02-01-1901newspapers.rawson.lib.mi.us/chronicle/ccc1899 (e)/tcc1901a (e)/issues...RIIfl~ERI ~ BALL,...

+,.~,..,~,.+ ++..,.¢ ..:.. + + - ,. : ,+++, + . • RIIfl~ERI ~ BALL, TOllSOria] Artists, ~:~ae'Ftrs~ class work. DR. 1K. ~, WICKWARE, Gcneval l~)racticing Phys]ci,'tn and Surgeon. Olllco:,'tnd residtmeo fourth,door south of Nt, w Sl~erRhm.' REGULAR office hours from 10:00 'a,. m. to2:00 I). m. 'Phouo+15, nno ring. DENTllST~Y I. A, FR~ITZ, ~esident Dentist Office over T. H. Fritz's drugstore. We s~lieig your patronage Wlten in . need of dental work. J OKN :g. :FOO;~E, ~. D. 'Graduate of Detroit College of Med|cine. Oalls promptly answered day or ntght~ No- vesta+ 3Ileh. " " Ia all that Is rt~e~cessary t<) convince you that~ McKenzie's is Nle phtce to get, the lares: in all FLal-~e~-all ~.~uppliea and at prices that, cannot be din- counted. A, A. NcKENZIE Cass C2:ltx], :.. ....... o4o% :@ .,, : Z'W . ........... .: SEWING IVI ,We make other 1.=ii~dsth;+t are the:(per ;:rod ,< *ant ever~ one to d~ good work, Na~g~ e".:PPd:~ NEW IIONE h~ ten styleso :iS0.oa t~1 7:, Ctimax== <4 35.ot, "e 48 ~- m:ov ,:.:~> 4;;,, Niobe= == g= ~e ..... : a,.,,. ~,~o:, +,,~ o ..~ g.r. 2~,00 1 dr. ca.chs:d, %*:~ ; "; ' 2 ~ 20.oo "+ '+ Hzfio~mi : i [8.eo ~.~ 21 +oo ,~=,,a mo:,J=o[3.e og :h:aco_~:=='':'~ [~.oo-z,~ 19.oo I:ZSQO[ = Pmin tal,%. = [5,0(} I:an,l ~lachlno 1t,t{, Chain Stitch, r~$1 ~ALE E~V DE'~LE[I~ /:VER'vW}.IE~,~E+ - We ~:~;:J:~.' 525 Machi~ms every day, and wahl 5', l'".',+:h::vc~2. W e al"e prepared to offer special i+ u,:c;t!::2 5. :V!'l~e :or ~lh:strated catalogu.. M: ,'L ::.~ el, :.b {,::>:xt on approval , we pay the freigh '.,'+:+~ g £'?' r,t,~E;g. RGb?t'4'r.~ t.'+e~f,1"+'ED. ADDRZF [i:+ v+.++; ++o:,~,;cF:+:l~i+; f++ .... ~;'+ "~:'" CMtC;~,<~O. ++++, G. D. STRIFFLER, Agent Gass City, Mich. 118111 IIT IIII, +&UTHN ~ .~HHL1HY, ~roDs. ;], F.'-SEELE'tg, I, l~. Auten~ graro, l~tch. Gaas Gity, Mioh, (ESTABLISHED 1882.) A Cenoral Banking Business Tran. sacred. Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold. Drafgs issued payable in any Cour~try in bhe World. :Money Loaned on Ileal Estate. Col- lections a Special(3. G. 'W. McKENZIE, - Gounty Telephone. Cashier. Tri=County Chronicle. I withoulsshow Ol. ostentation, :.,:nan I wh0se wisdom was heard +vitll rever- A Weekly Newspaper, I enco in the brilliant courts of Europe, Devoted to the interests of Oass Olty and sur [ whose words Of. kindness fell like rso~,t~:~,,egoeOt~/,2s~:y lu Tuseola, Huron and i music on t11e ear in the humble homes [of America--William Penn. + PUBLISHED+EVERY FRIDAY. SUBSO RIPTION RATES. One Year, 75c; Six montl~d, 40c, Tlm 75c Rate is only available wlmn th0 subscrtt)tlon ts .pttld In cash a full year In advanee. Advcrtlsing Rates made known on appllcatlon. - TELEP HONE SE gVIOE. Tim (JIIRONICLE IS connected wlth th0 Moore, Tolol)hOno System and can b0 reached from any ofllco on the lines, FREDERICK KLUHP, Publisher. m BF~EAD IS THE STAFF OF LIFE Continued h'om first pa~:e, the people of ~he country supply the brave burghers with bread, Enghlnd will paydear for tlm wealth of:l;he + o Orange Fre6 State, for the treasures of the Transvaal. In 1860 Abraham Litlcoll] was clmsen chief executive 1/1' this nail(m, and his declaration that "No ~ovel"ttlnent could endure per- manently; lmlf slave and halt l'ree," gave the slave -holding states a rigl~L to believe that their pet~ !nstituti()n must uluimately become extinct, and if i;hey were to sa~;e i1~ they ~.nust. withdraw r|'(,,n a union they no lunge|' loved. They passed their ordina, nces or secession; declared lbhemse]ves a na- tien of c~)nfodel'ate sl;a~es and pre- t)a|'ed ~o defend their actions by the force of arlns. Tile federal states pro- claimed },hem rebds, marshalled their hosts to make tlle e|'|'in,d brethren |'e- l|lrn by. force, if necessary, to their fathe]'~s house :l~aJI1. |?or two years of bloody strife bath sides proved lsllenlselves i|1 camp and field to be men of no mean ability~the ennfed- eracy well holding its own. Then it e;|lne to the tllinl(in~r lnen of the na- tion we must` cub off the supplies of the south. While the master fights a~ a soIdier in the field, the slave ta- b n's to furnish him with bread. As a W;tl' meastlre Lhe blacks lllllSlJ be nla(]e- 'ree. Atld on the lirsl5 day of January in 1863, when Abrahan~ Lincoln sign- e~l the emancipation proclamation he st, rllcl~ the rebellion a harder blow with hispcn than GranhSllermanor Sheridan ever infliet&t upon it by direction of sword or cannon. From tm day the bread supply 1)egan 1~() weaken the s|ln of tlte boasted confed- eracy began to sink gill it.s last rays f,ll upon the "los~ cause" when tile sword of Lee was sheathed on the field of A pponutt, tox. A few years ago Ollarles I{awles, of Cam, delivered the address on t`lle 4th of July a{5 Cass Cit,y..Among the |nauy things tllag he said was thttt, tie United States could carry on a war :gains15 t,im combined natio|ls or t:te wo|'ld for a llundred years. At t'te time we considered il~ Independ- ence Day br|nkum, but on closer con- sideration we saw his conclusions were corrccl~. With otlr immense pop- u]ation and when we considbr how much £,q'eater the births are than the !e::th rate it i:;sec~: tha~ we c(~tal(t keepa million of active men c<mtin- r|ally in the field wiLlloul~ etrectin~ the, industries of labor, and |ngst i|r~porl> anl~ of a]], indel)endent of the w(u'ld ar()und us ~e could l'tll'tlJsl~ ourselves Thal~ great man directed. Philadel- phia to be htld out with a plat'of lan¢l surrounding: every dwelling, (hal)it mighl~ be a city healthful and each lmlne the producer of its own breed. We, the tillers of the soil, are citi- zens of no mean counlx'y; we are men of no mean occupation. Let us be proud of our calling, for we' have a right to be proud but no righl~ to be vain. A right to be proud. We wlm have taught the soil to bloom as:'h fat|' garden, why should we bend down and '5 shut5 o.tlr SOUl 5,S in a txtlnb? We st, and erect. To press us down, no power can. We Speak nur own free thougl~ts for we are men. I repea~ it+, we are meni and let ns proye to the intelligent world ,that we are worthyof the name. Let ns dem(/ns~rate it by disseminat- ing knowledge among ~ru'solves by every honorable means within reach. As bread from the -soil sustai|m the body and gives pl~ysical s~rength so l~he bread o1' knowledge will make ~rea~er and more noble men and women. Let us cultivate that high standard of morals that exattoth a people, ever relnenlt)e|'in~,, that if our country falls into discredit we fall with it. If it stands a monumen~ or honor amon~z nations it is because o|lr acts have upheld it. Let us, the plain people, feel wh'al5 we are and the du- t;les tll al~ rest upon Is, for it is :he phdn people that places dellled or puremen in posil~ions ef authority in ,. governnlent` repnblie. It is oursto l)e lovers of peace; it is ()tt|'~ to be pLt~- riots when our country is unjustly assailed; it is ours to guard with ca|'e our pollCical and religious liberties;it is(mrs to los(el I freedom of-'thought, doing nothing that would work evil t,o country or people. /nsisting on our full rightsas Yrce men, bu~ disdaining I;o a s k a privelege for ourselves we would nof freely grant to anothe|'. "I close my paper with the deciimt- tion thal~ our resoltrcesof bread in the United Statesof Anlel'iea is a strong- er forl~ilication than if we had a Gib- raltar guarding t4te lnouth of every harbor in the |latioit. '-- -~e,~,e~+.+--- A SERMON ON HELL Continued (rum first page. no: to ~lle grave are as follows: First, they are never i|l.+the plural; second, it is never located on the face of the earLh; third, it never separates bhe devil and shcall; fifth, it never men- it(ms tall:s and cemmunicaCions in sheall; lifl~lt,-it never speaks .of touch- ing it. And for these reasons tl!ey are definite proofs tlla~ there is a place for departed spirits o1" a place of torture." An(] then we have as lnany rel'er~- ences if nob n:ore made to the grave or ~he resting phtce of tile bt)dy. Tllirl~y-four of ~llese refer to it as the ,~rave, twenty-six as the sepulcher, twelve bimes as the burial place. Every one of these refer to Lho grave and not; to ~lm place of the departed spirits for these reasons: Twent, y- ::;no of (,hem arc iu Llio plttra]; Lwetl- (y-nine speak of teuching it,; t`went.,y- l~wo times it is located on ~he ear,h; thirW-tl~ree ~ilnes there are mentions nl;|de of 1talks and COmlnttnicalsions, and in no phtee do we find bhe phtce of wiLl~ 1)read. 7Now.we tl|'n our atd;en- , .