03 Unit Testing

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  • 8/12/2019 03 Unit Testing


    Unit testingis a method by which individual units ofsource codecan test.

    How do you perform unit tests?

    Unit testing simply verifies that individual units of code (mostly functions) work as expected. Usually

    you write the test cases yourself, but some can be automatically generated.

    The output from a test can be as simple as a console output, to a "green light"in a GUI such

    asNUnit,or a different language-specific framework.

    Performing unit tests is designed to be simple, generally the tests are written in the form of functions

    that will determine whether a returned value equals the value you were expecting when you wrote

    the function (or the value you will expectwhen you eventuallywrite it - this is calledTest Driven

    Developmentwhen you write the tests first).

    When should you perform unit tests?

    They should be done as often as possible. When you are performing tests as part of thedevelopment process, your code is automatically going to be designed better than if you just wrote

    the functions and then moved on. Also, concepts such asDependency Injectionare going to evolve

    naturally into your code.

    The most obvious benefit is knowing down the road that when a change is made, no other individual

    units of code were affected by it if they all pass the tests.

    What Is Unit Testing?

    Before we get started setting up our environment and writing any code, let's defineexactly what unit testing is, why it's worth doing, and how to get started in incorporating

    it in our projects.

    At a high-level, unit testing refers to the practice of testing certain functions and areas

    or unitsof our code. This gives us the ability to verify that our functions work as

    expected. That is to say that for any function and given a set of inputs, we can

    determine if the function is returning the proper values and will gracefully handle failures

    during the course of execution should invalid input be provided.

    Ultimately, this helps us to identify failures in our algorithms and/or logic to help improve

    the quality of the code that composes a certain function. As you begin to write more and

    more tests, you end up creating a suite of tests that you can run at any time during

    development to continually verify the quality of your work.

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    A second advantage to approaching development from a unit testing perspective is that

    you'll likely be writing code that is easy to test. Since unit testing requires that your code

    be easily testable, it means that your code must support this particular type of

    evaluation. As such, you're more likely to have a higher number of smaller, more

    focused functions that provide a single operation on a set of data rather than large

    functions performing a number of different operations.

    A third advantage for writing solid unit tests and well-tested code is that you can prevent

    future changes from breaking functionality. Since you're testing your code as you

    introduce your functionality, you're going to begin developing a suite of test cases that

    can be run each time you work on your logic. When a failure happens, you know that

    you have something to address.

    Of course, this comes at the expense of investing time to write a suite of tests early in

    development, but as the project grows you can simply run the tests that you've

    developed to ensure that existing functionality isn't broken when new functionality is


    What's the difference between unit tests and integration

    tests?A unit test is a test written by the programmer to verify that a relatively small piece of code is doing

    what it is intended to do. They are narrow in scope, they should be easy to write and execute, and

    their effectiveness depends on what the programmer considers to be useful. The tests are intended

    for the use of the programmer, they are not directly useful to anybody else, though, if they do their

    job, testers and users downstream should benefit from seeing less bugs.

    An integration test is done to demonstrate that different pieces of the system work together.

    Integration tests cover whole applications, and they require much more effort to put together. They

    usually require resources like database instances and hardware to be allocated for them. The

    integration tests do a more convincing job of demonstrating the system works (especially to non-

    programmers) than a set of unit tests can, at least to the extent the integration test environmentresembles production.

    Actually "integration test" gets used for a wide variety of things, from full-on system tests against an

    environment made to resemble production to any test that uses a resource (like a database or

    queue) that isn't mocked out.

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    What is integrated testing in software testingDefinition of integration testing

    Integration testing is the testing process insoftware testingto verify that when two or more

    modules are interact and produced result satisfies with its original functional requirement ornot. Integrated testingis fall in Black box testing. Integrated testingwill start after completion

    of unit testing. Software testingengineer is performing integration testing.

    Why integrated testing require?

