'0 fHE Pm-lies....

" \ _.> '_""'r . .. . .... - ..... , ,- 'T ..--.-, d" ., '> , ••.• - ..••• - •.••.• " . . . ' ..,...-- -- .. ,", -. , " , I. , 1 - few sitzmarks at the Sierra Blant'O ski area. Above. the 8000·foot Pholig gondola cor. rios passengers' to an upper terminal at an elovatlon pf 11,400 feet. Torchlight- DAN D. SWEARINGIN, Inc. Pm L ...... - ... 1 E*Ie ..... ft •• "'.- DAVE PARKS, IDnrance Dep't. That .nJrht time akltnc wall really BOmethlnr &0 COblratulaUolUI for a tiM Ilhow. FRIDAY, JANVAaY 31, 19G9 -------,- '------ , '- j. aUIDOSO, LI1IJOOLN COUNTY, N,£W IllEXIOO ZIP OODEI .U " . . . . , NUMBER" mOVR Mth YEAR . - . Siders: IMU" youi' Itqulpment again. foss by theft. In fad, Wta GSaainsf everythIng but slttme:trb.· , 'l'BE WEEKLY WEATHER Report II fo1mc1 MOh week ,eD &he front .... ol &he IleCODc1 lMlClUoD III tbe Q. A'" L1I,DI1;Jer 00. ad. , , \ " " , , , I , '. '0" fHE _Pm-lies._ V-el1J.., ..... ' _ ---'lJEAT--- ·t=I·, ...... , ..... " ,.,.,.".,.,=-", =-, ..,.,.", ",..",.."._=--=_z.=-- •. __ With Barney GOP Re-Elects . Demos To Name It came as a 5boct to us tb1s Dr. Dale h 'County Leaders ' We tboUiht the of beatlng L.lncoln County Republioans reo 1Jncoln County Democrats will obUdren. bl&d, passed ak>ng wtth eJected Dr. Dale Wynn, Ruidoso cbooselll69 otftoem at 7:30 p.m. trlal by ordeal and other fOi of, opt.ometrlbt, as their county ohair. )!oQday ,In the Q>unty Q>urthouse me<li'eval torture. man Mooday at U1eir county con. ,in' Ca1TlZozo. There Is DO why an y.dult . ventlon in Oaml'lQt!l), Qff1cern &IXl state CiOIlVenttoil man MWOmao -iiIii)u1li be pernUtted "!' ',- '< '-i Other ofrtcers named at the ma".delegatefl wUl be c1logen by pre- , to lnfi10t pain upen a :;." '>.?:" meetlnQ' or Republ1c&ll3were: BU! HIGH TIME-Ski lifts were whizzing up the chlld. 8Ucb a person 18 not qualUled .: . ,;, /'7" ShTecen<Tnct of Ll'n. co'-, V1oe..... ftlr• .night In mt*UI1lrs held tbrou({hQut _ to be a te&cher,{' . "" ''>;_;;1 man: ;:;;;: Neal COJ.U1lY, slopes and skiers were whiZZing back down We aclm{t a tNcher Is human 'and E', ;, .,' , ., tan. vioe-ohatrman, and S. M. Ooc-" Ruidoso delegutes, ieproocntlng at 0 gdeot rate last week a, many, hundlleds may act hastily In fit (J( 8n8er. .. ,-' \ , ''/:. eIl30f treasurer. i l,Preo1ncts lilA and 19,.t1, will be: of youn\) skiers from Texas oolleg6$ took ad. But to cold bloodedly write down ED GOODRUM DAN GRIFFitH Delegates to' the state of their le/t1&ster break to & date f01' executl'on of sentence Is comm1ttee were chosen aI> Frank, Wayne Estes, Mre. Sk·· E U elBe. H. EUred JonEG, Oarr12lcml, A. 1 ,,05OPb1ne' Banchez and V1rg11 . lIng xce ent Ne'w Mag.·s.trale' Wo understand &Ome teacbers <Bert) Hondo, and L. L. )\eynoldB. Altemate:J will be Mm, boat dlildreo for IJUch groat crimes ':' , Carnell, Q>rona. Pr1tchl'tt and Mm. n. Dale As. New Snow . &8 chewing gum In class" We U1 l nt .. A secretnry from the Rwdol'So ,DodM. there must be 0. better way of area WIll be named Iater.by Dr. Dodd waa conUnued 11,5 aatlng D Pk Bus,·ness Drops, web .lnf:aC:;IODB, Wynn. . I cba1rmaa for Prec1nd5 191. and . eepens ac In our bo)'bood we were &GS2giled .( Exh Bodi WQlte Mked why there had New IUI0W TlJesdny nlght nnd H' H to. teachers who were, 11;1 a WQl'd, ume es Dever been aepamte chairmen for Wl'dnt'sd:lY brought Gkj condlUoll9 But es appy' sadis(.,. the two prcdncta, Dodd Illlid. "We al Bll'rra Blnl).OO Sld Arm to an 'I'be6e teachers k1fU<:t. Of Childr oould never fl.nd two people who otrlclal "t'/CCI'Ul.'nt", Il.Il young lllt1era pain, en fool enoUfm to tl\kc IV' 011 1' .... lJw:;ll'r brl'nkk."I from TI'XAoI:! Jtuldow no Iongt>1" h3'7 n jtl':tl{'(> or Ttw 1i':I .... lil. JtI(llH' PrtWb& sa!d. For Autonsv had written hI:J nnme On U1e top .. n. Olm ea O. n ..... a Ll\I\.b.:l W'AIJ e.lec1ed OU'rtrozo. pre· t'p I 0 I 00. (l(\ "r I'«"('nt h1l:ltl'\\1dl' T('OrunmldUIlTI Of •• ! .',':1 1lIlll"'durl' for thl' DltlVic: &e of bb tablet .... nnr iDcteaci- of . '! 1 Ilrb at. theIr borne Dec. 21, have malnnan. and Vcdn Steven. cll'nT nnd I;UlUlY at preG:I Unto. Clnd the Nrw Ml'lOOO 100wr ..", ........ i,'" I) been exhumoo IUld Iln autoP5Y baa 1lDa' 00 re<lInct vtoo-cbal every Pl'OllPl'Ct wao I'Or 0 top tlt11ng . 1 dll.1 h., \ ., I" 01 papcr!! L'S reQUIr abOve it an abe had mstruoted. " ") beC1l performed.. 1b&n was nam p j wl'(>uncL J:l' Wt'lil 11110 t'/. "d ""d JI<' plnnmlf lhc party It kter turned out he wan DOt to ' . '," J' A.t;:JL'1arit I>1s.trtc\ Attorney Wll. ' Mallllltt'r lWy Parker of the ".... . bl Cl '.\111 ml1"4 0;('(' that thl'Y bkme at an. A new boy wiU1 tho :.. . .• <. \." .,j..' .. s.ld tbIlt. be awalt.' BIl?rro Blanoo Ski Area repOrted Ponnl?rly. th('re were 210 (11".('1\ "d 011 llll' dl'fmdant.-tbe aam"name bad tral19terred In and. i. . J _ orUellat 'word of UIb ot"t/i. that Ill/a weekend thl'fO were:lOOO . .'.-__ _ 11:111)' IWI!lllllliUt'd not tnoW1ntr the rules, bad tl'tUJS'o W. N. MORRISON RICHARD the auWp::;y. - il county convention and Sam A, p31d llclcrit.'1 1:.;:nJed for nkt 1U't:J. \"',.lIll'l ;l, Ihl' IIlnUl':tratt> IIrrong. 1'l'MeeCl. COx as bts altomate. Mm. ,\gnllD •• A groat GUccC:;S" \Wl!I h1!l report ,'tI !I", .. ", I,·" ul p:1pt'r'l Now the :r..:at.er, .In JUD!or h11h .8Oboo1, We F" C rJ -0 f BUL' &JrlN Crou::c .. .... , oeleoted &c1in8' preclntt on the IIJ1ltll:ll tordill8bt d«Jeen\ Of p:umart mu:;t SN III touch With ,'. ,. U, fr a.n., ""'. 1,". . a.·.· ,e·.' ,S' · '(, " ";,, J,.} and tJC!C1'etary. ... b d Y ex- lUI' 'llrinf( -01' 1Io1th another W' e_" toO -, '. . ." JUlt at III'C'lJl1 tIme, h7M ')(rJ), Fern sawyer, oountf DemQ. pe.. "",ern .,;l.,ur l1 J (; •• rllll' "',,)"'<>1 'f' ..... bot oc ' '5' I P ulled Ure lltahl ... oNm etfteo mUc Oba1rrn.n. sa\d other pre· 400 and 500 pcrOOM "" .. tdted the 'I Ill' r. (' lor ' .... rvtlla' reo .. --.... '" ..... .., ...... . .... - t io ..,.that the a.u,q wwe. diDct meet1rc bl.tt )'el d(l:;t)Cr-,.ond 350 ltte ae· lin'!!" 1M <:';IftU' f3 \ e' e "'- . 11'0 OS S tlte dlUtlnn "''ere •. 'been • ,. w. :" ," OOIfJlJ;'lllYItt1'r dlud at> thlt pi IW Thl' ,lllOrMtY aOC!Il till, ' ( JUUe . ':, . '. ,: llU. ,."1' ')\:.':}j:.'. ..,. Ume the,pnr IMoC d nullo6llt In \tr .. reported twIce !.ht' ''lIN U l d('p..(tIll(\Qt, not toI. and."a:.tntdl.i1dftJr UI>'tb "n.bour .Tour , '. ;e;1dnf My or oJbe :voteif:t9.l?I'i'Qnlu,>. /h" h,dl\Cdu:'l1 nwmllt'r d It v.t» 't'It6II he e)ocUott to . my mother. Dt!D& !tate, cervce1 L!6IUUtlllllJ1lll, . ,,',1 .,". A prtlCliDct WQ:p,cp'a " Were Parker MId." , ';pp,' P:'lIWr'l The COlIG!».bles WOUld MIl be· ... reac$Y to , .. Pf.3f, in LIrl¢ob:\, .. .. ni- . <Cub. WNr"M:fIJ. ,aC1.l.ll&' WII.tI tht>.:;c breau. our .1 :.h" t.l"r\'od baVlt' • ... cJelkl! thaI the tlie \\"u dla1rnf&hJ' " nttl'nc11nC'.c MO boon all .. Dl'" , 'I1U9 of COUlS. ': J. . ", ApproxlmaUlT' • -bJitive anct an ra1DCl add,etJ. "1; "'WI ,.. .... " 'Ihe toll"'" "MiX ,be ,a high ft,. w.ru: . .11.1 and lIll'a!I'. morl' \,'ork (or r.bcrlU's •• tD8 Wil.h1n the '. 11JNW !n'<Idunfc, turn Vit4Uy 10 ih&t w ....... bt'Imch,ftc"n"tr U) 'pJn. a\ morl' o\er bad at t.bJs p.1I"m. nJl O\'l'r lhc G«Lte. and e l- __---;;.;ve.. -AVlUU"" "'e PaVO ..... V\NOO". ,,' '; .' ..... oI!' btl u, .' '" ',"IIlI'. n' m c:nm I 0 COUnty, ve _ ..... 'om r " . ,- '.' . ':lqwn Is only Il9 lfOOd aebooblj .Uae mvttttp,Ueo." ." .. teem -the Mtmlcipal Bwimmlng of !.he b&\-'e fl'll',"nT flwui .t"\'!j r,\\umpl'd. WVlI --.. ' .. .,., . \!lercfore RuJdotio .1Id Ruidoso w, It 1Utb1<lh of tho Slate nre Pool. A1I DentOd"&t1c women wlll be been trom TI'X1I8 In:;tl:.utloll..'l. 1'cXM . fill' llC'I'trr Itl':l' I EnwS1. san- tbenl, w4rk tor w,'O C&1Ic,Uda ·roi' Downn. need U1e very GCbool!l Mar<..hnU'o omoo In Santa Ft\ ll&te1 1OV1ted, whether from Ru1do.:;o or Tectl studl.'n1lJ wcre on hand c"rUcr 'h, t' It:!, bl'l'n "l'T)" OOOJICfnU\'e." They tU'e courteou3, booest and Ncb po3lfion open. Doth. .. , thaI, the cau::c 01 the Clre bu DOt otltllr prol1ll of the countY, In !hI.' wl'l'k. fOlloWed by UnivernUy I', .• , lU'!'. '_'ltd 'ltl' bll!) r.a1d be depeodable, '11Jjs v."&!l DOt beaten a c1lt·ycar term. . yet been'offictAUy d«ennincd. .01 Tl'Xt\O nt Au:.:tln !ftudelM. _An.m., lU: .",U1.l.'.All .!he..pnpe1n he..alD•. _ VillageC--ouncil Willi taw en- . ''Ibe 111M Ulan 'UId did oCt 01 lapata.. aRuldo:xr r;pecln1ty mtraetlll_ 111' _ftO. _11 M , the f1rc 1tceU lD concerned. the rn. t\ tq T _ ., . JUDGE PRITCHETT Kale P:;Ilt'r.J l'.an b(> l:erved bY 00 8q abO}) lLnd an Agua Fr1ll. rcs1dcnt. . p ., ....... ... to vOC".!gaUllti b already TC 'd on" IlCiPl'tullltgn OO!l'iJ at the SJd 01 UIt' pcaCl' ill N"w Ml'xlOO Now nnv 1Jt"A'fl OVl'r 10 a pbll1lUl ooed- fJlbt be- and Ed Ooodnnn, Jtuldooo Vaney their fullt'Sl. potential 00 they may But tbcre may be oome qtle5tJoD 0 OnSI er nrl':l I.. nn IncrooC(! In wCt!k-day therl.' nrc 67 mog15U'Q.le" ll'll 10"14'1 c,'rvlt'l' roll Illwnyg II!'re a rancher. U1etr ll'O&b of college and the fire Curther by the d1!;trIct at-' 9kllng nt Slerrtl QIQlIOO. The dnllg('O\('T In Ull' !owpr rot',m, h,d:;- ",q' to do it tam, most of those hard rock. lads Seeking Posmon Two nrc: Rich. e. tomey," FI-ve Annexati·ons ' Morl' poopkl nr(' tllldng ad\'llD- court lI)'titt'm Wll!'l mmtd:lI, d by till' " .l\I,":I'H !'lullg" undL>r U1e ne" could probably whip Nev.'lon. ard,Parsons. Ruidoso attorney who I feel the "RuIdooo School Sys· He said hill office Will have DO lng" of tht' spect:ll vacation Stau- Ll'uKntur(' £U II!> IflGlJ "(''1 "\' ',,'Ill lo lor UII' of hag been ns Ilttorney for tern b for'tUIl:'lte to hIlve 5UCh report on the fire ImUl U1e enure The Ru1dooo VIUall'e Counc1l wtll £I 51£111 ml'mber Gald. !;j0ll 't1w Strlt(' 6upu'tII" ("courl II:" P;" I.mimg Ihl'm.'lt'lovl'.'l !>'I\l"d. We tIltend to this the!lChoo) board, llDd W. N. Morrt. Iy qU:lllfic-d adm1nl5trotlve person, Is complete. oonatder the annexaUon of llpproltl. "EHr1' )'l'lIr we h3ve 1J1Ol'C' people promuJgnlt'd the ru,t>:l lur tlh,lk' •• /rlld h:'l\'l' to caml' Into court pracUce of beAting cbDdren as long oon. OOmmunlty Public Servtce nel ond leachern, It would be my The Inve&Uilltwn v,'1llI made for mately 400 Ram v,'hen it meew nt dUriJrg IJlI' week Al.w. more peo. chang('(J\'el" !Il " .... thNT nn.7.lil'rQ. but may as we are publ1!lbltlfr your DeWBo Corporation servtce ID:'lDager. drotre. U eklc1ed. to ma1Irt1l.1n those the S:ate Fire Man::hal by L. 7'30 p,m. tonfll'b\. ('Ib1D'SChlyl In U1e pIe lrom Alnmoll'Ordo Dre comma Explatnlfltl the rww fO)'r,t"m In nn 'h.m by mall A (onn lQ nltl1ched AU reg1l;terOO \'Uters In the &00001 standardsl." 0, Raney. of the Roswell omce of MUDldpaJ B'l11ldlng, up 10 sk1 during UIt' week," tntervtew WI!! week. Jutlf!f' pm, to '),1" compbsnt, rolled .. Aoo.... er We .dcnIand that the Joca) scboo) d1l;trtct will be ell:Pble to VI)!..e for DAN ORIFFlTH the State Police. 'The arNg PropoGed rol' Ilnnl'x. ". eJJeU t>:1ld th" b!ll'i:l.'<;t ell..ngl' Iq m '" C', All the dl'tendant board or. if necessary, the BC&te candrda1e3 tor boUl pogJtlO1l!l. How· As a rondldate for a poJ:iCon on At the lime 11 'i\"1lS revealed that. lotion inclUde: tho Al'..o Crc&t nru. Ski Instruction the handllng 01 trnrrtc tn', 'II do (.., lenT It off and mall It leg1*ture. pass & rule DO child ever. by tradltioD, PoJiUon 1 Is for the ochoal board. I would mo&t like Raney v,"a9 makiDfi the I.n'l.-utfila· w,klXlg In 280 &crOO. and an Upper Ninety per cent 01 t!J1' I" be sUuck except in dire emergency. a vaUey reaftlesrt B.lld PosiUon 2 to Work for e. ochoal r;ystem v,'htch uon. U1e State JI'lre Yal'!lb&1's of· C&n$Cln of 40 (ICren., bolb Stans Wednesday cited lor traWl' vtO!atlOT.t1 no '011;1' TII.'1 to) lmportlml. bt'CaU!ie U a wttboat school !mJt for a rCl&idem 01 tho village of oUern our cJ1Udren the bem &ea. flee exp1a1ned M. by tabt an requeS"..ed by RuIdo:lo Lalld Sa)oo. Between 150 and 200 RuldMo er appear In court Thl'Y ':1InpJ1' JlPrrHfl fait'S to arr;\\"er withln a colllSUJt1Dg hl.s P&1'eatIJ. RuIdt:J::o. demfc prcpamttoo to be round In l!s fJre lnve9Up.tom .... "ere "ott Ine.; the Bam Montgomery prop. school JI"JPlb are expected to take mati In their "pctlllity ar..-;('r<.:',' 1('mUnued to Pare 4-Sec. A) We aak an peOple wbo feel as we 'Ibe only polIJng will be In the state. WiU1 todaY'a sUH com· reck" so Raney .... '&0 caned In. ertJ. IlO Raoo; the Kampground of IIdvantage of !he fUUl attnual reo men!.!!" t)'Ou aren't E:lJPPO!ll'd to _ _ do about thts to 1eM us the1r sup. tbe Home Economics ButIdlllg at Petition for college and America property. ott Hlghv. ..y 10. lea!:OO ttme 6kt ln3tMJotlOO pl"Ofrr&m caU them flnco' to the Q>urt Ad, A T Be POrt. RepOrt such iDcIdentsto High SCbooI. n wI1l be tbe Lncrea.slngly demandIng stand· The reoo1!.s wU1 help de!.ermine 10 acres; atld 1M m Thompson to d.llrt Wedne:Jd&y mfnWrator, Suprcml' DuUd" . ssessor 0 -1 .........ut'_ a--...r ...... open from 8 a.m. to 7 p,rn, TlJe3- ard.'l or employei'll:.. our sht1dren .... 'hetJler or not <:bIl1'gC6 wW be rued P""""'l'tY. .......... tho Ru1dooo All l:'.udl'..llw. Whether they Intend ............. .... .. day. ,neOO ooboollllg more each In U1e cue, tour Raes. to uke tho llkt lescol19 or N.;:u:a:n"'·n troffle offLc{'r clles wmtever et5e J8 necesSlry but 8lOp No bBo yet developed year. The dilldren., whose c::bItred Village EDa'lneer Jack KAbDady. be released from Gcllool at noon. a motor15t for A tromc vlolllUon, hI' At Village HaIl the be&t1ns 01 c:bUdrdl. In U1e school race. AU co.nd1dates Abo. m:nee J operate a bU&1ness bodfes were tcund in the ,ruins of Sr. Is sebedu1ed to presenl a map 1A'OOOM will be offered for boYD f,!;1t3 hlm U he Wl."Jles to ncct'jrt ----------, have dec':ared their confidence In Ia RUldo!;o. I w1Il nearly always be their house on llJdderth Drtve to the Q>unctl sbov;:ing the propoced ond (l'lrb I.n gradoo four IhrOl:.gb 12. the assc=ent or go to COUI1. RWdom property owners and tax. S Rep 11_ the precem school board and ad· available to lls<..en to parents, tescl1- were: R1clty 5: Sbawn Lyle. annexaUons.· by. arrangement between U1c 900001 II the rnotort.<;t admit!! hI' dld It. p:1yrr'l mny render the value of fate ub.u.can II11n1!ltraUon. All have eald they era or students who have qurotl.ons 2. and IUJoDda Oen, 11 monUls. 'Ihe 00u0cU wW alro: dlstrlct and U1e sld program.com. the offl(J('r puts the amount of Iht' thPlr propertIes for the 195 tax Chalnnan VisltI &l'4llnterested til tna1nt:llnJng quaU· or &UggeliUOns regarding Ih 0 'Ibey were the ebDdreo of SSt. -A.pp:llnt a member to \be Q>UD. mltlee Mombeltl are Don Driver, In a comer of thl.' ttek. FoIl-> to County Assesror Marian ty education for Ruldooo and Rut- schools. and Mrs. Fred Yoctey. Their fa. ty Airport Q>mmtttce. to be nainOO Waynt' Estes and Dave Pam. et aod U1c nwtorlst stgn.q It, Ito Sl'hlllTb from Monday. Feb. 3• doso DoWDS. No IssUes have be- ED GOODRUM ther Is a In the R.u1dol!o by the Q>tinty CIonunJl;doo at ltD 1'hl' lemoM will 00Gt $3 tneh1!1· mlli19 the penaltY III. and that'D nil, Friday, Feb. 14. at tho RuI- ... ....... ....... - D_"'U come atJpQrent. II I 11m elected I plan no oha!'!!!es Village PoUce Department. Feb. 6 meettDir to p1an for .. !JChe. ing ski relitaL'l and $2 If GtUdenta Nnturol1y Lhl!J bas mennl n drop do'O V1U3ge lfult .... "'lUI, ....... 4 __ The Ruidoso News askedeacb .... d..1.ftd ... ..... _ f." have theIr own 8Itf:I. nanCl' Cbalrman troin Albuquerque, Cluididate to make a brlef state. In the present edlool leadersbip or. ...., au .... 011 w,e ...... , o. .... e In bt.L:;1neG:.I at Judlre Prl!dll'tt·O Mm SChInrb announced tb&t sald-ol 1968 when·he & ment to'the vo!..ers regardln;!bJs d ····TV .. " ·T, ··o"Fealur',a ..... .", .... W·o-m- en 'Slat-e··" bmln···M!»dY In!! bellNl hIm .- ... -group--of- 117 "Joc:al'iUpUbl!caDIf 'iot'ijUa'IHICiHons'nnd vfews. 'The fol .....e, ;;':<;()1l3' ..... """ .., ..... " troO ...,,, ..... JC.. camp.. . Ul ,. I' ... C ..... ., the Nob mu ... 1JtaDt 'lh1mIday. lOwing were received: dose MUD1ctpa) SChoOls are very Bb H report of the Ru1do9o Mun1cl'pal There have been' rJulngr'l .lllllpayem In f11ll1ll' U1elr property l"an annotmCed 't.b&t & ViCtory . capable. our three cht1dren have ar ary unt Airport. V-II P W one could moon some rnCl'l'at.c In ml'lmtlol1!l for the ll!>:lCl&!;JtICnt roU8. d.lDner will be held .. t the Sheraton llICHARD ": PARSONS attended school In three different -Act on .. req\1t!Slt of the vt11Age .1 age ow- ow the number of OOSl"1l, but hasll"t Sh" hils ytgI!.{'d other locations Western Skres A1buqUe u I have sen;ed as the attorney for systems. I1Dd thJs I.s by tar U1e best. , ., adln1n1BtnaUon to seU surpllw eqplp. y&t. Formerly. the J3Y'P1.'es h3d III thl' ('Olmty for the !/lime P\lI'PllM .. Feb 22 will coet on !.he school boa.rd for a number ot My opInlon Is that the main A Barbary !lIleep hunt In the mem at aUCtIon, IDc1ud1ng veh1Clcs, '.''Image ·Pow.Wow: Priorities ror JurlsdlcUon over ctvll case!! rnvolv- sIneI' Jan 10. On an.ct . .•.. -- per fears. I am acq,.1ilnted with the function of the school bollrd Is to Hondo area wW be featured CD a N,<Uo and off See eqwpment. IL PootleS9 Rtil'dO!lo" wiU be UiC! Jng amount.4 up to TheSlI- Thursday 01 lb1s. weU,.pbe . .... -problems.,faclng tOO board, and I waf-eli Uie seooo'1 fhuUlCes;' anlI' nAtional te1t>vt:!lIIon- network: ... . VIUa«e Cf«k' .fames Hrne said topic of a ata Rut- pteme Increased the nmount I'd property rendit1on3 at ttJe Rut. .. share In common their alms. leaVe operation of the academIc otDrtie Co thaI City Attorney John Thomlll!lOn doso Women's Club mooUna' at ., to $600. dow Dowtl!l Vltbge Halt . W 'II!! Al'H'II!!R w. N. MORRISON program up to the hlghIy.qualUled . arne , ba.9 been workUltr on a ntlW sewer p.rn. W«ldnesday. Jl'eb, 12, in the Oddly enough, In the first month She remInded New M"xlCo vet- .. .. As a CIllidldate tor PoSItion 2, professi'onal3 who are now In i'\1lde basebtt.Uatar Tony cen- ordloaooe and may want to it1scUI19 women's Club nuUdlbg. of opera.tlon ooder the now I'rnn.'S lh.'\t t!Jl'Y are enUtled to a RUidoso School Soard. I wI1l state ohlirge. 'S ro on " S.rbary It With the cotmell. The ordinance The prOll'ram Will tollow a Bweet- there has been a drop rather thlIn $2000 I'xemptton. but oo1Y it lhey Weell.flIDl1 fori'!cad: ·0Ifar aD4 my reasons lor being a. candidate. I WIl9 born and raised In L1nco1n hunt .:n an A:BC .American SpotU- w1U ck1tern'ilnc WbSdl restdents of heart Covered DUb 9Uppcr at ,.n \!Pf1WIII8 In me number of eMl prl'SCnt a certlrtcate Of 't'I'IU'IReI'. <»..-teq !lIr!Jt:, I have two ehI1dren in the'. County. in the Picacho area. Where man 8bo'W. the vtnage wU1 be required to con· p.m. with proper endorsement. ., .......... lia1dpal Alrperi. nuldo9ltSCboolSystem. my father was a pioneer raocber. It is scbedu:1ed telt 2 p.rn, Peb. Met. tberr properties to !he ex- JUdi'o Austin Pritchett •• __ ... I Uved tor a t1me Ia Roswell and 2:1 on KOB, CbaI1De't 1. In Albuquer. panded aewer syMem. i'a!..e the dl.!iCUslJ1on. and lItWen clvtc - " ... elsewhere In tbe state bUthaV6 tlUe. The IIbow WAS coe 01 two leaders WiU act as panel1a'lB. Each " Clarice · .,.n·su·r·an'c· e Agenc·y been lI. resident of Rutdoso DoJ;xis American Sportllrilen llbows fJlm· BookmobUe To'VlIlt wit) brlOf1y OI1t1lne two or three pe,t stnce 19G3. I believe lbat a cttuen e;d in coopeoratJon w)lb the New proJeeu., or day drea.me. wtUcb he o""es lfOlDetbi'D4f to h1s commUDltY•. UelCJl». M an4 Ruldoso pet1lCnaUy has tor makiD« Ruldotlo and when- t W1IIJ a*ed·to ruttfor .1'Wi fOr a 'naticlMl -air.. '!few·JleXteo Bta"'te-"t1bNory'j in 61Itstiniilnif town.· '., the schOol board I cou1d 00\ refulJe 1ng 011 netYw'Ork tetevf8lon In Jl'eb- bratlCb In Lovt'ngt.oD The pane1Utd w1tl1nclude: MayO&' .• , . 'l1I&i7. that Ita boOkmobUc\ wtU Lloyd L. Davis. Jr.: Tommy Per. TROut Pt.AN1'ED The ether, to be ebown at 2 p.m. b6 at' iIItIe HaU, RuldOfl(j f,(,'t!t, chairman of the Ll'iloolaooun- SAN'l'A ll'E-The .of Sunday on KOB TV, AlbUquerque. DoWDll. tram 11:30 a.m, to 12:30 tY DeveIopmcot AIJIIOclatlon: Dave oame and nm has plaIUd more IS a lIbort on ICe 1WWIg p.m, Wednesd&Y.-l"eb. 5. March a, Parks, of Area College; sUi Pat- than 1 m1ll1on trout In NeW MexlcO lbat futUres lOft StaatoJ' Hat'OkI APril' •• 1110 and May 23. Woon of AttoSealfO\'l$. IDe.; Dcio w.&Ulrtl 'dt.trfDg the nr.t sbt DlOt1tb8 Hughea and b'n1er footb&D on arne dates, it w11l T18lt. stark; Cb1amber of Commerce man- of fufoal aoool'd1ng to Roy 1"oresl. JCv&I"'Ae"V'81I1. 1'be fl1mtl:lc from .:ao to 10:30 &.11'1. ager: Ken JtnaW, O&tbedral of the E. BlLtk.«.·CItW ot tbe :neberioa wu «cae taktt en b.flo- jot' the book bor. Pl'Jle3,.OO Jlm H1ne, VUJagb Cloort. DiW4on. ItWa 1'DlIa11 toWCl11l, managcl'. I r I , I ,I , .•.1 •• '> '." T , .' _ _,. ',' .' "

