01. OWT_QR_01_Jan-March-30_04_2012

Operation Wallacea Trust (OWT) | 1 KECAMATAN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND ENVIRONMENT (PNPM-GREEN) IN SULAWESI Component 3: Awareness Raising and Training (TF-090977) PROVINCE: SOUTH AND SOUTH EAST SULAWESI QUARTERLY REPORT 01/2012 Reporting Period: [1 January 31 March 2012] For THE WORLD BANK - INDONESIA Dr. Edi Purwanto (Version: 30 April 2012)

Transcript of 01. OWT_QR_01_Jan-March-30_04_2012

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Component 3: Awareness Raising and Training (TF-090977)



Reporting Period: [1 January – 31 March 2012]



Dr. Edi Purwanto

(Version: 30 April 2012)

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Table of Content


I. Background 3

II. Executive Summary 3

A. English 3

B. Indonesian 8

III. Management and Financial Issues 10

A. Management Issues 13

B. Financial Issues 14

IV. Challenges and Remedial Actions over the Reporting Period


A. Improving Tree Planting Sub-project during Integration (Lesson Learned No.



V. PNPM-Green Beneficiaries stories 16

A. Local Initiatives to replicated Rumpon, Oempu (Muna) and Gumanano (Buton).

Success Story No. 16/2012


B. PNPM-Green has successfully stimulated local community to plant tree crops,

Ladongi, Kolaka (Success Story No. 17/2012)


Appendix 1: Link of Project Activities Against Performance Indicators 18

Appendix 2: Link of Project Activities Against Work Plan 27

Appendix 3: Photo Galleries 29

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I. Background

A. PNPM-Green: It is a pilot-project which is designed in part to mainstream natural

resource management (NRM) and renewable energy issues (RE) within the core operations

of the national PNPM-Rural program. On Sulawesi Island (North Sulawesi, South

Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, and Southeast Sulawesi), PNPM-Green has been active since

2008, and in 2010, the pilot program expanded into four provinces on Sumatra Island

(Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra and Bengkulu). A key component of PNPM-Green –

to which approximately USD 5.3 million has been allocated – is the technical assistance

provided by Indonesian and international civil society organizations (CSO). The CSO

partners are responsible for delivering environmental awareness raising and training

activities to the pilot’s community beneficiaries and local government officials to assist in

the design and implementation of viable ‘green sub-projects’. These sub-projects are

financed through the PNPM-Green block grants and are focused in improved NRM

practices, environmental conservation, environmentally-sound income generating activities,

and RE. As PNPM-Green is currently designed, there is CSO coverage in the eight target


B. Operation Wallacea Trust (OWT): It is a CSO has Grant Agreement with the World Bank

to conduct environmental awareness and training to local community and PNPM-Green

actors at village and kecamatan (sub-district) level and mainstreaming sustainable

development at districts and province level in the Pilot PNPM-Green in South and South

East Sulawesi Province. OWT has imitated the work since January 2008 in three pilot

districts, Buton, Muna and Kolaka and nine sub-districts, i.e. Pasarwajo, Sampolawa,

Mawasangka (Buton), Tongkuno, Lawa and Napabalano (Muna), Watubangga, Ladongi and

Lambandia (Kolaka). Since March 15, 2012, our facilitation area has been extended to cover

another nine sub-districts in South Sulawesi Province, i.e. Marusu, Bontoa, Tompobulu

(Maros), Tana Sitolo, Bola, Takalala (Wajo); Gandasil, Sangala Selatan and

Bonggakaradeng (Tana Toraja). Total grant agreed for this contract agreement until October

2012 is USD 1,446, 600.

C. OWT intervention and approach: Since 2008, our interventions have been focused at

village and sub-district level, in the form of environmental awareness and training, technical

assistance and facilitation to ensure the program and its associated block-grant will enable to

raise the quality of beneficiaries’ livelihoods. Community based environmental program will

only be sustainable if they enable to open new opportunities to local community livelihoods.

Natural resource management (NRM) and renewable energy (RE) initiatives within PNPM-

Green will only be sustainable if they can enhance income generating activity (IGA) or

reduce poor household expenditure. Green block-grant only acts as a ‘starter’ or ‘stimulant’,

whether those end-up to environment and livelihoods improvement or not will heavily

depend on the quality of community facilitation. Taking this in mind, the success of PNPM-

Green will require extra ordinary facilitation efforts at grass-root level.

II. Executive Summary

A. English

Following up the Bank’s supervision mission in December 2011 and responding to a letter

sent by GOI (Directorate General of Village and Community Empowerment/PMD)

addressed to the Bank regarding the need to have additional support (awareness raising and

capacity building) in South Sulawesi and three districts in Sumatra (Agam, Padang Pariaman

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and Lebong), OWT was requested by the Bank to involve for the technical assistance. In response to

the request, for the case of Sulawesi, on 9 January 2012, we submitted technical proposal entitled:

‘Proposed Additional Financing to the Trust Fund for Kecamatan Development Program (KDP) in

Sulawesi to support PNPM-Green in Maros, Wajo and Tana Toraja Districts’. After having some

revisions, the proposal was finally accepted and used as a basis of the fifth amendment

(countersigned on 14 March 2012) of the Grand Agreement in which OWT received ‘Additional

Grant’ of USD 296,950 until October 2012. Since 15 March 2012, OWT have started working in

South (S) Sulawesi Province.

During January-March 2012, PNPM-Green cycles for fiscal year 2011 in S and SE Sulawesi

Provinces have reached the stage of MDST (sub-project hand-over). While for fiscal year

2012, until the end of March 2012; the PNPM-Green cycle had reached MAD-II.

As realized that year 2012 is the first year where PNPM-Green cycle enables to follow

regular development planning or usually called ‘integration’. Following the process, the

village sub-project is selected from Village Annual Workplan (RKP-Desa), as an annual

break-down of the RPJM-Desa. Selection of Green sub-project at village level was

conducted during Village Development Planning Meeting (Musrenbang Desa) held around

fourth week of January 2012. This was followed with sub-project proposal writing and

verification process. Until the end of March 2012, all sub-districts in S and SE Sulawesi

Provinces have completed MAD-II. It is much faster than before, where MAD-II held in


During this Quarter, for SE Sulawesi Province, our main facilitation cover the following; (a)

Conducted intensive facilitation for planting subprojects implementation and maintenance of

5 villages per Pilot Kecamatan (45 villages); (b) Facilitated socialization of Village

Regulations to sustain PNPM-Green-investments (45 villages); (c) As a follow-up of car

procurement (8 March 2012), since mid March, we have started operating ‘Awareness Car’

to mainstream PNPM-Green smart practices at (sub) village level; (d) Facilitated the

organization of Workshop Kecamatan to reflect the implementation of PNPM-Green

(2008 – 2011) and prepared for 2012 (9 events); (e) Advocated the inclusion of Green

investment on each step of Development Planning Forum (Musrenbang), from Village,

Kecamatan until District level. Until the end of March 2012, our advocation has already

reached district level; (f) Facilitated marketing of Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette (CCB)

and VCO in Buton; (g) Prepared ‘Lestari Desaku’ Magazine which will be published on mid

May 2012 (in web-site and printed version); (h) Assisted Danida to develop Manual and

booklets on NRM; (i) Assisted Danida to prepare ‘Tour De Java for NRM Champions: A

Traveling Training Event’; (j) Provided technical assistance on the replication of biogas

initiated by District Government Fund in Muna and Buton.

During this Quarter, for S Sulawesi Province, as we have just started on mid March 2012,

have completed: (a) Staff recruitments: (i) District Coordinator (3 persons); (ii) Field staff

at Kecamatan level (9 persons); (iii) Admin staff (1 person); (b) Training of District

Coordinators and field staff in Maros (involved 15 new staff); (c) Surveyed potential

resources, problems and proposed facilitations of every village on the Pilot Kecamatan; (d)

Prepared Coordination meeting at district level (Wajo, Maros, Tana Toraja) and Kecamatan

Workshops; (f) Assisted Consultants on the preparation of CIDA and World Bank

supervision mission in Tana Toraja District.

Proposed no-cost extension until 31 December 2012: Considering: (a) the fifth revision of

TF 090977 has just been countersigned on mid March, while on the ground interventions in

S Sulawesi Province has just been effective since the beginning of April 2012; (b) There is

an urgent need to establish PNPM-Green smart practices in S Sulawesi (as the case for SE

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Sulawesi) and sustain those which have been achieved in SE Sulawesi; (c) Prepare exit

strategy of the program in both provinces; (d) Enhance the performance of 2012 green sub-

projects which require full facilitation on the whole phases of project implementation; (e)

The provided grant to OWT is more than sufficient to run the project until 31 December


The list of activities during the reporting period and its link to Performance Indicators is

presented in Appendix 1, while the link with Workplan proposed during the extension of our

facilitation (April 2011 – October 2012) is presented in Appendix 2. Photo is presented in

Appendix 3.

Some new developments, approaches and important facilitations during the reporting period

are highlighted below:

Performance Indicator 1: Well-trained PNPM-Green facilitators and other local

PNPM stakeholders, who can ignite and facilitate ‘green’ projects within PNPM, not

limited to those within PNPM-Green Target Locations.

