(028) 30 830 301 or 07591 881 306. BESSBROOK

News will be continually updated on our parish website - www.christchurchbessbrook.co.uk - please give us a visit! April 2020 HOLY SCRIPTURE FOR THE MONTH Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, Hebrews 12:1 New King James Version WELCOME To the latest newsletter for Camlough Parish. This edition is only being produced as an e- bulletin to adhere with social distancing advice. If you have any inclusions for our next edition, please pass them to the Hon. Secretary by Sunday 26th April. THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH Rev Alan P S Synnott (Rector) My childhood memories of the 1960s in Magheralin are very happy, sprinkled with remembrances of long hours playing with friends, Corncrakes and House Martins chittering and skraking by turns and the security of a good home and wonderful parents. I am a child of the television era and I get all warm and fuzzy when I think of Jackanory, Blue Peter, Doctor Who and Dixon of Dock Green. As a first-generation TV child I became accustomed to older people bewailing the advent of the telly as “timewasting rubbish!” It can, of course, become just that but I have to say that I have learned so much about the world through the goggle box in the corner of the room. Through that window I have been to Ancient Persia, the High Andes and Auschwitz. I have seen Royal Weddings, Trooping Colour and men on the moon, alongside these profundities I have laughed at everything from Up Pompey to the Simpsons with Morse and Shakespeare in between. Like all other inventions of humankind, television is a two-edged sword with power for good or evil and we learn to use our discretion and exercise CHRIST CHURCH BESSBROOK MONTHLY NEWSLETTER All Services are currently suspended until further notice. In light of the current global coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic, pastoral visits by our Rector, Rev Alan Synnott, will be restricted for 'end of life' care and the bereaved. Pastoral care for all other parishioners will be administered via the telephone. If you require the support of our Rector please contact him directly on (028) 30 830 301 or 07591 881 306. If there is no reply, please leave a message. Rev Synnott will respond to your needs and continues to keep all parishioners in his prayers and thoughts. Please be aware that he is responsible for parishioners in 4 churches and may not be available immediately. If you are instructed to 'self-isolate' and require help with groceries, collecting prescriptions or just need someone to talk to, please contact any church officer, who will gladly arrange for your needs to be met. Please do not suffer in isolation.

Transcript of (028) 30 830 301 or 07591 881 306. BESSBROOK

April 2020
HOLY SCRIPTURE FOR THE MONTH Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, Hebrews 12:1 New King James Version
WELCOME To the latest newsletter for Camlough Parish. This edition is only being produced as an e- bulletin to adhere with social distancing advice. If you have any inclusions for our next edition, please pass them to the Hon. Secretary by Sunday 26th April.
THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH Rev Alan P S Synnott (Rector) My childhood memories of the 1960s in Magheralin are very happy, sprinkled with remembrances of long hours playing with friends, Corncrakes and House Martins chittering and skraking by turns and the security of a good home and wonderful parents.
I am a child of the television era and I get all warm and fuzzy when I think of Jackanory, Blue Peter, Doctor Who and Dixon of Dock Green. As a first-generation TV child I became accustomed to older people bewailing the advent of the telly as “timewasting rubbish!”
It can, of course, become just that but I have to say that I have learned so much about the world through the goggle box in the corner of the room. Through that window I have been to Ancient Persia, the High Andes and Auschwitz. I have seen Royal Weddings, Trooping Colour and men on the moon, alongside these profundities I have laughed at everything from Up Pompey to the Simpsons with Morse and Shakespeare in between.
Like all other inventions of humankind, television is a two-edged sword with power for good or evil and we learn to use our discretion and exercise
All Services are currently suspended until further notice.
