03.2009 - Archways

Time Change!! Sunday, March 8, 2009 Following the 10:30 Worship Service Meet for free coffee & doughuts @ 8:30 a.m. in Fellowship Suite Archways March 2009 Volume 23 Issue 3 A Monthly Publication of Taylor Road Baptist Church Senior Adult Day Sunday, March 15


Monthly publication from Taylor Road Baptist Church.

Transcript of 03.2009 - Archways

Page 1: 03.2009 - Archways

Time Change!!Sunday, March 8, 2009

Following the 10:30 Worship ServiceMeet for free coffee & doughuts @ 8:30 a.m. in Fellowship Suite

ArchwaysMarch 2009

ARCHWAYS (USPS No. 000-611) is published monthly by the Taylor Road Baptist Church,

1685 Taylor Road, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117. Brian Harris, editor. Periodical postage

paid at Montgomery, Alabama. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Taylor Road Baptist

Church, 1685 Taylor Road, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117

1685 Taylor Road

Montgomery, AL 36117






Montgomery, AL



9:09 a.m. - Bible Study10:30 a.m. - Worship

5:30 p.m. - C.L.U. Groups6:30 p.m. - Worship

Wednesday5:00 p.m. - Family Meal6:30 p.m. - Wednesday


Sunday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayTuesday


3 5 6 7





20 21



24 25 26

15 16





13 14





Men’s Prayer Breakfast6:45 a.m.

Thursday Morning Bible Study

Volume 23 Issue 3

A Monthly Publication of Taylor Road Baptist Church

Adult Bible StudyAwanas & GA’s

Adult ChoirYouth Worship


Talylor Road Baptist Church



Thursday Morning Bible Study

Thursday Morning Bible Study

Thursday Morning Bible Study

Senior Adult DaySunday, March 15

29 30 31


Senior Adult Sunday


Dr. Carter Guest Speaker 6:30 p.m.

Adult Bible StudyAwanas & GA’s

Adult ChoirYouth Worship


Adult Bible StudyAwanas & GA’s

Adult ChoirYouth Worship


Adult Bible StudyAwanas & GA’s

Adult ChoirYouth Worship


Page 2: 03.2009 - Archways

The Word for Life is the weekly television broadcast of

Taylor Road Baptist Church. We have received many

telephone calls and notes to inform us of the HOPE that

God’s Word is providing through this program. God’s

Word offers the hope we need during these difficult

financial times. For whatever things were written before

were written for our learning, that we through endurance

and the comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.

(Romans 15:4)

Sometimes life is difficult. During those times, we are

called to endure; even though it’s hard and our emotions

are screaming that we should give up because nothing

is going to change. Those feelings are natural, and

that’s the problem. Natural isn’t good enough; we need

supernatural strength for endurance.

The Bible is a living book, totally relevant to our lives.

It is even more up-to-date than this morning’s news.

The main character of the Book, God, is alive and well,

and very much in touch with what’s happening in our

lives. We need, therefore, to hear God and His Word.

Hebrews 10:23, 24 states, Let us hold fast the confession

of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is

faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir

up love and good works.

If you are going through tough times, then prepare your

mind to hold on with supernatural endurance and the

comfort of God’s Word. Our hope is steadfast and sure.

Make it your aim to read and believe God’s Word every

day in the month of March.

In His Love,

[email protected]

From Pastor Andy...

MISSION BRAZILMay 30-June 6, 2009

We will travel to the city of Fortaleza, on the northeast coast of Brazil, to build a church in an impoverished community. The cost of the trip is $2,200 plus the

cost of airfare to Miami. We have a limited number of spaces available. This type of mission trip will change your life and open your eyes to the way God works

in wonderful ways. Contact Dean Finch if you have an interest in helping build a new mission church for the Lord. Pray and ask God how you can be involved: by going, by praying, or by giving so that others may go.


April 3-5, 2009This trip is sponsored by the Baptist Nursing

Fellowship of Alabama. You do not need to have medical training to be helpful; just a desire to serve the Lord and help people in need. The cost of $75 includes

accommodations at Oak Park Baptist Church and breakfast on Saturday and Sunday. For more

information contact Lucretia Mobbs at 288-2460, ext. 228, or at [email protected].