Since December 2011, we have worked together with Mr. Frans Harum (Danida

Consultant) and Mr. Soren Moestrup (Danida Advisor/PSF) to develop NRM manual and

booklets for Green facilitators (GF). We prepared three chapters: (a) Catchment

Management Planning; (b) Agroforestry and (c) Income generating activity. We also

provided full technical assistance the making of booklet illustration; (a) catchment

management planning; (b) income generating activities; (c) establishment of Village

Nursery; (d) Agroforestry and (e) tree planting. The materials will be used for GF refresher

training held in June and July 2012. The overall materials will also be useful for the next

phase of PNPM-Green and other relevant NRM program.

We continuously facilitated regular coordination meeting with key PNPM-Green actors and

stakeholders at district level (January-March), facilitated the visit of actors and stakeholders

on PNPM-Green smart-practices.

To support the integration of PNPM-Green with regular development planning and improve

the quality of Green sub-projects, we facilitated: (a) the writing of sub-project proposal; (b)

the selection of Verification Team (VT); (c) training for VT and facilitated the

implementation of verification process1; (d) facilitated Musrenbang Kecamatan (MAD-II)

and mainstream PNPM-Green smart practices on Musrenbang Kabupaten.

For the efficient and effective use of PNPM-Green block grant, we recommended TPK to

skip out budget allocation for training in the block-grant proposal. All block-grant should be

spent for project development (green investment) rather than training. All training activities,

proposed in the block-grant should be handled by OWT.

Considering that OWT has already been working in two provinces and starting from May

2012 will work in another two provinces (West Sumatra and Bengkulu), there is a pressing

need to build strong and liquid communication among OWT and GF and project

beneficiaries working and living in different part of Indonesia. In response to that, we have

developed an NRM magazine, named: ‘Lestari Desaku’ (My Sustainable Village; 40 pages)

which will be published on mid May 2012. This will be uploaded on OWT website and also

1 To ensure that Verification Team met with all project beneficiaries candidates, we facilitated the meeting between

project beneficiaries and verification team, prior the visit of verification team on the proposed planting sites.

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be printed 400 copies for each province. The printed version of the magazine will be

distributed to GF, key government and village champions and PNPM-Green stakeholders.

The IEC materials developed in this Quarter: (a) Manuals: (i) Cultivation of King Oyster

Mushroom; (ii) Vegetative propagation; (iii) Biogas; (iv) The use of organic waste for

organic poultry and livestock fodder; (b) Films: (i) Cultivation of King Oyster Mushroom;

(ii) Vegetative propagation; (c) Booklets: (i) The making of Lumbricus Rubelus (worm)

fertilizer; (ii) Bokashi; (iii) Coconut Charcoal Briquette (CCB). (d) Posters: ‘Save and

Protect Watershed Area: For the sustainability of life supporting system from ridge to reef;

(e) Book: Published Green-Nationalism Book (Nasionalisme Lingkungan, author: Edi

Purwanto) and printed for 2000 copies. The books have been disseminated to Green

Facilitators, PNPM-Green actors and stakeholders in S and SE Sulawesi.

Performance Indicator 2: Local community members (including women) who are

aware of environmental issues and sustainable natural resource decisions that they can

participate in.

During January and February 2012, we facilitated Kecamatan Workshop (Photo A.3.5). The

objectives were to provide a multi-stakeholders forum at (sub) district level to reflect

PMPM-Green implementation, improve bad practices and replicate smart practices. We

influenced PNPM-Green beneficiaries to make use the ‘integration’ process to improve the

quality of tree planting sub-projects. It is expected that the Green block grant will reach

UPK account in mid May, 2012. As such, there will be about four months toward planting

activities scheduled in October 2012 (beginning of wet season). The long time project

implementation should enable project beneficiaries to develop their own tree nursery.

We continuously developed innovative of environmentally sound appropriate technology

(Teknologi Tepat Guna/TTG) applicable for rural community and facilitated the adoption to

PNPM-Green beneficiaries and surrounding areas. In this Quarter, we have introduced two

new innovative green sub-projects:

(a) The cultivation of King Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). The underlined reasons:

(i) the cultivation rely on local product. The growth media is made of organic waste: dust

saw (serbuk gergaji), rice husk (sekam padi), rice bran (bekatul) and rice straw (jerami); (ii)

It is ready to harvest within forty days, harvesting can be conducted until 2-3 months; (iii) It

can be developed on various scales, from small into big scale; (iv) Financially sound and

easy to market. We have developed the Film and the Manual which will be delivered on the

Tour de Java for NRM Champions (29 April – 5 May 2012). Our intensive awareness (via

film and discussion) in SE Sulawesi, the menu has been adopted by Welala Village

(Ladongi) and will receive 2012 Green Block-Grant.

(b) Organic chicken husbandry (poultry): The underlined reasons: (i) rely on local product.

The chicken feeding is made of organic waste such as dust saw (serbuk gergaji), rice husk

(sekam padi), rice bran (bekatul); (ii) Within three months the ‘grower’ are ready to sell

(IDR 40,000 per kg); (iii) Resistant from pest and disease; (iv) It can be developed on

various scales, from small into big scale; (iv) Financially sound and easy to market. Since

November 2012, we have developed the pilot in Ladongi (Kolaka). The pilot has been

recently visited by several farmer groups facilitated by FEATI (Farmer Empowerment

through Agriculture Technology and Information). See Photo A.3.10,

We have facilitated the marketing of PNPM-Green products in Buton District: (a) CCB

(Mawasangka): Several fish-grill restaurants in Baubau (such as Raja Rasa etc.) have used

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CCB for the fish grill and other cooking activities (such as boiling water). BUMDes (Village

Owned Enterprise, Kaluku Harapan) is now able to run the machine at least three days with

production capacity of 1 ton; (b) VCO (Kaluku Lestari, Mawasangka): We facilitated the

establishment of commission (10 % of the selling price) for every one bottle sale; (c)

Women group making bags out of plastic waste (Pasarwajo): Marketing is no problem, but

lack of plastic waste. We assisted the collection of plastic waste in Baubau to support lack of

raw materials.

Refer to the results of MAD-II held during the end of March 2012, despite the dominant of

tree planting sub-projects; this is the first year where the numbers of funded biogas and CCB

sub projects are significantly increase in numbers compared to the past. Project beneficiaries

might have relied on the multi-uses of biogas and the economic impacts of CCB. There are

also an increase numbers of funded Solar Photovoltaic sub-projects which proven (from

2011 block-grant) to be useful for non electrified settlements.

Since March 2012, in collaboration with local NGOs, we have started to use awareness car

for disseminating environmental issues on every village (Photo A.3.4). During March 2012,

the car has just completed the tour in Buton. The awareness rising methods: (a) During the

day: coordination with key village governments and champions and announcement; (b)

During the night (7 – 10 PM): (i) Socialization on PNPM-Green; (ii) Film Screening; (iii)

Discussion by giving list of questions related with films and PNPM-Green Program. To

energize participants, we provided prizes for some actives participants (HP voucher, T-shirts

and books, about USD 30 in total).

Performance Indicator 3.Adoption by regional governments of natural resources

governance issues as an integral part of the policy development and decision making


We mainstreamed environmental issues during Kecamatan Workshop to relevant SKPDs

(Forestry, Agriculture, Environmental and Small and Micro Enterprise Development). We

facilitated the visits of SKPD to PNPM-Green smart practices in Buton and Muna Districts.

We incorporated PNPM-Green awareness rising with ‘Bedah Kecamatan’ Program. It is a

crash programs in Kolaka District aimed to integrate SKPD projects to speed-up

infrastructures development at sub-district level (such as improve road construction, making

fish-ponds, rehabilitate settlement areas etc). The implementation of Bedah Kecamatan is

led by the Regent (Pak Bupati) and takes one until two weeks. On 14-15 March, in consent

of Pak Bupati (Drs. Buhari Matta), we conducted tree planting campaigns on critical land at

Poli-Polia Village (non pilot sub-district). Pak Bupati led tree planting campaigns (3 ha)

which involved secondary students, government officials and boy-scout. See Photo A.3.9.

We provided full technical assistance on the installation and maintenance of biogas initiated

by Muna and Buton district governments. As reported on the previous quarter, our efforts on

influencing policy have driven Muna District Environmental Agency (MDEA) to replicate 3

biogas units (with 5000 liters digester for three households) in Napabalano and Lawa sub-

districts. During this Quarter, MDEA continued to install biogas at Tongkuno Selatan/non

pilot sub-district (3 units), Lawa (2 units) and Barangka/non pilot sub-district (2 units) Sub-

districts. Similar initiative happened in Buton District; the Agriculture Agency built 2 biogas

units for Lasalimu Sub-district (non pilot sub-district).

In collaboration with local NGO partner (Gaharu) and Muna District Government (Forestry,

Agriculture and MDEA), on 22 March (World Water Day), we facilitated tree planting

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campaigns involving students, NGOs and government staff. About 120 people involved on

the planting campaign and 7 ha of critical land in Katobu Sub-district was planted with

Beringin, Kemiri, Nangka, Mahoni and Rambutan. The critical land is a degraded protection

forest (logged over area). This area is the head water of Jompi spring which is the source of

drinking water of Raha Town.

We recommended District Musrenbang to replicate PNPM-Green smart practices: (a) Muna

District to replicate biogas and fish aggregating devices (Rumpon); (b) Buton District to

replicate biogas and CCB and (c) Kolaka District to stimulate community to use organic

farming waste for organic fertilizer, organic poultry and livestock fodders. During

Musrenbang in Kolaka, we demonstrated the making of low price organic farming waste

chopping machine, see Photo A.3.1.

Performance Indicator 4: A sustainable capacity among both [PNPM] facilitators and

[PNPM] stakeholders of all levels to continue the implementation of locally driven

‘green’ development investment and to expand its geographic coverage to new areas.

