03/07/2000Status at TRIUMF1 Module Production Status Production Changes Material Production Status...

03/07/2000 Status at TRIUMF 1 Status at TRIUMF Module Production Status Production Changes Material Production Status Status of Module Shipping Frame QC Status

Transcript of 03/07/2000Status at TRIUMF1 Module Production Status Production Changes Material Production Status...

Page 1: 03/07/2000Status at TRIUMF1 Module Production Status Production Changes Material Production Status Status of Module Shipping Frame QC Status.

03/07/2000 Status at TRIUMF 1

Status at TRIUMF

Module Production Status Production Changes Material Production Status Status of Module Shipping

Frame QC Status

Page 2: 03/07/2000Status at TRIUMF1 Module Production Status Production Changes Material Production Status Status of Module Shipping Frame QC Status.

03/07/2000 Status at TRIUMF 2

Production Changes Moved to `MPI’ method for

compressing stack while measuring stack height

Ultra-sonic plate cleaning bath repaired

Plate washing restarted (~8 plates/day)

Still fighting humidity problems; some days no PAD/EST board cutting possible

Parts to improve dehumi- difier system ordered

Page 3: 03/07/2000Status at TRIUMF1 Module Production Status Production Changes Material Production Status Status of Module Shipping Frame QC Status.

03/07/2000 Status at TRIUMF 3

Module ProductionStatus 2 modules completed and

shipped to CERN arrival: ~03/07/00 1 module completed at

TRIUMF 1 module under HV test 1 module stacked; ready to

be wired 1 module being stacked (2 modules at CERN ready for


Page 4: 03/07/2000Status at TRIUMF1 Module Production Status Production Changes Material Production Status Status of Module Shipping Frame QC Status.

03/07/2000 Status at TRIUMF 4

Material Production Status # of PAD boards: 939 no new production since

april LArg week # of EST boards: 686 approx 300 produced

since april Larg week # of Honeycomb: 3375 no new production yet but

HC cut area soon ready for restart

# of XC blanks cut: 11644 production well under way

for sept. delivery to LPI

Page 5: 03/07/2000Status at TRIUMF1 Module Production Status Production Changes Material Production Status Status of Module Shipping Frame QC Status.

03/07/2000 Status at TRIUMF 5

Material Production Status (cont) Bond-ply available for two

more months; new delivery expected in two months

Production at TRIUMF will stop in case of late delivery

Page 6: 03/07/2000Status at TRIUMF1 Module Production Status Production Changes Material Production Status Status of Module Shipping Frame QC Status.

03/07/2000 Status at TRIUMF 6

Status of Module Shipping Frame Shipping marriage frames

arrived at TRIUMF (ready to accept complete modules)

Suspension frame currently being manufactured

Base plate of suspension frame currently being mounted

Estimated time for container to arrive: ~mid July

Page 7: 03/07/2000Status at TRIUMF1 Module Production Status Production Changes Material Production Status Status of Module Shipping Frame QC Status.

03/07/2000 Status at TRIUMF 7

QC Status Updated version version of

QC procedures available on HEC QC page at CERN

DB changes for module/layer stacking checklists

Status of DB All components (PAD, EST,

HC, cu plates) checklists up to date

Module/layer stacking forms being entered (1.5 modules still missing)