
HOLE'S CREW PUTS HOPE IN HOLE AFTER WEIRD GAME, 24·23 Hooker &lid Van Hazel Removed tor Bouah Work. JI opo wa s defeated by tho Ora nt! apids Y. M. C. A. H\'o for the second time this leAson, lho le ore being 2{· 23. It was a tougb gamo to lose as H ope ha,1 out·played lind outstoied the " ¥" ill Ihe flut bnlf, 17 ·) 1. III the 3eeo llli h .. lt howc\' cr th \'i itor ('n me hoek .. , , nllil with the ni,1 of fresh s uustitutes "nlllo through with the gnme. The .,hi1>itioll was rough [rom stn rt t il flllish.J lo pc "tnrted tbe gnme by shooting hnK ket. right nllll len. II nrl the gnllle gOlle 011 ill n,e gecoII<1 hAl! n. ill tho IIr st 1I 0\,e \\'ouhl hR'·. gottoll hl"r (h"srr\'c il vid or:,. World Upside Down-Kuizenga " Make Democrac;v We tor World, " 8a1s Van Kenan tile rlny of for college was duly oh ervcd nt 1I0po in a very Insllir' illg "'rvi'c hold 111 Ibe cbapel. A Inrgo crowlI, including repres entatives trom the \' UriOllS churchrs in town as well O.:f Ih e elll i re student body, was pres nt. Tho 8,·rvi,·e. wcre nldeed inspiriijg. Wa Io n,', Iouol " cry few s ucll during tbls "" hoot yeur, Ur .• John E. Kuizeugn, '09, of West · ,orol 'millnrl', Sllo ko forcibly rubout Ihe Ilt..-g l'nt situution. nill he: n The ,,"orlol is down nnd it i. for you s t" ,lent. 10 turn It right ide ti p, ' I I (So too, ,I he eontinucd, I I ther e no many illrlivlduals who aro wrong , itle up b .. ·uuso they nre not right with 1 ,""< eh" , t. ," II i pI en to t l,o stu · MISS SCHUURMAN WINS IN ANNUAL ORATORICAL' MEET Will Represent Hope lot Mareh 1 "'aJlmuoo, Last k ' riday afternoon tbe Ladies' Oratorioal Contest was beld iD tho Adminlstrntion Room of Winants Chap· el. Altbo only two contcs tnDts took l onrt the cootelt proved to be very io· teresling. The only thing that is to be Ile)llore<1, however, II Ihat lo. f e\'l' or lhe Indi cs found tion a to exe rt tbrm · il' h' (IM in Ihis direction, Tho ju dges both on th ot and delivery ., ·cre the 1U •• ea Vnn Rnalte 011, 1 Huut , ln,l the Mes rs. De Boer, Heuainldveld, ln ,l ykcrk. Ilittrary IItpartn1tnt THE DAWlf OF A NlIW DAY I mercy aDd when he refused .he railed her bands be.eeebiD,ly toward th Slowly tb e weltern lun laDk below mountain aDd pra,etl u &he bad .e." the horizon. Quie t and peaee brooded I prayed before. Tbe child'. lIlother, over l and and sea. Twilight fell .0U· crazed wltb grief, fOUDd DO comtort Ia :y upon tbe waiting earlb and, u It the sympatb.Uc expr_IolII ot her deepened, Mount Pelee loomed lilte a many friends. Tbe priest Iilea" buge, black m .... agaiDst Ibe darken- frowning darkly at Ibll UIlUIUal demo •• ing . ky. The mountaiD I. volcaDlc anJ ItraUon •• \Villor,l, Ot4 for lh lillt" l, in th e seroll<l hn !f, ' 0111 0 t hrough with tu th- till! 1' (Hlllt :lull froUl tln'" on it Wll" n nip-nnll.turk I, ntt:e. Vnll 1111 1.01 nlld lI oo ker \\'er,' put 0 1l t IIf tllt' J,!'tlllll' r Uf rllugh tudic"'. "Orl righl with hrilitj Atltl The lirst spenker of the afternoon was Miss J onn Poh ., ' ) , whose sub · jel·t wn s, " By the Side of th e Road." •• Poll mode 0 atroag nnd IIr);ent I ,leR for the worklng·girl of the l arger ·iti CA . every few years belcbe. fottlt lire and A .udden lIuh of red, a .bower of sulphur. Tbe HawaLian people for Oer)' sparo, and a low dull ruml. WaDY decatlel bad offered living sacri- ca no ed the wbole eo mp:D, to ur. fle .. to tbe mountal!, wbenever it wu , around. Tb.re bebiDd r_ tbt in a at ate of diarupUon. Tbey ,believed I terrible god, theat enlJlg ud r ....... tbat th e god of fir e dwelt ID Ih' moun· tul. Tben the gllle of maa, wudlted tain, and when anyone ot tbe inbabi-I back to tbe croucbing tor_ before the tall of th e Is land bad committed a pr ie.t. A eiDgle thot lIubed iato thl sin, the would sbow hi. wrath aDd i mind of eacb one prtlent, Would tbe. demand atonemellt. From tbe foot of innoeeDt c reaturel have to perllbf the mountoin a wide landy beaeb I Was tbere aotbiD, tbat could .av. sloped down to th e water'. edge. Tbe them! AI If iD alllwer to tbe Iilut mOOD, which had been hiding bebind A long lug of eacb beart Ibout wu .:o ud, now calli e forth and lent ila .oft hoard iD the di.tanee: "llaIte wa, for silvery beams down UpOD a lOene dl .. tbe Queen." J.. the nallYN with bow' turlbed oDly by rumbling In the . ed toreblad. toucbiD, tb.l&Ild, a .tat.- t. i\tlo did Ibat mOQn hllag· ' Iy proeeuiDn puaed bet ore the .. F1nt ino whAt I ragodlu and what jo)' were ca me the queeD '. attendaDt. twel .. to lake place Ibere before it finally taU men aDtI twelve taU .an k to ro t beyond the oeean wave.. beariDg a lilver waDd. Th., walU4 .. lI ,ille, nn,1 Willa,,1 were th e s ta" for t li(' ,. yt', IIl'c Ul tIn 3nll :\ ,' kom p ,Ji,I Il ul'"'s hell"y work. utllllln ry :- Oran ,1 1l . I"rls "Y ' '- ( 24 ) Bro" II .. . L. F. ('ohk lI nines, Will,,,,1 Ii nilles, Cook lI ooker, Kll owllon n. f. C L. O. llope-(2:Q tr !a l\ykamll Ramnker Vnn Dc Roo , " nnE.s, ilis R. G. K:Olllparen! z'ie:u h3.ke t -Heem. tra, 6, :\ ykoml' 4, lln iu 'co :1, 1I 00krr 2, Willard 2, Co ok Brown. Free Thr ow - Hee mstrn :1 oul of 6, lionker .; out of 9, Brown lout of 2. Referee-Olds of Granu Rnpi t! ' South lIigh. Till1 cr-Dalellloerg. ' or cr.- Do ker, Gruml Rariu s; . , holtell lI opr. ----- -- Ben Greet Players Please Large Crowd Render "The Pala.ce of Truth" In )II1gh·Olass Jltyle. 011 Ihe night uf Jan. : n, the Booll Gr rr t l' :3 YU8 pre cuteu Uilberl '8 I j T hl' 41 1'0 In('('1 "r Truth, II in W illRUts ('bolll'!. Bel' nu , (' of th e frigi 'l tenll,(' rn tll !r ill it was 10 ho ld t hr Iwrforrnnnce iu tbe chape l. In !'Ipite of th e smull autl otltt ·r h nn llif'n p8 Iht' l'O l1l puny rellll('rrti t li lt splltll dil! piny in nn PX'('tlIlf'lIt IIInnne·, The I'laye .. nil Iheir parl< we 'l nrH) "how l'11 Ih l' 1I1ll1il'lIre Ih nt ihi'Y were n'lll udor .i 011 11 adrCIJ"I(,14, \Y ilh , out n dou bt I IH'," Ih'l'J up to II ", r f' !III . tnt ton wh it,h Ihe Ren Orert p:llyen (Iii tnh:i"l!ed ill Holland s('\'rrnl Yl'nrs It wns 8ur('l y n tr rnt anll r8fl ' pri\'j lrge to hear pln,"('rs ur Slll,h n' lIU\\ II. thru IIi, POWH hrll' "'" Ihis lopsy· wry.v \\" or: tl n·right." The Hev, ' V. ,J. Vnn Kersen, IOU, of he fl r"",1 of Foreigll ).lission", R. C. A. "h·lh·errtl nn ellunlly lirring ad · Irt- hn,·ing". erviec JI as his lo lr. . IIhl lor: "Our duty i8 not alonr to lUake Ih e \\, orld safe for democr3"y, hut t o mnk e nfe for tbe .",,,1,1." li e pl,'arled for 'hris t ioll lend· 'r K, " oth nt h011le Aml obroad, wh o ,Ioall 01" Ih e:r )lurt i ll the ' world' s greAt 'ntHI'" towarrl till' gllnl of : ll ' IlCr. ---0>--- face fact Of Evil Squarely " God Does Not Want Christian Sdent- lats Who Den1 Presence ot Wrong and Pain" Decwta Dr . Van Der Meulen A (riclld III tho coUe ge cOlltribote. fullowing item frUIII Ii 'iti('ngo pu'l· H l' ol inn rC'gnftlillg th e work of Dr, J olJlI . 11. I'nll Uer '91, postor of the /irs t l'Ilurl:h, Oak Park, II:i lloi q: "T he 3l'l'u unt of the of he ArllWlI inu14 h," Tu rks mnde n fo rill illg ,l lIr. ,0< 101 ,1 by Dr. Vnn Der \I l' ill dl 0. 1 th l' First lir e bylninn I,ur,'" InK t Sunday murni ng. The hll tl' li \\O f! pu ck(' ,1 10 carat·i t., ·, both un :" lI uur nnfl ":tilrry, nntI t he sermon ua llt' n I'rufuulI tl i mp ression 0 11 th e :I rg:f' :Hl lI l(l nf' e, Thc sero nt! lll,1 Hll al speaker wnO Gertrude huurman, 'I, who 'poke on the subject, "Un to the Le ast of T hese." M' s Schuurman made nn lppenl for the chilrlren of the wnr· rountrit'5 of Europe. Tho jndgr. nwnrtled Ioer fir st plR re. he "i ll he flope '8 repre ,en tot! ve In tho O. L. rOlltest to be beld at Kal rna'.oo IiI ear ly Moro h. We feel eunfl · Ilcnl Ihat Seh uurman will ba a "ery worthy representntive and that .he will co ily uphold the reputntion wh io h Hope hns eslablf.hed in foro;er )'ears, . _-- .... --- NOTICE I" order to correct. tendeftCy iD .ome quarto .. to hold tbe colle,. authoriti •• ,o.pon.iblo for aU.,od mi.,talemenh in recent Ancho, edito,ial .ntitlod , "S latelman.hip Run Amuck." the under I,ned d •• ir •• 10 .tate that be, and he alone, .hould b. h.ld accountable for the utteranc e, The editorial appeared without the knowled.e of .ith.r the .raculty or the ldminillration, the ADchor beiDI .mel· Iy a .tudent publication. Walter A. SobohoD Q THE AIR SERVICl THE TRAlNINq OF ,\N AlRMAN - The Ir.11I11I1( 01 new air· I Il' II i. onr of the lII os t sole lltlflc anrl ' hr ","'t fn . ·l nR l lllg oo"rHeO or .tudy " . .. c,·or.