04-21-2013 11 am Bulletin

St. Mark United Methodist Church 413 Geddes Ave. Charleston SC, 29407, 843-766-5239 www.stmarkchurch.info Rev. Scarlett Hester Ms. Michele Russell Mr. Dale Wilson Pastor music director Director of Children and Youth Mrs. Libby Massalon Congregation, administrative assistant ministers in the world



Transcript of 04-21-2013 11 am Bulletin

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St. Mark United Methodist Church 413 Geddes Ave. Charleston SC, 29407, 843-766-5239 www.stmarkchurch.info

Rev. Scarlett Hester Ms. Michele Russell Mr. Dale Wilson Pastor music director Director of Children and Youth

Mrs. Libby Massalon Congregation, administrative assistant ministers in the world

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OUR PRAYERS: Assisted Living: Kimberly Rayburn. Life Care Center: Dot Caulder. Ashley River Plantation: Shirley Kaiser. Ashley Park: Dot Connor, Betty Beach, Tommy & Margaret Johnson. Heartland: Thelma Muckenfuss. Home: Bill and Virginia Swintz, Rhonda and Newell Cummings, Tim & Nancy Strickland, Jack and Barbara Shaw, Ronnie and Betty Knight, Ron Buchheitt, Harold McMillan, Jacki Donoho, Roy Baker, Leila Shealy, Bill Smith, Kenneth Gough, Lib Way, Randy & Neva Atkinson, Alva Mims, Nelda Gaines, Amy Hobbs, Ann Willis, Barbara Blanton, Buddy & Deloris Elsey & family, David Chandler, Dean & Lora James, Bernell & Margie Shuler, Juanita Maranville, Mary Jane & Bobby Scaffe, Rocky & Jackie Brinson, Pat & Rex Connor, Robert & Maureen Ratcliff. Military & their families: Phillip Paggi, Charles & Darlene, SFC Mark Elsey, Sgt Maj Chris Barnard & Susan Barnard, LTJG Edward Dawson, LCDR Spencer Baker, Betsy (Donoho) Rousch-Lackland Air Force Base, and all of our military. Our President, the Pope, Troops Overseas, Our College Students & faculty -Our Youth - Citadel Cadets- Our Country- Our Church -Those Who Have Lost Jobs - The Homeless, Those with addictions, People of N. Africa & Middle East, Youth and Youth Leaders, Children in slavery, All Cancer Patients, Cancer Survivors

Prayer List: Candice Fortner, Bill-Donna & Austin Reed, Stacey Power, Jacki Ratledge & family, McKenzie Clarey and her parents, Tina & Ricky Doscher, Marion & Ann Smith, Steve McClain, Bobby Goodwin, those in need of jobs, Robert Herbst, Sara Johnson, Pauline & Jim Johnson, Kori-Lee Glover, Terry Hunt, Gil Bourne, Alicia Weatherspoon, Bubba Belding, Jones family, Chip Taylor, Faye Smith, Claiborne-Burke-Williams and extended families, Nell & Steve Chavis, Iris Cooper, Marie Williams, Malone’s, Mack’s, Koester’s, Henrietta Long & family, Pettry family, Strickland family, Thomas & Jean Gentry, Edna Hall, Betty Waylett, Eddie Meree, Cody Cooper, Joe & Sally LaTorre, Renee Rudloff, Ruth Berlinsky, Ron Scaffe, Chase Towne, Roni Fisher, Sue Dillon, Mia Ellyana, Renee Grooms, Caroline Cashion, Dan & Sue Levine, Shannon Wichers, Susan Porter, Savannah & Miles, Juanita Maranville, Julie Lee, C.J. Howard, Baby Connor Walton, Frances Bledsoe, Mary Bokern, Susan Bevins, Cody, Vicki, Adam & Zachary, praise for the safe return of Harry Russell from Afghanistan, Pastor Scarlet & family, Glen and Libby Massalon & family, Norma Oliver, Caeden Stoll, Crystal Doggett, Clayton LaPorte, Hannah Harmon & family.

OUR SERVICES Sunday, April 21

Early Worship.……………………..………………………..………...….........................................……....9:00 a.m. Sunday School…………………….………………………....…………...........................................……..10:00 a.m. Worship…………………….………………………..…..………...................................….........…..…...…11:00 a.m. Xplode Youth Ministry(MYF)………………………….................................................................6:30 p.m.

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OUR PRESENCE Worship last Sunday 9:00 a.m. Service…………………………..……………………..…....................................................................50 11:00a.m. Service…………………………...………………….............…...................................................….153 Sunday School………………………….……………………….................................................................……..32


Needed each week………………………………………………....................................……………..….….$6,182.00 Received last week………………………………………………....................................……….....……....$5,234.23 Building Fund……………………………………………….………….............................................….....….…$475.00

FLOWERS The flowers were placed in the sanctuary today by Tim & Nancy Strickland in praise for a one year anniversary of healing.

