



Transcript of 01-01-1912

Page 1: 01-01-1912
Page 2: 01-01-1912

Helps Itself to Ink

While t~e other fcl'ow Crnu,.t. prcp::.t res to load his

fount.:1iupe n wi th a mussy dr':Jpper. the Conklin hc!ps

itself to ink a t the ne.:1rcst ink-well ano goes \Vritiab

merrily on. 'i'o fill

CONKLIN'S Sell-Ftllfu&f

Fountain Pen ~ 1 u s t ::1 i p i n a n y ,.:-i- Ll..y("

1nk .:1uc.l press t!!e "' "'(' Cn .. scen t- Filler. l ., No mk besmeared ci ~ fingers. ~·rites so 0 ,.. smoothly and e_asily that you s1mply hate to stop -all of which makes the Cocklin a wonderful pen.

The 20th Century

New Testament is proving very popular and should be read by every student. Complete in one volume for $1.00.

Historical Portion, Gospel and Acts, in one volwne _________ ___ ___ __ _____ _ 30c

Rand's Bible Dictionary ____ ___ ___ _ $1.25 Peloubits Notes ___________________ 90c

Also Arnolds, Tarbells, and Torrey's lesson helps.



Fountain PEN

Is a pleasure and con­venience and is appre­ciated by everybody.

We handle the lead­ing makes so that \ve can satisfy our custom­ers. We have a large assortment of T e x t , Teachers, and Scholars red letter and reference Bibles.

48 E. Eighth St.

e . e ... \

. ,. _.

··r .

. ~

. . . '



Big Clothing Sale



Tremendous Success


Qn our alre dy low priced merchandis~ we are now giving from 10 to 50% reduction to clear•

out our entire line of Winter Wear, including all our Over· coats, Suits, Pants, Sweaters, Jerseys, Underwear, Hosiery~ Bath Robes, Smoking Jackets, Shirts, Hats, Caps, in fact no1 a thing reserved in our entire line.

Come in today and purchase a suit or Overcoat or what­ever you may need now or before the future as prices will never be lower.

P. S. Boter & Co. "WATCH-US-GROW'

18 W. Eighth Stlftt Bolland, Nic:lt.

Page 3: 01-01-1912



~Hopeites~ We arf! ready to serve you with the choicest Bon Bons and Ices

at our

CANDY SHOP Hot Chocolates ' ''Best Ever' '

E. W. FISCHER, - - Mgr.

Bric k a nd Bu ll< I c .. · · a r11 fll r Ptc ll t r c: ,."tf Pn rt it:~. Tt1ey all :..: t •11 ir I ce Cr t- a m fro m

R. W. CALKIN Citizens Phone 1470 "There's A Reuon''

VAN'S CAFE Special Noonday Lu,ch 25c.

Twenty-one Meal Tickets $5.00. to· all.

John Hoffman, Prop.

Regul .... r Meals 35 Cents. We aim to give satisfaction

Both Phones

... Dear Mr. Merchant ... We have on hand a quality list of


Address: The Emplogment Bureau HOPE COLLEGE Y. M. C. A.

Con Jongewaard, Phone 1456

. ..

~ ... r

..... ~ ....

.. - .

A · . • -• ..


. . . "

--.. a ·e . . .... ...

J 1 1-J 1:. .\ ~ \.. 11 u l{ ·'

G . J 0181t 8M • P• u •<f .. nc 0 W MOl ... A. C et"••

FIR ,.r Sl'fATE BANK With Savin1• Departmeat

CAf'lT~ . ~ Hf'l ,t· s an ti UNPIVJDKll PROFITS. SU~.000.00

Cotner Eiahth Street 11n1 Cen t ral _ \ . ., H LLA.ND. MICIDG.AJI(

RED + CROSS Barber Shop

1JtttE l'lll~l •y nothing hut fi rst cl a ~~ lJa rlJ ·r~. Good

Jtltl worl< a nd satis fi ed cu~ton1 crsarc natu ral rc.,utt ·.

Two Bath Rooms in Connection \V c tiell Razors, Strops, Hones, Safety Razors, etc. Agency for the Baxter Steam Laundry, arand Rapids



CENTRAL MARKET !\1olenaar & De Goed . P rops.

DI:.ALE R If'-

Staple and Fancy Groceries Bdore you ha"e that steak rout d own the nve r. drop m and tee our

jwcy cutt

- - --- --~--·

Let the Holland Citg News Print it And there will be no disappointments

Page 4: 01-01-1912


HAPPY NEW YEAR We swing into 1912 with a determination to discount

the past at every point, and keep this the best Clothing,

Shoe and Toggery store in Holland.

Mag the recollections of the dying

gear live as a pleasant memory of a

time that is gone. Andso"ow-mayit be buried by the goodness and the joy which the New Year has in store

for you.

Happg New Year

The Lokker-Rutgers Co. MERCHANT TAILORS

Clothing, Shoes and Furnishings


. . ••


Resolutions of Faculty and Students

The fal·ulty of Hope College, feeling deeply the loss of a kind fril•ud and faithful colleague in the death of Prof. James G. Sutphen, wb.h tu <'.X press tt> his bereaved wife and to all the sorrowing family and rclati\ cs their 3inccre sympathy in this hour of trial and suffering, assur­ing them that becuusc of the companionship of many years the hearts of his fellow-teachers go out to them in their affliction.

The faculty also desire to give expression to their admiration and love for the departed, being very thankful to their Heavenly Father for g iving them the inspiration and help of a life so completely ~onsecra­ted to true lofty scholarship; so very faithful to the many duties of the teacher; so entit·ely devoted to the college which he loved and to which he ga,·e so freely his noble talents. As his colleagues who knew him the Faculty feel that Prof. Sutphen had much to do with making the classical department of the college known and respected, and that the results of the life which he gladly and loyally invested here will contin­ue for many years.

For the Faculty.

Holland, ~lichigan, Dec. 16. 1911.

To Mrs Sutphen and family:


As students of Hope College we wish to express to you our deep sorrow at the death of our teacher. Or. Sutphen. At such a time as this words must fail. We would only voice our thankfulness for having come in touch with a personality who, in his labor in the class-room. never compromised with duty, and by his faithfulness taught us to be faithful. We take thi opportunity to express our recognition, aiJove all, of the imprint he has left upon us as a man. That, we know, can never be:measured. We feel keenly that one who was both gentleman and friend has left us.

May the belid that a larger and nobl~r work awaits him who has alrt!ady done a man':; work, and a trust in the ultimate Jo,·e and kind­ness of God, help rou to bear this bereavement.

llollauJ, Michig<w. Uet· 15. 1911


Committee Students' Council


Page 5: 01-01-1912



WQr AurQnr ... prra ld .,d ··

.J ANUAAV , 1 e1 2

WAS A GREAT TEACHER. (Fro m City Pres ·.)

Perhaps icw ll n lland peo ple reali7..c that in the death o f Pruf. Jame~ (; . utplu.: n nne o f the greatest h:achcr~ of Latin in the s tate u f ~I id1igau pa~sed away. One man who is intimately acquainted with Pruf. ·u tphen ·s re 1.1 rd and with ed uca lin nal matter ~ th ro u ghnu t th e : tate, clecla res con fidcn tly that he wa~ witlH>ttt exc"' ptio n the grcate~t teacher u f Latin in i\lic higa n . Tf e d o e n u l make an xceptio n e\·en in the ca~c o f the \·ctcran Dr. D'Ougc, the decca~d pro fe ·sor's per~onal friend, a nd head of the Latin department o f the Un i\·ersity o f :\1 ich igan fur

m any year:' pre\·io u t u hi: retirement. Onlv th o ·c who ha\·e come into co ntact with Pro f. Sutphen

a ::, ~t ud ~1ts can fully apprec iate this :--tatcmcnt. Tn pcc•plc in general it d o cs no t m ean muc h more than di:-.tinctic n in any line o f " o rk w uuld mean when the tatemcnl is made that a. man ha reac hed a \·ery high p o int in ·c h o lar ::, hip. But tho~c wh o haYe at in Pro f. utphen s clas~·- room daily fo r fo u r o r fi\·e o r s ix year can reaiJy fee l the ignificance o f the ~ tate­mcnt. It is o-i\·en t n \·ery few to reac h the heig ht o f learning

b ..

in any line and it is w u rth a g-reat deal to ha\·c kn o wn tntt -ma tcly ~omc one who had reached tho ::,c heights but wh o in s pite o f it was a s m ode t and kindly a s a little child.

~Iany o f the b oys and girl s-men and w o men n ow for the m ost part- who vis ited hi~ class r oom ha \ e forgotten a large part of t!heir Latin ; o ther intt!res t~ ha\·e c r u wded o ut much of it. But mos t o f them to day have a deeper re~pect fo r ::,ch o lar­~hip becau s e they were taug ht hy a truly great scho lar, and few there are of them today who are n c• t better men and women

because they learned to love him as a true Kentleman.




l-1 E ~ team-yacht · ' Iris .. was leL urely plowing its way throu o-h the blue waters o f the S o uth ea o n a h o t eptember afternoon in the year 1856. The pas · enger.~ were rec1ining in comfortable chairs under the awning n f the upper dec k , scm ~ reading, other~ ia::;t a !-- leep. .\fr. hamber~. the

u wncr (,f th yacht. w a · a wealthy ca pitali!--t fr t>m ~ew York, who wa::; g-i\·ing thi~ plea. urc trip for the benefit o i a partY o f irie nd..; . . \ t thi :-. particular m u men t he wa s leeping in, his ~·ha ir. 1 li ;; d:ut g ht er ).label w:~ ..; e n g-nged in reading a no \·el. S he \\' :1 -; th e 11n ly c l1ild . I fer m o th l.."r w:1 c., d ead, nnd. c:. he ruled IJc::r father hy he r ..,Ji ghtc;-;t wi s h . Nu wonde r s he was her f:1ther's prick.- tal l. with dark hair a nd eye.; to m atch, with an impurlent l ittle n n:-;e a nd a firm c hin, s he wa: a charmin g maiden tn behu lcl . On this aftcrno n . he wa unu:;ually bea~­t i f ul , d r e. . e d i n a w h i t c a i I n r- .... u i t , wi t h h e r h a i r co i 1 e d be­l·omingly u n her s hapely head. The ''eternal feminine'' was ,·cry pro no unced in her a nd had cau~cd m any n young man tu fall deeply in lo \·e with her. O ne u f these y o ung m e n was jus t then ''IHHtndi ng u u t ·· a popular tun e o n the piano in the :-;a loo n. After a few minutes ~I abel threw he1· book a ide a nd tripped lig htly tn the room whence the mu ic came.

"J ear m e. I, u hcrt, h o w can y o u he so indu:' trio tL o n uch a warm aftcrnnnn ?'' s he a s ked. a :-; :-:he .:;at clo wn in a c hair

Rl) l>ert a1bwered no t a w o rd, and kept o n playing .