·eu. It has e"ory need to be cientill. Ibecau.e it provides a gener· Ii kll o\\'leJge 01 tho ,,'orld '. neweat The lolltude was broken b, a sudden witb slow and rllytbmic tread, wnlJll hunt of lau "bter. Tbe next momeat a their wanda as tbey went. The qllMs group of yOUDg men and maldenl all' follo"ed. Sbe wu drelled iD a 1_ peared 011 the beaeb. On tbey came, wbite robe and wore DO ornament&. Th; wbirllllg and dan cIng, grace. tu\ in tV- eued iD IItonllhmeat at cry movomo"l. They frolicked 011 tbe tbe sorrowing group, tbe craud bride moonlit lands , they pu.hed one anotbcr and tbe motber, the figurel before the Into the wat er, tho)' laugh.d, &houted old man, and lalUy at tb. lIeret old a nd Bang ID youthful happlnen. Not priest himaelt. once c1hl they "Ivll' a thot to tbe ller, "Wby do I .. e .ucb IIDbappy p"- furnace behind Ihem. Not once did p:e bere'" uked tbe qllJ!en ill 10ft, tbey dream of tbe comIng evU. They low voIce. were young and car efree, tbiDkiDg only Tbe prl .. t anlwlred her b, polatiD, of tb el r present elljoym.nt. As they lint toward the red crater of tbe mOllll- were maldng merry a taU maa elotb· taiD aDd tben toward the erouebiD, ed.l n n long white garment and carr, · vletlma. ing a long pole In hll band eame to- Brea'king abruptly awa, from th war ds th em . ThOle In tbe gay com· kindly bands tbat held per, the hrid. 1'4ny immediately lett their play and rushed forward aDd tlung herself at thl .ea ted them .elvOII In a seml-elrcle UJKlD queen's feet. GeDtly the queen railed the RaDd, behind tbem tbe mountain, the unfortunate woman and eomforted hefore them tbe rippling waten of tbo her witb loothlng words . ocean cree pini (Iu letly and lazily UpOD " Tell me wbat your trouble it and I Ih e K trand . .. -- will do all '!n my power to help 'Oil," "Men ana maiden.s," thua tile old SOlid tbe qUteD. lIIall began, "you kn ow wllo I am. For "Aht il you can be1p m..........d I lOony year I have held the .. ered of· know you can_ave my buaband. OulT fi re of priest to tbe go d of Pelee. Du... thl. morniDr .. I sunrise .... re w. mad. :ng my le"'ice tbe great god UI caU· IDan aDd wile and no ... the terrible IOd cd tw ice tor vicUm. DOW he calls Pelee bu stamped bim II a eaerlJlee." again. Loo , be'im\ you. Bee bow he "Yea, I can ud will un him, ""1 .e" d. flr' of his wrath, XDow chiltl. Have no furtber fear tor hll not Ihat he Is angry aDd must be life." Then turning to the wonderla, appeased! I co me \o.I,M to claim crOWd, the queen co ntiDued thUl, "Oh victims. The raalll' god must be III· my people, tbere ba, lately came to m. iofi ed. Who of you tlare defy bi, law' a wonderful revelation. It rearll ke Who of you I. th ere wit bout ain f" a lalry·.tory. It was told to me by a The sponker en led. Slowly the fom· mllNlionary from over tbe II" and I pany arose, tear, angulsb and terror do · want all of you to know tb. preelou pie l ed In e"ery.faee. The prieat aelzad s tory . God, in hi, goo<!nell, mad. IIlID his pole and slowly swept It along tbe good too. Tbe Great ODe who mad. seml·elrele of terr ified !Hawaiians. Ea ch man toolc care of him and watched 0.', one reco iled as the JKll e reaebed blm, him. But m.an did DOt obey hi. Kabr' A:though the IlIlIn e. of (jill""t nn,1 . .. Sul1i,' nn nre uS'tl311y eo upl('ll to gr ther ., Pro \'u ulll'r u:e n ia ld In p3rt h l' rl' IIt ' rl 'r hLC.'lI tl 'qual I ,i th.· Anll l' :tu lun V l' rscl' ut iufI of 1111.1.", Olll' hnlf Ih (' AfllI l·ul :ilt IIHtion - IlIl' mi llio n Itl'UI,ie- lllt'II, WOIIIOII null ,h Ltl rt' H, hun' hl'1I killri.l or 1": \"'1 1 t .h· ulh the Turks sin {O e lit' of tht, woro The \ rllli 'n: ull i nn' thi.' g rt.' lIt ral 'C Ir 1II 1HIl 'r n t i llll' i. T hl'.\' n rc pl'r:iCI' uh'l l \\" 1 11l' they ,\ : 11 nut ghl' tip 'hri tinnity It il'U ( Ot' &j It IIni every ce rtainty of be· :1111' "ecause it goes far Into : he lIIy ,' lertl" of fl igh t, of wireless, of 'Odl ' 3, of rE' t' onnniss8nce , It is stimulat· .J nil the way tbru, moreover, by thaI rre. ;' lih :c urg e of 1I0ti ulla ilervl ee 1111( 1 lOy Ihe kllowledge Ihat evory bit of Idd, ',1 .kill gailled will return with In · lor 'I In OU8 of t ho e fo r th co ming c rl l- '3 In the ki es of }'rsnee. fearing that It would claim him as , ond in an evil moment .in whom lOogiat "ietim. It Iwep t nearl, tbe wbol! God's creature out and be t.n. Th1a semi ·ci rcle when suddenly it slopped mueb, my people, w. have boWl! tor and pointed directly to a young man a number of yeal'l, but tbere II more, who !t ad just been married tbat very There I, a blelled trutb wbich wid mornIng. A ery of horror ' burst from make ua all happier and will take awa, el'e ry throat. Slowly the man thl. needle .. deetruetlon ot bllJUn Ute. cd' wllh clutched haDdl and wildly .Ia"Years paned by IDd 011. eaIa, Ing ey el and tbrew bimself inelde lb. elear nigbt a me ... ge of fllHIlbaeat _ tlOb ooed ei rele which the prleet had walted down trom .tarry .k, b, drawn around hi m. Tbe hride, throlY' an aDgel tbroDg. The 1I1rllt w.. Ing uide aU re.trl cUOIII, cut heraelf clear, beautltul nlgbt, just Ilk ...u upon the pro trate bod,y oT ber bu,· one, but, <Ih, wbat a dIlrereat "uel X. band wllb the ery, "Spare blm, Bpare tbe beayeDi angel. were ADP" do". him, P elee, .pa r e him." But tbe ery below tbe .bepherrll w... lIe.plar wsa useln3. ver tbelr &heep. 'ft." h .. ra '" Iil(lrnry or Ih e "Ienm" wall a: 80 0. s ne cesl'ful dra1llatist AS we!! no librett i t fo r Ih ' lI1u ,ic of ulli' ·oll . , He wa s resllonsihle fur sO llie of til! mOM t ellwer :ines in Ih e .FJIIglish drAmR , and Illoywrighh today ron ('(Ie hi. re · portce to be 1'l"".1<. " The Pala re of Truth tt is on{' of hi M b(l51 eO Tll c'l i(,5 1 one thot is eonsidered a elo.slc as s.t're on human wcnkOt'!l SC8, It is tl I I ""airy I'honto y" and tell. Ihe story of n ",ylhi r nl .. Killg Phnllrr" who bo. an ('nchuut l" d pn: nc:e wherr ryeryone is bonnd to tell the 1, lnl Dcst ttulh, an,1 ot th e sn nl(' ti lll t ho e iUlio cen t hAve 111) th nt they nre A trom thc u.uol polite pol1, s. It WU . . Up OD tb ll p:ot that Willinm Co ll ier '. "Noth ing But the Tr uth' wn1 bnso,l, the tl reu mstall eel being worked into 0 modern se tting. .. EH' II ElIgluml iu Ih c PfIst hAS been I 10 Ihllt the 1li .. tn 'atllH l ut of Ih i!4 rUArtyr rnr e In 'cfurll fur CUIIIIII(·rt'inl nl1,' nn to gCII III I'e ,a in. Dr. \'nlllh'r Mrulen ."liI 10< l lo ot Gn ' lil'olli wn . a VlIlli hlll e ni of f;"K lulI ll lor her neglerl to dr fend t he ('Ioristilln. In the Tu rk}"h rmplre. A s tr iking I'l : mnx to tne aerDlon cam e 'n tbe dramati c s totement 'God rIo I lot forget I he . 1111 of IIntion. nny more ' hnn th. s in. of indi,·IJunl • .' li e In,'r n:d, I No IIUC r on 8hu t his CArR to 'Ioe "ir 1 of ulTering hllmallity all,1 be Kllilt :,,",. Go,1 ducs not wnnt hri l inn '. ' l'n tid ', who deny the of wrollll nllrl I lllin- bllt IIl1r se_, <loclor. '1It1 s ol l llers who w!:H ng to fR ee 10 fn 'I"oroly an rl recognl.e C\'\1 nnll wrong ill the world and are willilli! to figbt 10 help remove them ,.', Th. rounD Is divided Inlo three lilH·t I t')I.- the ground schools, the 80 hool1 In this counlry, and tho IlIn l advanceu flyln" .e llo ob ahroad . This hri been ucees ary beeau'8 It pr. · "I, I('s on ndmlrnble lUealll of melUlurln ir t be lIIen anll rnpldly and 10gi.ally sift· itlg out of tht' uafit; anr! aleo be ca use :t allows Ihe grent",t mobia.allon of re ou r ee -tbe big Universities In th is country for the preliminary tecbnlcal lI'orle, tb e new fl ying fields here Am eric a 'a good plt n", ull Pap) Again the po:e went on Its wonderlul .oag of the ...... ai, JourDey, tbi' time seleetlDg a ehUd. and huteaed, that """e aJr't, to Utt, The littl e rusbed forward witll " I plaee to wblch tile, had bee. dlreetacL wild s hl ek' and earl heraelf Jll'one npon A mUe and a Ulf, P',lIape two d .. tbe J"ound bealde tbe otber victim. A' awa" the ton of Betllleh ... ..., l eene tolloweG. Tbe bride ·. ,ears ago a Idar taa eoae froa · ". continued 10 plead for. ber dear ODe '. plaee, and 1I0W, OD WI _vallie lite. Sbe begged the prleat to llaVt



