03 newsletter 27 09-12

Al Yasmina School Primary Newsletter 27 September 2012 Issue 03 Dear Parents, Dates for your Diary Sunday 30 September - Closing date for Primary Class Representative nominations Sunday 7 October - Primary Disco Sunday 14 October - Open House 8 – 9.30am Tuesday 16 October - Parent Teacher Consultations Wednesday 17 October - Parent Teacher Consultations Thursday 18 October - FS1 Theme day Sunday 21 Oct – 25 Oct - Half Term From The Music Department It’s been a brilliant start to the new academic year! There was a turn-out of over 120 pupils for the Junior Choir last week, and a similar number attended Intermediate Choir this week. The singing was fabulous, with the children full of energy and enthusiasm. Tuesday saw our first rehearsal with our 180-strong cast of The Wiz. The atmosphere was electric! Instrumental lessons have also resumed, and two of our talented brass players Armaan Syed and Ana Sophia Bustamente played in our primary assembly this morning. We were so proud of them! Well done to this week’s Musicians of the Week: Nina Schippel (Key Stage1) and Dylan Tayler (Key Stage 2). Nina (Year 2) composed a beautiful melody on the glockenspiel for our ‘Camel Music’, and Dylan (Year 6) was super-successful when working on his keyboard skills in class. For any information about primary music activities, please contact [email protected] Nina on the glock Dylan at the keyboard Musicians of the week Dylan and Nina

Transcript of 03 newsletter 27 09-12

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Al Yasmina School Primary Newsletter

27 September 2012

Issue 03

Dear Parents,

Dates for your Diary

Sunday 30 September - Closing date for Primary Class Representative nominations

Sunday 7 October - Primary Disco

Sunday 14 October - Open House 8 – 9.30am

Tuesday 16 October - Parent Teacher Consultations

Wednesday 17 October - Parent Teacher Consultations

Thursday 18 October - FS1 Theme day

Sunday 21 Oct – 25 Oct - Half Term

From The Music Department

It’s been a brilliant start to the new academic year! There was a turn-out of over

120 pupils for the Junior Choir last week, and a similar number attended

Intermediate Choir this week. The singing was fabulous, with the children full of

energy and enthusiasm. Tuesday saw our first rehearsal with our 180-strong cast of

The Wiz. The atmosphere was electric!

Instrumental lessons have also resumed, and two of our talented brass players Armaan Syed and Ana

Sophia Bustamente played in our primary assembly this morning. We were so proud of them!

Well done to this week’s Musicians of the Week: Nina Schippel (Key Stage1) and Dylan Tayler (Key

Stage 2). Nina (Year 2) composed a beautiful melody on the glockenspiel for our ‘Camel Music’, and

Dylan (Year 6) was super-successful when working on his keyboard skills in class.

For any information about primary music activities, please contact [email protected]

Nina on the glock Dylan at the keyboard Musicians of the week

Dylan and Nina

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Armaan and Sophia in assembly this morning

From the School Nurses

If your child is unwell, vomits, has diarrhea (watery, liquid stool), or has a fever, please keep them at

home. This will give them a chance to recover and also help to prevent the spread of any infection

amongst other pupils. They may return to school once they are 24 hours free of any illness symptoms

and free of fever (without the use of fever-reducing medication).If your child is sent home from

school, this generally means that they should stay at home the following day to fully recover, before

being sent back to school.

If your child had pupil medications kept in the school clinic last

year and you have not yet handed in medications to the

school nurses for this current school year, please contact the

school nurses to update them on your child’s condition and to

inform them if your child no longer requires medications to be

kept in school.

The school nurses can be contacted via e-mail at

[email protected] or by phone 02-501 4722 or 02-501


Friend of Al Yasmina (FOY)

Annual General Meeting

Congratulations to Janine Loftus who was voted onto the FOY Committee as Chairperson for a

second year. Also congratulations go to Justine Hughes & Mahra Fares who were voted in as joint

Vice-Chairperson, and Lisa Wall who was voted in as Treasurer. FOY had a very successful first year

last year, and will no doubt continue to do so with the valuable input from this strong committee. The

post of Secretary is still vacant. This is a key role in FOY, and needs to be filled as soon as possible. If

you are interested in finding out more about the responsibilities of this role, or would like to nominate

yourself, please contact FOY on [email protected].

