

Transcript of 033_DA_LindsayKellar_Brochure_11

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BriefLindsayKeller, a reputable Johannesburg law firm, is a leader in litigation services in South Africa.

At the forefront of legal developments for more than 73 years, the firm has proved itself a first-rate insurance litigator through its groundbreaking work for insurers and the Road Accident Fund (RAF).

LindsayKeller also leads the way in litigation in the labour, consumer protection, competition, aviation, criminal, estates, matrimonial, commercial and administrative fields of law. The firm’s outstanding work in these areas is evident from the fact that its team of attorneys is in court every week and is often involved in reported cases. LindsayKeller’s litigation work is complemented by its dispute resolution services, including mediation, conciliation and arbitration.

Commercial work − in particular construction, company, trust and testamentary law − is another area in which the firm has built excellent capabilities over the years.

Passionate about the law, vibrant and diverse, LindsayKeller differentiates itself through solution-orientated thinking.

LindsayKeller is a Level 2 Contributor to Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment.

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1942 1952 1962 1972HeritageLindsayKeller was founded in 1942.

The firm’s distinguished roots are evident in the fact that one of its founders, IHL Lindsay, was the grandson of a delegate to the 1908 National Convention that led to the formation of the Union of South Africa.

Lindsay imported Volkswagen into South Africa shortly after the Second World War and set up the Lindsay Saker Volkswagen franchise. His involvement in the motor industry led him to start an insurance litigation business, which acted on behalf of leading insurers such as AA Mutual Insurance Company and the Automobile Association. This prepared the way for the insurance and personal injury work the firm does to this day.

LindsayKeller has been instrumental in trans-forming the law in various areas. The law on co-insurance clauses in large insurance contracts was rewritten as a result of the Voest-Alpine matter the firm was involved in, and in Chartaprops the firm assisted in the delineation of the liability of principals for the negligent acts of subcontractors. LindsayKeller also affirmed the law on vicarious liability of employers for the actions of their employees in Bezuidenhout.

Clearly an accomplished firm, LindsayKeller has developed a vast bank of intellectual resources it draws on to serve its clients with distinction.

The firm’s remarkable history is characterised by a tradition of multiculturalism, established long before South Africa’s transition to democracy. LindsayKeller’s partners, representing various ethnicities, carry this proud tradition forward.

(Full citations of the legal cases mentioned are available on www.lindsaykeller.com.)

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1982 1992 2002 2012 TodayLindsayKeller is a firm of 17 litigation specialists excelling in insurance litigation and skilfully representing corporate clients in matters relating to almost every area of the law.

The firm’s arena is the: Lower Courts High Courts Supreme Court of Appeal Constitutional Court

LindsayKeller continues to prove its excellence in litigation through its regular appearances in various Lower and High Courts, as well as the Supreme Court of Appeal.

On the mediation front, the firm sets itself apart through the successful negotiation of international mediations.

While the law continues to evolve and significant legislative changes took place over the past 10 years, LindsayKeller continues to competently guide its local and international clients through the changing legal landscape.

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Areas of expertise Insurance Law Personal Injury Litigation Personal and Public Liability Claims Commercial Law Constitutional Law Competition Law Banking Law Administration Law Conveyancing and Notarising Estate and Estate Planning Property Law Engineering and Construction Law Labour Law Contracts and Business Outsourcing Divorce and Family Law Health and Safety Matters

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DanieWeidemanSenior Partner

Danie served LindsayKeller as managing partner for 10 years before taking the helm of the firm in 2008.

He has proved to be a lawyer extraordinaire since joining the firm in 1987 His two reported Constitutional Court decisions, 11 reported Supreme Court of Appeal decisions and eight reported High Court cases clearly attest to this fact and demonstrate how he contributes to shaping the law.

Danie’s specialisations are liability claims and personal injury matters. He holds B.Com and LLB degrees from the University of Johannesburg, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Labour Law (cum laude) adds to his academic credentials. He further distinguishes himself as a leader with the title of internationally recognised mediator accredited by the CD/ADCS and CEDR.

Leicester AdamsManaging Partner

Leicester has earned a reputation as a powerful adversary in court, owing to his success in a number of landmark cases in the High Court and Supreme Court of Appeal.

He became a partner of the firm in 1991 and was elected managing partner in 1996. In 1998, he obtained the right of appearance in the High Court of South Africa.

Leicester has proved his mettle in insurance, personal injury, liability, commercial and criminal litigation.

He obtained his B.Proc degree from the University of the Witwatersrand.

PartnersTerrenceDavisSenior Commercial Partner

Terrence Davis is one of LindsayKeller’s stalwarts. A partner of the firm since 1979, he currently serves as senior commercial law and trust partner. Terrence has carved out an admirable career for himself in commerce over the past 38 years, specialising in construction law. In this field, he is a sought-after expert on the Engineering and Construction Contract (NEC) and construction project management. He has also proved himself as an outstanding CEDR-accredited mediator by successfully conducting international mediations.