In this Quarter, all beneficiary villages of PNPM-Green 2011 have reached MDST. Our

facilitation on five selected villages are: (a) Provided technical assistance on each step of

tree planting, from designing planting scheme to planting and maintenance (Photo A.3.3);

(b) Building commitments among project beneficiaries; (c) Allocated extra seedlings (20 %

of the total planted seedlings) for replanting (penyulaman).

To replicate PNPM-Green beyond its geographic coverage, we mainstreamed PNPM-Green

smart-practices on some national and regional events: (a) Kolaka Expo (24-29 February);

(b) Presented PNPM-Green Smart Practices on National Fishery Workshop in Raha (18

March); (c) Presented PNPM-Green Smart Practices on the AgFor (new CIDA project in

Sulawesi) Inception Workshop (Quality Hotel, Makassar, 25 January); (d) Presented PNPM-

Green Smart Practices on CIDA Green Economy Workshop (Aryaduta Hotel, Makassar, 1

February); (e) Presented PNPM-Green Smart Practices on BakTI office in the launching of

Green-Nationalism Book (BakTI Office, 27 February 2012).

We continuously stimulated Centre PMD (Jakarta) to develop General (Pedoman Umum)

and Technical Guidelines (Petunjuk Teknis) on Catchment Area Management

Implementation at district level, especially related to capacity building and institutional

development. Since December 2011, the Author has been appointed by PMD as member of

expert team in the development process of the guidelines. We have also been involved on

PMD technical assistance program on catchment area management in the Eastern and

Western Indonesia.

B. Indonesian

Sebagai tindak lanjut supervisi Bank Dunia pada bulan Desember 2011 dan menanggapi

surat Direktorat Jenderal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, Kementerian Dalam Negeri

(PMD) tentang perlunya dukungan peningkatan kesadaran dan kapasitas masyarakat di

Sulawesi Selatan dan Sumatera (Agam, Padang Pariaman dan Lebong), Bank Dunia

mengundang OWT untuk memberikan bantuan teknis di berbagai wilayah tersebut. Kami

menerima baik tawaran tersebut, kemudian segera menyusun proposal teknis dan

pembiayaan. Proposal Sulawesi disampaikan tanggal 9 Januari 2012, berjudul: 'Usulan

Pembiayaan Tambahan Trust Fund Program Pengembangan Kecamatan (PPK) di Sulawesi

untuk mendukung PNPM-LMP di Maros, Wajo dan Kabupaten Tana Toraja’. Setelah

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mengalami beberapa revisi, proposal tersebut diterima dan digunakan sebagai dasar untuk

melakukan amandemen kelima TF 090977, OWT menerima tambahan pendanaan sebesar

USD 296,950 untuk mendukung kegiatan di Sulsel sampai Oktober 2012. Terhitung sejak

15 Maret 2012, OWT telah mulai bekerja di Sulsel.

Selama Januari-Maret 2012, siklus PNPM-LMP tahun 2011 di Sulsel dan Sultra telah

mencapai Musyawarah Desa Serah Terima (MDST). Untuk tahun 2012, sampai akhir Maret

2012; siklus PNPM-LMP telah mencapai MAD-II. Sebagaimana disadari bahwa tahun 2012

ini adalah tahun pertama dimana siklus PNPM dapat sepenuhnya terintegrasi dengan

perencanaan pembangunan reguler. Dalam proses integrasi: usulan kegiatan ditentukan dari

Rencana Kerja Tahunan Desa (RKP-Desa), yang merupakan perincial tahunan dari RPJM-

Desa. Pemilihan kegiatan PNPM-LMP di tingkat desa dilakukan dalam Musrenbang Desa

yang berlangsung sekitar minggu keempat Januari 2012. Kemudian diikuti dengan penulisan

proposal dan verifikasi usulan. Sampai akhir Maret 2012, semua kecamatan di Sulsel dan

Sultra telah menyelesaikan MAD-II. Siklus ini berjalan lebih cepat dari sebelumnya, dimana

MAD-II biasanya diadakan pada bulan Agustus/September.

Dalam triwulan ini, pendampingan OWT di Sultra meliputi: (a) Memfasilitasi kegiatan

penanaman dan pemeliharaan kegiatan 5 desa pada setiap kecamatan pilot (45 desa); (b)

Memfasilitasi sosialisasi Perdes pelestarian aset PNPM-LMP (45 desa); (c) Sebagai tindak

lanjut dari pembelian mobil (8 Maret 2012), sejak pertengahan Maret, kami mulai

mengoperasikan 'mobil penyadaran' untuk mengarusutamakan praktik cerdas PNPM-LMP

di desa; (d) Memfasilitasi penyelenggaraan Lokakarya Kecamatan untuk mengevaluasi

pelaksanaan PNPM-LMP (2008 - 2011) dan menyiapkan pelaksanaan kegiatan untuk 2012

(9 kegiatan); (e) Advokasi pemerintah untuk memasukan investasi hijau di setiap langkah

perencanaan pembangunan dari desa, kecamatan sampai kabupaten. Sampai akhir Maret

2012, sudah mencapai tingkat kabupaten; (f) Memfasilitasi pemasaran briket arang

tempurung kelapa dan VCO di Buton; (g) Menyiapkan majalah ‘Lestari Desaku’ yang akan

terbit pertengahan Mei 2012 (versi web-site dan cetakan); (h) Membantu Danida membuat

manual dan booklet NRM: (i) Membantu Danida menyiapkan ‘Tour de Java Tokoh NRM:

Pelatihan Berjalan’; (j) Memberikan pendampingan teknis replikasi biogas oleh Pemda

Muna dan Buton.

Dalam triwulan ini, untuk Sulsel, karena kami baru mulai pertengahan Maret 2012, kegiatan

yang kami selesaikan meliputi: (a) Perekrutan staff: (i) Koordinator kabupaten (3 orang);

(ii) Staff lapangan tingkat kecamatan (9 orang); (iii) Staff administrasi (1 orang); (b)

Pelatihan untuk Koordinator kabupaten dan staff lapangan di Maros (melibatkan 15 staff

baru); (c) Survei potensi sumberdaya alam, masalah dan rencana fasilitasi dari setiap desa

kecamatan pilot; (d) Mempersiapkan pertemuan koordinasi pada tingkat kabupaten (Wajo,

Maros, Tana Toraja) dan Workshop Kecamatan; (f) Membantu konsultan menyiapkan

supervisi CIDA dan Bank Dunia ke Kabupaten Tana Toraja.

Usulan no-cost extension hingga 31 December 2012: Mempertimbangkan: (a) revisi

kelima GA TF 090977 baru ditandatangani pada pertengahan Maret, sedangkan kegiatan

lapangan di Sulsel baru efektif mulai April 2012; (b) Kebutuhan untuk membangun praktik

cerdas PNPM-LMP di Sulsel (sebagaimana di Sultra) serta mempertahankan pencapaian di

Sultra; (c) Menyiapkan ‘exit strategy’ program di kedua provinsi; (d) Meningkatkan kualitas

pelaksananaan usulan masyarakat tahun 2012 yang memerlukan fasilitasi penuh pada

seluruh tahapan kegiatan; (e) Dana yang disediakan untuk OWT cukup untuk melaksanakan

proyek sampai 31 Desember 2012.

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Daftar kegiatan selama periode pelaporan dan hubungannya dengan Indikator Kinerja

disajikan pada Lampiran 1, sedangkan hubungannya dengan Rencana Kerja yang diusulkan

selama perpanjangan dari fasilitasi kami (April 2011 - Oktober 2012) disajikan dalam

Lampiran 2. Foto disajikan dalam Lampiran 3.

Beberapa perkembangan baru, pendekatan dan fasilitasi penting selama periode pelaporan

gigaris bawahi di bawah ini:

Indikator Kinerja 1: Terlatihnya dengan baik fasilitator PNPM-LMP dan Pemangku

kepentingan PNPM lainnya, yang dapat memicu dan memfasilitasi proyek 'hijau'

dalam PNPM, tidak terbatas pada mereka yang berada dalam lokasi Sasaran PNPM-


Sejak Desember 2011, kami telah bekerja dengan Pak Frans Harum (Konsultan Danida)

dan Pak Soren Moestrup (Advisor Danida/PSF) untuk menyusun manual dan booklet NRM

untuk fasilitator. Kami menyiapkan tiga bab: (a) Pengelolaan Daerah Tangkapan Air (DTA);

(b) Agroforestry dan (c) Peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat. Kami juga memberikan

bantuan penuh pembuatan ilustrasi untuk lima booklet: (a) perencanaan DTA; (b)

peningkatan pendapatan; (c) pembuatan pembibitan desa; (d) Agroforestry dan (e)

penanaman pohon. Manual ini akan digunakan untuk pelatihan penyegaran fasilitator yang

rencananya akan diselengarakan bulan Juni dan Juli 2012. Manual ini juga berguna untuk

tahap lanjutan PNPM-LMP dan program NRM lainnya.

Kami terus menerus memfasilitasi pertemuan koordinasi dengan pelaku dan pemangku

kepentingan PNPM-LMP pada tingkat kabupaten (Januari-Maret), memfasilitasi kunjungan

pelaku dan pemangku kepentingan pada lokasi praktik cerdas PNPM-LMP.

