7thdayhomechurch.org (03-30-13… · “Pharmaceutical Terrorism – The Backbone of Modern...


Transcript of 7thdayhomechurch.org (03-30-13… · “Pharmaceutical Terrorism – The Backbone of Modern...

Page 1: 7thdayhomechurch.org (03-30-13… · “Pharmaceutical Terrorism – The Backbone of Modern Medicine” “In 1941, an investigation exposed a ‘marriage’ cartel between John D.
Page 2: 7thdayhomechurch.org (03-30-13… · “Pharmaceutical Terrorism – The Backbone of Modern Medicine” “In 1941, an investigation exposed a ‘marriage’ cartel between John D.


———— “Perilous times shall come”


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2 Timothy 3:1-4“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall

come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous [Grk. lovers of money], incontinent [i.e.,

intemperate], . . . despisers of those that are good, . . . lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.”

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1. lovers of their own selves (philautoi)2. covetous – lovers of money (philarguroi)3. incontinent – Intemperate (akrateis)4. despisers of those that are good (aphilagathoi)5. lovers of pleasure (philedonoi)

The Signs of Perilous Times

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1 Timothy 6:10“. . . the love of money [Grk. philarguros] is the root of all

evil . . .”

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1 Corinthians 15:32“. . . let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die.”

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Jeremiah 2:13 “For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no


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Two Great Evils

God’s people have:1. Turned away from God – the source of life2. And have devised their own source of life

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Luke 21:31“. . . when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that

the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.”

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Review & Herald, Nov. 14, 1899, p. 736.23. . . there are thousands of persons who will dose themselves with drugs and patent medicines, or

put themselves under the power of satanic influences to be “healed,” rather than put

themselves through a hot bath, and like simple and sensible treatment. Only about a month ago a little baby was taken dangerously ill. The doctor prescribed such simple but effective treatment. And he was met by the mother’s, “Oh, can’t you give some medicine that will do it quicker than

that? That is so much trouble”!

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Review & Herald, Nov. 14, 1899, p. 736.24That single incident tells the true story of

multitudes. How can such persons have God’s saving health? How can they be kept from the

snares of Satan, which are now laid everywhere to meet this sentiment with signs, and lying

wonders, and deceiving miracles – all to “heal” without “so much trouble.”

Editorial Notes

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“Healthful Living” (1897-98), p. 243.1-2Many, instead of seeking to remove the poisonous matter from the system, take a more deadly poison into the system to remove a poison already there.

Many parents substitute drugs for judicious nursing.

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“Healthful Living” (1897-98), p. 243.3Drugs never cure disease; they only change its form

and location. . . . When drugs are introduced into the system, for a time they seem to have a beneficial

effect. A change may take place, but the disease is not cured. It will manifest itself in some other form. . . . The disease which the drug was given to cure may disappear, but only to reappear in a new form, such as skin diseases, ulcers, painful, diseased joints, and

sometimes in a more dangerous and deadly form. . . . Nature keeps struggling, and the patient suffers with different ailments, until there is a sudden

breaking down in her efforts, and death follows.

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Testimonies Vol. 5, p. 311.1My dear friends, instead of taking a course to baffle disease, you are petting it and yielding to its power.

You should avoid the use of drugs and carefully observe the laws of health. . . . drugging should be forever abandoned; for while it does not cure any malady, it enfeebles the system, making it more

susceptible to disease.

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“Ministry of Healing,” p. 126.2aA practice that is laying the foundation of a vast

amount of disease and of even more serious evils is the free use of poisonous drugs. When attacked by

disease, many will not take the trouble to search out the cause of their illness. Their chief anxiety is to rid

themselves of pain and inconvenience.

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“Ministry of Healing,” p. 126.2bSo they resort to patent nostrums, of whose real

properties they know little, or they apply to a physician for some remedy to counteract the result of their misdoing, but with no thought of making a

change in their unhealthful habits. If immediate benefit is not realized, another medicine is tried,

and then another. Thus the evil continues.

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1. The Pharmaceutical Industry

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———— Patented “cures”?


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The top 12 Blockbuster drugs netted their respective companies an amazing $77.9 Billion

in sales in 2011.

“Carmakers on Thursday announced their final figures, which totaled 14.5 million – 13 percent better than 2011.”


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Nostrum, n. “A medicine, the ingredients of which are kept secret for

the purpose of restricting the profits of sale to the inventor or proprietor.”

Noah Webster (1828)

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1 Timothy 6:10“. . . the love of money [Grk. philarguros] is the root of all

evil . . .”

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“I will neither give a deadly drug [Grk. pharmakon] to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. . . .”

