01 Mining Heat

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    4 Oileld Review

    Mining Heat

    Heat emanating from the Earths core could replace a substantial percentage of the

    energy currently produced by burning gas, oil and coal for electricity generation. The

    Earths heat is an inexhaustible resource whose use creates almost no greenhouse

    gas emissions. It is, in short, a nearly perfect solution to the worlds energy needs.

    But before the world can take advantage of this abundant supply of heat, there are

    daunting economic and technological hurdles to clear.

    Craig Beasley

    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Bertrand du Castel

    Tom Zimmerman

    Sugar Land, Texas, USA

    Robert Lestz

    Keita Yoshioka

    Chevron Energy Technology Company

    Houston, Texas

    Amy Long


    Susan Juch Lutz

    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

    Kenneth Riedel

    Chevron Geothermal Indonesia LtdJakarta, Indonesia

    Mike Sheppard

    Cambridge, England

    Sanjaya Sood

    Houston, Texas

    Oilfeld ReviewWinter 2009/2010: 21, no. 4.Copyright 2010 Schlumberger.

    For help in preparation o this article, thanks to Mo Cordes,Houston; and Stephen Hallinan, Milan, Italy.

    GeoFrame and TerraTek are marks o Schlumberger.

    The mechanics o harvesting the Earths natural

    subsurace heat seem to be amiliar petroleum

    engineering tasks: drill and complete wells and

    produce fuids rom wells landed in targeted or-

    mations beneath the surace. But the prize in

    geothermal energy production is not fuids. It is

    heat. So while there is considerable potential or

    technology transer rom the oil and gas upstream

    businessdrilling rigs, bits, pressure control

    and other basic practices and technologiesthe

    specics o hydrocarbon and geothermal energy

    production diverge.

    For example, ultrahigh temperature repre-

    sents an obvious problem in bringing oil industry

    technology to bear on geothermal exploration and

    production: It renders useless the sophisticated

    tools and sensors that are dependent on pressure-

    tight seals and electronics. The industry, however,

    is continually overcoming temperature limita-

    tions. In reality, the accurate characterization o

    geothermal reservoirs is a more undamental

    obstacle to realizing the ull energy potential rom

    the Earths heat. Constructing geothermal reser-

    voir models and simulations using seismic surveys

    and logging data will require more innovation than

    adaptation such as increases in hardware temper-

    ature tolerances.

    Still, the comparison between heat and

    hydrocarbon exploitation remains compelling.

    Many o the geothermal wells currently eeding

    power plants have been constructed by oileld

    workers using essentially traditional drilling and

    completion equipment and techniques. Today,

    those eorts have resulted in geothermal or,

    more accurately, hydrothermal elds that eed

    power plants producing about 10,000 megawatts

    (MW) o electricity in 24 countries (below).1

    1. Blodgett L and Slack K (eds): Geothermal 101: Basics oGeothermal Energy Production and Use. Washington, DC:Geothermal Energy Association (2009), http://www.geo-energy.org/publications/reports/Geo101_Final_Feb_15.pd (accessed August 1, 2009).

    >Potential hydrothermal resources. The rst major hydrothermal developments were located in areaswith high tectonic activity marked by volcanoes, geysers, hot springs and large hot-water reservoirs.These resources are relatively shallow and oten fow to the surace naturally. A large portion opotential resources, given here in megawatts, is made up o enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) and iscontingent on technological development.





    2,850 30,000 100,000

    392 5,800




    923 10,000


    Potential hydrothermal resources

    Installed hydrothermal capacity

    Potential hydrothermal capacity

    Potential capacity using EGS in the USA alone

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    Winter 2009/2010 5

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    6 Oilfeld Review

    Hydrothermal energy is a specic orm o

    geothermal resource. Characterized by high

    temperature, high permeability and rock that

    contains large volumes o water, it is oten ound

    at relatively shallow depths. Without stimulus, or

    aided only by high-temperature electrical sub-

    mersible pumps, these ormations can deliver

    superheated water or steam to the surace

    through large-diameter production wells. The

    steam, or hot water fashed into steam at the sur-ace, is unneled to drive turbines that generate

    electricity. Such ormations exist in relatively ew

    places around the world. Hydrothermal reser-

    voirs are ound predominantly in areas o high

    tectonic activity where hot-water reservoirs are

    abundant and pressured, such as in the area o

    the Pacic Ocean known as the Ring o Fire.

    Most ormations around the world that have

    the requisite water and permeability do not have

    sucient heat to be considered geothermal energy

    sources. But there are others with deep, high-

    temperature zones that lack only sucient water

    or permeability, and it is these that may hold the

    most promise as uture sources o geothermal

    energy. The solution to tapping such widely avail-

    able heat resources is through enhanced, or engi-

    neered, geothermal systems (EGS).

    Put simply, EGS projects create or sustain

    geothermal reservoirs. In cases o low permeabil-

    ity, the ormation may be hydraulically ractured.

    Formations with little or no liquid or without a

    sucient recharge source may be supplied with

    water through injection wells. Today, engineers

    and geophysicists are bringing techniques or

    EGS to high-temperature dry reservoirs at depths

    o 3 to 10 km [10,000 to 33,000 t] below the sur-

    ace. At these depths, the rock is hot enough to

    convert water to superheated steam.