TRBC Missions

Construction Mission Trip June 20-27

We will help with the recovery efforts from the recent hurricanes by reconstructing buildings in Waverly, Mississippi. The deadline to register is May 15. See

Wayne Miller for more information.

Senior Adult Sunday Sunday, March 15

Make plans to be present for this special

day dedicated to our seniors! Lunch will

be served for our seniors after Morning

Worship. Get your tickets for $5 per

person at the guest desk in the Grand

Foyer, or through your Sunday School

Class representative.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

GOAL $12,000Easter Sunday, April 12, will be our ingathering day to collect this important offering to reach the lost and

unreached masses of North America. Our goal is $12,000. We can reach this goal and make a difference for God’s

kingdom work here in America. Easter is a special day to worship in God’s house. Let’s make it special as we give that others may know our Saviour- Jesus- our King of

Kings and Lord of Lords.

High Attendance


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our high attendance goal for this

day is 695. This is an attainable goal

if everyone will make it a family

priority to be in God’s house for

Bible Study and Worship. Let’s fill

God’s House for a great day of

study, fellowship, and worship. Mark

your calendar and plan how you will

help us reach this goal.

Marriage Enrichment

“A Weekend To Remember”May 15-17, 2009

Embassy Suites of MontgomeryThe conference is provided through the

ministry of Family Life Today, led by Dennis Rainey. These conferences have been very

successful in blessing marriages in recent years. Couples can use the generic code “Our Group” and register online at www.familylife.com or call at 1-800-FL-Today to register. Save $80.00 per

couple by registering as part of a group.

“The Marriage Experience”Saturday, March 21, 2009

First Baptist Church of Opelika, ALSeminar topics will include: Forgiving Love, Serv-ing Love, Preserving Love, Guarding Love, Cel-ebrating Love and Renewing Love. The seminar will be led by Dr. Gary Rosberg and his wife of

31 years, Barb. The cost is $90.00 per couple or $45.00 per individual.

Space is limited. Contact Dean Finch if you are interested in attending.

Page 3: 03.2009 - Archways

Check This


Eric SmithStudent Pastor

[email protected]

To reach students for Christ and help them to become passionate followers of Him!


Sundays9:09 AM

Small Groups

5:30 PMIgNite

Wednesdays6:30 PMRefuge

Andrew MackerStudent Intern

[email protected]


Please pray for the following students as

they prepare spiritually and begin to seek

the essential funds to support their

service in Jamaica:

Hopefully, you have noticed recent changes to the Sun-day morning worship guide and to our web site, TaylorRoad.org. Both have been updated to help you find the information that you need to know about the programs, services, people, and events at Taylor Road Baptist Church a little more easily.

Each month, over 500 people visit TaylorRoad.org to learn more about our church; some visit 2-3 times during the month. The web site is being con-tinually expanded and refined to help especially people who are looking for information about our church. It now includes areas for Sunday Morning Bible Study classes to provide information about themselves and its partici-pants. Also, classes may want to take advantage of an option to add a mes-sage board to the class page. It’s an easy option to add and is another great way to keep your class connected!

Another social networking advancement in re-cent years is Facebook. Over 25 million people are using Facebook as a way to connect with new and old friends, share pictures and videos, and to a get a glimpse into each other’s busy lives. On the front page of the TaylorRoad.org web site there is a link to the Taylor Road group where you can connect with about 90 other church members who have already joined our group. Create a profile, join the Taylor Road group, and connect with your fellow church members!

Last but not least, don’t forget that you can receive Archways in your e-mail box each month. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to [email protected]. You can help the church reduce postage and printing costs by about $1.25 for each monthly issue. Approximately 80 people, representing a savings of about $1,200 per year, have cho-sen to receive their Archways by e-mail. You can add to the savings by sending your request today!

Brian HarrisCommunications [email protected]

Summer Camp July 27-30

Panama City, Florida

The cost is $175. A deposit of $50 will be due soon. Watch for details.

Sundays at 5:30 p.m.

Refuge - Student Worship GatheringEvery Wednesday Night @ 6:30 p.m.