His stature in the legal fraternity is evident from the fact that he is a commissioner of the Small Claims Court and a member of the Law Society of the Northern Provinces’ fees assessment committee. LindsayKeller’s commercial law expert holds B.Com and LLB degrees from the University of the Witwatersrand, a Higher Diploma in Tax Law, a Higher Diploma in Company Law and a solicitor’s qualification from the Law Society of England. He is also admitted as a Notary and Coveyancer.

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Sannie NcubeSannie joined LindsayKeller in 2006, after she gained solid work experience as senior claims handler at the Road Accident Fund (RAF). She joined the ranks of the partners in 2010.

Currently, her areas of expertise include personal injury, medical negligence and the drafting and interpretation of contracts. But this is not all: Sannie is a qualified Notary and Conveyancer – no small feat for any experienced attorney.

Her academic accolades include B.Iuris and LLB degrees from the University of Limpopo, a diploma in corporate law from the University of Johannesburg and a postgraduate diploma in the drafting and interpretation of contracts.

Sannie is proficient in English, Afrikaans, Venda, Northern Sotho and Tsonga.

Lize-Marie WeidemanLize-Marie was confirmed a partner of LindsayKeller in 2007 – just seven years after she joined the firm as a promising candidate attorney.

She has developed an excellent track record of successfully handling personal-injury claims for both plaintiffs and defendants. Lize-Marie credits her work experience as claims handler at the Road Accident Fund (RAF), and the guidance of the firm, for her remarkable skill in this field.

Today, Lize-Marie imparts her in-depth knowledge to the team of personal-injury litigants she leads at our firm.

Lize-Marie completed her LLB degree at the University of Pretoria. Other academic accolades include diplomas in short- and long-term insurance and occupational health and safety law.

Shakes MotubatseMathibela (aka Shakes) Motubatse specialises in labour and personal-injury law. He was made partner of the firm in September 2013 after having joined LindsayKeller as an attorney in June 2006.

Shakes’ work experience, which includes seven years of working in the insurance and labour fields, is characterised by his excellent service to clients.

His academic qualifications include BA Law and LLB degrees from the University of the Witwatersrand.

Shakes hails from Limpopo and is fluent in Pedi, Zulu and Tswana.

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Lizl SmithAn attorney with a B.Proc degree from the University of Pretoria, Lizl sets herself apart with her first-rate work in the dynamic field of trial advocacy. Over the 17 years that she has been involved in this field, she has established herself as a respected resource – an attorney who thrives on the demands of litigation.

Lizl’s specialisations include motor-vehicle accidents and insurance law. She is also a recognised expert in family law and has a vibrant correspondents’ practice serving clients across the country.

What further underlines her reputation as an excellent attorney is the fact that she has been appointed Curator ad Litem by the High Court of South Africa on a number of occasions.

Lizl was appointed partner of LindsayKeller in 2014.

Victor de BruynVictor is a veteran litigator and seasoned insurance specialist whose sought-after expertise encompasses wide-ranging matters, from transport-related cases, including aviation and heavy vehicle cases, to public liability issues. Furthermore, he offers niche expertise in the area of fire-insurance policy disputes.

Victor has served LindsayKeller as an associate and partner since 1993. His academic credentials include a B.Proc degree from the University of Johannesburg.

Tsoku MashishiTsoku was appointed partner of LindsayKeller in March 2014, having first joined the firm in 2009. Thanks to his hard work and the dedicated instruction of the firm, he is realising his career ambition of being a skilful and innovative litigator.

Tsoku holds B.Proc and LLB degrees from the University of Limpopo and has completed a certificate in Advanced Company Law at the Mandela Institute of Wits University. He gained his first work experience as a claims handler and litigation officer at the Road Accident Fund (RAF), a position he held for six years. This was followed by a period of serving the Gauteng Liquor Board as liquor trade inspector and acting deputy director of prosecutions, which honed his skills in board and governance matters. His tenure at the Board also equipped him to advise our clients on a variety of liquor-licensing matters.

Tsoku has a gift for languages, and he speaks fluent Tswana, Pedi, English and Zulu.

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Key ContactsDanie WeidemanSENIOR PARTNERInsurance and Road Accident Fund [email protected]

Leicester AdamsMANAGING PARTNERGeneral Litigation [email protected]

Terrence DavisPARTNERCommercial [email protected]

Malcolm MutchPRACTICE MANAGERGeneral [email protected]

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Produced by Different Angles; Photography by Debbie Yazbek, Hannah Paton and Thys Dullaart, Concept Design by Canned Creative, Layout Design by New Found Form.

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Contact details 6th Floor, The Mall Offices, 11 Cradock Ave, Rosebank, 2196P O Box 195, Saxonwold, 2132, Johannesburg, South AfricaDocex 140 Johannesburg Tel: +27 (0)11 880-8980 Fax: +27 (0)11 880-9182/3