    These hot dry rock (HDR) systems are a unique

    type o EGS, characterized by very hot basement

    ormations with extremely low permeability. They

    require hydraulic racturing to connect water-

    injection wells to water-production wells.

    Other prospective ormations contain permea-

    bility and water but are not hot enough or geo-

    thermal applications. To exploit these resources,

    less ambitious concepts are being advanced

    through binary power plants. These plants usewater that is below the boiling point to heat a sec-

    ond fuid with a boiling point that is below that o

    water. The vaporized second fuid is unneled to

    turbines to generate electricity(let).2

    This article ocuses on hydrothermal and HDR

    technology. The state o EGS technology is dis-

    cussed through preparations or an EGS-expansion

    project in Nevada, USA, a case history rom

    >Geothermal power plants. Dry-steam power plants are the most basicstyle o geothermal power plants (top). Steam piped rom a hydrothermalreservoir directly enters turbines to generate electricity. As the steam coolsand condenses, the water is gathered and injected back into the reservoirwhere it is reheated as it travels through the ormation to the production well.Flash-steam plants (middle) use hot water that is below the boiling point whileat reservoir pressure but that fashes to steam at lower surace pressures.Binary power plants (bottom) use a closed system to exploit even coolerreservoirs whose water temperatures are less than 150C [302F]. Water fowsor is pumped to the surace and enters a heat exchanger where it brings asecond fuid, in this case isobutane, to its boiling point, which must be belowthat o water. The second fuid expands into a gaseous vapor that then powerselectricity-generating turbines. This fuid may be circulated through the heatexchanger or reuse rather than being disposed o and, because the waterdoes not come into contact with the power generator, maintenance costs areusually lower than with dry-steam or fash-steam hydrothermal plants.

    Production well Geothermal zoneSteam



    Dry-Steam Power Plant




    Air andwater vapor




    Injection well


    Production well Geothermal zone

    Waste brine



    Flash-Steam Power Plant



    Air andwater vapor

    Direct heatuses




    Injection well




    Production well Geothermal zone



    Binary Power Plant



    Air andwater vapor


    Injection well


    Heat exchanger

    Hot brine


    Cool brineWaterWater



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    Winter 2009/2010 7

    Indonesia and lessons learned rom the original

    HDR project located in the southwest o the

    United States.

    The High Cost of Deep Heat

    The upside potential o geothermal energy may

    be enormous. In 2008, world electricity con-

    sumption was 2 terawatt years. The heat fux

    continuously fowing rom the Earths core is

    equivalent to about 44 terawatt years.3

    Thesenumbers are astronomical o course, but i only a

    small percentage o this potential were to be

    tapped, it would easily supply most o the worlds

    energy demands. Most geothermal resources are

    also truly renewable in that the same fuids can

    be reheated, produced, injected and recycled

    throughout the lie o the reservoir.

    Besides the technological questions are nan-

    cial ones that persist in the ace o otherwise posi-

    tive investment actors (above right). Geothermal

    projects, with ew exceptions, require a signi-

    cantly higher initial capital outlay than do oil and

    gas, solar, wind and biomass projects. The risk is

    also higher, and the current experience with

    return on investment in geothermal installations

    is discouraging. For example, a 50-MW hydrother-

    mal project is estimated to yield an initial rate o

    return o less than 11% and a prot-to-investment

    (P/I) ratio o 0.8. By comparison, a large oil and gas

    project typically yields an initial rate o return o

    nearly 16% and a P/I o 1.5.4

    These poor nancial results are partially a

    refection o geography. Areas with avorable

    hydrothermal conditions tend to be sparsely

    populated and ar rom large electricity markets.

    Financial results are also hampered by the di-

    culty inherent in drilling and developing these

    ormations. Geothermal resources are ound in

    much harder and hotter rock than those or

    which petroleum and mining industry bits are

    designed, so drilling is slower and more costly. To

    be economic, geothermal wells must accommo-

    date relatively large fow volumes, and thereore

    wellbore diameters must be greater than those o

    most oil and gas wells. This adds considerably to

    well construction costs. The extreme temperature

    o geothermal environments orces operators to

    choose high-priced premium products or suchthings as cements, drilling fuids and tubulars.

    While in recent decades the oil industry

    has greatly rened drilling and reservoir man-

    agement ecienciesconsequently reducing

    costsit has oten done so through such elec-

    tronics-based innovations as logging while drill-

    ing and subsurace monitoring. These tools are

    currently restricted to temperatures below about

    175C [350F] and are not available or use in

    high-temperature geothermal wells.

    Finding and Defning

    With the exception o some blind deep, high-

    temperature systems, the search or hydrother-

    mal ormations is made relatively easy by hot

    springs and umaroles that are visible at the sur-

    ace.5 Additionally, many hydrothermal elds are

    in deep sedimentary basins where oil and gas

    drilling and, more importantly, data collection

    have already occurred.

    The geologic setting or hydrothermal reser-

    voirs varies. The reservoirs in the largest elds

    contain a wide range o rocks, including quartz-

    ite, shale, volcanic rock and granite. Most o

    these reservoirs are identied not by lithology

    but by heat fow. They are convection systems in

    which hot water rises rom depth and is trapped

    in reservoirs whose caprocks have been ormed

    by the mixing o upwelling geothermal fuids with

    local groundwaters and by precipitation o car-

    bonate and clay minerals.