MEMORIALS In memory of Newt Cummings by Wilma Jackson, Dr. John Hudgens, Kenny & Patty Barfield, Bert & Suzanne Motley, Frank & Jane Morley, Tommy & Pat Massalon. In memory of Mike Bennett and Dave Dillon by Mark & Susie Seel. In memory of Mary Amanda (Mandy) McKenzie (Jacki's mother) by Kenny & Patty Barfield, Dick and Eloise Wooden, Ray & Susan Caulder, Vicki DuBose, Norma Oliver, Mildred Harju, Tommy & Pat Massalon.

OUR SERVICE TODDLER NURSERY Lisa Smith(9:00-11:00)............................................................................................................Apr 21 Meg Capps(11:00-12:00)……………………....…....………..............................................................Apr 21 Stacey Shealy(9:00-11:00)…………………………....…….……….…...................................................Apr 28 Cynthia Sunde11:00-12:00)...………………….……........................................................................Apr 28


Rex Connor Brett O’Toole Blake Connor Abbie O’Toole

ACOLYTE/CRUCIFER Haley O‘Toole/Emily O‘Toole…..….………………….................................................................... April 21 Molly McCabe/Lydia Capps……..……..………………….................................................................April 28

SCRIPTURE READERS 9:00 Bert Motley Apr 21 9:00 Gary Shealy Apr 28 11:00 Amy McCabe Apr 21 11:00 Molly McCabe Apr 28

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Saint Mark United Methodist Church April 21, 2013 11:00 a.m. ______________________________________________________

As you prepare to worship God, please take a moment to print your name in the attendance book.


PRELUDE.………………....................................................................................Pianist OPENING PRAYER

*CHORAL INTROIT………………“Bless His Holy Name”……................Chancel Choir

*HYMN OF PRAISE…………................................................................NO. 577 UMH “God of Grace and God of Glory”

*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH………………………………......………………..........NO. 881 UMH

*GLORIA PATRI………………….…“Glorify Thy Name”....................... NO. 2016 UMH

CHILDREN’S MOMENT……………………………….................................. (Children may leave for

children’s church)

CALL TO PRAYER………………………………...........................................NO. 2215 TFWS “Cares Chorus”


WE WORSHIP THE LORD WITH OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY……………………………….......................................……........ Chancel Choir

“Come and Hear”

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*DOXOLOGY……………………............“A New Doxology”..........................As Printed Blessing and honor, praise, adoration;

Glory to you, Father, Son and Spirit, Now and forever, world without end!

Glory to God in the Highest, Amen!

*HYMN OF PREPARATION…………………………..………….………........... NO. 581 UMH “Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service”

PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Lord, open our hearts and minds, by the power of your Holy Spirit, that, as the Scriptures are read and your word proclaimed, we may hear with transforming joy what you say to us today. Amen.

SCRIPTURE………………….………….........………........................................ Acts 9:36-43 SERMON..…………………………....................................................Rev. Scarlett Hester

*CLOSING HYMN…………..…...…“You Are the Seed”……....................NO. 583 UMH

*BENEDICTION (in unison) May the Most High increase charity in us. May the Sun of Heaven shine through us. May the Winds of Love move us to compassion and service. May we go into this day [week] God seeing in our eyes, God touching with our hands, God caring through our generosity. AMEN.**

*CHORAL RESPONSE………….…………..............................................NO. 2215 TFWS “Make Me a Servant”

*POSTLUDE *If you are able, please stand UMH - United Methodist Hymnal

TFWS - The Faith We Sing **This blessing was used at morning worship of the General Conference on May 7, 2004: Copyright © 2002 Daniel Benedict. Adapted and used with permission.

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From Susan Porter: With much deep appreciation and humble thankfulness to each and every one of our church family we thank you for all of your thoughts, calls, visits, cards, good and the gift of financial support you have shared with our family during this time of illness. Most of all, I appreciate the continued prayers for wellness. Love in Christ to all, Susan, Savannah and Miles

An opportunity to be a blessing! Disciples bless others! (See below)

Tabitha, a.k.a. Dorcas, was known for always doing good and helping the poor. Translated in different ways, the text assures us that Tabitha made a positive difference in the world. As a disciple, she did loved her neighbors and worked toward the Kingdom of God.

Disciples make a positive difference in the world. Disciples serve. Today, you will find a list of possible ways you might serve at St. Mark. The list is NOT exhaustive. Nor is everything on the list already in existence. Rather, it is a beginning. If any of these interests you, please mark it and share your name. Some of these are not due to start for a while, but all are important. So, pray, think, and consider: Where and how might you be a Tabitha?