In light of the current global coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic, pastoral visits by our Rector, Rev Alan Synnott, will be restricted for 'end of life' care and the bereaved. Pastoral care for all other parishioners will be administered via the telephone. If you require the support of our Rector please contact him directly on (028) 30 830 301 or 07591 881 306. If there is no reply, please leave a message. Rev Synnott will respond to your needs and continues to keep all parishioners in his prayers and thoughts. Please be aware that he is responsible for parishioners in 4 churches and may not be available immediately.
If you are instructed to 'self-isolate' and require help with groceries, collecting prescriptions or just need someone to talk to, please contact any church officer, who will gladly arrange for your needs to be met. Please do not suffer in isolation.
our conscience, it’s called taking responsibility.
The Internet is the same, discretion, conscience and a sense of responsibility are essential, it can be fun, useful, dangerous and a curse all at the same time. Like telly we need to grip it before it grips us and wring the very best out of it and this applies to social media, perhaps above all other features.
During the current emergency I have found the Internet to be a Godsend, I can speak to family, by Skype, facetime or whatever. I can keep in touch with friends old and new and it is vital to my sanity. The filters of discretion, conscience and responsibility must be deployed but I have found it to be a wonderful community of mutual support.
Equally, the internet has provided us all with the opportunity to stick together in worship, scripture and sacrament, it’s not the same as sitting side by side in church but needs must and we have this extraordinary tool, the internet, a vehicle for Christian fellowship and a medium of hope.
For as long as we are all confined and I am well enough, I will produce worship for Sundays, high days and holy days and the occasional study and thought for the day. Please just keep an eye on the website and above all try and include those family members who are not tech savvy in ongoing life of our church.
We may not be together physically but we are gathered in the fellowship of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
CHURCH SUSPENDED Following advice from the government and public health authorities, which our Prime Minister enforced strongly in his address to the nation on 23rd March, the Bench of Bishops have responsibly suspended all public worship and church activities ‘ for the foreseeable future.’
They have asked that we are ‘creative’ with our response to this challenge and Rev Synnott has undertaken to provide regular parochial online ministry that he will deliver personally.
This will be uploaded onto YouTube and will be available to view via our parish website at www.christchurchbessbrook.co.uk/video- recordings or directly on our new YouTube channel entitled ‘Camlough Parish’.
This will include weekly Sunday worship, mid- week Feast & Saints Days and regular ‘Though for the Day’ segments.
With all activities cancelled until further notice could the following please be aware that unfortunately their flowers will not be required this month, unless otherwise advised.
12th April – Ella Harvey 26th April – Joan O’Brien
We appreciate the support of all who provide flowers annually and sincerely apologise for the inconvenience this may cause.
Also cancelled is our Easter General Vestry Meeting, originally scheduled for Thursday 23rd April, with all Officers remaining in post until further notice.
Our May concert featuring ‘Lindsay Chorale’ has been postponed until later in the year. Tickets already purchased may be transferred to the new date.
For up to date information please visit our parish website. Regular updates are available on: www.christchurchbessbrook.co.uk
News will be continually updated on our parish website - www.christchurchbessbrook.co.uk - please give us a visit!
HYMN OF THE DAY The Royal School of Church Music is providing a ‘Hymn of the Day’ on their website to sing along to each afternoon Monday to Saturday and a short ‘self-service’ on Sunday. To view visit www.rscm.org.uk/our-resources/hftd
PARISH FINANCES As we all try to chart our way through these unprecedented times which has necessitated the closure of our parish church for the foreseeable future, we are conscious that parishioners are concerned in regard to us receiving a regular income via our Free Weekly Offering.
As a result in the disruption to our Easter worship we have agreed to forego our annual Easter Appeal which will unfortunately have a negative effect on our finances.
In light of this concern, and conscious of 'social distancing' and indeed potential impending financial hardship for some parishioners, we are offering the opportunity to change your method of regular payments to monthly 'Standing Orders' via your bank. This may be done in the bank or preferably via online banking.
Subject to individual circumstances, you may wish to take up this option which will provide us with a regular income in these uncertain times.