Second Hand Uniform Sales

These are proving very successful, and the quality of the uniform on sale is very good. A sale will be

held on the last wednesday of each month, so put it in your diaries. The next sale will therefore be on

Wednesday, 31October.

Primary & Secondary Discos :-

These discos are being held on the following dates/times

Years 1, 2, 3 - Sunday 7 October from 4-5pm

Years 4, 5, 6 - Sunday 7 October from 5.30-7pm

Years 7, 8, 9 - Monday 8 October from 5.30-7.30pm

If you are able to help in any way during these times, please contact FOY on

[email protected].

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Festive Fair

This event will be held on Saturday, 8 December. This was a great success last year, and with your

help could prove to be equally successful this year. FOY need volunteers to help with the

organisation and also on the day itself. If you would like to help, please come along to the first

planning meeting which is being held this Monday, 1October at 6.30pm in the Conference Room.

Class Representatives

The closing date for Nominations to be a Primary Class Parent Representative, is Sunday

30 September 2012. Please return your nomination forms to your class teacher. If you haven’t

received a nomination form, please collect one at Primary Reception. You are welcome to

nominate yourself.

Foundation Stage 1 (FS1)

We have had another busy week this week in FS1. Everyone is settling in well and we’re getting into

routine. We have had lots of fun in our specialist lessons and we are getting used to moving around

the school to our different classrooms/ learning areas. We also got to take our mascots home this

week. The Stars of the Week were so excited, they had great fun and took lots of photos to show

their class when they came back on Sunday morning.

We had lots of fun in the shared area this week too. We are learning about each different area and

enjoyed all coming together, to play and learn, using many different materials, toys, construction kits

and games.

Next week

As we are learning all about our families next week; could we please ask that parents e-mail us some

photos of your family? Thank you. Please email them to your child’s class teacher, all parents should

now be aware of their email address. As well as talking about our families, we will be doing some

number matching, shape pictures and learning new songs. Help at home by looking out for shapes in

everyday life and by practicing counting.

Could we ask that if you have some empty cereal boxes at home (large or small) that you bring them

in next week as we are going to make some 3D houses for our classrooms? Thank you.

Key Date:

Theme Day 18th October, don’t forget dress up day!

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Last week the Stars of The Week were:

Quinten Groen from Yellow Class, Maryan Khan from

Blue Class, Oscar Backhouse from Green Class, Rania

Dudhia from Gold Class, Charlie Young from White

Class and Kayla Follows from Red Class

Foundation Stage 2 (FS2)

It’s been a great week this week for FS2 - we have had so much fun talking

about our family! We made our own family trees and labeled who the

people are, we have designed our own family crest and we have made

delicious plates of food for our family to enjoy.

In Maths, we have been doing LOTS of counting. We have counted our

toys, counted fixed objects on the IWB and we have counted how many

people are in our family. We have also been looking at who is the tallest

and shortest person in our class – we extended this by talking about who’s

the tallest and shortest person in our family too.

We would like to say a BIG well done to all the boys and girls for being so independent in the

morning, and coming in to school by themselves this week. We really do appreciate the mum’s and

dad’s support at dropping them off at the classroom door – let’s keep it up Thank you.

Thank you also to all the parents who came to the FS2 PIM on Monday, it was great to see so many

faces! By now, you should have received a copy of the presentation and the feedback letter. If you

have not received them, please speak to your class teacher.

Next week

Next week our mini focus is ‘Our 5 senses’. We have got some GREAT activities planned including a

‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ feeling walk, a sound walk around the school, tasting and sorting and

making our own tactile tree. In Maths we will be continuing to look at numbers, searching for missing

numbers and practicing our number formation.