Transcript of '0 fHE Pm-lies....

Page 1: '0 fHE Pm-lies. V-el1J..,'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/RUIDOSO... · With Barney GOP Re-Elects .Demos To Name It came as a 5boct to us tb1s Dr. Dale


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.. .' ..,...-- -- .. ,", -. ~

," ,

I., 1

._,~-'---- -

•few sitzmarks at the Sierra Blant'O ski area.Above. the 8000·foot Pholig gondola cor.rios passengers' to an upper terminal at anelovatlon pf 11,400 feet.


DAN D. SWEARINGIN, Inc.Pm L ...... - ...1 E*Ie ..... ft••"'.-

DAVE PARKS, IDnrance Dep't.

That .nJrht time akltnc wall really

BOmethlnr &0 1I~. COblratulaUolUI fora tiM Ilhow.

FRIDAY, JANVAaY 31, 19G9-------,- '------,


j. •



. . .

. ,


. - .Siders: IMU" youi' Itqulpment

again. foss by theft. In fad, Wta

Ins~r. GSaainsf everythIngbut slttme:trb.·


II fo1mc1 MOh week ,eD &he front

.... ol &he IleCODc1 lMlClUoD III tbe

Q. A'" L1I,DI1;Jer 00. ad.

, ,








'0" fHE _Pm-lies._ V-el1J..,.....'_---'lJEAT--- ·t=I·,......,.....",.,.,.".,.,=-",=-,..,.,.",",..",.."._=--=_z.=--•.M~um...,.a·-.Ji;"" __--";'---'~ir-"

With Barney GOP Re-Elects . Demos To NameIt came as a 5boct to us tb1s Dr. Dale h 'County LeadersFbe&t~~e:elnpe~dCo.Chainnan ' "~--MondayNight

We tboUiht the e~ of beatlng L.lncoln County Republioans reo 1Jncoln County Democrats willobUdren. bl&d, passed ak>ng wtth eJected Dr. Dale Wynn, Ruidoso cbooselll69 otftoem at 7:30 p.m.trlal by ordeal and other fOi Il~ of, opt.ometrlbt, as their county ohair. )!oQday ,In the Q>unty Q>urthouseme<li'eval torture. man Mooday at U1eir county con. ,in' Ca1TlZozo.

There Is DO r~n why an y.dult . ventlon in Oaml'lQt!l), ~ Qff1cern &IXl state CiOIlVenttoilmanMWOmao-iiIii)u1li be pernUtted "!' ',- '< '-i Other ofrtcers named at the ma".delegatefl wUl be c1logen by pre-

, dell.be~ly to lnfi10t pain upen a I"'~' :;." '>.?:" meetlnQ' or Republ1c&ll3were: BU! etnctdel~e1eoted1a6tMonday HIGH TIME-Ski lifts were whizzing up thechlld. 8Ucb a person 18 not qualUled ,'~ .: . ,;, /'7" ShTecen<Tnct of Ll'n.co'-, V1oe.....ftlr• .night In mt*UI1lrs held tbrou({hQut _to be a te&cher,{' . " " ''>;_;;1 man: ;:;;;: Neal Be~n oi(;pl.~.the COJ.U1lY, slopes and skiers were whiZZing back down

We aclm{t a tNcher Is human 'and E', ;, .,' , ., tan. vioe-ohatrman, and S. M. Ooc-" Ruidoso delegutes, ieproocntlng at 0 gdeot rate last week a, many, hundlledsmay act hastily In ~ fit (J( 8n8er. ~ ..,-' \ , ''/:. eIl30f ~ltan, treasurer. i l,Preo1ncts lilA and 19,.t1, will be: of youn\) skiers from Texas oolleg6$ took ad.But to cold bloodedly write down ED GOODRUM DAN GRIFFitH Delegates to' the state centr&l;~rgeDod~M~~e~~"~: va~ta90 of their le/t1&ster break to mak~ ~& date f01' executl'on of sentence Is comm1ttee were chosen aI> ~11oW8: I~UL01ta Frank, Wayne Estes, Mre. Sk·· E U~1l)~ elBe. H. EUred JonEG, Oarr12lcml, A. T·

1,,05OPb1ne' Banchez and V1rg11 . lIng xce ent Ne'w Mag.·s.trale'Wo understand &Ome teacbers <Bert) Pt1n~n! Hondo, and L. L. )\eynoldB. Altemate:J will be Mm,

boat dlildreo for IJUch groat crimes ':' , Carnell, Q>rona. ,~USUn Pr1tchl'tt and Mm. n. Dale As. New Snow .&8 chewing gum In class" We U1lnt .. A secretnry from the Rwdol'So ,DodM.

there must be 0. better way of area WIll be named Iater.by Dr. Dodd waa conUnued 11,5 aatlng D P k Bus,·ness Drops,~dI1ng web .lnf:aC:;IODB, Wynn. . I cba1rmaa for Prec1nd5 191. and . eepens acIn our bo)'bood we were &GS2giled .( Exh Bodi l~en WQlte Mked why there had New IUI0W TlJesdny nlght nnd H' H

to. teachers who were, 11;1 a WQl'd, ume es Dever been aepamte chairmen for Wl'dnt'sd:lY brought Gkj condlUoll9 But e s appy'sadis(.,. the two prcdncta, Dodd Illlid. "We al Bll'rra Blnl).OO Sld Arm to an

'I'be6e teachers enjoy~ k1fU<:t. Of Childr oould never fl.nd two people who otrlclal "t'/CCI'Ul.'nt", Il.Il young lllt1era

~ pain, en ~re fool enoUfm to tl\kc IV' 011 1'....lJw:;ll'r brl'nkk."I from TI'XAoI:! Jtuldow no Iongt>1" h3'7 n jtl':tl{'(> or Ttw 1i':I ....lil. JtI(llH' PrtWb& sa!d.

~~:r~ih~e::~~:~ For Autonsv ~~~ye~~:. ~1: ~:e~ ~~1iE=;~~~=~:::_u~;:C\u';tln PFIIC111'tt·~qll<'\VO_~:lj. ~l,~otll:':' ~~~'d~~t'~~_rUY .~._·-----!~~~U1e~=ch:::fi_be_ cht~bO~f~~!~v~~~lA:~~::a~6\evr:l' lJ~i~~'~ ~ ~~.~~~:::'l~;1wJl.;"~~\'~ ~::~ 'I":":~:l;':;;:; ::(U:;~:~o-t::\=':u---

had written hI:J nnme On U1e top .. n. Olm ea O. n..... a Ll\I\.b.:l W'AIJ e.lec1ed OU'rtrozo. pre· t'p I 0 I 00. (l(\ "r W'!L~ I'«"('nt h1l:ltl'\\1dl' T('OrunmldUIlTI Of ••! .',':1 1lIlll"'durl' for thl' DltlVic:&e of bb tablet ....nnr iDcteaci- of . '! 1 Ilrb at. theIr borne Dec. 21, have c~ malnnan. and Vcdn Steven. cll'nT nnd I;UlUlY at preG:I Unto. Clnd the Nrw Ml'lOOO 100wr l~lUl't. "~'h" ..",

........ i,'" I) • been exhumoo IUld Iln autoP5Y baa 1lDa' 00 re<lInct vtoo-cbal every Pl'OllPl'Ct wao I'Or 0 top tlt11ng . 1 dll.1 h., \ ., I" 01 papcr!! L'S reQUIrabOve it an abe had mstruoted. " "» • " ) beC1l performed.. 1b&nwas nam p j r· wl'(>uncL ~~~' J:l' ~ltnl1Ul'U\'l'r Wt'lil 11110 t'/. "d ""d JI<' plnnmlf lhc party

It kter turned out he wan DOt to ' . '," J' • A.t;:JL'1arit I>1s.trtc\ Attorney Wll. ' Mallllltt'r lWy Parker of the ".... . bl m~nllh Cl '.\111 ml1"4 0;('(' that thl'Ybkme at an. A new boy wiU1 tho :.. . .• <. \." .,j..' .. ~ ~rn Pa~ s.ld tbIlt. be .~ awalt.' Jol~N~~moc=rl.'~~ BIl?rro Blanoo Ski Area repOrted Ponnl?rly. th('re were 210 JU~;tIl'I?'l (11".('1\ "d 011 llll' dl'fmdant.-tbeaam"name bad tral19terred In and. i. . J _ orUellat 'word of UIb rc~ ot"t/i. P~ ~t'!:on &!Jm~lr ~CIJ=to that Ill/a weekend thl'fO were:lOOO . .'.-__ • _ 11:111)' IWI!lllllliUt'dnot tnoW1ntr the rules, bad tl'tUJS'o W. N. MORRISON RICHARD ~ARSONS the auWp::;y. - il~ county convention and Sam A, p31d llclcrit.'1 1:.;:nJed for nkt 1U't:J. \"',.lIll'l ;l, Ihl' IIlnUl':tratt> IIrrong.1'l'MeeCl. ~ COx as bts altomate. Mm. ,\gnllD ••A groat GUccC:;S" \Wl!I h1!l report ,'tI !I", ..", I,·" ul p:1pt'r'l Now the

:r..:at.er, .In JUD!or h11h .8Oboo1, We F" C rJ-0 f BUL'&JrlN Crou::c ......, oeleoted &c1in8' preclntt on the IIJ1ltll:ll tordill8bt d«Jeen\ Of p:umart mu:;t SN III touch With~!~rlJbopd'~ th~O~!OWfltf·"'~~O·,'. ,. U,fr a.n.,""'. 1,". . a.·.·,e·.',S'· '(, " ";,, ;~: J,.} ~ ~ '~Irman and tJC!C1'etary. Slr:.rr~...Bl:1~ b

dY '~nJgrouph'h~f ex- lUI' 'llrinf( h\lm:r~l"l! -01' 1Io1th another~u.... W' e_" toO -, '. . ." JUlt at III'C'lJl1 tIme, h7M ')(rJ), Fern sawyer, oountf DemQ. pe.. "",ern .,;l.,ur l1J (; •• ....,~wcen rllll' "',,)"'<>1 'f'

~.....~ ,~a~_ bo~ ~~.i. botoc' '5' I P ulled Ure lltahl... oNm etfteo mUc Oba1rrn.n. sa\d other pre· 400 and 500 pcrOOM ""..tdted the 'I Ill' r. (' lor '....rvtlla' pa~ns reo..--.... '" ..... ..,...... .....- t io ..,.that the a.u,q wwe. diDct meet1rc~ bl.tt ~ )'el d(l:;t)Cr-,.ond 350 .~wnde<l ltte ae· lin'!!" 1M <:';IftU' f3 ~~per.~\ cse~J1f.y, \ e'e "'- . 11'0 OS S tlte dlUtlnn "''ere aU'1t)~)56 •. 'been ~e4!"" • ,. ~ w. : " ," OOIfJlJ;'lllYItt1'r dlud at> thlt pi Io~o. IW \II~lt'CIIll'. Thl' ,lllOrMtY aOC!Il till, '

( '-'.:cr,~yo~ JUUe~w.~*t"' . ':, . '. ,: llU. ,."1' ')\:.':}j:.'. ..,. Ume the,pnr~~I""" IMoC d nullo6llt 'mmb£~~ JP~If' In At~mt!lncc. \tr..~ reported twIce !.ht' ''lIN Ul d('p..(tIll(\Qt, not toI.and."a:.tntdl.i1dftJr UI>'tb "n.bour .Tour ~ , ,.~~ '. ;e;1dnf My ·eta~, '!i~ ~ld. or .m.kC-l~12,JHlPII1.~.f') oJbe ""6~. :voteif:t9.l?I'i'Qnlu,>. lh;:t.o~prevlo~ )~rD. /h" h,dl\Cdu:'l1 nwmllt'r d It v.t»'t'It6II be"~~a~~'Jo~ he e)ocUott to ~~flJ . L~,~.-nd my mother. Dt!D& !tate, cervce1 L!6IUUtlllllJ1lll, . ,,',1 .,". A prtlCliDct Dom~ WQ:p,cp'a " Were ~mobbcd, Parker MId." , ';pp,' ~Jlf> P:'lIWr'l The COlIG!».blesWOUld MIl ~ be· ...~ reac$Y to Ruldofo~· , .. .~Id ~()11 Pf.3f, ~·botal't1<i in LIrl¢ob:\, 4·m-«~e.f, "".~ft;..~..ni- . <Cub. WNr"M:fIJ. ·~ll.:l, ,aC1.l.ll&' WII.tI tht>.:;c ll~r breau. our .1 :.h" 1(':ul('r~Y t.l"r\'od &X\Pe~ baVlt' •c~'hti~.!',. • tlCh0Cl1boa~~\,: ... )~l~~t;bun'Y:tUUltauJdo!llI.:· cJelkl! thaI the tlie \\"u ~u dla1rnf&hJ' " nttl'nc11nC'.c MO boon a~ all .. Dl'" , ltlj(.h~llt'd. 'I1U9 of COUlS.

' : J. . ", ApproxlmaUlT'~ir~~,~21IDtllng• -bJitive ~l11dOCO'11 anct an ra1DCl add,etJ. "1; "'WI ,.. .... " 'Ihe toll"'" 'mec'!~' "MiX ,be ,a high ~ ft,. w.ru: ..11.1 ~~llS. and lIll'a!I'. morl' \,'ork (or r.bcrlU's ••11~~~~~~~~:!~e tD8 Wil.h1n the ~.«~ '. 11JNW !n'<Idunfc, turn Vit4Uy ~r. 10 ih&t 'tl~~.1l1l.w....... bt'Imch,ftc"n"tr /(~h1, U) 'pJn. a\ morl' ~~I \'i~.\;e o\er bad at t.bJs p.1I"m. I,~l nJl O\'l'r lhc G«Lte. and e

l-__---;;.;ve..-AVlUU"" "'e PaVO ..... V\NOO". ,,' '; .' ..... oI!' btl u, .' '" ',"IIlI'. n' m c:nm I 0 COUnty, ve_.....~-= "":"'~TYO~me 'omr dldil~, " . ,- ,~. '.' . ':lqwn Is only Il9 lfOOd u~.s aebooblj .Uae mvttttp,Ueo." . " ..teem -the Mtmlcipal Bwimmlng Mo~ of !.he 00ll('gb~slc1efn b&\-'e fl'll',"nT flwui .t"\'!j r,\\umpl'd.WVlI --.. '.. .,., ~ . \!lercfore RuJdotio .1Id Ruidoso w, It 1Utb1<lh of tho Slate nre Pool. A1I DentOd"&t1c women wlll be been trom TI'X1I8 In:;tl:.utloll..'l. 1'cXM . fill' • llC'I'trr Itl':l' I EnwS1. san-tbenl, w4rk tor ~'OUr n~per. Th~ ~re w,'O C&1Ic,Uda ·roi' Downn. need U1e very be~t GCbool!l Mar<..hnU'o omoo In Santa Ft\ ll&te1 1OV1ted, whether from Ru1do.:;o or Tectl studl.'n1lJ wcre on hand c"rUcr 'h, t' It:!, bl'l'n "l'T)" OOOJICfnU\'e."

They tU'e courteou3, booest and Ncb po3lfion open. Doth. ~1Io1Ul ~blc.· .. , thaI, the cau::c 01 the Clre bu DOt otltllr prol1ll of the countY, In !hI.' wl'l'k. fOlloWed by UnivernUy I', .• , lU'!'. '_'ltd 'ltl' bll!) r.a1d bedepeodable, '11Jjs v."&!l DOt beaten ~ve a c1lt·ycar term. . ~ ~ yet been'offictAUy d«ennincd. .01Tl'Xt\O nt Au:.:tln !ftudelM. _An.m., lU: .",U1.l.'.All .!he..pnpe1n he..alD•._

u'-~:~1n3UIlec1-!nC&tbem--u~:e~~th~o:;; de~i!,~~t~~~= 1n~~:a~~:'~~,~~nae~' VillageC--ouncil ;~~U:nt~v;i~~IQ~rU:1.:U~ ~~;~.'~;;':~t:~I'Il'ruiE Willi taw en-. ''Ibe 111M ~~ Ulan 'UId did oCt 01 lapata.. aRuldo:xr r;pecln1ty mtraetlll_ toll~ 111' _ftO. _11 M , • the f1rc 1tceU lD concerned. the rn. t\ tq ~l'porWd. T _ ., . JUDGE PRITCHETT Kale P:;Ilt'r.J l'.an b(> l:erved bY

00 8q abO}) lLnd an Agua Fr1ll. rcs1dcnt. . ~', ~q p .,....... "'~... to vOC".!gaUllti b already COmplll~ T C 'd on" IlCiPl'tullltgn OO!l'iJ at the SJd 01 UIt' pcaCl' ill N"w Ml'xlOO Now nnv 1Jt"A'fl OVl'r 10 a pbll1lUl ooed-fJlbt ~;a~~~ be- and Ed Ooodnnn, Jtuldooo Vaney their fullt'Sl. potential 00 they may But tbcre may be oome qtle5tJoD o~ 0 OnSI er nrl':l I.. nn IncrooC(! In wCt!k-day therl.' nrc 67 mog15U'Q.le" ll'll 10"14'1 c,'rvlt'l' roll Illwnyg II!'re~~ ta~ a beaUng~ rancher. f~allZe U1etr ll'O&b of college and the fire Curther by the d1!;trIct at-' 9kllng nt Slerrtl QIQlIOO. The dnllg('O\('T In Ull' !owpr rot',m, h,d:;- ",q' to do ittam, most of those hard rock. lads Seeking Posmon Two nrc: Rich. e. tomey," FI-ve Annexati·ons 'Morl' poopkl nr(' tllldng ad\'llD- court lI)'titt'm Wll!'l mmtd:lI, d by till' " .l\I,":I'H !'lullg" undL>r U1e ne"could probably whip Nev.'lon. ard,Parsons. Ruidoso attorney who I feel the "RuIdooo School Sys· He said hill office Will have DO lng" of tht' spect:ll ~f1ng vacation Stau- Ll'uKntur(' £U II!> IflGlJ "(''1 "\' ',,'Ill lo lor UII' ronvl"~ffiCC of

• • • hag been~ ns Ilttorney for tern b for'tUIl:'lte to hIlve 5UCh ~gb. report on the fire ImUl U1e enure The Ru1dooo VIUall'e Counc1l wtll plll!l'~:' £I 51£111 ml'mber Gald. !;j0ll 't1w Strlt(' 6upu'tII" ("courl II:" P;" I.mimg Ihl'm.'lt'lovl'.'l !>'I\l"d.We tIltend to tlgb~ ap~ this the!lChoo) board, llDd W. N. Morrt. Iy qU:lllfic-d adm1nl5trotlve person, 1n\'e~Uon Is complete. oonatder the annexaUon of llpproltl. "EHr1' )'l'lIr we h3ve 1J1Ol'C' people promuJgnlt'd the ru,t>:l lur tlh,lk'••/rlld h:'l\'l' to caml' Into court

pracUce of beAting cbDdren as long oon. OOmmunlty Public Servtce nel ond leachern, It would be my The Inve&Uilltwn v,'1llI made for mately 400 Ram v,'hen it meew nt dUriJrg IJlI' week Al.w. more peo. chang('(J\'el" !Il " .... thNT nn.7.lil'rQ. but may ~as we are publ1!lbltlfr your DeWBo Corporation servtce ID:'lDager. drotre. U eklc1ed. to ma1Irt1l.1n those the S:ate Fire Man::hal by ~ L. 7'30 p,m. tonfll'b\. ('Ib1D'SChlyl In U1e pIe lrom Alnmoll'Ordo Dre comma Explatnlfltl the rww fO)'r,t"m In nn 'h.m by mall A (onn lQ nltl1ched~per. AU reg1l;terOO \'Uters In the &00001 standardsl." 0, Raney. of the Roswell omce of MUDldpaJ B'l11ldlng, up 10 sk1 during UIt' week," tntervtew WI!! week. Jutlf!f' pm, to '),1" compbsnt, rolled ..Aoo....er