Please contact our Hon. Treasurer who will provide details on how to arrange a 'Standing Order' or visit our parish website at www.christchurchbessbrook.co.uk
FAMILY RESOURCES For those with children at home the Church of Ireland Children’s Ministry team have some family resources available via the Church of Ireland website which should prove helpful with home schooling. http://www.cm.ireland.anglican.org
DAILY WORSHIP APP You may also download the Church of Ireland Daily Worship App available from either the Apple Store or Google Play.
The Church of Ireland’s Daily Worship app brings the content of the Book of Common Prayer into the smartphone era by presenting its content in one place, including Bible readings and liturgies for each day of the year.
The app covers five services – Daily Prayer (Morning), Daily Prayer (Evening), A Late Evening Office, Compline, and Holy Communion – and draws on the rich liturgical resources of the Church of Ireland.
BE SCAM WISE! The PSNI is urging the public to be on their guard against cold callers and scammers who continue to prey on the community by taking advantage of householders, even during this current Covid–19 pandemic.
“We have seen instances where people are calling to the homes of older, or vulnerable people, telling them they will do their grocery shopping for them for a small fee. These people take the money but, cruelly, they never deliver the goods. Please be aware and look out for older/vulnerable neighbours and friends.
Christ Church, Bessbrook is registered as a charity in Northern Ireland. Charity Number NIC 104090
LITURGY FOR APRIL With the suspension of church, parishioners are urged to follow our recorded services on our parish website or YouTube as detailed on page 2.
However, we are aware the some parishioners are not ‘tech savvy’ and rely on our Prayer Book and Holy Bible to follow the liturgy. With that in mind here follows the liturgy for the month ahead. Parishioners following our services online may also view the liturgy for each services via our website at https://www.christchurchbessbrook.co.uk/online- liturgies
Sunday 5th April – Palm Sunday LITURGY OF THE PALMS Psalm 118: 1–2, 19–29 – page 730 BCP Gospel Reading: Matthew 21: 1–11 Collect of the Day – page 265 BCP plus Lenten Collect
Monday 6th April – Monday in Holy Week Psalm 36: 5–11 – page 631 BCP 1st Reading: Hebrews 9: 11–15 2nd Reading: John 12: 1–11 Collect of the Day – page 265 BCP plus Lenten Collect
Tuesday 7th April – Tuesday in Holy Week Psalm 71: 1-14 – page 670 BCP 1st Reading; 1 Corinthians 1: 18-31 2nd Reading: John 12: 20-36 Collect of the Day – page 266 BCP plus Lenten Collect
Wednesday 8th April – Wednesday in Holy Week
Psalm 70 – page 670 BCP 1st Reading: Hebrews 12: 1-3 2nd Reading: John 13: 21-32 Collect of the Day – page 267 BCP plus Lenten Collect
Thursday 9th April – Maundy Thursday Psalm 116: 1, 10–17 - – page 728 BCP Epistle: 1 Corinthians 11: 23–26 Gospel: John 13: 1–17, 31b–35 Collect of the Day – page 268 BCP plus Lenten Collect
Friday 10th April – Good Friday Psalm 22 – page 614 BCP 1st Reading: Hebrews 10: 16-25 2nd Reading: John 18:1 – 19:42 Collect of the Day – page 270 BCP plus Lenten Collect
Sunday 12th April – Easter Day Psalm 118: 1-2, 14-24 – page 730 BCP Epistle: Acts 10: 34–43 Gospel: John 20: 1–18 Collect of the Day – page 272 BCP
Sunday 19th April – 2nd Sunday of Easter Psalm 16 – page 606 BCP Epistle: 1 Peter 1: 3–9 Gospel: John 20: 19–31 Collect of the Day – page 273 BCP
Saturday 25th April – St. Mark the Evangelist Psalm 119: 9-16 (Beth) – page 732 BCP Epistle: Ephesians 4: 7-16 Gospel: Mark 13: 5–13 Collect of the Day – page 308 BCP
Sunday 26th April – 3rd Sunday of Easter Psalm 116: 1–3, 10–17 – page 728 BCP 1st Reading: 1 Peter 1: 17–23 2nd Reading: Luke 24: 13–35 Collect of the Day – page 274 BCP
News will be continually updated on our parish website - www.christchurchbessbrook.co.uk - please give us a visit!