    Thereore, the search or a commercial near-

    surace hydrothermal reservoir is based on iden-

    tiying tectonic activity, heat source, heat fow,

    water recharge and outfow o deep fuids to the

    surace. Permeability is typically characterizedby a network o ractures or active aults held

    open by local in situ stresses.

    The hunt or a hydrothermal reservoir begins

    with an assessment o available regional data on

    heat fow, seismic activity, thermal springs and

    characteristic surcial elemental signature

    rom remote sensing and imaging. Geophysical

    geologic and geochemical techniques that can

    provide inormation on the size, depth and shape

    o deep geological structures are then pu

    into eect.

    Subsurace temperature measurements are

    the most direct method or ascertaining the

    existence o a hydrothermal system. Thermal

    gradient holes can be as shallow as a ew meters

    but to exclude surace-temperature eects the

    preerence is or a depth o more than 100 m

    [330 t]. Temperature surveys can delimit areas

    o enhanced thermal gradientsa basic require

    ment or geothermal systems. In volcanic terrains

    high-temperature rocks may occur at relatively

    shallow depths, and it is likely that a heat source

    is present. In systems o deep circulation, high

    temperatures indicate thin continental crust, high

    rates o heat fow and deep permeable aults that

    transmit mantle heat close to the surace.

    Hydrothermal reservoirs require high tempera

    tures and eective permeability, which is oered

    by coherent rocks capable o supporting open rac

    ture systems. These rocks have a relatively resis

    tive signature. The associated clay-rich caprockshowever, have low resistivity. The resistivity con

    trast at the base o the caprock, which can be

    2. First Successul Coproduction o Geothermal Power atan Oil Well, JPT Online(October 21, 2008), http://www.spe.org/jpt/2008/10/frst-successul-coproduction-geothermal-oil-well/ (accessed July 14, 2009).

    3. Pollack HN, Hurter SJ and Johnson JR: Heat Flow romthe Earths Interior: Analysis o the Global Data Set,Reviews of Geophysics31, no. 3 (August 1993): 267280.

    >Alternative energy comparative value. Among renewable energy sources, geothermal energyis one o the most attractive based on the capacity actorthe percentage o energy actuallyproduced by a plant compared with its potential output when operated continually at ull capacity.It also compares avorably with other alternative energy sources when dierent metrics are used.(Capacity actor data rom Kagel A: A Handbook on the Externalities, Employment, and Economicsof Geothermal Energy. Washington, DC: Geothermal Energy Association, 2006.)

    RenewableEnergy Sources

    CapacityFactor, %

    Reliabilityof Supply



    Geothermal 86 to 95 Continuous andreliable

    Minimal landusage


    Hydroelectric 30 to 35 Intermittent, dependenton weather

    Impacts due todam construction


    Wind 25 to 40 Intermittent, dependenton weather

    Unsightly for large-scale generation

    Electricitygeneration (limited)

    Solar 24 to 33 Intermittent, dependenton weather

    Unsightly for large-scale generation

    Electricitygeneration (limited)

    Biomass 83 Reliable Minimal (noncombustiblematerial handling)


    4. Long A: Improving the Economics o GeothermalDevelopment Through an Oil and Gas IndustryApproach, Schlumberger white paper, www.slb.com/media/services/consulting/business/thermal_dev.pd(accessed September 15, 2009).

    5. A umarole is a vent or opening in the Earths surace throughwhich steam, hydrogen sulfde or other gases escape.

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    8 Oileld Review

    determined through magnetotelluric (MT) mea-

    surements, can provide an indication o geother-

    mal prospectivity.6 MT has become a standard

    method or mapping the caprock geometry con-

    straining geothermal reservoirs.

    I wells have been drilled in an area, many o the

    parameters measured indirectly rom the surace

    can be obtained directly rom well log data. These

    logs can highlight regions o porosity, saline fuid

    saturation and temperature variations, which may

    indicate the presence o hydrothermal reservoirs.

    Since these resources may be ound in rac-

    tured, tectonically stressed areas, their presence

    is oten marked by microseismic events that also

    serve as a guide to drilling into the ractured

    rocks once other avorable geothermal condi-

    tions are established. By recording a relatively

    large number o these events over weeks ormonths and calculating their epicenters, seis-

    mologists can determine the location and orien-

    tation o ractures.

    Seismic refection and seismic reraction sur-

    veys have been used only sparingly in geothermal

    exploration. Although obtaining reraction pro-

    les requires a considerable eort at depths o

    5 to 10 km [16,400 to 33,000 t], standard seismic

    refection surveys oten yield useul results in

    these areas. During geothermal exploration,

    gravity surveys are used to dene lateral density

    variations associated with a magmatic heat

    source in volcanic-hosted systems or with ault

    blocks buried beneath sedimentary cover in sys-

    tems o deep circulation. But their main value is

    in dening changes in groundwater level and in

    monitoring o subsidence and injection, which

    are directly related to the resources ability to

    recharge itsel. By correlating the surveys and

    weather, it may be possible to dene the relation-

    ship between data rom a gravity survey and the

    precipitation that produces changes in shallow

    groundwater levels. When corrected or this

    eect, gravity changes show how much o the

    water mass discharged to the atmosphere is

    replaced by natural infow.7

    The Concept

    The most common approaches to geothermal

    exploration include anomaly hunting, anomaly

    stacking and conceptual modeling. Mathematical

    velocity models are routinely used to predict the

    depth to a ormation o interest, and physical

    models can be used to simulate rock layers.

