addresses Gideon as Mighty Hero. This is said to

    a young man who is hiding in a wine press to thresh grain. A wine press is below

    ground level, and threshing wheat is normally done on ground level, so that the thresher

    can toss the wheat, both straw and grains into the air, where the breezes can help

    separate the wheat from the chaff.

  • 8/2/2019 04-26


    Gideon was hiding below ground because he didnt want to be seen. He was afraid of

    the Midianites. Y, yet the Lord called him Mighty Hero. It reminds me of the day that

    Jesus called an unlikely group of fishermen and told them they would become fishers

    of men. Jesus looks at us and sees possibilities we may not know we have. Jesus

    calls each of us to some sort of service. At our acceptance of Jesus as our savior, we

    are each given spiritual gifts. Often we dont realize what these gifts are until we study

    the word, pray, and see where Jesus is calling us to use our gifts.

    We arent all gifted and called to be a mighty hero, but we are all given gifts for the

    purpose of serving God. God calls us to use our gifts wisely and faithfully.

    ACTIVITY FOR THE DAY: Whats your spiritual gift or gifts? If you dont know yet,

    study the word and pray for discernment so that you will recognize what God has given

    you. The Lord calls us to use our gifts wisely and faithfully. How can you moreeffectively use the gifts the Lord has given you?

    PRAYER: Dearest Lord Jesus, help us to discern our spiritual gifts. Give us the

    wisdom, grace and courage to fully utilize them for your service. Help us to be effective

    followers of you and to show the way to others. Amen.


    (Resolve to Read meditations follow the One Year Bible popularized by Tyndale HousePublishers. The meditations are copyrighted, but readers are free to share them, aslong as no charge is made for them and this notice is included.)