~;,...=.F+~+~-:,~:£~+W~.i.~2; .+~.-.:.+(:t-;:i,++., .:&< +@, to G1,e:t+, +l:e ¢i" ~ ~i~ ,.*~ she i,~ ab {var wibh the co|nbined cot|n- Ig I!@= ++ }'i~ Leaiing lle~ialisls of/hn~d~a +91} YEAISJl lffllff, 211,111 III£I, 'i... C RE £ 15510NS " Nothing can be more dcmoraliziKg to yottI!g or middle-aged men than the I)rcs+ caco of these "nightly losses. '1'hey p:'oduco weM:ncss, nervousness, ~ feeling ot dis:net and ~ whole train of ~yml)tom o '£hoy nnfit, a, maa for businesS, marric'~i lifo and+social hrq)piness. No matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, natura, l we:~knoss or sexual excesses, our New Method 'J!reatmont will positivcly etlro yOtl. NO CU RE + NO-PAY ~eader, y(m need help. Early abuse or later excesses mas* have werd:encd you. gxpclure may have diseased you. You we no~ safe till cured. Our New Method :dlPcui'e you. You run no risk. £aO, 0@@ ¢ IREI : Young I~ran--You are l)ale feeble md hugg~rd; nervous, irritable'and ex- citable. You become forgetful, morose, md despondent; blotches and l)imples, unkon eyes, wrinkled face, stoopinff orm and downcast countenance reveal he blight of your existence. ' CIRE VARICOCI[E ~To matter how serious your ease nlay e, or how longyo~ may have had it, our JEW BIETIIO1) TREATMENT will are it, The "wormy veins" return to ~o~x' normal eondihon and hence th/a ~xual organs receive proper nourish- ,ent. The organs become vitalized, all nna£?+ral drains or losses cease and m,n] X powers return. No temporary moht, but ~ permanent ouro assured 00Ultl, NO PAY N . . . . 1, u OPEItA- liON NECESSAI~y NO DETEr~ ~ION I~ROM BUSINi~SS. . ++'" gUffES GIAffAIITEED We treat and cur0+ 8YPH|Li-g 9LgET, Emssm~s IMPO~e~!-d-T 8'£ttl0'I'UIH, L VARICbcELE SEi~II' NAL LOSSES, BLADDER A~i) i~II): NEY dise~.sem OO NSUI, TATION FREE. II00KS FIH~E. CHAR(]ES MODERATE. If unable to call, write for a QUESTION :BLANK for ~10~IE 32REAT~{ENT. I(I!+- NPI .I 'a RZI6 I 148 8tELBg STIEET, DETROIT~ M|CH, tries of l~l~e wolqd, and her weakness is evident, at, a g]allCe. ~[Pis Lr|le she llaS her teeming millions in 1)op~- "lation, her wealth in ln0n~y lnlLo](], aer navy termed l(ing of the seas. 0UL ]1el) navy is powerless, her money +s useless, her arnly is helpless, for wiLhin herself she cannolsgive her pe(@]e bread. While our civil rebe]~on raged in the sixties, the skeleton of want, +wepg acres: the gree|l igle of Erin. £he American hea|'b ~('as touched with l.l~e sorrows (A' Unllappy h'e]an(l and :,,ng upon tensor llonr was send t0 Lhe :amine st|'icl{e|i + districts. With the masses it passed unnoticed, but` deep- er minds noted the ti|ne at which we save the alms. The rebellion closed and ]~ng]and was called upon to make mlends for allowing privateers to leave her posts to prey on ollrcon]- .uerce while engaged in domestic broil. England's most` liery statesmen con- deleted their p|'ond ]and ins|llted and .:ounciled war between the countries rather than Is<.) Sllblt]it tO w/lal5 was known as the Ahtbaula claims. At his period of the crisis there came ro|'wai.d that` wise and far-seeing 'mttesman, Jobll Bright. He remind. ed Ins c0tlntrynlen of o|tr gift to Ire: land and. in closin~ his speeel~, he said, "Lel~ us beware of how we pro- voke a conllic~ witil ;t nation of such resot|rces: a nation (lilt( can carry on a ,~igantid civil war and ab t,lle same tilne send Bread gratis to tim world's st: rvil~g poor." The g|'eatesl~ lnlnds l|avo ever con- sidered bread the mos~ important fae+ departed sphqts ruentiolmd in con- nect, ion wit`h the grave. In the texts, "Because there wore n(/ graves in Egypb" and "bho dead (lid nol5 praise glle Lord" bbese have direct reference go the plate of bile deparled spirits and nob t,o the grave where they know nothing We have other refe> ences made to :he place where tile :)udy is laid Lo rest and *'t, he place where the depart~ed spirits go. The bible speaks of going down into sheail t~wenty-~wo times. It also speaks or IAlo ab.qde of the w.icl(ed and of" going |ate the place called Genewah or lh|des or being el|st5 ingo it. Thus my friends you ean see 1~tlab God has given us anlple proof t0hals /4m|'o is it place of punishment` :wailing us if we disobey his colnnlands. {Phis ig not the phtce people like to hear about vghen they are abou~ l;o (tie. Tllen they wal|t to hea|" abm|t tam phlce called heaven. Figures arc ~sed to describe it`. It, is described as ha, viii: golden streets and gates of i)earl anti that :he angels sing all the time, and we wonder why so many beautil'tt] words "-are used to describe this place. God has dnne (,his to inV press fully npon our nlinds ~If6groat c:,ntrast between heaven and lletl. Heaven is liglft at|d joy and happi- ness, and hell is dark, sorrowful a|ld ritllof suffering. 111 t h e bible God tells ns our reward if we believe in him, and ,hen he gives us a glimpse of the terrible w~ath t, hal~ is to come ll' we do |1o1~ obeyhim. Some peoph~ will say that it is'not right to fright- en people into heaven. These texts were not, intended to frigllten people into flle fold bub to tell thetn simply what the resulb Of wrong doing will he. ~uD I think thai~ it d(ies not or of a people. Among l~llose t h a i |nakoo any difference how you get ,x ok l)arb in lonndili,,, th " ~tden , e tlln ...... them il~t,o the fo/d 8o long as you get ) , , . e(lon|es ot Alneriea one name stands l then1 in ~here. Like a lady }race said. n|b l)ar exce]lenL; not only for hen- "If nm house were on tire I wot|ld not of l)t~|'pose, but for wisdom that, pcaro b,ow you went about it to get nly ,m~ st cod the test of time. A man little hoy'ou~ of the flames so long as you saved him from such a fate." The preacher who believes in the wor,d of this bible and in his mission to tli6 people, "even to ease tileir conscience, will never say Hadesor the grave. It might do for policy salve but i~ will never do when the time conies for t|s tO meet our God. Although so many peoPle do nol be- lieve in a hell still they believe in a ist. Gas(on Akoun. director of thts PAN-AMERIGAN OUTLOOK heaven. Now we have seen proofs that there is a phtce for departed spir- its an~1. everlasting pun!shment, and we alsofind proofs of everlasting]ife and light, tlebrew 5: 9~ tIebrew 5: 14, speak of the eternal God of tlle eter- nal life, lleaven and Savior. ]f there is an everhlstin~ God, lie:yen and life it, is equally true that, there is a place uf everlasbing punishment, damnation and fire. God has said ~here is the f6rmer and if y0n believe part of his word you mus~ believe all or it. :~:r~ friends, takd fair warning, fur jus~ as sure as God 11as promised us an ever- last,in: home in heaven ir we obey his Continued from last wee&. ',cue sunjeet or the aecompanylng ll 2 lustration, the Beautifttl Orient, will represent life as it existed In the East before theadvent of the modern tour- concession, is arranging to have native representative charaet'rs to convey p'r0per impressions of oriental customs and nlanners oi~ living. He will lmve l)lenty of ~'oom in which to display the different salient features that would appeal in the stron£vst terms to people accustolned to our western civilization. A holy Mecea will In, |h(, ,4:eet:ng i)laee c~ tired and worn pilgrims who will constantly arrive, make their offerings in the various mosques or religious temples and disperse. Ei~l~t streets will diverge i'rom, this objective point, each representing a distinetiw~ local seetion of the orient. A street in Con- stantinople will be thoroughly Turkish, even to the vagal)otld clogs. Morocco commands, jusb as sure is l~e to keep will bo represented by a street whleh his word in regard to eternal danlna- will ilhlstrate the life an(! habits of the Moors. Algerian life Will receive tion and punislmtent. Gen. 13:14 re- fers to the everhlsting ~(. attention, and a street will be borrow- G )d. Isa. 18: ed from Algiers for the 1)nrpose. Typ- 8, Matthew 25: 46, and nlany other ical ilhtstration,s in a like mnnner wtI1 passages that I tnighl~ nlention go to be l:aken n'om Eg'yl)t, Tunis. ['ersia. show tllat tllel'e is an everlasti||t~ Go(1 Tripoli and Tul;l:ey in Asia. While and everlasting: life. Now with these looking through these sections visitors l~roofs :hat :here is an egerna] lleavel~,: eould easily imagine thenmelves in the is it, nol~ equally true tllab there+is ' mldst of-the an+cleat city, the counter. everlasting fire and damnation, part of whieh they are visiting. My friends, j believe in a hell, in a lleaven, and I also believe that unless we believe in the word of the L~u'd we