"Ans we1· me. y o ung man. o r I'll thruw a pillo w at y o u : ·

~ l1 th ing daunt c rl by t h j.; thrc:t t. t h e " y o un g man·· re­mained !--ilent ancl -;t u c k c.l ,•ggcdly tn hi s playing. Thump! .\hug e pillu \\. hit hint -.q u arcly 111 t he back o f h i .... head. The playing ceased. and with a m oc k bnw he r, .;e i1 um the p1an J­

:-- t o l and began :

..Inasmuch a .... y iJur grac io u s hig-hne~. dentaJHl-.- :· hut at this jun~ture he was io rced tn d o d ge another pill u w . \\hi ·h mi:'s.cd him hut hit the cnptain. \\'h n jtJ-.t t he n <' tltt·red thL· rnt• Jn .

' '\\. ell thi!) i:-, a ti ne welco me. r tlltl .:;l ~ay ... cxcl:timrcl th :tl ,,.l rthy. "

Page 6: 01-01-1912



··uh. 1 beg- ypttr pardPn. t·aptain. I didn't mean tt) hit yt •ll; I \\'a ... aiming at Rt~hcrt ...

R • l h c r t 11 a d m a d c 11 i .... c ... c a p c . h • • '' · c ' l ' r. p u r .... n ~ d \\' i t h ta tt 11 t ....

••i "~.,··· "· ar<l .. and "qu itter.· ·

"l.aptain ... t· ~daimed ~lalH:- 1. "d•• ~ 11 ll think "e"ll han:' a l·lwn~c tn ,· i-..it an_, ,.j tl1e:--c ~~·uth ~L' a i ... l;uH{ ... ; ..

"\\ l'.ll pa-.. .... hy -- ~~me ,,j them:· all--\\ c1Td thl' ~..·aptain ... J,ut

I guc:--:-- "c 'd hL'ttCr 11 11\ ~·· a-..h •• rc. ·1 hc--c i-..la11d ... ar1..' lilkd with -..a,· a~c--. -' " u k11 •• ''· and I'd hall' t• ' L' lh."•• llll ll..'l' all~ ,,j

them ...

· · I · d ju--t I• , ' c 1' , g. , a .... h t • r t .' · 1..' x ~..·1 a i llll' d 1 h l ' g i r I. · · I \ c n .:ad a "•~t~<l clcal latch ah••llt thL'--L' i--land-- and \\' t• ulcl lik~..· , , ,

;-. -\1::--ll tllle Ill' l\\11 .

',f fl uwcr:-- l• •r my --a,·agc... . 1·:, l' ll ii laH:r~··

I Jlli "lll ~.:c ll11C a~..·r"'' "'"lllC rare ... ,,~..·~.-·imcll, :--. )l.,t :tll\ ~..· • .tlc ~..·tio ll. \\ ' e \\t•ttldn"t mt·t.:l all\

\\ l' c1 i d . 1\ " I •ll I d Ill' l' ~ l' I I 111 ~ I• I tl'l I :t I " d I I

T h c c ' c 11111 g- " a ... ... p e n t t 11 m u .... 11. • • :..:, a lltl· ... . a 11 cl ... I• • r y -H·lln1 ~ . The captain rL·latccl :--l'\·eral ... l•• ric .... • f Jti ... t•xpL·r iL' lH'l• ... ~ ~, :t

--ail •· •·. and parti L· ttlarl~ did he <h\cll 11)1• 11 til~..· \\i ld h~..auty •· i thL' ~uuth ~ca 1-..land-.. all .. i " ·hid1 -.. ti ·nulatccl \laln·J"-. ~.k ... ile 111 ,-i-..it them . lklc lr l' retiring·. the l·aptain prL·di~..·tcd that ••11 t he 111• tiT!I \\ the_, ,,., •ttld pa:--:-: ••ne ni th ~..· i-..lancl--. II j .... prl'd i~.·-ti••ll " ·a ... trul'. j,q· h_, 11 11 .. 11 11i the nc~t da~· a -..mall i,Ja n cl I'L'-l·amc , . j ... jhlc r111 till· ... tarll• •ard -.ide •• i t he h••al . . \ .... the ,- j~..·w became ~..· lt• arL'r. \lr. Chamber:-- g:t\L' .. nkr-. that th~..: ~ad11 ... h,,uld pn •cccd lll•ll. l ' ..... }tt\Yh·. Trttpi ~..·a l tn·e-. \.'lltlld he -..el' ll.

\\'hile h er~..: and then· ~' hu~c r• •l·k hrt~kc thl· •• tttlillL' ••i til e l'IIH:--t. TrulL it wa ... a bcautiiul i-..Jand. \lahcl ,,a .. eager 111

g-•• a:--h u rc .hut her iatltl· r lirml~ rciu ... L·cl. ~.·~~n -..ide ring the 1 i-.k

1•11 • ~reat.

"Plea.- . papa .... , .. p the b n at and kt me g t• ~t ... h11re a l illh­\\"hilc. There arrn't any -...;l\·:tge' there: I"m quite p u .... Jt l\ <·

there are n·r.·· \l r. L'han1i>c r -. wa:-- ,-L•ry anxinu:- l •l pll':l'l' hi ... ,{aug·lnl'r.

h u t he:--itatcd tt• L"t1111ply \\"ith her rcquc--l. llut. aitL'r a ll. \\'hat c t~uld he the harm in aiJ,n,·ing her t• • ~· · a ..... h•ll"l' a littk \Yhil •. J.!. (•bert .\in:-- let \\'t•ttld al·company her. Tht> i--lantll ~~" I.;C'd .., ,) pcacdul in n-... MrcL·n ic1liage. that hl' fi nally l"•• ll ... nted t•• ha'e

~l al>el g••.




"Ro iJert will go with me, won't y ou?'' a ked the g irl. gh·­lllg him a sweet s mile.

The y o ung man had been debating with hitn elf whether the ri~k \\"ere not too great fo r any one to go a hare. The girl :-;aw the lnnk of s ligh t he ·ita lio n o n hi face and aid:

"Oi cuurse, if y o u're afraid, uncle Jack will go with me:· The~e \\" u rrls !'tun g R o bert. and he immediately agreed to

acco mpany the girl. The boat wa~ stopped. and after a fe''" preparati t~n:' the y oung couple were ready.

.. -:'\: u w d u n 't wa ndcr too far in land.'' ad ,-ised ~ r .-. Cham­her;;. •·and \\"hen y o u want t u return. signal to us:·

·· \\"e'll l)c careful. papa dear," said ~label. gi\'ing her iather :1 ki:-:-- . "R~Jhert will take care o f me. w o n't you?'' Thi. la:--t remark \\·a:-- accompanied with :tn admirino- glance at the y o ung- d o ctt )r ·_ :::-talwart fu rm.

·· 'Tru:-;t me." an:'wercd the y oung m an. .\ ~mall IH•at wa:-; I lwered. and a :::;ailo r r o \\·ed the y o ung

pe11plc u • Lht: i:--land. R obert took his rifle and cart ridge-belt with him fo r . afcty ';; sake. The distance o f half-a-mile was :-- ut m pa:-;~ed o n~r. and after the two pa · seno-ers had landed. the "'aiJ n r rU\\"Cd back to the boat.

:\label wa · a~ deli o-hted a - a choolgirl. while the y o ung do~t lr wa-, :o;carcely le;;s pleased. The ~hade o f the tropical tree=-- wa:- ,-ery weko me after the ho t ray~ o f the sun. The girl ran ahead fru m time to time a · her eye caun·ht . igh t o f rare hl u:-;:--c nll:-',, \\"hile Ainslee f )ll o wed m o re s lowly. feeling ,-err well c u ntenled with himself and the w o rld in (YencraJ. Farther and farther they wandered with ne,·er a thought o f din·ctilln. Finally. tired of walking-. they ~at down under a huge palm and talked a~ o nly h)\·er · can .

. \ t la:--t R u bert rn:-e and said. "\\' ell. :\label. I think we •• ught t• ) return. Jt·~ gettin~· to be quite late.''

"( )h! 1 hate tu g' haL·k." replied the girl, "but I !:-Upp ~.. ,~e

we 'II ha ,-c t u .'' "Ct•mc u n, thi:-- way.'' co mmanded the doctor . --x ,,. we came this ""ay; f'm sure \\"e did." .\:-; u:--ual. ~Jahe1 had her way. and the y o tmg- man relu ~..· ­

tantly ~·a,· c in. I Tc touk her arm and beCYan t\) walk bri.;kly. aiding- her cl\·er ro ug-h places . The way became rOu <Yher a;; they proceeded; huge rock · barred the way. fo rcing them tu

Page 7: 01-01-1912

T B ·. A:..:t · H JR ·- - - - - --- ----- - -- -

mak<-- t1 t••llr .. . F.•r llll•l't' than a h:df-h•lllr ht·' wandered :d\tlllt. and th\.•n till: .' "un~ 111:111 pau-..l·tl.

" \\ L' t.: an't h:\\l: g• •lll' :--•• i:tr inl:tnd ." .... 11d hl·. "!"Ill airaid

''"'.'L' takl:n till· '''~'•·tt~ ,,a_,. .. . llardh \\' L·r~· thL· " " nl-.. 11ll l · •Jill .... lll• •ttth. \\ht:n the pa1r

lrc:ard :r ti~..'r"· ~· H·ll: .11HI J,. .. krn~ l·~.· ltind 111\·m. thty .... ;."· a num­

IJt:'r .. i lr : tli- nak~·d ' · "a~~.· ... runnin~ t••\\ard-.. lwm. The~· had 11cl:l1 ,Jr .. \· .. ,~·rl· d '' ·' lh:tk ... ~ :\,, · •r rlinar.' dangl:r thi-... :tnd \\1..:ll did .\ in-..k'-' J.;n " '' .t lr:rt " ' ' 1111..' 1\.' l' ••uld ht· ~:xpc~.· cd iro m il l C:--\.: ~.· rud llati\l'" :'\l''' \\:t:- tlrL· tinll.: 1" :t\'t. :1nd a~..·t quickly.

\ J<.'\\' r·•d:- :1\\:t\' hi-.. kL'c:ll 1.'\l.' ..... a\\ a pik " i J'• )\·k--. "' ' ' arr:1ng-rd ; I ... t o 1 11\ :t k \ · ; I I ; :t l ll r: tJ j • q· l i .I C: l I i • •11 • \\. j I i1 .1 "' I I' j I k h (' "-1..' j i' (' d till' .,irl in Jti ... :trtll .. . it~ntrHkd 1• •\\ :rrd-.. the l' • ll·\.; -.., alm n -..t l.ru-


tall\· ptt ... Jt('cl )t~· r o •\L' I' th1..• 1 1 •\·).; \hj \·Jt Jd t •(').;('rJ th(· l 'lllt';l lh't•.

: 11 tci cl:tlllhl'rrd :ritl'r h"· r. \ .. lh" did ..:,, :t --IHH\' l't' .,j arrn\\':; irll ;tr••ntHih inl. and It~· i~· l t a :- ll:••·J' ting in hi ... nc ·k. ln c;tan tly In· kilL'\\ th:tt It~· had lll'l' ll \\tllltttkcl. I k had hn:n t •"'~ ld that th('-..(' I h ·ak-- ,J •. •t t h~..·ir .. Jllall l''' i" •th d :tr: • ''' ... ''-" mrar1-- ,-,; h h 1\"' ) i p ~ .... . a n d II c I, tiL' '' t h :t t h i .. " · 11 11 d \\ :1 .. ..l. r in u :- i i nn t i:ttal. Cardulh h1.· --i~ht('d :tl' ' ''~ tltc "=•' n ·l , ,j hi-- rifle. \\"hich It~.· had n·taill('<.l in Itt .. lli:!hl. :tnd tin·d . . \ .' rll ir.\1•1\\'C'd.

