02f_Puzzle-Jefferson Administration

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Transcript of 02f_Puzzle-Jefferson Administration

  • 7/27/2019 02f_Puzzle-Jefferson Administration


    02f_Je!erson's Administration-Ch.06

  • 7/27/2019 02f_Puzzle-Jefferson Administration



    5. Marbury v. Madison was a Supreme

    Court case that produced a decision

    which endorsed a tool of the Supreme

    Court that has since been used in

    deciding cases. This tool, or authority, of

    the Supreme Court is known as... 2words

    8. This political party supported a

    presidential candidate in the election of

    1800 that was accused of being a radical

    like those in France, who he supported in

    principle. 2 words

    9. A wild accusation hurled at the

    Federalists in the 1800 presidential

    election was that their candidate wantedto convert the Executive branch into this

    type of government.

    11. Native American woman acting as a

    guide for the men commissioned by

    Pres. Je!erson to explore and map the

    West from 1804 - 1806.

    14. Political party that wins the

    presidency in 1796.

    16. Beginning with the election of 1800,

    the Federalist Party became increasinglyweaker. The popularity of Southern

    presidential candidates in the

    Democratic-Republican Party was greatly

    aided by farmers participating in this. 2


    17. In keeping with Je!erson's

    (Democratic-Republican) views on

    government, he instituted policies that

    removed heavy government involvement

    in society. Therefore, regarding

    commercial activity, Je!erson

    supported... 2 words


    1. Last names of of the two men

    commissioned by President Je!erson to

    explore the West. Setting out from St.

    Louis, Missouri, in 1804, the expedition

    traveled overland to the Pacific Ocean.

    By charting unexplored territory, theexpedition helped lay the foundations for

    western expansion. (2 words)

    2. The term representing the 1803 treaty

    between France and the United States

    that (more than) doubled the size of the

    nation for a cash payment. 2 words

    3. This government institution

    encountered problems starting with the

    third election in 1800. The House ofRepresentatives had to decide who will

    be president and will be vice-president

    since both candidates were tied. 2 words

    4. The Judiciary Act of 1801greatly

    expanded this. 2 words

    6. The runner-up in an Electoral College

    vote count becomes this. 2 words

    7. Last name of the candidate to win the

    Presidential election of 1800.

    10. Supreme Court (Chief) Justiceappointed by Pres. Adams who would be

    involved in 30+ years of cases that

    shaped (strengthened) the court and

    Federal Government. 2 words.

    12. The Bank of the United States had

    it's authority restricted when the

    Je!erson administration eliminated this

    type of tax.

    13. This constitutional amendment was

    the solution to the electoral problem of

    the 1800 election.

    15. Je!erson's administration reflected

    his views on government. Therefore, a

    major goal of his was to reduce the size

    of this.

  • 7/27/2019 02f_Puzzle-Jefferson Administration



    18. "Packing the Court" is a term not

    uncommon to students of US History.

    However, the somewhat paranoid actions

    of the Adams administration stretched

    this term so far that the judges appointed

    by Adams in the last minutes of his termof o"ce came to be known as this... 2