are doomed toeverhtsging punishment. I ~ako bhis stand bet'ore you my A Bedouin Arab encampment will lend variety, and Sahara desert no- mads will live In theh. interesting char- acteristic way. Natiw~s from all coun- tries Will live on the gronnds with their camels and different domestic oriental you. IIe will keep his promises in every respee~ and if you disobey him yon nlay ex0ecb Lo receive yotlr ptln- isl}|neng; and i1' you believe i11 him he will ke.ep Ills promise to you in regard t'o an everlasting heine. In heaven we will no: lind card players, dancers, nurders and murdered, seducers and sedueecl, wall:ing arm in arln; only the pure of heart` and those thal~ believe in fhe Lm'd will be there. Those who have had the.ir souls washed whige as friends simply upon the proofs gha, t I animals, eabins, tents and huts. Res- find in the bible. God will no~ 11o to taurants, teahouses, shops au(l fruit stands for the saJe of oriental goods ef snow will be a(hnil~ted to the king- tion of the eountry at the time of the dora of heaven. A man on his death- Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia. bed once said tha~ he wou;d give It ls about twice the number livlng $15,000 to anyone that could prove to withln the same distance of Chicago. llinl 1)haB there was no such It place as The great Falls of Niagara constitute hell. No person can do that`, bu~ God an important attraction to tonrtsts who has proven it for us tu~d if you wish go exl)eet to visit the Exi)osition, as they are only half an hour's ride from the avoid bhe torture of thinldng of going Exposition grounds, and exeellent rail- to hell do as God has bid yolt .Lo do way accommodatio.ns are provided be2 and YOU need have no fear of goin~ 1,o tween the cities of Buffalo and Niagara glle place of punisllnlent. ]Do as God Falls. Near at hand also Is the great has bid. believe what he has vtritten summer school in the grove on Lake and he has promised you everlasting Chahtauqua's shores, known as the life and happiness. You wall Lhen Chautauqna Assembly. gain a crown in gloryand avoid Lhe Bnfl'alo Ires a population of nearly calamity of everlasting punishment. 400.000, and thh+ Is the tirst great Ex+ position held in the east since the Cen- NOTIC~ OF SETTLEFIENT. tennial. 25 years'ago. For the sev6i.iil' As I am now balancing lip 1113,books reasons here noted it is expected that all pel'sons owing me on accounl~ are the altendanee to the Pan-American requested Ix) se~le at the earliesl~ date Exposition will be veey large and tRat possible. Yours respectfully, the results will be very gratifying tn 1-18- W~L ~ESSNEI¢. the promotion of trade among all the states and nations of the western heml- Forec|osm'e Sale. Bphel'e and in tile estabhshment of 1)efanlt ]laV[ll~ I)(XHI made ill t hu 1)h, ymem IZlOl'e cordial relations among all the of lltoHoy (hie Oil Itn(l secure(t [)yacel+la ll IHOl'|gll,~O b():Lrillb~ (lltt,o lh~ t]l[r{.(x~lllh (l; 3' 01 people of the western world. M~trch, 1893 ~ 51a(te ;tud execu|ed by Ar[:hi+ " " I~IAI{K ~ENNTTT, l)Itl<J 1) McArlhurand(htrollne[a,,MeArt]lttr, Ills u'it'(~ tLlld (]eOl'~O 3h:APthur, ;in unm+trr .: rJed nlnln .to Iola E. Idtrkh~and recc+rd,. ,'1 I~ I:C P. aA,.U. th ~ R(u,i. }er o' l)ev( s' (fff;co ~,~+"i lc Counl,y ( f .A 110W ~ l n i b h wagon and new double Tu.~c<;h~,' Mi('hig:tn, On the lhirl,y+tlrst day of seat< d lm, Ell 11 ~ '~ ~arch I893 in IAbcr65on Nortgltges on I;a.£e / - ggY. " q- ire ab the (~III)(~N- t71, w]'~ich ~a.i(1 mortgage was duly a.:~.~d,.q~(d ICLE el|ice. 1-25-3 l y 3, Wl'tth)ll ,%~Slgllllt~,llb b(Nlrhl~ date the II+i++ l!l+al+ t,w e l f t h d a y o f , l t m e , 1893; nmdoandcxcented by the said h)h+ +,:. Larkin to the said caroli+w+ L. M(:](rthur :rod recorded In the l{(~'gistev of l)ee(ls' office aforcstti(l in lAl+er 73 of 5to+'t+ gages, on l)ago:+80 ()It tim ii~h'i,eo]H+]l d'ty of Jr(m,, i893, upon which mortgage therd Is ch+inw(lto bodueat the (late of ibis notice <he, sum of eight hundred lhiriy-four dolhu':+ an(If oPt,y-three cents (~83.|.43). L'~N ow therefore notice ts hereby given thai, by reason of said (hfl':tuI(, the s:[i(l morlxa£e will he foreclosed by ~ s:de of llm lllOl'l~'IlgC/] Ilre.lllises, ~tb ]mblk*~ '¢t.~ll(h/e, l,o l]lo lit:Ileal bhl(lm, a.Lihe, [rollLdoor of the cotll'b Ilou..qt in ~ he Viilag:e of car(), Tuseoht COlllILy, Mi(:h- Jg:tn ((,hal 1)eing the l)htco where the (:irct~ii court for said county ix holden) on I lie fOllI.l ]l day of Maroh. 190l. a.L one o'clo(:k In the 'tl'Im.- noon. Tim said lllOl'Iga.~ed ])l'elllises L'ein£ sil,uated in the. Township of Novesta, @olllliy of 'l:uscol~ and St:tie of ,Michigan :tll(l des- cril)cd ill said ln()rtgaxe, stlbstl~llLll~lly a.3 1'o17 lows, to-wiI,: The wt,st, half of tilt; 1]oI'lllwt's[ quarter (,Lf) of si)cLiOll t,wenty-t;ighb (28) town- shi|) number thirteen (13) north, range eleven east, which said premises will bc so d is aforesaid to satisfy the ltlnOllllb (lot} Oll sahl mortgage a~)(1 :he cosls o]" foreclosure. I)at ed])ecoml)er {it h, 1900. ()AItOl,lNg la. 31CAltTllUl~. .L I). P.R()OKEI~, At;s]~ll('e Of Morl~a~(,L Attornc.y for Assl.gnee of Mortg;i/4e, 12-7-13 great variety will be provided. The Beautifnl Orient Is under the same management as the Streets of Cairo. whleli was so popular at the Worhl's fair, timugh it will be three thnes as large. About 300 orientals will be era+ ployed in different w'lys with this at- traction, a conglomerate eastern city with distinct local features--a history In: nutshell. Within 500 miles of Buffalo are the homes of more than 40,000.000 people, which is more tlian the enth'e popula- [hal s DI:o l:ind yet! wal}t,. ~ge keel) all kinds Our loeal~ion is easily found~in+t~he old Sheridan llouse. (.live us a ~rial. IEITllk IIFIT IilIl(E{ Jno, 8ellvalarG Pr0f IIi PON'flA+, OXFOID & NOaTHEaN-R, ~, I+IgSSENO|III{, TIME CARD. Trains run on Central Standard Time, v Say Dearl Cousin 2ttlny writes that all those 1)eautiful presents she received at her wedding came from Hendrick, tim Cass City JeweletL She says he ll:an- dies the m<,st complete line of .Jewelry tO be i'ound in the Thumb. Also gold and Silverware, El)ony Goods, Terra Cotta BIiSLS and :Statuary. When itl town, I'll call all({ see them. ! J, L GOINO NORTII NO, I 6 51 7 4~ 8 1~ 8 2f 3~ 8 5~ 9 0~ !' ~!i 9 ,. 9 4.1 10 1~ 10 3(1 10 5q 10 5.+1 1 t 07 11 25 t l 4O I: 55 12 00 12 15 12 18 is as + STATIONS I (~OINO SOU'rIL Detroit D G lI & M Mlch, Ceu. PONTIAC l'~a, mes* Cole Oxford S]!Olll) ¢ Lo0il :l, rd Dryden Iml:~Y0lty 17,~tm* Kiugs 51Ills* N'th.B ranch e lifford l(l ngston W i 1m o 1,* 1)eford* c~tss cily Gagotow'i~ Owendah,* IAnkvlllo l'igeon l~erno* I Casovlllo A e. r .. *J'l ..~ 4i.at.hms. 't llt. to]')O + t l 11' ]. tth}sNo, a~,~Ill r+ ~{on, ..,, We(lne,sdty an(i 10rloay. +No. 6' lmrsd , am(l Satur(l't3; " All othur {rain:< dail, exc ~qr~+d'iv ' " " OOIItlOC1;IOIL%~| OIIIHt~ ,,tth l)etroll, (~l'ILlld Haven :ttl(l Milwaul(eo ICy; Oxferd with Baby Olt,y (livisIon Mich. Cenl'ral l{y" ]mlny Oil.) wil;h C]llCa,m & (]rat 1(I Trlllfl~ "l?v. {,iHr,,;.;~ wiLh.Flint &' [ ere 5iarqueg|.(~, Ry; Pigeon with gagln.aw, Ttlsc'oh~ & 11urea l¢y, -+ W. C. SA N F O I¢. D. O e u. Su pt. Cass C ty Foundry and / achine Co. ,~...-3:Ia n ufaetu re rs of Oang Plows Dew NO. 3 and No. 44 Plow Cass City Steel Plows. We also lna'~ufactnre Plow Poinfs I'm' fill plows, a ~(t Stone Boats with Cast, Jtronts. Give us a call and we will save you money. 5CHWADER~E~ BP, OS., ED. BF~OTHERTON~ A. H. /~4UCK, J, H. STRIFFLED., Proprietors. + .~+= are (lelighted ~ wi8h otii' t3a,zaar Goods. We nave recently re- ceived a (.~ a ~+q, and on accoln:~ of h:tving bough~ then: a~ so low a Ii£~:'e we can sell ~heln l)eiow the or(lin~wy cost price, A.calt will verify O~is. m (]ASS @ITY AND (~A I{O J..5. DUNHAM, Prop. UOINO WJes'r: Leaves Cass Cil,yaL 7-::}0 a. 111, 2krrives 3D Caro at 9 a. in. GOINO NAs'r: Leaves Care ag 1:30~. m. Arrives at Cass Cit`y, 4:30 p. hi. IiLvm~Oam way, $1.00; round trip, $1.50. Good r'igs always in readi hess. Commercial n ten a specially" % i~. + We must clear out all our stock. We have hand supply of Secolxd Hand Horse Powers alld also a°nnumbera ~ of Cutting-Boxes, Plows and Harrows. These things i I must be sold +Q: CHEAP o Ahnost given away. We will sell CHEAPER ;~than anv implement store in the Thumb. In fact J other it will be the CHEAPEST sale of farln unplements ever made. A car load of Bob Sleighsand a supply of Buggies recentiy received and .~ ~.,~, p o s i t i v e l y must be sold before I~ e b 1st + + Io+ H, STRIFFLER & CO, i i /