Transcript of 02-06-1918

Page 1: 02-06-1918

41v~o=I~==~XX~X;;====================~H~O~P~E~C~O~L~LE~G~E~'~H~o~II~~dF, ~M~i~~·8~~~,~W~~S=n~~y~.~Fe~b~RW=y~6.~19~18~========================N~=~h.~26 HOLE'S CREW PUTS


Hooker &lid Van Hazel Removed tor Bouah Work.

JI opo was defea ted by tho Orant! • apids Y. M. C. A. H\'o for the second

time this leAson, lho leore being 2{·23. It was a tougb ga mo to lose as H ope ha,1 out·played lind outstoied the " ¥" ill Ihe flut bnlf, 17· ) 1. III the 3eeo llli h .. lt howc\'cr th \'i itor ('n me hoek .. , , nllil with the ni,1 of f resh suustitutes "nlllo through with the gnme.

Th e .,hi1>itioll was rough [rom stnrt

t il flllish.J lopc "tnrted tbe gnme by shooting hnKket . right nllll len. II nrl the gnllle gOlle 011 ill n,e gecoII<1 hAl! n. ill tho IIrst 1I 0\,e \\'ouhl hR'·. gottoll

hl"r (h"srr \'c il vid or:,.

World Upside Down-Kuizenga

" Make Democrac;v We tor World, " 8a1s Van Kenan


'rh ~ rlny of I'rll~'" for college was duly oh ervcd nt 1I0po in a very Insllir' illg "'rvi'c hold 111 Ibe cbapel. A Inrgo crowlI, including representatives trom the \' UriOllS churchrs in town as well O.:f

Ihe elll ire student body, was pres nt. Tho 8,·rv i,·e. wcre nldeed inspiriijg. Wa Io n,', Iouol "cry few sucll during tbls

"" hoot yeur, Ur .• John E. Kuizeugn, '09, of West·

,orol 'millnrl', Slloko forcibly rubout Ihe Ilt..-gl'nt situution . nill he: n The ,,"orlol is lI ~i ,le down nnd it i. for you ,·" l. e ~,· st",lent. 10 turn It right ide ti p, ' I I (So too, ,I he eontinucd, I I there

no many illrlivlduals who aro wrong , itle up b .. ·uuso they nre not right with 1,""< eh", t. ," II i pI en to t l,o stu·


ORATORICAL' MEET Will Represent Hope lot

Mareh 1


Last k' riday afternoon tbe Ladies' Oratorioal Contest was beld iD tho Adminlstrntion Room of Winants Chap· el. Altbo only two contcstnDts took lonrt the cootelt proved to be very io· teresling. Th e only thing that is to be Ile)llore<1, however, II Ihat lo. fe\'l' or lhe Indi cs found tion a to exert tbrm· il'h ' (IM in Ihis direction,

Tho judges both on thot and delivery .,·cre the 1U •• ea Vnn Rnalte 011,1 Huut , ln,l the Mes rs. De Boer, Heuainldveld, ln,l ykcrk.

Ilittrary IItpartn1tnt THE DAWlf OF A NlIW DAY I mercy aDd when he refused .he railed

her bands be.eeebiD,ly toward th Slowly tbe weltern lun laDk below mountain aDd pra,etl u &he bad .e."

the horizon. Quiet and peaee brooded I prayed before. Tbe child'. lIlother, over land and sea. Twilight fell .0U· crazed wltb grief, fOUDd DO comtort Ia :y upon tbe waiting earlb and, u It the sympatb.Uc expr_IolII ot her deepened, Mount Pelee loomed lilte a many friends. Tbe priest ~tood Iilea" buge, black m .... agaiDst Ibe darken- frowning darkly at Ibll UIlUIUal demo •• ing . ky. The mountaiD I. volcaDlc anJ ItraUon •

• • \Villor,l, Ot4 ~U1J8tilll t c for lhlillt" l, in the seroll<l hn!f, ' 0111 0 t hrough wit h fnoll~h lm ~ k l· t !l tu th- till! 1' (Hlllt :lull

froUl tln' " on it Wll" n nip-nnll .turk I,ntt:e. Vnll 11111.01 nlld lI ooker \\'e r,'

put 0 1l t IIf tllt' J,!'tlllll' r Uf rllugh tudic"'.

1 1 1'1I1~ \\'a ~ "Orl righl with hrilitj Atltl

Th e lirst spenker of the afternoon was Miss J onn Poh ., ' ) , whose sub· jel·t wns, " By the Side of th e Road." ~Ii •• Poll mode 0 atroag nnd IIr);ent I,leR for the worklng·girl of the larger

·itiCA .

every few years belcbe. fottlt lire and A .udden lIuh of red, a .bower of sulphur. Tbe HawaLian people for Oer)' sparo, and a low dull ruml. WaDY decatlel bad offered living sacri- canoed the wbole eomp:D, to ur. fle .. to t be mountal!, wbenever i t wu , around. Tb.re bebiDd t~.m r_ tbt in a at ate of diarupUon. Tbey ,believed I terrible god, theatenlJlg ud r ....... tbat th e god of fire dwelt ID Ih' moun· tul. Tben the gllle of maa, wudlted tain, and when anyone ot tbe inbabi-I back to tbe croucbing tor_ before the tall of the Island bad committed a prie.t. A eiDgle thot lIubed iato thl sin, the go~ would sbow hi. wrath aDd i mind of eacb one prtlent, Would tbe. demand atonemellt. From tbe foot of innoeeDt creaturel have to perllbf the mountoin a wide landy beaeb I Was tbere aotbiD, tbat could .av. sloped down to th e water'. edge. Tbe them! AI If iD alllwer to tbe Iilut mOOD, which had been hiding bebind A long lug of eacb beart • Ibout wu .:oud, now calli e forth and lent ila .oft hoard iD the di.tanee: "llaIte wa, for silvery beams down UpOD a lOene dl .. tbe Queen." J.. the nallYN with bow ' turlbed oDly by t~o rumbling In the . ed toreblad. toucbiD, tb.l&Ild, a .tat.­mount~in . t. i\tlo did Ibat mOQn hllag· ' Iy proeeuiDn puaed betore the .. F1nt ino whAt I ragodlu and what jo)' were came the queeD '. attendaDt. twel .. to lake place Ibere before it finally taU men aDtI twelve taU wo~., eae~ .ank to ro t beyond the oeean wave.. beariDg a lilver waDd. Th., walU4


lI ,ille, nn,1 Willa,,1 were th e sta" for t li(' ,. yt', IIl'c Ul tIn 3nll :\ ,,'kom p

,Ji,I Il ul'"'s hell"y work. utllllln ry :-

Oran ,1 1l . I"rls "Y ' '- (24 )

Bro" II .. . L. F. ( 'ohk lI nines, Will,,,,1

Ii nilles, Cook lI ooke r, Kll owllon

n. f.

C L. O.

ll ope-(2:Q n l'~JII tr!a


Ramnker Vnn Ha z~1

Dc Roo,

" nnE.s, ~ I ilis R. G. K:Olllparen! z' ie:u h3.ket -Heem. tra, 6, :\ykoml'

4, lln iu'co :1, 1I 00krr 2, Willard 2, Cook Brown. Free Throw - Hee mstrn :1 oul

• of 6, li onker .; out of 9, Brown lout of 2. Referee-Olds of Granu Rnpit!' South lIigh. Till1 cr-Dalellloerg. 'or cr.-Do ker, Gruml Rarius; . , holtell

lI opr. -------

Ben Greet Players Please Large Crowd

Render "The Pala.ce of Truth" In )II1gh·Olass Jltyle.

011 Ihe night uf Jan. :n, th e Booll Grrr t l' :3 YU8 pre cut eu Uilberl '8 I j Thl'

41 1'0 In('('1 "r Truth, II in WillRUts ('bolll'!. Bel'nu, (' of th e frigi 'l tenll,(' rn tll !r i ll

'arni"~ i r G~' lniln si lllll, it was n rl""\s'\r~'

10 hold t hr Iwrforrnnnce iu tbe chape l. I n !'Ipite of th e smull st:l~l' autl otltt·r hnn llif'n p8 Iht' l'O l1l puny rellll('rrti t li lt splltlldil! piny in nn PX'('tlIlf'lIt IIInnne·,

The I'laye .. nil pla~' etl Iheir parl < we'l nrH) "howl'11 Ihl' 1I1ll1il'lIre Ih nt ihi'Y were n 'lll udor.i 01111 adrCIJ"I(,14, \Y ilh,

out n dou bt I IH'," Ih'l'J up to II" , r f' !III .

tnt ton wh it,h Ihe Ren Orer t p:llyen (Iii

t nh:i"l!ed ill Holland s('\'rrn l Yl'nrs 3~(),

It wns 8ur('l y n tr rnt anll r8fl' pri\' j lrge to hear pln,"('rs ur Slll,h n ' lIU\\ II.

thru IIi , POWH hrll' "'" Ihis lopsy· wry.v \\"or:tl n·right."

The Hev, ' V. ,J. Vnn Kersen, IOU, of • he fl r"",1 of Foreigll ).lission", R. C. A."h·lh·errtl nn ellunlly lirring ad· Irt- hn,·ing". erviec JI as his k r~'"

lo lr. . IIhl lor: "Our duty i8 not alonr to lUake Ih e \\,orld sa fe for democr3"y, hut t o mnk e d C Dlocroc~' nfe for tbe .",,,1,1." li e pl,' arled for 'hrist ioll lend·

' rK, " oth nt h011le Aml obroad, who ,Ioall 01" Ih e:r )lurt ill the 'world's greAt 'ntHI' " towarrl till' gllnl of uni\'(~nul

:ll' IlCr. ---0>---

face fact Of Evil Squarely

" God Does Not Want Christian Sdent­lats Who Den1 Presence ot Wrong

and Pain" Decwta Dr. Van Der Meulen

A (riclld III tho coUege cOlltribote. ! h~ fullowing item frUIII Ii 'iti('ngo pu'l· Hl' olinn rC'gnftlillg th e work of Dr, J olJlI .11. I'nll Uer ~I e lllcll, '91, postor of the /irs t l"' n'~Lylrr i:Ul l'Ilurl:h, Oak Park, II:i lloi q:

" The 3l'l'u unt of the p~r.s eeution of he ArllWlI inu14 h," th~ Tu rks mnde n fo rill illg ,l lIr.'· ,0< 101,1 by Dr. Vnn Der

\ I l' i l l dl 0. 1 th l' Firs t lire bylninn

I,ur,'" InKt Sunday murni ng. The hll tl' li \\O f! puck(',1 10 carat·i t.,·, both un :" lI uur n nfl ":til rry, nntI t he sermon ua llt' n I'rufuulI tl imp ression 011 th e :I rg:f' :Hl lI l(lnf' e,

Th c seront! lll,1 Hll al speaker wnO ~Ii Gertrude huurman, 'I, who 'poke on the subject, "Unto the Least of T hese." M' s Schuurman made nn lppenl for the chilrl ren of the wnr· ~I rl.ken rountrit'5 of Europe. Tho jndgr. nwnrtled Ioer firs t plR re. he "i ll he flope '8 repre,en tot!ve In tho ~l O. L. rOlltest to be beld at Kal a· rna'.oo IiI early Moroh. We feel eunfl · Ilcnl Ihat ~fi8S Seh uurman will ba a "ery worthy representntive and that .he will co ily uphold the repu t ntion whioh Hope hns eslablf.hed in foro;er


._-- .... ---NOTICE

I" order to correct. tendeftCy iD .ome quarto .. to hold tbe colle,. authoriti •• ,o.pon.iblo for aU.,od mi.,talemenh in • recent Ancho, edito,ial .ntitlod, "S latelman.hip Run Amuck." the under • I,ned d •• ir •• 10 .tate that be, and he alone, .hould b. h.ld accountable for the utterance,

The editorial appeared without the knowled.e of .ith.r the .raculty or the ldminillration, the ADchor beiDI .mel· Iy a .tudent publication.