Untuk mendukung integrasi PNPM-LMP dengan perencanaan pembangunan reguler dan

meningkatkan kualitas usulan kegiatan masyarakat, selama triwulan ini, kami memfasilitasi:

(a) penulisan usulan; (b) pemilihan Tim Verifikasi (TV); (c) pelatihan TV dan

memfasilitasi pelaksanaan proses verifikasi; (d) memfasilitasi Musrenbang Kecamatan

(MAD-II) dan mengarusutamakan praktik cerdas PNPM-LMP pada Musrenbang


Agar dana BLM digunakan secara efektif dan efisien, kami merekomendasikan TPK untuk

tidak mengalokasikan dana pelatihan dalam proposal pendanaan. Seluruh dana BLM

seharusnya untuk pengembangan (pelaksanaan kegiatan) daripada pelatihan. Kegiatan

pelatihan dilaksanakan oleh OWT.

Mempertimbangkan bahwa OWT telah bekerja di dua provinsi dan mulai bulan Mei 2012

akan bekerja di dua provinsi baru (Sumatera Barat dan Bengkulu), ada kebutuhan mendesak

untuk membangun komunikasi yang kuat dan mengalir antara OWT dan Fasilitator PNPM-

LMP dan penerima manfaat yang bekerja di wilayah yang berjauhan. Untuk membangun

komunikasi, kini kami menyiapkan majalah NRM, bernama: 'Lestari desaku' (40 halaman)

yang direncanakan terbit pertengahan Mei 2012. Soft-file majalah ini akan di-upload di

website OWT dan juga dicetak 400 eksemplar untuk setiap provinsi. Versi cetak dari

majalah tersebut akan didistribusikan ke fasilitator, pemerintah, tokoh masyarakat dan

pemanggu kepentingan PNPM-LMP.

Bahan Infomasi, Edukasi dan Komuniakasi (IEC) untuk fasilitator dalam kuartal ini adalah:

(a) Manual: (i) Budidaya Jamur Tiram, (ii) Pembiakan vegetatif, (iii) Biogas, (iv)

penggunaan limbah organik untuk beternak ungas dan ternak besar (ruminansia), (b) Film:

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(i) Budidaya Jamur Tiram, (ii) Pembiakan vegetatif. Booklet: (i) Pembuatan Kascing

(Lumbricus Rubelus), (ii) Bokashi, (iii) Pembuatan CCB. (d) Poster: 'Pelihara dan

Lindungi Daerah Aliran Sungai: Demi Kelestarian Sistem Pendukung Kehidupan dari Hulu

hingga ke Hilir dari Pengunungan Hingga Terumbu Karang’. (e) Buku: Menerbitkan Buku

Nasionalisme Lingkungan, penulis: Edi Purwanto) dan dicetak 2000 buah. Buku tersebut

telah dibagikan kepada Konsultan, pelaku dan pemangku kepentingan PNPM-Green serta

tokoh masyarakat di Sulsel, Sultra dan Sumatra Barat.

Indikator Kinerja 2: Masyarakat tempatan (termasuk perempuan) sadar akan

masalah lingkungan dan pengambilan keputusan sumber daya alam berkelanjutan

yang mana mereka dapat berpartisipasi.

Selama Januari dan Februari 2012, kami memfasilitasi Lokakarya Kecamatan (Photo A.3.5).

Tujuannya menyediakan forum multi-pihak untuk melakukan refleksi pelaksanaan PMPM-

LMP dan langkah untuk memperbaiki praktik buruk dan mereplikasi praktik cerdas. Kami

mempengaruhi penerima manfaat menggunakan proses integrasi untuk memperbaiki

kualitas usulan penananman pohon. Diharapkan bahwa BLM PNPM-LMP sudah masuk ke

rekening UPK pertengahan Mei, 2012. Dengan demikian akan tersedia waktu empat bulan,

apabila kegiatan penanaman dilakukan pada awal musim hujan (Oktober 2012). Lamanya

waktu pelaksanaan kegiatan seharusnya membuat penerima manfaat mampu menyiapkan

persemaiannya sendiri.

Kami terus mengembangkan teknologi tepat guna (TTG) ramah lingkungan yang mampu

dilakukan oleh masyarakat. Dalam kuartal ini kami mengembangkan dua TTG inovatif yang

berpotensi untuk diadopsi sebagai usulan hijau masyarakat:

(a) Budidaya Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus ostreatus): Alasansannya: (a) Budidaya sepenuhnya

dapat mengandalkan produk lokal. Media tumbuh terbuat dari limbah organik seperti serbuk

gergaji, sekam padi, dedak (bekatul) dan jerami padi; (b) Bisa dipanen dalam waktu empat

puluh hari, kemudian panen bisa dilakukan sampai 2-3 bulan; (c) Dapat dikembangkan pada

berbagai skala bisnis; dan (d) menguntunngkan dan mudah dipasarkan. Kami telah

membuat Film dan Manual yang diantaranya akan kami sampaikan pada peserta Tour de

Java (29 April – 5 Mei 2012). Ide ini telah diadopsi oleh masyarakat Desa Welala (Ladongi)

yang usulan jamurnya akan menerima BLM tahun 2012.

(b) Peternakan ayam organik. Alasannya: (a) Budidaya sepenuhnya dapat mengandalkan

produk lokal. Makanan ayam dapat dibuat dari limbah orgtanik seperti serbuk gergaji,

sekam padi dan dedak (bekatul); (b) Dalam waktu tiga bulan ayam telah siap dipasarkan

(Rp, 40,000 per kg); (c) Tahan terhadap serangan hama dan penyakit; (d) Dapat

dikembangkan pada berbagai skala bisnis dan (d) menguntunngkan dan mudah dipasarkan.

Pilot kami di Desa Gung Jaya (Ladongi) telah dikunjungai oleh kelompok tani yang

difasilitasi oleh FEATI. Lihat Photo A.3.10.

Pada triwulan ini kami telah memfasilitasi pemasaran produk dampingan kami di Buton: (a)

Arang Briket (Mawasangka): Beberapa restoran di Baubau (seperti Raja Rasa) telah

menggunakan arang briket untuk ikan bakar dan memasak lainnya (seperti memaskan air).

BUMDes Kaluku Harapan sekarang mampu mengoperasikan mesin pembuat briket tiga

hari semingu dengan kapasitas produksi 1 ton; (b) VCO (Kaluku Lestari, Mawasangka):

Kami memfasilitasi penyediaan komisi bagi pemasar (10 % dari harga jual) untuk setiap

penjualan; dan (c) Kelompok perempuan pembuat tas dari limbah plastik (Pasarwajo):

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Pemasaran tidak masalah, tapi kurangnya pasokan sampah plastik. Kami membantu

pengumpulan sampah plastik di kota Baubau sebagai alternative sumber bahan baku.

Merujuk pada hasil MAD-II yang diadakan selama akhir Maret 2012, meskipun usulan

masyarakat masih didominasi kegiatan penanaman pohon, namun ini merupakan tahun

pertama dimana usulan biogas dan arang briket yang dibiayai oleh BLM meningkat secara

signifikan dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Penerima manfaat mungkin mulai percaya

terhadap manfaat biogas dan dampak peningkatan pendapatan dari arang briket .Peningkatan

juga terjadi pada usulan PLTS terdanai yang terbukti bermanfaat bagi desa-desa yang tidak

belum teraliri listrik.

Sejak Maret 2012, bekerjasama dengan LSM lokal, kami telah mulai menggunakan mobil

penyadaran untuk mensosialisasikan isu-isu lingkungan di setiap desa (Photo A.3.4). Selama

Maret 2012, mobil penyadaran baru saja menyelesaikan route di Buton. Metode penyadaran

yang kami lakukan: (a) Pada siang hari: koordinasi dengan tokoh pemerintah desa dan

pengumuman pelaksanaan waktu penyadaran; (b) Malam hari (pukul 7 – 10): (i) Sosialisasi

PNPM-LMP; (ii) Pemutaran Film; (iii) Untuk meningkatkan partisipasi, kami menyediakan

beberapa hadiah seperti voucher HP, kaos dan buku (total sekitar Rp 275,000).

Indikator Kinerja 3. Adopsi oleh pemerintah daerah terhadap perbaikan penata-

keloaan SDA sebagai bagian integral dari proses pengambilan keputusan.

Kami mengarusutamakan isu lingkungan selama Lokakarya Kecamatan kepada beberapa

SKPD yang bergerak dalam NRM (Kehutanan, Pertanian, Badan Lingkungan Hidup,

Pengembangan Usaha Kecil Menegah). Kami memfasilitasi kunjungan SKPD untuk

melihat praktik cerdas PNPM-LMP di Buton dan Muna.

Di Kolaka, kami melakukan penyadaran lingkungan dalam program 'Bedah Kecamatan’,

yaitu program perrcepatan pembangunan infrastruktur di tingkat kecamatan yang

mengintegrasikan proyek antara beberapa SKPD, seperti pengerasan jalan, membuat kolam

ikan, merehabilitasi daerah pemukiman dsb. Pada 14-15 Maret, dengtan persetujuan Pak

Bupati (Drs. Buhari Matta) kami menyelenggaran kampanye penanaman pohon di lahan

kritis di Desa Poli-Polia. Pak Bupati memimpin langsung penanaman pohon (3 ha) yang

melibatkan siswa SMP, SMA, pejabat pemerintah dan pramuka, periksa Photo A.3.9.

Kami memberikan bantuan teknis secara penuh instalasi dan pemeliharaan biogas yang

diprakarsai oleh Pemda Muna dan Buton. Sebagaimana dilaporkan pada triwulan

sebelumnya, upaya kami mempengaruhi kebijakan Pemda telah berhasil mendorong Badan

Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup (BPLHD) Kabupaten Muna untuk mereplikasi 3 unit biogas

(dengan digester 5000 liter untuk tiga rumah tangga) di Kecamatan Napabalano dan Lawa.