We .dcnIand that the Joca) scboo) d1l;trtct will be ell:Pble to VI)!..e for DAN ORIFFlTH the State Police. 'The arNg PropoGed rol' Ilnnl'x. =~=.. ". eJJeU t>:1ld th" b!ll'i:l.'<;t ell..ngl' Iq m '" C', mp~alnt' All the dl'tendantboard or. if necessary, the BC&te candrda1e3 tor boUl pogJtlO1l!l. How· As a rondldate for a poJ:iCon on At the lime 11 'i\"1lS revealed that. lotion inclUde: tho Al'..o Crc&t nru. Ski Instruction the handllng 01 trnrrtc lUr~[j tn', 'II do (.., lenT It off and mall Itleg1*ture. pass & rule DO child ever. by tradltioD, PoJiUon 1 Is for the ochoal board. I would mo&t like Raney v,"a9 makiDfi the I.n'l.-utfila· w,klXlg In 280 &crOO. and an Upper Ninety per cent 01 t!J1' prllp~(> I" !I',~ mQf:~;tmtt'be sUuck except in dire emergency. a vaUey reaftlesrt B.lld PosiUon 2 to Work for e. ochoal r;ystem v,'htch uon. U1e State JI'lre Yal'!lb&1's of· C&n$Clnex~ of 40 (ICren., bolb Stans Wednesday cited lor traWl' vtO!atlOT.t1 no '011;1' TII.'1 to) lmportlml. bt'CaU!ie U awttboat school a~ !mJt for a rCl&idem 01 tho village of oUern our cJ1Udren the bem &ea. flee exp1a1ned M. by Ea~ tabt an requeS"..ed by RuIdo:lo Lalld Sa)oo. Between 150 and 200 RuldMo er appear In court Thl'Y ':1InpJ1' JlPrrHfl fait'S to arr;\\"er withln acolllSUJt1Dg hl.s P&1'eatIJ. RuIdt:J::o. demfc prcpamttoo to be round In l!s fJre lnve9Up.tom ...."ere "ott Ine.; the Bam Montgomery prop. school JI"JPlb are expected to take mati In their "pctlllity ar..-;('r<.:',' 1('mUnued to Pare 4-Sec. A)

We aak an peOple wbo feel as we 'Ibe only polIJng p~ace will be In the state. WiU1 todaY'a sUH com· reck" so Raney ....'&0 caned In. ertJ. IlO Raoo; the Kampground of IIdvantage of !he fUUl attnual reo men!.!!" t)'Ou aren't E:lJPPO!ll'd to _ ~ _do about thts to 1eM us the1r sup. tbe Home Economics ButIdlllg at Petition for college a~n and America property. ott Hlghv...y 10. lea!:OO ttme 6kt ln3tMJotlOO pl"Ofrr&m caU them flnco' to the Q>urt Ad, A T BePOrt. RepOrt such iDcIdentsto Ruf~ High SCbooI. n wI1l be tbe Lncrea.slngly demandIng stand· The reoo1!.s wU1 help de!.ermine 10 acres; atld 1M m Thompson to d.llrt Wedne:Jd&y mfnWrator, Suprcml' <'~urt DuUd" . ssessor 0-1 .........ut'_ a--...r...... open from 8 a.m. to 7 p,rn, TlJe3- ard.'l or employei'll:.. our sht1dren ....'hetJler or not <:bIl1'gC6 wW be rued P""""'l'tY. • .........._~ tho Ru1dooo All l:'.udl'..llw. Whether they Intend ............. ....~~;~..~~;;: day. ,neOO ex~nemooboollllg more each In U1e cue, ~~'"tour Raes. to uke tho llkt lescol19 or ~,wlU N.;:u:a:n"'·n troffle offLc{'r clleswmtever et5e J8 necesSlry but 8lOp No excitem~ bBo yet developed year. The dilldren., whose c::bItred Village EDa'lneer Jack KAbDady. be released from Gcllool at noon. a motor15t for A tromc vlolllUon, hI' At Village HaIlthe be&t1ns 01 c:bUdrdl. In U1e school race. AU co.nd1dates Abo. m:nee J operate a bU&1ness bodfes were tcund in the ,ruins of Sr. Is sebedu1ed to presenl a map 1A'OOOM will be offered for boYD f,!;1t3 hlm U he Wl."Jles to ncct'jrt

----------, have dec':ared their confidence In Ia RUldo!;o. I w1Il nearly always be their house on llJdderth Drtve to the Q>unctl sbov;:ing the propoced ond (l'lrb I.n gradoo four IhrOl:.gb 12. the assc=ent or go to COUI1. RWdom property owners and tax.S Rep 11_ the precem school board and ad· available to lls<..en to parents, tescl1- were: R1clty L~'Im, 5: Sbawn Lyle. annexaUons.· by. arrangement between U1c 900001 II the rnotort.<;t admit!! hI' dld It. p:1yrr'l mny render the value of

fate ub.u.can II11n1!ltraUon. All have eald they era or students who have qurotl.ons 2. and IUJoDda Oen, 11 monUls. 'Ihe 00u0cU wW alro: dlstrlct and U1e sld program.com. the offl(J('r puts the amount of Iht' thPlr propertIes for the 195 taxChalnnan VisltI &l'4llnterested til tna1nt:llnJng quaU· or &UggeliUOns regarding Ih 0 'Ibey were the ebDdreo of SSt. -A.pp:llnt a member to \be Q>UD. mltlee Mombeltl are Don Driver, a~ent In a comer of thl.' ttek. FoIl-> to County Assesror Marian

ty education for Ruldooo and Rut- schools. and Mrs. Fred Yoctey. Their fa. ty Airport Q>mmtttce. to be nainOO Waynt' Estes and Dave Pam. et aod U1c nwtorlst stgn.q It, Ito Sl'hlllTb from Monday. Feb. 3•..;~~~: =~~~ doso DoWDS. No IssUes have be- ED GOODRUM ther Is a sertrean~ In the R.u1dol!o by the Q>tinty CIonunJl;doo at ltD 1'hl' lemoM will 00Gt $3 tneh1!1· mlli19 the penaltY III. and that'D nil, lhro~ Friday, Feb. 14. at tho RuI-... W· ....... .......- D_"'U come atJpQrent. II I 11m elected I plan no oha!'!!!es Village PoUce Department. Feb. 6 meettDir to p1an for .. !JChe. ing ski relitaL'l and $2 If GtUdenta Nnturol1y Lhl!J bas mennl n drop do'O V1U3ge lfult.... • "'lUI, ....... 4 __......,~n The Ruidoso News askedeacb .... d..1.ftd ,~rt ... ....._ f." have theIr own 8Itf:I.nanCl' Cbalrman troin Albuquerque, Cluididate to make a brlef state. In the present edlool leadersbip or. ...., au.... 011 w,e ......, o. ....e In bt.L:;1neG:.I at Judlre Prl!dll'tt·O Mm SChInrb announced tb&t

sald-ol 1968 when·he m~t ~th & ment to'the vo!..ers regardln;!bJs !~ ~ethord Ofno;:~~ ~~~t ····TV.." ·T,··o"Fealur',a pr~~~"~I.....n~!..rnIJ1pn_': .",.... W·o-m-en 'Slat-e··" QOurt~ bmln···M!»dY In!! bellNl hIm :'~()l'~.~wod~~ ~oer ~~·e~n·v~n·Mlot'e·~~ ~of'.- ...-group--of- 117 "Joc:al'iUpUbl!caDIf 'iot'ijUa'IHICiHons'nnd vfews. 'The fol.....e, ;;':<;()1l3' .~..... """ ..,..... " -~YOcn""" troO ...,,, ..... JC.. camp.. . Ul ,. ",~ I' ... ~ C ......,

the Nob mu~...1JtaDt 'lh1mIday. lOwing were received: dose MUD1ctpa) SChoOls are very B b H report of the Ru1do9o Mun1cl'pal There have been' oUl~r rJulngr'l .lllllpayem In f11ll1ll' U1elr propertyl"an annotmCed 't.b&t & ViCtory . capable. our three cht1dren have ar ary unt Airport. V-II P W one could moon some rnCl'l'at.c In ml'lmtlol1!l for the ll!>:lCl&!;JtICnt roU8.

d.lDner will be held ..t the Sheraton llICHARD ": PARSONS attended school In three different -Act on .. req\1t!Slt of the vt11Age .1 age ow- ow the number of OOSl"1l, but hasll"t Sh" hils ytgI!.{'d other locationsWestern Skres A1buqUe u I have sen;ed as the attorney for systems. I1Dd thJs I.s by tar U1e best. , ., adln1n1BtnaUon to seU surpllw eqplp. y&t. Formerly. the J3Y'P1.'es h3d III thl' ('Olmty for the !/lime P\lI'PllM ..Feb 22 TicJce~ will coet1t~ on !.he school boa.rd for a number ot My opInlon Is that the main A Barbary !lIleep hunt In the mem at aUCtIon, IDc1ud1ng veh1Clcs, '.''Image ·Pow.Wow: Priorities ror JurlsdlcUon over ctvll case!! rnvolv- sIneI' Jan 10. On w~Y an.ctcouPJ~.· . .•.. -- per fears. I am acq,.1ilnted with the function of the school bollrd Is to Hondo area wW be featured CD a N,<Uo and offSee eqwpment. IL PootleS9 Rtil'dO!lo" wiU be UiC! Jng amount.4 up to ~. TheSlI- Thursday 01 lb1s. weU,.pbe~ .

~ .... ~_.... -problems.,faclng tOO board, and I waf-eli Uie seooo'1 fhuUlCes;' anlI' nAtional te1t>vt:!lIIon- network: ... . VIUa«e Cf«k' .fames Hrne said topic of a Panel~n ata Rut- pteme ~urt Increased the nmount I'd property rendit1on3 at ttJe Rut.• .. share In common their alms. leaVe operation of the academIc otDrtie~CoH1~== thaI City Attorney John Thomlll!lOn doso Women's Club mooUna' at ., to $600. dow Dowtl!l Vltbge Halt .

W 'II!! Al'H'II!!R w. N. MORRISON program up to the hlghIy.qualUled . arne , ba.9 been workUltr on a ntlW sewer p.rn. W«ldnesday. Jl'eb, 12, in the Oddly enough, In the first month She remInded New M"xlCo vet-Ii~ . . .. As a CIllidldate tor PoSItion 2, professi'onal3 who are now In ~ i'\1lde basebtt.Uatar Tony cen- ordloaooe and may want to it1scUI19 women's Club nuUdlbg. of opera.tlon ooder the now sy~m. I'rnn.'S lh.'\t t!Jl'Y are enUtled to a

RUidoso School Soard. I wI1l state ohlirge. 'S ro on "~ S.rbary It With the cotmell. The ordinance The prOll'ram Will tollow a Bweet- there has been a drop rather thlIn $2000 I'xemptton. but oo1Y it lheyWeell.flIDl1 fori'!cad: ·0Ifar aD4 my reasons lor being a. candidate. I WIl9 born and raised In L1nco1n hunt.:n an A:BC .American SpotU- w1U ck1tern'ilnc WbSdl restdents of heart Covered DUb 9Uppcr at • ,.n \!Pf1WIII8 In me number of eMl prl'SCnt a certlrtcate Of eUClbWt~'

't'I'IU'IReI'. W~frbeio ~ <»..-teq !lIr!Jt:, I have two ehI1dren in the'. County. in the Picacho area. Where man 8bo'W. the vtnage wU1 be required to con· p.m. CIl~ with proper endorsement.., .......... lia1dpal Alrperi. nuldo9ltSCboolSystem. my father was a pioneer raocber. It is scbedu:1ed telt 2 p.rn, Peb. Met. tberr properties to !he ex- JUdi'o Austin Pritchett wt.U~••'-~:-::='-=-=-""':""__~_""";' -::""'~:'::;'=7"':':.:::'=-====-~'~(r=:==:==:============'="==,.::'='=.="=======.~... I Uved tor a t1me Ia Roswell and 2:1 on KOB, CbaI1De't 1. In Albuquer. panded aewer syMem. i'a!..e the dl.!iCUslJ1on. and lItWen clvtc -

" ... elsewhere In tbe state bUthaV6 tlUe. The IIbow WAS coe 01 two leaders WiU act as panel1a'lB. Each "Clarice·.,.n·su·r·an'c·e Agenc·y been lI. resident of Rutdoso DoJ;xis American Sportllrilen llbows fJlm· BookmobUe To'VlIlt wit) brlOf1y OI1t1lne two or three pe,tstnce 19G3. I believe lbat a cttuen e;d in coopeoratJon w)lb the New proJeeu., or day drea.me. wtUcb heo""es lfOlDetbi'D4f to h1s commUDltY•. UelCJl»..~ M ~me an4 RuldosoDo~ pet1lCnaUy has tor makiD« Ruldotloand when- t W1IIJ a*ed·to ruttfor .1'Wi~ fOr a 'naticlMl -air.. ~ '!few·JleXteo Bta"'te-"t1bNory'j in 61Itstiniilnif town.· '.,the schOol board I cou1d 00\ refulJe 1ng 011 netYw'Ork tetevf8lon In Jl'eb- lIOU~ bratlCb In Lovt'ngt.oD The pane1Utd w1tl1nclude: MayO&'

.• , . 'l1I&i7. ~ that Ita boOkmobUc\ wtU Lloyd L. Davis. Jr.: Tommy Per.TROut Pt.AN1'ED The ether, to be ebown at 2 p.m. b6 at' iIItIe ~e HaU, RuldOfl(j f,(,'t!t, chairman of the Ll'iloolaooun-

SAN'l'A ll'E-The ~etlt.of Sunday on KOB TV, AlbUquerque. DoWDll. tram 11:30 a.m, to 12:30 tY DeveIopmcot AIJIIOclatlon: Daveoame and nm has plaIUd more IS a lIbort l'i~ on ICe 1WWIg p.m, Wednesd&Y.-l"eb. 5. March a, Parks, of Area College; sUi Pat­than 1 m1ll1on trout In NeW MexlcO lbat futUres lOft StaatoJ' Hat'OkI APril'••1110 and May 23. Woon of AttoSealfO\'l$. IDe.; Dciow.&Ulrtl 'dt.trfDg the nr.t sbt DlOt1tb8 Hughea and b'n1er footb&D~ on ~ arne dates, it w11l T18lt. stark; Cb1amber of Commerce man­of fufoal 1~ aoool'd1ng to Roy 1"oresl. JCv&I"'Ae"V'81I1. 1'be fl1mtl:lc~ from .:ao to 10:30 &.11'1. ager: Ken JtnaW, O&tbedral of theE. BlLtk.«.·CItW ot tbe :neberioa wu dooe·~«cae taktt en b.flo- jot' the~~ book bor. Pl'Jle3,.OO Jlm H1ne, VUJagb Cloort.DiW4on. ItWa~ 1'DlIa11~.. toWCl11l, • managcl'.




•, .•.1 ••'> '." ~ T , .' _ _,. • ',' .'


Page 2: '0 fHE Pm-lies. V-el1J..,'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/RUIDOSO... · With Barney GOP Re-Elects .Demos To Name It came as a 5boct to us tb1s Dr. Dale

-10 , .t _.. . . .~


, .






. I,,










I )

~ v


\ I1




~ .,



, .

; \

•.. • _.ll





. .


FLAMELESS ELECTRIC HEATA whole new world of eornfort, cleanliness andconvenience awaits/you and your family whenyou select modern electric heating. Enjoy

"'-sonshine;clean, .gentle,' even -treat 'throughoutyour home with a eentralsleetric heating sys­tem • , • or choose fndividual units with rOOrrl­

by-room thermostat e.onJror.. EI~!ric heati~g· .units'a're'compact,'cost 'Jess to install ~nd areeconomk:al 'to operate. Before you build orremodel, cal 'US fOr a1ree heating survey andan estimate.of operating cost.. .


Bob's Refrigeration


Lavenia Gardner

D1DeaSc::J ot tho re!lP!ratory sys­tem ranked rJrat ao a resson toroontaoting 4octors In 1m .

Glover'•..... L8.

" SEJll,VJNO .....mtlAMf\.Y


W. Cl••~Slim.,.


Shopping Center


PINTO BEANS .. ,.... 2 For sse





POTATOES ~~~:: ~on~ ... '3 For '.45e.


·,HAM·'Cann.d.... 4lb. . $4'98~ FUlLyC(H)kfD.•.••..••••

,1 .



'Made III


Girl' ,.Scout, !i fl .


• • •

w. carry aComplete LIne






Local and O,lenh1t



Did You Know?



Srowme Troop No. II, 11tl4~r"", .&uPcrvWon ,of \,bW oo~~.d!!1', ....1'.. .Pln-Qrltflthr mve ·tJfetl'W!1tIcq-·on paper lIO\I\'O\1l. 'rue)' lito .~.

beglnntnr _ filM *,r()Jc~I' ttI.lc.tngPoor Pitiful Pe.t} dollrs. 'fheli4\4ttllmllde of rll!t "nil they lire. '~'~ch..Ing Ibe ""r101l9 PRrb With bu~.tl$.

The e-Jrlll report they mis;' thch'leader., Mtll,J,ame$ "1~ZS'llr.Jd,vcry mUCh. Mr!l. PltZJlltald fIlhOl'.opltaHted at tho· prcsoot.Tb~girls ~ abc' 15 back with them1l00lJ. They eaC'.Jl mAde l\ g~t-w~lI

card 10r bel' la!:! week at Ole meet-.m, and ~n\ them to her Hope 'cba

enloY8 them.1'l115 .troop of Brownies meetll

each Wednesday IltNob IDII SChoolcafeteria. a1 ap.m.



Blackio Mostellerat the ptan••nII •





Buddy Boydl1W1Qn the boH

EnlOY Iluldoto', Fin... Food01 ',epored by ou, Continental Chef

Alois MW1I.l'And Hrved In the beoutlM AJJMl' Ot"~ btfn







!J I . I


On All·




·10 OFF

No etty In ~f U. 8. ts free fromlY~~rCY19$!!l. (N M T\!!>er(;4!Q:;11l'" Re~plmtory Dllll'a.'le M9C. I

..---'----~iIiii-"nlEiii' OJ --'1

Hotpolnt L~ 88t

Dryer - $177

lI'lvr-F.'Jectric en--Clubb ,.!1':'s----...--.l

Presented Branches .Of Dried Manzanital. dried bmnrn of manzanita was

prescnte4 t~ ·eac~ member ofllieJ'l,uldoso Garden Club from the 001·leet~n ot P~viet '.I'nwIs, .Mtl$mel)Qp (IWllcr. at its !'a.,s,t meet1n(; 4t

· fbi: llQm~, otMrs. l1~ Ola/iSll1ireI\M Pr. K4fhlel:n DoeriIlg.

~1J(c dtUtWOl)d.th,es1l ~r~llC.hesI.U·~~'ed in matiUS' flower arrange'

· mlint:'i. Mri3. Loucllra counts' demoonstrc te!.! t~l'ee arrangements. one

· wfih~-carz;.:l.(lons, one 'I\';\th large· red cherrtcs nnd one with st.rlngs

ot br1lltl-CO'ored beads andfiowers.E. a. Itnrdy, local nurseryman, •

dlll.cUfsed the be't pl~nts to grow Installed Doe HeadIn thl:l IceQ:.!!}', and how to care· ...,...,COl' them. . " Laventa OJir~r w.s ~U~4

He emphi\!l~ed that mUlch1n(f 18 ns,prcsldentQf n.~. o. Poe~DJ,'9vllbenefLcll1\ to all P:I.lJW; In tM Rul. 15~ 11'1 ceremomell !!>t the re~.rdO~o area. ~aUBe_ of the cold mee.~lnj{ of :the .nights., He. recommended against. Modie.~~ursd'll~.Jj':antltlg- Defore MIlr.ch 22. and PaW-me ~Wher. ~1I.t ptcs14ent

'ELSIE'S HOME-Mrs. Els,le Willi""'ms, Ruidoso Nows SQc.lo'y edl- stre"'5ed tho Imvo~nce of making 0' the 4lllmogQrdo PrQve, Wll~... boElngn aroUtld each pllwt to hold dep¢y SUPreme prt:.s1dent~l)d

tor, Is convoleoelng at her home following recent surgery In the ·water aroUnd the roots. O1llg'er Yearly.. al!;QQt A1s1n9a'QJ::'Roswell. She Is seen lIurrounded by cords and flowers sen' New officers were ~lled In a do, ~ deputy /iUJlreme tondqc.by well·wlshers. • .~. service conducted by Mrs. Ike tor.FUteen other me;nbc!rs j)t tile.~<'.~.- ~ OJ., , --.--;;-•.----~.~--'""..-~- Kennedy, who EubstItuted for Mrs. Alamogordo Prove, ~11Jd.b:lS' the

CI b' p". T''-b' L. L. Dnv1'1l. Sr. Twenty-one memo "Uama,"pf thE: nutdoso ·Drqve,. . r 0'ys rl ut bOl'li answered roll call and two Loin &n1Ui, were pr~~ to ~stU '. . e (l'Uel')~s, Mrs. Jay Moody and Mrs. With tho inliW.1bltloll., . . .

- . CaUle RDBeUe, were presect. Ii1stalled••JQll8' Witb J.r.rs, o..m.• Mrll Frank Adams as31sted the ner, WC~ 14Wlll1lt& fJU'Ong, saUte

T· L t' P ·d t WfAeoon C'h!1!ltlatl,- .. 'llJola,w..uceJ;.,'.lleUY .o . a e 're5Ien' Kappa Kappa Iota =xi ~~~~:~~:ke~:dred Watitlez, w-.tioM&rltn. Kay

A mrmor1l'tl 'of'rv,c'P rorthe ~l4> 10 a m Fcb. a at the OourthoUllC in Sees Slide Show AU1soa .ncSl"rll~ ~n WereMrll l'~dT.a DUM Wl\!I oondlU"ted at ea" ,1'()l:J CoZor slldCll of NavlUo rltual.", appointive oMcer& m.."1alled.the h::.t rt'Il'U,lr ml'(''t1n:r 01 !bt, MM. W 0 Pnttermn, flrGt vice. oaDd plllnt,\'ngo and the colorful Refre£mnents of sandwk:h.es, d1ps.ItUldo >t:J-!wud" Vlllk'y EXWIlWOTl prpt;\dl·llt. prlJ~lded .at the bWlltJellS Gallup P<\~l1de and Ceremonials ohlp~ fruit cake I'M coffee wereO.ub Bt the Woman'/} ClUb. mp('tmg' !ihr was advanced to wore Ehown by Mm. Roy Lare ~rved a~ the ~1 bour toUoWilli

At UIC lime 01 ht'r drath Jan Ill. pr('!lldl'llt. M,n J W. McKn1t!ht of Wben Kappa Kla.ppa Ioba, national the' meeting wbSoh I\V&S ..tte~ctUn. {)lUll WU', prt' ,u!t'nl 01 ttw Pl<'-lt11O \':~, moved up to rJrct vtce.. leachem' f:.Ororlty, met kw1. week In by quite a lll'oup of El1c5 trom Ala­IJTOUp. . p"",.dl'nt. lind ~tr. J A. Durr.."! of her home In Ruldooo Downs mogordo and Rufdooo. in addition

Mr,l J 0 Harr 1'1. \\110 conduc>t('d HUld"'''-1 ~U:. l'1!'('ltod uecond vicCo Helghl.3. to tbe Does.thl' IrnllrPJ" iVI' 'l'Tvlct', litOOl1 bto· pr,'lild(·/lt Tho kodachrome s1ldeo wore tak.IMle a whtt(' unprovt;('d al!Cr. With Ho I\C<:lP'l for the COveted dI!!h en by her oon, an anthropologistII hu(li' whl!p mlldl!' rC'pr",;entlnl\' lUlll'hH.n III Iloon w!'ro Mrs. T. J. curr-cfl.Uy .....,orltlrm with the Stete1lr~ht, ami ClII opl'n Blbl!' n·pr('~nt· Frank. Mr'l n o. Whltc, Mm. Wt>Uaro Service amona the Naw.In:J ralth lind h'lpl'. nnd f1owern. f<!luro Jr.a~ aday. Mm. L. 0, crewn Jo ImllaD.'J 1IvJn;r In the Four Corn·aymIJo/.zlug Ihl' :0\'1' tf 1111' aud ohd Mm PIIVCr- 'In e/'3 nrro.bUlIU1) Fl,(> rrad Uw poem "To· '1'111'[(> Wl'rt' 2Il rnernbcrll and five FoZloW1ng the (hOwlng of the plc.