    Conceptual models are hypothetical, bringing

    together observed and inerred inormation to

    identiy geothermal targets and predict reservoir

    capacity. Such models are oten combined with

    geostatistical and classical technologies such as

    those employed or reservoir characterization.

    Hydrothermal conceptual models combine

    observed and inerred inormation to illustrate

    reservoir fuid and rock properties and oten

    include data captured through cation and gas

    geochemistry. They also take into account MTresistivity interpreted in the context o basic

    geology and hydrology and through mapping o

    surcial hydrothermal alteration.8

    The most important element o a hydrother-

    mal conceptual model is a predicted natural-

    state isotherm patternsolid lines drawn to

    indicate temperature and depth across a subsur-

    ace section. Though dicult to arrive at during

    the exploration stage, case histories indicate it

    can be done based on interpretation o the

    geothermometrya technique that allows the

    determination o subsurace temperature using a

    combination o methods including the chemistry

    o hot-springs fuids and distribution o hydro-

    thermal alteration minerals at the surace.

    Patterns o geophysical anomalies and resistivi-

    ties and a general knowledge o the local geology,

    hydrology and aulting or structural history may

    also be used.

    Hot water circulating in the Earths crust may

    dissolve some o the rock through which it fows.

    The amounts and proportions o these solutes in

    the water are a direct unction o temperature. I

    the water rises quickly rom the geothermal res-

    ervoir to the surace, its chemical composition

    does not change signicantly and it retains

    an imprint o the subsurace temperature.

    Subsurace temperatures calculated rom hot-

    springs chemistry have been conrmed by direct

    measurements made at the base o holes drilled

    into hydrothermal systems.9

    Geothermometry uses ionic and stable isotope

    ratios in the water to determine the maximum

    subsurace temperature(above let). Geochemical

    and isotopic geothermometers developed over the

    past two decades assume that two species or com-

    pounds coexist within the geothermal reservoir

    and that temperature is the main control on theirratio.10 They also assume that no change in

    that ratio has occurred during the waters rise

    to the surace.

    Gas ratio geothermometers can also be used

    to determine subsurace reservoir conditions. By

    integrating these geochemical data with inor-

    mation rom temperature-gradient wells and

    structural mapping, engineers can build concep-

    tual models that display fuid-fow patterns

    >Subsurace temperature predictions. Temperatures measured in wells drilledinto hydrothermal systems are compared with temperatures calculated romgeothermometers beore drilling. The dashed line indicates the location wherepoints would plot i measured and calculated values agreed perectly. Pointsabove the line indicate calculated temperatures that were underestimated.(Adapted rom Dufeld and Sass, reerence 9.)







    Temperature calculated from chemical geothermometer, C

    100 200 300

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    Winter 2009/2010 9

    within a hydrothermal reservoir as geological

    cross sections and maps (right). An upward fow

    o water creates an upward isotherm pattern and

    indicates permeable rocks. When reservoir fow

    is vertical, temperatures increase signicantly

    with depth. In an outfow zone the fow is hori-

    zontal and temperatures decrease with depth.11

    Permeable zones have smaller temperature

    gradients with depth than do impermeable ones

    and generally display a convective isotherm pat-tern. In very low-permeability ormations, the

    temperature gradient is steep and is easily seen

    in a cross section as closely spaced isotherms

    that reveal a conductive thermal regime. The gra-

    dient helps determine the location o permeable

    and impermeable zones.

    Since low resistivity usually indicates

    low-permeability conductive clays, MT surveys

    may be used to locate the base o a geothermal

    caprock and, indirectly, its high thermal

    gradient. The dimensions o the reservoir can

    then be mapped and used to identiy drilling

    targets and prospective locations o production

    and injection wells.

    Enhancing Nature

    The hydrothermal elds that are now online and

    that were discovered through these techniques

    and models represent the geothermal industrys

    low-hanging ruit. The uture o geothermal

    energy lies in more-complex systems that must

    be coaxed into production and in recovering

    more heat rom those already in existence

    through EGS projects (right).

    Similar to processes in oil and gas operations,

    conceptual modeling may be used to plan and

    execute EGS projects or hydrothermal reservoir

    development. Using data gained rom years o

    production to construct better models, engineers

    can assess the potential response o these geo-

    thermal elds to inll drilling, water injection

    and other processes that help extend the eld

    and improve reservoir eciency.

    At Desert Peak near Fernley, Nevada, a geo-

    thermal eld was discovered and dened in the

    1970s and 1980s. It has been delivering power to

    a double-fash power plant since 1986 and is typi-

    cal o the deep-circulation, or ault-controlled,geothermal systems o the western USA.12 An EGS

    project that would expand the operation through

    hydraulic and chemical stimulation is under

    study. The study will determine the distribution

    o rock types, aults, alteration minerals and

    mineralized ractures east o the existing hydro-

    thermal eld to create a new structural model o

    the eld.13

    6. For more on MT: Brady J, Campbell T, Fenwick A, Ganz M,Sandberg SK, Buonora MPP, Rodrigues LF, Campbell C,Combee L, Ferster A, Umbach KE, Labruzzo T, Zerilli A,Nichols EA, Patmore S and Stilling J: ElectromagneticSounding or Hydrocarbons, Oilfeld Review21, no. 1(Spring 2009): 419.