Pada triwulan ini, BPLHD membangun biogas di Tongkuno Selatan (3 unit), Lawa (2 unit)

dan Kecamatan Barangkat (2 unit). Inisiatif serupa juga dilakukan oleh Kabupaten Buton,

yaitu di Kecamatan Lasalimu Selatan (2 unit). Kecamatan Tongkuno Selatan, Barangka dan

Lasalimu Selatan adalah kecamatan yang berada diluar pilot.

Bekerja sama dengan mitra LSM lokal (Gaharu) dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Muna (Dinas

Kehutanan, Pertanian dan Badan Lingkungan Hidup), pada 22 Maret (Hari Air Sedunia),

kami memfasilitasi gerakan penanaman pohon yang melibatkan mahasiswa, LSM dan staf

pemerintah. Sekitar 120 orang terlibat dalam gerakan penanaman pada lahan kritis seluas 7

ha di Kecamatan Katobu dengan jenis Beringin, Kemiri, Nangka, Mahoni dan Rambutan.

Lahan kritis tersebut merupakan hutan lindung yang merupakan daerah tangkapan air mata

air Jompi, sumber air minum Kota Raha.

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Kami merekomendasikan Forum Musrenbang Kabupaten untuk mereplikasi praktik cerdas

PNPM- LMP: (a) Kabupaten Muna untuk mereplikasi biogas dan rumpon; (b) Kabupaten

Buton untuk mereplikasi biogas dan arang briket; dan (c) Kabupaten Kolaka untuk

menstimulasi masyarakat menggunakan limbah organik pertanian untuk pupuk organik dan

pembuatan pakan ternak. Selama Musrenbang di Kolaka, kami mendemostrasikan mesin

pencacah rumput (buatan sendiri) dengan harga terjangkau (Photo A.3.1).

Indikator Kinerja 4: Kapasitas yang berkelanjutan dari fasilitator [PNPM] dan

pemangku kepentingan [PNPM] di semua tingkatan untuk melanjutkan pelaksanaan

pengembangan investasi PNPM-LMP dan memperluas cakupan geografis pada

daerah baru.

Pada triwulan ini, semua desa-desa penerima manfaat PNPM-LMP telah sampai pada tahap

MDST. Kami memilih lima desa pendampingan kegiatan penanaman di setiap kecamatan.

Selama ini kami telah melakukan: (a) Menyediakan bantuan teknis pada setiap penanaman

pohon, mulai mendesain pola tanam hingga penanaman (Photo A.3.3); (b) Membangun

komitmen penerima manfaat untuk melakukan pemeliharaan; (c) Mengalokasikan tambahan

bibit (20% dari bibit tertanam) untuk penyulaman.

Untuk mereplikasi PNPM-LMP diluar wilayah geografis, kami mengarus utamakan praktik

cerdas PNPM-LMP pada beberapa event nasional dan regional: (a) Kolaka Expo (24-29

Februari); (b) Menampilkan praktik cerdas PNPM-LMP pada Lokakarya Perikanan

Nasional, Raha 18 Maret 2012); (c) Mempresentasikan praktik cerdas PNPM-LMP dalam

Workshop AgFor (Proyek baru CIDA di Sulawesi) di Hotel Quality, Makassar, 25 Januari);

dan (d) Mempresentasikan praktik cerdas PNPM-LMP pada Lokakarya Ekonomi Hijau yang

diselenggarakan oleh CIDA (Hotel Aryaduta , Makassar, 1 Februari); (e) Mempresentasikan

praktik cerdas PNPM-Green di Kantor Bakti, pada saat peluncuruan Buku Nasionalisme

Lingkungan (Kantor BakTI, 27 Februari 2012).

Kami terus membantu PMD untuk menyusun Pedoman Umum (Pedum) dan Petunjuk

Teknis (Juknis) Pengelolaan DAS di tingkat kabupaten, terutama yang berkaitan dengan

peningkatan kapasitas dan penguatan kelembagaan. Sejak Desember 2011, penulis telah

ditunjuk oleh PMD sebagai anggota tim ahli dalam proses penyusunan pedoman tersebut.

Kami juga dilibatkan oleh PMD dalam program asistensi teknis pengelolaan DAS di

wilayah Indonesia Bagian Timur dan Indonesia Bagian Barat.

III. Management and Financial Issues

A. Management Issues

In line with the expanding facilitation area, we have strengthened and enhanced our

management capacity to reach high quality standard of administration, grass-roots

facilitation and timely reporting.

The overall administration matter is handled by Operation Manager (Erny Z. Razul) who

responsible for financial, general and human resource administration. We build a strong and

quick response organization structures which enable to implement field activities at grass-

root level efficient quickly and accountably.

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To strengthen programmatic activities, we assigned two program managers, i.e. Sulawesi

Program Manager (Winardi) and Sumatra Program Manager (Ujang Susep Irawan). Every

Program manager handles the overall strategy and implementation of the program from

province, district, (sub) district and village level.

We assigned staff from province level down to district and sub-district level. We also

assigned administration staff at province and district level. We are now in the process of

developing the Accounting Software and on-line database.

In this Quarter, we have completed Car procurement (28 February 2012) and recruitment of

all staff in South Sulawesi Province (15 March 2012).

B. Financial Issues

Since November 2007 until December 2011, total of disbursment was USD 864,876.16.

This amount disbursed into Category 1 (Dedicated Staff time) as of USD 254,752.18;

Category 2 (Consultant Services, Training/Workshop, Goods, and other Operating Cost) as

of USD 595,944.20 and Category 3 (Management Fee) as of USD 14,179.77.

Total disbursement in this Quarter was USD 112,486.56. This amount disbursed into

Category 1 as of USD 8,315.84; Category 2 as of USD 102,406.87 and Category 3 as of

USD 1,763.85.

The detailed grant disbursement since November 2007 until March 2012 is presented on the

following table:

Table 1. Current Balance, Cummulative Disbursement and Project Uses of Funds by

Category of TF 90977 for Quarter Ended 31 March 2012

No. Category Up to

December 2011

Jan - March


Total as of




Allocation Balance

1. Dedicated staff

time 254.752,18 8.315,84 263.068,02 325.658,00 62.589,98





, Goods, and other

Operating Cost

595.944,20 102.406,87 698.351,07 1.111.816,00 413.464,93

3. Management Fee 14.179,77 1.763,85 15.943,62 29.126,00 13.182,38

Total 864.876,16 112.486,56 977.362,72 1.466.600,00 489.237,28

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Table 2. Special Account Activity Statement for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2012

Part I

1. Cumulative advances to end of current reporting

period (as of December 31,2011)


2. Cumulative expenditures to end of last reporting



3. Outstanding advances to be accounted (1-2) 100,508.35

Part II

4. Opening SA balance at beginning of reporting period

(as of October 1, 2011)


5. Add/Subtract: Cumulative adjustments (if any) * (1.642,71)

6. Advances from the World Bank during reporting



7. Add 5 and 6 49,771.88

8. Outstanding advances to be accounted for (4+7) 100,508.35

9. Closing SA balance at end of current reporting (as of

31 December 2011)


10. Add/subtract: Cummulative adjusment (if any) ** (12,441.72)

11. Expenditures for current reporting period October

- December 2011


12. Add 10+11 100,044.84

13. Add 9+12 100,508.35

14. Difference (if any) 8-13 *** 0.00

Part III

15. Total Forecasted amount to be paid by World Bank


16. Less: Closing SA balance (as per item 9)


17. Cumulative adjustment (if any) ****

18. Add 16+17


19. Cash requirement from WB for next six months (15-



20. Amount requested for advance to SA (rounding) 250.336,00

* Explanation for item 5 (if not zero): FMR & AW Ref. Amount (+/-)

Total management fee that not yet disbursed

from SA



** Explanation for item 10 (if not Zero): FMR & AW Ref. Amount (+/-)

Total expenditures withdrawn from SA not yet

claimed for replenishment (Expenditures

Subject to Prior Review)



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IV. Challenges and Remedial Actions Over the Reporting Period

A. Improving Tree Planting sub-project during Integration (Lesson Learned No.


Integration of PNPM-Green with regular development planning will provide good

opportunity for tree planting project beneficiaries to develop their own tree nursery. We

have made awareness rising to Green Facilitators and tree planting beneficiaries (especially

TPK) to make use the ‘integration’ process to improve the quality of tree planting sub-

projects. It is expected that the Green block grant will reach UPK account in mid May,

2012. As such, there will be about four months toward planting activities scheduled in

October 2012 (beginning of wet season). The long time project implementation should

enable project beneficiaries to develop their own tree nursery.

Proposed actions: Consultant (Green Facilitators at all level), CSO, PJOK and (sub)

District Forestry Agencies should work hand-in-hand to provide enabling conditions for

tree-planting sub-project beneficiaries to develop their own tree nursery.

V. PNPM-Green Beneficiaries Stories

A. Local Initiatives to replicated Rumpon, Oempu (Muna) and Gumanano (Buton),

Success Story No. 16/2012

The destruction of costal ecosystem, such as coral reef, mangrove and sea-grass beds has

declined the capacity and functional roles of coastal areas as the source of income

generating activities. Artisanal fishers are forced to go far away out of the coastal line to

catch fishes.

Mangrove and coral reef play key roles as life supporting system in the coastal ecosystem.