You could help at home by:

Talking about our different senses – touch, taste, sight, hearing and smell

Find different items that you can touch, taste, see, hear and smell

Find the missing numbers from a number line (e.g. numbers hung on a washing line)

Practice writing numbers to 10 correctly

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Phonics Focus:

Revision of Phase 2 sounds: g, o, c, k

Phase 2 tricky words: I, no, go, to the

Helpful websites: http://www.familylearning.org.uk/phonics_games.html


Congratulations to last week’s ‘Stars of the Week’…

Rebecca Richmond from Jade class, Faith Sherwin from

Amber class, Sophie Kay from Orange class Elijah Youlten

from Ruby class and Al Waleed Khoori from Purple class. Well

done guys, we’re so proud of you!!!

Year 1

Year 1 have been very busy learners again this week! In literacy this week

we have been reading the story ‘Alfie’s Feet.’ We have used time words

such as ‘first’ ‘next’ and ‘finally’ to sequence the story and we’ve tried to use

them in our own writing too!

In numeracy we have continued to

practice forming all our numbers in the

correct direction and have learnt what

each digit represents in a 2 digit number.

We made towers of tens and units to

help us.

Next week

Year 1 will be discussing healthy foods and investigating their own lunchboxes as part of our literacy

learning. Get ready to see what they bring home for you next week!

Reminder- please return permission slips so that children can take part in our taste tests for Science

next week.

Well done to our Stars of the Week

Sama (Cuckoos), Sari (Robins), Omar (Larks), Tarik (Doves), Alya (Sparrows)

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Year 2

WARNING! Icky Doo Dah has been up to mischief at Al Yasmina School and all of

Year 2 have been helping the police to catch him. Keep any eye out for our

fantastic WARNING posters around the school.

We have had lots of fun listening to the ‘Icky Doo Dah’ stories by Simon Murray to

help us learn that characters can appear in more than one book. We did Hot

Seating to share our ideas about what Icky Doo Dah would do if he visited our


In Maths we have been doing lots of work to help us add on 10 more and 10 less. We used number

flowers to help us with this.

We have been comparing the weather in the UAE to other countries around the world. We used the

information we have learned to make our own weather forecasts.

Stars of the Week:

Spoonbills : Fons Vanswijgenhoven, Sandpipers: Sara George, Storks: Yehia Said,

Herons: Maya El Zeftaway, Flamingos: Barry Priestly

Year 3

Our trip to Café Ceramique was declared a success. Thank you to all who offered to help and a

special thank you to the parents who did accompany us to Dubai this week. The children had a

great time and we will collect the ceramics sometime next week (after they have been fired).

We have been working hard on our note taking this week and have started to find out about our


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In preparation for next week’s maths lessons we have been finding out about partitioning numbers

into hundreds, tens and units.

The children have enjoyed cracking Hieroglyphic codes and will be producing some beautiful

hieroglyphic work in art next week.

Next Week’s learning focus will be:

Literacy- Researching for more information using ICT, understanding the difference between fact and

opinion, sentence construction and writing an introductory paragraph for our Egyptian reports.

Numeracy – Learning to double and halve numbers

Science – Planning a fair test to find out about the effects of different liquids on teeth.

ICT – Editing text, finding errors and making corrections in Microsoft Word.

Topic- We will be learning about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb.

Unwanted fiction/nonfiction books

If any parents have any unwanted fiction/nonfiction books that they could donate to our Year 3/4

shared reading area we would be most grateful.

Well done to our stars of the week for week 2.

Malak Nafie – Ravens, Libby O’Sullivan- Cormarants, Christy Arikieh – Terns, Sara Wall – Buntings,

Sydney Venus- Curlews

Year 4

It has been another busy week in Year 4. Everyone has been working incredibly hard and producing

excellent work! This week in Literacy we have been focusing on the structure of a story and what

elements need to be included in each section. We had a go at writing story openers that grab our

reader’s attention. We have some budding authors in Year 4 because their amazing openers

certainly got their teachers attention!

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In Maths this week we have continued our number work.

One of our focuses has been multiplying and dividing by

multiples of 10, 100 and 1000. It was tricky to begin with but

we persevered and are now experts! Our weekly

multiplication missions are continuing and this week we

have students striving to complete their mission to Mercury,

Venus or Earth, in just 3 minutes!