,,,....,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,, ,..<;:~.....~........ ' ........... '~'>o"o~, morrow" . IfU,' 1pTltA'n~ turca, the group Ilstc'lll'd to the pef·o . '. M/'] Nom l.uamn as·Jr.tf.'d by .." > connl cxpcr.encc!l of MrlJ. Eve 13311 Washe,.-Dryel'$ _ RangtlSi·..·IIIIIIIIII..III..IIIIIIIII I I II : llUhlU g till' 11:11.1111' nlld (,"1\'lnt! thc Sl)fori t V Votes Lud other mcmoor.'l wllh thc Indian . Dishwa,h.rs

i tl1 Bill~ ffll&fftelfi 1l .ft1fa\1f~ l ~~r~~Jgr ~;,~~~':''''~~lbJ~~;;:: "~ DillllitiOu1'a.Eund. _'.. _~c:rl~~:n~ lUilltc. Alli1 Mfa. TCXlc . __~~,"'-lt~p,f~z,.:: ~~~ _, OOU!l-t1~lf WAU5l\) lldJ!lDiI15 :- Illt: Ciardrn' - Ou.: ~.IlIl!'OmpC.\lllc.d A d'Il!l1ltm !It $25. to..,tOO -Robb16 CDIt! .w.er.e. ~uc:.1n. ,-,_J!illIOIQ ~1~ItL __

2 :: brMA.JII~I/~~nll, ~WJ/I MC/Horlal K~dcma~n. -~ ,- ~~~~~~~~~~~~.~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!:s . _ In Th. _ = fp- nkC'f at 1111' m«'l'tlnu WM lkhoitlrr.hlp Fund war, ''btrd ·at. the UnnfJ1v,'01'OOlft PI..1. =! lio.J!ll l1ulI'(lP. w1iC.l llfl{nt tho memo M .:.d'.l~' IIlcptmg of (ht' Xl Atpt\A 111111' r 4 II lliliU'refe,red Uppe, Canyon • 110m to Mll'Zld n Inl'l't\n8 to piau nho ChllPter of JJ&t.a S!f:ma P2i Mr. anll Mm• .100 !)ale O;\lllloway

~ll' lAnt(}tn (~umy C'1'Iil<'rollt..~ Ql. fA/JUray tit Ibl' hom!' Of l\1ro> Claud of 7121\1 N. l.tkJton. Rp..'Wou. oPffi~Thl' weekend dance and IIlten In the 'lne Iloom lodge • "-= _.. \V'bCodt ' !htolf JlotlC)'mOOll At A1pJne Lodgc

to the mu.1c"('llaptcrmClmbM'tl ntw'-'Ottd,fo\" on 'Ja~, 18. M'r.:l. C:11laway III the\VonWtl's Club U.(>lr 'ValCfIUno 011'1" who VIm be fonncF, tJc1.w DrCWllllf'~n and 1.1 thl'

rV''if'aI('(J 111. tIlt' OO(-;otY'S ....utenune dI1U3t~r" 01 l\fl'. and l'-1tlt" n. 1,.f;lntt'c; LUfW}WOn I'mly I'llb 14 t1~ (htl Vllk It.t1. D~Wlngton or Jl4:,·won.Oln~Wl1Y

A prorzrom 011 010 'theme "BClUcr b tho cOn of Mtn P;UtJ):.\ QiiUb.\',t\y'lM nU!l!1l:'4 \'Ioman'li Club \'ill! Llah'l~ !'(,rDottcr 'L1\1t'l6t" ,wag c! llPr..woU nnd Ule C4UP19 Wa!l mar­

bold It!! n'k"UICl'r IUlIcbl."01\ nnd (';lrd J)w;(>n1Cl1, by l\Uo,' Stormy Ed. tled at Gt Peter'lI t'hureb ln 1t05.I1lunro 011 Monday. Feb 3 U{J::tCl'l.~ .\ ord' olUt Mm Pat N(owboro~hJ....ell btl' JQn 1'1 •(jo wm Iw l\1m A~ M.L'CIf1!d(lJl lUlf;I ,., ... I 10..; I rfil p;:Ib for \Ad! ol wing )'C:lr ....,,_~_ .... "Mr~ .10t' Tram E\'l'r)'OlIc pi::ltmlng \,\rr.- drn\\'l1. • , C"lO Qt<.L'I'lJl arc U!j(~d to J!;('(l!X' ('cn I· ...• t ~.. arpetsMro MoClt>ndm1 At zj7",:r.o or MrG. k.rn.."rwntl 0 \MC1ry·nut pl'o'.

tplcod trn Clnd ooJlec wer€' oort;"d

T;: ~~:;;;lltl~ct III 30 nnd br Ow ~'U':tJ.,~~~~~~, FuttlUt1te Be Appllancl)swm \J(> fOlltJwt'd bY t;;trd (jOm~ tlf Lr-;.'1"Wl('JU:~R vlSrr • Fr..E.tlmat..tllld.. t> arid I.'ntl:15U1 Afro' \\llmen V!r...blitl 11) nU~th}"~ th!!1 par;\ Ftc'"" D~1!veryQJ'(I 1nvtl(ld to Mtend tMr.!! W('(Ok~y wcco!twd t\('rc Tiln MId ~ndy g UU


, ,. , I. "i- -. -'. .


Page 3: '0 fHE Pm-lies. V-el1J..,'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/RUIDOSO... · With Barney GOP Re-Elects .Demos To Name It came as a 5boct to us tb1s Dr. Dale

.. . , , "..... ,-. .



,.1 •




,••,,••••••••••!•., .•••I.••••••••••

-. .- ~_. ..

• • •

11' ~••• •

til' \t~ ,t: ,~t.,

,. ,j

- .

,1- 1)" •

• •

.:<:;,:,:''':;I> (i,,,!,



People need phoneswh~reverthey are(suwe put them there)

R~doso Telephone (:0.'

•. The School Board Candidates •


NOl!tiOl.t 111111e' t,.kC5 lIt" pbl't' of thl' tt'lt'pho"e' WIIC'tt\OU "('('t! "id Or In(tltIllation r.l~t u-lurc('cr I/llII arc.'fJlat's why wt"\!(, IM1<lUl'cl bril;ht new Puhhc Tl.'le.phon!' nooth~ In und n('at to\\- n. at the llldcC'~ you'reIflOql lilcd~' 10 "('('(t Ihl'm.

Wh('fl )'tlu'ro aw,.~· (film thl' hou~c .1IU) nothing but.. phnhl' ('<tn will do. look for HIi' nE',uegt PubliC Tl'l4l­pllllJl(,. Thl'v'f(' just wtllting to hell"

For offering their servlcos to the community and to. thos,' who go to the polls Tuosday.. Wo hope the oloction gocs as smoothly as a (oborder from- .

The Texas Barbecue Is For Sale

RUIDOSO.. ..PRlNTlNGCO.Pho 257·2325 - Ruidoao




_.- ........ r·A--...--. - ,v-_·,,···

••••• t •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '" •••••••••••••••••••

Due to r.cent accident. 'owner partially disabled. n-\popular and 'widely known Texas Barbocue can now be

bought. Only place of Us kind in Ruidoso. Steady increaM

of 1$ to 20 per cent gross busIness per yoar over past live

.¥~rl. Will give lo~!!rm'!k,20!!tt!!ra~c;!jt!!'ly:U·QIDi!U!1.n..h.uili

.. g1"'. 'opitonYto-buybullding•piuS threo bodroom-,-iWobcrth

home and Income rontals all on 150 foot front on Sudderth

Dllivc. Lots of room to buUd more ,cabill" For further i.....,

~rmallon cal~ or wri\OStllve Et!or,. ~x .6,'J.7r RUidoJ~, .~

_hon.e 257..4310 or 257"'~7. ' " •-' . I•

. , ,,. ....,.........'\.Wi,lJ .


Hope you are

Honry.Me JonesDies In TexuFrlel1lh tn Ruldooo l(,Qrncd tWo

w{'('lt or !lIO dcr.:1tb 'of 1[cnry loLJOllt':J. 73. or Knox Cit)·, T('j(4:l. MI'.Jone!!. who lmll m"m~IWd a. \'l1Cl1­

tton lwmo In UUldooo ror 2G yearn.died saturday 1.11 Ii WlOhfta Fau.-.

< mJ lien'!c!.'!! were bcld--~rond:lYtlf'..cmoou In Knox Ci1yandwnnot1l'ndE'd by Mr. and Mm.Lloyd llivt9, Gr. nnd Mt1)'or Qndlotto L!o}'d L. PnVl:J. Jr. of Rul·dosu Mr. Jonro b r.:Urvlvcd by hbWli1uw,

.. ,-"'--'-0>7._ ==-'. _. -..=--."".~ _ '.~ -" _"="'""~""'"

IbU the lubcrcu1o:;b tn Amcrf.ro L1 COIlt'l'fiU','Ul>d III blllc metro.pollt..ln orCl1!l. IN, M. 'rubereu1oln& U('!:plmtory ~,(' M.x.)

• •enJ0ylilg our

first of the weekspecials!

: .•' .

,. .





One of the So1.Uk...t'. FIned.·'TdOd" superr.nukm,

Meclt. ·J)rive."; 1tu1do1o;N.M.

Lincoln Cowly's Largest


,, .

- , ".'-•

.. " " " • I .' ", .. " .... '", .


':,.:' '


.Septic TankPumping and ·Serrice ..

- CAU. 371-t363 ....

IJUlter·A.~- ',' - -.,

...."ldoso Down., N, M.. i 1$ • ...



, ..;C',,, .• ,_,' ,,,,,~.__ ,, -.c',_"':.,""'" ',*, ~::;'~::¥..,,":- c- c,_: ~:.~-"..,~,;r;rl,,",," _.~

JO , .. " - ~,_.' '. ','_'. '" ,.~. ''!''


, ,•






, Ir~,'\ """" ... '~.


Jan.l0-Capitan, City Hall .Jan. 13-Lincoln; Lincoln MuseumJan. IS-Hondo. Gonzales CafeJan. 17-San Patricio,. Post Office3'an. 20 ....Tlnnie, Counts'StoreJan. 22-.P1cachol Bowser's StoteJaii... 27 -Clencoe, Shorty Ellis" StoreJan. 2~, 30 - RUidoso tJowns, CUt Hall~eb. 3 ihru Feb. 14-'ttuidoso, qlty Hall


. liNCOlN COUNTY ASS650R"fit I'pbUshH"nltdd_News Jon. 3, 1969, last ,..wkatlcm NIt.1, lHf•


on. your

Lincoln County property owners are being reminded thaiJanuary and February are the months set: aside by Stafe Lawfor the l'ondoring of real and personal propeny for taxes.

Exemptions must be claimed under oath each year.Head of the family is enililed to $200 .xemption. .New Mexico Veterans with a Certificate of mIg1bUity are

'!ntitled to $2000 exemption. Cerilficatemust be presented andproper endorsement made on the certificaf'.

Asse«SiOl',.S' office hours are from 9:00 a.tn. to 5:00 p.m.Mondat thtough Friday, Open during noon hours.

rollowmg iSihe AssessorJs itiDerarylor visits io the out:lying-precincts for the convenience of taxpatersltt renderbig ofproperty: .


The )'worm" In Ihla cOle lalikely 10 bo on oarly rorund.And whon etOCK dOl!I yourrotum. you'll know Il'a dono ANDright. Prepare your rolurn STATENOW ••• for on early refun:!II ~lllh

-or for Ih. 'Im'lfde,d!d '" ' ~ 't ,budge, ony eden &fbi,., l':.il .. to ~ t UPpense. ..." 1I ' "'\ j/' "I' ~ 11

W. guarOil 0 ~l~~~' .rr JC ';10. :If W1I make ~11'1 mc,.1~i'oJ, you tmy' J'ono1ry cr 'Jnl.feU we WI. !ty, c. IIl"ateat. .. ,





PAGE '1'IJ1l ():!':A' • 'ffi' I . ( . ;,.'.. .... .'T!lfrRUldoao News' O.•··cer·Reporls, Boo''0'···W·... ·''',·ng ~~~":r~rijZf".~~'

'. ~ Q'~~~~' Jall,ua~;,~.~.l~~,., ~o~~~ s~~:ril:~'~(l OfII~~~ 'OkaY'ln~!Ruidoso' Kid.s-Imp.roving. '.. ~~~a~~t,~~3i()~1 ~. ~ J,, . .":1;:' .' . ..., '.' . \U dn cia Ml . Y _ H.ighlnc1.\vtdUM :$-goam~M!r:I(!!!:

• ... .... . CO~Ulty clmt~n ~Qr Il. ~~W",tl.A\t; ..' ...• til"·:: T' G'...• '.' tp". ," ;.c,c es y ltecl ....,..pe i1~rry ltlUlmldy, 1112: ~Il; Co!>):,

Offi~· 'I R". :'d OiverslonCQlhmi'ttec" of the New SUbdiv1¢.QI1S,~ •. ~ed streef:' ,,0.:. . ...;.r,·.'.',e'" .' ""r~' ft.'..'.' . ··r'.. 'a·.·.tn'" Itfds arc ~~Ullg ~t'tllr after aU. Results of·Jan. %6' 567; (lIen If.;llt. ~:. M'a.me ~nn.~ ,.U'~~Ja ..ecor s Mexico Htghw-ny Users Cqp.fcrcll1;e. :~~ ~~~c:~~~~ ~~:~a:~V' U This semed to be the mcSSl\ge Team W L dy, 53(); Gall Hail••91: Vel,a. ,1"1" .

---""'_"nA'~~ tl-the OMwl 'J'\\POli of. Ru!doeo Von Ro~mberg Const ~ 42 22 Bas. 453. Hl'gll 1ndM~Ul\-l-;i~e;';;----.,.....~1

~~fe~~.~~¢:~ ta~:~~: ~~~n~~~~;--~~:-dq~e~~~: :u~r;~~:1~:i~~bt~: Th .:::VP)~~~:ts~et$ ~~·=~~~e<:~~i\=sz:r. J~erdle ProbatiOn Olfieor R. H.' NUnley Drug .~ , _,..4() .~ ~;~~r~a~:f¥~~;g~~=t~~It.),i't. WoJ."l;Jt, 'rex, wide ~m:lY.\fgn for ~ cqnst1tutl<Ill111 streeisnlnY be surt'aeedwlth 51x t e Is.... "CO :tt. '. ~.~ ..._" ~ute. (;aUf" t\pd ':rlle HonolUlu ~~~ee:~~imccd ih),~ his offlce ~lf~~:~~,.~~~~~~.::::.~::~::::~::: 29 Gnil Hall, 1~5; MAnrle tcanJlAdy.J,.n.~oMp.y Lee l"bUpott llnd amendment r:SOlUt!on In the ~e~v Inches of pit run ~ravel, .16n. WiU ""I? a m~"J'~'?'f"'" .A~~e'mY of AtIts. ltaWnll. Mn<Ue!\ 1\ t{lU\1 of 1115 ~$ts durfp~ ltuidooo News , ,33 31 190. lEl8. .

PJlWy ~tl.e KerVIn, bQth of cap.!- Mexico 1egiElature1a prohibit .. If d.m fs . to o' _ .Feb. 6,.aJ 6.30 p.in.'At,~J:1l;it An~l1eW1Shint-·~cat.tend tlJ,& 19&8• .a ~5 Pel'C"t1t -drop from -the N'olsi Water Lodge ,32 3Z SpHts canv'el'ted~Q'lenll~l1~l(Jt, ..~. shiPchCldmlS gnE'Ol!ne t!axcs and othel.' facetGJ&tw<)::che;~j~t .fihxSU:n :P1n

ille bCo: e..~o.? In'e~illt~'''' ~)'neefu.ill' ~oU1<teemtaet Dnvid 'l'ra' ~ cils<i$ 1:illC~ in 1ge'1.Valley Plumb1nll' ~ .. 29 35 Jack Kannndy. Jr.. 4·'l-9-1().; Gorclon

:tilO. 24-:Rtcluu:d ~e_!.\!1 Arnold g way user revcn.Ues for llome' ...•. '. .... .... ..... .. W. \l.... UJ......,r m",.".." .~.... we Vis t\t ~-2ll26before We~f . , . . ...... I' h 26 38 Hewlett, 3.10; C1l11 Keith. ltflO;t.nd Bo s. "'" tll1ns be:;ides J1,i:ghwa~'\S a sHtblliood bnse <If nOt.leS$than six dinner. will be p"id 1ot' :w tbeI tAn•• F b 5 ro UiAt ihe Art. . I U· Of tile 111(i8 c~$C~,l1f. or o1<l per Win, P nee, Sow .....1.............. .

nn1e Jean PhJ1l'ott, both of . . . • .inches. But p:l.vtnQ' i'S ti9t r~tUred. 00111 ~uoty Ait ~mn..Au e. '.' .' '. .~ 1\ (In cen~. 1JtY'OlvedJJ.!vcCUte~ Who wer!.' Wh1spertVlr Pine Rest ~ 24 40 Albert Sllaw, 3·10.capitan. i \ ', --, ". . Tbe design standards 101' sub. non.members nre mvited to ,.t~Jic:t wUl know how ntnhy people to plan not ~~en~ oflo41qo'ln t;'(l\1D.ty. Team No.1 , 23 41 " ". Sally a:~:;r~~:JK~ Ohavez, rn:~de~t~i;:t~i~~:~ ~rc;~ dlv~IOn!l were adopted by resolu- this lrleeUnrt,b\i't W'la 'be rectuf~d for. • .' , Hedgecokc Ba,\.~ ~ C9\U't PQlloy HJB'~ team 3:gn.me series: H•. & P!~ CQrell~e In. RpJ.d~1 '.

__~ ._ _ Amel'!c<m popl.IlatiQn as' II. whole. tion Instead, ofb)' ot@tll~.$10 that to ta1t~o~tmeinbel'ShfP llt-Uie'J(rl " / of ~U$pIm4l-'Illf dnvc;'s Uccnses tor~u• .,For .ALL the news, read the. (N. M. TubercUlosiS & Resplrntory tlleycould be ~~edwit.hout th~&Soci\\ltllm or to p'ytot ffiNt 0'Wt1 At "1.'1) ..11...~"n I. ~a.f.(\o offenses~ been very e.f- , , l""':"'-':-""'!"'~...",....""",,,""

News.. Pil*ll\ll~ de"",,) necessttyofpubUc not.me and a meal.'1'1lere will be ll.'ebQ¥t bU$l- II' II.. «til teetive"<:;~":'"~ I .wiWt'. . ( . .. . ,•...".,.,. • public hearing. hess meeting followed by a p!'o- Hq repOrted ~t " ~:M:l$ were "...... : ..~ ..

" ~ i U I..i· i ..'.II i ~ City. AttQrney }!>hn 'rhoItlPSO~ gram. V~tIng hours: :a to p.m•• ~ to bandl:ed In .1968 'With no kepeaters, O'UR HAT ~~~~= G" . U'· , dT 1'1' y' M ,5 S1\1d this WItS the ea§lest method. 'The' to m Win be ~ '11 !if 8 P.lI!. as C9mpared w1tb. 110 Clftses with= 0 orne ,an e our ama. .=. He sa.ld Ul~ way tJ1e CQ\IJ)cIl can PoroU1:~er i'roh\'En 1'n~ Who Admrt~d Jap. :n....:MlP,ry ~t4l.~ three repeatem 101967. Of the= bring the design st'l!.ndtlr!f,s 1Irto wrll be teac~ art at' cart1zo ine Def.n. Ru1(1oSOj Ill" Fitzgenl1d. 1968 oases. to per cent were non.• LOOK - If 2c Is Better Than Ic .- conformlty 'W'i'tA ~1llJ staw LO~'" .rtl . Fh" . R~• .Andy ~ee ;My\:nJ. Rut· resident~ _ regutations wiUlQ~ the n~lty ""I>e' .ng ~. 9., d()so: SlUrJey N:m ~ied~. Holly-' • .== =for (wing through ol'Ctinance adop- ;Mrs. Archer will ~U how she wood: ~ry Nell Wllrd, capitan. Other referral reasons were.!! .. Th· c • =tion procedures. These lnc1ude no- tee.ches the many varIed .and Dl~osepbmlson. Patricia drfnk:irig•• 11: Jt~. 16: run·ii. '. en VJ;S Stamps are better - because they pay you =Ilce. public hearing and 'three pub. UIIique appro~es to the ~~- cal'penter. EplfnnJg CRl'VllJIl,.l, Ver- ~;ay.s, 9, ;arc~ny.. 12. va~usm:

--~~.tur.n~to...cASHl-No.-s~tO-pay-on-=--Hc-"1'eadll1$'s. "--'- _.. ·--·-tiOl1-()f-nature'5-4Ofllls-in~ln.~-la--I>avis;-~-wh1~.. , ~, broo.k1.1! IUl..~a, 8:~=th.pr~~,noJ,avlngtQWlt1o- coUe¢your prize- ......ustllk.·= "T1IJ,Sls the wnYi~ .!;i(ll)%li,i' In 1t\go. :w.lthmnphasl:> 'UPQnthl: .b· :Admttmt .lap. 2:!.,.;,;,Ulyases13antcs (Jrderlycobdu~,4, tJgbting.~, al1'toI ~"'Ing double stamps every day In the week. =J\.1buqul"rque and In most parts of s~mc; 6tl'l,letures. '!be traQit.1on.1ll Allen, capl~. F:ldelTru.llUo, th~ft, s;:ul$ce~eo:S-f 4. 40 in

I . =. thE' state now," he said. abst~ct or non-obJ~ve t>W:dent Ruidoso Down.c;; Earline Mont- roon os oppe romOBOC COVERED CHERRIES 12- b 59. Earlier. on Pee. 12, the council \vill learn new tecbn1q\iCSand t,lle gomery, RuldQso; Perry Gip90n. 196'1 to 16 m 1968.. . . .• . . " .0% OX C =bad adopted a ,&Ublll~on onU. use of simple pal'nti~ anU sk~' Ruidoso; G1nevra Tue!tor. TUln- "This was possiblY due to sev·

I SHORTENING, Mrs. Tucker s •• 31b. can· 49c =nanr·e setting forth procedurrs for 1ng tools, .such a.s ptpe cle"nerll. rosa; Stella Clifton. DismIssed- eral parents being cited into C9Urt'POTATOES Rom 10lb b 49 =geittn;; subdivisIon:> l.\wrove.d by 6trl~, putty kn1ves. etc., !or un- Robert BIl.~r. Jane Guynne. by !he Dlstrlct Attorney tor tnl1·". .. '. . .• _ C?. • • • • • ag c =- vlUal;e offIcIals. However, l~ waS usual effect In nne llQ(1 cqmposi- Admitted J.n. 23 _ Betty Lee ure to comply with the state tlp~:

! BAHANAS, Chlqultas • • • • 3 100. 290 • subsequently announced tha\ the tt9n. Mm. Archer W11l ~ use 'l'hOttlJ)!lOQ,R~ DoWDS: Donna pulSi)ry school nttendnneo I:i.w.,?ETERGENT - COLD POWER, reg. box ......•...••••34c = de:>lgn &tandll.rds, a1'tho\li1l. ~ "ocm)- S9mC of her pa1n~ l11 ner taIJc. Gay Franklin. O&rlanr.t. Tex \ Oor. Hedgeeokc said.

'. ftlR~DDEP WHEAl _ NBC th I I I d b bo =- ponent part" of the o~~, had Her palnt.inv's refle(:t U1~ ~nc.c don Radler, san PaU'tcio. DIsmts:J. He pointee1 out that if B pe~Dt IsI l'I'~ . " , e or 9 na an est, x .. 29c _ not bl'en adopted by o~, .! of concentn\ted study wtUl ,prom!- ~mcs Howar.l1. /indy Myers. convtetcd of thl' v1oIa~on oT this

FIDDl.£ FADDU1. 39c boX' .... , ......••.....•.•••••.33c =month later, the COUtlcll adopted nent orienlnl B~. dlsptaYhlg ""drntt'tel1 JUDo ;I. _ CAthleen law, the pennlty is imprisooment in" , . BEEP. !LIVER, fresh • • • • • • lb. 39c ! them by resotutton 1i(J ttalUldciean; 'brUl1ant color Witll finnly 'X'!Jomu, ~lJ, 'TeX.T AUC(l V, -ihe eoun'W' JaU !1)r 'It maximum i>l

-_.,"",," ,,-'

. .; HUNTERS .. . l!lttJ. Archer h.'16 studied at tho Jod1eB:llter, Ida IUcbardson, Cbar· Alma Holeyfieldiil Profeadol1'Al InstKU~ of W11Ham lot.te B~. Mary .DeaD. U1YGSCS •

- W~ GIVE YES STAMPS - § KILL 23 ". ~l1ne'Kontromery, Donna Dies In Carlsbadnmnll•••H' III1 II JIJ'IC'l . . P,., 1/ A4m:!Itted Jao. :li-Alke fl1lazar Funeral serv!ces lor Mrs. Alma.

" ~ - ,. 'BARB4RIES fId"'fon news Onere, JIlt. t!HIlntem: DIanne E. ~c:n:~~tc~~~~o~=;.".. Qx:a~.Austin, ~- D1sm1&s- 111 carl&bad Memot1allJex;pltal, wiU

/l total or 23~ were tmed By CRAPLAIN JtLt1'f1i: ect iHanbi. BalU. Mary ward. be hold at :a p.m. saturday at Ulcdut1ng Ull' r~nt HondO area ~- I o.tblceu 'lbo.mas, Gary NUll.bary r.h<'Cp hUnt. A total of 60 built- G'aJ7ft.an f1r~1Y tumed Out '8Im- AdmK~ Jan. :.lG-W"ncta L Me-- Church or Chrt5t.ora Were in the field, for a 38.S day to ~1nt deol's and ~ .. Crary, H01J)rWOod; !&aUdio Burgc:;.'l, D. L. IInrgueffi will otflcfak>, as-hunt('r (;lJccet;:) rona. 1reah ·brflht red. 1be'1le men arc .Ruidoso DoWns; D10rly J. Lang- Glstt'd by Pan Thlbot.