At the absence of the key supporting life system, fishers can build Rumpon as artificial and

quick method to restore the roles of the ecosystems.

Rumpon is a fish aggregating device which provides shelter and feeding ground for small

fishes, this also often attract big fishes. Rumpon is made of wooden platform (5 x 5 m)

anchored on big stone. To keep the platform ‘floating’, a plastic drum (200 liters) is

attached on each of the corner. Several bunch of coconut leaves then attached on the

platform which function as shelter and nursery ground and feeding ground for small fishes.

The cost to make and install Rumpon is about 3 millions.

In response to destruction of coastal ecosystem and the absence of fish aggregating device,

in December 2011, we initiated to establish Rumpon at Oempu Village, Tongkuno, Muna

(see Photo A.3.6). The initiative was highly supported by Key Village champions.

In fact, the device has functioned well and provided positive impacts to local fishers. Every

morning and afternoon, many fishers fish small fishes surrounding the Rumpon. The

coughed fishes are used to fish a big pelagic fishes; while they often catch big fishes in the

Rumpon site.

The initiative has inspired Oempu Village to propose Rumpon sub-project to be funded by

2012 Green-Block grant.

In March 2012, we presented the initiatives in the Muna District Musrenbang, and the

ideas have been adopted by Muna District Fishery Agency.

Gumanano Village, Mawasangka (Buton) which received 2009 block-grant to establish

two Rumpon has successfully replicated three other Rumpon using 2010 District Block-

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Grant (ADD).

B. PNPM-Green has successfully stimulated local community to plant tree crops, Ladongi,

Kolaka (Success Story No. 17/2012)

The population in Ladongi Sub-district (Kolaka) is dominated by transmigrant from South

Sulawesi (Bugis), Java (Javanese and Sundanese) and Bali (Balinese). Land-use in

Ladongi is dominated by semi-irrigated agriculture (sawah) for the low-land terrain, while

the upland terrain (rainfed land areas) is dominated by cacao and pepper based cropping

system, such as: (a) Cacao (planting space: 3 x 4 m2) intercropped with Nilam

(Pogostemon cabin); (b) Mrica (pepper) grows in Gamal tree (planting space 3 x 2.5

m2); (c) Coconut (planting space 10 x 10 m2) intercropped with cacao (3x4 m2) and

Nilam. The dominance crop is Cacao and Nilam.

The PNPM-Green, our intensive awareness program, has successfully stimulated local

community to grow tree crops and has significantly changed the existing cropping pattern.

Since 2009, local community has started to plant (a) Jati Putih (Gmelina arborea), (b)

Jati/Teak (Tectona grandis); (c) Cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum) and (d) Durian (Durio


The most preference tree crop is Jati Putih. This can be illustrated on the funded block

grant during 2010, where 80% of block-grant is used to plant Jati Putih;

Jati Putih has replaced Gamal (Gliricidae) as the dominant shelter crop in the past. Jati

Putih, similar with Gamal, is a fast growing species, however. Jati Putih has a better timber

quality (enable to use for construction after 6-7 years) rather than Gamal which is basically

fuel-woods. Jati Putih is similar with Gamal can grows after coppicing (cutting trees by

leaving the roots). Both are good to be intercropped with Cacao as a shelter crop. See

Photo A.3.12. Local community also likes to intercrop Cacao with Durian See Photo

A.3.11, especially in the old cacao where the productivity has been declined.

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Appendix 1: Link of Project Activities against Performance Indicators

Performance Indicator 1:

Well-trained PNPM-Green facilitators and other local PNPM stakeholders, who can ignite and facilitate ‘green’ projects within PNPM not

limited to those within PNPM-Green Target Locations.

No Results Indicators Associated Activities Relevant activities conducted during the reporting period


Increased capacity of GOI-contracted

consultants/facilitators to promote

viable ‘green sub-project’ proposals

(within and outside PNPM-Green

target locations

1.1 active engagement in design of

NMC ‘pre-service dan refresher

training for consultants/ facilitators

1.1.1 Facilitated coordination meeting PNPM-Green facilitators,

actors and stakeholders at district level in Buton, Muna and


1.1.2 Technical assistance in writing sub project budget plan

(RAB) at all pilot sub-district in Buton, Muna and Kolaka (after


1.1.3 Involved GF, FK and FT in all training and awareness

organized by OWT, meeting, workshop, film screening etc.

1.1.4 Assisted GF on managing ‘integration’ PNPM-Green cycle

1.1.5 Assisted GF on the selection of Verification team, Training

and implementation of Verification.

1.1.6. Facilitated the field visits of SKPD on PNPM-Green smart

practices in Buton and Muna.

1.2 Continuous training modules

designed and delivered to


1.2.1 Developed Modul on Mushroom cultivation (Pieurotus

Ostreatus) disseminated to GF and local community in Welala,

Putemata and Rara, Ladongi, Kolaka.

1.2.2 Published and disseminated “Green Nationalism” book to

PNPM-Green facilitators, actors and stakeholders.

1.2.3 Assisted DANIDA to develop NRM manuals and booklets.

1.2.4 Developed Manuals and delivered to GF: (i) Cultivation of

King Oyster Mushroom; (ii) Vegetative propagation; (iii) The

use of organic waste for organic poultry and livestock fodder;

1.2.5 Developed Films and delivered to GF: Cultivation of King

Oyster Mushroom, Vegetative propagation and the making of

organic fertilizers

1.3 Post-training evaluations

conducted by other partner CSO

This was not conducted during the reporting period

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Performance Indicator 2:

Local community members (including women) who are aware of environmental issues and sustainable natural resource decisions that they

can participate in.

No Results Indicators Associated Activities Relevant activities conducted during the reporting period

2a Increase in amount and quality of

environmental information,

education, and communication (IEC)

material available to PNPM


2a.1 Production and dissemination of

quality environmental IEC material.

2a.1.1 Film screening in Pasarwajo, Sampolawa and

Mawasangka (Buton)

2a.1.2 Printed and disseminated the revised version of “Green

Nationalism” to PNPM-Green to key village champions.

2a.1.3 Continuously updated PNPM-Green website

2a.1.4 On-going development and publication of environmental


2a.1.5 Published PNPM-Green smart practices on local

newspapers at district and province level.

2a.1.6 Developed Manuals on Catchment rehabilitation and

protection (on-going)

2a.1..7 Developed and disseminated Films: (i) Cultivation of

King Oyster Mushroom; (ii) Vegetative propagation;

2a.1..8 Developed Posters: ‘Save and Protect Watershed Area:

For the sustainability of life supporting system from ridge to

reef (on printing process)

2b Women are actively engaged in the

selection, planning, and

implementation of sub-projects

funded by PNPM-Green.

2b.1. Deliver TA to women groups on

writing sub-project proposals een sub-project’ proposals.

2.b.1.1 We provided technical assistances on the sub-project

selection and the writing of women sub-project proposals on

8 villages on each pilot sub-district in Buton, Muna and


2b.2Develop awareness materials and

deliver gender training

2,b,2,1. We organized training and provide facilitation on the

making of plastic bags and handycrafts making from organic

waste in Lambandia and Ladongi, Kolaka.

2c Increase in NRM training

opportunities available to local

community members (including


2c.1Design and delivery of environmental

awareness/training activities to local

community (including women).

2c.1.1 PNPM-Green smart practices film screening attended

by local communities (mostly women and children) at all

villages in Buton using environmental awareness car.

2c.1.2 Training for KPMD in Ladongi, Watubangga,

Lambandia (Kolaka); Lawa, Tongkuno and Napabalano


2c.1.3 Awareness rising on PNPM-Green smart practices during

Musrenbang Desa and Kecamatan in Buton, Muna and


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2c.1.4 Training for TPU in Ladongi and Watubangga (Kolaka),

Tongkuno, Lawa and Napabalano (Muna)

2c.1.5 Training for verification team in Tongkuno, Lawa and

Napabalano (Muna)

2c.1.6 Training on planting forestry timber product involving

TP in Latugho, Muna.

2c.1.7 Training for TPU in Ladongi, Lambandia, Watubangga


2c.1.8 PNPM-Green Evaluation Workshop and preparatory

meeting for 2012 implementation in Muna, Buton and Kolaka

2c.1.9 Assisted the planting implementation of 2011 PNPM-

Green Sub-project in Lawa, Tongkuno and Napabalano

(Muna), Pasarwajo, Mawasangka and Sampolawa (Buton)

2c.1.10 Technical assistance on the installation of solar cell

sub-project in Lambandia (Kolaka)

2c.1.11 PNPM-Green campaign through Al Habib FM radio in


2c.1.12 Practical exercise on feeding cows with Silase in

Lahontohe, Tongkuno (Muna)

2c.1.13 Facilitated Green sub-project proposal development

involving TPK in Buton, Muna and Kolaka

2c.1.14 Organized collective voluntary work to collect garbage

at public places (market and bus station) in Tongkuno, Muna.

2c.1.15 Organized collective voluntary work on cleaning the

village environment in Tongkuno (Muna)

2c.1,16. Training and technical assistance on each step of tree

planting and maintenances in Buton, Muna and Kolaka.

2c.2 Design and delivery of

environmental awareness/training

activities specifically targeting


2c.2.1 Training on planting technique involving students of

SMP Madrasah Tsanawiah in Ladongi, Kolaka

2c.2.2 Organized collective work on regreening movement

involving school students in Poli-Polia Sub-district (beyond

pilot sub district) in Kolaka.