"t;,q that t ' IT:I I li i'L'. :tll_\'\\:ry." ht· lllllllCrCd.

Tit~· ·•id l:t' \·r· ·ttl.· lt ... ·d l•~.·lrincl t it~.· r~~~·k "hi,:h :--crved :l' 1 h c i r I l r 11 t ~ ~ • t i, , 11 ~ \ .. J, •tt ~ a .. h l' h ul k t ..... I :1 " 1 l' d h (' con I d k e e P h e r ... : 11 c: . I : \I I " lh · 11 h i .... I a ... t I H1 11 (' t " :1 .... ~ ll ll ~ . a n rl n i g-h 1 It n cl i:tlkn - - : . \ ~·:rin lti..: ri ll (' ldaz('d. lie.• ''" ' rL~ ... . ,itly. li e h:ld mi~ ... ccl. . \ ~nin anci a~ain 11~.· fin·d. Jh' L·riug rauti•"'~ tt~ly thrnug:h an tlpcn in.; . \\'hrr th~.· n \·J,;, m~Hk :tn ill-litting j P int. The ..:a\' :1!!'-'' h~.·lcl their gr••ttncl ht i .. n: Jti .. r:tkin~ ti rL' . and :tn-..·werrd "'itlt. -.. lh l\\' (' r-. ,q· :nnn,... \ tt~ rrihk d:tll;.! r t hrc:ttr· n~rl. hut ~hL· nHt ... t n• •t Ill· iri~lt t t' ncd ttnduly. The p:tin in hi .... ned' \\' :1-..

intt'JI-.c. and :t --tr:tn~t· ierling n i langll• ·r \\':t ... Ct• lllitlg' " 'er hint. hut .. It~,· mu .. t ll• ' t kn••\\ . :\i;.!·ht \\' :1 .... ).1wly hnt -.ur<:J ~ -\·,,111ing 1111. Tit~ lin;._!l.'ring- tr(lpi\·:tl I \\ iligllt might at any m o ­llh' ttt chan~><.• ittlll clark ni~ht. ~"iith ll~..' !· laded :tnd fired hi~ :-.... . r i 11 e . I I i .. 1:1 .. I h 11 I k t n: 111 a i ttl·< I. I ~ :1 n g ! \ ." l' ll - 1 h (' n ~ i I e n c: c. II~..· thn:\\· tlw tlll\\ u ... t:k ..... ;._: 1111 :t--irlt?. ll-:tnl'd , .... , . CL and ki !'~ed :Ill' ~i r l tl"llckrl.'. \\' ith "· , , ncit~ ring· r _,.l' ' -..11<.' ), ~~ked at him. tltt~ n ... ndd~.· nh· t hrl: \\' her :lltlt-- :u-11 tn d him nnd hur'l int o te:tr5.

" ( Jh. 11< :tll m,· i ;1ult." ' hr mn;111Ni. " T \\':1~ rlrt c rminrd


to visit th is place, and thought I knew the way back bettet­than you did. '

"Never mind, dear it'll turn out all right. Your father \viii soon rescue u "

Ah ! brave heart you knew rescue would arri,·e too late fur you, perhap~ too late--.

Robert clenched hi teeth helple .. · ly and drew the trem-uling girl m ore closely to him.

"Darling, ' he asked. ''can you pray?' j HYes," simply. Together they knelt on the rocks. 'Vhen they ceased

prayin a, n ight had fallen.

* * * * * * The next foren oon the re, c:uin,.,. party came upo n R o b­

ert's hat where it had fallen, and finaJly they disco ,·cred the rocks. There they found ~label, a Jeep o n R obert' brea_ t. A calm look was on hi ~ face . but he was dead. 1 I. J. P., '13.



ET behoeft geen betoog. dat rcgecring ,·an welken aard uuk. haat· he taan te dankcn hecft aan wetten; hctzij wetten zo nder \Tijhcid. waan·an he t re:-;ultaat is tyrannic; hetzij wcttcn gcpaanl met vrijheid, \Velke uitloopen op een democratisch gou,·ernemcnt. D nch Yrijheid zo nder wctten

g ceft regecring- den doodsteck en haart anarchic. Indier~ dan regeerin~ haar be~taan te danken hceft aan

wetten, zoo ,·o]crt het on\\:ill ekeurig-. dat de natuur dcr regecr­ing bepaald wordt d oor het karakter en de o ndcrho uciing- der

wetten, uitgevaardigd door de regeering. Alleenlijk \Vanneer de wetten de vrijheid de ,·olks \vaarborgcn, en met gc treng­heid ten uitvoer georacht \\"Orden, kan een dcmocratLch gou vernement be taan.

Indien goede en welonderhouden wctten de scherincr en in s lag van een democratisch crou ,·ernemen t ui tmaken, zoo leideu WlJ daaruit af dat schending dicr wcttert een demo-

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cratisch gouvernemen t o ndermijn t . ja, haar be taan bedreigt. Daarom he chouwen wij de h cdend aagsche \VCtteloo. heid

als eene bedreig ing v oor het g eluk van den indiv idn , ·an de welvaa r t onzcr m aa Lchappij , ja. yan he t bcs taan o nzer di cr-bare repu bl iek.

\Vaar op enbaart zi ch die losbandi~h cid? \Val is haa r o01·spro ng ? Ji o e kan ze in b edwang g cbracht w ord e n ?

Deze gecst van w e tteloo heid b eer ch t mee r o f mindc r o nder aile klassen. O nder de s traa tjong en : . di e b enden vormen ; onder v rouwen , g edreven d oor de begecrte voor hare exe het s temrech t te verkrijgen; ja, helaa. zc lf~ o nde 1· de

geleerden ' 'an ons land, die krachte ns hun , ·erhe\'en sociale positie, den allerdiep ten eerbied voor wet en gezag dienden t e t oonen openbaart zich deze verfoeie lijkc g ees t.

De tneer afzichtelijke vormen, waarin d ezc gee. t zich openbaart, behoeven wij u niet voor oogen te s tell e n. \Ve behoeven u niet te herinneren aan land onteercndc werk­s takingen die in de laatste jaren m en che n in dui,·el. e n s tra ten in bloedi CTe s Ja crvelden veranderd hebben. \ Ve rk­s takingen die onze schoone vlag bezoedeld hebben met he t bloed hunner slachtoffer~ . We behoeven u niet te herinn ere n, hoe onze breeders in het Zuiden, door de w oede des g epeupel overmeesterd, wetten uitgedaagd en het recht gekruis ig d hebben.

Tevens openbaart deze g ees t zich in minder afg rij selijke, doch meer argli s tige vormen, op he t terrein der handelswereld . Gompers, l\1itchell en l\forri on , h oofden van de U nie der Amerikaansche werklieden staan no()" onder be- chuldig ing ' 'an \veer pannig heid aan de wet. Ziet h oe de co rporatie d e wetten · uitdag en, en onze natie berooven van haar blo ed, de bloem der jeugd. Ziet hoe ze handel en bedrijf s tremmen. Gelukkig heeft ten Iang en' laatste het gouvernement de vlerken van een dier heerschers gekortwiekt.

Wat is nu de oorzaak van de open baring dezes gees tes ? De statistiek beweert dat negen tiende van alle "vetteloo heid gepleegd wordt door personen van tusschen 18 en 25 jaar. Daarom schrijft men de openbaring dezer losbandigheid toe aan de levendighei& van de natuur der jeugd. D och indien de jeugdige harts tochten de schuld hiervan zijn, waarom open­baarde zich deze geest dan n,!et vijftig jaar geleden, waar het

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g·eta l jcug-d igcn ni et aa n mcrkcl ijk Yc rgrool i~? Doors taal de ~ l ou de. pri nc i pc den proc f de~ t ij d::; n ie t? "Onderwij st de n J OI~gc i·J ·ng de cer..:te hc~rin:-'el cn naar den ci~ch zi j n~ wen· · en a l,a :-- hJJ man gcwcll·dcn i:-'. zal hij claan·an n iet afw ij ken .'

~CCII. wij gc lo11 \ en . dat clcze ln. handigheicl niet tuege­:--~:hrcn:n lllcH.' t \\ (Jrdcn aan de gcc~tkracht dcr j cu CTd . tnaat· aan hct n:rzuim 'an nuder:; en o nrlerw ijzers o m dcze gcc~tkracht in de rct·htc kana lcn te leiden . Dcze gec~ t \.Vo rdt ,·erdcr gcprikkcld dno r de Jicht,·aard ig-hcid w aarmede de per · de open baring- dczcr ' ' l!lteloo hcid ,·oor. te lt .

D och daar de ,·crwaarloo. de n]H·ocding reeds ecn zwak hn lwcrk i:-; tegcn W\!ttcloo::- heid . zoo wo rdt het nt g- zwakker, door de opcnharing- \·a n dezcn l u~handig-e n geest onder ~· tu­

dcn tcn. waardou r de jcugdige aanclrift nog- aangchit~t w ord t. D cze Iosha nd ighcid tinder manne n n1n wctcnschap wu rdt Ycrcrg-crd d oor den d u hhe len ~la ndaard ,·an rec h t. welke gncd kcu rt in ccn man ,·a n wctcn~ ·hap n-at hij afkeurt in ecn hon:'wic h t. J>icnlcngc ,·ulge wo rden de ,·ermog-ende k rach ten ,·an den :--ludccrcndc en gcprtlmo,·cerde tcgen wettel osheid n iet o ntwikkclcl. muar ,·ce leer Yerzwakt.

Dezc wctte l nu~hcid , ·inclt haar oursprung nict all en in gchrck aan k \\·ccking in de eer~ tc heg-in"elen ,·an g-ch oqrzaam­he id teh uis . maar uuk in het wa nbegrip ,·an de functie::> der w cllcn. hctwclk gehorc n i:' u it YlH.I rn c1c md gehrck, omreden dat mi:--,· cr~tand ten n t>zidlle d r \\·etten o n\\· il lckcuri(Y wcttel oo~-::. -hcid baar t.

En loch i:' de tlll\·nlcluende UJ)\·nedinu· n iet crehecl en al :.... :-.,

n~rantwuordclijk , . (1111' dczc hedcndaag~che npcnhaJ-ing· ,·an wcttc loo::;hcicl. \\.cl is waar hccrscht c1· onder de Ja n·crc


k las:' en ,·uoral ecn wan he g-rip a a ngaa ntle de f unct il::' dcr

wetten, maar het behoeft ook geen betoog, dat andezijes vcle \\-etten ,·ijandelijk zijn jegens hct n.tk. \\' ic wccl n ic t dal \\·etten in hct hclang- ,·an hcl wcrl·ndk hc~trcclcn en. indicn gcpa:'sccrd, g-c~chnndcn \\'llrdcn doPr de kapitalisten ;

\\" ic \\'CCt niet dat. in \"CIC u·e,·allcn \\'Ctlen ui tn·cJeo·d 1'-l • :"') ::.