Walter A. SobohoD Edltor.in·Cbi~f



-The Ir.11I11I1( 01 ~",crleo', new a ir·

IIl' II i. onr of the lIIos t solelltlflc anrl ' hr ","'t fn. ·l nR l lllg oo"rHeO or .tudy " ... c,·or.·eu. It has e"ory need to be cientill. Ibecau.e it provides a gener· Ii kll o\\'leJge 01 tho ,,'orld '. neweat

The lolltude was broken b, a sudden witb slow and rllytbmic tread, wnlJll hunt of lau"bter. Tbe next momeat a their wanda as tbey went. The qllMs group of yOUDg men and maldenl all' follo"ed. Sbe wu drelled iD a 1_ peared 011 the beaeb. On tbey came, wbite robe and wore DO ornament&. Th; wbirllllg and dancIng, grace.tu\ in tV- new·eome~. eued iD IItonllhmeat at cry movomo"l. They frolicked 011 tbe tbe sorrowing group, tbe craud bride moonlit lands, they pu.hed one anotbcr and tbe motber, the figurel before the Into the water, tho)' laugh.d, &houted old man, and lalUy at tb. lIeret old and Bang ID youthful happlnen. Not priest himaelt.

once c1hl they "Ivll' a thot to tbe ller, "Wby do I .. e .ucb IIDbappy p"­

furnace behind Ihem. Not once did p:e bere'" uked tbe qllJ!en ill • 10ft, tbey dream of tbe comIng evU. They low voIce.

were young and carefree, tbiDkiDg only Tbe prl .. t anlwlred her b, polatiD, of tb el r present elljoym.nt. As they lint toward the red crater of tbe mOllll­were maldng merry a taU maa elotb· taiD aDd tben toward the erouebiD, ed.l n n long white garment and carr, · vletlma. ing a long pole In hll band eame to- Brea'king abruptly awa, from th wards them. ThOle In tbe gay com· kindly bands tbat held per, the hrid. 1'4ny immediately lett their play and rushed forward aDd tlung herself at thl .eated them.elvOII In a seml-elrcle UJKlD queen's feet. GeDtly the queen railed the RaDd, behind tbem tbe mountain, the unfortunate woman and eomforted hefore them tbe rippling waten of tbo her witb loothlng words . ocean creepini (Iu letly and lazily UpOD " Tell me wbat your trouble it and I Ihe Ktrand . .. -- will do all '!n my power to help 'Oil,"

"Men ana maiden.s," thua tile old SOlid tbe qUteD. lIIall began, "you know wllo I am. For "Aht il you can be1p m .......... d I lOony year I have held the .. ered of· know you can_ave my buaband. OulT fi re of priest to tbe god of Pelee. Du... thl. morniDr .. I sunrise .... re w. mad. :ng my le"'ice tbe great god UI caU· IDan aDd wile and no ... the terrible IOd cd tw ice tor vicUm. a~d DOW he calls Pelee bu stamped bim II a eaerlJlee." again. Loo, be'im\ you. Bee bow he "Yea, I can ud will un him, ""1 .e"d. forl~ t~e flr' of his wrath, XDow chiltl. Have no furtber fear tor hll ~·ou not Ihat he Is angry aDd must be life." Then turning to the wonderla, appeased! I come \o.I,M to claim th~ crOWd, the queen contiDued thUl, "Oh victims. The raalll' god must be III· my people, tbere ba, lately came to m. iofied. Who of you tlare defy bi, law' a wonderful revelation. It rearll ke Who of you I. there wit bout ain f" a lalry·.tory. It was told to me by a

Th e sponker en l ed. Slowly the fom· mllNlionary from over tbe II" and I pany arose, tear, angulsb and terror do· want all of you to know tb. preelou pie l ed In e" ery .fa ee. The prieat aelzad story. God, in hi, goo<!nell, mad. IIlID his pole and slowly swept It along tbe good too. Tbe Great ODe who mad. seml·elrele of terr ified !Hawaiians. Each man toolc care of him and watched 0.', one reco iled as the JKlle reaebed blm, him. But m.an did DOt obey hi. Kabr'

A:though the IlIlIne. of (jill""t nn,1 ... •

Sul1i,'nn nre uS'tl311y eoupl('ll togrther

., P ro \ 'u ulll' r ~I ( u:en ia ld In p3rt hl' rl' IIt' rl' r hll ~ hLC.'lI tl l )Ilr~ t"'cutioll

'qual I ,i th.· Anll l' :tu lun Vl' rscl' ut iufI of 1111.1.", Olll' hnlf Ih (' AfllI l·ul :ilt IIHtion­IlIl' mi llio n Itl'UI,ie- lllt'II, WOIIIOII null ,h Ltl rt'H, hun' hl'1I hrU I:1I1~o killri.l or 1": \"'11 t .h·ulh h~' the Turks sin {O e lit' 1h'~i IiJl ill g of tht, pr~sellt woro The \ rllli'n:ull i nn' thi.' grt.' lIt IIHlrt~o r ra l'C Ir 1II1HIl'r n t i llll' i. Thl'.\' nrc pl'r:iCI'uh'll

\\" 111l' ~I ohn ltlIlH~ t1l\n!l Lt'euu~e they ,\ :11 nut ghl' tip 'hri t innity

It il'U (Ot'&j It IIni every certainty of be· :1111' ra~<, "atlng "ecause it goes far In to :he lIIy,' lertl" of fl igh t, of wireless, of 'Odl' 3, of rE't'onnniss8nce, It is stimulat· .J nil the way tbru, moreover, by thaI rre. ;' lih:c urge of 1I0tiullailervlee 1111(1

lOy Ihe kllowledge Ihat evory bit of Idd,',1 .kill gailled will return with In· lor 'I In OU8 of tho e fo r thcoming crl l­'3 In the ki es of }'rsnee.

fearing that It would claim him as , ond in an evil moment .in whom lOogiat "ietim. It Iwept nearl, tbe wbol! God's creature out and be t.n. Th1a semi ·ci rcle when suddenly it slopped mueb, my people, w. have boWl! tor and pointed directly to a young man a number of yeal'l, but tbere II more, who !t ad just been married tbat very There I, a blelled trutb wbich wid mornIng. A ery of horror 'burst from make ua all happier and will take awa, el'ery throat. Slowly the man advan~· thl. needle .. deetruetlon ot bllJUn Ute. cd' wllh clutched haDdl and wildly .Iar· "Years paned by IDd 011. eaIa, Ing eyel and tbrew bimself inelde lb. elear nigbt a me ... ge of fllHIlbaeat _ tlObooed eirele which the prleet had walted down trom t~e .tarry .k, b, drawn around him. Tbe hride, throlY' an aDgel tbroDg. The 1I1rllt w.. • Ing uide aU re.trlcUOIII, cut heraelf clear, beautltul nlgbt, just Ilk • ...u upon the pro trate bod,y oT ber bu,· one, but, <Ih, wbat a dIlrereat "uel X. band wllb the ery, "Spare blm, Bpare tbe beayeDi angel. were ADP" do". him, P elee, .pare him." But tbe ery below tbe .bepherrll w... lIe.plar wsa useln3. at~h ver tbelr &heep. 'ft." h .. ra '"

• ~he Iil(lrnry 1IIl'1II1J ~ r or Ihe " Ienm" wall a:80 0. sne cesl'ful dra1llatist AS we!! no librett i t fo r Ih ' lI1u ,ic of ulli'·oll .


He was resllonsihle fur sOllie of ti l! mOMt ellwer :ines in Ihe .FJIIglish drAmR, and Illoywrigh h today ron ('(Ie hi. re· portce to be 1'l"".1<. " The Palar e of Truth tt is on{' of hiM b(l51 eO Tllc'l i(,51 one

thot is eonsidered a elo. slc as ~ s.t're on human wcnkOt'!lSC8, It is tl I I ""airy I'honto y" and tell . Ihe story of n ",ylhir nl .. Killg Phnllrr" who bo. an ('nchuut l"d pn:nc:e wherr ryeryone is bonnd to tell th e 1,lnlDcst ttulh, an,1 ot th e sn nl(' t illl t ho e iUliocen t victilll~

hAve 111) i~ca thnt they nre <I'l'artill~ A trom thc u.uol polite pol1,s. It WU.

. UpOD tb ll p:ot that Willinm Coll ier '. "Nothing But the Truth' wn1 bnso,l, the tl reu mstalleel being worked into 0

modern setting.

.. EH'II ElIgluml iu Ih c PfIst hAS been I I'nrt~· 10 trenli~'1 Ihllt I'e,," i tt~d the 1li .. t n 'atllHl ut of Ih i!4 rUArtyr rnre In 'cfurll fur CUIIIIII(·rt'inl nl1,'nn togCII III I'e ,a in. Dr. \'nlllh' r Mrulen . "liI 10< l lo ot Gn' lil'olli wn. a VlIlli hllleni of f;"K lulI ll lor her neglerl to dr fend t he ('Ioristilln. In the Tu rk}"h rmplre.

A striking I'l :mnx to tne aerDlon cam e ' n tb e dramati c stotement 'God rIo I

lot forget I he . 1111 of IIntion. nny more ' hnn th. sin. of indi,·IJunl • .' lie Int· ,'r n:d, I No IIUC ron 8hu t his CArR to 'Ioe "ir1 of ulTering hllmall ity all,1 be Kllilt :,,",. Go,1 ducs not wnnt hri l inn

'. ' l'n tid ' , who deny the llres~nrr of wrollll nllrl Illlin-bllt IIl1rse_, <loclor. '1It1 sol lllers who Rr~ w!:Hng to fR ee

10 fn t~ 'I"oroly anrl recognl.e C\'\1

nnll wrong ill t he world and are willilli! to figbt 10 help remove them ,.',

Th . rounD Is divided Inlo three di~· lilH·t I t')I.- the ground schools, the tl~' lng 80 hool1 In th is counlry, and tho IlInl advanceu flyln" .elloob ahroad. This hri been ucees ary beeau'8 It pr.· "I,I('s on ndmlrnble lUealll of melUlurlnir tbe lIIen anll rnpldly and 10gi.ally sift· itlg ou t of tht' uafit; anr! aleo because :t allows Ihe grent",t mobia.allon of re ou ree -tbe big Universities In th is country for the preliminary tecbnlcal lI'orle, tbe new flying fields here wlt~

America 'a good tr~ \ ninll' pltn", ull

-(CriiitlnQedOii'Lu~ Pap)

Again the po:e went on Its me~U"6 wonderlul .oag of the ...... ai, ~oet JourDey, tbi' time seleetlDg a ehUd. and huteaed, that """e aJr't, to Utt, The little g!~1 rusbed forward witll " I plaee to wblch tile, had bee. dlreetacL wild s hlek' and earl heraelf Jll'one npon A mUe and a Ulf, P',lIape two d .. tbe J"ound bealde tbe otber victim. A ' awa" I~, the ton of Betllleh ... ...,

~Ihetlo l eene tolloweG. Tbe bride ·. ,ears ago a Idar taa eoae froa· ". continued 10 plead for. ber dear ODe '. plaee, and 1I0W, OD WI _vallie lite. Sbe begged the prleat to llaVt