2c.2.3 Awareness on watershed management during the boy

scout camping in Ladongi, Kolaka

2c.2.4 Awareness on catchment areas rehabilitation for

Agriculture Vocational School students (STIP), Muna

2c.2.5 Facilitated field of visit of teacher and students of Senior

high school SMA Tongkuno at the Biogas demplot in

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Lahontohe, Tongkuno, Muna

2c.2.6 Facilitated youth planting campaigns on critical land at

Poli-Polia Village (non pilot sub-district) which involved

secondary students, government officials and boy-scout

2d Demonstrated links between TA

provided by CSO and types of

‘green sub-projects’ chosen by

communities to finance

2d.1 Environmental awareness raising


Our awareness has inspired the

formulation of 2011 green sub-projects, in

which during the reporting period has

already been implemented.

2d.1.1 Muna District: (a) Planting mango trees sub project in

Lapadindi; (b) Planting Rambutan trees in Kontumolepe; (c)

Making and development of coconut oil business in

Lamorende; (d) Planting Trembesi in Danagoa; (e) Planting

Jabon trees in Lalemba; (f) Biogas Installation in Lapadaku

and Latugho; (g) Planting teak in Lagadi; (h) Solar-photo

voltaic installation in Madampi; and (i) Planting Rambutan in

Lambiku, Langkumapo and Napalakura (Napabalano)

2d.1.2 Kolaka District: (a) Planting teak in Peoho, Matausu,

Gunung Sari, and Sumber Rejeki; (b) Seaweed farming in

Lamundre; (c) Planting cloves in Pekorea; (d) Planting durian

in Tinete and Lowa; (e) Planting gmelina arborea in Lembah

Subur, Putemata, Atula and Dangia; and (f) Planting teak in

Ladongi Jaya

2d.1.3 Buton District : (a) Planting nutmeg in Wining and

Kahulungaya , (b) Planting mahoni in Wagola, Takimpo (c)

Mangrove rehabilitation in Awainulu (f) Rumpon

development in Bahari, (g) Planting mango in Todombulu, (h)

Apiculture in Gunung Sejuk; (i) Cashew nut Processing in

Oengkolaki, (j) Planting teak in Banga, Tanailandu, Polindo,

and Gumanano

2d.2 Demonstration Plot 2d.2.1 Bokashi in Putemata (Ladongi, Kolaka)

2d.2.2 Bokashi production unit, Mawasangka (Buton)

2d.2.3 Organic poultry in Gunung Jaya (Ladongi, Kolaka)

2d.2.4 The making of fodder from organic waste in Tongkuno


2d.2.5 Facilitated grass chopper machinery for making bokashi

in Kahulungaya, Pasar Wajo (Buton)

2d.2.6 Demonstrating the use of organic liquid fertilizer to

freshwater fish in Tongkuno (Muna)

2d.2.7 Demonstration plot on the use bokashi to fertilize teak

trees planted on critical land in Mawasangka (Buton)

2e Increase in community awareness of

links between improved NRM

practices and enhanced livelihood.

2e.1 Environmental awareness raising


During the reporting period we put special

concern on encouraging the spirit of

2e.1.1 Facilitated and provided technical assistance during

production and marketing the handicraft produced by Rewu

Lestari in Saragi, Pasar Wajo, Buton

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entrepreneurship of local community

through providing technical assistance and

helped with marketing the product

produced by local economic group

2e.1.2 Technical assistance during the production and

marketing of VCO “Kaluku Lestari” in Oengkolaki,

Mawasangka, Buton

2e.1.3 Technical assistance and marketing of VCO, organic

fertilizer produced by “Tunas Muda” farmer group

(Oengkolaki, Mawasangka, Buton) 2e.1.4 Linked the marketing of Nentu handicraft “Nentu

Lestari” (Tondombulu, Sampolawa, Buton) 2e.1.5 Technical assistance in producing and helped with the

marketing of VCO, organic fertilizer and nursery of “Buah

Lestari” farmer group in Kahulungaya, Pasar Wajo, Buton 2e.1.6 Facilitated and provided technical assistance during

production and marketing of VCO, liquid organic fertilizer

and nursery in Waanguangu, Pasar Wajo. 2e.1.7 Facilitated and technical assistance in producing and

marketing of nutmeg nursery “La Ode Wero” in Kancinaa,

Pasar Wajo, Buton. 2e.1.8 Facilitated and technical assistance in honey harvesting

and marketing of Madu Jaya apiculture group demplot in

Napalakura, Napabalano, Muna.

2e.1.9 Facilitated and technical assistance in producing and

marketing of organic fertilizer of Sowuto farmer group

(Pentiro, Napabalano, Muna)

2e.1.10 Facilitated and provided technical assistance in

producing and marketing of handicraft made of plastic

garbage of Sepatudhu farmer group (Napabalano, Muna)

2e.1.11 Facilitated and technical assistance in producing and

marketing of cashew nut of Maju Bersama cashew nut

business woman group (Lalemba, Lawa,Muna)

2e.1.12 Facilitated and technical assistance in producing and

marketing of teak seedlings from “Bukit Harapan” nursery

group (Lalemba, Lawa,Muna)

2e.1.13 Facilitated and technical assistance in producing and

marketing of bokashi from Soneati farmer group (Wamelai,


2e.1.14 Facilitated fish marketing of “Korumsiri” fishermen

group (Oempu,Tongkuno,Muna)

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2e.1.15 Facilitated and technical assistance in producing and

marketing of organic liquid fertilizer made of biogas disposal

(Lahontohe, Tongkuno, Muna)

2e.1.16 Facilitated and technical assistance in producing and

marketing of cashew nut of “Maju Bersama” cashew nut

economic group (Lalemba, Lawa, Muna)

2e.1.17 Facilitated and provided technical assistance in

producing and marketing of seedling and bokashi of

“Mokupa” nursery group (Lambandia, Kolaka)

2e.1.18 Facilitated and provided technical assistance in

producing and marketing of organic duck’s eggs (Gunung

Jaya, Ladongi, Kolaka)

2e.1.19 Facilitated and technical assistance in producing and

marketing of coconut oil (Lamundre, Watubangga, Kolaka )

Performance Indicator 3.

Adoption by regional governments of natural resources governance issues as an integral part of the policy development and decision making


No Results Indicators Associated Activities Relevant activities conducted during the reporting period


Increased emphasis of

NRM/environmental issues in local

development plans.

3a.1 Environmental awareness

raising activities

3a.1.1 Mainstreamed PNPM-Green issues during District

Musrembang in Buton, Muna and Kolaka.

3a.1.2 Mainstream green activities during ‘Bedah Kecamatan’ in

Poli-Polia, Kolaka

3a.1.3 PNPM-Green Exposition in the Kolaka Expo

3a.1.4 Presented PNPM-Green Smart Practices on the AgFor

(new CIDA project in Sulawesi) Inception Workshop (Quality

Hotel, Makassar, 25 January);

3a.1.5. Presented PNPM-Green Smart Practices on CIDA Green

Economy Workshop (Aryaduta Hotel, Makassar, 1 February).

3a.2 Direct assistance in

strengthening/developing local

development plans/regulations

(i.e. RPJM-Desa),

training/review/revise RPJM-

Desa at district level

3a.2.1 Supported Muna District Agriculture Agency to design of

centre organic fertilizer processing in Lawa, Muna

3a.2.2 Socialization of Village Regulations on the maintenance of

PNPM-Green assets in Buton, Muna and Kolaka

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3a.2.3. Assisted Muna District Environmental Agency to develop

budget planning for 15 Biogas installation in Muna for 2013

fiscal year

3a.2.4. Assisted Province PMD to develop budget planning for

25 Biogas installation during 2013 fiscal year

3b ‘Green sub-projects’ are aligned with

local development plans/village


3b.1 Active participation in district

meetings on local development

plans review

3b.1.1 Assisted Muna District Environmental agencies in re-

designing budget to develop 3 units permanent biogas for 2012

fiscal year

3b.1.2 Mainstreamed environmental issues during Kecamatan

Workshop to relevant SKPDs (Forestry, Agriculture,

Environmental and Small and Micro Enterprise Development)

in Buton, Muna and Kolaka

3b.1.3 Facilitated the visits of SKPD to PNPM-Green smart

practices in Buton and Muna Districts

3b.2 Technical assistance given to

community proposal

development teams.

3b.2.1 Assisted TPK in designing budget plan of 2012

subprojects in Buton, Muna and Kolaka.

3c Increase in local government

awareness of links between improved

NRM practices and enhanced


3c.1 Develop training material for

government officials and work

with PMD/NMC to deliver the


3c.1.1 Supported PMD (Jakarta) to mainstream PNPM-Green

smart practices on inter-department meetings (Ministry of

Forestry, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Home Affairs)

in Denpasar/18 March (for Eastern Indonesia) and Batam/24

March (for Western Indonesia)

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Performance Indicator 4:

A sustainable capacity among both [PNPM] facilitators and [PNPM] stakeholders of all levels to continue the implementation of locally driven

‘green’ development investment and to expand its geographic coverage to new areas No Results Indicators Associated Activities Relevant activities conducted during the reporting period


‘Green sub-projects’ are sustainably

managed beyond initial year of block

grant funding.

4a.1 Provision of continued technical

assistance to communities in

maintenance of ‘green sub-


4a.1.1 Provided technical assistance to project beneficiaries to

maintain sub projects at all PNPM-Green pilot sub districts in

Buton, Muna and Kolaka.