Transcript of 02-01-1901newspapers.rawson.lib.mi.us/chronicle/ccc1899 (e)/tcc1901a (e)/issues...RIIfl~ERI ~ BALL,...

+ , . ~ , . . , ~ , . + + + . . , . ¢ . . : . . + + - , . : ,+++, +

. •

RIIfl~ERI ~ B A L L ,

T O l l S O r i a ] A r t i s t s ,

~:~ae'Ftrs~ class work.

DR. 1K. ~ , W I C K W A R E , G cn ev a l l~)racticing Phys]ci , ' tn a n d Su rgeon . Olllco:,'tnd res id tmeo f o u r t h , d o o r s o u t h of Nt, w Sl~erRhm.' R E G U L A R office h o u r s f r o m 10:00 'a,. m. to2:00 I). m. 'Phouo+15, n n o r ing .

DENTllST~Y I . A , F R ~ I T Z , ~ e s i d e n t D e n t i s t

Office over T. H. Fr i t z ' s drugstore . We s~lieig your patronage Wlten in . need of denta l work.

J O K N :g. :FOO;~E, ~ . D.

' G r a d u a t e of De t ro i t Col lege of Med |c ine . Oal ls p r o m p t l y a n s w e r e d d a y or ntght~ No- vesta+ 3Ileh. " "

I a a l l

t h a t I s r t ~ e ~ c e s s a r y

t<) c o n v i n c e you that~ M c K e n z i e ' s is Nle phtce to get, t h e l a r e s : in all

FLal -~e~ -a l l

~ . ~ u p p l i e a

and at prices that, c a n n o t be din- counted .

A, A. NcKENZIE C a s s C 2 : l t x ] ,



o4o% :@ .,, : Z'W . ........... .:

S E W I N G IVI ,We m a k e o ther 1.=ii~ds th;+t are the:(per ;:rod ,< *ant ever~ one to d~ good work, Na~g~ e".:P Pd:~

NEW IIONE h~ ten styleso :iS0.oa t~1 7:, Ctimax== <4 35.ot, "e 48 ~- m:ov ,:.:~> 4;;,, Niobe= == g = ~e . . . . . : a,.,,. ~,~o:, +,,~ o ..~ g.r. 2~,00 1 dr. ca.ch s:d, %*:~ ;

"; ' 2 ~ 20.oo "+ '+ Hzfio~mi : i [8.eo ~. ~ 21 +oo ,~=,,a mo:,J=o [3.e og :h:aco_~:== '':'~ [~.oo-z,~ 19.oo I:ZSQO[ = Pmin tal,%. = [5,0(} I:an,l ~lachlno 1t,t{, Chain Stitch,

r~$1 ~ALE E~V DE'~LE[I~ /:VER'vW}.IE~,~E+ - We ~:~;:J:~.' 525 Machi~ms every day, and wahl 5', l'".',+:h::vc~2. W e al"e prepared to offer special i+

u,:c;t!::2 5. :V!'l~e :or ~lh:strated ca ta logu. . M: ,'L ::.~ el, :. b { ,::>:xt on approval , we pay the freigh '.,'+:+~ g £'?' r,t,~E;g. RGb?t'4'r.~ t.'+e~f,1"+'ED. ADDRZF [i:+ v+.++; ++o:,~,; cF:+:l~i+; f++

.... ~;'+ "~:'" CMtC;~,<~O. ++++,

G. D. STRIFFLER, A g e n t G a s s C i t y , M i c h .

118111 IIT IIII, +&UTHN ~ .~HHL1HY, ~ r o D s .

;] , F . ' - S E E L E ' t g , I , l~ . A u t e n ~ graro, l ~ t c h . G a a s G i t y , M i o h ,


A Cenoral B a n k i n g Bus iness T r a n . sacred.