    7. Manzella A: Geophysical Methods in GeothermalExploration, Lecture notes. Pisa, Italy: Italian NationalResearch Council International Institute or GeothermalResearch, http://www.cec.uchile.cl/~cabierta/revista/12/articulos/pd/A_Manzella.pd (accessed August 10, 2009).

    8. Cumming W: Geothermal Resource Conceptual ModelsUsing Surace Exploration Data, Proceedings o theStanord University 34th Workshop on GeothermalReservoir Engineering, Stanord, Caliornia, USA(February 911, 2009).

    9. Dueld WA and Sass JH: Geothermal EnergyCleanPower rom the Earths Heat, US Geological Survey,Circular 1249, http://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/2004/c1249/(accessed August 3, 2009).

    > Isotherms rom geothermometry. Cation geothermometry data rom a umarole

    and a chloride hot spring can be modeled using a geological interpretationto obtain a subsurace temperature prole. The hot spring is assumed to beclose to the top o the water table. Propylitic alteration transorms iron- andmagnesium-bearing minerals into chlorite, actinolite and epidote. (Adaptedrom Cumming, reerence 8.)

    Acid sulfatefumarole

    Smectite clays

    Marine clays

    Heat and gasfrom magma

    Upflow infractures


    Argillic zone













    >Enhanced geothermal systems potential in the USA. Estimates or thepotential energy payout rom EGS resources at depths between 3 and 10 kmare more than 13 million exajoules (EJ). Recovery o even a small percentagewould be more than enough to supply all the electrical needs o the nation.[Adapted rom The Future o Geothermal Energy, http://geothermal.inel.gov/publications/uture_o_geothermal_energy.pd (accessed June 30, 2009.)]

    Category of ResourceThermal Energy, in

    Exajoules [1 EJ = 1018 J]

    Conduction-dominated EGSSedimentary rock formationsCrystalline basement rock formationsSupercritical volcanic EGS


    Hydrothermal 2,400 to 9,600

    Coproduced fluids 0.0944 to 0.4510

    10. A geothermometer is a mineral or group o mineralswhose composition, structure or inclusions are xedwithin known thermal limits under particular conditionso pressure and composition and whose presence thusdenotes a limit or a range or the temperature oormation o the host rock.

    11. Cumming, reerence 8.12. A double-fash system uses brine separated rom

    geothermal water beore it was fashed. The brine isfashed a second time at a lower pressure, and theresulting steam is used to drive a separate turbineor is sent to the high-pressure turbine through aseparate inlet.

    13. Lutz SJ, Moore JN, Jones CG, Suemnicht GA andRobertson-Tait A: Geological and StructuralRelationships in the Desert Peak Geothermal System,Nevada: Implications or EGS Development,Proceedings o the Stanord University 34th Workshopon Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanord,Caliornia (February 911, 2009).

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    10 Oileld Review

    The model proposed is based on analysis o

    mud logs and cores and incorporates new data

    rom three wells drilled in the production portion

    o the eld. Two cross sections have been con-

    structed based on correlations observed in these

    three wells (above).

    Researchers logged a candidate stimulus well,

    27-15, adjacent to the current production area to

    aid in evaluating lithologies and characterizing

    stress and ractures. Gamma ray and caliper

    data were recorded and borehole images were

    also acquired. Features identied rom these

    resistivity-contrastgenerated images include

    bedding planes, lithologic contacts, oliations, con-

    ductive mineral grains, drilling-induced ractures

    and natural ractures.14

    In combination with other petrologic and

    petrographic studies incorporated into a

    GeoFrame model, this imaging provided a more

    complete understanding o the geological charac-

    teristics o the well as a candidate or EGS.

    Further rock mechanics testing conducted at theSchlumberger TerraTek Geomechanics Center o

    Excellence in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, will

    characterize rock strengths and stress behavior

    o potential reservoir rocks within the proposed

    stimulation interval.

    The researchers noted that the productive

    portion o the Desert Peak geothermal eld lies

    within an older structural horst bounded by north-

    west-trending aults. The results o tracer tests

    indicate that fuids injected into the production

    area can cross into currently nonproductive areas

    along younger northeast-trending aults. The sci-

    entists were unable, however, to determine the

    depth o the fuid transmissivity and whether the

    basement ault served as a barrier or conduit to

    geothermal fuids. Upcoming hydraulic and chemi-

    cal stimulation experiments are expected to

    increase permeability and fuid-racture connec-

    tivity in this enhanced system.

    Making the Good Better

    The dominant tools o EGSreservoir model-

    ing, drilling, hydraulic racturing and water

    injectionare amiliar to petroleum engineers.

    Unortunately, their use in geothermal applica-

    tions is more than a matter o adapting them to

    increased temperatures.

    For example, in oil and gas ormations, both

    induced and natural racturing are reasonably

    well-understood concepts. But because oil sandsare ractured to increase fow in discrete strati-

    graphic intervalsand the goal in a geothermal

    resource is to maximize heat exchange in large

    volumes o ractured crystalline rockthe oper-

    ations dier greatly in their application. Whereas

    traditional hydraulic racturing operations are

    constrained predominantly by rock stresses and

    boundary considerations, complex rock and fuid

    interactions and heat transer must be consid-

    ered when determining injection rates, pumping

    times and injection temperatures or racturing

    geothermal ormations.

