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Grade 11 THE SECOND SEMESTER EXAM-014Find out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.1. A. shopped B. booked C. missed D. wanted2. A. things B. paintings C. posters D. booksFind out the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.3. A. service B. offspring C. pressure D. biography4. A. athlete B. resource C. discovery D. ecologistChoose the best answer to complete the sentence.5. The little girl __________I borrowed this pen lives next to my door.

A. from that B. who C. whose D. from whom6. When we entered their room, they __________a football match on TV.

A. are watching B. were watching C. has watched D. had played7. She didn’t say __________about her job when I spoke to her.

A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing8. They thanked me for __________them to dinner.

A. to invite B. to inviting C. inviting D. invited9. Could everybody __________bag has got lost please stay here?

A. who B. whom C. whose D. which10. My father wanted me __________an actor.

A. to become B. become C. becoming D. became11. Neither you nor I __________here yesterday.

A. am B. are C. was D. were12. She bought the book __________she had heard it was good.

A. because B. although C. if D. and 13. It is the room __________we usually hold our meetings. A. that B. which C. where D. when14. Nuclear power is cleaner than coal.

A. strength B. rule C. might D. energy15. You did not read anything about the space, __________?

A. didn’t you B. did you C. were you D. weren’t you16. My grandfather was a very clever man. He __________speak five languages.

A. can B. is able to C. could D. were able to17. Do you know when the 2006 Asian games took place?

A. happened B. deepened C. added D. struggled18. What are you interested __________doing in your free time?

A. for B. in C. over D. on19. The Great Pyramid of Giza ranked as __________tallest structure on earth.

A. the B. a C. an D. no article20. We all regard pollution as a __________matter to human beings.

A. serious B. seriously C. seriousness D. seriousness21. If you had told me, I __________you my car.

A. will lend B. would lend C. have lent D. would have lent22. They worked as astronauts, __________?

A. don’t they B. weren’t they C. did they D. didn’t they23. My brother never indulges __________smoking.

A. with B. in C. to D. on24. I will make every __________to arrive on time.

A. difficulty B. delay C. effort D. mistake25. It __________the children that painted the walls.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

Circle the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.


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Grade 11 THE SECOND SEMESTER EXAM-01426. It was in New Delhi which the first Asian Games took place. A B C D27. Not only my father but also my mother are going to the meeting. A B C D28. We met a deaf student whom is very intelligent A B C D29. You can see the sea in the distance, don’t you? A B C D30. He is said being 108 years old. A B C DRead the passage and choose the best answer.

When I was in Scotland last year, I visited a special hydroelectric power station. It is inside a mountain. It rains a lot in the mountains of Scotland and there are huge lakes high up. The water falls down through large pipes to a generator in the power station. The energy of the moving water turns the generator and this produces electricity. A big transformer then increases the number of volts over 400.000. The electricity goes through cables to different parts of Scotland, England and Wales.

The inside of the power station was very clean because it doesn’t burn coal or gas. It was also very quiet. I was very surprised. It was just like being in a hospital, really.

I think hydroelectric power stations are much safer than nuclear power stations. They are also better for the earth than coal or gas power stations. Some countries like Sweden and Netherlands have said they aren’t going to build any more nuclear power stations. They are going to try to make clean electricity using water or wind. I think we should do the same and spend more money in building hydroelectric power stations31. What can be the best title for the passage?

A. Future of Electricity B. Electricity from water C. Dangers of Nuclear Power D. Electricity in Scotland

32. We can learn that the word “hydroelectricity” means “using ____________” A. the energy of the water to clean the air B. pipes to carry water

C. water power to produce electricity D. wind power to produce electricity33. Why does the writer say the hydroelectric power station is like a hospital?

A. It looks like a hospital B. It is very clean and quiet. C. It has beautiful scenery. D. it uses a generator.

34. What is the passage mainly about? A. The advantages of hydroelectric power stations B. The future of electric power C. The number of electric power stations D. The countries that have nuclear power stations

35. What does “they” in the last paragraph refer to? A. Gas power stations B. Coal power stations C. Nuclear power stations D. Hydroelectric power stations

Rewrite these sentences as directed.36. Mai plays the guitar well. (Tag question)

______________________________________________________________________________37. She can’t play badminton. David can’t play badminton.(neither …nor)

______________________________________________________________________________38. The pedestrian asked the policeman a lot of questions. (cleft sentence – focus subject)

______________________________________________________________________________39. He described his hometown in his novel. (cleft sentence in the passive)

______________________________________________________________________________40. People suppose that the film is very good. (change into passive voice)

______________________________________________________________________________------THE END------


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Grade 11 THE SECOND SEMESTER EXAM-014Answer keys

36. Mai plays the guitar well, doesn’t she?_____________________________________________37. Neither she nor David can play badminton._________________________________________38. It was the pedestrian that/ who asked the policeman a lot of questions.____________________39. It was his hometown that / which was described in his novel.____________________________40. The film is supposed to be very good.______________________________________________