F o r e i g n E x c h a n g e B o u g h t and Sold.

Drafgs issued payab le in a n y Cour~try in bhe World.

:Money L o a n e d on I lea l Es t a t e . Col- l ec t ions a Specia l (3 .

G. 'W. M c K E N Z I E ,

- G o u n t y Telephone. C a s h i e r .

Tri=County C h r o n i c l e . I w i thou l s show Ol. o s t en t a t i on , : . , : n a n I wh0se wisdom w a s h e a r d +vitll rever-

A W e e k l y N e w s p a p e r , I enco in t h e b r i l l i a n t cour t s of Europe, Devoted to the i n t e r e s t s of Oass Ol ty a n d s u r [ whose w o r d s Of. k indnes s fell l i k e

rso~,t~:~,,egoeOt~/,2s~:y lu Tuseola, Huron and i mus ic on t11e ear in t h e h u m b l e homes

[of A m e r i c a - - W i l l i a m P e n n . + P U B L I S H E D + E V E R Y F R I D A Y .

SUBSO R I P T I O N R A T E S . One Year , 75c; Six montl~d, 40c, T lm 7 5 c R a t e

is o n l y a v a i l a b l e w l m n th0 subsc r t t ) t l on ts .pttld In cash a full year In advanee.

A d v c r t l s i n g R a t e s m a d e k n o w n o n a p p l l c a t l o n .

- T E L E P H O N E S E g V I O E . Tim (JIIRONICLE IS c o n n e c t e d wl th th0 Moore,

Tolol)hOno S y s t e m a n d c a n b0 r e a c he d f rom a n y ofllco on the l ines,

F R E D E R I C K K L U H P , P u b l i s h e r .



C o n t i n u e d h 'om first pa~:e,

t he people of ~he c o u n t r y supply the b rave b u r g h e r s w i t h bread, E n g h l n d will p a y d e a r for t lm w e a l t h o f : l ;he + o Orange Fre6 S ta te , for t h e t r ea su re s of the T ransvaa l . I n 1860 A b r a h a m Litlcoll] was c lmsen ch i e f execu t i ve 1/1' th is na i l (m, and his d e c l a r a t i o n t h a t " N o ~ovel"tt lnent could e n d u r e per- m a n e n t l y ; lmlf s lave and h a l t l ' ree," gave t h e slave -holding s t a t e s a rigl~L to be l ieve t h a t t h e i r pet~ !nst i tut i ( )n m u s t u l u i m a t e l y become ex t inc t , and if i;hey were to sa~;e i1~ t hey ~.nust. w i t h d r a w r|'(,,n a un ion they no lunge| ' loved. T h e y passed the i r ordina, nces or secession; dec la red lbhemse]ves a na- t ien of c~)nfodel'ate sl;a~es and pre- t)a|'ed ~o de fend t h e i r ac t ions by the force of arlns. Ti le federa l s t a t e s pro- c l a imed },hem rebds , mar sha l l ed t he i r hosts to m a k e t l l e e|'| 'in,d b r e t h r e n |'e- l | l rn by. force, if necessary, to t h e i r fathe]'~s house :l~aJI1. | ? o r two years of bloody s t r i fe ba th sides proved lsllenlselves i|1 c amp and field to be men of no m e a n a b i l i t y ~ t h e ennfed- eracy well ho ld ing i ts own. T h e n it e; | lne to t h e tllinl(in~r lnen of t h e na- t ion we must` cub off t h e suppl ies of the sou th . Whi l e t he m a s t e r f ights a~ a soIdier in t h e field, t he s lave ta- b n's to fu rn i sh h im wi th bread. As a W;tl' meas t l re Lhe blacks lllllSlJ be n la ( ]e -

' ree. Atld on the lirsl5 day of J a n u a r y in 1863, when Abrahan~ L i n c o l n sign- e~l t he e m a n c i p a t i o n p r o c l a m a t i o n he st, rllcl~ t h e rebe l l ion a h a r d e r blow wi th h i s p c n t h a n G r a n h S l l e r m a n o r S h e r i d a n ever infliet&t upon i t by d i r ec t i on of sword or c a n n o n . From t m day t h e bread supply 1)egan 1~() weaken t h e s | ln of tlte boas ted confed - eracy began to s ink gill it.s las t rays f , l l upon t h e "los~ c a u s e " w h e n tile sword of Lee was s h e a t h e d o n the field of A pponutt, tox.

A f e w years ago Ollarles I{awles, of Cam, de l ivered t h e address on t`lle 4th of J u l y a{5 Cass C i t , y . . A m o n g the | n a u y t h ings t l lag he sa id was thttt, t i e Un i t ed S t a t e s could ca r ry on a w a r : g a i n s 1 5 t, i m c o m b i n e d na t io | l s or t:te wo| ' ld for a l lundred years. At t ' t e t i m e we cons idered il~ I n d e p e n d - ence Day b r | nkum, bu t on closer con- s ide ra t ion we saw his conc lus ions were corrccl~. W i t h otlr i m m e n s e pop- u]at ion and when we cons idbr how much £,q'eater the b i r t h s are t h a n the !e::th ra te it i:;sec~: tha~ we c(~tal(t

k e e p a mil l ion of ac t ive men c<mtin- r |ally in t h e field wiLlloul~ e t rec t in~ the, i ndus t r i e s of labor, and | ngs t i|r~porl> anl~ of a]], i nde l ) enden t of t h e w(u'ld ar()und us ~ e could l'tll'tlJsl~ ourse lves

Thal~ g r e a t man di rec ted . Ph i l ade l - ph ia to be htld o u t w i t h a p l a t ' o f lan¢l su r round ing : every dwel l ing , ( h a l ) i t mighl~ be a c i ty h e a l t h f u l and each lmlne t h e p r o d u c e r of i ts own breed.

We, t he t i l le rs of t he soil, a re ci t i- zens of no mean counlx'y; we are men of no m e a n occupa t ion . L e t us be proud of our cal l ing, for we' have a r i g h t to be proud b u t no righl~ to be vain. A r i g h t to be proud. We wlm have t a u g h t t he soil to bloom as:'h fat| ' ga rden , why shou ld we bend down and

' 5 shut5 o.tlr SOUl 5,S in a txtlnb? We st, and erect . To press us down, no power can. W e Speak nur own free thougl~ts for we a re men. I repea~ it+, we are meni and l e t ns proye to t h e i n t e l l i g e n t world , tha t we a re w o r t h y o f t he name. Le t ns dem(/ns~ra te i t by d i s semina t - ing knowledge a m o n g ~ru'solves by every honorab le means w i t h i n reach.

As bread f rom t h e -soil sus ta i |m the body and gives pl~ysical s~reng th so l~he bread o1' k n o w l e d g e will make ~rea~er and more noble m e n and women. L e t us c u l t i v a t e t h a t high s t a n d a r d of morals t h a t exa t to th a people, ever relnenlt)e|'in~,, t h a t if our c o u n t r y falls i n to d i s c r ed i t we fall w i th it. I f i t s t ands a m o n u m e n ~ or honor amon~z na t ions i t is because o| lr ac ts have uphe ld it. L e t us, the plain people, feel wh'al5 we are and the du- t;les tll al~ res t upon Is, for i t is : h e phdn people t h a t places dellled or p u r e m e n in posil~ions ef a u t h o r i t y in ,. governnlen t ` repnblie . I t is o u r s t o l)e lovers of peace; it is ()tt|'~ to be pLt~- r iots when our c o u n t r y is un ju s t l y assai led; i t is ours to gua rd w i t h ca| 'e our pollCical and re l ig ious l i b e r t i e s ; i t i s (mrs to los(el I f reedom of- ' thought , do ing n o t h i n g t h a t would work evil t,o c o u n t r y or people . / n s i s t i n g on our full r i g h t s a s Yrce men, bu~ d i sda in ing I;o ask a pr ive lege for o u r s e l v e s we would nof f ree ly g r a n t to anothe | ' . " I close my paper wi th t h e deci imt- t ion thal~ ou r resol t rcesof bread in the Uni t ed S t a t e s o f Anlel ' iea is a s t rong- er forl~ilication t h a n if we had a Gib- r a l t a r g u a r d i n g t4te l nou th of every h a r b o r in t he | latioit .