FROM ARCHDEACON TERRY SCOTT “I am conscious that sooner rather than later many of our more elderly and vulnerable parishioners may find themselves having to self-isolate and it is very important that we try to find ways of supporting them.
One such way may be to adapt the #viralkindness postcard for use at local parish level and I would commend it for your consideration.”
Parishioners who can safely help their neighbours may print the postcard below and deliver it throughout their neighbourhood.
Please ensure you adhere to all public health and government advice and instructions while helping others and take care of yourself and stay safe.
DIOCESAN BROADCASTS The Armagh Diocesan website broadcasts a Sunday Service on its website each Sunday morning from 8.30am. The broadcast can be viewed on http://armagh.anglican.org
#VIRALKINDNESS Only spread kindness to your neighbours In order to contain the COVID-19 pandemic it’s important to practice social distancing. But this means that there are many people who may not be able to go and get necessary supplies.
As neighbours we can help each other!
Wash your hands Print 6 copies of these cards Drop into your neighbour’s letterbox;
1 completed copy and 5 empty copies for redistribution
COI E-BULLTEIN The Church of Ireland’s eBulletin will be published weekly until further notice, to help to highlight broadcast and online worship services and reflections and other ways in which the Church is seeking to respond to the Covid–19 outbreak. Sign up by visiting https://www.ireland.anglican.org
Church of Ireland Press Release dated 11/3/2020
The Rt Revd John McDowell, Bishop of Clogher, has been elected by the House of Bishops as the new Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland. He succeeds
Archbishop Richard Clarke who retired on 2nd February this year.
Bishop McDowell (aged 64) was ordained in 1996 and has served as Bishop of Clogher since 2011. He was previously Rector of St Mark’s, Dundela, in East Belfast (2002-2011), Rector of Ballyrashane (1999-2002), and Curate of Antrim (1996-1999).
He has also served as an Honorary Secretary of the General Synod (2008-2011) and is currently Chairman of the Church of Ireland’s Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue.
Speaking on his election, Bishop McDowell said: ‘I am overwhelmed by the confidence which my fellow bishops have placed in me to fill this ancient office.
I look forward to working with them in the time to come and to serving the people of the Diocese of Armagh and the Church of Ireland in whatever way I can.’
The translation will take effect from Tuesday, 28th April, and the enthronement date will be announced in due course.
Upon taking up his responsibilities as Archbishop of Armagh, Bishop McDowell will be the 106th in the succession of abbots, bishops and archbishops of Armagh since St Patrick.
Statement from Terry Scott, Archdeacon of Armagh
On behalf of the clergy and laity of Armagh Diocese I offer the heartiest of congratulations to Bishop John McDowell on his election as our next Archbishop.
Bishop John can be assured of our good wishes and prayers as he prepares for his translation on 28th April.
We very much look forward to welcoming him, his wife Mary, and daughter Dorothy to Armagh.
Brief biography of Bishop John McDowell The Rt Revd Francis John McDowell grew up in Belfast and pursued a career in business prior to training for ordination.
He was ordained in 1996 and initially served as Curate of Antrim, in the Diocese of Connor (1996-1999). He was subsequently Rector of Ballyrashane, in the same diocese (1999-2002), and Rector of St Mark’s, Dundela, in the Diocese of Down and Dromore (2002- 2011), during which time he was also an Honorary Secretary of the General Synod (2008-2011).
He has also served as the Church of Ireland’s contact person for the Porvoo Communion (2007-2013) – a communion of Anglican and Lutheran Churches in Europe which share a common life in mission and service.