Amber Banach

Amy Camp

Christian Hilley

Jordan Huggins

Gage Jarrett

Madison King

Rebekah Macker

Bri Nobile

Tim Nobile

Chase Ritter

Creation Ministries International

Genesis and GeneticsSunday, March 22

6:30 p.m.Join us as Dr. Robert Carter gives

solid answers for the real world on creationism vs. evolutionism.


Men’s Prayer BreakfastTuesday, March 10, 6:45 a.m.

The cost is $2.00 per person.Start your day in fellowship with the Lord and with

other men of the church.

Page 4: 03.2009 - Archways

Children's Ministry

February was great! If you missed out on the “My Heart Belongs to Dad” dinner for fathers and daughters, you missed

a treat! Over 60 fathers and daughters attended and enjoyed a spaghetti supper, games, and entertainment. The focus

of the evening was the fathers’ relationships with their daughters. Lee Dymond spoke and encouraged fathers to take

on the role of standing in the gap in their daughter’s lives and protecting them. He charged them to be warriors who

teach their daughters what to look for in their future mates. Check out each couple’s picture and other pictures of

the event on our web site, www. TaylorRoad.org.

February was Food Collection Month. The Awanas and GAs collected the most food we have seen in recent years.

The Chisholm Ministry Center is very thankful to our church family for being consistently generous in supplying food

for their year-round distribution.

It’s only March, but we are already planning a fabulous summer here at Taylor Road Baptist Church. Registration

for our children’s summer camp, The Rock, begins this month. Look for Ruth and/or David Givens in the Grand

Foyer before and after church each Sunday to register your child or to get more information. Following is the basic


Date: June 1-5

Location: Laguna Beach, Florida

Cost: $200

Ages: Those having completed Grade 3-those having completed Grade 6

Vacation Bible School is also quickly approaching. Please pray to know

how God would have you contribute this year. As always, we need workers

in every area and would love to see you take part. Watch for upcoming

meetings and training sessions for the Boomerang Express!

In Christ,

David & Ruth [email protected]; [email protected]

Preschool MinistryRegistration for Summer and Fall Mother’s Day Out and Kindergarten will continue through the month of

March. TRBC members will continue to receive discounts on registration fees through the month of March.

We are real pleased with the amount of boys and girls that are enrolled for 2008-2009, please don’t miss this

opportunity to have your spot reserved for

Summer and Fall.

The Alabama Baptist Vacation Bible School

state training team held its kick-off training for

Boomerang Express at TRBC. I got to check

out what is ahead for us in July for our Vaca-

tion Bible School! Boomerang Express has

some very exciting things in store—so get

ready for a trip down under. The training for

our VBS team will be in April.

The second annual Father/Daughter Banquet was a sweet success. If you would like to see some of the high-

lights, go to the church web page at www.TaylorRoad.org and take a look.

In Christ,

Belinda [email protected]

Good News ClubTwo-thirds of the children in our neighborhoods do not go to Sunday School or Church or receive any Biblical education. They do not know who Jesus is. They are the future of our country. Research tells us that 85% of Christians were saved between the ages of 4-14. It is critically important to reach people with the Gospel of

Jesus Christ when they are young.

We have a great opportunity to reach young people at Halcyon Elementary School. Due to a Supreme Court decision of 2001, we can take the Good News of Jesus Christ to the school through the Good News Club,

which meets on Mondays at the end of the school day. We have a teacher but still need helpers to begin a new club that will reach many children. Please pray about helping. Contact Ruth Givens at the church

office to volunteer.

Children’s Musical Begins NOW!!!!

The Children’s Choirs, grades 1-6, will begin work this Sunday,

March 1, on their Spring Musical. “The Secret of My Success”

is a fantastic musical about a career woman who’s all caught

up in believing that success is based on making lots of money.

As she interviews for a job at the bank, (the bank frequented

by the Beverly Hillbillies) she begins to understand that

there’s more to life than making money. This is one of the

best children’s musicals ever written. It’s funny, has a story

that’s very appropriate for the economic time we live in, and

shares the true “Secret of Success” in a very creative and

meaningful way.