Page 2: 02-06-1918

m~t J\ur~nr Pullll.hed IVery Wedneaday dQring tbe • 011.,. year by .tudeol.l of Hope College

~ 01' BDI'fOIUl Idllor " .. .. WALTER A. SOHOLTEN. '18 Anool.t. Edlt.r ... " ... G • • r,. D.WIt~ ' 19 ",""or1 Edlt.r . . , .G.rtrude 8cbuurman. '18 Colle,. Reporter .. Jamal A. Ste.oman, '1 8 J.tbloll. Edlt. r." . 1I.mord D. Hlkken. . 18 EtchaD,tI Edllor . . •..•. lIary F., Geagb, ''20 Alumni £dltofl .• . ... .. A.llce E. Rup; t 19

J. bn L. Klcl"b.h~1. ' 18 Oampu. Edltorl ..••. . Harriet Z. DikeI', 'lg

....... P. t .. G. Ball .... ' 19 Rapid 11'1.. Edllo .. . .. Elb. t,. V •• pen. ' 18

• • Jolul R. D.t •• ber, . '1 9 BUSnnlSS DIlPAIl'l'JOlH'r "'.n.' ....... ELD'l1'lI> O. KUJZr, 'OA, '18

" H' l 8 \11, "gr ... 1I,1'On M. Droe.kema, '20 SUb .... lpll.. )lrr ..... Oborl.. DeVrl ... '19 ..... ·1 8ub. )lrr ... Ol.r •••• R. HHmJtrl, '19

.'1_ - tl.2li per roar In advance Blnil. oopies • • - • F1vo Cents

Entered allhe Post om.e 01 H.lland, Mlch l; . n lII.econd..clau man matter.

Altor len months of war there are till hundreds of tbou nuds of Ame.r!·

eoos wh o continue to .ICO wi th ostrich eye o.IlI who continue to march in tbe goo o· t ' l) of tho Koiser's parade ta perdition.After ten months of wor they fail to ronli.u thnt ,this combo t is a III II I h light. After ten mOllths of wa r thoy fnil to comprehend tho awful f net thut w( wrestle, not ngninst fl esh on(l blood 011: ', but ogal usl principolities, ogll ill I [.owers, ngoillst the rulers 01 the ,lorkll.' of this wor"l, "goillst spiri tllnl "lid III~IItnl alld 1I.0ral wieked· IIr .. ill .hlgh plnrcs. After tell months of the \\ 'Ir thoy fnll to rerogniz as the areh·enelll.'· of A III . ri ro tho very de"j] himself.

lt is I illle fur these persons to wake IIll-on" wokc lip 800n-or the dny will CUllle wl,oll tho h~1I will rlug fo r thorn ill tOiles II 'ilicd l)' ullpicoslllg to thoir e,,". This I. no time fo r stolla·pot t~onscrvnt ism, no t illle for stie'k· in· th r.· milO loyo lty, 110 tilllc for ·nt 's· pow rn· triotism.

"Thr .1t1ntl hn\' c 11 ('(1 11 Dwnkened! Rhnll I Icol" T h(' worl ll '8 at wn r with tyrants • h,,11 I crourh.

To tho . ·re8hlOn'II-111 coso of fire-­tlOII't rUII. Orooll 1II0t rial will not buru.

_:0 ;-

'hurehcs would probably flo fi lled It we hn" to sneok ill at a side (loor.

-:0 :-

Mr •. Durf~e was eonftnct! to ber be,1 two days 1n'1 week.

- : 0 :-

Bert Von A;k hu reeelltly been seeo playing wilh dice .• It· 0 shotly busi· lIe'8-plnyillg with dlco.

_ : 0: _

Jny ~L Dosker, ' 17, of thc Oraud llnpids New' , wns horo to rcport Iho Hope,I'Y" gn mc,

-:0:-Borllnrtl lI nkk~lI, 'I , leoves tor Chi·

~ !lgo tomorrow to tuke th o eXBminntion

for th o olr service. -:O!-

) \ n. J ohn Luxell of yu, kegon Ions a guest nt Voorhees Dormitory Thu •• ·

] S lllll1h l~r li nt. 'rile thorn is in III )' un~' .

••••••••••••••••• W. are lighting as truly tor the lib-

erty and aelt.goorernment ot the UD1ted States as If the war ot our own revolutloll had to be tought over again. aDd ever)' IIIIIl in evet}' business In the l1D1ted Btatea must know br thil! time tb&t h18 whole tuture tortune lies In the ballllCe.

- Woodrow Wilson. ...... ~ ......... . o


When Oarlylo donomillo ted mnsic .. th o speeeb of Buge:s," tbe crabbed old codger was probably uot th inking of tbe Hope J azz Bnnd, bllt thot tloc, nol alter tbe fae! thnl that orgon izo. tion is tbe livest crowd on the cnmpn. todoy. OU80 nnd hL. gnllg IIlOY I",,'e it on " J azz" Gilmno ' "'pany when il comes to hO""OIl),-4>lIt wh.t·, n lit· Ue discord between trieu ct.' ge' bock of the bnno, 011 yon omeles oC perfeet io n. Get back of the boys wh·) are throwing more wood on th e H ,pe home flre !n a ti ny th oll th e nrc can toke co re of ill 0 week.


If ' Vi tb the Americao army in Frnnep.: J anuory :II - The lODe American nl· dier whom tbe ,ermons tool: prisoner io W~dn~sdoy" trenrh rnid ogoins! th~ Amerieon Iinc. wus Private J ohn lUI. R ill, his ri fl c smnshed hy 0. ohell frog· Olent, was la.t seen sO\'lIgely fighting with his bore fi sts ogoi nst ftn cnelo,illJ,! ei rcle of boches. "

'tVllim tho his tory of t h i~ war is writ

ten th o nallle of I' ri ' otc J ohn .H ill

rout· h. Enrh do~' n t rulllp~ t soun ll ct h ill mill r


tr" cl'ho ill my henrt." o


It i li D st.rollg n,l\'erliselllent of pntri· olism that for se"crnl 1II0llths Hope' lIog hn . 1101 b"ell lli'pl n~·r'!. Bcfo .. thot Lim ~ it \\'0, flung out pc riod i~all)·.

of,·", do." or n wHk nt n t ime, and wlwlI it wns oul it rell10in ed out nigl. f and da.". hoth ,Ii. hou ori ng tho colo" and ruiuing' till' ballllcr. T he ~c-xn('t

l'nUi!l! or tid , IIfgligCIlCC we do not

kn ow, " lit \\e presume that the real rttl 011 i .. thnt no Ollt' WR S or is hcltl re-• p"n.iille to 'o~ Ihnt the f1ng is ui!!)lloy· 0,1 lind tok ell cnre of.

The fl og should be fl own ond it shollid he lIowlI e"ory dny nnd and not 311,V nigh t. nu t upon Wh0 111 is this im' portnnt (luty to ,Ic"olvc' Obviously, tloc collr~I' ollihorltie~ connot personnl· ly hoi~l it ('\,cry lIIo rnill~ nntI lower it r \'cry t· \ ' lllli lll!. No rnore is it nn Oni(fI

to be ril l rll , t r,1 tn 0 jnnit.... The log:· ('ol !llIlut io ll is to l'lItrust it to orne or· L:':lll izution wi th rltollgh members i.(\

r nnl, lc t h(l l1l In tuk e turns of sho rt per­io, l, to I,erfo,," th e tOH k. 1'he 10e,I or· ~nll j lnl hm iii! the ,.F',o'thmnll C;nss. ' Ve

~lI prO Iol:f' , lIowo\'('r , thnl if it were a! · 1(, lIIpll1ll t (l Jay thn t. uilligation nrOll the Frrshl1l{'ll, in . tcf1l1 of bei ng rerei';· l'II :1S UII hOllurrtl trust il wou lt! he COli ­.. itlllrt"·.1 :1" morc II unjust di cr imi II:! t ioll" nil,] as all olt~IIl,,1 of t be upper l' Jn ~{'s to "Iorl) it" o\'cr thc poor Pr~sh it' ~, It slud lit ntimcnt were a kllown '1'''' "1 11.'' III 1I0pe lhere wUIII ,1 I,~ 110 'I'Il'Slioll hill IIlOt if the Stll lelll ('oll llci l or th . ,tud ~lI t hotly shoul,1 .n 11" "i,le, it ",". Id 1'0 '0. ft lIl ight th rn he po",<ihl c to crrnlc a pr~c~rl . nt !:II '"

~s oxi , t , 01 almo. 1 ~"rr)' other . ohool II f "(IUfil rri tlfr IJulies of Ihis ki lHI \11'011 Ih(l yOl1l1~I\R t ('Inq!ol, R1l11, all re c~t nbiish

~I I , thrn' i ~ 110 (11I('s tioll ~\1I1 thnt t ltr


Prh'utc Ilclljnlll in Laman, '10, in !ill'r·

\·ire III 'UIII I' t..:t1 ", If'r, hn. Leen nti\'oTH"

",I to corpornl ill the Ellgill eer's CU'l)1. -:0:-

The lfop~ 'hrlstinn End eo"or '0 i,·t \' hnR lJ ell holtlin' its SUlIllny c\'euiu\l

mec lings in the «eeptiun hnll of Voor· bee '0111 111 on. ,

-:0 .-~I is, ) tnm!e Kl note, WIII~"1 Von li n·

ll'1, Rnll r:nrcn t' (' lI erml'trn nUrl1flrll tile lIlisot ioll ('oufl'rellt'C At l\nl:lIu:t7.o0 !l

\"('~k ngo, - :0: -

l 'h ,tt'r " no 1'nll~wrrl1 , ' I , who rr· .'(lnt ly f' uli..:t{'ll in th ~ Qunrtrrllln .. 't t·r : ,

j)l' I.:ntnlt'ut, \\rih'~ that hI.' l·nj"."o{ th l! ~(!n' iee immonsely, "Chet" is II r . Fiorillo. •

- :0:-L". t week we hod n lilli e nrti ele

obout thi nllillg Ollt the fnt girls. Tlli, week we sholl inform soit! girls how 10 ~o t tnt. Go tu thr butl'her sl,ol' aIHI pu r. h",c it hy the pOllnd.

-:n!-Fri doy 1033 ~I ilestolle Doy 011 Ill e

ComplI.. The first tiny of the eOlllpni~n itr(lu).:ht prol1li .. ing r{'su1tf'l, It you hn"~

11 01 sllb,crib ·,1 0 yet, do il l\OW nil I 1II0ke Ih~ Khnki )Iile tOile • slleees~.

- : 0: -MOlldoy morni llg aftrr r"op~l, th e

i'opholllorrs werr burne t! in em ry 11)' Ihe rrcshi~s. A stllrretl figllre wilh 9

hi): II ' ~O" 011 it, wns ~ trnllg up to n li n,b of 0 lI ~nrhy I rrr nud Lurlled.

- ,.:-11'1'ltt, I·nlnl'l' or T ru t h'J hAS r nlllc

:tu ,1 wc1I1. I.PI us nil tnke to h~art tho \· j"id Irf'lso ll it rortrn~'('ll nml forcn~ r­

morf' jll jI<'nk nil th e trllth nnd nothing ~ut th. trllth.