A ram with 2!J·lncn hornS and proUd of Ulc1r wen kt;)t eqUlptntnt. ford, R.u1do50 Dov.'Il.'.J. DJsm1l;:'o.ed- Mrs. Uolcyfll'ld. wbo W~ born inwe1l'lhlnrr near 200 PQunds. fIeld The town 10Iks are proUd of thetr IiIltrloY 'lb!fM, :Porry Gip;;on, 1380 tn Robertr.on CqUJ1ty, '!'eXll.U,drE'r.;.-t'd. wns the large:;t cheep dependable and capable firemen. Betty TbOmp.:;on, Dtanne Coca- moved from RU1do~ to the .Lake.t,:'ken It ...."M taken by CharlelJ NItti campben wns the grn~0U.9 noucber. "Il'W ClU'htlan Home 111 O;\rL:;bad\-ockereU. Rurdo:;o arCtl. 8Umo offi· center Of IlUro\lQn .as tOO opcne4 11 Adm1ttedJan. 27-Elv1na Mac:J, about a year M'O.cer Another lame ram had born!l lame tabletul of bridal gin pIlI.cko TlnbIe; Belly TUilY. GlenOOc: Mag. Surv1\'Oro' mcIUc1l' . a cbughler,thM mear;ured 281) 1ncheo and aBeD la~ FrJday nlgbt at the horne' cfalclt1 Ort!!. o;\rr1ur..o; Clara Mn. Curl Morrl'«lll ot RUldooo, and

• R P .-eiL".ot.am~aln.~d.Mr.h-A1lr~4.-KllnOr--gre!o'll• .Ruldo80.L:t.~~.P J~ffco~t, lillI/a !lOM. Joe.. II Uolcll!Jcld oL. .. U'IU1ern.tuok. 16 rntn:l.and. .clght,A ·1l\1me- -called .. "Wedding-· i>f- U1e-'COtmllh P!,'ml1±;ed-o.lncvra Tuck- ~mJIlgWCl,..nll\. ..Jloloylleld ~f,·

I\weq. (klmc and Fl<:h Department Flowern" W;1', pl~Ycd by Cill prell' or. llurtl1.. TexM nlld Tom lIoleyfieldOfI'l~rD who worked tho hum Gl1id cnt. ~-erLl. to a Il:;t 01 qUC:;tWn.1 or uate:;ville, Tl'lm,'l. T1wre are al50many 01 the bunWro wrrc after a \\-el'e tlvcn bY namll1Q' \tlI.a "pp~: Foreman Introduces ct'vell Kmmtchr1dren and {h'c grcQt·tropby lUId turned dov.'O oome prtilW flower. INl'b liD: WhO~ Uto grondch11drt'J1,c;hcep thnl v,'Ould tm'o'C been 1ep1. dark eyed Bride'l) llald? .tID.: ·Aid·Curb Resolution Pl111bCQcWIl wlU be Ol.'Orge P(>rry.

'I'hl(J <;(,3!lOJI. to be 1~tl'11, the wop Brown E)-ect Gull!). A rc:;u1uUon to C'.Al1> lo:l.IO or lOO11lUl' Taylor. \Vnyno Wood:J, JI.\Il-had to h3ve hortl::l Of 4t least 1& B(l('jJ,~ Mfa \va!J thl' firM d1. gnlnt'l to ooUdrtro &rndlng wllb lor Winfield. Cllnt Mon1.."lOn Bn~Ult'hE'fl If.l~ yoor, Ule're<twrem.ent rector ot the 33' ,,,:cc 'C11I1tlrtc'll North Vietnam h:la been 111trot1laccd Dill Morrt:iOn. .Wll'l 12 Incht'!! lind thb probably Choir tbd llrU taD year 1t no or- in 1be UO~ ~' Reprcoen1AllvCD by • Durl."\1 WIll bE' In Foro:-.t Lnwnrut down on th(' IdU GOmcwtot. Ono BQnltM, tv.'Q ~el1ro lll'l'(), m tho C3pl. RcPrCCZ1!:.uU... ,FA ForotJm~:.. m,) Cetnr.1<'!'Y. Arral~l'JJ1en~J worD byIUI'r,al r;'hCt'p WM killed. ~ eea- ton t1t1n~ MothOdt;t Cllun1t4. -. AJf1 New MoxJcO fl second D_!.rtct. CbaPt'1 of UO:JC.:lcon'n lUll tomled 4& for tho erne few ml'm'bero' Of thb ebb1l'~ •. Be 'IMtl jo1ne4 by 30 repre~ .. _.~_. _numbcr of huntero. nwnbct c1e!Uoa\t>4 to Nita. 'ThO Uves, .1oclu~Cob(lIe1t1naD ~-

Tile Q::n:ldlan Cilni'on D:1rlMry c.hoir Ct1lb 'thb Otclr ''J1,aRm' \IC1lLUj&n (ft.) or New Mex!oo a::('a,;on tl .ct't ror Feb. 8 through SOng." n'o UUo to. "Jim A ~We ~,~~~IC:.. , , _Fe~. 10. t\1th &0 huntero ellpected SUJ1'.Jtlne-JIL"t A LIUle ~(lr. All PROSECUTES VIOLATOB8n~ pnrtlC'lp:lttt. pn:r...em JOlnedf\ ~~f'Uitl oong BA!ITot\ FE-Dc1JOrtntmt of Gamtt.' ~ _ Wntl the ch01r.. 1100' Fnih COn:lervtttlon otnecrn'-1 1 .1 1 II "Ir. 111_ Tn ~ecP1DJ' lr1U" Nl«i'D cho~~ of' :Pto=:OOU1Cd 0 W'.ni of 68 cramo Cllld

,(ri.~ 1I0tpolat ,... red tl!t lwr wedc!1ng. color !llt')tle. fbh law Vlo!::1Wro (tur}1Ilr Ulc mOWb.r!: Self-Cleaning Oven c;rim~on punch I1tld. nr1o~ IhadC[l of December, QCCOrdblfI to cfnU'J-'. . of red nnd p1ulI; ~ee' .",ct'C t;(!rv- tiM reIOiL';oo the lkplll'lmen~'lJ

t; ". t!c 'rww t!'~ """0 m ''''''''''''ontil

~ _,,~ ... """'w"'..... ret' en........>1...l'l:C r(>.rc:;.ullffi..n.

\ ..qpon:;orn far tho OOowl!r were: nnd 6OU'Jtl'11~Tcxao. 011 Tuet:d:1y or

Mary ~an, Kothe)' Dt'an. JWl1e lhb wlX'k. r.he ~ moldn3 Q. cmnpre.Randle, nc'o-erly Netha....'ay. Mar. h~1Vc rc:port to her JUJ1::t11cUon InQrJc EldrtdlW, ro1t11(ll~ Kline, Mel. ~nl~-n\)rterl.nn

ba Allen and Jan!oo Eldr1dge. Church in Ponvt'r, eo:o•.~rrunatlderN. C: Ornn!.ha.m rt'p' 'I'hl' d1p3fun (htholit}!·· C'llurcll

rl'!;c-n~ed Amertl'lln Legton Post No. look') Ukl' GpritW 111 iL'l rrc~ coMfit of Cap:tan al tbco Dlsttf~ Mce~ of WhI!.C patn\. 8udJ on Ull' nearbytng held 1n Ru1dfX;O l39t Sunday. lr('('9 oppear to b" I'(!ady to tunlCommander DoD Stark. of Amerl· gret'n bcfprc many wet>k!l.

Cml Leg100 Pcr.';t No. 70 In Ruidoso, ='ii~iiiiiii·-Q-iiiiiimciiii-iii·CiiiliimiiiiiiQiiQ-miiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiQOi·m~wn.s bo:;t to thl!:l ~rul meetfnt'l' at gthe HtA. D'Mrtd C<munnnl1cr PaulWe~ pr"s1ded. De;nrtmem. Vtce·

. OOmo.Uder Lymnn Mnrqu:1rt. ofAlbuquerque, presented n rE'port <!pthe mmnllwsJ-Lp Ptotl'c!18. COVl!l'lngthe area 01 N!.'w Mexfoo, He Galdmember.:h1p b prc::enUy wellah!.'ad of the to"..al a:i 01 th1!l d&teWJt' rear: ~et, lIe tJall! wevebehind the i'OI11 .-e eet for our­oolvro. fOT th1;; year. Tapes 'IIt-erepmyed 01 Ctmgr':1mbwry oommentoby MConaUy pnnnl:)cn\ mt!ll wbDJoln in eete.braUon of tbe 50'J1 An­nlveroary of 'lbo .AmerJoan Leg1Oo. ­~ ta~ are ~ brtlll~owr til/fib &t1l1 WI

Mr. and Mm. PranlI: P1no wereguests at the Kline hol\le OQ Out­po~ HUl la~ ~mdBy aff,enlQon.Mitt PmO ft6It71 hi!! )* ut1irtIedfrom a two mon~ vtsttatton toSo1J<.h Amerfc& sponsored by TbeNatlonal.OouncU ot~ (in­·ufdenOmIbiUobillh. )h, wlOt. b1way of New Ycnic City. Wb1cb 1n.·~IUded·mot~ .. tban 10;000 ·mn~·1n·

her roundtrip. She we\rt more tbtlnbelf way acrO!ll8 SOuth' Ameriof.. toBuenos A!rro In the SOUthern pan.~i)' Is P1'~t11~r C!l Qle

"Councl1 OIJ 8pat1l9b Amerlc:anWc>rlr," In~ seveD are.~ti eCmipNdof~;..~caUforn1&, .·.-Boutbornca11tcrt11a,~()lorad(). ~ew Mexico, South "texasI':t' C'....,..- :::--." ~ 1It!:,,::- ~ ~.~ 'JII'

,',' "t. .'


Page 4: '0 fHE Pm-lies. V-el1J..,'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/RUIDOSO... · With Barney GOP Re-Elects .Demos To Name It came as a 5boct to us tb1s Dr. Dale








I~ "-_ .._--






B~:W""~Y. J'a;r;u&T1 .IU.~

:Mr. ~d l<frB. CbarJiea Ward.caplte.n. parents qf twins, 110m Jan.21. son, Wit., '8 lbs.. daughter. ~.•5 lbs., I) Of;, ,.' '

:Mr. and ~. H~DII'Y OJ'letri). Ft.stanton. parents or a d:aUirbter.bom Jan. 26, wt., 7 bo, D OL

. 1900 SCORE TO DA'J."mo.-OIRtoS BO~-4BOYSBORN-a

Want Ads Sell!Get UIe mll.are ACl'IM .

tftDHcl ill die a.we.. H....

-I-I....l..r·-A!fI~-m---- .-.- --""..#!U- ~. ,. __ ...__ .- -

.. i.,

I '

" .. ", .. ,

Yon asked for Entertainment

J'Vi il.9( ., Q






, '

"~ .. i '" , '

".- - .-, '. ,--.

. .. ..•.•••..•••.. ••••••••••,••••. t::::I

.,<.- ", , .. , I,,'



t· ...


Ruidoso Mttn1clpal School Dlatrlct No~ a-asSCHOOL BOARD ELECTION



Mark an ")(H In the aqua". beside the nama .,. names ofthe candidates you wla-h to vote for•


I!D GQq-DRUM ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0

RICHARD A. PARSONS •••••••••••••••• 0 00 0 ••••••

WILLIAM N. MORRISON ••••••••• 0 0 ••• 0




";.- .....•.... ,..,...... ',-.

, ,

been bl"Q~(!n mt9. tho lL i... Me.Pherson and.J':.lr:mor Uopldnshome:J. 'Ibc7o W&!2 mtnmlal van.dalbm at eaCh home.

Jan ,25. a breaJdnGt an ml.Clr1ng aUlD080 mOil 8Cll00L!--W'aJ;.--#l)O~t-theJ. B. ~t 1KI4t "uflelHD S1lII.....

cabin In the Upper Cam-'On. Ab~k Jan. 11-°Haprman. ben.ini1'wlUfO tclevh10n Get W'afl re-1"U1· 1'-"C&12r.Mo.~pomd m1!l:;1ng. reb. 7--HoocSo. thee,

Jan. 25, 6k1nnero Ski Rcnta.1 reo hb. S-0nmJoe, be1'$.porWd tho !.hef\ of Q pair of tJIt1D JI'(lb. l~eJa1. there.ood a patr of 9kt boolD. Ftlb. :n-eCSoulicroft. bere.

Jan 26. Ken Knapp, manager of hb. 23--Dext«. there.Dnn Dee cabln."l. rt'pOrtt'd B htl- l"dJ. ~»-Dl..strIct 5-B 'l"ot&mI-and·run Bt the parktng nrea o! tho tneDt, a.t Ja.Lmbln!l lie l:Ud the veh!cle drove 0 Ind1cf.t,es Q)Qferenoe.into \he p:ulttl1(l Brt'a. ran Into a CAaaIZOZO OK1221.IE810C6 Cbe\TOlet be~ to Robert 1.... IS&IbtbaD~Wal1Cr O\'CIWtl, YtW. nnd drove Jnn. 31-cap!taD .~ Can1IOIIo.aWllY dt>t:pltc ~~ to a".op It. F'eb. l-Ru1doeo at RuIdaeo.

Mart.cratcl Cotm Feb. ~'ru1&roea M ea.m.o..AWmnder ~1. Bbow Low. f'ttb. 7-Dexter at ~.7

Am.•~. m bOCld forfcltd. 1"clb. &-Late Arthur at L&lae AJIoOcott fIoTpC. Amartllo. 1'eXll9, thur.

cpoo~, ftn«1 $40, JI'd). l1-<:loroo& at 00r0Da.MQI')" Edwaf'Cb, Ru!do90. eXp!red FOO. l'-Capltan at C&rM"s"

brake and l:.ibt mlcker. ~ bond l"dJ. 1&-aoudcrolt at~forfeIted. Feb. 21-Hoodo at Hoodo.

Unrold CItC('. Urocalero, rectItt!llI "'<lb. 27-»-Dtstrlet~drh·lng. tined $35. cbartlo of DO HONDO EAOLESdth'i!r'o llOOnse and llalIure to apo ua.. lIUoketkll~poar. dbnt!::::cd, Jan. 11-o.csd&td o1UDklr Vanlt70

Mank"'" Coul at BoocSo.Donna. Cl.&rk. LUbbeet. Teus. ~, 1~ at BOClde.

'-!lure to lL-:O due carc, tined $15. ~. 'f-Ru1doIM> til~Oary ltarri9. Portate-o. tanure hb. l--Haaermln -.t BactnA'D..

to report an accident.. fined $HI. l'eb. It-DmJce at DmSoe,8U::anne ~rt1.nlr, Lubbock, Tex.. hb. 1&-J&1 at JtJ.

8J)l.'edtng. ftned $10. Feb. 21-arrt101o at Jtondo.carlo:! C'a..'11Uo. Ruidoso. d1IJobe,. 1"eb. D-IAt.te A21bIU' at Hoodo.

_~. tt~p !OliO, .tInf!(lll~ .... .....~.-~1'oun:Ie,..,Wale1' Meter e.-Hetle. 1:un1ce. .

Paul 11. Wr)oe, Jot 1, bUt. I. o.r- All ramee 8tart at 1:10 p.m.ler Pnrk. ;:';:';:-:::::':::-:::-::-=:::::-::-::~::-=-~'~~~~~~~~~""'; _

Mra, 8111 A. Davis•. tots 3. to bIt. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• , .6. Ponderosa Jna•• Unit 1.: : _':

lbtllftOOc=:-~:":>l1l\~r17! . .. . .S!: .SUItE,' to VO'f-EIN . .., .$ .1.&:OY·1I Sleet 1I1ltal. BU1 RaUW. • •~. I'.-!. . -t

i TUESDAY'S SCHOOL ELECTION i• •• •• •• •• ,0 I •: Your BUIlding S':l~pl, Headquarters :• •• •• •• •• •• •i' 0 WOO'··· . ..~• •• •· i.S ....IA~~,·c.~~.....~,.i• • •..........................................................................


W8lhor - $209

'WbttborIy Electric



- ..•.••......

Beef Liver lb. 39c

Pork Roast lb. 49C

PICNIC HAMS L.,••••••39¢PORK CHOPS ....... LB. 69c


SAUSAGE ,.." 2liS. 7'-,", tr *:


CAMPFIRE - 300 CAN •••••••

PORK & BEANS 5 For 4ge

CAN BiSCUiTS .. ,.... 3 For 29C


Coffee lb. can 69c,CAN MILK ~:r:"on......,4 For 69t

.. DETERG'ENT WostClrnSh~r· c-Giant .• , •• , •••••••••49

EG S :dJ~:."" DOZ. 4tFLOUR While Crost. , •..••. 25 .Lbs•••69,


POTATOES :'",JO LR 4tLEnUCE , :.. LB~ 15C


ews LeHers ToTheEditor Parley Slated' lNSlDI rHI CAPITAL. ' Ed1tor:· quaint tbenweJVes WItb, th6. r.tJl8 On Flood Control .,. F8QB11CKLE8,

m n ~:: :.r~~flB~fTl£-!~__ ·· .. ··'-·-'-F;~~~8 , New Meldeo-GOvern<n"s-G'om. and mab tbeir oJ)t:Doda~ to u. S. Bou-eoDl5erv~tio~ Bernelt-·----!.. - ~-----.......:.--------.2-+-'-Anita BlInn n B F'tanagrm Doug McClellan mlttee on Reorg'anlzatloD p~ to t4etr ~Wr. be!Qre 1t comes to officials frfJff1 the IJtate office in J' Sk -.Gtil

y. . . "". inlroduce In tbeooJt11os leg1slative .. vot.e. BlU)ta. Fe ,WW bo qulf;f;ed on. tAle ',,;-' "oe ' een "vesBt7B8CRD IlON8. Bingle ~' by mlL1I,ll)C, an newsla~ lOC, ~ OOs.."lo1l a bill prllllently belne ~1l. A OOPY of the btll b:l ita ~acs;re~nof &1100d control pro- . • .'

JbODtb OUl of county GOc, wlthln Ct)\Jllty We. two mOlltb3 Otltot~ ed the ,·Ltcensure Act." Tbis ~ current draft can be obtatne4 from ,Jeet on the RuIdOSO River at 7 p.m.

~.z, I months out of county ?,OO, Wlt.b1n oount-y n.50jl year ou~ of would crea.te- "~le,unUledde- tM-OQvernor_Comm1«ee-. Re- P'r1day, Peb. 6 mtheOoldROomot· . ·F·_-,"'n---. 0·,----·n---.ce· -V·.-,·-e··w··s·~ $5 r.o. wlthln count.y woo. ~ ., I partment of. Ucetume Wbtcb· wjould orpulza.t!on. $ate C'apitol~. tbe Ho1k!ay BOUl!e.tn RUldpeo,

PubUshed once a wf'ek ('flch Friday In Ruldozo, New~ administer .n laws allCl ~er~ All QaI1~ Pe. NetW~17G01~ They will mee-twit4 supe~r8 "second Illn5B POlitng(' pnld o.t RU1dif..o. New Mextco tunettons now exer91sed 'bY ~Vl- /a/ "n1ereee Perec. I"reel~ of the Upper Ho* SOU and Water SANTA P'E-B18. ,ental Repllb:. '103,00() next tlscal year on a one·,. dual I1cemure boards for 23 oc. Dl8trJct'15, New lleldoo CoI)eervatlon D1Btrt~ Iit~ C 0:1n llcan. sena~ Leader Joe Skeen, ume bas15 tor Fant.us Co., to make

Wat~h Our Langu.age 'J CU+:;IO~:~::d of UO, ,~urae.. ~~Ji ~~~~De:tiyo~cta:;:: ~~~~~Zr~:sr~:~:::=ctti':~w~~ercdepartmem would be .. "8eCl'etal7 M • ,and rePresentatives of the Me8ca. go the I;JJree obv100a routes" fOr 1DdIIstr1al prospects. He frowm onof l1cenlJUre" appointed by t1Je &'Ov· . ,agutr~te- Jero ApNlbe Tribe. 'the leK1sJature to nrJse more lltatetbe propo6ed Thlokol Corp. plan to

. ernor alld boldtng omce at hls Plea- ,.... •SCB Jut moDth turned down an money. turn over state 1.ndU'Str1aJ develop-Whatever thoif' pol,li", Am6ricom can hardly help being &UJ'e. 'I'bJs ucenaure~ (CoDtIDuecI fron) Pap J sec, A) .PPJ1Ca~ for federal aid for the . They are a hl.1te Irom a to • pot' mont to Tb1okol on a $200.000 an­

heartened 10 nol., Ihol PrN,donl Nixon modo pea<lO. the key. would ha.ve complete control over certain time... default~ ill $8 m1lllcn project on il'ounds costs cent-in the state grOO8 reQO!pts tax. nual ~ct plus provfdmg oWeef'OI. of hi, inaugural addrc~~. . 18!iUIn« orde~ l1ceose6 to tbose entered apln8t Imn.. WOUld exceed benefits. a 3 to 5 per cent boofl'l. in tbe state space, secretarial employee and

For regordl£-u Jof POlll1C~, AmNicona oro \ick of war. They in the 101l0Wlng~ and Judge Pritcbett ..Id Iobat be f:I Tb18 oOODC1us1on was cbaUftI1ged corpo",te lDcome tax and person- state ageocy serv1ces. Skeen says,or. sick of blood\hod, and conlllc1, and Ino dealh of American proresmona: . . continUIng JWJ Pl'loOt1ce of belng by the son Dtsirlet' superVisors. al Income tax Increases. CoIl5el"V&- "We bave so much more to offer in CHAVEZ VIEWSL_. b h I Accounting, archtteeture. barber· avaDab1e any bour of tbeck7 or Tbey ma1Dlain the area or possible tlve Skeen, a 1970 governor and U. tlelds we are alreBdy 1n-tourlsm Skeen's DemOC1'atic counterpllrt.""'1'1 In a for-off land 5'Jrne are even \,ckenod y I e !I Qugh. lng, chtropract.lc, contr&j'llng. <lOS' night, seven daye .. week. to thoee benet1t extendsturther than the S. House prospect. says: "Tbe very and recreat1lol1l," He Cited vast de- Maporlty Leaoor T1bo Chavez, Be.ter of AlIian,. p,nrliculnrl,. of non coml.olonh. women ~nd metology,denUStry. dry clean.rng. 1Indl.ng themselves In oeecl Of JWt sea estimated ft would._They also minimum we can get by witb. l.s at velopment posslbUitles in Lincoln len: says cargo asked for $35 to $40children. wholher ,I re5ul,~ lrom V,el Conq terrOrism or American oleetrical wIJ1l'lg. ~mbabn1ng and servl.ce1J. quesUoned 8C8 tliUres on land val. least $U mnuon m new revenUe." and catron COlUlties and lJle bealF- mtlltoo ~ new state money In twJ

.bornblngl.. - -.. --. .... .-- -.--. ----- -- --- --- , - -- --- -.,.------ - .- ·--T----;--~-- - ~..d1[ectJon,. plumbing. pro; ue8~_-:-. ~-~- (-He--noted-tbree peJ'SODlll inoo 0 Ion--Mounta-tns--al'oa-.--H6~~~ture~- ,._., There II Indoed (J b;g It.op .') bl) mudcfrom a verbal dedI. loo:l1onal ~nglneer1Jl8and land6U1'. Rw--·d'O·SO H-J"g··b Tbe-, d1strWt <l:IUpE!rv1sorsinelude 1ncreaStr.optloll5 bMOtethe legfa1a.§&}'lf New Uexle<tml!5't;akenJy tries 13ut Tlbo's tabulation of needs de- '

cxrtlqn to Ihe cau~o 01 P"(]W 10 Ihe a cluot achlivoment of veytng; , __ Btlrt Pfing9ten, Charlie Jones. Bob ture would yield flO. ~ and $30 to attract large·scale ioclustry,- tailed by unpre<Uetable Da.ve in theMediCine. nurslng,' OJ)topletry. Ann SCrlbller. Harvey Bonnell allCl Ern· mlWon more receipts a year. Wb11e the state 'has a tlne labor same messBge total at least UlI

~ce'. , (N"'teopaUly, pharmacy. pb:yW;al ounC.o.. est ~D1els. pool wlth plenty 01 trainable pea. mUl1on.. Chavoz's break<f:ov,.rn: '!'beThe new Pre "dfOrll horl,u,lf <nu'! huv,. glv.. n Ihe k~ to that Irherapy, podiatry, pt'ydloloiY. real ~ The J4esoaleroe have indicated w:eth~hol&Use::~dlBasree8 pie and exceUent troolt. 16U and atr LSSC bID. $2'1 ini1l1on; hea1!h-eocial

_i.vemenl in hj~ odd ..·" wI"." ho ">Old Ih"1 in IhMe dlfficvl't c/nnt.e broker or" oa~n, veter· H S d an lniterest because a larger acre- C lltee~ m1ll1 ~~ trans,porta,tion, it is l'Imited tn wa· .serv1ces, $6 m!U1on; b1gber educa-y.on, "Amorioo hea ~lJff' ...d I,urn u f"v,.r of words. from in- 1.Q:ary medlctne. " . onor to enb age of trlblll land would be bene- o~~maJo~ school fo~::W:tien b~ tel' and some ra.w materials, Ben. tion. $6 mt111on; ·'cJolle.tbe.sap"floted rhmoric Ihol pron" .." 1f'(HO thor. ,I <ould pO~$ibly deliver; I t,~rt'flUOUIlly oppooo the creallon Ift.ted by the proposed proJect,. b\lt Sl,YS ~ Qfll'J! 'p~ples areSlteen noted. tunds to avoid a. ftsea) W70 denctt.'rom angry rholloroe Ihut f u ",- d,utmlt'nl, into hatreds from of fluch a department for /JOVeral Honor !IludeotB at Rutcloeo BJfrb The meetl.DJ was annolUlced by adequate. "nus amOUD't can.... He underscores t.he rancher.farm. $2.5 milllan. and other Qeod.ecI.L_ bo ' • reasollll: SChool for U1e taU semester b&vo BtU ·Llttleheld. dlBtriet SOU Con· led..... $75 mJllion. .,pgm ,IIC rholoroc ,1,<1, p'J'hm.l' ,,\\I,md 01 pOr\llOdlng." 1. It tlCCmtJ hard to !Jna(pne any been afUltOtmeed. 1'beyare: aervatton 8erviiCe cooservatlon16't at sea down. ' Skeen $IlYB. 1"rIendly er ~prlce squeeze and takes a ChAvez saY!! ''Th!'s am~ not

i Although Ihv PH""f.. ,,1 '/Iuy nol huv,c hod our conflict ih one pertJOn or committee of peroons "A" Honor RoD (no Irr&de lower Clap1t4Ln.· Joe, popular wi1h Republtcan6 and dim vtew of propo5&ls to remove take Into account the epec:Ia1~'Vlttltnam in mind wlll'n f,,, "".h. If",.,. word5 Ihey fit ill well /iiJ brondly qunllfilid in such a Wide than an A)-Benfors.~ Vamant: DC'hoomolcTaIts 1l.lUte, want5 to &dopt state iT05S receipts tax exemptions prinUons btU and the dram On the

A ·\· ' '. ' .. Juoiors Pat l"arrar roIft.... ............ G Rh" Pla sc ~'lJon "so we're not in from weed1ctdes. filng1.ctdes and in· . .....'. elV! war In (] wlubn.'! "'''"-qlufuanl <GUAtry In Spulheo,t vn~et.y -01 1I.rca.tl. l!'ur'themJor~ -- -- • . - - ._.. ""~.~. . amma· ···0 ns a cr!'siS everY t.Inle we Come up sectictdes and certain !armma. statei'f!11eral -fund from woo· P.3 ~Alia hOi bf'f>n ",flrrtf>d L I ' h"t,.ro( until It womod Iiko Armag. thvre atc no GI.llted qual11lcations :~:r,~~' ~:'~~~ Valentine Dance here" He likes the.ulSC btu·s slal. chinery He will~ attempts to mltl10n severance tax bond p1'OP08-~ddon Our "Hurl, 10 ""'I' up I,n Inoompc1enl and solfllh tor th" z;ecretary or hln commUtee. mo~. none-: !'remmen, It 1 Q:l PiarlDtng anct maldng decorations ttng ·requ1remeD(.-{he heart of the curb predator control programn 0.1." After bond paymenta are maderegime of londlord5 und wor. IOrlh has been collod "the de- 2. It lmln~ extra:wer to the Ooooh. Mary Shaffer; Elgbth for the Va!entlne's Day Dance 0<:- found2-tion plan proposal-but ootea against coyotes who d~y caltle the balance;'ee<is:e:enoe~ reo'.nlle of frlJodom" governor, 11 crea:J one more Orad", none', .._.-th 0-.0-......r- oupleel me-"-- of ..._ n-........ U1c contemplated 25-1 puptl-teacber and sheep aoo Golden eagles who celpts are p wor. rse. po-.Jtton VUlnerable to polll1ca1 ... """,,,.. •...... OW> ,,~ .."""........, ........w._' general fUnd."