    Integration testingfinds thebugsthat occur when two or more models integrated. Main purpose

    ofIntegration testingis to identifying the functional, requirement and performance levelbugs.

    When modules not integrated, they perform as per requirement but when they integrated,

    functional, requirement and performance related issues will occurs due to the integration.

    There are three different types of integration testingapproach in software testing.

    1. Big Bang

    2. Top down

    3. Bottom up

    1. Big Bang

    Big Bang Integration testingapproach used to find the bugs when all the developed modules are

    interacted with each other and create a complete software system then its produced result satisfying

    with original requirement.

    2. Top down

    In Top down integrated testingapproach, all Top level integrated modules are tested first and its

    sub modules tested from top to down step by step.

    3. Bottom up

    In Bottom up integrated testingapproach, all bottom (Sub Modules) level integrated sub modules

    are tested first and its main modules tested from bottom to up step by step.

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    What Is Functional Testing Explain It with Example?Functional testingmeans testing the application against business requirements. Functional testing is

    executed using the functional specifications given by the client or by the design specifications according

    to use cases given by the design team. Role of functional testing is tovalidatingthe behavior of

    an application.

    Functional testingis more important because it always verifies that your system is fixed for release. The

    functional tests define your working system in a useful manner. In functional testing tester has to

    validate the application to see that all specified requirements of the client whatever we have said in SRS

    or BRS have been incorporated or not.

    Functional testingis always concentrating on customer requirements and whereas the Non-Functional

    testing is always concentrating on customer expectations.

    Functional and Non Functional Test Cases

    Functional test cases target business goals and non functional test cases target performance, resource

    utilization, usability, compatibility etc. Functional testing is a part of system testing.

    Example of functional testing is explained below

    Considering example if you are functionally testing a word processing application, a partial list of checks

    you would perform minimally includes creating, saving, editing, spell checking and printing documents.

    Types of Functional Testing

    Functional testingfalls in to two categories:

    1. Positive functional testing: - This testing carry exercising the applications functions with valid input

    and also verifying that the outputs are correct.


    Again continuing with the word processing example, a positive test for the printing function might be to

    print a document containing both text as well as graphics to a printer that is online, filled with paper and

    for which the correct drivers are installed.

    2. Negativefunctional testing: - This testing involves exercising application functionality using a

    combination of invalid inputs, some unexpected operating conditions and by some other out-of-

    bounds scenarios.


    Again continuing with the word processing example, a negative test for the printing function might be to

    disconnect the printer from the computers while a document is printing.

    What probably should happen in these scenarios are a plain-English error message displayed, informing

    the user what happened and instructing him/her on how to fix the problem.

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    At last we conclude that in functional testingfunctionality of the module is tested and structure is not

    considered. It is performed, based on user's perspective. These tests ensure that the system does what

    users are expecting it to do.

    This type of testing means testing the functionality example include input the proper data and checking

    the output as per the requirement documents.

    Why code coverage analysis?

    Code coverage is used in software testing, as it measures the quality of your test procedures, by describing the

    degree to which the source code of a program has been tested.

    All embedded developers are used to debugging; the process used to understand the behavior of a program such

    that an error can be corrected. Debugging however, requires that an error has been detected in the first place.

    Programming errors that you do not know exist cannot be debugged or corrected.

    Code coverage analysis is a powerful tool for finding more of the bugs that most likely do exist in your software

    whether you are aware of them or not. As such, a code coverage analysis tool can help you find more programming

    errors, which enables you to release a software product of better quality.

    More technically, code coverage analysis finds areas in your program that is not covered by your test cases, enabling

    you to create additional tests that cover otherwise untested parts of your program. It is thus important to understand

    that code coverage helps you understand the quality of your test procedures, not the quality of the code itself.

    There are many types of code coverage of different strengths, such as statement or block coverage, function and

    function call coverage, branch coverage, Modified condition/Decision coverage (MC/DC), etc.

