02-04 Problems With Email

CATEGORY: BUSINESS GROUP: 2. TECHNOLOGY & COMMUNICATION Topic: 4. Problems with Email Introduction: Email is the form of communication used most frequently by businesses today. Employees can communicate instantly with people all over the world by using email. Dialogue: Colleen works for a Graphic Design firm. One of her clients, Harry, is trying to send her some photos of a building he wants to use in a design. Sending this over email is turning out to be problematic for him. (phone rings) Colleen: Worldstar Designs. This is Colleen. Harry: Hi Colleen. This is Harry from Top Construction. Colleen: Hi, Harry. How are you? Harry: I’m doing great. Thank you. Did you get my email with the pictures? Colleen: No. I don’t think so. When did you send it? Harry: Umm, I sent it yesterday afternoon around 3:00. Colleen: No. I’m sorry. I didn’t receive it. What email address did you send it to? Harry: Let’s see. I sent it to [email protected]. Is that right? Colleen: Oh, no. Actually, we have two Colleens working at the office. My email is [email protected]. Colleen Smith must have gotten your email. Copyright © 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.



Transcript of 02-04 Problems With Email

  • CATEGORY: BUSINESS GROUP: 2. TECHNOLOGY & COMMUNICATION Topic: 4. Problems with Email Introduction: Email is the form of communication used most frequently by businesses today. Employees can communicate instantly with people all over the world by using email. Dialogue: Colleen works for a Graphic Design firm. One of her clients, Harry, is trying to send her some photos of a building he wants to use in a design. Sending this over email is turning out to be problematic for him. (phone rings) Colleen: Worldstar Designs. This is Colleen. Harry: Hi Colleen. This is Harry from Top Construction. Colleen: Hi, Harry. How are you? Harry: Im doing great. Thank you. Did you get my email with the pictures? Colleen: No. I dont think so. When did you send it? Harry: Umm, I sent it yesterday afternoon around 3:00. Colleen: No. Im sorry. I didnt receive it. What email address did you send it to? Harry: Lets see. I sent it to [email protected]. Is that right? Colleen: Oh, no. Actually, we have two Colleens working at the office. My email is

    [email protected]. Colleen Smith must have gotten your email.

    Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

  • Harry: Darn. Do you mind if I send it to the right address right now so I can make sure

    you get it? Colleen: Sure. Go ahead. Ive got my inbox open right now. Harry: OK. Its sent. Do you see it? Colleen: Got it. It worked that time. Harry: Can you open the attachments? Colleen: Actually, there arent any attachments with the email. Are you sure you sent

    them? Harry: Oh, shoot. I forgot to attach the pictures. Im sorry. This is just not my day.

    Let me send them really quickly. Colleen: OK. Dont worry about it. We all forget the attachments sometimes! Harry: Thanks. OK. Ive sent the attachments. Can you open the images now? Colleen: I see the attachments, but when I click on them it says they are an

    unrecognizable file type. What did you save them as? Harry: I dont even know. Im not really good with this computer stuff. Colleen: Well, since theyre pictures you need to save them as jpegs. Also, make sure

    they are 2MB or smaller. If not, then theyll be too big to easily send through email.

    Harry: OK. Can you hold for a moment while I try to resave them? Colleen: Sure. Harry: Thanks. All right. I think Ive saved them as the right file type this time. Im

    resending them to you now. Colleen: I got your email. Thats better! I can open the attached pictures now. Harry: Finally! Sorry about that. Im always having problems with attachments. Colleen: Dont worry about it. Harry: So, the pictures are the ones we want you to incorporate into the t-shirt design.

    Can you do that?

    Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

  • Colleen: Sure, I can do that. Harry: How long do you think it will take? Colleen: I think I can email you some design ideas by next Wednesday. How does that

    sound? Harry: Thatd be great. Colleen: OK. Ill get started on it right away. Harry: Thank you. And sorry again for the email problems. Colleen: Oh, dont worry about it. Harry: OK. Talk to you later. Colleen: Bye. Vocabulary: inbox: incoming email attachments: a file sent with an email shoot: an expression of displeasure images: pictures unrecognizable: not able to tell what something is jpegs: a computer file format used for pictures incorporate: to work something into something else Discussion Questions:

    1. How often do you send emails? -I send emails everyday. Email is the main way I communicate with friends that live far away and with people at work.

    2. Do you use email at work? What for? -Yes. I use email constantly at work. I use it to communicate with co-workers. I use it to ask them questions and give them information. I also use email to send documents to co-workers. This is a much quicker way of sending things than mailing them.

    3. What are the advantages of email? -There are many advantages of email. It is a very quick way of communicating with people, even those who are very far away. Its easy to use and you can

    Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

  • easily send pictures and files to anyone you want. Email is a great way to get information quickly and easily.

    4. What are the disadvantages of email? -Email has its disadvantages too. Its very impersonal. Because you cant hear the persons tone of voice that is writing or see their facial expressions, there are sometimes misunderstandings over email. Also, email is a permanent record of everything you say because it is written and saved. This can sometimes be problematic.

    5. Have you ever accidentally sent an email to the wrong person?

    -Yes. Once I sent a bad email to the wrong person at work. I was complaining about a co-worker and I accidentally sent it to her instead of my friend. It was terrible and I was so upset and embarrassed!

    6. Do you get a lot of spam in your email? -Yes. I get tons of spam in my hotmail account. I get all kinds of junk email. However, I also have a gmail account and I never get spam in this account.

    7. Are email chain letters popular in your country? -Yes they are. I often get emails asking me to read it and then pass it on to a certain number of people. Often, girls send these emails. They say it is bad luck if you break the chain and dont send the email on.

    8. Is email a good substitute for talking in person? Why or why not? -Sometimes it can be. If you just need to get information across quickly to someone then email can be a good substitute for talking in person. However, some serious issues need to be discussed face to face. Email should not be used for personal or serious conversations.

    9. Are you skilled at sending attachments via email? -Not really. I can send basic text files with no problem, but I still have problems sending pictures. I can never figure out how to send small pictures that are the correct size for emailing. My picture files are always way too big.

    10. Do you open email from people you dont know? Why or why not? -No. I never do. I dont open email from people I dont know because these emails often contain viruses that can harm your computer.

    Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.