    In recent years, stimulation o oil-bearing or-

    mations by racturing has become increasingly

    sophisticated and ecient as the industry devel-

    oped methods or modeling, plotting, tracking

    and even controlling racture direction. But most

    o these techniques rely heavily on electronicsensors placed downhole near the sandace

    depth. Temperature limitations render these

    devices useless in geothermal zones.

    Still, oileld-style interventions are being

    applied successully in many o the worlds larg-

    est geothermal elds, which are typically the

    highest temperature volcanic-hosted systems.

    These operations are essentially EGS and include

    such established projects as the Salak geother-

    mal eld, operated by Chevron. The largest o its

    kind in Indonesia, the Salak eld is located

    within a protected orest about 60 km [37 mi]

    south o Jakarta(next page, top right).

    Chevron has maintained steam production

    levels and optimized heat recovery at Salak

    through inll drilling and water injection into

    deep wells on the elds margins where permea-

    bility is low. Through the use o tracers, chemical

    and microseismic monitoring, and pressure-

    temperature surveys o individual wells, Chevron

    has been able to gauge the impact o its injection

    strategy and to move injection wells arther rom

    the elds center and closer to its edges. This

    approach has simultaneously generated more area

    or inll drilling and expanded the eld. It has

    also allowed the company to convert several

    injection wells into producers once the ormation

    has thermally recovered.

    More recently, geophysical data, including MT

    and time-domain electromagnetic surveys on the

    elds margins, have identied potential reser-

    voir extensions to the west and north o the

    proven area. To the west, the Cianten Caldera

    exhibits a low-resistivity layer at depths similar

    to those in the Salak reservoir, and microseismic

    data show distinct depth distribution o the

    proven reservoir through the western area.

    Drilling results in the caldera indicated non-commercial temperatures. Ring dike intrusions

    appeared to preclude fuid circulation rom the

    proven reservoir. Geothermal reservoir boundar-

    ies tend to be vague, and new wells oten encoun-

    ter low-permeability but hot ormations that

    must be stimulated to provide adequate injection

    rates. The operator thereore began a long-term,

    >One o two Desert Peak cross sections. This conceptual cross section o the geothermal feld showsthe stratigraphy and interpreted structure rom Well 29-1 in the south to Well 27-15 in the north. The keyeatures o this section are the gently dipping top o the basement rocks in the north, the presence oa pre-Tertiary 1 (PT-1) interval in Well 27-15 and the thick Tertiary section (green) in the southern wells.Faults and structural interpretations are based on lithologies and stratigraphic sequences encountered ineach well, and locations o lost circulation zones identifed rom well cuttings and well logs. Well 27-15 isthe candidate or hydraulic stimulation. (Adapted rom Lutz et al, reerence 13.)




















    Truckee and Desert Peak Fms


    Rhyolite (lower)



    PT-2 (upper)




    PT-2 (upper)


    PT-2 (lower)

    PT-2 (lower)Dolomite





    Tr-J mudstone

    Faults dashed where inferred

    Lost circulation zone

    0 1,000m

  • 7/27/2019 01 Mining Heat


    Winter 2009/2010 11

    massive cold-water injection program. This oper-

    ation takes advantage o the extreme tempera-

    ture dierences between the injectate and the

    ormationmore than 149C [268F]and the

    ormations relatively high coefcients o thermal

    contraction to create ractures.

    Three injection stimulations were conducted

    on one low-permeability well in the Cianten

    Caldera that lies within the boundaries o the

    Salak concession. These stimulations includedinjection o about 9.8 million bbl [1.6 million m3]

    o water. To evaluate the impact o these treat-

    ments on injection perormance, the operator

    used a modifed Hall plot and analysis that indi-

    cated racture development within the ormation

    (below right). Injectivity improvements were also

    quantifed through periodic pressure-allo tests

    and the creation o a geomechanical reservoir

    simulation model calibrated against feld his-

    tory.15 The fnal analysis concluded that injectiv-

    ity had been increased signifcantly. Two

    additional wells drilled in the area will undergo

    the same type o stimulation to allow injection o

    water produced rom the high-temperature core

    o the reservoir.

    The Great Heat Exchange

    Hot dry rockHDRreservoirs represent par-

    ticularly high-potential geothermal systems. The

    total amount o heat that may be unlocked rom

    these reservoirs worldwide through injection or

    racturing has been estimated at 10 billion

    quadsabout 800 times more than that esti-

    mated or all hydrothermal sources and 300 times

    that available rom hydrocarbon reserves.16

    14. Kovac KM, Lutz SJ, Drakos PS, Byersdorer J andRobertson-Tait A: Borehole Image Analysis andGeological Interpretation o Selected Features in WellDP 27-15 at Desert Peak Nevada: Pre-StimulationEvaluation o an Enhanced Geothermal System,Proceedings of the Stanford University 34th Workshopon Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanord,Caliornia (February 911, 2009).

    15. Yoshioka K, Pasikki R, Suryata I and Riedel K: HydraulicStimulation Techniques Applied to Injection Wells at theSalak Geothermal Field, Indonesia, paper SPE 121184,presented at the SPE Western Regional Meeting,San Jose, Caliornia, USA, March 2426, 2009.