'-- - ~ e , ~ , e ~ + . + - - -


C o n t i n u e d ( rum first page.

n o : to ~lle g rave are as follows: F i r s t ,

they are never i|l.+the p lura l ; second, i t is never located on t h e face of the earLh; th i rd , i t n e v e r sepa ra tes bhe devi l and shcal l ; f if th, i t never men- it(ms tal l :s and cemmunicaCions in sheall ; lifl~lt,-it neve r speaks .of touch- ing it. And for t he se reasons t l!ey are def in i t e proofs tlla~ t he re is a place f o r d e p a r t e d sp i r i t s o1" a place of tor ture ."

An(] t h e n we have as lnany rel'er~- ences if nob n:ore made to the g rave or ~he r e s t i ng phtce of t i le bt)dy. Tllirl~y-four of ~llese re fe r to i t as t h e ,~rave, twen ty - s ix as t he sepulcher , twe lve bimes as t h e bur ia l place. Every one of these refer to Lho grave and not; to ~lm place of the d e p a r t e d sp i r i t s for these reasons: Twent , y- ::;no of (,hem a rc iu Llio plttra]; Lwetl- (y-nine speak of t e u c h i n g it,; t`went.,y- l~wo t imes i t is located on ~he e a r , h ; th i rW-t l~ree ~ilnes t h e r e are m e n t i o n s nl; |de of 1talks and COmlnttnicalsions, and in no phtee do we f ind bhe phtce of

wiLl~ 1)read. 7Now.we t l | ' n our atd;en- , .~;,...=.F+~+~-:,~:£~+W~.i.~2; .+~.-.:.+(:t-;:i,++., .:&< +@, to G1,e:t+, +l:e

¢i" ~ ~i~ ,.*~ she i,~ ab {var wibh the co |nb ined cot|n-

Ig I!@= ++

}'i~ Leaiing lle~ialisls of/hn~d~a +91} YEAIS Jl lffllff,

211,111 III£I,

'i... C RE £ 15510NS " Nothing can be more dcmoraliziKg to

yottI!g or middle-aged men than the I)rcs+ caco of these "n igh t ly losses. '1'hey p:'oduco weM:ncss, nervousness, ~ feeling ot d i s :ne t an d ~ whole t ra in of ~yml)tom o '£hoy nnfit, a, m a a for businesS, marric'~i lifo and+social hrq)piness. No mat te r whether caused by evil habi ts in youth, natura, l we:~knoss o r sexual excesses, o u r New Method 'J!reatmont will positivcly etlro yOtl.

NO CU RE + NO-PAY ~eader , y(m need help. Ear ly a b u s e or

later excesses mas* have werd:encd you. gxpc lure may have diseased you. You w e n o ~ s a f e t i l l cured . O u r New Method :dlPcui'e you. You run no risk.

£aO, 0@@ ¢ IREI : Y o u n g I~ran--You are l ) a le feeble

md hugg~rd; nervous, i r r i t ab l e ' and ex- citable. You become forgetful, morose, md despondent ; blotches and l)imples, unkon eyes, wr inkled face, stoopinff orm a n d d o w n c a s t c o u n t e n a n c e reveal he b l i g h t o f y o u r e x i s t e n c e . '

CIRE VARICOCI[E ~To matter how serious your ease nlay

e, or how longyo~ may have had it, our JEW BIETIIO1) T R E A T M E N T will are i t , T h e " w o r m y v e i n s " r e t u r n to ~o~x' n o r m a l e o n d i h o n a n d h e n c e th/a ~xual o r g a n s r e c e i v e proper nour i sh - ,ent . T h e o r g a n s become vitalized, al l nna£?+ral d r a i n s or l o s s e s c e a s e a n d m,n] X powers re turn . No temporary moht, b u t ~ permanent ouro assured 0 0 U l t l , NO PAY N . . . . 1, • u OPEI tA- liON NECESSAI~y NO DETEr~

~ION I~ROM BUSINi~SS. . ++'"

gUffES GIAffAIITEED We treat a n d cur0+ 8 Y P H | L i - g

9LgET, E m s s m ~ s IMPO~e~!-d-T 8'£t t l0 ' I 'UIH, L V A R I C b c E L E SEi~II ' NAL LOSSES, BLADDER A~i) i~II): NEY dise~.sem OO NSUI, T A T I O N FREE. II00KS FIH~E. CHAR(]ES MODERATE. If unable to call, write for a QUESTION :BLANK for ~10~IE 32REAT~{ENT.

I(I!+- NPI .I 'a RZI6 I 148 8tELBg STIEET,


t r ies of l~l~e wolqd, and h e r weakness is evident , at, a g]a l lCe . ~[Pis Lr | le s h e

llaS he r t e e m i n g mi l l ions in 1)op~- "lation, her w e a l t h in l n 0 n ~ y lnlLo](] ,

aer navy t e r m e d l(ing of t h e seas. 0UL ]1el) n a v y is p o w e r l e s s , h e r m o n e y

+s useless, he r a rn ly is helpless, for wiLhin he r se l f she canno l sg ive he r pe(@]e bread.

Whi le our civil r ebe]~on raged in the sixt ies, the ske le ton of want, +wepg ac re s : the g r ee | l igle of Er in . £he A m e r i c a n hea| 'b ~('as touched wi th l.l~e sor rows (A' Unllappy h 'e]an(l and :,,ng upon t e n s o r llonr was send t0 Lhe : amine st| 'icl{e|i + d is t r ic t s . Wi th the masses i t passed unno t i ced , but` deep- er minds no ted the t i | ne a t wh ich we save t he alms. T h e rebel l ion closed and ]~ng]and was cal led upon to make mlends for a l l owing p r iva t ee r s to leave he r posts to prey on o l l r con] - .uerce whi le engaged in domes t i c broil. E n g l a n d ' s most` liery s t a t e s m e n con- deleted t h e i r p| 'ond ]and ins | l l ted and .:ounciled war be tween t h e c o u n t r i e s r a t h e r t han Is<.) S l l b l t ] i t tO w/lal5 was known as the Ahtbaula claims. A t his per iod of t he crisis t h e r e c a m e

ro|'wai.d that` wise and far -see ing 'mt tesman , J o b l l Brigh t . H e r emind . ed Ins c0 t ln t ryn len of o | t r g i f t to I r e : land and . in c los in~ his speeel~, he said, "Lel~ us beware of how we pro- voke a conllic~ witi l ;t na t i on of such resot |rces: a na t i on ( l i l t ( can c a r r y on a ,~igantid civi l war and ab t, lle same t i lne send Bread g ra t i s to tim world ' s s t : rvil~g poor . "

T h e g|'eatesl~ ln lnds l |avo eve r con- s idered bread the mos~ i m p o r t a n t fae+

d e p a r t e d sphqts ruent io lmd in con- nect, ion wit`h t h e grave. In t h e texts , "Because t h e r e wore n(/ graves in Egypb" and "bho dead (lid nol5 pra ise glle L o r d " bbese have d i r e c t r e f e r ence go t h e p l a t e of bile d e p a r l e d spir i ts and nob t,o t h e g rave whe re they know n o t h i n g We have o t h e r r e f e> ences made to : h e place w h e r e t i le :)udy is laid Lo res t and *'t, he place where the depart~ed sp i r i t s go. T h e bible speaks of go ing down in to sheail t~wenty-~wo t imes . I t also speaks or IAlo ab.qde of t h e w.icl(ed and of" going | a t e the place ca l led G e n e w a h or l h | des or be ing el|st5 ingo it . T h u s my fr iends you ean see 1~tlab God has given us anlple proof t0hals /4m|'o is it place of pun ishment ` : w a i l i n g us if we disobey his colnnlands .