-: 0: -The Rc,·. Willinm .1. \' nn Rors~. lIlet

with tl, !';lu,lrlll , 0:lIl1 to" r Dnna Fri· lay on ,1 \'ery rlr.rly a ",I intcrestingl.o' tolll how th e worll \\nr wns nrrN'ling lIIillsiun work ill t ll!'1 i!:, 11 :nllds,

-:u: --T ill' l ,(' I'turf' r.nll rQll )! .,:: 1(!l'IlJ(,Uf

wi"h" " to 1IIII1Ik t Iii' r(': l tlw~ \\ hn \' lIlu ",

will not nppcnr. Within R week f ro lll F'r rshlll (, 11 th {'m .. rh· ~§ wOII,1 ("Nl ~r to In ril." I;Illtt\",:,',1 !I I'~th f ru lIl T r!1ttll

tollar all out a few jsuitl lt.'ll iuuivi tluul :1 'ook UJl ' 1I !'Illch oetion no! nil il1lpn"itiO:l ~trt'l' t t tl tli (, (i .' IIIIJ:l ~illlll . '1'hc' jlaUI will foil to rcrull hi s nRmc. The ,tnll to n ' r llt it, but wouill rrgnnl it:1:o 1I.i/otli t he h· . III(l11 .. LU\' l' ' <; 1.:11.or LU .. t 'l

bothes got h im-nnd it i! n snte asse r . ' ut cnllt', I,- !111 hnnornLl c mark or eli, fllr ti ll' IIl1l11b" r wn .. Iit' I.J :11 till' (,h3 p, 1

t ion tbat by t hi time Jlrivntc John tillt· t ion. :u!\!t'n,l ilt t ll" (iYIII. Hill i. dead. At nil r " ~ lIt, th ~ flog sholl id bc dis· -' :-

I I \V ,. . TI. ,' . O. R (' jo.',·" " menl ot the ,When an American solJie r gi ves th<- I' ".'r,. c nrc ouOllt 10 rcrel\'e n ser·

,·i,. flo " nnd if tl,,'s doc l'Ot rc" '·"" ,Iormltory Wc,lw tiny. Th. tnhle wn. losl t ull mcasure of dC"oLion in beh If... " -

more oltelltion thon on r n ~t ionn l ~'" doilltily tI ~ro rn:,',1 wilh ' li rrs Il f b"'n,l of his count ry tho,,, who remain b~hilld pay t rwute to him ill Rue h words 0 • •

" The memory ot his brave deed Ii \'es after him '" But does it1 How long are the America" people goi ng to rem~m·

ber thnl Pri vat~ J ohn Ri ll fought Ihe boche wilh barc a, t, In behalf of th ~ eo.uso of freedom ' Tl o ... long nre they going to rcmomoor thol J ohn H.II "went West "-while J ohn Brown om1 John Bla~k IUId .John White took the· oasier way and enjoyed all the plens' II r ot lit tor yeors and ycan ~ttcr

J obn nill had died. o


Mel Trotter may Jlot have been whol· Iy right "hen be laid, "The homo fires are out," but it mu st be admitted thaI , thero i. altogether too much truth in his 'llertioo.

hlom hn. w~ frllr thllt il~ friendly dOlnn. ond rnt.li~ s of ullit er. Exerpt fll r nn · lor will inod to"l), ~ n ll ,ider the gif t cont ll hr.oohe~ of ~ti'''lelle 011 th o II l1ol'pr"' in t"'!. 'crtninly it would be part of I rwill Lubbers of the St>," innn 111 iujnstieo to him, nllli to the co ll eg~. the o!l'oir was 0 grent slIeee s.

_'n o_ :,"d, nuo,'c nil to the loyn l rrop~ men ",holll it. stors represent.

-D. -_.-, . ...---


" The •. O. S. will get you It you don't watch out. "

- ' '''-llollle in mote ot • Von Vlee.k nnll

~hou"l hnv~ enough pat riotism to rho, down the Von Vleck flag pole.

_ :n :_ I n d~teron 0 t.o the wishes of the B.

O. B. the edi tor of th o Anchor will nol mellti on th o nUllles of LavolI, Vruwink and Stegeman tills week.

- (CoDtlDUed Oii' PapThnie- r

" Aro you the crli tor of the poperf " :I.-ked the fa ir ro·~,1 of our worthy ~c\ .

i tor· ill ·~ hlet. " [ alii," replica tbc s< "ibe. " Well, I enllell to ask YOII if you wouldn't get lorger type. )fy name was in he "Cnmpu, Nows " eol· lu nlU nvo t imrs nnd th o girl across th~

hnll told me sh ~ lie vcr sa w it. " -''' '-

RUll lTosp rs-" Do you serve lob.· tors hcrc, wai ter'"

Wa iter-" Yes, sir; sit right downl We serve veryuody. " Bud tueks R nnl)kln arouo ll hi. eollor and tbe wnit· er eonLilllles, " Rut )'OU will hBVC to go next (loor to the barber shop if yo~ want a shampoo."

YOUR ROOM is not complete without a musical instrument .

Look at our

Guitars, Mandolins, and Violins Get Busy and Enjoy Your.elf


Visiting Cards PLAIN and EMBOSSED

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Come in and get your meas­ure 'taken for your

Spring Suit and we will hold it for you until

you want it.

Only all wool goods

P. S. Boter & Co.


Page 3: 02-06-1918

Op:ln:lons ~nd Comments BUBOGUAFF T,+"+1TII8 Bom Ohristian-rather than in the "lethal

EDITOJLIAL AND EDITOR • • .. The height ot the rldleulous," aay. a polriotic minister ot Iho Reformed Ohurch. "Sil:y," commentl auother. "The ravings of a promaturo mind," oda. a Iltominent layman. And a fourth, quotIng our President, calls ;t

waters of an abstract Ihoology '" And yet those Germans oro proeGormon for tho 88010 r04loo that we aro pro·Amer!. ean. Thoy oro pro.Germ.an boca use tboy believo tho German govnrnment to ... right. Wo oro pro·Ameriean becous we believo our goveromont to be in tho right.

.' an astonishing and absolutely unjus· " That tho overage Dutch s Woment liOab:e distortion ot the Iruth."8uch in Amorica i. 11 hol·bod of disloyolty" is tho opinion of tho general intolligent is n lio, aud n statement ot this nature public when it discusses the article simply reveals lack of information and whieh oppcarod iu Iho oditorial eol· ignorneo of eOllllitions. Neverlheleu, Ulllns of the Anchor ot JOlluary 23 of oven tho th e statemon t wero ignoron t· Iho prosent yenr. Iy made, it is an insult to overy Dul cl>

Wo arc glod Ihat the question ef eon1lnunlty, to the Reformed Ohurel, r!ght or wrong in this war connot be nnd its inst itutions, onel to about nin,,·

...iillputed. We ore glad thnt wo as indio ty pcr cent of th o citizens nnel re.li· • duolo and os a lIotion beliove thot we cltllts of Am erica whose nueeslry i.

nrc fighting ror a righleous cause. We Dutch. For the experience of meD " 'ho Jlr plCMed wilh the tllOt thnt as ana· ha\'c modo a study of Ih is maltcr re· t ion \\'e are called UpOIl to aid tho veml. tho t oll :y between five ond t ~1I

wor\(1 ill maki ng eDe more step towo .... 1 per ernt of Ihe Holland·Americans-us· the heights of individunl olld notionol illg this terrn not to revcal a division liLrrty. And becousc we believe tbat ef loyalty, but only to rcrco l nncestr,\' we ure fighting for righteousne s oIH1 -shew signs of dis:oynlty nnd thi: elk jllstiee we are stonl1illg bnck of our loyn lty exprrsse. itself in n t eeling fight:llg loels, we are slipporti ng the which is Ilro·Germon nnd nllti·Britisn Rrd 'r08s, we nrc stallding bnck of our rather tholl nnti·Am erican. We apl".· President, wo nre snpporting the Y. M. einie the. fact, however, thnt to be pro· V. A.- we nrc pntriotic. AlOeri ca n ene lOust, beenuse of the nl\

The (IUestioll, how"ver, is not, "J; tnre of tho casc, be pro·British onel our (' ollntry right or wrollg'" We be· nnti·Gormnn. He who is not with out lieve- we know it is right. The el"es· lilly is again.t us. W e wish to bring t ioll is, " Ts it right, or wrong, fer an out the fact, nevertheless, that the ilis· individnnl to become so enthusia ticnl· leyalty whi 'h is re"ooled on the pari I." patriotic that he Irstorts the tr ~ th of n tew is due lIet to Dr. Kuyper" /lnt! hccollle. a pseudo'patriot'" Wc \lro·Oermnn sympnthies but rather tr "e:ie\'('-wo know it is wrong. ~ misunders tnnding of Englond '. fo r

Our Greek profcssor upon se\'erul Ot" oign poli cies in regard to mattcrs i'l cas ions n,h':sed his stu denls to he h~1 wld , h the Dutch were imllledintely in · nnrr,l, to senrch for the trulh, to hr \·oh·c,l. The thing to tlo, therefore, i' ",Im"ienlly iuformN1 on nll siile. or til . not to bmnd e\'ery Dutch coullnunity n ' Iuest:oll, and thrn to J1ursue a mid.llr hot ·hed of (li sloyn:ly but to eelucnt.c -a we!! balnn"c,1 eonrso. We-,,,,,I the few, who, because at lack at ill ' whell T say we T mean the stllilen t bod,\' forlJlntion, display disloyal tendeneie. ns n whole nnd Ihe general bnlnn' '''1 A few clay. ago a ROllonder np pnblic- brlieve that the arti Ie " Stote· pronched me on the lubjeet wbich 11"

mnnship linn Amuck" wos written by are no", discussing. lie "oro a Re,1 ~ . -:. "ne who wns telilpernrily '1IIra'Of,thus' Cross pill ond a Liberty Bond pin, on,l

, iasti.·, hy 0110 who n110wed his ell1otillli ~ ~ho\\'rll me n receipt for ten dollnlf - Utlt hi. patriotism-to ru n nn,lI,k girrn to the Y. M. C. A.-nnd li ke him nnll to ~11 1wrSNle ronsollj :lY (,nc whll thue nrc not 0. few. He is n mCUlbc: . wo., tempornrily ot lenst, rn tH"nl ; ~) of t.he Reforme,l church lind hos alway. one wh o wng nt the time of w-jting \111 ' ((i \'on Hope College 0 large plnee in hi­I'ninneeel. henrI. Snid he, "If tho selltiments cx·

We lake issue wi lh Ihe writer of tht' pro., eJ ill th~ nrti rlc tSlotesmnnshir orl ic:r rdortrd 10 wh ell he stntrs Ihnl rllll Amu ck ' nrc the sentimen ts of ,. No hris t in n cnn be n pro·Germn" lnopc Cellego, then Hope College ha' nnd 110 pro- Icrmnn en n be D. 'llris 1 1~~t all my respect ~IHI love. J ' J tnl!l lion." Whence so gr.at wisdom! Le: hllll thnt Ih ose senliments were cher the writcr nts t of nil observe the max· ished ill th e henrt of bllt ail e man. im: ".1udge not lest )"0 be jutlgetl. ' · And serond, supposi ng th o writ er were :su ffi riently informed npoll tho intrica · c ies of the causes of th e present wn-. supposing he elid know lIl ore ohout th e

• international rondition ef afTnirs of t oday than nny IIInn ill Ihe wo, h1 , Slip' posing he were o.ny th ing but nil ordin ·

- ary co ll ege'studen t, wou:,1 it lie with ill the reohn of possibility thnt th e wri t·

er of 4t St,nt csI1IRnshi(, rUIl Amuck, " or thot nny "'~n wh ether he be Pre,iden: of th e U,litell tnles, or the Pope of n ome," or on OT(linnry ('o ll eg~·stud(,llt

-would it lie within th e rcol'" ef possi· bility thnt n mRIl, n mere 1lI :\II, n. mortu' man, shou ld brand' n fellow' lIIorta l " Christian or n. IIOU - hri stioll'

Presieleut Wi:son, in hi. declarat ion of II stn te at wor. state. t flUt this i. n wn r ngninst the nutor rnti c, rnililnristi,' . nn(l irreSI)Olls"lJlc Ger man go\"erllrnent

" TI,ot 1II0Y be," he replied, "l1l1t the plI~lic is not awnre of thaI." It if. In defense of tho iusultetl Holl and A IIwr:c'nns nnll ill conformity with m. "' \\'11 'l('nse of just-ira tlln t T hnve wri t hlll \\ hn t T hA\'C writt£'n.