    Read more on different types of code coverage analysis here.

    Atollic TrueANALYZER automate these work tasks by performing advanced code coverage analysis of your

    application as it runs in your target hardware.

    Types of code coverage analysis

    Code coverage analysis is used to measure the quality of software testing, usually using dynamic execution flow


    There are many different types ofcode coverageanalysis, some very basic and others that are very rigorous and

    complicated to perform without advanced tool support. To explain how the different types of code coverage analysis

    works, let's consider the trivial code example below:

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    As we can see, this code section contains a red code block that is always executed, a green code block that is

    sometimes executed (dependent on the result of the if-statement), and a blue code block that is always executed.

    This can be visualised as an execution flow graph.

    The execution flow graph above shows that this trivial code section contains two different execution paths:

    One execution path runs the red code block and then jumps directly to the blue code block and runs that too (the if -

    statement evaluates to false).

    The other execution path runs the red code block, jumps to the green code block and runs that, and finally, it jumps to

    the blue code block and run that too (the if-statement evaluates to true).

    Statement coverage and Block coverage

    This very basic type ofcode coverageanalysis is sometimes included in embedded debuggers. Statement coverage

    can only report whether a statement has been executed or not, which potentially leaves many types of code

    constructs (in particular execution branches) untested. A variant of Statement coverage is Block coverage, that

    provides the same measurement based on code blocks instead of statements. Since every code block have a known

    set of statements, there is a one-to-one relationship between statement coverage and block coverage from a test

    quality point of view.

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    Function coverage

    This basic type ofcode coverageanalysis is sometimes included in standard debuggers too. Function coverage can

    only report whether a function has been called or not, it does not say anything about what was executed inside it, or

    how or why the function was called. And it does not measure how many of the function calls that are made.

    Function call coverage

    Function call coverage measures how many of the available function calls have actually been made. For example, a

    code section might make many function calls. To reach 100% Function call coverage, every function call in the code

    section must be executed at least one time. If a call to a function is made, it is implied that function coverage is

    fulfilled for that function too (if it is called, it is executed too).

    Branch coverage

    Branch coverage is an advanced type of code coverage, that requires that all code blocks and all execution paths

    have been taken. As such it builds on top of statement or block coverage, adding more advanced requirements.

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    To fulfill Branch coverage for the code example above, the code must be executed minimum two times; one time with

    the if-statement evaluating to false, and another time with the if-statement evaluating to true. Only then have all the

    code blocks and all the execution paths been tested.

    Also note that Branch coverage only considers the overall branch decision in the if-statement (i.e. that both if-true and

    if-false are tested). But it does not consider how the expression evaluated to true or false, i.e. it does not consider the

    subexpressions forming the overall branch decision.

    Modified condition/decision coverage

    Modified condition/decision coverage (MC/DC)is a very advanced type ofcode coverageanalysis. It builds on top of

    Branch coverage, and as such, it too requires that all code blocks and all execution paths has been tested.

    But it adds the requirement that all sub-expressions in complex branch expressions must be considered too. MC/DC

    requires that all sub-expressions have been shown to, independently of other sub-expressions, drive the overall

    branch decision.

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    Effectively, this means that the code section above must be executed many times, such that all subexpressions have

    been the tested to independently of the others, be the driving decision factor in the overall branch decision.

    Safety-critical software is often required to be tested such that it fulfillsMC/DC-levelcode coverageanalysis

    successfully. RTCA DO-178B for example, requiresMC/DC-level testing of airborne software of "Level A" criticality,

    which is the most safety-critical part of airborne software, such as the flight control or avionics system.

    But any software project benefit from rigorouscode coverageanalysis, such as:

    Companies who want to avoid bad reputation on the market by releasing products of poor quality

    Products that are very difficult or expensive to upgrade in the field

    Products that are produced in very high volume

    Safety-critical or semi-safety-critical products


    Atollic TrueANALYZER is a very powerful tool for code coverage analysis, as it performs test quality measurements

    using dynamic execution flow analysis of your application as it runs in your target board.