\\ nrden ten gun~tc \an de CtJ rpurati c .... ? Y erwo ndcrl hel ons da n nng. dat hct wcrk ,·p}k tnt np:-;tancl tcge n de wetten w u rdt aan tiezcL? Oat zc tl ll de bh1edig\! wcrkstaking den tuc,·lucht nem cn ? D at zc unwcltig lijk hchandeld, mel hct rcchl hun u n tzegd ook un welt ig lij k <.le ~ll:i\ a mara's underslcu ncn? Is

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het \vonder dat ze alle banden ,·erbreken, wanneer kapital­istische geldzucht cle wctten maakt, en de rijke minderheid' . chijnbaar de natic rcgecrt? 't l:' waar, n ndcrzoekcn zijn gedaan op ko. ten \'an het publi k, maar . lephen:on en Lori­mer zijn nog niet ,·an hun "almachtige dollar'' troon g-c:;tooten. \Vaarli jk de liefde to t g-eld is nog de wortcl ,·an aJic kwaad.

IToe moctcn wij dczcn g-ec~t nu bed wing-en? 1 c functic~ der \\·etten kennendc. m oeten wij toe. temmen. clal cleze zoo algemeene schcnding- der wet een kanker i:-:. , knag·cndc aan hel merg onzes nationalen lc\'cnl'. en tegclijkcrtijd ecnc luide roepstem om o n te Yerclcrligen tegcn de dreigende anarchic.

Teneinde dezcn gee t in bedwang te breng-en, moeten wetten eer t eerbied inhoezemen. Dit zullen zij d nen eerst dan, wanneer een sy. tematisch onderzock van indu trieele hygiene en geschiedeni . yoor altoo. clit d oodende c n:en·a­ti _ me uil onzc wetg-c,·ende kamcr: ,·crbannen zal cerst dan wanneer de wet tel ooze . tudcnt en de bonswich l, de ''no n­union" werkman zoowel aL de pre~idcnt ccner cnrpnratie op gelijken \'oet zullen staan in het gerecht~hof.

~Iaat· boYcnal client de ,-olksg-ee. t uil den Iangen f..laap wakker gc. chud, want de yoJk_geest is bij . lo t ,·an rekening de behouder ya n wet en \Tij heid.

De onderzoeken heden ten dag-e i nge~lc lei zij n hewij zen van de mach t yan een on t waakten Yo lksgee. t. \ V ij moe ten daarom een enliment onder het Amerikaansche ,. Jk ( pwek­ken hetwelk alle wctteloosheid veroordeell als een misdaad


tegen vrijheid · ecn sentiment. hehvelk den nalatigcn beambte zi jn post ontneemt; een sentiment, helwclk cen ban legl op ieder n ieu w blad, da t de j cug-d tot wettcloosheid aanzel. AIJeen daardoor zullcn d saamg-epakte w ))ken van wetteloo:­heid verdwijnen voor den heerlijken o-J oed van de zon der volksgee t. En dan zal het kostelijke chip onzer natie veilirr tus -chen de ,·erraderlijke cylla en Charybdus van anarchie en tyrannie doorzeilen, al het voorwerp Yan de afgunst der natien. HAR Y IIOFFS, '14.


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If yov can keep you.r head w hen all about you Are losing theirs aM. blaming it on you;

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt yott, But make allowance for their doubtiJtg, too;

If you can wait and not be tired of waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,

Or being hated, don't give way to hating, Atfd yet don't look too good nor talk too wise;

If you can- drea1n and not make dreams your master; If you can think-and not make thoughts your aim ·

If you. can meet with 'I riumph and Disaster. ' And treat those two impostors just the same·

l[,you can bear to hear the truth you've spoke~ Twisted by knaves to make a trapfor fools;

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And &toop and build 'em up with worn-out tools· •

If you can talk with c~·owds a1td keep your virtue, Or walk w ith Kings- nor lose the common touch

lf nei ther foes nor loving friends can hurt you, ' If all men connt with you, but none too much·

If you, can fill the unforgiving minute ' With sixty seconds' wo·rth of distance run

Yours ia the Earth and eve·rything that's in it And- which is more- you'll be a Man, 1ny ~on!

Contributed by John Vennerna, Prep. '71


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TI-IE ANCHOR. Published bv THE ANCHOR ASSOCIATION, Hope College, Holland, Mich.

uaiet.anl. Edlt.Or!l Stanley T . Fortuine. '12

Clnrence Dame. '13

Socie ty Ellltor Ascnes S. Vissch •r . ' l :J

~ubscriptlon ")11\nlli!Cr

J oh n Bennink, '12


E diLO r-in-Chlc C IIENR\' V. E. STEGEMAN. ' 12

A lumni E1lito r Gc•·trud ' J . H oekj(', '12

Exchantrc Editor W . W:tll:tce Visscher. ' 12

nusinc !" Muna.: r Anthony Lu iJens. '12

Starr Art ist . Hc ndrinc E. ll ospers. 'l:J

Lo<>B I Ed 1 t.Ore H el ene De Mnn5rd, ' 13

Le ppo Potgc ter, ' 14

Aa.hte c.lc Edlt.or J ohn J . Rie mersma. '14

A!'lq~. nu in~ tt Maonwer Gcrrlt De Motts. 'IS

AI!Jress nil communi<:n~ions 1.0 'I'Jn; r\N<; Il U H . Hop,• l'oll '&!~. llollund. Micb li!tm . I•'or Ad vcl'tlsl n~ ICn tt•:t lli'\• IY to U usl n• ·~.;; l\la n :l:,:ct 1 1 "I ml\lt.er Ens.c retJ nt. t.!le p 0 ..,c. Ol1ll"l" :11. H olland. ~li ch il!nn. a-. ... ~ com -c 1\ Rs tnlll ·

·. I . I' I f • .. • . J. -~"'::.A·'"' ! .. I

1 I

' • . · . ,. 1, I. ~ I • .J .· r.,.;.~ I

t t::~.-.b___:~ ~~ J

() 11 Sat urda,· ai tern ttun. Dec. 1 >th. the ~t uclcn t~ and teach­er:: (J i llt)pe Cililc~e p :m !"cd in the mid:;t of their m a ny ta;o;.k :-; tn p ay l t~ \· in g- hunnr tn th e m em ory o f _Pro_fe!-':;or Sutphen. \\"h n . :tftcr t\\"cn t ,·-:--i x ·car~ nf ctlicient !-'en ·tre tn o ur ~chool. p a~...:c<l in 11 n eartltl-,·. !"tru~g ) c...; t n h i:; eternal rc ;o;.t . Pro fe5~Ur 'ntphen's interc:--t~ w~rc d n:-:c l\" h u nncl up ,,·i th th w-e u f the c )li ege. and , ·it h hi ..:. deat h a prl':· i on ~ l> 11 tHl ""a" ~c,· cred. Thcre fu re ~twas n t•,~t litting tha t we !--ltPt!ld m ake a f•)nn a l cl em Dn:--tratwn o f ,1 11 r ~ratit u<k i•n· \\·lta t lt c h a~ b ee n and cl !l nC.

J~u t the tkl.t ,,e lJ\\"C t11 llr. Sutphen wa :-; n ut di~rharged :tl thl' 1l111t11Cttt ,.i hi~ functal. Lli;o;. :-:cn·icc · were lt lU great

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to be repaid so easily. As we consider what \Ve have gained from his splendid instruction, and as we seem to feel again the glow of his genial and gentlemanly nature, we must affirm that by his life our lives have been enriched. As a school 've can perhaps pay our debt best by guarding Dr. Sutphen's memory well in years to come, and by maintaining that high ~ tandard o f work in the La t in department which is largely due to hi effo rt . As - tudents who have studied in his classes, we can repay his labors in a mea~ure by being careful that the work we do in the future shall reflect credit on his discipline and teaching.

Dr. u tphen's work at Hope is done, but our work goes o n, and nurnero u duties press hard upon us. Yet, however lost we may he in busy routine, let us not fail by loving tho ug ht o r appreciative \vord to b ring some tribute n ow and then to the memo ry o f this efficient teacher and lovable man.

Jio w w ould it he to haYe a little variety in our chapel ex­ere• e ? The present manner o f conducting the e services has the ~ a nc t io n u f years and i5 to be commended for its simplicity. Bu t it i possible that to many of the students this program has become so fa mil ia r a to be only a formality, Jacking the spit-i t o f ,·ita} devo tio n. We do no t propose that this order o r thi kind o f exerci e · hall be done away, but we suggest that no w and then a solo o r quarte tte-selection might be effectively suh ~ t i tuted fo r the hymn , and that at intervals, members o f th e fa cul ty n1i g ht give what are known in some sch ools as Chapel Talks, whic h \vould help them to enter m ore deeply in to the l ive ~ and need o f the students. An occasional change ui ~ome . o rt will naturally re\rfve appreciation. and the chapel cxen.: i.· e:-; in general will po .. il>ly come to mean m ore to us all.

There is a s li O"ht di cour tesy which is too prevalent among u~ . That is the practice o f t udying durin_ one class-period :-;uhj ects which pertain to another hour. Tho e who do this ;o;.ho ul d imag ine them eh·e in the professor's position, and con · id er ho w it mu. t feel to have one's efforts thus disre­garded. N o t dwelling on the fact that often much that is ,·aluable is lost by lack o f attention to the proper \\·ark , and

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th at o ften th e cu tom conde mns i t e lf by bein a fo llo wed on th e s ly, w e m·ge that t he ~tudent s di sco ntinue thi s prac tice f o t· the ake u f cour tesy. fo r the sake o f bein g- truly gentle-

m~nly a nd lady like.


The C tl lle~c nag:--t~ IT h a:=; lo n g· b een a n uhj el·t o f pride, but

111 ,,, . j ts g-lt•ry i:-- 11•, nhWC. In t he ca 1'1 y h o u rs o f Frida y, :\ ,l, .. 17th. hca,·y ,,· inds hrc1 k e t h e p u le at t h e g ro und a nd J

1ru tt<•h t it ttl earth. T hi-.. c \·cnt n ut :-ccl u s t n think o f o the r

:-. d a , .:-' . ,, f t he t im e "he n th e :-taff '' a.;; pre:--c nt e cl tn the coll eg-e 1 >\ -- t he 1 a t c I I n 11 • I :--a~ r l' a p p o n 11 i I I • d I a n d . A day o r t \\' o <tfte r the p•.J w a :' ra i:--cd. a fl ag was g i \ e n t n th l.! l'ollege hy t h e l'll' lll ll lH' Ii ta tt ~nrict y . I t wil l l1c uf intere :--L t11 quot' fro m The Anchor o f D en.: mbcr. l ~' Jo: " . \ p atri,1t ir and kind fr ie nd 11 i the in :--tit u ti u n ha d p n: :'C ll t d th e l· , .Jicgc with a n e w fl a g-­pt,Je- the lin c:'t in t h e c ity. Th e p 1le \\·a .; to h e l' tlmpl e t ed and cl eJi,·c r ed n the ca m1>U:-. by No\'. 3, bu t th e re \\' tl' a g-reat need

(J i a la rg-e ne \\' fl ag-. m o po lita ns. a nd th e ~:t iT fun d:' . T hey

Th i:-; w a;o; m e ntio ne d t u n n e n f the O~ -

:'nc ie ty quietly be~a n t o r a i:'e t h e nece -w ere ..;;n ,Hl r a ised a nd the fl ag was .,.

purc ha . e <.l . .. .:\ cl ay , , a:' a p 1 H , i 11 t c d 1m ',. h kIt th e A a~ a 11 d i t~ b c a ut if ul

ri u·rrin n· \\'Ct c tll h ~ J>r e:--L' n ted t n t h e t.'"ll cge. T n add lu ~ tre I">~ ~

t n th e o ccasi,m , a n<.l , im: icl c nt cdly . to :'lt u ,,· wh at th e fla g- means a~ t h e r a llyin g cen ter uf ircc cl ll m, t he m e m bers o f t h e lo cal c; . .. H. P u:-t w ere requ es te d tn ta k e t·h a rge o f t he rai . ing . .J\nd t he ht)\' :' d id it in true m ilitary s tyl e . . \ :--alu te was g i,·en by th e ga th.e re d peo ple a nd ua th o f a ll cg iatll'C ta k e n . T hen

th ey adjo urn ed t > t h e c hape l.