" la the Unll"d S'olt" O',v,'rn",,,n' iht.lf thaI has choson to ravomtlsm Hyman, Jeff BcrIbner. Rose Weet. mto Chapter of :aeta 61gma Phi ratio woUld not be mandatory. It kill lambs. Lincoln County ranch· Skeen, Chavez and otbe;r Jeg1slt,.k h · II d 1 • "n" Honor n_u (....0 '"""d SOw ......;.. ....-v m~ ....- wk' th would leave latitude txl1oc&1 school era el1ect _ sell·lmposed tax to ft. ...rna e I "j .tOIlO C(Hl lltl 0 1't'~1 of our wlllmgn~, t'o defond 3. L.lcen=.;1nfl of perron:; In·tbece O\OJ n' ... - e er ..ucu ww" "'. w.... ee a" e o.dmtntstrators, he says. nancc predator control efforts With tive lel1ders hUddled at leDItb with

other natlonl agOln,1 O(I'l'~'Hjon occupatto,lI:i and proreoo1OllB ~ for thlln n)-Ben1ors. Jlarp~ Ben- home of Hrs. John Bears. Ben. Slc.een AyS .. ' querque 8l.&te an<1 federal money. Ranchers carl:o on b1s speod1Ile program andIn ahort, we I", v •• bud' up tl", Irnr.>tHlnnw of the Vietnam tho proucUon of tbe public, we JJCtt, Helen Bett3, :HicheJSo Bu;rns, '!be clance wU be Feb. 14 a~ the Publ1c ........-Is. -r pupI1 _of' In some - colUlUes also Impose general lePlll&tive pIlaN.

W t Ih I L . . • ca.nnol nlJow a tunctJon of ooeb Mike Clements, Brooks 1)&7. au- Villa, Inn. leaturtng mU5W of the .,.....,.,,.~ e..."""'"· , v • .ar 0 CJ po nl W'll'r.. ou, "nllf)n,,1 pm!" " \flr(oUIly Involved, Importnooc, tAl be liable to pollUcal Ann Doroolt. Ed OUUu1e. Steve ~i1e Ramb1ero, Membcm voted tlJJ'OS "are extremely hIIl'b" and tbe tax. Skeen :-ys RepUbl1can

,even though. In tht> c'r"nn" "I many, emr w<urily is not. preb';ure Lona'. Marlon Payne. :Marate·~. foor • Valentine Girl. who w1U be GCeles moro uta on tbJB arM. He Gov. Da.ve calVOB rcl'atiOll:1 w.tthBoforv Ihmo (un I", (J .. "I"'H t d.... ~(C,I(JI'()n. Ihoro will prob. ...'~ nrl'lUl6ement would alGO /lOn, Rick Scolt, Harry WhIte. reveaJed at the dance aM prenent- rl)Calls amaU school d1strlcts have the leQ1slature are much llllProved

obly hov.. 10 h.. U dt"'teot",,,." ul ~,.",h lcmquago mUGt b., Incur a. f1l'lLUJc1n1 burden to the JIUl1'orn - Dana Olean, Jlartio eel with a yellow I'Cl6O and a g1fJl. been JUt for yearo on /lI'OllDda ad· ~~~~..}..96'1boce:;:;1tban..:.,C'aT bl~'l.~....r.f II IT' d 1 I ' l U ...._~. .... Howlatt. Datby H1ne. Nlt&H~ KIsts Raymona JlcAdam:J aDd mlnl:st.ratlve cpGto are b1ib. "I'm .....,.. ....... pa•• e~... IIU"\IV-- U Y Imn>t. '0 'I I ,f' ',"u"IIIJn Pur.ticiun5 mUGI loarn to nxpayer IIh "",,{\ no. now ex..,., about. la.wmalter lJeGdono,ulle sarno of tho ~on... ,,,,,. utl,d by 5"(,,.1'5" to d~cribC' the For l'lffimple, tho, prCtJCnl. llcenlling Dearl Jeyce. Jlar1lyn Parker. Lyn. Ilrs, Roger Ilamball were coobost- ~~~nc~:-~e~e bandledboW .~e....~nphonomono Iho,! u~J\('r ,"~ benrd ror nurnc:_!> nervro WlUlout Da PhlW~, Regina Sbarp: 8opbo-o eIllSe5 tor the meet1ng. and Mrs. • ........ jiij!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

In ahorl Ih U d I I IUY, but the (JCCl"e~ry of thln new moroo, Ktl.ren Paraoll6. JlU:Ie 8CrIb- <J1ar1etJ OocltereU. proo1dent. pre· B3YIJ.. " nl'" ";>1,,1,., """I "'un 10 wUlch Ull language. dl'p:\rtn~woUld bo e>a1'aJ1cd, ner. saUy att!e.?; l"rellbmeo, OJevn aded &'l the bu:;tness meeUng. WON'T LOBE DERE ..

Maybe .Ia fI.-ompl .. will I", wnl"fl"Jl't 6, '}'h"ro In 1'10 "Ornnd!l1Uler Dunagan. Roxlo Rodi'em. n W&a announced thal more Skec:l said Lincoln and OteronEVI-: M,un VlfOl"J"l • ..' .. .• - ~.~ clnU:i(," wtJ1ch would guarantoothat ~!tm!b Or,,@-Renee carpenter. oootbc»lat wmbe arriving any day County Bcbool d1!;tnct5 "would lIOt

BttJvt' MII)-f' ,,,.,, "I M, [11.'1 Mr' ,":. '.'; ,,',:1',1- .J .."'r. MUl'Vottn. hl're curn'nt 11cewlC.' woUld be Intact. Danny Cook, KIm 01enn. C'are)' tor members to lKll1. 1050 money" next fiscal year under&y U'_ VI I ,n I k .,I ' t '" II , .... t. w...·k 1('.lYe wltb }'('r;iOft'I \\'hO:le """""'"'UOM Will ItJbam. nfatne Mmer, Veron1ca RetrClllllmentD of irnPC gateau. ",- bill' • "",. bit1-RuJA-- .........

..... , " ".' I' "1 I luI ,1fl. r ,'. jr ""t.. 1-, " I .. J .. ' ~".. ...... YI'_ 0 _--... o. .......1. ~of.""'''~ ~~ ....,........... wv;;>U. -Y'.--_... -- - -. ,;' -~ I_U.~" I'~ U41 1.--l"~W--a1't('cwe:t"W--'l2J1Ir1Jt1~ nc-_-.......,n...- ....~~...,.,ven...--vuu~-il.....-~-were 5ClfV"", IN ltUi~----ca:rrlZOw--Wrona-affirlIciiao-- ---~---~-

iiillllllUOIJMtlhl I.W MO j:~'·~:J1~~.,:-\:~"';:~:1e:~'UJ:--·- ----.u__ ..-- .. - ~:~~~~~=::: -1t-tnembrlB... - .- u_ ······--·--:.~~~~~O:r~ro~ .. -- .

~;:,\.~"rcl~,,~~_~(~m. mo:.11y tIl UIO City HaU Beat ~r;w~~~rta, Terri Rob- Honeymoon Club :-~~U:g~8u:~=:-t\ ..., PIlANCIS IICmr. Runnels To Compete Kr. and Mls.\1o~oebor,D. I;ZI Oreeil syrrtcm wo ~4. an.l1 we caUed

\~~~'~~~:f,~'~IlI:ume rf'ttdl'nt J'~ ""'" - .,In Jl?1antConfHt :~ =s·~ ..~o=~~ ~~~~~~~~cM1thlD:=t,f 'htl/too 10 !. Ctm~lly III In !.he J 23 w"" ,JJ.Q~11~,~ pf Jl;t!~l\lJ ~ at the ~~i')~l ~lf1\urc ialew thai the Oreer\' ,. "rtl oJ II" I,.ml 11l AlbtlqulJ"(jUe. drl~ tJ1~~i~~cr~~ )(1'17. ~rv.l~m bfNqp, .~ <l~ Jan. 17. Jlro. Oliblni:1J:&&-t.ii'oe; r4!riuI" ...~ ••~ed updaUng but

_____ ""'9= bo('Jt. Tell." 'ppro;lf:lull1 j bt!1S o110U~ lJ\~teII ~n ....~ew.t~ ~ Barbara AIm Barrett and 10 the Ult\!s "1fuSI 'not' 'dooe. "We poured';: . OC) n OUl"Yfl. on~ JlJla~ In ~ urn:~~.~ ;\1 da\1lbter.,..J.lr• .an4 Mnl. n. E. moro money .tmo It and ca~ the

I Upper ,Califon. ~v~ ott.l'Of ~r~~ the'n&~~W .¥reu. of Hereford. 'Ibe bride· In(lqUlt1e!l bei"Neencllttt1dI," llen.beforo rCAehJflI tho brtd,p. t.",4 em tlnn r ji&tn,.1beJJIOD,.qf Jofnf,~ Skcen M.1t1. 1Io"'UcwJ .,~\0 mCl~() !Jlo turn .lU)d U'nlo'e~:. ~ot}~ItP,...,. ~~ 11 Jt:~ 0ill(JH or ~rt9r). 1'eleJO. btU "gtve:J Il!J rlO~& nedlA1tfl~'1 J1tbrollllb &be b/1dio. \WJl.I;d ~Vl)r WhQ U1o-~~ &£''''l:iie ~~ marrJod bJ,Ucr,tord op Sltcen tv.Io'OI'& Ibe·~timent ot.and dtWPt4 OIf U\C br4~tl1n4O ~ OOA'VCDII'on. ln~ue~,.~ ~~~!. I. :. DdVl:lo~~z:t',! .PI'OPO'll ,~...I:\d~~~U~oOU:n:~~ =r~~~~ ~~::~~~~ ,J • I • .0 l'CI f" 7 ~'" " •• n . ' , :)l~l:'

~~r~~:'(}I~~ I,r faUure .to u::o ~~"¥~~~bWl"*\~~~\ ',' " } '~ ~UGAI. NOTltl .. ;'" :::Jem, :lJ abcI J&d. :H. M C. P. S. ~.. ;r"f"'Y: ..u·n.ll ~ ~.. '. 0., . , .• "~~'• •moter tc.dol'l'l Wero work1ne J,beJ f ~ " • G '

dl'lOOwred tw


Page 5: '0 fHE Pm-lies. V-el1J..,'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/RUIDOSO... · With Barney GOP Re-Elects .Demos To Name It came as a 5boct to us tb1s Dr. Dale

.. . ,

" .. , .....~" ""-,,,~ ..... '-,.. ~_ .... ,' -~ ... "-

• •

~.. "- .-.-

. .

.. -. ','. _....."... - '-"-'" .- -

, ,•

" .,



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c. & l. L8R.& SUPPLY

Wouldn't I, battlHWlNllint If, 'W~ln" WO oro o5ked 0 ~"'fed

'\V~,6"op o~d /If''.;lw'; ~old(l11.~WOt ~ .ClOmmorit Ilk. "lMhiO e.hQ.h do In Woshi"Ofon?

Helan Oott,

••~ i


....11 I'rnlllo II

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Bud Sl."inner's

AI50 All Lengths of K·2 Fiber Glass Ski.•

Featurihg Th{l Short SkiRecommended By lending Ski School.

Quick To Learn On Easy To Turn On

-D.le P.rry .

2055 Sudderth Drlvo - Rujdo~o -


.Ski and Rer~ta~ Shop

nnnl,I" )"II"r JlIl,'jlfllU'4't ~. l!Ollblll Gf't tile ll'fll'I1f"Ke·~· .~..•)'.0\11' flUl-VllCI'UOll In R\!ldoso, want·all In (be R-.lll-.o S~.

_ I "- ;.. _. L, I ..... "... . .': Ei·: ! ...,_ . _ ... .' .' •

~.II£1.i!:Q:" l!l " ':iiiiii: • ijR. H. S. SENIORS '- CLASS OF '69

·"••••••1I ~1I ~ ~.~••1.1········~11---__iHOLIDAY BOWL i...~. =- -~- - - , ~- - - -- -"- .----------~~- -:----.= . " '.' -,= . 5

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2'1 .63 al)28 !;2 32

Pr('('jp mlll'!' Jon IPr('t'ip 'tlU'J MO/llb


fOt The•


Small and KidsREGUlAR $21


; .Reward For

. --- -----

,Elk KillersNow Offered,RATON'-A rownrl1 llf $WO hall

been llUored fllr In!lll''mIiUOn lead.tng to tho arreti1. lind convtct.1on ofthe pt>ftiOn or PCl"OOo/) wtlo kWcdU elk In !,he CoGttI)O area, aocorlid.log 10 an annllunccment by NewMexloo Dt>p"rtment of O1ltno andFlnh,, The clk tlJootlnllU fll"r.t oomco tll'hI' att('ntlllll llf thl' Dcporbm'nt onJan. 2 lind.- at thut thnfl, \\'f1J'C de;'of'fIlwd na prohnbl)' tho mll.';t 6('r..oll'j c:amt> I"W VlOtll lion In U1C h16.tor)' 0/ 1110 1'10t('

NI\"l'rtJ fOUlld \\'l1l'r,' five ('lit hadU/ll'lI dn'·.:;ed out Cllld lII(' earctlll::CloIn!tNl Ill'll towld an llddltlllool ll1x.tl!:lIJ!:td. !J1'011_kllled...J1~1!U!)fi.h1ruL

_'ll.lh!> 111.'111.

Camp, came bock to win by d 'MCOnd roundtechnical knockout. Glascon was battling forthe Alamo90rdo Boxing Club. Five teamatook port In 18 bout.,

Sam CallawayIndependent

Agent16" SvJckrth - 251....214·

Thac.fM Pot .. On

We Handle All TypesPolicies

Life, Automotive,Fire, Casualty, Etc.








I. i, I

••RECEIVER-Don Stout, left. take. one .on the•chin from Randy Glascon durIng action Inthe Jaycee boxing m'atches F"Jday nlgllt.Stout, repre5entlng the Sil'rra Blcmca BklY$'


. -•

.• of



I:6'~~&~J !a..ng. btotI OIVt you tilt mOlt advanced HI

J)Oot lYiIlabJe today and We the wotld'i '!:lilt l'IflMdt 101" 1M common cold.'. ,


Now Lange Boots 'For LadiesSling IJ1Yo~ Oid

Boors· AND SKIS,They Jar. WorihMore On

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The uncommon curefor the common cold.

B~-- -------,--.- -- ...."ow Ing

Quintet To SkiAt Cresta ButteFive tllp Sienv. Blanca 53ders Will

be 1n Colllrado tb1a weelcend fight­1ng to QUll!tty lor ~ NaUonal 6ldteam.

Mn~lng the U1p are atroy Hor·ton, David Estes, Stove Wimberly.B'ohar Ward I1Cd Alfred PeaniOn.

Coach Rny Held cald the quin•tl't Will be taking part In the OlantSl'3lom belni' held at the Crl':rt4'Datto nit! lIrCtl near Ounnl:;on. Thillrace Win be another ctep tll....urdQunl1Cylll(f ill .th!l finab alated forM';lrch In Anchorage. AIa~. .

~. -- ---. - -- - -- ..-------- --~----

, ! \

.' ..



\ :0

" olee•••••


. ,

" " i

, ..... ",$KI $UtJP.~Ut£) O'SO. N. M,

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~ with equipment from our large

RENTAL DEPARTMENTMore than 425 sets of skis - mcmy of them new,

. also new budde and lac& bOots.





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·tJOUIUS1AMP$ .ON \VI!DNISDAYw.~ ....~.liOOI$-'«.1ik-7.p.m.-SUNDAY.ii.•.. t ......

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U.S.D. A. CijQl.tl \ i

ROUND"STEAK .la. 98¢__ . __~.~.~.. ~ _.~ ,_,._.,_ . ._. !-_1...Jt.-.1,....._.__~_.::=.__

-U;57D~A.~- '. .-

.CHUCK ROAST LL......sr•U. S. D. A. CHOice

CHUCK STEAK......LB. 69c

u. s. D. A. CHOICE LB.


LUNCH MEAT ~::d ...4 plcg~l

* * *BISCUITS Kimbell's .•••.••• 3 Cans 25c

CORN' 0.1 Monte 4 $1. . GoJden. • • • . • • • • • • • • • •• • • Cans... . $

TOMATOES Kimb6J1's •••••• 5 Cans 1HI-C DRINKS ~:~ 3 For $1CAKE MIXES. PiUsbury's .•• 3 Boxes $1CRACK' ERS Nabisco 3· $1

. I" Lb.. • • • • • • • • • • Box4tS

TOWELS ~~'::bo 3 For $1TU"N'A Star·Kist 43'*Size ....••.•••••••••.•••••••

~ OI::EO--Kim~ll!s- . .2~--"-·-35eSolid •••••••••••••••••• III ll;Js.-

C'AT' F'OOD Puss'N Boots 2 29c. 1 lb. Cans. •. •• • . For .

, * * *lEnUCE-- Fresh ....•.•.•••• LB•. ~ -1-7«:CA'RR'O..S···· Cello Paek 10·c:

. .- ' • Pkg••••• -. ..

,AVOCADOS r:resh •• ~ ••• 2 rot 25°. HOME..M1J):f; emu Be BARBECUE

The Ruiqoso me-!\ Waniom,face league play, ~v!Jl&r ~ll.tencapitan~otpom.t FV 1i,17 '\ tWll ooQ!erence ~me,9 th!:s week. and Lake Anh.\W' 14 earlier con.

Upright - No Frost end, pJ:ayl'ng hOsttll the Hagl!'l"mlln tf;osts.

F $ Bllboots Friday n1ght and trave1ing Rutdllso fUnshed UUrd In lastreezer - 299· tll carrizozo for a Saturday night week',s tournament at Dexter, be,at·

Wimberly Electric contest. lug Lake Arthur twice- bY' the lden·

i;~:~~~;;;=;~The WIlrrior.s are undefeuted in tical SCOre llf 63-6~ and loSing toCloudcwn 63-59.

- ~._-- . -- '-c-In-tho--Cil'~ke-At1hU1'--OOl1test-.-'Jack V.manthit 22 for- the War·'rial's whlle George Romero scored21 tor tl1e Pantbel'llo.

In the second iame of the tllur·nament, ClOudlcrort put On a secondhaIC spurt to c$Qwn the W..rr1ors.Valliant was hlih with 16 but onlyfive of bls total were scored In thesccood hal!.

In the Lake Arthur replay~ Val·llant and Romero aaa.ln matchedbaskets wtI,h the Warrior gettlng29 whlle Romero hit. for 23. .- RICk Scott .00 V.lUlUlt wer~

named to the all·tournament team.

Smu ;I;1Ulsterbl\un'I. a graduate ofNew .Mf'!~C() state University, hasjoined tale' stll!f ot the Soil Conser·v_a,ti'QJ!..Seryice .~~ g~l\'p1tllll.. a§ .~range,COD:Wtvlttillt1l$.

, !'lAG., ONE . 'IQ:O'I'ION B

Ruidoso' New.,FJUPAY. JANUARY 31. 1969..

.\ iiiiiiiiiiii'iii'Ii'iii'iii''iii'"iii'.''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii



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Page 6: '0 fHE Pm-lies. V-el1J..,'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/RUIDOSO... · With Barney GOP Re-Elects .Demos To Name It came as a 5boct to us tb1s Dr. Dale





· .l I, I



H" "Rr"SA.,." 'J! -·::&:;'-M··,,'. ".

Iii. , . .' ,..,


'110. 257'!2,8~5 -/~$7-4t05HQjn_ '110,. We-2022


., : . , .., Iii' , ILl. "Po ,; "" <

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I.hftkf With bun & Brad.......

I ,,' ,-~ PJstRlBU~OR .... ,

'", '

: r ', .


.' R. Jaclt· Stewart

• •

CalI UI ror Any Plumbing NeedJ

Sid €~.mile Pfumbing &Heating , ~ ", '4..~""J:) 'J:~

Ruldblo_ tf.1\I." 'n'

Phone 257·2055

,.. ,

'. - ,,

. '

, '... " :. ,._s____ ;>--0-

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•• ,& _ ... _ :_'. _._11_'........'1_

... 0.. Tonic D.Uvtt'~, '

F,t.ntlty Sale• ..,tI Se;.,lc•

r~- ., '

ItT "t, ' "" ,



DIA' E" .


" '

", ;j-

Save Sy tt.lng Natural Ca..Dependable Efficient, Service


LAMH • 'lXtults



Natural (;05 Co.

App'llad~ - 'tante Imlallauonait ,,'.

Jn~c:ycall jS7·le.O or 378..4028

, Picture Framing1'.","1 110". ( "

W. 11'1111",.., .f .\11 Kin".Il.,. ...4. - (·....n.......ft.p .. l' ..

...... ~•••' rJ II", Dr 1\ I.'"1I Ir..

f. E. ADAMSnOI - ".1.......

~ .....,. ID - HI.". UHlllAtiii ...,••"•• 1_"_.. _11_1,...~:~.. ;;o; := .. ,- .. 00 ._••~-~-_. --'"






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Page 7: '0 fHE Pm-lies. V-el1J..,'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/RUIDOSO... · With Barney GOP Re-Elects .Demos To Name It came as a 5boct to us tb1s Dr. Dale

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Alpine Lodge(I_MT."LL., LOOAT_

••••••IUI T.·"', ,c••rteq c."...""t. ,,&II 01,..12.Drawer M - PW. Ill'"RtJIDOllO. NEW

11111••••i ••lfll...


Except 8.....''l'0lU B........ A£ BPAUa

Kuldoaolil F~ ,..dJlI1D&' p!eulU'8 III &lie ..

•AlJpeD dln.lnr ....m. :. .mead hl tile PIM a ..pttlferretl appet" C"""

Ver .RelItIrraUoM Cd 11'2'-l1li ,

, .

20 Modern

The Inncredible (but edlble>

Inncredible HamblU'ger

Affer Skis Anti·Freeze

Inncredible mixtur..


, ,

AM· FINNSAUNA........._~.~i1.# .......