    Atollic TrueANALYZER performs Block coverage, Function coverage, Function call coverage, Branch coverage as

    well as Modified condition/Decision coverage (MC/DC). The tool us super-simple to use, as it only requires two

    mouse clicks to perform a full MC/DC test in your target board!

    What is test stopping criteria and how do you arrive at it ?

    The criteria required to 'stop testing' is determined by many factors. When a test plan is created it is

    critical to define the exit criteria. Following are some of the decisions we take to explicitly stop testing

    during the testing phase.

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    Constraint of time and budget

    Time and budget have a critical role in deciding when to stop testing. Testing will be stopped when

    the budget is exhausted. Some projects are time bound and postponing the release date will have a

    critical impact. Hence testing will also be stopped when the timeline is exhausted.

    Execution of a predefined base set

    In this case, there will be a predefined base set of test cases that can ensure that all the critical

    areas have been tested. So testing will be stopped when these cases are executed successfully.

    Testing till the number of failed test cases drops below a threshold/ All the critical

    issues are fixed

    Testing will be stopped when the failure rate drops below a certain threshold which is predefined.

    Sometimes testing will be stopped when all the critical bugs are fixed. Cosmetic bugs will be fixed

    during the coming releases.

    For a testing team, this will be a challenging situation. So if you are a tester in any of the above

    situations, you can act accordingly and decrease the volume of testing.

    Regression Testing ?

    The selective retesting of asoftwaresystem that has been modified to ensure that anybugshave been fixed and that

    no other previously working functions have failed as a result of the reparations and that newly added features have

    not created problems with previous versions of the software. Also referred to as verification testing, regression testing

    is initiated after aprogrammerhas attempted to fix a recognized problem or has addedsource codeto a program that

    may have inadvertently introduced errors. It is a quality control measure to ensure that the newly modified code still

    complies with its specified requirements and that unmodified code has not been affected by the maintenance activity.

    Regression testing is the process of testing changes to computer programs to make sure that the older

    programming still works with the new changes. Regression testing is a normal part of the program

    development process and, in larger companies, is done by code testing specialists. Test department

    coders develop code test scenarios and exercises that will test new units of code after they have been

    written. These test cases form what becomes thetest bucket. Before a new version of a software

    product is released, the old test cases are run against the new version to make sure that all the old

    capabilities still work. The reason they might not work is because changing or adding new code to a

    program can easily introduce errors into code that is not intended to be changed.


    Whenever developers change or modify their software, even a small tweak can have unexpected

    consequences. Testing existing software applications to make sure that a change or addition hasnt

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    broken any existing functionality is called regression testing. Its purpose is to catch bugs that may have

    been accidentally introduced into a new build or release candidate, and to ensure that previously

    eradicated bugs continue to stay dead. By re-running testing scenarios that were originally scripted when

    known problems were first fixed, you can make sure that any new changes to an application havent

    resulted in a regression, or caused components that formerly worked to fail. Such tests can be performed

    manually on small projects, but in most cases repeating a suite of tests each time an update is made istoo time-consuming and complicated to consider, so automated testing is typically required.

    Understanding Regression Tests

    Some software development teams try to get by without performing regular regression tests, opting to test

    essential functions just once to make sure they work and, if they check out, proceeding with the hopeful

    assumption that those functions will still work unless theyre directly modified again. In a way, this makes

    sense: its natural to want to simply make a change, test it, and move on. Performing functional tests or

    highly specific unit tests to determine that a new software component works as it should has been called

    non-regression testingby Doug Hoffman and others. But it can be relatively easy to find a specific

    problem when youre looking for it; whats harder is catching all the ones you dont expect.