.. j Lerc the prc :=;c n tat i n to k place. th e rcs p o n e, Pro f. DcPYCJl .:-' e luq u e n l add re~s . some exq u i~ i tc . ing ing-. lu . ty cheer­in g- f t1 r the dono r~ . a c kn o wlcdg nH' ll t u f the bl c:;si ngs o f the . \l111ig'h ty. a nd th e d u ti cs u r t h e d a y \\' C J" C d o n e. Lon g will i l

be remem bered .

"The nag i:-- .1(> X 27 feet lll .~ t z e . The p u le is 130 feet in

lt t·i· ··ltt t' l'\1 \\·n ed 1)\· an a rru w ,; 1~ fl.' et lUJH!". (I ll \\'hic h are :-. ' / ..!. ..

.e t



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inscribed the letters I I -0 -P-E; above t his is a ball a foot in diameter."

About nine yea rs a go t he upper piec e of the p ole was destroyed by lig htning , b u t thi s w as soon r eplaced. W e h a v e a fine new flag n o w, but n othing u p o n w hic h to h o is t i t . We cannot affo rd to d o wit h o u t a p o le, becau s e e ven co llege men and w o men are o ft e n 111 n eed o f p atriot ic inspi r at io n.

REV. LEWIS B. CHAMBERLAIN OF INDIA. O n N o \·e m bcr 29th the . t u den ts were fav u red w ith an

addres;o; by H e,·. Lewi~ T) . hambcrla in o f the r\n:ot :\1i s ia n in In d ia. :\fr. ' ha m herlain di sc us ed I ndia's unre~t. ~hnwiug that i t was nt•t d ue t u Bri t is h mi s r u le, a n d t h at it wa · n u l so much c.:cun umic u r ucial a;-; i t Web :-- piritual. Tl e :-- aid, fu r ther , that t h i:' u nre:'t in I nd ia gaye h er a g reater daim u p u n u s. In a .::. t ru ng p lea fo r worke r ~ . h e :--a id that h who h elp . [ n dia a t thi s t ime will m o. 1 h elp t he ring-d u m u r (;o d. \ \'e are grateful fu r ha ,·ing heard t hi s ~· chol~r ly ad<.lress . i t wa..:; in­~truc ti \'e a ncl in ~ p i r in •r.

MISS MELCHER'S VISIT. l\Ti. :.; :\Iaro-ery :\Ie lche r. tra,·el in g s ec-retary o f the t u den t

·v o lun tee 1· ~J o ,·eme n t , \·isited IIn pe o n T h ursday a n d F r iday . D ec . 7th a nd t h . ~~ h e add res_ ed the girl~ o f the Y . \ V . C. A . and a lso spo k e to t h e stu de n t-hudy in chapel. D u r ing Friday ~he h e ld priY ate consul tat i (Hl ~ \\'it h ~e \·cra l o f t h e y o u na ,,. m e n a n d she rcpnrted fi nd ing co nsiderab le interest in the mis:-' in nary ra il :1111 41 11~ the girl~ . \ Ve feel that ~T i::;. ~ -:\ Iekher i"' a ,-cry cap able "' <'C r e t ~H\' i11r t he g-reat m o \·e m ent which ~ he sen· e ...

THE ANITAS. T fl all Jn ,·cr:' o i mu:-- ic and e nt e rtainment the third num­

b er o f u u r L ectu re C o u r:-'e \\·as. partic u larly plea:-;in cr. The .-\n ita:'. a s inging cu m pany. g-a,·e an excellent program of orche~t ra l m u ~ic . in:::tru me n tal and , ·oca l solo s. a n d readings h e fo re ~n int ere~tcd a u di e n c e o n \\'edne d:ty e\·e ni n g . Dec. 13t h . \ ·a ri ety cl i=--t in g tt i:-' hed the prugram fru m beginninrr to "

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· -. • I • I • I :t I ·, \ l· JnLt·r. \\ "1 1 JIJ:tll \\ illl ),j .. Jt

·r: '; i ·.=- ·~ i ' t:l1 1l llH.:d t·l ntrc h .,; l' t: lla. l u wa. ha-- taken 1~~:\· . . •• , .• · r ,:- s.<! 1-. ·x3. a" it ... mi~~ i () nary pa: tu r.

·1; ': i Jrn<:- , ,f 1<<; \". II cnry !Jc Pree, ·oz. Re\·. 1 I. B oot. ·oo. i" r: \:J · i' ::~. I:~rrc: n •an, "03, d.ncl He\'. B. Ro ttschaefer. '06. :. ' . , . • r·c u: · l) ; .. •ladrl<.:nc:d by the birth uf daughter -. A ::o n has , ,.,.; l , ::1 .,, 1\ t: . 1;. J.Jt Young, '07.

r ! ;.tp<:l l" Xt:rc i'-t:-. werc.: Jed em ~u\·ember 16th In· Rr,· Ger­! c t ! l •J ' Jt!<:!iJJk . '(J(): r111 1\" fJ \·cmber 27th by Re\·. P. (; .. r ll 'ter.::. . '03 .

.' J.- _I,,JIJJ \ ' tnnt·ma. Prep. 71. wa: hu nn red with a ret:ep­·i· 1 1u·ld 111 h i- h1111ur a t Pre~iclen L \ ' ennema·~ ho me _:\! o \·em­L ~ · · 17 h. JSIJJ.

'J Lu ni ~ (JIJU\\"cn --. 'O'J. and \ ·erne Oggel, Prep. '07. were •nrl•·nt n ·prc t:ntati,· e~ c,f the Xew Brun~wick ~eminarY at a

• ''" f t·' <:Ill c r ,f 1 n r ,f c~~~ · r~ and :-t u d en ts o f t hen lng-ica I !'em 1~1 a ri e~ IH ld <tt Y;tlc JJ j, inily . ·dHH,J :\(J ,·cmher 20-22.

I< ' \". \\ "illi . r;. ll oekj<; , '04, ha~ rcco ,·ered fro m injuries 1 n·i \'cd w IJ ilc dim bing l\1 t. A . am a. . udden cru ptio n oc-

,. ,.,J·. -.·l . ....

.. J .. .. "1


curred at that time, which resulted in the death of Rev. John E .II ail one of the party. 1-~ev. J-Ioekj e is to teach in Steele Acade1ny in Nao-asaki during the co ming year.

The following churches are glad to haYe obtained pastors: Rotterdam l{an as-Rev. John II ffman, '71; Cedar Grove, Wisconsin- Re,·. . J(uyper '9 1

• Trinity, rand Rapids­Rev. R. II. J o lders ma, · 1; ~ixth, ;rand Rapid ·-- Rev. Wm . J. Duiker, ' 6 .

A new honk hy A. J .... and . 1\f. Zwemer, · 7, ha been published. '['he title of the book is-"Ziazag J o urneys in the ·amel untr) ," lW

11r\rah1a in Pit'lure. and Story." DL Bernard C. D e \·ries Prep. '06, left fn r Berlin in

December ''' J,cc"me a . c)ciated with a pr 11ninenL American (jrthudet~ti~t. Sine, hi ~ gratluatiutt f1 u m the L ni,•er · ity of \ I ichi ."all la~ t y •at·. h · ha:-> h ·en :.t ::-> i:-;tant in dinil·al dentistry :.tt that in . tilutiutl.

~lr. :\tilton J. I Iuffman , ·o~ vts tt d n >llege and led chapel <:XCITt:;e:-; un December 13th. ~h. ll nffman i ~· ~pending a hort \':tcatinn in America befure returning to xford. \Vhile at ( ):dDrcl he \\·un three cup:-; and a . ih·er medal in rowing con­te ~ t.. l\T r. 11 o fTman has hecn studying theology, and his vaca­tiun . have been :pent in tra\·el o n the continent.

< )n Frida,· c,·enin ;.,!'. 1 )cc. Rth. many ,[ the co lleg-e girls with their l't~:-\·lll,.pt~litan iriend~ gathered in the(;. A. R. Hall, ancl ~pent the e\·ening- at an init~rmal banquet. This year. a . c1ften bd• ri' C. a)J th e g·uc-.l:-' agree that the · o~m politan tnen han: pn 1\·cd t hem~ eh ·e' t n he 1-~· t~n cl lto~t~ a:-; well a. clever aiter-<l inner ~pctlker:'.

~li ~ :-- I.ulu \lartill ui Hellc\·ille. ~. Y .. :'pent the week hefure Tltank:'l-!, i,·in:..!" a t \ · ourhce:-; ll a ll. \·i:-; iting :\Trs . Durfee.

Page 13: 01-01-1912


~Ii s Eh·a F rn cro k, fo rmer in tructo r in Elocutio n and Expre ~. io n at 1 fu pe C Ilege, came fro m Kalamazoo, where s he is connected \\"ith the \ e . tern tate N o rmal, to spend the Thank. <ri\·ing \·acation \\"ith ~lrs. D urfee and friend s in Voor­hee. 1Ia11. O n Friday e ,·ening, December 1st, many o f lVIiss Forncrook 's f ricnds were de 1 igh t fully entertained in her h o nor.

~I unday en~ning. D~(.:. 4th, th e men o f the ' B" class gave a spread in ~II'. C. \\ ' ier •nga':-- room in \ 'an \l eek I Jal1 in h u nc,r 11 f th~eir former c i a:--. m ate. ~I r. nan. Deileman, who \'i :-- itc:d ·• dlt:ge f"1· a few d ;t ' :--.

~l1 :--. l>uric:• a nd till' ,,,ung· laclies n i \ 'o(lrhees llall enter­tain ed t l1 · n 1em la •r-.. •·f the: Fr:11ern:tl . ,·u.: icty fJ ll S a turday f' \'C'ning . Nr,\t:llllH'r 2:; 111.

( J11 the c' t:ning c1f ~ ~n e llllH.'r 20th the m e mbers o f the Fre:-. hman da~~ ~ ucceedcd in "clri,·ing dull care away ' ' at o ne o f th eir ruu ~ing c lass p a rti t::-;. The Lit rar.r J lall w as chosen as the :-:c<:ne uf the ie. ti\·itit•s. 1 ·~\-en· n n e is r e ported t n ha\·e enj11yed him:-cli immen~e ly .