4a.1.2 Facilitated and technical assistance to all established


4a.1.3 Provided technical assistance on each step of tree planting

sub-project implementation, from designing planting scheme

to planting and maintenance

4a.1.4 Building commitments among project beneficiaries

4a.1.5. Facilitated project beneficiaries to allocated 10 % of the

total planted seedlings for replanting (penyulaman).

4a.2 Promoting networking of the

Maintenance Team

4a.2.1 Strengthened the role of maintenance team (TP) to

conduct periodic monitoring to PNPM-Green assets.

4a.3 Promoting demplot as a model for

related sub-project sustainability

4a.3.1 Disseminated information of biogas beyond the pilot area:

The biogas demplot in Kancinaa Village has been replicated

by farmer group in Kapuntori Sub district under FEATI

project, while Buton District Agriculture Agency replicates

biogas in Lasalimu Sub-district.

4a.3.2 Disseminated information on apiculture: The apiculture

has been practiced in Napalakura, Napabalano and Labaha

Village, Watuputi Sub district, Muna.

4a.3.3 Disseminated information on Rumpon development :

Rumpon has inspired local NGO in Muna who concern on the

related marine issues to develop Rumpon in Napabalano

Village, Kosambis Sub-district (Muna)

4b Increase of coordination between

‘green sub-projects’ implementation

and other environment/NRM related

activities in the region.

4b.1 Technical assistance provided to

local government and

communities in identifying

means to link ‘green sub-

projects’ with other

environmental projects in the


4b.1.1 We organized joint Workshop with local government on

developing and management of marine eco-tourism in Muna

4c Implementation of locally driven

‘green’ development beyond its

geographic coverage to new areas.

4.c. Replicate PNPM-Green smart

practices beyond its geographic


4c.1.1 Socialized PNPM-Green smart practices during District

Musrenbang in Muna, Buton, Kolaka.

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4d Increased capacity of local NGOs to

manage and implement environmental

awareness raising campaigns

4.d. Sub-contract support to local NGO 4d.1.1 Extended sub-contract of local NGO in Muna (Gaharu)

and Buton (Lestari)

4.d.1.2. Strengthen local NGOs roles on awareness rising and

marketing of green products

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Appendix II: Link of Project Activities against Workplan during the extension period (May 2011 – October 2012) Main Intervention Detail Activities Targeted

No. of


No Units






g Period

No Units


nted in



g Period

Date No of Participant Contribution to


Male Female Children

Specific A.1 Enhanced community to adopt and implement ‘Green’ sub project within and surrounding pilots area enhanced

Component A.1. Enhanced communities participation, capacity building, access and control of women and disadvantaged communities on planning and implementation of

NRM at villadge and sub-district level

A.1.1.Awareness and

stimulation to

women, children and


communities (DC) to

participate on NRM

planning and


A.1.1.1 Door to door awareness raising targeted to

women, disadvantaged communities

(DC) and youth conducted by sub

contracted NGO (LSM Lestari in Buton,

LSM Gaharu in Muna and LSM Alas in

Kolaka District)

393 events 250




January –



610 241 132 2c

A.1.1.2 Film Screening attended by local

community (including women, youth

and children in Muna District)

393 events 46 events 120 events 1-31



177 161 134 2c

A.1.1.3 Awareness of PNPM-Green and smart

practices to teachers and Senior high

school students

18 events 11 events 4 events February –



83 61 0 2c

A.1.1.4 Development of awareness materials (IEC) 10


5 packages 3 packages


A.1.2. Develop innovative PNPM-Green smart-practices applicable to each

pilot sub-districts





5 new



January –



195 88 0 2d

A.1.3. Facilitate the development of PNPM-Green smart practices application

to become sustainable livelihoods







January –



171 125 0 2e

2 Mushroom Cultivation, Organic poultry, vegetative propagation, using organic waste for livestock fodder, low price chopping machine

3 Facilitated the marketing CCB and VCO in Buton District

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Component A2 : Strenghened the capacity of village Government (Village Head and Village Representatives Body/ BPD) to implement RPJM-Desa

A.2.1 Facilitate

Village Government

on the formulation of

RPJM-Desa and

Village Regulations

A.2.1.1 Participated village government meeting to

review RPJM-Desa document in all

PNPM-Green targeted sub district







January –



79 15 0 3a

A.2.1.2 Provide assistance and facilitation the

formulation of village regulations on

NRM and PNPM-Green sub project








January –



195 55 0 3a

Component A3 : Strenghened the roles of BPD and Village social institution (Lembaga Kemasyarakatan Desa, LPM, PKK etc) as key success of PNPM-Green exit strategy at

village level

A.3.1.Awareness and

training to BPD and


Green smart practices

A.3.1.1 Delivered awareness to village head,

BPD, LPM and other village social

institution on PNPM-Green smart

practices during MAD II and MAD III

in all sub district of PNPM-Green

targeted areas

262 person 112 person 80 person January –



53 27 0 2c

A.3.1.2 Stimulate the role of BPD and LPM on

PNPM-Green sub project

implementation in all sub districts of

PNPM-Green targeted areas

262 person 108 person 83

person January –



62 21 0 2c

Component A4 : Enhanced awareness of and capacity building of key village government (KVG) and key village champions (KVCs) on PNPM-Green

smart practices on villages of the neighboring PNPM-Green sub-districts

A.4.1. Awareness campaign and capacity building on PNPM-Green smart

practices to KVG and KVC from villages of the neighbouring

PNPM-Green sub-districts

18 Sub-


10 Sub-





January –



142 78 0 4c

Specific Objective B : Capacity of Green fasilitators to facilitate ‘Green’ sub-projects within and surrounding pilots areas enhaced

Component B.1 Enhanced tehnical capacity of PNPM-Green fasilitators and ensure that PNPM-Green planning, implementation, maintenance process at field level comply

with (Green) PNPM spirits

B.1.1.Enhance capacity

building of GF

on PNPM-

Green smart


B.1.1.1 Delivered training on PNPM-Green smart

practices during refresher course

organized by PMD in Malino, South




45 0 - - - - 1

B.1.1.2 Delivered training for Green-facilitators 5 trainings 2


0 - - - - 1

B.1.2. Facilitate GF B.1.2.1 Facilitated Coordination meeting with 5 meetings 2 1 10 March 9 1 - 1

4 We reviewed all RPJM-Desa in the Musrenbang Desa (fully completed)

5 We facilitated the formulation of 5 Village Regulation in Lambandia (Kolaka)

6 Tongkuno Selatan, Barangka (Muna), Poli-Polia (Kolaka), Lasalimu Selatan, Kapontori (Buton)

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monthly meeting with

CSO and PNPM-Green

actors at (sub)-district


consultant at province level in


meetings meeting 2012

B.1.2.2 Facilitated monthly coordination meeting

involving GF and (sub) district

stakeholders at district level







February –


85 32 0 1

Component B2 : Enhanced the capacity of PNPM Rural facilitators (FK dan FT) within and beyond pilot project areas on Green – PNPM smart-practices

B.2.1 Enhance capacity building of FK and FT on PNPM-Green smart


5 training 0 0 - - - - 1

Specific Objective C : PNPM-Green’s objectives adopted by local government within and beyond initial target locations

Component C.1 : PNPM-Green smart practices adopted by local government within pilot areas

C.1.1 Supported PNPM Workshop (Semiloka) with DPRD and SKPD in





trainings 0 - - - - 3a

C.1.2. Facilitate the visits of SKPD and parliaments on PNPM-Green smart-

practices sites

9 visits 3 visits 2 visits7 - - - - 3a

Componen C2 : PNPM-Green smart practices adopted by local government within pilot areas

C.2.1. Environmental awareness and training for SKPD and Parliament

beyond PNPM-Green pilots areas










32 6 - - 3a, 4b

C.2.2. Exhibition of PNPM-Green smart practices at national, regional and

district level

20 events 13


4 events January–



158 97 85 4c

C.2.3. Promotion of PNPM-Green smart practices at national level (Books and


5 1 1 Book9 27



30 5 - 2a

7 In Buton and Muna Districts

8 The awareness and training were delivered during biogas installation in 5 sub-districts

9 Promotion of ‘Green-Nationalism’ Book, held in BakTI office (27 February 2012)

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Appendix 3: Photo Galleries


Figure A.3.1. OWT developed simple and low

price chopping machine for organic material


Figure A.3.2. Training on Bokashi Making at

Gumanano, Mawasangka, Buton

Figure A.3.3. Technical assistance of tree

planting sub-project maintenance, Kancebungi,

Mawasangka, Buton

Figure A.3.4. Film Screening in the evening

using Awareness Car, Sampolawa, Buton


Figure A.3.5. Kecamatan Workshop in Lawa,


Figure A.3.6. Shallow water fish aggregating

device (Rumpon) at Oempu Village, Tongkuno,


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Figure A.3.9. Kolaka Regent (Pak Bupati, Drs.

Buhari Matta) planted the three during ‘Bedah

Kecamatan’ in Poli-Polia, Kolaka

Figure A.3.10. Field visit of FEATI farmers

group to Organic Poultry demonstration pilot,

Gunung Jaya, Ladongi, Kolaka

Figure A.3.7. Local Community collects Liquid

Fertilizer, the side product of biogas, Tongkuno,


Figure A.3.8. Village enterprise to produce

Bokashi in Napalakura, Napabalano, Muna

Figure A.3.11. Impact of PNPM-Green:

Intercropped Durian with Cacao in Ladongi,


Figure A.3.12. Impact of PNPM-Green:

Intercropped Jati Putih (3 years) with Cacao.