    Again, its important for developers and testers to always bear in mind that even small, seemingly

    insignificant alterations to an applications source code can ripple outward in surprising ways, breaking

    functions that seem completely unrelated to the new modification. When you run regression tests, youre

    checking to make sure that your modification not only behaves as you want it to, but that it also ha snt

    inadvertently caused problems in functions that had otherwise worked correctly when previously tested.

    Fortunately for the would-be regression tester, on any given project your regression test libraries can be

    built from the existing test cases developed from day one. Functional tests, unit tests, integration tests,

    and build verification testsanything that has successfully verified, throughout the development process,

    that various components work as intendedcan all be incorporated into a regression testing suite, and

    regression tests, per se, dont necessarily need to be written. Each time you modify your source code,

    you can simply re-run the potentially relevant tests to ensure that they continue to pass. Naturally, over

    the course of a complex development project, those test casesand the various functions and processes

    that they attempt to checkcan number in the thousands, making the use of automated testing software

    mandatory for full-scale regression tests.

    To reduce the stress levels of programming teams everywhere, various automated testing programs that

    specialize in regression tests now make it relatively easy, with a few clicks of a mouse, to establish sets of

    testing parameters and to check new iterations of code against previous software baselines, or control

    states, highlighting inconsistencies in testing logs and specifying exactly where an unexpected function

    broke and why. You may not have the bandwidth or time to let your software re-runeverytest, checking

    the entire application for potential errors, but youll dramatically exceed what youd be able to checkmanually. Indeed, when it comes to automated regression-testing tools, sometimes it almost seems too


    And if youre not careful, that can be a problem.

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    The Limitations of Automation

    As with most forms of automated testing, setting a regression-testing program on autopilot is not a

    surefire solution, and some conscious oversight and input is generally still needed to ensure that your

    tests catch all the bugs they should. When you have the exact same suite of tests running repeatedly,

    night after night, the testing process itself can become static. Over time, developers may learn how to

    pass a fixed library of tests, and then your standard array of regression tests can inadvertently end up not

    testing much of anything at all.

    In some ways, making sure that your software continues to adhere to requirements specifications as you

    develop it is like clearing a path through a minefield. To proceed safely through enemy territory,

    professional minesweepers dont need to clear the entire field; they just need to clear a single path, set up

    defined boundaries, and guard that path. Once enough soldiers are there guarding itsoldiers who, in

    this analogy, represent your regression testsits unlikely that anyones going to slip a new mine onto

    it. However, this continually clear path says nothing of all the other mines that might still be out there, old

    or new, just waiting for aimless civilians to step on them.

    Likewise, if your regression testing becomes too automated and rote, the whole point of doing it can

    backfire. You can end up guaranteeing a clear software-development trajectory for yourself and your dev

    team while unwittingly ignoring vast swaths of the application, letting your end users stumble upon

    undetected glitches at their own peril. Walking along a single path of least resistance is, of course, easier

    than stopping to sweep the entire application after each new step, but its worth the effort to take your

    regression testing all the way by frequently scanning a little further afield. And that often just means

    complementing your automation with some good old-fashioned manual tests.

    The Future of Regression TestingFor regression testing to be effective, it needs to be seen as one part of a comprehensive testing

    methodology that is cost-effective and efficient while still incorporating enough varietysuch as well-

    designed frontend UI automated tests alongside targeted unit testing, based on smart risk prioritization

    to prevent any aspects of your software applications from going unchecked. These days,

    manyAgilework environments employing workflow practices such as XP (Extreme Programming), RUP

    (Rational Unified Process), or Scrum appreciate regression testing as an essential aspect of a dynamic,

    iterative development and deployment schedule.

    But no matter what software development and quality-assurance process your organization uses, if you

    take the time to put in enough careful planning up front, crafting a clear and diverse testing strategy withautomated regression testing at its core, you can help prevent projects from going over budget, keep your

    team on track, and, most importantly, prevent unexpected bugs from damaging your products and your

    companys bottom line.