The St. Paul C . I-I. S. World is o n e o f the best exc han cre ­that \\' C ha,·e rc..:~·e i \·t:d in mon th~ . Tt is exce ll ent n o t o nly in ti ll departm ent Lut in a ll. There i .· n o crowding- o f the ma­teri a l in any dt:partment. ~ot that w e ~h ould ad vi. e c\·ery ~c hnu l perio dit·a l t o ha\·e a vo lume uf s ixty odd page., but th ere i:-- certainly nlllch admiratiun and respect due t u any sdH,c,J and any ~ta li' which can i ssue a paper o f this .~ ize.

Fell u \\'s, luuk at the cart<.>Un: in the same paper. ui\ little non:ense, n,,,,. a nd t h en, is re li s hed by the he. t o f men."

The O livet College Echo, the wee kly puhli hed by th e : tude nt: oi O Ji,·et a ll ege, gi\· e ~ an intere ting reco rd o f col­lege e \·ents . \\' e cann o t pa. · upo n the relati\'e m erit. o f a weekly and a m o nth ly co ll ege p a p e r , ina. much a ~ a weekly has n \·e r been tried o u t at 1 fu p e. Yet o n e advantao-e a l way appears in s t r~Jn g relief fur the m o nthly, namely, the add ed






o ppo rtunity fo r pre. enting- the lite rary e ffn r t. o f_thc ~tudentry. ~uch as p Pe m : . e:-.:--ays. and !'- tn ri e5. ~ till, if yon Ilk' the_weekly fn rm be:t. O livet. we wis h y :1tt good fortun e, a nrl gt\' e .r lll e\·e ry encnu 1·agc 111 en t.

The W allace World uf 1\a .... )l\· ill c. T ntH.>:--ce. prc~e nt s a n-cclitahl appeara1we. The cclit ,,r nf t he Ext·hang-e _Depart­m e nt make~ an apprnpt ialc ••h:--en·atiPn "hen he :--a ·s. 111 ciTe<·l. that c ritici: m !--llottld he in,· i tecl hy any !'-chnc d papeL \\'e know thi" tc1 be the attitude ,f t1llr uwn !--tafT. and we know fu rther that \\'C ha,·e lllll infrequent ly pro fited frnm ju~t . u c h cri t ici:- nl. \\' ith re~~rd tn the cont ents >f the '' \Vallace \Yo rld.'' \\'C Wl•u ld m erely ~ay tha t t h e d epartments are , ·cry brief.

Psycholog-y l1<1 ld s a prominent place in the minds o f th.e :-.t u cle nt'-' of the r.:lankato Normal School, to judg·e h y the artt­t· lc!-- in thei 1- j 11urnal. ( nc !If the:--c treat~ of e m ntio n _ and the 11ther c•f the p .... _n·hli i "~Y l•f infancy.

L nth The Cue and The Red and Blue prcal'h tt. the much needecl g-n:pel ,,f ··(lriginality" in literary effnrl. ~f ,~· e w~re

e\·o luti 11 ni · ts we \\'Pllld -..ay tltat it ~hould he o ur pn nctpal ~1m to en h ·e new " type:-. Bnt int· u :-- o f . In n-er. mnre 1umhenng ~ait, it mus t ~u nit·c 111 attain the g·rcate:;t eflic iency in the form ' that rna,· be ~in: n ll ". . .

The Comet ,,f \lilwa ukce . \\ ' i '-' .. is a \·cry prctc ntin u " journal; hnt it '- p1 etcn ... i•"l:-- arc ju:-.tificd .

\\'e ic(> ) ~11re tlt~tt The Keramos nf l·:a:--t l .ivcrpe~ol. >hin. \\'ill he tltankfulh· I'(.'Cl'i\ e el h) c•ur ..... tuclcnts. Tlte u~c o f m ore t h a 11 , , Ill' k j 11 c1 (II: t ·' p ~ d, 1 <.' .... 11 c t1 c nmm e 1 H 1 i t ~ e If. T h c ' ' ~ I i : u n -d cr:-.tancling" i~ a g-ood story.

Was It Big amy?

"What'~ the charge?'' asked the judge. "Bigamy, your h o n o r. , rep1ied the cop .

. 1 ?" "Two '"q ves, e 1.

"No, three." "Th at i ~ n't bigan1y ," repl ied the judge; "that's trigon­

ometry. "-Ex.

Page 14: 01-01-1912


Basket-ball Schedule, 1911-1912.

Thn · u~h the carne:--t elr11rt~ of ~lanag-cr \ "an ~tricn. t here h_a.:-. l>:cn !>".(l.hl'd the :--~J~IIngcst ~chedulc in the history of I lo pe l u llc:-. c Ua:--k ct-ha ll. I he : t rc •ngc:-- t teams nf the middlc-wc:t a1~pcar on the ~c]1ed ul c. fn nn L"ity in .:\lich igan can its c itize n . Wl tnc:s such a ~er i c:- (li lir:--t-cla~s ga m es as arc sc.: hcdulcd to he played o n our fl oo r . Th e mana.~cr ha . ...; s pared ne ither time nor m o ney in makin.~· the ~dlcdul e \\'nrthy u( the s uppcn-t o f C\' Cry . tudenl. F n ll o \\ in g- is tht• =--c.: h cdulc :

(;rand J~apicl s Ba ttalin n .-.- at I lnpc .................. .. Dcr. 7 ~.lt. Plca:'a lll ~ nrmals - at llupc ... ................... .. Dcc JX (,rrtnd l~ apids ··y··- at (;rand Rapid-. ............. Dec. 2R

Jad~ . nn ··Y"- at Jacks~tn ............. .. ................... .. fan. 2 .. agmaw .r\11- tars- at Saginaw ............ ........ .. i a n. 3 ~It. rlea. ant K o rmab--at ~It. Plcasant.. ...... . ."Tan. 4 Aim~ "ol le:t!_·c- at 1\lm a .. . ......... ............. ...... ....... Jan. 5 L e w 1 ~ T n ~ t t t u t c- a t l 1 o p c. . . . . .................... _ ........ . 1 a 11 • 1 2 R~y l ~s o f Dcln it- at ll npc ...................... .. ...... .... -Tan. 19 1\ft ~ ht~·an J\~ricu ~ tural n ll eg-c- at I fope ....... ~fa n. 24 Ch1cago Un l\·ers tty - at fl o p e ....... ..................... Fch. 3 J!c kso n 'Y"- al I l o pe ......................................... Feb. 10 I ~ ,·anston Red. - at I I o pe ... ................................. Feb. 17 Not:e Dame- at I Tope ....... .............. ................ Fch. 22 Sag maw All- tars- at ll n pc_ ........... ................. ~far 2 \Vhea1un o 1J cgc. 111.- at ll npc ................ ........ l\Iar. <)

De tro it Athletic · luh- at ll o pe .. .............. ........ l\far: 1G ~eel and O I_vm pic C lu 1>- a t II npc ........................ :\f ar. 23 Z eeland O Jym pic Club- at I1 upc ............... ........ :\Ta r . 30 Grand Rapid . ·· Y '- at J Lc pc ...... .......... .. .. .... Datc nut set

Hope, 77-Gralid Rapids Battalions, 13.

The firs t bas ket- ball gam e uf the season wa. played



·rhursday e\·en1ng-. J) c mbcr 7th. with the Crand Rapid Bat­talio n~. lt \\::1!' a \en· •l llC- ..... ided Cltllte:'t and fn•m the ,·cry beginning it wa:-- rltarly ~een that the (;rand Rapid:' team wa:' • • ull: la:--~cd in all plta'-e"' 11 f the game. The fa!'t play~ of the II PJH.' "''.'"=-- tnnk thci1· nppn11e111" niT their icct. ancl a:' a T·e-..ult a large -..c11r(' """"run up. The ll ••pc },qy~ played in fine form a :-. a n · ..... u I t • ' i n 'Ill pl't t • 11 t l. ()a d 1 i n g . · !" ! 1 c i e a t 11 r c "' • ' f t h c g-a m c \\lTl' the ha-..kl· t -~ h·u,tin .:.!' 11 f ~~ g-cnga and the dc,·cr pa~:--ing­

nf Kl cinhek ... cl. F,.JJ c ,\\in ~ arc the men and their pn~itinn"':

I I 0 P 1~ .

\ ·an < l ..... tt:nJ ,cr;.,! ....... _. ... 1~ . F . .. ....... ....... ........ .. -. Kieinhcks cl Harne: .... ................ ..... ........ I ,. F . .................... L nkker-Dalma n

I ' I " 'Cl" . '\ I:--, :"' • • • • • . .... .................. .............. ... tc~cnga ( ; ill in- \ · r u wink P . < ;_ ........ 1 fekhtti s-\ ' cr fl ock-

(;. , ~ tegeman

!I ann i:- It ........ L. < ;_ ........... ....... \ ·an Dronkhor~t

~ttltlman l ; it' ld l~a ~ l, t· t -. ll t~ JH~ . 3(); Batta lions. S. Foul !: :1 :-.kl'l :-- II upt'. _; ; I !at ta li• •11 ..... 3. H.cf cree- De J(ru if. 'Ti mc­kcepcr- \ ' an ~tricn.

Hope, 63-M t. Pleasant, 24.

1 n a ' en :--1• •\\ game 11f ha:'k<.:t-habll played :\l rmday. I )e­ccml>er JRth. ll••pe defeated ~lt. Plca=--ant by the score o f 63 tn 24 . The lir-.t half wa .... playccl fa·-l ancl wa:' marked by cJc,·cr J>a:-.!' ing ancl ha--kl'l · ... h~t t tin g . The 1a:-- t hali wa~ an exact c rHl­t r as l. w 1, i l'l• marl t i t , · t · r y .... 1 ow. The li g-h tin g- ~pi r it n f o u r hoy:-- :-l'L' lllcd l •' he Jackin~. Their frequent fumble · were larg-ely the cau .... c .. r ~lt. T'lea .... ;lllt·=-- ~c rc.

F t.! lo\\ing· j ... the lineup:

-:\IT. PLE.\~ .\XT. 11 PE.

R a \ ' lll li iHl.. . -····-··--·-··· 1~ . F . ....................... K.leinhck.el ~fnrri,nn. \\"righ t.. ........... 1 .. F . ....... : ........... Dalman. Lokker Dit·kcr:--un ......... ..... C . ............................... . ~ tcgcnga D a,·idsnn . . .... . ... R. ( ;_ ......... ~tcg-emm 1. \·e r IIoek Frazer................ . .. ...... L. (; . ......... ........... . Van Bronkhorst

Summa ry: Field g-Pab- li Ppc 30, ~It. P l ea~a nt 10. Ref­crce- \ ' an rtutcn . l "mpirc- c Kruii. ~corekeeper-ITol ­leman. Timekeeper- Van trien.

Page 15: 01-01-1912


Basket-ball Schedule, 1911-1912.