Year 4 has proved to be a very artistic

year group and this has become

evident during our ‘fruit landscape’

project. We continued on from our

work on perspective and this week

learnt all about the layering in a

landscape. Children experimented

with the idea of a foreground, middle

ground and background and

produced some impressive sketches!

Next week we are looking forward to beginning some research about important people from

medical history, as well as doing our first science investigation of the year! In Literacy we will be

focusing on the use of direct speech and paragraphs in our writing which will hopefully result in an

amazing piece of big writing! In Maths we will be using division to help us solve our times tables,

investigating number patterns and sequences and solving 2-step problems.

A big well done to all the children that applied

to become the Student Council Reps for Year 4.

These children showed they had what it takes to

be a member of School Council and gave a

short speech to their class. It was a close race

but in the end we congratulated Mishkat

Usama, Marcus Kelly, Christian Willsher, Anna

Rayner, Noemie Queromain, Moodi Rashed,

Molly Barber, Archie Backhouse, Erinn Ashdown

and Devon Den Hertog.

Congratulations to the Stars of the Week

Charlotte Richardson-White (Warblers), Rhianna McPherson

(Wheatears), Hannah Tlemsani (Pipits), Anna Rayner

(Wagtails), and Becky Gillroy (Sandgrouse).

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Year 5

We have had a very exciting week in Year 5 this week. The children have been learning about

various different artefacts such as the Zoetrope, Marey’s photographic gun and the

Phenakistoscope; these were used to create film and animations in the early years. The children

found out information on who invented them and what they actually do.

Children have also had the opportunity to create their own mini flip book which they have really

enjoyed; they will be using these to create animations in ICT next week.

In our Science lesson we have been finding out about how light travels and have been looking at

how shadows are formed. In Literacy children have been watching short animation clips and

identifying the directors’ perspective.

Next week we have a busy and exciting week ahead. In Maths we will be working on multiples of

numbers and number sequences. In Literacy we will be creating storyboards which include a

flashback memory and looking at ways to direct individual scenes. In Topic we will be taking part in

our own ‘Antiques Roadshow’ showcasing the items we have already researched. In Science we will

be taking a closer look at the eye and its key features. This will link in with Art work on drawing and

designing our own eye which will incorporate shading. In ICT we will be using the Pivot software to

make a short animation of stick men.

These are the stars of week 2.

Well done to Holly O’Sullivan (Parakeets), Marta Angelone

Lopez (Nightjars), Edmund Chung (Sunbirds), Thomas

Jelliman (Swallows) & Alice Wright (Mynahs).

Year 6

Year 6 have been reading and analysing a variety of Traditional Tales this week in literacy. They have

been able to define what elements combine in order to create a traditional tale. We have looked

closely at traditional tales from the Caribbean and have focussed on a particular tricky character

called Anansi. The children have written a tale of how things came to be, some children focussed on

Turtle, and how he came to have fins after many unfortunate accidents which

resulted in the poor turtle’s legs being flattened!

In numeracy the children have continued to develop their understanding of

counting, partitioning and calculating, also looking at multiplying and dividing

by base 10.

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Next week we shall be looking at the genre, ‘mystery’. We shall be breaking down the elements that

are needed to write a story, and analysing these each day. By the end of the week the children shall

have written their own mystery story.

In numeracy we shall be focussing on data handling and analysing and interpreting graphs. The

children will be using their data (collected as part of their homework last week) from their own

country, and representing this is a variety of ways. They will then be able to compare to other

countries and make comparisons to what is shown.

Student council representatives were chosen this week, well done to all of those of put themselves

forward for the position. Please don’t feel disheartened if you weren’t successful this time round -

Year 6 teachers will always be looking for responsible children to carry out jobs and I know we have

125 very responsible children to choose from!

Classes have now purchased all the items for the credit shop!

The children are working really well, and demonstrating how they

play their PART in school. Keep collecting the credits as more

credits = bigger rewards!

Presenting the Year 6 Stars of the Week.

Sierra Hedges (Kestrels), Caitlyn Gill (Falcons), Nithila

Kalawila Karunatileke (Ospreys), Jimmy Alley (Owls) and

Saif Al Suwaidi (Eagles)

Well done to all of you!

Al Yasmina School

Tel: 02 5014888

email: [email protected]