02 - Nishal - Smart Gigabit Communities - Project Outline

SMART GIGABIT COMMUNITIES (SGC) Nishal Mohan, PhD Na.onal Community Leader nishal.mohan@us-ignite.org @drnishal

Transcript of 02 - Nishal - Smart Gigabit Communities - Project Outline


Nishal Mohan, PhD Na.onal Community Leader

[email protected] @drnishal


Your Smart Gigabit Community Story…

SGC Gigabit Apps

Gigabit Infrastructure

Gigabit Community AcAviAes

More resilient city Economic growth Bridge digital divide Civic pride SGC Vanguard

Smarter, safer, healthier, involved ciAzens…

COMMUNITIES Who Needs To Be Involved And Why?

Civic Groups SUPPORT

Anchor Institutions Foundations

App Development

Gigabit Infrastructure

National Priorities




Subject Matter Expertise

Developer Groups Investors Corporate

SGC What Are We Going To Do And How?

Smart Gigabit CommuniAes starts today!


Broad-based local steering body

Local Technical Lead (up to $30k for 1+ day of work)

Apply for App and Community AcAviAes funding

Develop a Community ecosystem around App development

Foster the development of Apps

DocumentaAon & Support to enable other communiAes to use your Apps

CompleAon of a Playbook


Steering Group

Local gigabit capability linked to smart city brain (GENI) “Locavore” infrastructure Connected to interoperable testbeds and potenAal markets Wireless link to IoT (Paradrop) Secure TransiAon to commercial infrastructure

Smart City Brain

Gigabit App IdeaAon


Cyberphysical interac>ons

Low latency Reliable Gigabit

Big Data to end user

Collabora>ve Distributed

IoT Streaming VR

Pandemic Predic>on

Data Science

+ Who will use the App?

Who will develop the App?

What are it’s specificaAons?

Is there a similar App?

How much work is needed?

Is it useful to other ciAes?

NaAonal Science FoundaAon Dear Colleague Le_er $300k

Submit App idea to NSF by March 1

OpAonal: Send gigabit App proposal (1-2 pages) to US Ignite by February 12 for feedback

Port exisAng Apps (US Ignite ApplicaAons Index or within your community) Build new Apps from scratch (Many sources of funding) Make Apps interoperable (Docker) DocumentaAon and Support to enable other CommuniAes to use your Apps: Subject Ma_er Expert(s) is important Create App profiles and log development progress on US Ignite’s website

Gigabit App AcAviAes Start Finish

α App

β App

Share your SGC drad Apps Sharing Strategy with Milestones, Timeline & Budget (1-3 pages) for one Ame

funding ($25K) & recurring funding for 2 Apps/year($20K/year).

$20k $25k DocumentaAon and Support for Apps

Organize local groups to support and sustain smart gigabit community infrastructure and Apps

Give grants for applicaAon teams to Document and Support App

development to enable other CommuniAes to use Apps

Hold local gigabit meetups, hacakthons & contests for App ideas and App development

Organize testers for Apps

Training for local developers to use Smart City Brain and Apps

Organize entrepreneurial events around Apps with local

foundaAons, incubators, accelerators, and investors

Install always-on large screens/microphones/speakers for communicaAng with the other parAcipaAng communiAes

Cross-Community acAviAes

Organize and Register Users




Mozilla Learning


Google Dev Groups


Dev Groups

Mayor’s Office

City Council

Code for America Brigade

One Million




Venture Capitalists





Kauffman Tech


Local UniversiAes


Chamber of Commerce

Capstone Projects

Gigabit ISPs

Data Centers

Big Employers

Share Apps with other Smart Gigabit CommuniAes

Adopt Apps from other CommuniAes

Showcase Apps with US Ignite community

Share ApplicaAons

Share Best PracAces

Lessons learned

IdenAfy new opportuniAes

A_ract new ParAcipants & CommuniAes

Get Publicity

Taking advantage of giagbit infrastructure

Fostering the local entrepreneurial ecosystem

Developing Apps that contribute to economic development

CreaAng relaAonships and interoperability with other


SGC Playbook

SGC Playbook

Brief monthly report

Bi-weekly telephone call

Monthly conference call with all Community Coordinators

SGC Team member(s) visits

US Ignite Gigabit ApplicaAons Summit (June 13-15)


End First Year


ital T













App Themes Choose Apps themes based on your ciAzen’s needs and NaAonal PrioriAes (Health, EducaAon, TransportaAon, Energy, Public Safety, & Advanced Manufacturing). Subject ma_er expert(s) on Steering Commi_ee needed.

App Ideas Your Gigabit Apps characterisAcs can be a combinaAon of Low latency, Real Time, Reliable, allow for Cyberphysical interacAons, Big Data to the end user, CollaboraAve, & Distributed. Community acAviAes can support ideaAon.