Reservations for Parties257·2720

Pfaelzer"Bros. Steaks, (Airborne from Chicago)and served 7 to 11 nightly

rhlngl to Do ~ Where to ShopIn The Playground of the Southwell

~JIIIII'~~vc. ,

~.;> . ~i

,robs' amb~ • ~''Ruldolo's Year Around Reson"32 UNITS WITH FIREPLACESSwimming Pool - Tennis Court

_. At)n~ c:::!edibility G~L. · .,; - Hlghw~ 37 and ''',$ld,AreQ r",moff-. ,

Open 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. Monday thru Saturday

,..............-Ih......-... I*+"II__DIBLE,----


lox 4 - Pho. 257-4051

Ruidoso, New Mob

'l'ou'l't! Onl 01 lila C'rowd '

WIleD 'l'Oll'l't! Al CU!o lb....

But In dwl neart

Nob Hill School


Complete Flying ServicelOaMYANI'

Ph.... 505 257·2102

Jb&l4tH MlI1lIct~lAJoott - 1!. 0. JIg DI.


Oltme-Ma4e Hesic.. .._-everythinG I? eo.btI

fl'l llllleJ. KItch.""ft"."I"." ••1411H •

C'bat"ooal nrollmJ8teau.

1 lIWe Abovepcmortloo.

1'110. :l!j".:!SS8

....~........-.#....~••#,~,~~~~.....,~••##~.~, ........;


Chldleo- Steab • s.ofoocl .. M.xICOIi Food-Scan~.•

. SPECIAL lUNCtt .... 'Set .open 10 a.m. &0 IH31 )i.m. &lid &v.m. IW M14nlIh& He., ....

Frl4aYI OpeD It •.m. &0 211t ,.m. bet 5 p.m. ·w II" ., SaturdaY On Sttnda, Open , ••m. Ito 1. ,.m.

•~o~...~~.......~ ~~.,#~••HHH.~." ...# ......H.....,



CHECKING IN - The Four rr~fs are shown Roger Rush, leR9Y Gooch, Clydo Petersonchej:klng in for their engagement Soturday and B<:lndlritJder Earl Hesse, Checking themnight at tho Chaparral. left to right are In '5 AI~n Gray.--------·---f{---.....:------:--:-.....:.;-.--:..----.....:.-------·

, .

, '-'

•, VISIT 10NNtl! & WAYNt WOOD,


tntmudicma1 San.ler Voblc1es'ScoutSalll·8tSemce

, .

li'ii1ntN1~Ot Dutr -WaRitttVWork

·c,'·' -" '.,

• f;". .....;6

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Page 8: '0 fHE Pm-lies. V-el1J..,'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/RUIDOSO... · With Barney GOP Re-Elects .Demos To Name It came as a 5boct to us tb1s Dr. Dale



I i

, I


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t· b

,,:'"~ . r,.. ."


E'I" .$..... 'RM


1966 JEEP WAGONEER-· , . , , $11'8

1968 GRAND PJUX- ,Power and Air : $3495'22,000 Miles, faJ:tl'ry. Warranty, • , ••...... , .. , .. , , , ., .


Y·s, fOYf·SPC!'rJ.', •••••••••••••••••. , .. , ••• , ... , . '. , ••. , . , .~1288' .~:~ '.. J

1966 CHEVROJ#=T ~~1tv"' . . .,'f $1388v-s, four-Speed ..••••••••"••••• ', ••••••••••~.. .... ...••...... ".

.' "; --,.0' -;

.•• p" .'. -.-- •• , -,,' .-",.,: .., -. - ~ ,.- - -. , •• --

.,'-. ,-.

Dan D.'Swearingin,.

Inc.25-7..407S -". _.-..

Sales Agent





._~ ...".-- ••--~_.- .--'., ,. -.-.-- ,.,<.• ,--- -.-, ,-~-_ ...._., ,.



J '

Book)' c;:\ld "Excc>ptIOl\!J or W\,l(\,tlon moy bo permitted Olll)' WhenU1c rucw wurrant.·'

Benawr Cllnkln P, And·'r;;on.D.·N. M.. hafl Inl.roducl'd II b,a.I',let Ind!un rC1:crwtloll!J quallfy forhou!J1nfj' rehnblllta.t1on {frant;"

lie mId he beca.me aWtlrr of rp·atrrctfon:J agn!n<;!. /Juah grunt', !I.rInd!O:ntl when the Mecffilrro Apa·che Indlull'l applh'd fe,l U"u':W:land Ul'bun Dcvelopme>nt [l:flllJtc. torohablllta.te 110 homc.'fl 011 UlI'll 1" "",""atlon nl'nr Ruldo~o.

'lbc! firm bill IntroduCNt by 'hI'0«'110r Nmv Mt>xll'o Spunlof til:',(l('l\(Jlon nmt>nd3 the Jlou:;ln~: An of1040 to qU:lhfy IndIuM for hO\l.l11'l!rebablUtntlon granto w11err codr

, J


.I':.m 'q G::IY !;{'\,(>ral do)',:; ~ thc2r

1'.' \'H,U.t.RID ••~1n(l", / \

1'.11' or.d Mra T C, DI'Iclltl':t. Jr••\\WP ,!I RCFWl'U Dturday to vwtt.Mr" Dt-:uill'Y'u aunt.' r.fr" Omnr...ll IJ.)~(li!ll!l~ .c!:\·eml.d.:1JIfJ here .In~.

ell"il rmnml'r hr.:mc art> l,"~r. nndMr.' C<Jnmd KPlil', rftilll R<I oWNt.

M .. mlJel'll of tbe A F' !,~o'\\llrt

'(}mi:~ rrom Ro,'\\'l'U flit"", ,I [;Jlt'od.,,' tll0 \H t'lt N.d t.t>rf' ,n tholr

.I -'H~t') It~ a~;.·~tf'r RUltirvJO~.!' (lnd r.'rr~' UH!JPr1 n fuylor

:1!.,1 fmnl')' frllm (),":1. ut1\'edFl' ,by to r.p, lui '" ~":Q; t'Il)"lJ Inth, ~r hnmC' m IW.I;:Cil 0::1 ) enjoyI .!z ~n~! t~b~:t' twr0

.,{. f:l;(~ M!' T'.:n J""Pt were~) ~ jn~.t~;.n",tn ~n' ::3 n.. rA1 v.-:-~ Mrn.i,'1.f _ b:1f'~5:(1· (., C. Ch.~sc. Jr­I:' C,m't\' ,Illil her [~t>r, l.!fg.

=;=======:::::::~;:~-.a.~>~sj . _'t~"~"_~ob_r_l_r_'_,:_:~.d_M_r_~ _P,,(J_b_If._lS_,_.... .--------,

• I





Hondo Schools.. .

To Drop Trua,ts'·w· ,

HONDO - nt, If .

SF' ."0 ,



SI(J ~8JA 1)4Y OR NIGHT, DIRECr--- ---------IROM-JH

D~~ p.0, •

Swearingiq,-'. Jtll~. .257..4075


IOOEO Mf) coutrrU MSlUH TICKET PRICES:Bol Sf,Its $3.50 - IItrtft EN RtstrYO Jt,15

"JUl., ResefYIII $2.25 - GtIIml M.... ••• Mutt $1.75• pt~ral ~issioll • . • Chlldf~ 7~ .a~ . ,AtL nox ~NO n~6EnVEO SEATS 80tD BY

nXAcr now AND SnAT NQMIlJ,?,RlJ,nd ~uur remittance rmd Itl/ addrcIII:d CTlIJ,19l" 10:


,. O. 'DX 10239 - II PalO, T.lCa, 79993

~OU~JIY W~s.!.~l'A~E_ S,~RYf F.~. 1" q"Ir

Wftr.•.,~~~ ~~~rJ~$M~~~~~,,4• -;:99th

•AQHA anti ~CHA ,...... SIIew•.•• F.b. 1 - 4th.

. . .~

'nt,rnatlomd __""e hi~ .. Sol. F.b. 5 f" ~th.=_ '",. - .. Q 4

{JIG RODEO PARADE - I)()WNToWN EL ,ASO, • 3:00 P.M. - Ff'UlV~RY It/I,

" $ 1\ 2

> .

DQllrd b"lJ voted to drQP H(ln4ohlll'h scl!Qdl r,.tudcnts who 8rcr abo .sent 1TOm school 20 dayo ormorcdUt1ng'tJil:! rC1:l'Ular cchool year;

The new polley wus ann!l~ed··by Pr1J1clpal ~C,!lt J. Booky, . .

5tudcmw who IIrc' dropped for .non-att.endancc wl.11 not 'be r.lllipwedte> />tl rollw1.ated untlllhe t011oWUlS.sc;bool YC1U'., "Any eXceptlon or dewatlon ot

LhJB polley' must be pas3Cd oil ,by.t1)e eq&m 01 JildUolltfon. on tbe­

...... _ w·..... r"".,I1. rtleJit!l of each indiVIdual ClUe," .> •

Mescalero SoldierCompletes Training.7!T.ltNox. 1tY', (AJr'1'8Cfl-P~~.

VII'le Elltott I. Ka1'Jle, 2l. 6C)n of Mr.lind Mrs Irby Kll~hc, M{>scalcro,


1:', ~












----.. eomplMed rceolllla1s1':.lllCC tmllllllllDJJC 2 at UtI' Army Armor Center.Ff,. KnOl(, Ky~. re<:eI'VCd eight y;eeltl'.l 01 ~raP1.

Ink In !.he mt'thods of .6COUtmg emdptltrolO1ng, W1!.h c:ompbllGIa on theopeTlitlon of Army JCt']Xl cm r~ed

W!rraln JnlItJ11etlOll WIUl Ill-'$O ~IV(:I1In oa~alt~ t.ocbn1qucs. conceal.menl III natural terrain lind band·l!nlr of weapons.

'Hili wl'fe. Mary, ll.vea In Ohero··kl\e, K. C.

Race ......

Page 9: '0 fHE Pm-lies. V-el1J..,'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/RUIDOSO... · With Barney GOP Re-Elects .Demos To Name It came as a 5boct to us tb1s Dr. Dale


, -'. , _., -~ - .. -,

" . ,

, .




Idl"31 for mobile born"

-'-'.--."' '.' .•' -',.', ---~---"-"'-~.~-.,- "'-""';-



Next. to the U0:;p1ta1 on SUdderth

I Hlghway 8"I-tV>1> b!oelw off '10)

Telephone!! 251-4053 or 251.2928

Hf.'lU'Y L, lU'111an. QlJalUylng BroUr

Box 1ll58. Ironywood, N. Mclt, 883311


Lela Easter - Tom JasperYour Friendly Brokers


. ...... 1'1...._~--(' )- "'-., #. - - -

'l'eJe~. 117-'3'10 - 267~101 • 167"'"'


• •



We havoa lu1l sel«Uon of mounlntnrot~,In nil PI1~(' ranlIt's. Wewill be gbnt to 5llOW ~'Ou wbnt We btl,'r

A~rtment\ rem.13, traUcro, tl'lll1f'r t;p:lt'('" with 3 DR llvlciquartero. For 10:110 or \lt111 trodc ~'O.OOO 00 tl Ut' ~QU1ty for clearWllmpro\"cd property comewhl'ro nwrt> Iz, IU3.1i00 00 It'ft on ex-IriUtJg Inortgugt' .

We spl'ctnllzt' !n camplew rental tUJd propt'rt~· management mthe !UllOO.110 '~a. tt you ha\'t> tlOml'thln:; (or ,<>:lIt'. or for rent,

•~ With U6 tor q1l1cte actloil and l'er.ult.'1'F'Cffl.' RENT--2-bedroam apartment. Fumlmvd or un!urnlsb4d.uaWway a;t:a. Df'lIItrc year around wnGl'ltr;. 3


Spruce Realty of Ruidolo,

B"utUal~ OlIl1ftr With .'0 'C1'4!a. 'I'bttel:'rt\lbld.rooms.den. eiectrlo' titcbln, tlrep1aoo. t....O bat.blJ, pa~, utlHbll'OO1ll w1'tbdoUble a"l"tMcY, aDd prl<;ett below cQ8t.


TommY P&1'&eel - Jay Moody

,-.- .. , ..,,- ... ,

bou-~s, Owner will fl.

" ". " .. , - ..... "

, ,...... .()tJs1Pe.l'I'l-..JtM·Nob1e8 -·N,·n;-/Bliclt"BUc!tWY - Jesoo P.erteet-



Pho. 257·4228 Weekd<;1Y - 257·2763 SUIlclay'1 t' :

Ruidoso, New Mexico. . .-

place m Country Club arro. 516.500Nel'd a bome oUt!;ldl' of Ruldo30? 8«' Ihtl) nice a·bedroom. 2.

bath home In Sun VaUl'Y, F)asy pt1~'111t'nts.

• 8eot1~ rtncb Wl\.b Iov~y 3-bcdroom bQme. oTWard @ qn;idver, clo6e to 8uf<Io~. WUl £On:>1der r.ome ~~dc lqr ~ddifA\;t I

AJ)uquerque PfPSlcMY.3 Mres eo rtver W1tb 3-biilroom bo~. In e11ty lbnits and nlco

~w. .t.:lrtre love! bufldlncr Dltl'3. l00xl60 rem and on P\V1~!c;..o~\x.t

and £rOod WnJ1!l. n U.~ .Ideal~ Iocauon 0' 16'l front fe~ on -MaIn alroot ~b

!food b\IICnClllJ bUl1.dttIg. Terms you won't bclk.vc,. ~. l;'TI1'O bedroom cabln With nlet' kitchen. l1'vlrlg room carpet«!

and firePlace. Only 16.000 and J!l on }):l '·(W.. . -


. ---"". __.- ------ -,--,- ,---,._------------.

~.~n........3:::Ikdroom.~T.b-'ilihQiD()"w1f.b.~o-·llvlng--Toom-w1th· fire- ~


. ...,-.,.... ,., .. ,,- .. ~.

In the GakWfQy

• .St'io tJs TQ Sell


Louis M. SmithRuIdoso DowtlB. N. II.


, 4 ; qj

'f,Rial IttaHL . I I

• ,,; • t"••••••••.••••••••..•••d_


Mechem Drive

will open offices on

,. ,,.-.'-----;-.--,..~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.",...,-~~~-~~~.."..,.."'.--------------_....._----_.....--.....-~,....................---..........- .....------!"'.!"'."!'...............- ...........--....,>_ ....."'!,......- .............- ..~...""....

. ,. -,,, '

, ,



. "." .... .. .. I··' ... ..

PAOE,~~N::ncmONB ·,l·.:·.;A!"',j·~·,~·~"!'~·n3·~e·f~·iI!"'!·~ ...!~·...·r-I:1-.'-'T-'j-'.-r·H-'· ·l-.·A-n-n-Q!"'u-n'!"!ee"'m"":"!'.·n·..••........"":...- ..·, ·7·.·M-'S·C·.·;-;o·.. ·r...~·a·'~·i_.;-;.:'.:._.,,•.-. ;.~e~', ~~. hi I '-i Ii 4 I ·1"l·r.R"'*,~·!-.~·:-t·~s·!·~·te·..--••••,-:9-1'.;0.(.'.,- ··~·.·R·e-a·,lljllE·st·.JI·te".. ".·.~,;•.-·'·0,.".,•.-.,"'_.:_-,~' .~.:.:.:".~""~•.~.~.~"'/""~'"~.,•."'".,'I!",.;..}...,,,,.,:.,•.•u..,......~ .

~laa1•.,J~~~ry 31, 1969 ,,'<o@ " 'f " FOR 'SAlif':":'U1.\lbll ,;.;.. ny'.l.cl'nth;· tu- '" '" ' ' ''.. " ." . . . .' .. . . '.' '. ." ..

_:'::1~;:',.A~·"'n~n~'ou~.~n~qt=m=e=~=~='::':: ':"=':"='=:':'_~L=e=-!gal ,Notice .,Legal NO,tice, ~~~:~n:rcl~~~dn,~~~:,~IIS*~i~~~ 'if~N~~E~~~~~~~', . ,. \%LAGE OF IN THE D1'S'I1U<n.' COURT OF :;3~n~t~:dba~~~t~:u:~~¥:! m.l nl~"~~~ In WE> ~V~ tit~~''''!Wl~(lI\Legal Not.·ce· RUIDOSO, NEW MEXICO ';I'HE TIlI!l-D JUDICIAL Pl"STRICT !l1lln\.l'hl/nO ;;::;1~ (af~ .liP8~P. '\lfiPe'r~. ~~d has . for $IJC. AP~to1Y 13 acr~s,.

" .~~. .... . . ". NO'I'IC:m OF Al>Q'M'ION OF ,OF~:;\~~~OF ;3i:1rl~f~0~:!i~~b~~~TJ\Wt~ flrep~. Prkle reduOe\\ to $8,- divid~ into 3D 1~ 'lbree hQllS... .. _"I_~,Ii!-"_JUV_ .B.TA'MilS DEFAttT- OR:QINANCE NO. 6S·9 - wrrm~AND FOR . --.l'ilu-;--Cl\1I11'Q'l'£ct61'll1$''--·W'I'JI,tlcreJllt- ... '1~'foi'~?1~sa~e... .0. .-~~=-in oe'rttrtlo1Texas.ME~ OF! '.IHE IN'l'ERlOR B ' ':MII'~..nll!l1an Viano l:nor.l•. ;IAc,. . . V ~. # I.... d 5 hftd'" _n"' ....;. . 00' . i ....reau of La " u- In accontance with Section 14.. THE COUN'm(" OF LINCOJ"N Slllem,OrQgol\ 1l7$08. . . lI,1~. . elW ....ce .urn"..e. I ltv • 0 Cu.""",,,,, of 1. un "'" ~wo ,swim·h' . rut Managemelllt, DM· 16-4 N\1W MeXic/;> statutes Annotat. IN TIUfMA'I·I'El{. OF T:ftE LAST) -- .....- _.- -~-, '" -..,... rooms, a l:ia\obS, ).\vtng-loQm. mm;: poOls. restJ'~~j 10lU\ge,""on of LandS & M1neral$Pr' CVS:t'Olll MADFJ p","peri&s.p!l1o",". d • I ()Mana em . ogrnm ed, 195$ ComlJilTa'tlon, notice I:s herc· WILL AND TEST:A:M:EN'l' OP ) bOll -spreads. a(,'Cel!lI11rl~s, W" II\/.lo.llllro en•.t1r.ep1fllce and u.U ty,room ·prlva.te dtnln(rroOitI. 1~ Uv-Bo' 1~An ent /,: Land Office; P. O. by given of the t.'tle and: of a gen. WILBUR PRANltXJN COE. ) and !l1Q.ko to orde1:'.Silleet ,tr'(j!l1 '!lull· in upPer canyon, Oood terms'llng q~,.WillCQnsld.er tra4.

)tr.l x ........ Santa Fe, New Mexice, eral sUmmary of the subject mt\t. D~~eased ) gr::,11 of beautifUl fabrics ~t ·3~.t~: , /' .lng f~ II. ra,neh•. 501. Joanuary 17, 1969, Undcr the ter contained Il'l Ordinance No, 68. . NO. 64' ,. . Two cablM.., Win. consider 'l'W9 bedroom ~erho~ with~~VU;JIls of t4e T!lY~Or,GraZing 9 du1y paS'$ed, adopted;' and ap- NoTICE oli' WPPOIN'l"MENT ~~~:rA~~l\j; ~~~d':t~t~~ S~IP£~~:tolc.\IlS ,lin ~mty tor laie mod<:1 ~ extrA t'OQJl1 buUt. QI)•• tumls4t'd.

c <1 UIle 26, 1934 (48 stat, 12'72: proved by ,the ,Governing Body Of The uJndersll!'ned 1$ ExeQUtrik of ,8< Supply on lIIway 70. l{olly\vQod. C'llr Qrbo,t.· Would tr~de fQr year around43 U. S. C, 61%; 43 CPR Part 2244), h V II f d ","M' . \. . 1-tto. II: 'Aentlon. ,as amended, C. x.., Crowder Invest. t c 1 age 0 Rul 050. ~,ew exi·. thts estat~. nnd all persons havUig -----... . '" " .. .. . N$Ce~~ 'I m til ...ment C,.ompany, 1018 S'--.s B"'ld. co on DecembEll' 12. 1968, A com- claims against the estate of the re~~iu':;'~:~';'~.'~- ','. ' .. ,. ,I. • '~very nice b1r lQt. bea.utu'ul

,...." ... plete copy of Ordinance No. 6S·9 $5 ,decc"ent' are r"""'1l't'd to present • 'up"l,. ol1m....~ 'lO.·'Ilo\·~ Twb.'.. .~.'. tn 1,lpper cany(lh' VieW, wtnnfielc:l Ad4n. li:XtratnI, Albuqperque, New MeXico "~......,, "... ;lITW ~ ~ atIIl both blwe 11re n-o 87101. has filed appllcation New avullable for publlc lmpectlon duro them Within the tlme prescrlbd by'. . . • ' ,.' " . • good terms. •

Mell:k:'o 4B26 to select the land de. In.g .~e normal Rnd re{Wlar bUl;1nell5 law. FIREWOOD jlIW~. WoUld COIlIIfdet'o .& Ilnl&ll- Real cute 2·bedroom cabin 10hOllta of the VUla\'!'e Clerk tn the Coo ar hOu"eo~ ~~. Upper ~~ ~a.<:e. 1u.

scrll;l¢4 as I;lW*SW% Sec. 28. ofnoe of the Vi1JageClerk. Munlcl~ 15/ J;.Q1.\We H., If yO'\l want a ca.re, it W9U1d be redecorated. """""'H. dec 0 r •NW%NWY.500. 33. T. 11 S" R. IS Execut.r1x _ ll'ORSALEl _ "'t-..-E.; 8¥~NEV.. SEV4NWY., SE'4. pal Bulldlng. RUidoso, New! Mexl· RIC!tARD A. P~ONS, -PltONE Z7-aM _ worthwhUo to dleolt With me. Good tflrms..SW'A, S¥.!SE'/o Sec. '1; S¥.!NJh, S~t!- ce. a Attorney for EXecutrIX Chr' A P' JaBY" Soc 8' SIL"',J, S"SI' Sec 9 . ORDINAliCE NO, 6 ·9 p 0" ",_•••"",,' ...., IS • Starr ~U . , U!.!!sri~al-r_,t!ft.'te-_............. . 'X" 7~~!. 'z;' Y2 ',: :;\ff--t:lafflNANeE-ES'fl\'Bli$!Io' " SlIJ& ".'''''' . '. --' ;4....-::- - U . '. J;;:[ cu.. .. -

. ~~l'!f!¥,i,~. Ill. SW!4NE!i-,.. 'IN"·"", ~·"""''''O''TS''·ST'nTnRUldoSQ-;·liew 1'i!eldCo-'883.,46··· . _. . ~IIVt N..w MexTc:o - , - ._-,-.~-.:-~.!_-_.- -- .. ._.. . . . .' .. .NUNW~ BE''''"'' ... .~"'''''''".' ••, ..........,. .. • 'I ....., ,."...... _.'... - . oe .~. ::wr..-o-zt-_ .~CrtrOf" 4,' 74...d~, NEV.Effl~~. MDS REQUIREMENTs PR.O 1-10-1'1'·24-31.· \ ' ,

~"""7"Sec. tt: NE~. E I6NW%•. EbuR AN ROV!SIC>Nf;l OF ,"'. , '.' Heating Fuel 'lQ~~-aodH-J1mm1&~~laea.8IJ.NE;USW%. li~~$EY. sec, 14,NJi;t'J. ~oO~u"",,~PFOn 't"U"" "'!~B A~t. G!ltBllltte/l Ails !l1Ust b/l 1'1114 ~tlng Fuel No.J, -..... . • .W'hNW%,... liW*mv~~, N'~S~~~a ""'.,....""'..:..••..:...... '" uu;" ..U . ~~o~~:ctJ'~gu1'~·4~r:~u~'~ 2:Dlere1 aM Kel'<ll'JtD:t.~! >" '" ... , n" .. , "" ,

15' SS1iNl'2 N~!'S~' BWl/SW~" DIVLSI.ON OF LAND IN THE lIllere. Tbe ratll for cl... flild ad,..l'· If order is f~ 50 or m .....::l.:..sW%SE~·~ 1'1-. ii.,NE~" SE;:' VILLAGE OF RUIDOSO,' NEW Using Is 'Ie per word with 11 !l1lnl!l1um " - WE IlAVJjllJ6TEDNW~ "n:HI--=~' ,,' • 4, '4: ~EXICQ. AND .ITS. mrvmoNB. of 51.0u for IG word•.. Pleas\! flgu", • Malco N.o. 10 ·Nbc$~~ ·~OW,01 '1ancl Oneklcated on the ·rivcr. 1'4

.. I' ··.,..--..·.."d'" JI{~~8EY.~cC". 19. "co PROVIDED BY NEW "",,'VY per cenl lax Wad. to. "d~liItrS~N~~ ~p.,::!SW-% NWI4SE' Sec -= •.""""""'. cost. ThIs rate boldlt thI. fill' OIM Pho'lle 378-6531 adeIJ•.(l.lI '"'~~ ~1mer G1LWwIlY. Another one over 1 1/3.