Wikipedia Article: Hippocratic Oath http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippocratic_Oath

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———— Who’s Behind This Evil?


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“He who owns the gold makes the rules” The Golden Rule or The Rule of Gold

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“Auschwitz was the largest mass extermination factory in human history. However, few people are aware that Auschwitz was a 100%

subsidiary of I.G. Farben.” Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

“Pharmaceutical Terrorism – The Backbone of Modern Medicine”

“In 1941, an investigation exposed a ‘marriage’ cartel between John D. Rockefeller’s United States-based Standard Oil Co. and I.G.

Farben.” Wikipedia

Article: I.G. Farben

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“In the early half of the 20th century, petrochemical giants organized a coup on the medical research facilities, hospitals and universities. The Rockefellers did this by sponsoring research and

donating monetary gifts to US universities and medical schools where research was drug based and further extended this policy to

foreign medical establishments via their International Education Board. Those who were not drug based were refused funding, and

were soon dissolved in favour of the more lucrative pharmaceutical-based project.

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“In 1939 the ‘Drug Trust’ alliance was formed by the Rockefeller Empire and I.G. Farben. After the war, I.G. Farben was dismantled

but later emerged in the many guises of the companies with whom they had signed cartel agreements.

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“The Rockefeller Empire – in tandem with the Chase Manhattan Bank now owns over half of the USA’s pharmaceutical interests

and is the largest drug manufacturing combine in the world. Since the war [WWII] the drug industry has steadily netted an ever

increasing profit from sales of drugs to become the second largest manufacturing industry in the world next to the arms industry (also

owned by the self same Elite agencies).

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“Today, health care is a multi-billion pound [U.K. currency] industry world-wide with ever increasing expenditure by taxpayers into the system which funnels the majority of this staggering profit into the

hands of the drug manufacturers who are, as we have seen, headed by the major Elite manipulators of this century. These

companies now control the vast majority of health care and set the standards for the practice of medicine in all developed countries.”

Ivan Fraser & Mark Beeston “The Brotherhood: part 9 – The Pharmaceutical Racket”

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“The Rockefeller Foundation was first set up in 1904 and called the General Education Fund. . . . in 1910 and through long finagling and lots of Rockefeller money got the New York legislature to issue a

charter on May 14, 1913.

“It is therefore not surprising that the House of Rockefeller has had its own ‘nominees’ planted in all Federal agencies that have to

do with health. So the stage was set for the ‘education’ of the American public, with a view to turning it into a population of drug and medico-dependents, with the early help of the parents and the

schools, then with direct advertising and, last but not least, the influence the advertising revenues had on the media-makers.

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“A compilation of the magazine Advertising Age showed that as far back as 1948 the larger companies in America spent for

advertising the sum total of $1,104,224,374, when the dollar was still worth a dollar . . . . Of this staggering sum the interlocking

Rockefeller-Morgan interests (gone over entirely to Rockefeller after Morgan’s death) controlled about 80 percent, and utilized it

to manipulate public information on health and drug matters – then and even more recklessly now.”

Hans Reusch – “The Truth About the Rockefeller Drug Empire: The Drug Story” CIVIS Foundation Report number 15, Fall-Winter 1993

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Who are some of the successors to I. G. Farben?•General Mills •M. W. Kellogg Co. •Nestlé•Bristol-Meyers Squibb•Procter and Gamble •Roche •Hoechst [now Sanofi-Aventis] and Beyer and Co.

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“Overall, Nestlé owns close to 8,000 brands.”

Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nestl%C3%A9_brands

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A net-income of $445.3 BillionWikipedia Article: “List of Pharmaceutical Companies”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pharmaceutical_companies

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“spending reached $320 billion in 2011” IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics

The Use of Medicines in the United States: Review of 2011, p. 19

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IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics The Use of Medicines in the United States: Review of 2011, p. 37

“One in 10 Americans aged 12 and over takes

anti-depressant medication.”

- Center for Disease Control -NCHS Data brief, Oct. 2011, p. 1

Antidepressants are the #1 prescribed drug in

America!Why are Americans so


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“3.1 million patients were treated for a variety of

mental health conditions using antipsychotic

medications, resulting in $18.2 billion in overall

spending.” IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics

The Use of Medicines in the United States: Review of 2011, p. 28

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From 3.4 prescriptions for every person 0-18 to an

almost unbelievable 36.7 prescriptions for every adult 80+ years of age! That averages out to a

sickening 11.33 prescriptions per person!!

IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics The Use of Medicines in the United States: Review of 2011, p. 11

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“Pharmaceutical companies rely upon ill health in the population to survive and reap their profits. No drug company has

a vested interest in curing disease. They do, however, have a massive vested interest in maintaining ill-health, creating disease and manufacturing chemicals which will promote this under the guise of ‘therapy’ for the symptoms – rarely ever the cause – of

disease.” Ivan Fraser & Mark Beeston

“The Brotherhood: part 9 – The Pharmaceutical Racket”

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2. The Medical Industry

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2 Chronicles 16:12“And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was

diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the LORD, but to the


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Mark 5:25-26 “And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve

years, and had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered,

but rather grew worse.”

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“Healthful Living” (1897-98), p. 247.2aMany physicians are not as thorough and intelligent as they should be in the practice of their profession.

They resort to drugs, when greater skill and knowledge would teach them a more excellent way.

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“I will not use the knife, . . .” Wikipedia Article: Hippocratic Oath


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“. . . the vast majority of oaths or declarations sworn have been heavily modified and modernized. In a 1989

survey of 126 US medical schools, only three reported usage of the original

[Hippocratic] oath, . . .” Wikipedia “Hippocratic Oath”


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————— Our Health Institutions


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“Healthful Living” (1897-98), p. 245.1aThe endless variety of medicines in the market, the

numerous advertisements of new drugs and mixtures, all of which claim to do wonderful cures,

kill hundreds where they benefit one. . . . Yet people keep dosing, and continue to grow weaker until they

die. Some will have medicine at all events. Then let them take these hurtful mixtures and the various

deadly poisons upon their own responsibility.

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“Healthful Living” (1897-98), p. 245.1bGod’s servants should not administer medicines

which they know will leave behind injurious effects upon the system, even if they do relieve present

suffering. Every poisonous preparation in the vegetable and mineral kingdoms, taken into the

system, will leave its wretched influence, affecting the liver and lungs, and deranging the system


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Total Medical Revenue for 2009Ambulance Services $729.255 BillionHospitals $781.471 BillionNursing & Residential Care $183.968 BillionSocial Assistance $140.690 BillionTotal $1.835 Trillion

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————— The Sin of Negligence


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“Special Testimonies” (1911) Series B, p. 11.1b. . . By a course of negligence to duty the physician humiliates the Great Physician, of whom he should

be a representative. Strict hours should be kept with all patients, high or low. No careless neglect should be allowed in any of the nurses. Ever be true to your

word, prompt in meeting your appointments; for this means much to the sick.

Letter to Sanitarium Workers (June 3, 1907)

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Dr. Lucian L. Leape opened medicine’s Pandora’s box in his 1994 JAMA paper, “Error in Medicine”. . . .

The number of fatalities . . . is an annual 1,189,576 iatrogenic [medically caused] deaths, or over ten jumbo jets crashing every


. . . a total of 164 million people, approximately 56% of the population of the United States, have been treated unnecessarily by the medical industry – in other words, about 50,000 people per


“Death by Medicine”By Gary Null PhD, Carolyn Dean MD ND, Martin Feldman MD, Debora Rasio MD, Dorothy Smith PhD, 2003

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Leape acknowledged that the literature on medical error is sparse and we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. He said that when

errors are specifically sought out, reported rates are “distressingly high”. He cited several autopsy studies with rates as high as 35-40%

of missed diagnoses causing death. He also commented that an Intensive Care Unit [ICU] reported an average of 1.7 errors per day

per patient, and 29% of those errors were potentially serious or fatal.

“Death by Medicine”By Gary Null PhD, Carolyn Dean MD ND, Martin Feldman MD, Debora Rasio MD, Dorothy Smith PhD, 2003

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. . . First, he found that each patient had an average of 178 “activities” (staff/procedure/medical interactions) a day, of which

1.7 were errors, which means a 1% failure rate. To some this may not seem like much, but putting this into perspective, Leape cited

industry standards where in aviation a 0.1% failure rate would mean 2 unsafe plane landings per day at O’Hare airport; in the U. S. Mail,

16,000 pieces of lost mail every hour; or in banking, 32,000 bank checks deducted from the wrong bank account every hour.

. . . It is evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States.

“Death by Medicine”By Gary Null PhD, Carolyn Dean MD ND, Martin Feldman MD, Debora Rasio MD, Dorothy Smith PhD, 2003

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Psalm 146:3 “Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in

whom there is no help.”

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Review & Herald, June 25, 1861How many shrink from the purifying process! They

are unwilling to live out the truth, unwilling to appear singular in the eyes of the world. It is this

mingling with the world which destroys our spirituality, pureness, and zeal. Satan’s power is constantly exercised to stupefy the sensibility of God’s people, that their consciences may not be

sensitive to wrong, and that the sign of distinction between them and the world may be destroyed.

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To be continued . . .