Bring your children to Choir beginning this Sunday afternoon at 5:30 on the Children’s Hall. Work with Ms. Cindy

and Mr. Michael and their team to be a part of this fun, learning experience. This could be the best musical

ever done at Taylor Road!!!!

Page 5: 03.2009 - Archways

Children's Ministry

February was great! If you missed out on the “My Heart Belongs to Dad” dinner for fathers and daughters, you missed

a treat! Over 60 fathers and daughters attended and enjoyed a spaghetti supper, games, and entertainment. The focus

of the evening was the fathers’ relationships with their daughters. Lee Dymond spoke and encouraged fathers to take

on the role of standing in the gap in their daughter’s lives and protecting them. He charged them to be warriors who

teach their daughters what to look for in their future mates. Check out each couple’s picture and other pictures of

the event on our web site, www. TaylorRoad.org.

February was Food Collection Month. The Awanas and GAs collected the most food we have seen in recent years.

The Chisholm Ministry Center is very thankful to our church family for being consistently generous in supplying food

for their year-round distribution.

It’s only March, but we are already planning a fabulous summer here at Taylor Road Baptist Church. Registration

for our children’s summer camp, The Rock, begins this month. Look for Ruth and/or David Givens in the Grand

Foyer before and after church each Sunday to register your child or to get more information. Following is the basic


Date: June 1-5

Location: Laguna Beach, Florida

Cost: $200

Ages: Those having completed Grade 3-those having completed Grade 6

Vacation Bible School is also quickly approaching. Please pray to know

how God would have you contribute this year. As always, we need workers

in every area and would love to see you take part. Watch for upcoming

meetings and training sessions for the Boomerang Express!

In Christ,

David & Ruth [email protected]; [email protected]

Preschool MinistryRegistration for Summer and Fall Mother’s Day Out and Kindergarten will continue through the month of

March. TRBC members will continue to receive discounts on registration fees through the month of March.

We are real pleased with the amount of boys and girls that are enrolled for 2008-2009, please don’t miss this

opportunity to have your spot reserved for

Summer and Fall.

The Alabama Baptist Vacation Bible School

state training team held its kick-off training for

Boomerang Express at TRBC. I got to check

out what is ahead for us in July for our Vaca-

tion Bible School! Boomerang Express has

some very exciting things in store—so get

ready for a trip down under. The training for

our VBS team will be in April.

The second annual Father/Daughter Banquet was a sweet success. If you would like to see some of the high-

lights, go to the church web page at www.TaylorRoad.org and take a look.

In Christ,

Belinda [email protected]

Good News ClubTwo-thirds of the children in our neighborhoods do not go to Sunday School or Church or receive any Biblical education. They do not know who Jesus is. They are the future of our country. Research tells us that 85% of Christians were saved between the ages of 4-14. It is critically important to reach people with the Gospel of

Jesus Christ when they are young.

We have a great opportunity to reach young people at Halcyon Elementary School. Due to a Supreme Court decision of 2001, we can take the Good News of Jesus Christ to the school through the Good News Club,

which meets on Mondays at the end of the school day. We have a teacher but still need helpers to begin a new club that will reach many children. Please pray about helping. Contact Ruth Givens at the church

office to volunteer.

Children’s Musical Begins NOW!!!!

The Children’s Choirs, grades 1-6, will begin work this Sunday,

March 1, on their Spring Musical. “The Secret of My Success”

is a fantastic musical about a career woman who’s all caught

up in believing that success is based on making lots of money.

As she interviews for a job at the bank, (the bank frequented

by the Beverly Hillbillies) she begins to understand that

there’s more to life than making money. This is one of the

best children’s musicals ever written. It’s funny, has a story

that’s very appropriate for the economic time we live in, and

shares the true “Secret of Success” in a very creative and

meaningful way.

Bring your children to Choir beginning this Sunday afternoon at 5:30 on the Children’s Hall. Work with Ms. Cindy

and Mr. Michael and their team to be a part of this fun, learning experience. This could be the best musical

ever done at Taylor Road!!!!

Page 6: 03.2009 - Archways

Check This


Eric SmithStudent Pastor

[email protected]

To reach students for Christ and help them to become passionate followers of Him!