The clli tor's ape logy is "Peop!c !lhould rend bet weell the lillcs. t, Moot rt f 1I!i1 who know the c4li tor dill rend be twee n Ihe lines and passed the .rtiC!l · fT 0 1 fill ed with gootl nll iterntien •. Th ~ puhlif', 1I0\\"('\'('r, clops not kllo\' tht' (l ili tnr. AU t1 \\'e W Ol1 t1 ~l1gg~ ~ l thnt if the editor cnnnel write wbot lit 1l1(l:lIlS th :l t Iw £' it.h C'r h:lJul in hi s rcsig nat:oll or give his renders illst rtl ('tiO Il ~ til r('o/1 between th e liucq ('If his writ . ings. Above all, let us be bolo need

James J . BnrggrnnfT, ' 19. n


• int imatin!!, thnt it is hi. iloliot .that th e Edit or at the Anchor:- . . common people of Oermnny, Ignornnt Last week Ollr 3Miety se nt In 0 k lllrl· of thc renl cau es of the wor _ being , I,\' eri til'islII to YOII, th e essellce of sni.1 compelle,1 to. belie" . thnt they arc fight · I cri t. ici sm be.ing t.hnt th e An chor renrler! ing a defcnsl ve war-nnd , the refore, ~ I were beco nlJug t!tell of Ihe repeo ted n,· just wnr-o rc to nssu llle 110 blaOl ~ tieles on Loyall, Vru\\'iO'k and I:\tege· whnt oeVer for thie slaugU er of IIICII . . mono We hnd hoped lhat this crititi.m Anil it Is eon eelc(1 by lIIen who kllow ' wOIII<1 be laken ns it was intended: in that the Germnn masses believe their 011 Ee riousnes. nnd 1cJ! ndliness . . But it

• f ' I

~ause -to bo n righteou8 ene because SeeDls that Our hendstrong ond "nevet. their government .ay. ,e. and they I wrong" editor eellsidered the 10llle " cOIIRde lit their government even as we joko onel deeided thot he wns being die. do in ' our.. Only recent information toted to, nnel, nfter his usual eourE~. induces UJ to believe that the German pll it iish rel three article" one on each of l)eOI)1 ore waki ng up to the filets iii these Dlen, just to show Ihot he on,l the ense. But, is it not p08sib:e, and ho alone is the man who rules ond eon· i. it not very probable, that th Ger. ,Iucts nlfairs at nope. Not being sot·

• . isfieel with this, Ihot samo mis:ed indio

an poplllaee in its compulsory ignor· dl1 l1'ol eponly boasts that he "slipped

anre "does justiee, loves merey and nne o\'cr .• ' That remoins to be ~qen. walks hum'bly before her God,"-iuot• Thin same misguided YOlllh hS9 re. ing the editpr'& qualificati ons of a l'eote(11)' published od itorials denoun~·

ing autocracy and lauding the cause ot domocracy, but when his throne is i m­periled- as he seoms to think-he very grociously ond very firmly ,brushes till Ihlngs aside Rnd serenoly proceeds on his woy. -He docs not believe in "Ich und Gott," but in "Ioh und nur lob." He nnd ho olone i8 tho man who pub· ;isho3 this paper. Hope do.s not eounl wh on hia doaires arc to bo grati fi ed.

The members of the 8. O. 8 . wrote tho artiele appearing in last week'. is· Sue for tho purpose stotcd In that arti· cle, nnd when made sport ot Ihey r. · SC lit it. They resent n fI 0110 mOil a/. fnir " allel ogaill repeat what thoy have olre'l.t1y writton: wo havo heard too mu ch et Lovan , Vruwink and St eg.~.

mnn. Let tho editor tnke heed. Th. we rld has no plnco fer the heodstr6ng dllel ob$tinnte. The werld in clude! Frope. Let him drnw his eonchisions .

• The 8'. O. S .


The greotest collego lIu isanee is th o l'arn.sil.e. Yon are one, ond so am 1. Yon deny it' J Ihot you wouhl, but that cloesn't alt er my opinien. I n order 10 convince yOll, J shnll explain 10 )'ou what r lIIean by a parosite. Webster gives as the definition ot thi, word, " on onimnl th nt lives upon, Or in, nnd at the expen •• et other oni. mals." Now you eleny more strono. all Iy than evor that you belong to lhot speeie~ of nniJnnls. Bil l compose your. IlClf for 0 mon,ent and I'll rucplain.

Yell rOlllember yestcrday morn ing YOIl enme te collego without' your Prenrh book. You hod severo I bookti 10 rorry, your French \look oelded 10 your load, and YOIl didn't cnre to have the extra burden. So you cnl mly nsked the person whe sot next to you In Eng. lish if Mho wou:d lell ,l YO II her Preneh hoo'k for the lIext hou!. She hnd jusl as lOnny books to carry os you did, didn't ahef And you wore getting your Frelleh mnrk lit hor expense, were you not '

Then, eno 100rning Inst week, you hadn't prepared yeur Germall and yon needed a German dictionory. Instea~ of going to the librory, you osked on. of the girls wbo was stoggoring uneler tho lend ot such 0 book tor the usc of har di ctionary during your tree perio(l. 'I'bell you went to the dormitory, on.1 enrriCd the dictionary with you. At Ihe close of lhe hour your friond looke;] for yon alld her dictionary, Ibut you hadn't that of telling her where yoa

going te stuely Ihot German les. qO ll , and she nover Ihought et looking ror you in the dormitory. Aerortlingly she went home wilhont the book. Sh ., hlltl Il:alllled to study her le .. on at hOllle tram cleven to twelve, but het dictiollory wns gone and while you w~rc given n fiG" for your recitation he re~e i\'eel 0 zero . This mornillg, perhaJll\, you oppenr .. 1

in chapel without 0 single trigonometry prohlelll solved . But Jock hod workeJ his problems ond at your reeluost he oblig:lIgly hallr1..cd o\'er ItL, paper. You copied the problellls, went to class on fl


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m n d" a spl ell d it! rec i tnt i on at t he ex. I'::::;;;::;;;;;:::::;;;;;;;;;;::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ pe nse or Jilek '.s labor. I __ _ The e are hilt II re w illeidents which

lIIight i!:usl rnt e Illy state melli, that col . lege stUelOllt s are strOllgly inclined to be parnqilie. It is 80 very easy to de. pend on olloer peeple for little thing>; 10 lIegl"l· t slll nii tnsks with the It op ~ Ihnt sOlll eono else wili do them fo r liS.

But it i. these very things which stn m~ us as pornsite , nlld, r repeat, a COllege porosit e is th e biggest cn mpus nuisance, for whcn we once begin to live nt the expense ef othors we very SIlOIi mnx. :t a habit, nud betoro leng Ollt friend . enJI us " PC!6ts, " the prot estors mark us . \ os paraSites, and we beeonte a college nuisance.

- Holon Van Roolte, '21. n


«)on~Trom l'age Two)

'ow thnt Bokor has Chamberlain up • treo Roosevolt will have to look. for somobody else to lauch off hi. presi. dentiol boom.

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First State Bank, with •• yi .... d~t .... t

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Page 4: 02-06-1918

" 40.1'0'0 ... !

mountain. There, O~ its lonely height one tlgure was visible. . It was the

all tbe bunlkeds of men trained. It I IIII.iiEiEiiiiiii5i_Eiiiiiiiiiiia_iEiiiii==iiii==;;;;;;==========~ requires the bigbest type of college men, not moro men, but better men. (00.11 .... I ••• la, p ... ) priest. He alone refused to como and

The fiul article In tbla offici ill se'· ies will appear In tbe Anebor for Feb­ruary 13.


night, tbeae humble men ba.tened thitb- join the joyous group below. A cry If In search of anotber &lid a great " .. board, a ringing shout broke torth Idag. They found him in a .tall with 'from overy boart, as Queen Rapolani iUa motber and fatber. Tbey worship· eame into their midst. She sat down ad , praised God for granting to tbem among them, and one and all pre"ed liUa privilege, and returDed again to closely to ber as she told tbem again tbelr work, bappier and wiser men. Dut tho storv ot redemption. . The tollowing cbaracteristic prayer thOle JDen did not keop the good news • • • • Is perhaps the fiut ever deUvorod by to themaelvel . The lold Ibelr frienia It was 1lI0rning. Tbe lun I\ooded lanl1 any evong'OUat in Congrou. It was of· .tout It jUlt .at I alll telUng it 10 you. I ••• ono ,,,lIh • . _" T. ,. - nll'~ o . - ,. I," ~-" _.

