0, Florida Powervalves. The valves were reinstalled into their respective pipes using flanged...

* . .' . Ob * e 80 % o t 1) Joe 0, Florida Power CORPORATION October 21, 1988 3F1088-16 | U.S. Hegulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Subject: Crystal River Unit 3 Docket No. 50-302 Operating License DPR-72 Emergency Feedwater Hef: NRC Letter dated August 30, 1988 FPC Letter dated September 28, 1988 FPC Letter dated October 10 1988 Dear Sir: Attached in additional information concerning Florida Power Corporation's (FPC) the resolution of issues associated with the Emergency Feedwater System valve leakage. This information is provided as follow-up to our teleconference on October 19, 1988. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Sincerely, ( :) ' Rol C. Widell, Director Nuclear Operations Site Support HEF:HCW:wla l Attachment ' xc: Regional Administrator, Hegion II | Senior Resident Inspector M #' 8811020021 801021 / - PDR ADOCK 00000302 _ r"" C *) ?_ a P FDC . rw~ Post Office Box 219 * Crystal River. Florida 32629 * Telephone 404) 795-3802 $| A Flonda Progress Corr:any

Transcript of 0, Florida Powervalves. The valves were reinstalled into their respective pipes using flanged...

Page 1: 0, Florida Powervalves. The valves were reinstalled into their respective pipes using flanged connections. The remaining valves EFV-16 (check valve) EFV-18 (check valve) and EFV-33




80 %o t 1) Joe



October 21, 19883F1088-16


U.S. Hegulatory CommissionAttention: Document Control DeskWashington, D.C. 20555

Subject: Crystal River Unit 3Docket No. 50-302Operating License DPR-72Emergency Feedwater

Hef: NRC Letter dated August 30, 1988FPC Letter dated September 28, 1988FPC Letter dated October 10 1988

Dear Sir:

Attached in additional information concerning Florida PowerCorporation's (FPC) the resolution of issues associated with theEmergency Feedwater System valve leakage. This information isprovided as follow-up to our teleconference on October 19, 1988.

If you have any questions, please contact this office.


( . :)'

Rol C. Widell, DirectorNuclear Operations Site Support



xc: Regional Administrator, Hegion II

|Senior Resident Inspector

M #'8811020021 801021 /

- PDR ADOCK 00000302 _ r"" C *) ?_ aP FDC .

rw~Post Office Box 219 * Crystal River. Florida 32629 * Telephone 404) 795-3802 $|A Flonda Progress Corr:any

Page 2: 0, Florida Powervalves. The valves were reinstalled into their respective pipes using flanged connections. The remaining valves EFV-16 (check valve) EFV-18 (check valve) and EFV-33


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The original FWV-43 and FWV-44 check valves were welded inplace Crane Swing Check valves. A review of the applicationof these check valves resulted in replacement with VelanHorizontal Lift check valves. The existing FWV-43 and FWV-44were cut out of the piping and the replacement valves werepre-fabricated in a spool piece consisting of weld neck pipeflanges and vent / drain connections. This arrangementprovides for future in-place leakage testing of the checkvalves. The valves were reinstalled into their respectivepipes using flanged connections.

The remaining valves EFV-16 (check valve) EFV-18 (checkvalve) and EFV-33 (solenoid operated gate valve) wererepaired as follows:

EFV-16 experienced a seat leak and wasdisassembled by Florida Power Corporation(FPC) personnel and the disc was refitted tothe seat by Crane Valve Company FieldServices. FPC Quality Control personnelverified good contact by witnessing the discto seat blue check. The valve wasreassembled by FPC personnel.

EFV-18 experienced a pressure seal ring leakand was disassembled and the pressure sealseating surfaces inspected. The bonnetseating area was satisfactory. The pressureseal ring was cut across the body side. Thebody seating area, however, was not cut, butdid have a minor scratch which may havecontributed to creating the seal ring leak.The pressure seul ring was replaced andcoated with a scalant prior to installation.The sealant was used to reduce theprobability of a leak developing due to theminor scratch in the body seating area. Thereassembled valve was exposed to a testpressure of 1875 psig and zero leakage wasobserved.

EFV-33 experienced a pressuno seal ring leakand was disassembled and the pressure sealseating surfaces inspected. The bonnetseating surface was satisfactory. Thepressure seal ring was cut across the bodyside. The body seating surface was not cutbut did have scratches which probablycontributed to initiating the leakage. The

Page 3: 0, Florida Powervalves. The valves were reinstalled into their respective pipes using flanged connections. The remaining valves EFV-16 (check valve) EFV-18 (check valve) and EFV-33


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October 21, 1988Page 2.

scratches may have resulted from sliding the valveparts across this surface during previousmaintenance activities. The pressure seal ring wasreplaced and coated with a sealant which shouldseal scratches of this magnitude. An inserviceleak test will be performed during startup.


The temperature of the Emergency Feedwater (EFW) piping atthe following locations will be monitored and recorded onceper shift in accordance with approved procedures beginningwith the startup from the October 1988 outage.

o Temperature of the pipe wall just.

downstream of FWV-34 and FWV-35;

o Temperature of the pipe wall justupstream of Reactor Buildingpenetration #109 and #424.

Contact pyrometers will be used to obtain the temperature1

readings. Upon implementation of the above monitoring thepresent shiftly "hands-on" temperature check of the EmergencyFeedwater piping will be discontinued.