TIJn, u~h the earnc:--t eiTtl rt :' nf :\ lanagcr \ 'au S tric n. there It a!-- b ee n b11ukcd the :' lrn ugc:-'t :'chcd ulc in th hi:'tory o f I lo p e Cull cg-e Ba:-'ket-h:l ll . The ~t n•ng-e:-- t team s o f t he m id d le-w c.· t a ppea r o n the. c h cdu lc. fn n o c ity in ~lich ig-an can its c it ize n . \\'itn c~s s u c h a ~c ri es u[ l ir:-'t-cla~s gam e.· a:' a rc ~c h e<.lul cd to be played o n o u r fl oo r. The m a n ager il as s pa r ed n e ithe r t ime no r m o ney in m a king t h e ~c h cdul c wor thy (I f t he s uppn 1·t o f c,·cry ~ tuden t. F o llo win g i ~ th e : d1 c<.lul c :

(;rand f~ apid !'\ Batta lio n: - at rr IJ> C . ....... . . ...... ... D ec. 7 :\ J L PI ca!'a n t ~ , ,r m a Is- at II o pe ........... .. ......... .. D ec. 1 X ( . II). ,··\··· . df) . , I ?O .ran < ' a p tC :-; - at (. ra n '\<1 )>1 < ..- . . ............ )cc. _, ... J ac k!-'cl n ·•)"'- at J ac k =-o n ........ ....... .................. ... j a n . 2 .. ag ina w A li-S tar~-at ~ a g ina \\' ............ ........... J a n. 3 l\ft. Plca. a nt J\Tn rma l!"- at 2\It. .Plca!:-a n t.. ... ... .. Jan . 4 Alma 'ol leg-c- at 1\lma .... ............ ................ .... ... J a rl. 5 L c \\' i . I n =- t i t u t e- a t I l o p c. . . . . .. ...... .. ........... ...... .. .. J a n . 12 Ray 1es o f D c trn it- a t ll np c ......... ... ........ ...... ........ J a n. 19 l\Iichigan i\grieultu ral o ll cg-c- at T Tn pe ...... J a n. 24 C hicago lrn i,·cr~ ity-at Tl o p e ........................... Feb . 3 Jack~ on uy·•- at Tl o pc ................................ .... ...... F h. 10 E,·an ~ ton R cd.-at lJn pc ........... .......... .. ~ ..... ...... F ch. 17 N o tre D a m e- a t I To p e ... ...... ... .. ................. .... . .. F ch . 22 Sa o·in a w All- ta r: - a t Tl o pc .......... ....... .......... .. :.\1a r. 2 \Vh ea1on n ll l!gc. TIJ.- al ll o pc ........................ ~Ta r. () D ct rn it \ t hlet ic "luh- a t I To pe ..... .... .............. 1\Ta r . JG Zeeland O lympic Club- a t ll c,pe .............. .......... :\far. 23 Zeeland )Jy mpic Club- at Il o pc ........................ ~fa r. 30 Grand Rapids .. Y ·- at 1 Lc..p c ......... ............... D a tc n o t . ct

Hope, 77-Gra~d Rapids Battalions, 13.

The fir s t bask e t-Gall ga m e u f the .:caso n w a pl a y e d

···-, ·'


. .

TH E AN C HO R 25 - ---------- --- ----

Thu r~day c,·enin g-. I )ecemhc r 7 th. \\' it h t he ( ;rand R apids Bat­t a l ion~. J t ''a~ a ' e n · • l ll C- ..... idcd cnn te~ t . and frnm the ,·cry hcg-inn in ~· i t wa!"- ckariy !-- Cen tha t the ( ; ra nd Ra p id:-; team \\'a:' ,, u td.a:--!--Cd in a ll ph a ..... c:-' 11 i the g a me. The fa~l pi a .\':' n f the ll np ~· "' ')"" tnnl· t he ir t l)lJ Hi tlCll t:-' n ff t h e ir icc t. a nd_ a". a rc, ttl t a lan.!l' :--C f lrt' \\'a" r un up. T he i I••P • hny~ played 111 l111 e fn rm a:-- a ·n · ... ul t ,,j c••m)'<:l l' lll cn;~ ~.· lli ng. The iea tu re" 11f t he g-a me \\ l ' rL' the ha-..k ct - ~ h •~ttti n g- ,,f ~ tcgen ga and the rJc,·e r pa-;!'- ing­,, j J~l e in h ck ..... c l. ).'II JI II \\ ill ~ a rc t he m e n a nd thc ii'J)I I!'-i ti n n-; :

(; J-\ .\ \:1> 1-\ .\ l'li>S.

l; a rn c:-;. . ..... .. .. ....•. . .... . ... l\1 1ge r:; ....... .. .. .. .. . .... . .. .... .. ... .. .. .. .. ..

( ; iII in- \ · r tt \\' i 11 k

ll anni:- 11

!{ . F. 1 .. F.

I lOPE. .. ... ·- ... -· ..... . ..................... . K k inhck!--c l

-···· · ··· ·· · · ··· · ·· · l .n kk er- D a I man C . ........ ............................ ~ tcgeng-a

1~. C . ........ 1 Tckh u i ~ -\'cr JT ock-( ;_ Steg-cn1a n

r .. < ; , ... . .. .. .......... V a n B ru nkhors t

~ u 1 1 1 111 a r y : I : i l' I d I ; a " d ..... I IPpc . 3fl ; Ha ttal iu ns. 5. F o u l Referee- De K r u if. T ime-Jk-t....,kl't~ fii i )H ' . ~ : J; ;Ht al i t~ ll " . 3.

k ccp<:r- \ ·a 11 ~ t r ien.

H ope, 63-Mt. Pleasant, 24 .

Jn a \ C J'\ :--1•' " ~am c ,, f J , a ~ k e t -h abll played 2\ IP nd a y . l)e­rc m her JRt ll : ' '' ')H~ .clc f<.·at ccl :\I t. I l ca~a n t hy the sco re o f 6 3 tn 24. T h e fir ... l hal f w a"" played fa =-- t H tH l \\'<.l ~ m arked hy cJc,·cr p a :--s in g- a nd J 1a ... f,ct -.. hc" ti ng·. Th e la:--t hali \\'a~ an exact cnn­tras t. \\'l ,id 1 m a r'l' it \' t·ry ,)o \\' . T he li~htin g s pirit n f o ur

1 I I k . Their frcctuc n t fumb les were h o \· :-- ' l' l' llH.' t l• • 1(' :tc ·1ng . la1: ... l.h t ilL· ca u -..c "f ~ It. Plca:--a n t':-' :-.C () rc. :-. .

Fc•! l ll \': ing j .... the l in up:

:\ I T . P LJ ·: . \~ .\~ T. I r )P £.

R ay m " nd. :\Tnrri,n n . \\ ' r ig lt t

I~ F ... ... .. .......... ...... lrleinhek. el ...•.....••.... . ............ 1 •. F . ... .............. 1 a lman. Ln k k er

D ic k cr:-.1111 ( · . ............ · · .................. tcgcng-a . ........... R. < ;. ········- S tcg-cm;m . \" e r l ioek D a,· id : n n .......... -- · ·· ·····

Fr·azcr....... . . . ... . . . ....... L. ( ; . .................... Va n B ronkhorst S um m an· : Field g-Pab- Tio pe 30. :\[t. P leasa n t 10 . Ref­

cr ce- \ ' a n 6utt ' l l. ( ~m pi re-De K rui f. S corekc:eper- TTo l­lem a n . Ti m e k eeper- \ ' a n t r ien.

Page 16: 01-01-1912


Bilkert. calling- ''11 \li~s S-- (to Van Zyl ) : ·• av do you wan l my room next year: ..

Van: "\ hy, d o y o u want my room?' '


Prof. Nykerk got S1 Hne pi tc h o n hi ~ coa t while lea nin g­on a fence, and a .:-ked a d1)rm. g irl ho w to remove it.

he an ~ wered: ·• lleg in to ~ in g . fu r y o u ahvays gel o ff the pitch when y o u ing .''

J l o tr~ . at the ~upper tahlc (ahnut t u drink hi s co ffee): ''1 fcre 's to the girt ~ u f the \merican h a re,

I Jo ve but one. I Jove no m o re; ~ ince s h e 's no t here to drink her part. J drink her . hare. with all my heart."

(\Ve w o nder who .)

Boer~ (in llistnry): " \Vhat i" there c~ pecially cunous abo u t the ' h.inamcn ?' '

~Jr. \Vaalke!--: ''A ' ltinaman is a c uri 11 tt ~ s pecimen o f humanity, hccau~e h has a h ead and tail n the same end.'

Pyl, debating 111 English cia_~ : 'The of an-nual life annually , ·cry grea t. "

Jo ngewaarcl, after the Anitas' concert: "1 think t tat these girls were better than the Co Jlecre Singing Girl o f 1 s t year; these were not s uch kic ker ."

One of the students has picked


from the iacult Y. Or. Brown is the choice for full-bac~, '\'hile Profe~~o r:' Bea~ds lee and Yntcma are picked for half-backs.

\liss llj•~ pcr~ . at Cusmo· banquet: ··Say. Verna, don't f . ').,

wi-..h you h ad bro ught y o ur o untaltl pen . \li~. Schultz: "\\·h,·~··

~li~~ II. : ··.·l y u u could u s~ Droppers.'' \I i:-: ~ S .: h. n o . we are all ·elf-filler. 1terc.' '

\1 rs . Duricc: .. ~lr-. \\' a llinga. do you think the expres­!:- in u 'in great icather' i.; slang-?' '

\\ ' allinga : .. :\ft ? I cio u· kn tJW. l ain ' t \Cry \\ell al·­quaiutt·d \\ ith ..,Jang."

1\hvu :-- hurgcr (rnn:;ing) : "She's pretty to walk \\ith. witt ~ r<• talk with, and pleasant, too. to think upo n ?' '

- • • t ,, ~ophnm11rc: " l•oo l ~ ask questtons w1se men ran t ans wer. l· t·e"hm:ut : .. >h. that'~ why we flunk. "

< >li\·cr ''n ne )H)nle that he was needed m o re m o ney. aid his father:

n .)n't \\"l )rry. 11ernice.

g o ing with a girl and ' 'Oli,·er, Dro p 'er."

\ "crna: he':-- ~ irk:·

:\finnic : \ " lTll:t :

·· f t 's a :-'hamc Brus h ha · to come to . choo l when

.. \\ ' h y. h ' ' ,. · s t h at ?'' ·· r le cnmc:-- in e,·ery morning "'' ith the grip ."

l >i :til ~ad W•·rd" 1.; rn ng-uc n r pen, tht" ;:;a drle~ t are the1:;.e : "l .ig-hr... (• llt :tt ttll .

r .Jp pcu : •'Titat' ... ah ·ay" the way. men want C\·erything tilt\ ca n "t'L a rHl \\"l tlllen \\anr e\·eryLhing they can't ~et.' ' , ::-.

]J,-, ,, ah···u t it. ~ina :

~ ~· h·dtcn : ··J·m ~n <li7.7.y. I can't s ee . t raig-ht." l . q h c r : · · \\' e II. j u · t I 0(, k t hi · way.' .