    16. Duchane D and Brown D: Hot Dry Rock (HDR)Geothermal Energy Research and Development atFenton Hill, New Mexico, GHC Bulletin(December2002), http://geoheat.oit.edu/bulletin/bull23-4/art4.pd

    (accessed August 11, 2009).Quad is a short term or quadrillion and is a unit oenergy equal to 1015 BTU [1.055 1018 J]. It is theequivalent o about 180 million bbl o oil [28.6 million m 3].For reerence, the total 2001 US energy consumptionwas about 90 quads. The total HDR resource numberspublished by Duchane and Brown were calculated bysumming the thermal energy content o rock beneaththe Earths land masses at temperatures above 25C[77F] rom the surace to 10,000 m [33,000 t]. Whilethese numbers seem astronomical and do includeresources that are impractical to recover because theyare low temperature or are unreachable, they stillrepresent an enormous amount o energy.

    >Salak eld, Indonesia.

    A S I A

    I N D O N E S I A

    P H I L I P P I N E S



    0 100





    I N D O N E S I A

    >Evaluating injection perormance. A modied Hall plot provides a qualitativeindicator o injection perormance. The Hall integral (orange) is a straightline i the well skin actor does not change over time. A steeper slopeindicates some type o fow resistance, such as plugging or scaling, while

    a shallower slope indicates ormation stimulation. In subtle cases, such asthis one in Salak eld, plotting the Hall derivative (blue) on the same scaleimproves the diagnosis. A derivative curve above the integral curve indicatesincreased resistance and below the integral curveas shown hereongoingstimulation. This analysis conrmed racture development during cold-waterinjection in the eld. (Adapted rom Yoshioka et al, reerence 15.)


    5.0 x 104

    1.0 x 105

    1.5 x 105

    2.0 x 105

    2.5 x 105



    Cumulative injection, bbl

    8.0 x 1066.0 x 1064.0 x 1062.0 x 1060

    Hall integral

    Hall derivative

  • 7/27/2019 01 Mining Heat


    12 Oilfeld Review

    Unlike hydrothermal EGS, there are, as yet,

    no commercial HDR elds, so experience with

    these systems has been conned primarily to

    pilot projects. O particular importance to the

    concept is an extended study at Fenton Hillthe

    rst HDR projectthat began in the early 1970s.

    The Fenton Hill HDR site is about 64 km [40 mi]

    west o Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA. It includes

    two conned reservoirs created in crystalline

    rock at 2,800 and 3,500 m [9,200 and 11,480 t]

    with reservoir temperatures o 195C and 235C

    [383F and 455F], respectively. Flow tests were

    conducted in each o the reservoirs or almost a

    year. The project, conducted over a period o

    about 25 years, ended in 1995.

    HDR systems are essentially reservoir-

    creation projects. One o the most important les-

    sons learned at Fenton Hill is that it is nearly

    impossible to connect two existing boreholes by

    creating a hydraulic racture between them.

    Reservoirs should thereore be created by stimu-

    lating or creating ractures rom the initial bore-

    hole and then accessing them by two production

    boreholes (let).17

    Work at Fenton Hill also advanced the caseor HDR elds by dening which critical actors

    in their construction are controllable. For exam-

    ple, the reservoirs size is a direct linear unction

    o the amount o fuid injected into it (next page).

    Similarly, temperature, injection pressure and

    fow rate, production backpressure, and the num-

    ber and placement o wells are all manageable

    variables within HDR eld development.

    While many o the technological questions

    associated with HDR systems were answered

    through the work at Fenton Hill, uncertainties

    about reservoir creation remain. Although a rela-

    tionship can be established between fuid volume

    injected and resulting volume made available or

    heat exchange, the ractured surace area within

    that volume o rock is more dicult to quantiy.

    One approach renders an order-o-magnitude

    estimate o the rock volume required. This is

    obtained by equating the heat fow rate rom the

    reservoir with the change in stored thermal

    energy, assuming uniorm extraction o heat

    throughout the volume. The heat fow rate is a

    unction o rock density, volume and heat capacity,

    and the change in rock temperature over time.

    A numerical simulation study by Sanyal and

    Butler suggests the electrical power generation

    rate achievable on a unit rock volume basis

    is 26 MWe/km3 [106 MWe/mi

    3].18 This power-

    production correlation requires a volume o

    roughly 0.19 km3 [0.05 mi3] to generate 5 MWe.

    Such a cube would measure 575 m [1,886 t] on

    each side, and the simulation is based on an

    assumption o uniorm properties, including

    permeability, within the stimulated region.

    The study concluded that i constant pro-

    duction is maintained, generation capacity is pri-

    marily a unction o the stimulated rock volume.

    Other considerations may include well congura-tion, number o wells within a reservoir volume,

    reservoir mechanical properties, reservoir stress

    state and natural racture eatures. These char-

    acteristics collectively determine how the reser-

    voir is best stimulated to create the requisite

    volume and the fow paths necessary or eective

    heat extraction.19

    >The EGS concept as applied to HDR. Fractures are generated roman injection well (blue) drilled into a low-permeability reservoir o deepcrystalline rock. Production wells (red) are then drilled into the racturedzone. Injected water is heated as it fows rom the injection well to theproduction wells.



























    Makeup waterreservoirHeat


    17. Brown DW: Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Energy:Important Lessons rom Fenton Hill, Proceedingsof the Stanford University 34th Workshop on GeothermalReservoir Engineering, Stanord, Caliornia (February911, 2009).