; 1. Reactor Building EFW Piping Inspections:

The entire EFW piping system from Reactor Buildingpenetration number 109 to the "B" Steam Generator wasinspected by Engineering personnel on October 14, 1988.


! This inspection was performed in order to determine if! any unusual conditions or detrimental effects could be

observed as a result of the hot EFW piping condition' discovered in June, 1988.

Particular attention was lent to the extreme ends of thelong horizontal EFW piping run where evaluat'ons by


engineering determined that waterhammer or thermal,'

stratification loads could have been most severe.Scaffolding was erected to assess the condition of thepiping and supports in these vicinities. These localinspections were committed to be performed in e FloridaPower Corporation correspondence (#3F0988-20) to theNRC, dated September 28, 1988.




Page 4: 0, Florida Powervalves. The valves were reinstalled into their respective pipes using flanged connections. The remaining valves EFV-16 (check valve) EFV-18 (check valve) and EFV-33


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.ob'er 21, 1988ge 3.

Overall, the integrity of the piping system wasexcellent. All rigid rod supports and sway strutrestraints were in good condition with no evidence ofdamage. Spring can and constant ioad supports appearedto be properly loaded and all piping and insulation runswere normal. Additionally, the ISI engineers reportedthat all six anubbers in the run are functioningproperly (visual check only).

Detailed inspections of support numbers EFH-3,4,12,13,25A, and 2GA revealed no problems. Specificconcerns included bent or deformed structural members,slipped pipe clamps, loose or pried anchor bolts,missing or loose structural bolts, etc. There were noabnormalities discovered. The anchor bolts and baseplates of EFH-25A, which is a two-directional restraintnear the steam generator, showed no evidence of excessloading (the paint overlapping the concreto and baseplates was intact).

In conclusion, this inspection was pe r s'o rme d toreinforce the evaluutions previously perforned byengineering, which determined that the piping andsupports were not exposed to loads or stresses beyondtheir capabilities. The inspection results sufficientlysupport this determination.

2. EFW Piping Inspections Outside the Reactor Building:

The "B" Steam Generator piping outside the ReactorBuilding was inspected by Engineering personnel in Juneof this year in response to t..e elevated temperatures

i experienced at a result of valve leakage. Theinspections included the EFW piping near EFP-2 toReactor Building penetration #100, and the branchconnection to the main feedwater line above FWV-34.

The piping was examined for distress, binding,deflection, or any other signs of obvious strain, andappenrod to be in good condition. The piping layout isfairly flexible as it contains many directional changesand short runs. The supports utilize spring cans, rigidrods, box guides, sway struts, and a few anchors. Thesupports were inspected for strain, bending, prying,anchor bolts pullout, and concrete spalling. No unusualobservations were noted with the exception of supportEFH-126 as described in earlier correspondence. Thissupport van repaired in June to its originul designcapacity.

In addition during the removal of FWV-43 and FWV-44, thealignment of the piping following the valve removal was


Page 5: 0, Florida Powervalves. The valves were reinstalled into their respective pipes using flanged connections. The remaining valves EFV-16 (check valve) EFV-18 (check valve) and EFV-33

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October 21, 1988Page 4.

observed. The piping associated with FWV-43 had nomisalignment. The piping associated with FWV-44 showedonly minor misalignment of between 1/2" to 3/4"vertically and 3/8" laterally.

3. Future EFH-126 Inspection:

Florida Power Corporation will reinspect EFH-126following the next EFW initiation, and on or about thenext three (3) scheduled refueling intervals. Theseinspections will include the velds, pipe and base platein the vicinity of the support for cracking, deformationor delanination.


Initially, acceptance criteria for FWV-43 and FWV-44 wasdeveloped in accordance with ASME Section IX, 1983 2Dthrough Summer 1983 Addenda- Article IWV-3426 (a). Thisresulted in a criteria of 360 ml/hr. Subsequentengineering analyses has quantified the acceptable leakagerate to be 612 al/hr. Therefore, the leak rate applied toFWV-43 and 44 will be 612 al/hr in accordance with ArticleIWV-3426.

The post modification leak rate test for FWV-43 andFWV-44 was conducted in the shop. The replacement checkvalves are prefabricated spac1 pieces consisting of upstreamand downstream weld neck pipe flanges and vent / drainconnections. The spool pieces were fabricated and post weldheat treated in the shop prior to conducting the seat leakagetest. The test was conducted at this point in thefabrication sequence for the following reasons:

o The shop test v:oi:1d be done prior to shut-downthus keeping the test and any necessary reworkoff of the outagle critical path,

o An unsatisfactory seat leak would be easier tofix in the shop than in the f i e .' d .

o A shop seat leakage test is technicallyacceptable since this is a bolted spool pieceand the flange alignment criteria ensures thatthere are no piping induced loads large enoughto influence the seat.

Page 6: 0, Florida Powervalves. The valves were reinstalled into their respective pipes using flanged connections. The remaining valves EFV-16 (check valve) EFV-18 (check valve) and EFV-33

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October 21, 1988'

Page 5.

Leak rate testing of FWV-43 FWV-44 will be performed at '

each refuel outage and following any disassembly of thevalves.


4 '



A full flow test of the E)W system is performed inaccordance with SP-435 during MODE three (3) following,

shutdown resulting in a MODE five (5) or lower outage. This.

test is conducted during startup to assume full emergencyfeedwater flow can be supplied to the steam generators. Thistest will be conducted during startup from the October 198Foutage, and will provide assurance that the repaire,modifications and testing conducted on the EFW system did not


adversely impact system performance.

















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