Sundays9:09 AM

Small Groups

5:30 PMIgNite

Wednesdays6:30 PMRefuge

Andrew MackerStudent Intern

[email protected]


Please pray for the following students as

they prepare spiritually and begin to seek

the essential funds to support their

service in Jamaica:

Hopefully, you have noticed recent changes to the Sun-day morning worship guide and to our web site, TaylorRoad.org. Both have been updated to help you find the information that you need to know about the programs, services, people, and events at Taylor Road Baptist Church a little more easily.

Each month, over 500 people visit TaylorRoad.org to learn more about our church; some visit 2-3 times during the month. The web site is being con-tinually expanded and refined to help especially people who are looking for information about our church. It now includes areas for Sunday Morning Bible Study classes to provide information about themselves and its partici-pants. Also, classes may want to take advantage of an option to add a mes-sage board to the class page. It’s an easy option to add and is another great way to keep your class connected!

Another social networking advancement in re-cent years is Facebook. Over 25 million people are using Facebook as a way to connect with new and old friends, share pictures and videos, and to a get a glimpse into each other’s busy lives. On the front page of the TaylorRoad.org web site there is a link to the Taylor Road group where you can connect with about 90 other church members who have already joined our group. Create a profile, join the Taylor Road group, and connect with your fellow church members!

Last but not least, don’t forget that you can receive Archways in your e-mail box each month. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to [email protected]. You can help the church reduce postage and printing costs by about $1.25 for each monthly issue. Approximately 80 people, representing a savings of about $1,200 per year, have cho-sen to receive their Archways by e-mail. You can add to the savings by sending your request today!

Brian HarrisCommunications [email protected]

Summer Camp July 27-30

Panama City, Florida

The cost is $175. A deposit of $50 will be due soon. Watch for details.

Sundays at 5:30 p.m.

Refuge - Student Worship GatheringEvery Wednesday Night @ 6:30 p.m.

Amber Banach

Amy Camp

Christian Hilley

Jordan Huggins

Gage Jarrett

Madison King

Rebekah Macker

Bri Nobile

Tim Nobile

Chase Ritter

Creation Ministries International

Genesis and GeneticsSunday, March 22

6:30 p.m.Join us as Dr. Robert Carter gives

solid answers for the real world on creationism vs. evolutionism.


Men’s Prayer BreakfastTuesday, March 10, 6:45 a.m.

The cost is $2.00 per person.Start your day in fellowship with the Lord and with

other men of the church.

Page 7: 03.2009 - Archways

The Word for Life is the weekly television broadcast of

Taylor Road Baptist Church. We have received many

telephone calls and notes to inform us of the HOPE that

God’s Word is providing through this program. God’s

Word offers the hope we need during these difficult

financial times. For whatever things were written before

were written for our learning, that we through endurance

and the comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.

(Romans 15:4)

Sometimes life is difficult. During those times, we are

called to endure; even though it’s hard and our emotions

are screaming that we should give up because nothing

is going to change. Those feelings are natural, and

that’s the problem. Natural isn’t good enough; we need

supernatural strength for endurance.

The Bible is a living book, totally relevant to our lives.

It is even more up-to-date than this morning’s news.

The main character of the Book, God, is alive and well,

and very much in touch with what’s happening in our

lives. We need, therefore, to hear God and His Word.

Hebrews 10:23, 24 states, Let us hold fast the confession

of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is

faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir

up love and good works.

If you are going through tough times, then prepare your

mind to hold on with supernatural endurance and the

comfort of God’s Word. Our hope is steadfast and sure.

Make it your aim to read and believe God’s Word every

day in the month of March.

In His Love,

[email protected]

From Pastor Andy...

MISSION BRAZILMay 30-June 6, 2009

We will travel to the city of Fortaleza, on the northeast coast of Brazil, to build a church in an impoverished community. The cost of the trip is $2,200 plus the

cost of airfare to Miami. We have a limited number of spaces available. This type of mission trip will change your life and open your eyes to the way God works

in wonderful ways. Contact Dean Finch if you have an interest in helping build a new mission church for the Lord. Pray and ask God how you can be involved: by going, by praying, or by giving so that others may go.


