01 - Emergency Responce - Disaster



prosedur emercency

Transcript of 01 - Emergency Responce - Disaster


EMERGENCY RESPONSE - DISASTERVitri WidyaningsihOutlineNatural DisasterMajor Hazard

What well discussEmergency response systemsIdentifying emergency situation Analyzing risk and necessitiesOrganize Emergency preparedness and response Action Review

Task Make emergency response procedure for a specific natural disaster or major hazard in industry What might happen?

What might happen?

What to do?

Whats needed?Regulations Standar ISO 14001:2004. Standar OHSAS 18001:2007. Permenaker 05/MEN/1996

ISO 14001 Emergency Preparedness and ResponseThe organization shall establish and maintain procedures to identify potential for and respond to accidents and emergency situations, and for preventing and mitigating the environmental impacts that may be associated with them

OHSAS 18001Persiapan dan Tanggap Daruratperencanaan dan prosedur untuk : mengidentifikasi potensi terjadinya insiden dan situasi bencanacara merespons mencegah dan menanggulangi kerusakan dan kecelakaan yang mungkin terkait dengan keadaan tersebut

Persyaratan Permenaker 05/MEN/1996Prosedur Menghadapi Keadaan Darurat atau BencanaPerusahaan harus memiliki prosedur untuk menghadapi keadaan darurat atau bencana, yang diuji secara berkala untuk mengetahui keandalan pada saat kejadian yang sebenarnya

Prosedur Mengahadapi InsidenUntuk mengurangi pengaruh yang mungkin timbul akibat insiden, perusahaan harus memiliki prosedur yang meliputi:Penyediaan Fasilitas P3K dengan jumlah yang cukup dan sesuai sampai mendapatkan pertolongan medis.Proses rawatan lanjutan.Prosedur Rencana Pemulihan Keadaan DaruratPerusahaan harus membuat rencana pemulihan keadaan darurat untuk secara cepat mengembalikan pada kondisi normal dan membantu memulihkan tenaga kerja yang mengalami trauma.

Emergency Response StepsMitigationPreparednessResponseRecoveryEarly evaluation to eliminate or decrease long term risk caused by disasterPreparation of human resources, facilities, and systemsEmergency response capacity emergency signs and route, evacuation, SAR, fire extinguishers, etcRecovery after emergency (disaster), especially basic needs (short term) and includes normal daily activities (long term)Purpose of Emergency Preparedness and ResponseMinimize the risks of emergencies occurringIdentify potential emergency situationsDevelop, implement, and test plans to respond promptly and effectively to emergenciesMinimize the impact of emergencies on the environmentContinually improve emergency preparedness and response proceduresThink PreventionISO 14001 section 4.4.7 speaks first of PREPAREDNESS, i.e., prevention of emergenciesRequires the development of a procedure to identify all possible incidents, accidents, and emergency situations during normal and abnormal operating conditions