\rin:t (_ ... c:t· in ~ pi rk lc...; nn th C' table): "They nu1 ~ t think

Page 17: 01-01-1912


lo ts o f fulk~ here all' 111 It '' 1..' . tlli~ w ay r·

'T u c r a m " r n• ' t t 1 ) c r a 111 . t II a t i ... t lit· q t H · ..... t i , 1 11

\\'hcther 'ti ..... ea .... ier in till' ria:-- .... t.~ t...' IHIIlr~.· Th e pain and tt~rtllrt...• , 1i appallin.~ flunJ-. ..... . 0 r t a k c u p ;~. n11 .... a ~a i 11 ..... t a 111 ' n II..' ' 1 i I , , " d..: .... :\ n d I , y .... t u cl_, i 11 ~ t ll~...·nt. k a r 11 - " l1 a t : < ; t'l'lll a 11 • F r e Ill' It .

~~~ m '•re ; and ),_, a lit tit..• ...,Jeep. '' t...· - ~ '''" i~~r~t· t Tha t c ; <: r 111 a 11. F n ·Jll' h . t h.... 1 ),, u ... a 111! • • t l1 \ · r 1 h 111 ~ ... Th at \\ l ' lllll ... l d e• 'ti .... :t ll'' ll lt

Entirch u nl1utkt d j .. , . ')' .1 plu ~. t• • ) .. . nt ·.

T .. plug! p ·JI,,q,- '" ll:t ltl; ·.!•. IIJ:tl . " i•d•. Fur \\' ht: ll \\t · , .. .. ,k ... ,, IJ,ud . ,,11:11 g., .. .)' ·''' ····fill' \\he n \\C can· ll •d at :dl i"' al l tl1i, t t lfi'

S t.• I (' t u ... p :1 11 -..e : t h t · n • ·... a rc ·a ... ' •II \\ ' Jaicll mak l.'"' 11 tt r --t ud~ in~· ... ,h· lt ~~ 11 i~tl.

F ,.-"·It,, ca 11 he<ar th t...· -.ctnn,,f .~ur " l'l' ~'l' ·" t· ..... J:tt lll.' . t ~

The prui~ great '"' 'ng. the \\:t_\' tht·.' pilL· it till.

The pru~ pcl'l "i t h " ' ' F re th.' It rt' )l • • r t :--. The terr ,H· ,,j '-=--am:--. and threatt'll l' cl ,·,,n ... T hat cumc ll)l •ll l u-. utlck-.~..·n l.'d. \\' hen \\'C c..·xpt...'ctl'cl 1 ~· ... Frl• tll all the pr• · i-- ~ \\ It" l· .. uld th<'l ' trial -. l•1.ar. Tn gru nt a nd :--\\ L'at a \\ L·a r.' huu r .-gu t that tht i l· tr ~·i ..... ttal hin~ ""r ... t. TJ t,,-. e ;J.\\·iul lll:ar J, ... . F r111ll '' hi ch tltl'rl.'· ... 1111 .... ,·;a pe. dt~th n r~t...· u .... t•ll •

. \ nd mc.tkL:-- u ... t.ttllll lll':tr tht...· tt ial-.. \\ t' 11:1\ l' Than fl y t•• th ,•- c \\C kll••\\ tl tl l ,.j~

.' <J tlli-.. 11 t1 r llnll t...·-t re-. .. Jut HtJl . . 1:-. that 11i 'ut tll11:-ot g t t...al a \ t: t ,j .. n And d• Jc IH •t prt•mi:--e grand re .... ult :--; But :--ttft t1 11\\· . tlt u-. l.' tHkdt...·tll my nt~n}.Jaint.

Take ht~r a box of

Gunther's Hand Rolled Chocolates AND ~JAKE GOOD

Gerber Drug Company


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute SCHOOL of Establlahed



CIYII, Mechanical, Electrical Send fora Cata logue. TROY • N.Y.

---------------------~-~-----------------------------Establis bccJ IH92


Club and CoiJege Pins and Rings, Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals

t. 0 Broadwny, NE\\ Y RK

l~Jr tlze S(JCietg Sea/)011

Ncckwf'a r Shirts usp nd r~ I IosP Gloves

I Iandkrrvhi fs Cnff Links Stiek Pins

Sets White \: ests Silk Scarfs

''Our Motto is Satisfactionn

Vander Linde & Vissers 4 W. 8th Street, Holland, Mich.

FOR THE NEW YEAR CAMEHA ... fro tn - ~·2 up. Our postal cards s1ze at '10

is the best ever. Not only do\\' h, \' l e\·erything Photographic, but also CY(3ry­th ing in th • \\·ootl burn ing lin<•. ·ou\'cnir r artls rrom l c to 25c earh . Get intt ·n· · t<~d in Photography.

Coster Pl1oto Supply Co. 21 East Eighth Street Phone 15 ~

Page 18: 01-01-1912


Herkner~• The Jewelry Centre of Western Michigan

P RESTIGE in trade is only attained by a long period of successful business in a con1n1unity.

w~ wcr~ c. tablished n arly fifty ":-r' a rs ago and in this line our narnc has hccon1~ kno\vn for rl pendahle goods, absolutt' reliability :11Hi d i .. tinC'ti\·c service. Such a r~putation is n good thin~ tn talc~ inh consid­eration when purchasing Dian1onrls , \Vatches or Jew­elry.

Our Society Pins are now ready· for your lnspectioa

57 Monroe St. GRAND RAPIDS, 1\HCH. 91 Ottawa St

Do you Know? That nothing appeals more to a College Student than a

Nice, -warm Bath Robe For quality, reasonable prices and assorttnent, the

place where you find then1 is at

NICK DYKEMA Cor. River and Eighth Streets Also a full line of MEN'S FURNISHINGS

Bool<s Stationery


Penn:1nts Fountain Pens

Souvenir Articles


.MRS. L. r RlS Proprietor 30 W. Eighth St.


Casper Belt's Barber Shop Everything Tot'lsorial


Sanitation iu 1'(1etbods Where the other fellows go

Courtesy ia Treatment Around the Corner

Dr. James 0. Scott I> ENTIST

IIOftS- 1 30 t• 1 Z t ""

1:30 t• 8 • · Ill :t ! E AST ~th



Society Pins and J evvelry t ynur leisure

Actual Pl1ott)graphs of the Orig· inals in our Catalogue

Yo urs, ru r th e As king,

HARDIE, The Jeweler, w. el9strttt


I SLIPPEf~S AND SANDALS ---Go to the---


• F irst Class Rtlpairing

P. S.---As k ror o ur SATIN ORIENTAL BOUDOIR SANDAL the ::; \ve llest creation of the year.

Students ~~ ~,·(· .v· u r ,, a tch_es and Jewelry re ­pa ired at

Wykhuizen & Karreman 14 W. Eighth "t. Next to P. s. Boter & Co.

Page 19: 01-01-1912

32 T 1L E . \ ~ l . 11 0 I\. --- ----

You Are missing murh if you're not eating P.olland Rusk.

The Rusk of golden brown, crisp from the ovens of the largest bakery of its kind in the world. No other food has the quality of Holland Rusk, some­thing better or just as good is impossible.

Get some forlny. L"ok fm· fh r wind'"' " (It' !Itt' Jnu·l.. o!l''

Holland RLzs/( Compang Holland, tv I ichigan


Cltz. Phone 144, 91-99 E. 8th Street

When your Room needs Painting or Decorating

--PHONE- -

J. DINKELOO & SON, PHOI'\E 1573 or 1491


The Athlete 's Barb r

The Prof's Barber

Th · Ora tor's Barber

The Studenfs Barber

and Your's after a· trial

Dogger & Thoms


BAD CYCS Are what we are looking for

I T is to be regretted that there arc so many of that sort tnis day and age, but they

1nust be ca red for, and we are fully equip. ped to do it. No matter what you think the troubJe is do not do a thing till you come to u .

It Will Cost You Nothing to Know And It Is a Duty to Your Eyes


Registered Opticians 38 East Eighth St. HOLLLAND, MICH.

Charter's Barber Shop Our Work Speaks for Itself


6 W. Eighth Street Next to Van's Restaurant


If you want to know all about them ASK ME ~

\VM. J. OLIVE, General Agent " Phone 1124 HOLLAND, MICH.

Page 20: 01-01-1912


The Boston Restaurant For Good Service, Good Meals, Good L•nches, Good Caterin&

and Good Location

Ty us Once, you'll conte again 34 West Ei&llth Street Opp. Interurban W aitia& Room

Every Ne'W' Idea in Footwear that has merit in it-as to style, cotnfort

\. or service, can always be found here at ri2ht prices

'---- S. Sprietsma & Son Whea yoa have your claaa partiea out in the country, let ••

take you there

BOONE'S LIVERY 209 Ctatral AYIIUI PHONES: Citizens 34: Bell 20

H. BOS, Student Tailor 113 River St.

See Chas. Garvelink, at the Holland Printing Co~

For year Priated., Ea&n'fei or Die Statioaery. Finest liJle of aampla. ZOI CoUeae l'fe. BoUaa., Nick.

--GO TO--

A. C. RINCK & CO. For your Room and Society Hall Furniture

Cit.z. Pho11e 13.10 ASK TBK f&LLOWI

. ,.,


Meyer's Mt.tsic House High Grade Pianos and Organs and a full line of

Violins, Guitars and Mandolins o ·1 hand to select from


ALS] COMPlETE liNE OF I Oc SHEET MUSIC 18 W. 8th St., Holland

Basket Ball Goods Rockey, Karsen and Imported Dutch Skates

H. Van Tongeren

]as. A. Brouwer Furniture and Carpets

212-214 River Street

Special prices to Students

Citz. Phone I 0 57

Arend Visscher. Pres.

B. D. Keppel, Vice-Pres.

John G. Rut(Iers, Cashier

p E 0 p L E s CAPJTAL $50.000.00

S 1 ... A T E Commercial and Savings

B A N K Department.

Henry Winter. Ass't Cashier HOLLAND. MICH. 4 per cent on Time Deposita

Why not send a nice

Photograph Home to the Folks ? Always something special for the student

At LACEY'S Kanters' Block Holland Michigan

Page 21: 01-01-1912


H.ILIOHAN The College Shoeman

Graduate in the Boot and Shoe Art E. BthSt.

207 RiTer Street


Dick Tuiner Make Your Suit Now

Ask the fe&Jowa

See our new line of Hope College Basket Ball Pillows aad Peanaats Have youseen our Pennants with the reproduction of

Winants Chapel, in orange and blue?

DU MEZ BROS. Students! Attention!

For a 4 month guaranteed water-proof and wear-proof solt­

go to the ne Electric Shoe Hospital C.. J 7 E. 8th. Street

Qt. I. &mitlf s lmg ~tnrt ICE CREAM • DRUGS • MAGAZINES

Hotel Block Hot and Cold drinks all winter·



6 8. s• lt., Cha. Plao .. 1131

Dainties for You and the


MRS. J. C. BROWN Pies a Specialty

,. .•








COURSES Classical

Eacliah-Modun Language











The Western Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church of America is located in Holland .._

johting the College Campus. Corps of Experienced lnstructon


Ou the Pue Marquette Railway, 160 miles from Chicago, 26 milet from Grand

Rapids. EXPENSES MODERATE. For further infonnation or year book apply to