April 3-5, 2009This trip is sponsored by the Baptist Nursing

Fellowship of Alabama. You do not need to have medical training to be helpful; just a desire to serve the Lord and help people in need. The cost of $75 includes

accommodations at Oak Park Baptist Church and breakfast on Saturday and Sunday. For more

information contact Lucretia Mobbs at 288-2460, ext. 228, or at [email protected].

TRBC Missions

Construction Mission Trip June 20-27

We will help with the recovery efforts from the recent hurricanes by reconstructing buildings in Waverly, Mississippi. The deadline to register is May 15. See

Wayne Miller for more information.

Senior Adult Sunday Sunday, March 15

Make plans to be present for this special

day dedicated to our seniors! Lunch will

be served for our seniors after Morning

Worship. Get your tickets for $5 per

person at the guest desk in the Grand

Foyer, or through your Sunday School

Class representative.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

GOAL $12,000Easter Sunday, April 12, will be our ingathering day to collect this important offering to reach the lost and

unreached masses of North America. Our goal is $12,000. We can reach this goal and make a difference for God’s

kingdom work here in America. Easter is a special day to worship in God’s house. Let’s make it special as we give that others may know our Saviour- Jesus- our King of

Kings and Lord of Lords.

High Attendance


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our high attendance goal for this

day is 695. This is an attainable goal

if everyone will make it a family

priority to be in God’s house for

Bible Study and Worship. Let’s fill

God’s House for a great day of

study, fellowship, and worship. Mark

your calendar and plan how you will

help us reach this goal.

Marriage Enrichment

“A Weekend To Remember”May 15-17, 2009

Embassy Suites of MontgomeryThe conference is provided through the

ministry of Family Life Today, led by Dennis Rainey. These conferences have been very

successful in blessing marriages in recent years. Couples can use the generic code “Our Group” and register online at www.familylife.com or call at 1-800-FL-Today to register. Save $80.00 per

couple by registering as part of a group.

“The Marriage Experience”Saturday, March 21, 2009

First Baptist Church of Opelika, ALSeminar topics will include: Forgiving Love, Serv-ing Love, Preserving Love, Guarding Love, Cel-ebrating Love and Renewing Love. The seminar will be led by Dr. Gary Rosberg and his wife of

31 years, Barb. The cost is $90.00 per couple or $45.00 per individual.

Space is limited. Contact Dean Finch if you are interested in attending.

Page 8: 03.2009 - Archways

Time Change!!Sunday, March 8, 2009

Following the 10:30 Worship ServiceMeet for free coffee & doughuts @ 8:30 a.m. in Fellowship Suite

ArchwaysMarch 2009

ARCHWAYS (USPS No. 000-611) is published monthly by the Taylor Road Baptist Church,

1685 Taylor Road, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117. Brian Harris, editor. Periodical postage

paid at Montgomery, Alabama. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Taylor Road Baptist

Church, 1685 Taylor Road, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117

1685 Taylor Road

Montgomery, AL 36117






Montgomery, AL



9:09 a.m. - Bible Study10:30 a.m. - Worship

5:30 p.m. - C.L.U. Groups6:30 p.m. - Worship

Wednesday5:00 p.m. - Family Meal6:30 p.m. - Wednesday


Sunday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayTuesday


3 5 6 7





20 21



24 25 26

15 16





13 14





Men’s Prayer Breakfast6:45 a.m.

Thursday Morning Bible Study

Volume 23 Issue 3

A Monthly Publication of Taylor Road Baptist Church

Adult Bible StudyAwanas & GA’s

Adult ChoirYouth Worship


Talylor Road Baptist Church



Thursday Morning Bible Study

Thursday Morning Bible Study

Thursday Morning Bible Study

Senior Adult DaySunday, March 15

29 30 31


Senior Adult Sunday


Dr. Carter Guest Speaker 6:30 p.m.

Adult Bible StudyAwanas & GA’s

Adult ChoirYouth Worship


Adult Bible StudyAwanas & GA’s

Adult ChoirYouth Worship


Adult Bible StudyAwanas & GA’s

Adult ChoirYouth Worship