He was elected Bishop of Clogher in May 2011 and consecrated as bishop in St Macartin’s Cathedral, Enniskillen, in September of that year.
Bishop McDowell holds a BA (Hons) in History from Queen’s University Belfast (1978), a Diploma in Business Studies from the London School of Economics (1984), and a B.Th. in Theology and Biblical Studies from Trinity College Dublin (1996).
He is married to Mary, who teaches in Enniskillen Royal Grammar School, and they have one daughter, Dorothy, a student at Oxford University.
We here at Christ Church, Bessbrook warmly welcome the appointment of Bishop McDowell as Archbishop- elect and look forward to him visiting us in Bessbrook in due course.
We convey our best wishes and God’s richest blessings to John, his wife Mary and their daughter Dorothy as they prepare to move into our Diocese of Armagh.
News will be continually updated on our parish website - www.christchurchbessbrook.co.uk - please give us a visit!
CORONAVIRUS – COVID 19 The following is a message from Bishop John McDowell, Bishop of Clogher and Archbishop-elect. Archbishop-elect John’s Pastoral Message As you will be aware, coronavirus is presenting major challenges to the whole of society on the island of Ireland, including to the Churches. It is important that we respond responsibly and proportionately to these challenges. You will have seen that as well as the Diocese, the Presbyterian Church and the Methodist Church have also issued guidelines.
Undoubtedly, we will all have to do things differently, at least during the period of this emergency, and possibly beyond that time. However we need also to remember our calling to worship God not only “with our lips but in our lives” as we say in the General Thanksgiving.
Governments and the public health authorities, North and South, have provided us with very useful guidance, which they will continue to update. But they cannot be expected to know every detail of local circumstances and in light of developing circumstances it is now up to us as a Diocese and as parishes to apply and adapt the broad principles to make sure that their intention is effective where we live and work.
For that reason, as you will see, we are cancelling all normal church services as of today (17th March) until further notice. That applies to midweek services too. Funerals will of course continue to take place, but will need to strictly adhere to the public health advice on hygiene and physical distancing. Further advice on funerals will be provided to the clergy.
Although the more usual phrase at the minute is “social distancing” I think it is better to speak of “physical” distance, as the last thing we want to do is to completely dissolve the social bonds of our families parishes and communities. Where possible churches will remain open at certain times for private prayer, provided the public health hygiene guidelines can be met. Further advice will be issued as occasion demands.
As parishes we will also need to think again about how we can be near to people, to demonstrate our love to them, in ways which may require physical distance but does not mean that we are cut off from one another. Clearly there are people who are more at risk than others. I would encourage clergy and parishes to ensure that the worship of God continues in some form (perhaps by people in their own homes saying Morning Prayer at an agreed time, and in that way to be involved in “corporate” prayer. It may well be that civil authorities will ask churches to make ourselves
(our human and physical resources) available to be of practical assistance and I know we will respond in the spirit of the generosity of God.
I need hardly say that I trust you will pray for all those who are anxious and fearful; all those who are vulnerable to this disease and, perhaps above all for all health care workers.
By showing our love and care for vulnerable parishioners and in the wider community, we should also demonstrate that we are a community of faith and hope. This is a medical epidemic which we should not allow to become an epidemic of despair.
I am writing this on St Patrick’s Day and can’t help reflecting that his calling from God to return to a land where he had been a captured slave must have tested his faith sorely. Even in the midst of his mission, the prospects of a successful outcome must have seemed remote. But with prayer and persistence Patrick fulfilled his calling to such an extent that he will be remembered in virtually every corner of the globe today.
Our own calling in these very trying times may not be as spectacular as Patrick’s, but if we listen to the call of God in Jesus Christ we can have some confidence that in years to come we will be remembered as those who did what they could and perhaps even a little more when help was needed.
+John Clogher