{Phis ig no t t he phtce people l ike to hea r a b o u t vghen t h e y a re abou~ l;o (tie. T l l en they w a l | t to hea|" abm|t tam phlce cal led heaven . F igu re s arc ~sed to descr ibe it`. It, is descr ibed as ha, v i i i : golden s t r ee t s and ga te s of i)earl anti t h a t : h e angels s ing all the t ime , a n d we wonde r w h y so m a n y beautil 'tt] words "-are used to descr ibe this place. God has d n n e (,his to inV press ful ly npon our n l inds ~If6groat

c : ,n t r a s t b e t w e e n heaven and lletl. H e a v e n is l iglf t at |d joy and happi- ness, and hell is da rk , so r rowfu l a|ld r i t l lo f suffer ing. 111 t h e bible God tel ls ns our r e w a r d if we believe in him, and ,hen he gives us a g l impse of t he t e r r i b l e w~ath t, hal~ is to come ll' we do |1o1~ o b e y h i m . Some peoph~ will say t h a t i t i s ' no t r i g h t to f r igh t - en people in to heaven . T h e s e texts were not, i n t e n d e d to f r ig l l t en people in to flle fold bub to tel l the tn s imply w h a t t h e resulb Of wrong do ing will he. ~uD I t h i n k thai~ i t d(ies not

or of a people. A m o n g l~llose t h a i |nakoo a n y d i f fe rence how you ge t ,x ok l)arb in lonndili,,, th " ~tden , e t l ln . . . . . . t h e m il~t,o the fo/d 8o long as you get ) • , , . e( lon | es ot A lne r i ea one n a m e s t ands l then1 in ~here. L i k e a lady }race said. n | b l)ar exce]lenL; no t only f o r hen- " I f n m house were on tire I wot | ld n o t

of l)t~|'pose, bu t for wisdom that, pcaro b,ow you w e n t a b o u t i t to ge t nly ,m~ st cod the tes t of t ime. A m a n l i t t l e hoy 'ou~ of t h e f lames so long as

you saved h i m f rom such a f a t e . " T h e p r e a c h e r who bel ieves in t he wor, d of th is bible a n d in his mission to tli6 people, "even to ease t i le i r conscience, will neve r say H a d e s o r t h e grave . I t m i g h t do for policy salve b u t i~ wil l never do when t h e t i m e conies for t|s tO m e e t our God.

A l t h o u g h so m a n y peoPle do no l be- l ieve in a hell s t i l l t h e y be l ieve in a ist. Gas(on Akoun. director of thts


heaven . N o w we have seen proofs t h a t t h e r e is a phtce for d e p a r t e d spir- i ts an~1. eve r l a s t i ng p u n ! s h m e n t , and we a l so f ind proofs of e v e r l a s t i n g ] i f e and l ight , t l e b r e w 5: 9~ t Iebrew 5: 14, speak of t h e e t e r n a l God of tlle e ter- nal l ife, l l eaven and Savior. ] f t h e r e is an eve rh l s t in~ God, l i e : y e n and life it, is equa l ly t r u e that, t h e r e is a place uf ever lasbing p u n i s h m e n t , d a m n a t i o n and fire. God has said ~here is t h e f6 rmer and if y0n be l ieve p a r t of his word you mus~ be l ieve all or it. :~:r~ fr iends, t a k d fa i r warn ing , fur jus~ as sure as God 11as promised us an ever- las t , in : home in heaven ir we obey his

Continued from last wee&.

',cue sunjeet or the aecompany lng ll 2

lustration, the Beautifttl Orient, w i l l represent l ife as it existed In the East before t h e a d v e n t of the modern tour-

concession, is arranging to have native representative charaet 'rs to convey p'r0per impressions of oriental customs and nlanners oi~ living. He will lmve l)lenty of ~'oom in which to display the different sal ient fea tures that would appeal in the s t ron£vst te rms to people accustolned to our western civilization. A holy Mecea will In, |h(, ,4:eet:ng i)laee c~ tired and worn pilgrims who will constant ly arrive, make their offerings in the various mosques or religious temples and disperse. Ei~l~t streets will diverge i'rom, this objective point, each representing a distinetiw~ local seetion of the orient. A street in Con- stantinople wil l be thoroughly Turkish, even to the vagal)otld clogs. Morocco

commands , jusb as sure is l~e to keep will bo represen ted by a s t ree t whleh his word in r ega rd to e t e rna l dan lna- will i lh ls t ra te the life an(! habits of

the Moors. Algerian life Will receive t ion and pun i s lmten t . Gen. 13:14 re- fers to t he eve rh l s t ing ~(. at tent ion, and a street will be borrow-

G )d. Isa. 18: ed from Algiers for the 1)nrpose. Typ- 8, M a t t h e w 25: 46, and n lany o t h e r ical ilhtstration,s in a like mnnner wtI1 passages t h a t I tnighl~ n len t ion go to be l:aken n'om Eg'yl)t, Tunis. [ 'ersia. show t l l a t tllel 'e is an everlast i | | t~ Go(1 Tripoli and Tul;l:ey in Asia. While and ever las t ing: life. Now wi th these looking th rough these sections visitors l~roofs : h a t : he re is an egerna] lleavel~,: eould easily imagine thenmelves in the is it, nol~ equa l ly t r u e tllab there+is ' mldst of - the an+cleat city, the counter . e v e r l a s t i n g fire and d a m n a t i o n , par t of whieh they are visiting.

My fr iends, j bel ieve in a hell, in a l leaven, and I also bel ieve t h a t unless we bel ieve in the word of t he L~u'd we a re doomed toeverh t sg ing p u n i s h m e n t . I ~ako bhis s t a n d bet'ore you m y

A Bedouin Arab encampmen t will lend variety, and Sahara deser t no- mads will live In theh. in teres t ing char- acter is t ic way. Natiw~s from all coun- tries Will live on the gronnds with their camels and different domest ic oriental

you. IIe will keep his promises in every respee~ and if you disobey him y o n n l a y e x 0 e c b Lo r e c e i v e y o t l r p t l n -

isl}|neng; and i1' you bel ieve i11 him he will ke.ep Ills promise to you in r ega rd t'o an e v e r l a s t i n g heine. I n heaven we will n o : lind card players , dancers , n u r d e r s and murde red , seducers and

sedueecl, wal l : ing a r m in ar ln; only t h e pure of heart` a n d those thal~ bel ieve in fhe L m ' d will be there . Those who have had the.ir souls washed whige as

f r i ends s imply upon t h e proofs gha, t I animals , eabins, tents and huts. Res- find in t he bible. God will no~ 11o t o taurants , teahouses, shops au(l fruit

s tands for the saJe of oriental goods ef

snow will be a(hnil~ted to the king- tion of the eount ry at the t ime of the dora of heaven . A man on his dea th - Centennial Exposi t ion at Phi ladelphia . bed once said tha~ he wou;d give I t ls about twice the number l ivlng $15,000 to anyone t h a t could prove to withln the same d i s t a n c e of Chicago. llinl 1)haB the re was no such It place as The great Falls of Niagara const i tute hell . No person can do that`, bu~ God an impor tan t a t t rac t ion to tonrtsts who has proven i t for us tu~d if you wish go exl)eet to visit the Exi)osition, as they

are only half an hour 's ride from the avoid bhe t o r t u r e of t h i n l d n g of going Exposition grounds, and exeellent rail- to hell do as God has bid yolt .Lo do way accommodatio.ns are provided be2 and YOU need have no fear of goin~ 1,o tween the cities of Buffalo and Niagara glle place of punis l ln len t . ]Do as God Falls. Near at hand also Is the grea t has bid. be l ieve w h a t he has v t r i t t en s u m m e r school in the grove on Lake and he has p romised you eve r l a s t i ng Chah tauqua ' s shores, known as the life and happiness . You wall Lhen Chau tauqna Assembly. gain a c rown in g l o r y a n d avoid Lhe Bnfl'alo Ires a populat ion of near ly c a l a m i t y of eve r l a s t i ng p u n i s h m e n t . 400.000, and thh+ Is the tirst great Ex+

position held in the east since the Cen- NOTIC~ OF SETTLEFIENT. tennial. 25 years ' ago . For the sev6i.iil'

As I am now ba l anc ing lip 1113, books reasons here noted it is expected that a l l p e l ' s o n s owing me on accounl~ a re the a l t endanee to the Pan-Amer ican r eques t ed Ix) s e ~ l e a t t h e earliesl~ da te Exposition will be veey large and tRat possible. Y o u r s respect fu l ly , the results will be very gra t i fy ing tn

1-18- W ~ L ~ E S S N E I ¢ . the promotion of t rade among all the states and nat ions of the wes tern heml-

Forec |osm'e Sale. Bphel 'e a n d in t i l e e s t a b h s h m e n t o f 1)efanlt ]laV[ll~ I)(XHI made ill t hu 1)h, ymem IZlOl'e cordial relat ions among all the

of lltoHoy (hie Oil Itn(l secure(t [ ) y a c e l + l a ll IHOl'|gll,~O b():Lrillb~ (lltt,o lh~ t]l[r{.(x~lllh (l; 3' 01 people of the western world. M~trch, 1893 ~ 51a(te ;tud e x e c u | e d by Ar[:hi+ " " I~IAI{K ~ENNTTT, l)Itl<J 1) McArlhurand(htrollne[a,,MeArt]lttr, Ills u'it'(~ tLlld (]eOl'~O 3h:APthur , ;in unm+trr .: rJed nlnln . t o Io la E. I d t r k h ~ a n d recc+rd,. ,'1 I~ I:C P. aA,.U. th ~ R(u,i. }er o ' l)ev( s' (fff;co ~,~+" i lc Counl,y ( f .A 110W ~ l n i b h w a g o n a n d n e w double Tu.~c<;h~,' Mi('hig:tn, On the lhirl ,y+tlrst day of seat< d lm , E l l 11 ~ '~ ~arch I893 in IAbcr65on Nortgltges on I;a.£e / - ggY. " q- ire ab t he (~III)(~N- t71, w]'~ich ~a.i(1 mortgage was duly a.:~.~d,.q~(d ICLE el|ice. 1-25-3 l y 3, Wl'tth)ll ,%~Slgllllt~,llb b(Nlrhl~ d a t e the