Wilen lne 00110 a man be wen~ a140 moruing in Ihe .o llls of the nwak- tbe HOUle 1If lteprellCntaUvel on Jan-about tbe country preaohing and doing "lied HRwaiionl. uary 10, the dny tbo House adopted tbe lood. He drew Dlany to bim by hll - B ope, ' I _ l u!frnge amendment: I,.tndnell and helpfulness. He lov.ed _ Almighty God, our Heavonly Fath-little children and bealod the blind, tbe THE AIR SERVICE er, we thonk Theo and rojoico that lick and the lame. He taugbt those tl>lu faith in Thee and Thy word tbis wbom ho mot the way to lalvation and -- ----- Oovernmellt 1Vfl8 built upon that faun-

1• d ( OonUD\..eG from lIL J~.C'.) l placed hla sign on those who be .eve th e wonllertul sebools abroad with tbeir dation. Wo tbank Thoe tba, tho eom­In blm. He allo told tbem about tbe I,ocl signed in the cabin of -tho May­mauiool wblcb be was preparing In supply of fighting pi ones outl seasoned f1 owor by our aneestors Wns for do-

pilOIS Rlltl thoir atmosphere of battle. • beaven within which be "auld lome moerocy, liberty, freedom, and tbe "gbt

Under this system American. aro as -d • ., gather aU bit children. After a dured of 0 compo!lito course tJosed upon to worship Thee according to tho die­te" yeara of teaching bia enemies eap· tat.s of our own consciences. We

the best ot everything goilled ill three tured him. They nailed him to a cross, Ihallk Thee lhat as n Nation 11'0 brave

Yea rs of warfare nbrond, nntl nre not .I. d mocked him aod told bilD to como down Ihe eourngo to procl nim t1l tho Wvrl · and save hilD.elt it he could. Dut Ihe held back by the original lark of fa · ou r continued belief in Theo by stamp.

cililies here. "J Savior did not do this, for he knew ing on our coins the inscription n Immediately a cadet i. called inll' h I

that it he saved Himselt He could not Ood 11'0 trust." Wo tbonk Thee t n active service he is directed to a

lave tbe lost world. Late in tho after- . , groulld hi" nt of tho eight wo 'nre America ns nnd live benenth Ih e . I b - d U' sc 00 ono . f Id f th St rs and noon He died. Fllen,s ufle lin ... 't ' I' h Illolechng 0 8 a 0 a

large englDcefiog UOtVer81 les \\' llC I cr. k Th tl t Th In a tomb in a beautiful garden. Three . tb I "tripes. We tholl eo.o ou have placed thell resourcos at e ser- 1 b ttl t'" f

days afterwards the grave w~s empty dce ot th e go"ernm en t. Dere the stu- "nnst look over t Ie a emen ~ a and a living Jesus walked ag8lft among . '. d 'l't d" ~Iory on our land and see that there is

. . 11[ len t B\' lutor IS un er mt lory Ise t· not ana Btnin on any star or stripe ill His followers. After reHmalDlDg b k 11)1I ne, but with all the comtorts, the fa - • Th f tbem a Dumber of days, ~ wentt ae d lities nlld the otmospbcre of eollegd 01<1 Giory. We than ee or Our to His Father in Hoaven, III ere a pray hnppy homes. Wo thank Thee for our for His loved on08 here below." ilte. wives and little ones. We thank The~

The purpose at this work is two·fold : I d ,- rt 11 The crowd had gathered around their t'or ,the fruitfu trees all voun. U lor·

b r'ir.t allll most illlporiant it provides vests. We thank Thee that MaNn. queen, pressing closer and closer as s e • fUlldamelltal knowletlge of the prillC' told tbem the atory of the Christ. The :l'le. of ali the sciences of aviation , tio ll we have lIever gone to bed hun ­tearful motber bad a look of bope on ~ry or soraped the bottom at our fl our

which gh'es It roek.bottom foundotion barrel, and wo pray Thy conmnuc(! ber taco, the unhappy bride had eSI 1 t' t ., S d't " kl" .omo ot her hopelessne .. , but the mark- 10 a eat e s rOID.ng. eeo n • ' IU" .' merry and blessing upen us. Wo prny ed man aDd cbild atill lay In the IOnd. "ncover. those who, both for the good 'r hee thnl Thou wili forgi ve our tOOIl8'

lI f th e ser";ee nnd of themselve8, sll oul.1 grenions and blot out all our iuiqllit . Tbe priest had turned bis baok, upon 1I0t go furtber. tbe Btory·teller aud seorn .and derision Tile cadets learn here how to lake an iea. were plainly visible in bis faee. Thou knowest, 0 Lord, that we are

('ngine, n machine-gun, or a plane npnrt I 'tl "Oh, my people," continued the in a life-and -dealh strugg e w. lone

<> • • • h Ilud put it together again. Th.!'y be- of the lIIost intamous, vilc, greedr, queen, " this ..,aVlor us In caven now, I.'o rne 0 familiar with the meehonism!' and He waDIs all ot you to <rive your avaricious, blood-thirsty, sen8unl, and

.. - they will 900n be using as to havo an d' I bearts to Him. He died to set you free vidous nations that has e"er ISgracel

instinctive mastery at thelD. No one k t and there i. no need for any turther the pages of history. Thou nowes

lI f thelD will be allowed to go up into f tli · a·rifi·e.There .' . no otber God bul the Ihnt Germany has drawn rom 0 eye, o _.. the air until be understands every k loving Fatber. Tbe mountain which is of mankind enough ttars to rna e nn-

r hase .of the machi ne underneath him. other 8en', tbnt she has drawn bloorl aendi ng forth its destructive mnterial I' 11 b b II tl ad -,e WI t en ave a Ie can cnee I ., ou b to redden eVery wav. upon th.t Is in His power and Ho will take care Itt I I' h' f I v U g t 10 nn exper lor8eman ,as.n '8 a· <en,' thnt silo has drawn onough groans of ua and not let harm or dan ger COOIO "orite mouut. nnd .hricks from tho bearts of mon, to us it we only trust in Him. Come, \". 1 1 tl 'I d I

"lie ess an I IC" orse co e arc a - women, and children to make .onotber go wilb me up to the mountain oide, 0 tl t tl t lk 10 n,"stere so la '0 m n can a - mountnin . We pray Tbee tbat Thou ... d my God, whom 1 trusl, will .oon be I . f th ' tl 10 I lell guns rom e all as ley wilt mok e 'bare Thy mighty arm and vour God also. He will protect us an1 II I t 1 h Th th

' wou I t 1111 a e ep one. en ey nrt heat boek that great pack of hungry, .how us how foolish we have been in . "I k' d ,et nt "srott.ng 00 Ing own lipan wolfi.h Huns, wh ose tnngs drip with tbe past." I . f th , II exact reprol uel'Oh or a part ° ~ "load and gore. We pray Tbee thnt

The queen turned and slarted 10 fro llt and wirele. sing bo ck the locat:.on Ihe stnrs in th.ir courses and the wind. climb tho 1D0untain-aide. Her att end- "f fla shes made 10 represent burating 1no waves may fight ngninst Ihem. anti, who had beard the Gospel story shells. Aerinl photography, recollnai,- We Vray Tbee thaI Thou \,~lt bless and who bad learned to find joy and ianc., air lacties ant! tbe like are also ,u r beloved President and gil"O I.im peaee in the Savior, followed her. OnJ .. tudied, and military drill, cBlisthe,,:u, Ilrengih of mind and body aad eourage by one the whole group turaed away nnd BrlllY regllialions mastered. Dy It henr for hiB arduous duties in tI,r •• tram the wicked pri.st and followed Ilhe end of eight weeks tbe cllliet i. ,arrow-laden, staggering days. We their OOd-tearing 4ueen. Tbe motber Ihoroughly "grollndeo" in Bvialion, Illay Thee to bl.ss the Secrelary of lDatched her child from the ground, S nnd a!lllureo, as tar as it is humonl..- ~tate, tbe Secre tary of War, and Ih~ joyful, yet wondering expreaoion uporr possible to give auurance, thnl h. ii ~ecretary ot the N ... y; and ble"", we her fa ce. The bride whispered a few prepared 10 go olf the ground. pray Thee, the Navnl Strategy Boord. word. to ber bus band. Bo arose, an,1 Then cOllie the flying school , . II is Ble,s. we pray Th,,', Lord, the generals without casting a singlo glance at hi. 'lOt possible tor military reMon, to d,'- .1 Ih. henri of our A rill",. B!ess Ih.) would·he deslroyer, he led hi. wife "l' ,.,rib. Ihem in detail. It cnn I,. snld, I .

huy~ aeru s tli,o :len •• sou\{'w l(ltt' III tbe mountain-side. howe,er, Ihat the eize of th ••• schooh

They all reaehed tbe top. Quee,~. would be startling to tho unillitinfl-d, Kapolani, wltb ber .ubjee.11 kneeling who wonld s.e in th em a lite uf which around her, raised her hands high to· he bad hardly dreamed, a life 11:.1 ward Heaven and prayed: "Oh, our IIshera in Ih e new day of air-travel for Fatber, teae h all these, my people, to IIllIn. Alld be would also seo groups 01 love Til ee. 8how them how to live I <adets, flying, studying, working, oblil" ' happily. Put J esus' love into tben ious at time and of hours, tasci nated hearts and mak e tbem an Thy ch ild re n. ',l' Ihe romance at tbeir .ubjects, carn. Tako away all superstitious thot8 and ,·,1 10 l"ove eqllal to every test in th o lead them in thy ways." rcu lization that the great test of all

She ceased .peoking. All around ie. just over the hill ot tomorrow. ber were tho prostrate forma at those One step remains. Final training in .he loved and wanted to 8ave. Th ey cvolulion, in .'1uodron formation, an~ arose and looked witb awe and re,'er- in baWe practice is given, iu Franco, ence at tbeir n.ble queen. Then raiBing on Ihe latest, up·to·the.mlnute machin­ker right hand she cried In a loull voice, es unller seaeoned French airmen, in If Pel e., Pelee, I defy you." Tho sou nd the nclual atmosphere at battle. At reaebed tbe priest below. fie tnrned, its conclusion, the Aviator is trained" .tarted toward tbe mountain, tben stop- highly as it is possible to train him, ped again. A struggle was going On Ia awarded bis Junior Military Avia. witbln him. What ahould be dol Leave tor brevet, prODlot ed one grade nnd la bll old religion obehlnd alld place his ready whenever dut., calla hrin.

PrUIH'~, " 311,1 IIlt!lJ3 th OSe pro t cc tiu~

Our trnll:il'orts, louth' ll to tlte \\'otu'J

\"\ ~Il:C t: wi t 11 IIn.'1I :11111 prn\· isioll~. B:{,Sl JUr b O,n, nt hOllll' who nn' ill tlt t! l'nn

trust in this w1nderr·,1 G~JI nut wou:.1 This il a DIan's work. It requ ires nel the god of lhe mountaiD seek ven physique, brains, and eoneentration. It with a now menning-geanee' t:dd,y be turne~ awar· is worked out upon . tlie principle of

tOlllllrnh. Rle~i!st \\' l' prny The!.!, til l' Scnn tt· !I nd lIou ':t, Clf H" p:'cscutllli\' u'( ,

1nd t:;:n· them w':nlu!JI nnd strength , for tll oy 8eelll lu hnve come Into thJ king~ohl tor such a tillle as this. And Lord, 1II00y every Ul llU, woman, anll child, from Maine 10 Californin and from Minnesotn to Louisiann, sland UI' 10 th e lost ditch olld bo glad and will ing to suffer and enduro unti! final dr­tory oball oome. llless our allies, nn,l IDOY victory be ou r8. And in Thille own time and in Thille own wny we pray Theo thnt Thall wi'll release the white-winged do\'o of peaco until Thou shall di8pel the torm clouds that hang over lhis ain -t'ulled, Mood·.oak· ed, Rnd sorrowing world; and when it is nil o,'cr we shall un eover our heads nnd :if! our raeN! to the htavens and sing

My eountry, 'tis of thee, Sweet land olliberty, Of tbeo I sing.

As the fint rosy tin Is of tbe com ing eomplete mastery of every .tep before morn appeared in the east a happy another atep Is taken . It is aurroun<l­band of men, women aod children were ed with overy precaution of safety, as IIthered en the beach. Ail at once i. aho"n Iby the faet that nol a dozen And tho praise sball b. to Thee for. , aela one turned bll eye. tn"ard tbe tat .. l alr·aeeldente have occurred among over, 1brou&'\t Jesua Chri.t. Amen.

_ ..

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