    18. Sanyal SK and Butler SJ: An Analysis o PowerGeneration Prospects rom Enhanced GeothermalSystems, Proceedings of the Stanford University 34thWorkshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering,Stanord, Caliornia (February 911, 2009).

    MWe stands or electrical megawatt.

    19. Polsky Y, Capuano L Jr, Finger J, Huh M, Knudsen S,Mansure AJC, Raymond D and Swanson R: EnhancedGeothermal Systems (EGS) Well ConstructionTechnology Evaluation Report, Sandia ReportSAND2008-7866: Sandia National Laboratories,December 2008.

    20. Polsky et al, reerence 19.

    21. Kumano Y, Moriya H, Asanuma H, Wyborn D and

    Niitsuma H: Spatial Distribution o CoherentMicroseismic Events at Cooper Basin, Australia,Expanded Abstracts, 76th SEG Annual Meeting andExhibition, New Orleans (October 16, 2006): 595599.

    Microseismic multiplet analysis, based on a high-resolution relative hypocenter location technique, useswaveorm similarity to identiy events located ongeometrically or geophysically related structures.

    22. Petty S, Bour DL, Livesay BJ, Baria R and Adair R:Synergies and Opportunities Between EGSDevelopment and Oileld Drilling Operations andProducers, paper SPE 121165, presented at theSPE Western Regional Meeting, San Jose, Caliornia,March 2426, 2009.

  • 7/27/2019 01 Mining Heat


    Winter 2009/2010 13

    Despite the progress being made on the tech-

    nological aspects o HDR exploitation, commer-

    cial viability o these prospects remains elusive

    as a consequence o their depth and tempera-

    ture. For example, commercial hydrothermal

    well depths range rom less than 1 km to a rare

    ew that reach about 4 km [13,000 t], such as the

    EGS project in Soultz-sous-Forts, France. HDR

    wells, because they are in crystalline basement

    ormations, are typically much deeper. As a con-

    sequence, HDR wells are likely to be character-

    ized by varied lithology and the extensively

    documented problems associated with deep drill-

    ing and completion.20

    The Gap

    Owing to the obvious similarities between hydro-

    carbon and heat mining, it is tempting to assume

    that adapting the technology o the ormer to the

    latter is a matter o ocus. Recent development o

    tools or use in some applicationsHPHT oil and

    gas wells, hydrothermal elds and steam-

    foodingencourages such assumptions.Geothermal energy resources, however, dier

    across the world, and the ease with which this

    technology transer will take place is a unction

    o those dierences. The highest grade o

    resourcehydrothermalis shallow, permeable

    and hot and has a natural water-recharge system.

    The techniques and methods used to tap that

    resource are and will continue to be amiliar to

    oileld personnel.

    Lower-grade resources that require interven-

    tion in the orm o injection or racturing, or

    whose temperatures are below the boiling point

    o water, are also being produced at a prot

    through the use o technology adapted rom the

    petroleum industry. Coproduction is a current

    technique that uses the hot water produced with

    oil and gas to run binary plants, which in some

    cases generate all the elds electricity needs.

    But the real prize in geothermal energy pro-

    duction will come once the technology required

    or EGS and HDR reservoirs is widely available.

    Despite current barriers to commerciality, HDR

    projects do have an advantage over those or

    conventional hydrothermal systems in that they

    can be located near major electricity markets.

    That they still require much technological

    innovation, however, has created a tendency

    among many o those best equipped to solve these

    problemspetroleum industry proessionalstoabandon the notion o HDR developments in avor

    o more immediate and amiliar pursuits.

    With the prospects o large payos, there has

    been progress on making HDR projects economi-

    cally attractive, including the vital area o reser-

    voir-creation monitoring and control. In the

    Cooper basin o Australia, or example, geophysi-

    cists recently applied microseismic multiplet

    analysis to a dataset rom an HDR hydraulic rac

    turing operation to help characterize the devel

    oping racture system within the reservoir.21

    The greatest potential or improving the eco

    nomics or geothermal energy projects, as in any

    high-risk, high-cost venture, is by risk reduction

    through a better understanding o the subsur

    ace. The unknowns that aect drilling and com

    pletion risk, environmental impact, stimulation

    and overall project success are all exacerbatedby a lack o knowledge about lithology, stres

    regime, natural seismicity, preexisting aults and

    ractures, and temperature at depth.22

    Correcting these shortcomings will be a

    matter o growth, but o a type with which the

    E&P industry is long amiliar. It took the oshore

    industry more than 50 years o lessons learned

    between the rst well drilled in shallow water

    just out o sight o land to routine placement o

    wells in water depths o more than 3,000 m

    [10,000 t] and hundreds o kilometers rom

    shore. Moving rom shallow, high-grade hydro

    thermal ormations to deep, hot dry rocks wil

    require a similar evolution in technology, equip

    ment and trained personnel. Given the prize

    in the ong, however, it is certainly just a matte

    o time. RvF

    >Controlling reservoir size. During a massive hydraulic racture test atFenton Hill, a linear relationship was established between the seismicallyactive reservoir volume and the volume o injected fuid, as determinedrom microseismic event location data. (Adapted rom Duchane and Brown,reerence 16.)











    Volume of fluid injected, 1,000 m3

    0 2010 30