II+i++ l!l+al+ t, w e l f t h d a y o f , l t m e , 1893; n m d o a n d c x c e n t e d by the sa id h)h+ +,:. L a r k i n to the sa id caroli+w+ L. M(:](r thur :rod recorded In the l{(~'gistev of l)ee(ls' office aforcstti(l in lAl+er 73 of 5to+'t+ gages, on l)ago:+80 ()It t im ii~h'i,eo]H+]l d ' ty of • Jr(m,, i893, upon which m o r t g a g e the rd Is ch+inw( l to b o d u e a t the ( late of i b i s no t ice <he, s u m of e igh t h u n d r e d l h i r i y - f o u r dolhu':+ an(If oPt,y-three cen t s (~83.|.43). L'~N ow the r e fo r e no t ice ts h e r e b y g i v e n thai, by reason of said (hfl':tuI(, the s:[i(l m o r l x a £ e will he foreclosed by ~ s:de of l lm lllOl'l~'IlgC/] Ilre.lllises, ~tb ]mblk*~ '¢t.~ll(h/e, l,o l]lo l i t : I leal bhl(lm, a.Lihe, [ rol lLdoor of the cotll'b Ilou..qt in ~ he Viilag:e of car(), Tuseoh t COlllILy, Mi(:h- Jg:tn ((,hal 1)eing the l)htco where the (:irct~ii cour t for said c o u n t y ix holden) on I lie fOllI.l ]l d ay of Maroh. 190l. a.L one o'clo(:k In the 'tl'Im.- noon. T im said lllOl'Iga.~ed ])l'elllises L'ein£ s i l ,uated in the. T o w n s h i p of Novesta , @olllliy of ' l :uscol~ a n d St: t ie of ,Michigan :tll(l des- cril)cd ill said ln()rtgaxe, stlbstl~llLll~lly a.3 1'o17 lows, to-wiI,: T h e wt,st, ha l f of tilt; 1]oI'lllwt's[ q u a r t e r (,Lf) of si)cLiOll t, wenty- t ; ighb (28) t o w n - shi |) n u m b e r t h i r t e e n (13) no r th , r a n g e e l even east , which sa id p remises will bc so d is a fo resa id to s a t i s fy the ltlnOllllb (lot} Oll sahl m o r t g a g e a~)(1 :he cosls o]" foreclosure .

I)at ed] )ecoml)e r {it h, 1900. ()AItOl,lNg la. 31CAltTllUl~.

.L I). P.R()OKEI~, At;s]~ll('e O f Morl~a~(,L At tornc .y for Assl.gnee of Mortg;i/4e, 12-7-13

great variety will be provided. The Beautifnl Orient Is under the same m a n a g e m e n t as the Streets of Cairo. whleli was so popular at the Worhl 's fair, t imugh it will be three thnes as large. About 300 orientals will be era+ ployed in different w'lys with this at- traction, a conglomerate eastern city with dist inct local features--a history I n : nutshell.

Within 500 miles of Buffalo are the homes of more than 40,000.000 people,

which is more tlian the enth'e popula-

[ h a l s DI:o l:ind yet! wal}t,. ~ge keel) all k inds

O u r loeal~ion is easi ly found~in+t~he

old S h e r i d a n l louse . (.live us a ~rial.

IEITllk IIFIT IilIl(E{ Jno, 8ellvalarG Pr0f

I I i


T r a i n s r u n on C e n t r a l S t a n d a r d T ime ,


S a y D e a r l

Cousin 2ttlny wr i t e s t h a t all those 1)eautiful p resen ts she received a t he r wedd ing came f rom H e n d r i c k , t im Cass Ci ty JeweletL She says he ll:an- dies t he m<,st c o m p l e t e l ine of .Jewelry tO be i 'ound in t h e T h u m b . Also gold and S i lve rware , El)ony Goods, T e r r a Cotta BIiSLS and :Sta tuary. W h e n itl town, I ' l l c a l l all({ see t h e m .


J, L



6 51 7 4~

8 1~ 8 2f


8 5~ 9 0~

!' ~!i 9 ,. 9 4.1

10 1~ 10 3(1 10 5q 10 5.+1 1 t 07 11 25 t l 4O I: 55 12 00 12 15 12 18 is as


D e t r o i t D G l I & M Mlch, Ceu.

P O N T I A C l'~a, mes*


Oxford S]!Olll) ¢

Lo0il :l, rd D r y d e n

Iml :~Y0 l ty 17,~tm*

Kiugs 51Ills* N ' th .B r a n c h

e l ifford l ( l n g s t o n

W i 1 m o 1,* 1)eford*

c~tss c i l y Gagotow'i~ Owendah,* IAnkv l l lo

l ' i g e o n l~erno* I

Casovl l lo A e. r . .

*J'l ..~ 4i.at.hms. 't llt. to]')O + t l 11' ]. t th}sNo, a~,~Ill r+ ~{on, ..,, We(lne, s d t y

an(i 10rloay. +No. 6 ' l m r s d , am(l Satur(l ' t3; " All o t h u r {rain:< dai l , exc ~qr~+d'iv ' " "

OOIItlOC1;IOIL%~| OIIIHt~ , , t th l )e t ro l l , (~l'ILlld H a v e n :ttl(l Milwaul(eo I C y ; Oxferd wi th Baby Olt, y ( l ivisIon Mich. Cenl ' ra l l{y" ] m l n y Oil.) wil;h C]llCa,m & (]rat 1(I Trlllfl~ "l?v. {,iHr,,;.;~ wiLh.Fl in t &' [ e re 5iarqueg|.(~, Ry ; Pigeon wi th gagln.aw, Ttlsc'oh~ & 11 u r e a l¢y, -+

W. C. S A N F O I¢. D . O e u. S u pt .

Cass C ty Foundry and

/ achine Co.

, ~ . . . - 3 : I a n u fae tu re rs of

Oang Plows Dew NO. 3 and No. 44 P l o w Cass City Steel Plows.

We also lna '~ufac tn re P low P o i n f s I'm' fill plows, a ~(t S tone Boats w i t h Cast, J tronts. Give us a cal l and we will save you money .


P r o p r i e t o r s .

+ .~+= are ( le l igh ted ~ wi8h otii'

t3a, zaar Goods. We nave r ecen t ly re- ce ived a

(.~ a ~+q,

and on accoln:~ of h: tving bough~ then : a~ so low a Ii£~:'e we can sell ~heln l)eiow t h e or(lin~wy cost price, A.ca l t will ver ify O~is.


(]ASS @ITY A N D (~A I{O

J . . 5 . D U N H A M , P r o p .

UOINO WJes'r: Leaves Cass Cil,yaL 7-::}0 a. 111, 2 k r r i v e s 3D Caro a t 9 a . i n .

GOINO NAs'r: Leaves Care ag 1:30~. m. A r r i v e s a t Cass Cit`y, 4:30 p. hi.

I iLvm~Oam way , $1.00; round tr ip, $1.50. Good r'igs a lways in readi hess. C o m m e r c i a l n ten a spec ia l ly"


i ~ . + W e m u s t c l e a r o u t a l l o u r s t o c k . W e h a v e h a n d

s u p p l y o f S e c o l x d H a n d H o r s e P o w e r s a l l d a l s o a °nnumbera

~ o f C u t t i n g - B o x e s , P l o w s a n d H a r r o w s . T h e s e t h i n g s i I m u s t be s o l d +Q:

CHEAP o A h n o s t g i v e n a w a y . W e w i l l s e l l

CHEAPER ; ~ t h a n a n v i m p l e m e n t s t o r e i n t h e T h u m b . I n f a c t


o t h e r

i t w i l l b e t h e

CHEAPEST s a l e of f a r l n u n p l e m e n t s e v e r m a d e . A c a r l oad o f B o b

S l e i g h s a n d a s u p p l y o f B u g g i e s recentiy r e c e i v e d a n d . ~ ~.,~, p o s i t i v e l y m u s t b e s o l d b e f o r e I~ e b 1 s t + +

Io+ H, STRIFFLER & CO, i i