Port ExisAng Apps Explore US Ignite’s ApplicaAons Index (h_ps://www.us-ignite.org/apps/) or look in your community to determine if a similar App already exists so you can jumpstart development by adapAng that app.

App Development Whether adapAng an exisAng app or developing a new gigabit App consider: Who will use the App? Who will develop the App? What are it’s specificaAons? How much work is needed? Is it useful to other ciAes?

Fund App Send gigabit App summary (1-2 pages) to US Ignite by February 12 for feedback. Submit App idea ader US Ignite feedback to NSF Dear Colleague Le_er by March 1. h_p://1.usa.gov/1ZDiOkB. Apply for other sources of funding.

App Create an App profile to announce your App and log development progress on US Ignite’s website (h_p://bit.ly/1SAHniR) Share your App with other Smart Gigabit CommuniAes. Receive Apps from other CommuniAes

Steering Group Organize local community steering group: Civic groups, Academia, Anchor InsAtuAons, FoundaAons, Corporate, Corporate CiAzens, Developer Groups, Investors, & Subject ma_er experts. IdenAfy and hire local Technical Lead.

App Funding Send gigabit App summary (1-2 pages) to US Ignite by February 12 for feedback. Submit App idea ader US Ignite feedback to NSF Dear Colleague Le_er by March 1. h_p://1.usa.gov/1ZDiOkB. Apply for other sources of funding for Apps.

US Ignite Funding Funding is to enable other communiAes to use your Apps. Share your SGC drad Apps Sharing Strategy with Milestones, Timeline & Budget (1-3 pages) for one Ame funding ($25K) & recurring funding for 2 Apps/year ($20K)/yr).

Community AcAvity Hold local gigabit meetups, hackathons & contests for Apps ideas and development. Organize testers for Apps. Organize entrepreneurial events around Apps with foundaAons, incubators, accelerators, and investors.

EducaAon Train local developers to use DTS and Apps. Create DocumentaAon and Support to enable other communiAes to use Apps. Set up “always-on” equipment for communicaAng with other communiAes (funded by US Ignite).

EvaluaAon Best PracAces: Taking advantage of gigabit infrastructure | Fostering local entrepreneurial ecosystem | Developing Apps for economic growth | CreaAng inter-community relaAonships. IdenAfy new opportuniAes.

FacilitaAon Provide assistance for DTS, Community & ApplicaAons acAviAes. Provide educaAonal materials. Share funding opportuniAes. Connect communiAes. Host annual Gigabit ApplicaAons Summit. Provide naAonal publicity.

Funding Up to $30k of Local Technical Lead’s salary. DocumentaAon & Support to enable other communiAes to use your Apps: One Ame funding: $25K Recurring for 2 Apps: $20K/yr Funds for DTS Funds for “always on” system

Community Leader Encourage and manage informaAon sharing between communiAes and Community Coordinators Develop ideas and materials Facilitate interacAon among developers (NSF awardees) and end user communiAes. [email protected]

Technical Leader Provide technical assistance and liaison with local Technical Leads for GENI, Paradrop and troubleshooAng. Responsible for technical design, organizaAon and performance reporAng. [email protected]

CommunicaAon Receive monthly reports Bi-weekly telephone calls Monthly conference call with all Community Coordinators and Technical Leads Visit CommuniAes Develop SGC Playbook

Scale SGC Increase the number of SGC communiAes (naAonally and internaAonally). Connect SGC communiAes. Develop SGC Playbook to guide communiAes to become Smart Gigabit CommuniAes.

EducaAon Local Technical Lead, with support from US Ignite’s Technical Leader will Educate local developers on use of DTS, Docker, GENI, Paradrop, and other sodware to adapt and develop interoperable gigabit Apps.

Connect Connect DTS to other Smart Gigabit CommuniAes DTS’ to share and receive interoperable gigabit Apps.

EvoluAon TransiAon DTS to commercial infrastructure (long term goal).


+ $


Technical Lead IdenAfy and vet a local Technical Lead ASAP to help community with DTS and to port apps to DTS. Lead should dedicate 1+ days per week of their Ame to SGC. Send Lead choice to US Ignite who will fund up to $30k of Lead’s salary. $3


us-ignite.org Smart Gigabit Communi>es Ac>vi>y Guide No DTS With US Ignite, determine the strategy for DTS, order equipment and install (funded by US Ignite) Developers can temporarily use another GENI rack for Apps development. Begin Community and ApplicaAons acAviAes.

Have DTS When you have a Digital Town Square (DTS) with a GENI rack, or are in the process of seqng one up, your community is ready for gigabit App development. Begin Community and ApplicaAons acAviAes.


Looking forward to working with you to build awesome Smart Gigabit Communi>es

Thank you!


[email protected] @drnishal