~,~~4~~.~: 2J4:Ni~~~: ~ESyST~~LM~Altw~TO~:J1.;1B·:E· ~le~~~~~:I~~':fh~~:'kEor~~I1J~!.o Box ~~~ss~~k$06d :: ~t.H~-1't.0« ~~Wlly S'1 in WOOded are". 'farms avail- dMllbNW~ SJl:%.aw~ ~ 23' NEIl MA. ".\IV ......""'" ...."""" .. 0_. enc OSIl c - -- .......'" 7 • • ... ~~E¥.!mVy•• NJij%S~V4' Nlj,SEn~~: AMENDED. g~ lfh~o~i:k~ ~~~4~..~1~~· 'WRAY aURGm'S PO YOU NEED Il'01J"'T'"'tpD L.II26' 1111 Sec 27' S" 8WII. 500 28' The following Is a general sum· 1I00n each week. ~ ~~. tYro ~tbs? We have 1l5ted a comfortablc LISTING SERVIa.

si~.NWY•. ·NW'y..sW'4, ;~~5J,1.!' see: mary of the EiUbjeCi til1ltter COll· -. CA-RD- O·F-~"ANK··-S- RUIDOSO SHOE ~Vr' klme on ""~t river ~t, with ftrnnllloCC and attached ""'rnge, RCIl· RUI·doso Realty Co. [1933]29; N'hNW'4, SW%NWl~ scO. 33; tatned In Or4lnaI\Ce ~o. 6fJ.(!: J.n -.ntDf~ 0, 7 .. Wi'- ..... ~.. .,-

N~~ NE%SW~~ N"'SE~. Sec .35' BE IT ORDl\tNED BY THEl J WIIllt tQ thank I1I1!l1Y friends wbo NEW' tIlED IOO'ra. ....~ prl;ot4l wflrb tentl5.• ,. " GOVERNING BODY OF THE' wcrq so nleo to Nlmember !l10 •_u- .. -- "ro:Ratt.:!:8 Oft LlB'ItNG eERVIc.T. 12",8" R. IS E.; lot 4, S\lINI-!:. " ..TLOGE OF RUIDOSO NEW While I WI1S In. the hospllal. All til. __ nOf--aocn,....-.... .

sec. .:I, T. 13 8., R. 18 E,' SW'.· ...... ~ • I.'ards, vlsltlt!. wlf1.8, flowers and pray' - ~ 11'1'" - L k RIC I OALLNW" NWIf.SW" S 20' N'·' MEXICO: ern havo he pod 110 !l1ueh In apcodllll ~ 8. JiI'-...... -.. t4i:Ja.- . OC·. e ea. ty . 0 Emada1r C'baae J...... .0--""- .......-..M7'1, ,I 74 CC. ; ~. SECTION 1 'ITl'LE' Sets. forth UP!l1Y rOcov.ry. Mil)' God blc:ln <mch "'- ..... -- -. _ ..... __ ....n ........NW¥4NE%. SWlilNW~4NE\~, WI,. -, of you richly. -' • , ~ • ~: 261·~ - 0f1100: 16'l4Ollll _ ~ • ..,.1OlII8W~!&NE:% 500. 22. NW" NWY. Sec. thatthth~••O~ddl~,~edtS~~u be'D~;vn ELSIPl WILI,.IAtd. io R' ; /T.IVra

29, T. 11 S.. R. 19 E.; SWI', WI"J' as .~ """n 0 .... :v~ptl3''''''''l)_a. • k o. entars "yot/2t UY '1'0 A SQU,ND~.. • - .."\ .AND BOILDrNG $1TJ:8 tN aOOD AREAa'"~4 SceNE' 23; NW~NW\. Bee, 25; N~nsW M~fxlCthOe V'IH'a,c-OC Ruidoso. Slerr Blanfca Group ~";;'O;;;;J;;UoI~rt~IJ!;IE~~::;:-'~'.:_:.== 'P'nT~i~'fOR . 'AP=P~R~" :~·~~.:mlCRlIlJlI:" - "GAVILAN Ap:RIlr•• .,,1.4 Y., W¥.!EI;,. WI." Sec. 26. ~ ~ • 0 D APARTKElNTS - Jl'ot' ................ar., ''''''WMN ot.I, ett1 water. eleetr1citJ'. IGOdT. 3 S•• R. 20 E.; W\2 Sec. 20; all SECTION 2 - PURPOSE: Sets. rent. 257-(382. 1lUfo, Box ... RUl4oIIo _ PhoN 16'1~ Areeta, IC)!I)I iota e-:l Carrlao CZeet. 10 fear termIJ 1t~Bees. 22 and 23; N¥.!, SWl< Sec. 24; fortb the purposes of the Or:d1nance. Alcohohcs Anonynlous FURNISHED APAlt'TIOIlNIl'8 - 1U't.VfN.. r:&IICS ''ltlLIBm1l 'l.O'nI m~ 0.''''-0'' 0 •..-..00 0 .00_.0"NW¥,NW~sec. 25: N~N"!I, SWlq. SECTION 3 - ,JVR-t,:SPICTION: MC¢lng every SMurdaY '1 p.rn. Some with flreplacoa. tor relit teal· - __1lI' --....... .,........... _, 1I n y~ __

NWY•• W~l.lSW!;4Sec. 20; SW\.NEI•. SOt5 fortb the torritory encofn~. Holy U:ount EpIscopal C2lurob porarUy or for WIll"", l:l57.mS. '4-ttoo ~;;==,.:u;:,:.=.=:l::,;i :;=;:.;;:==========~; lAND HAS BEEN OUI ~SlN!SSPOR OVER 30 YEARS--·S%NW%. BY..! See. 28; S''!:NE1,~, cd and the authortty and Jurfud!e- PhoDe 25T-M2'l- Box m ... i' 1-----------.;...----------__-'8E"NWI' E" "'WI/ SEll "'ftc tlon of the Planning Cornm1s:ton - ". ,.._...1____ M29:7W%Ei~."w~s;;;. 33; '~'2~~~ an:~~~~-~iOAL AND AD- ANIMAL SHl'JL'1'EB - PlIo.~ FOR arg('e.r Wh('tlocksec. M, NW,,,. s,~ sec. 3$, T, 3 S.• Z,nNISl'RATlVE PROCEDURES' R EN TR. at E.: S%SW%, SW1;4BEI. Bec, .14; 8EY"SE%, ~. 15; Iota 1, 2. Scts forth the legal and ndmln1stra· . Rt1IDOSO DOWN6 ..A.RI:ANE%, E~!JNW% sec. 19: NI~. SE% live procedure!') ~egurd!na &lIbell. Housoo - Furn1:;bed or 0'nfunlJ:lbedsec. 20' NW'/NE'" NW '4 Sec. 21' v1nlcn of Innd with n penalty and DR. J. R. KUHN Ona 4-bt'droom _ One 1"'-----"""-

, ' 14 ,4.. .' enforcement clnusc. ....,........'r- E.,,~WtWJ~,EJd)EJ.i-----~--- ..---. ----- - _.. ..._-~-..- .. _.~~. -----rwo tlci1roorn~

......- ~~~T·.;:;4:E~.E~;:~~~~' se~~NUl~ '~P~:Z~Y~~- Cliiiopl;acticPliySlclan--mtnl -''':'~-378-~~sec. ~. SI,uNE~ SE~' NWI 81.. s-mmrl('llUon or v<ordiJ or wlmt rAW""sec. 35: T. 11 ~: R. ~ K;" E"~: I words art' undcrL.toOd to t>xpre.':S asE~W~!l sec. 10; aU Becn, 11 and 14; appllcnble to tho O.rdln::m,ce, \N%NEI1 NE'4NW' WI.SWI. SECTION 0 - PROCEDURES:SWY48E% Sec 16" ~I' Nl •NEl~ Sets forth tho "Proc('duN.'1" whicbSl' NE" SW"NW'I' N~ 5t.: ",,~. muct. be foltowed tn £;ubd1vldlncr

.2 74. -,. '" J..... 'J' 1 d I·..." tb 1'-"~ f the Vi]Si/z8Y" see. 21: W~NE'4. 5E¥.- nn w...... c ......"" 0 •

" NE% NWI' l'fI'sW~ NI· 5'-SWI' lag\? of Ruldo1:ll or wltltlnlbrec '(3)• 8E~' 'sec l<I.'22,·:JNEt" S~t "NWI

4• mil{,3 of wt' ccrpQrtlte llplll$ /)( tOO, •

:~ SW~ sec: 23; ~11 s~~' 24; N~NW:: Vl11alIe of Ruidoso, ,111 the near futureo Bee 25' NlhNEI NI N"NW' SECTION 7 - Dm~tr ST~. " .• .,."., ,~ ,6 ARDS: Reft'rl1 W ilia nik~~ J '

· Boo. 2f, T. 1~ 6 .• lJ,. 22 E .•S:J Bec. d"'" f th. f t " , h" J .." , ,• 15, E4l1:~*f) ~<:. 21: NWt4SW~" Stan lru." or e .YPt' 0 e[ro , iIL:h :-6" T- , •

p Bee 27' NEI NWI' NEl BEl Sec In which thl' land is located. Jatfd -:=• '><I' ·...;~~E'.~ aft~' ...~-'to t:'~" "tn~V1dr Jw·eJ~of!fr;I~ i, ~nt~Opportunffies: ~!~~~F:;t: 'h~~l~rF~ :~fc ~;n~nut I f tr,i . "~AT~Q an~ .0If'CO~oi-CAn.• "'S'f(),t.I'''''r,'''I' ii f'l. "( !t' 81 M~J o1¥J ~.u:!wIUt., CONOCO l1J:UloJlnn In• 10. T. &B., n., 27 E'; S\V':. B ~SEI. OUAn"NTEE •. FETi'.q an'e t h ltul,louo. for 1IA10. Rmllll lQUount• .,~ 10 T 3 S R 28 E' BEl ..... .,. ~t "'...... ,..oit!} , IIQ>wu. bl1Jnul'O 7 Ilel. In<<lrcat•.uP to, .....". , " ..' ..' 6


"L~'dfr"" ~nn~~' f.(W8'r"i1Q.Q 1'1'",111, to pex. Amplo room fo.. other• Iv TKt/.J.£BEv... NEl.SE~.SEU. 51/->,~'" ," '"1I'lln;r ~,1":' ;Utfiflle.:l:tli. 'ClllI cr"'M"Itb W1140 I..

",~J~i~E~~Sec. 11; SI;}:iW:.6Wt;. ~~;~~:~~t\gill;j)~~-1~t .~~:~?~~~~?:~.HG7., Ilo~~a; ~~; .\f -. • -'

'JfWlANWU. NE~SWI,4. Sea. 13; ,T a. h h- " t f' 3.8uslnen ServIces ... Phono 257·2092 ~. 'R .d h Cl' ·f· dW~NE% Et: E%EI' NWI Eke If· uet:> lor! I e varlOU. }'1X'0 ° i t (J.NW~NE%. ~'.NW\4 ~c. 2i. T: Pla~G••Plan:" /,: Data ?l'Ces:;ary (or 7 • I~•••••_.!.~•••~••••_••~." eo e 551 Ie ,S6 $., B. 3() E,; 10Lo 2.3.4. EI,SWJ.. ~::;~~~'ltlCn to tht' ~.tlnnlng Com· WANT TO TRAD~.ooo .nuttylb."

sec.1;8~~~, 17; ~~l.~ ~~'Igln-VAR~~: ft20.~~~g·~~~1 __~~~~~R~0~.W40~II~ho~m~0~0~r~R~~.=O:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~fs' 'lot I,N.t.N"JE,;. NE~';~I~ ~~~: \"Id(>q. U13t ".VarIances" from vtJ1e&.. :MeGln'. 806 Iklbol'1l.h. Ro_elL ~:t.o. ' ; •.i~; N¥.!NVI~~randSEl:NWl4" SI'C -c0n;v'lnnre- 't'.1lli thl" fftlUlaUoro -orAnd-Appliance -Repalrs. .. ':L~O~T'?'8""-':'F"O"it'" ",:w.~"'""~;=:"'_==""t;'f:'ree=·=:lo"'tNl""""'''fd-:::~:'::' ... 3' 1m1room1IDU:;c; rllliilLngGlreaUl alrt'ni,p:lvli(J Gtrc'ct; ·-sa.iiOO,--.. ~, -T. -e-&, R. 31 Eo, N, Melt, Prln, d{'s.r;.n r;to.ndard5 may I)/: lIrnntr<tR1lldoso _ t5'7~. lOt;} dOWfl- bnl4~-o'\lel" {T YetU'I. Ph&. ·Willht1ance.Mel' Nrsw M x1CO cOI1'bln1n!' Ul tht' C.(l.!;C of extraordinary hard· 3:!-tfe. :,,1-1250. Gl·lfll.' '. e.., 5111p-'. LOTI! FOn SA LI': _ C....., MondowlI. Nilce rnaoonry WIth bam. adjoll1!) National Forest. hor!lt' ~<Jturc,20,624.409 .cres In exchange for tht' SECTION 11 _ PLANNED DE. 10'.. 110wn. blllancc over G yoaN, Pho. ChJ!i(' ln,laMs ~r1bcd cs aU Bees '1. n. VELOPlItEN'TS: Provides that Uto 'iNcoME-TAX-tU:TURN9pnEP~ ::;1-1~..o. 51-Uti N11.10. lots 2.3. 4. Wl'JE1~. \VI,., St'e. ED-1I11Jdrcd Wl1uUell:, ;!57-2092. .if i , ;' -~ - ---.. leo house on 1'I\"l'r. lll('f' ort'hard. It'nn."l.J3' al1 sees 14 15 NE' liWl • standard:, nnd rt'qulrt'ments o[ 81·ue. IArte r1ver lo~ In uppt'r Ruldo:JO. has 2Niv~ svmv~·· s" Bee" IS' a'n th(>"~ rl'UUlntioo.:l may be modified J~(,Ol\tE TAX a•.R'V'C~-'t'\ yew Two Bedroom ri:ecsecs,t'17 and..

2Is:'T,:M B.• Ii. 14 w.; by ttl£' ~;anruXl3 CUmmls.-;Jon ~ the Ol::pOJ'lcnl'<'. OWl'4l next doO'!' L'n~'tl D:l •

lots 1 ~ 3 (, N1W NE" SI NE~ the ca5t' of a Jr.Qnncd Dtl1ielop. ~nWtl9Ji'~~::Jl°~~°Ircrllcl<ar' Home 15·aerc tract. Wt'll Impro\"t>d.. nl'ar Ant'bo,., .4 '.. II l. mt>n

t• '. 1l1.lte. Rive 8evt'ral tmcW. leveled off lor mob1lt' hornho,NE~NW~, E'~8W~~. SE\" sec. '1: SECTION 12 _ REPEALS' Pro- wIth adiolnlng cabin "

NE~~~. S!~t.. NE~SEl". [d W . T T "'TI Oi'dina--"'''''' B'ookkeepl-ng SeI'Vl·ce For "~I- Rave- ooveral lo!'l, wry St'~mc. "'"Iced at [1 ""'100 "ou can aUilrdW'J.~st:;v. sec 8' SW% NE" SElt.. v e9 .or r!'Pea 0... •. n""" .... u ... ..."

NW~. Nw*sW~~. ShsEi. ~. and Rt'~.()lulmn~ and~!J p:u'UJ ther{'o Tax AsJI"an~ Both completely Fumllhtd to IIu.lJd • t.malJ C3b1D on,11: 8¥..SW~ see. 10; SW%SE'4 Sec. of v.iueb art' 10 co"illct w1lh nUn Pho, 251...u~5 Ask about mve:itlnt'nt Irnct:; and small and brgO rant'hl'q.

11; 8EY~~t, SW~~SE~41'sec. 12; orS~~~N 13 _ CONFLICTS OF Gladys Thomson Cabin ASK us ABOUT OUR CABIN AND HOME LISTINGSE%. fll-:INW'~. NW4NW4"NSW,,!, REQumEMENTS Provldt'3thlltlf Winterized and HltOlfldl3ec. 13, T. 34 S.• R. 16 W.. E,.. an" sret!on or n..,rtlr,. o( any r;ec. ------·--'0----- OFFERED TO SELL BYN "SW1J: SW'··SWI· NlhSEI' sec" "'" litORTOAOE on CONTnACTB-r.o- Ph 2512352 257 2"93

'T.l ".... ,. 4. .~ .4 • Uoo art' by allY Ir.tf'rprNatlon, in cnl In\'elItor In mnrltet for fiIIIl 01' one - or- ~:13, '1'. '33 8.. n. ...16 W:; a~ ~cs. 1'1· conflIct ~~'h any [,{'etion or partlS) Ilecoud Ilona nt II fair dlllrount. It<lply (31oUc.)I ... '" U SW" rotE',: SW"'NW In WrlUPS to no'll: GG. Ruidoso Now», :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;====;::• IF, A.V:t • .. -... .'" .•• of any st."Ctlon. then the sectf(m or 19-tte.S'!r see. 12. '1', 34 S·'LR . ~6W.• nil partlS' of tht' sectIon wJtch 19 mOst ' .. .. .. 'ace. ~. '1'. 33 8., R. 1"1 W.. all sec. -4 ......1· -"'11 ly a'nd •.... ··1 ....c We R.nt Most E........h1.... .b' A' t..........1 .'12. T."HIt., a. 17 W.• N. M'CIJr, Pr1n. ~~~:;;~e ",..... app • uuu U • ··'T··OW _.~.=~u~:";=:nv.~Y:======== B,'ox 26 Phone 257.2411- Ruidoso, M. M...1'4Eu', New. Mexloo. ~nta~J3.. Wllne--J3 mt 1lnnd and oCIlcial ,..,~-ANT!)1f~O BUy......o 10 45 ft. !l1~ • , , 1-"

;1M-52 ~es•. The Pt1t'll«ie .~ fhjg cdl or the VilltlS(l 01" Ruldo:;o. N~w • ! 110 home, rnuonab'lti, Co.U llftllr G. ~;;;==~':g~==~=~=E==:!:========'~=~!!!~!!!~!!~~~~~!!~~~~~~~~ ~~!1tlotk:e .~ to ,~ow any pernon QS. :Mextco this 12th day of Decem. 78-4GlY1. I3-lte.· ............., . • rser.t.k1C ~ c!alm to the lands or . • • ..ha.VJne-bons. fIde objections to the ber. 1968., A DrffERENcE rN WHAtt Ite.J iloice tw«' bellrOom home Just off l\I,ecbcm Prlve. n..,;protl<iledex~nge to file their ob· lSI Jamt's L HIM. larttt U4C1ty room whlch could be wted 115 .. third bcd~, itoraaeJecUons to tbb of1ice. ~. claim Vlili:re Clerl: P!!6ttEs ~1.2302 .... .... Mobile lIotne8 ~th. :PrJoed to /Sell.'br obJectlOn.s must bc flied. with ISEAL) . , : ..' i if iii ; . 7 , or C . I r I ' . . . ,

._. .t:~~~tlt:~~~~tw~~.A:~Piw~~~;~i2:~::;:i E~pJ~Y~nt .. _-~-,_.-8etr.th~NEW-=:eountry.Mor" .. __ .. ~; ;;~ct~;;;a~~;~:.~~~~nt'~L~-m.=:~=0c7:~==~~~~~~S~:;:;:; _'_,,_7

In 30 daliJ fl'Otn date bf first publ1· December.1963. .'. . ... ..' _!::.. '" 7':'; 1,'::2 hUe Homes. Sec the lmprovemem. One has oovor boon lived tn. Cnll today. fot tobo~.' .caUan 'Jndt'eated befow. MIChael T. /sl Lloyd 1.. ,Davis. Jr•• MayorpART.'1'tllm--Or fuU. tlmil work ot- thn.t have been rnac10 for yoW' CClbo J'Otm BElDBOOM, 2-batb, approxtma.te1y 1.600 sq. ft•• 00 OOW. . , . ". .Solan C'b1el. Is, James L. H1J1e. Vll1ane Clcrk feffil by leadlua EdUI!a(lofn co'?:~ ven1en~ and In .... - /= it, Pt;"'n"', IOoattld clO9Cl m.,Prlced a.t -1"$10,000. Near rect.. ·.. tred:.~..b:6u:ac. nice 3.bcdroom,l1te'Plil<le, e1eett1.'. C

' . A.. ~. ("""AL I"" RUfdlllJo ll.1'ell. N'ood UIO 0 Mr.".....". '"'" ....., """"' ....,.-. .. ~'IlO "'-.' , . HIl; "'·1·1,-~1 Dr.. " w'llrovldIng CI. sll.rvlt6 to,. flolllliJltU tor durab1llty. Nice snt&11 cabin near airport. Needs a handy man to tau IdtdMlnl WK'lI 11tJHt1, a«acbed g~. forOed ..it beat. 0004 fj.

,', " ~:::.' Wa~ °li,oWf~~~t~ You wl.11 find a floor plan to fit fjidr OVer. lllU¥lIItC ,~b1t., - , M',. (35<\-2465) for tn1llrYJeW. ,11_ '1ndI.vidU&1·lll!edIl. A'JJL TOWN ... a"....,-~- ft."l.. t' JD'" vcment. t at <it. ": -~-~," AS~,.A80Ut-y).aTJO~&~XQJRSIONf.LlGW:r~- • '. I;;:',. "'>;'-";~'~Y-YOMLE~aij': ..-.......ro-~i:i.~J~~~~, ~:y.~lifties~~~· !lu....~v;:;~..;..~!~I"'L-.ixtlfln!~x'Jq.~!~=nA~e·o·-ore-r.Evloc:=.~Ug~oc.;,··; . th.''I....·· :.l",.(,'....•.;.~.,)\ \~.'-N.'<,'.. ' .' ...t:( . \ ' , ,.. Misc.'Foth.. bunt with TOP QUALITY OON·· .".. u>1UUo 4"'W'1l ..acu ", ...,...,., U<7 .".........

! ~: VV ~r~1C-~.tll''standard ~lll\r: =~=1~;:;'= ':~~~ DtlVO. Prtced It t40.000~~ 1n~~~~r::.eref(lrred W Ull. t>.ca~ WE GET RE., ., FLYING" .~ cl':.~o~~~r~lIea~:&"f~.ro~h"'~! ~...~~~~l' bet.,. SUL~I .'" ~' Capitan. Z5'-2J14 or 130" ~. 04#"'6#. .....a"uu a1M4 liW, ,W~.

. Ii' '. FOR-gAi~-=-~---"-~:"sNMtrI.i', .. pompletelY ~d kid.. ., ., :., ."~"'.:", ,~¥~:r..dust ruffle. and.~ , . '" Loo&Uy owned and opera~ an wearlngin I: • •••• ',< •. ~ '. '. I .:: t!r ..~~ :w~~a:." ....to..... CO""'."lChaiierfllghlsk.ywhijr.+l\irAriibulilrieeStrVicecJ _... m'eil~=~];fueJt'~~ , . ... .~ .. ,.......1·; -:,: -Sceni~;,rours: _ : S<lF~1!~Il:o~fI§ ,'t1:0~lLE '. t!OME:i .Cofi1pf.(.~s I. Ott ;$trVl«* _ e"¢l"rfp'.f. Shop Servltlit . . ~~IlY~=t..,=.... 41-u.. li33 mway '10 WeM - AlamosorI '. . •,p.)gC!~!-~~~ ,,= .~:~:~P~:'&>1· 257.4255 -2~1·4076 - 257.4075~ , JOE SKEEN ,~ -A~~G't'~1Oo Iioli:. ~". •. ..~t. 'Phon. 2Sr.;f3051tuTdoso - br·6~3·3~ ·Jt'6sw.l1 '. ',_. '. ,",. ,.-....~ m_ '. '.~m:7"Wl1C~CKW1TB US ON OUR RANCH .LISTINGS AND TRADES~ "".;,. ..• ..... .::~.~~ cook 1ttWe. ~a:: .OM~~~:e~.. ';'•.,laIr.tlilli:ll/;;j.'••"·aIi:::!)!Ji!'!P'"'i~~d!'l'!i:;:L!!!~"rfi!l!!"n.!"!JIaj;:.,""'."7~!.I'!"I"'"";"""""'IJlt.. "'1..:-"""'-·..."',...J!Jii':ai;,••'!!!h"'i......·riI.;jaoj-_--------.'-..,..·------...I-""!I_.J7I!IP;;J;;;;''''''''.'.lIiir::iIIIl"•

• •

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•.' ,-.... .It_ I•ry<t","7,"'- ,-,

"~,,,"Ie '

; ,, ••



Page 10: '0 fHE Pm-lies. V-el1J..,'archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/RUIDOSO... · With Barney GOP Re-Elects .Demos To Name It came as a 5boct to us tb1s Dr. Dale


I .


. l








--'- _I.

.-- T-'








.,...." .. ,

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_' ""l\'~-;;: ""tc:£t.a:.~ t;' ,,} P,

JI--/ '• ';~ • .! '*l~


• • • • 89<:

• $2.98


• 39<:, S9c, 69<:


Licenses-.- ~---'~"--~-' ._,_.._,----_...- -"..~ ------- .,..-._.



L PB f

.,-,..._,- ... -'-'" .. - -_. '-"'-'''~'-'

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.',- ,-~--- --,,-< ... _- -,-,- -'.--"'- ,,- ...-, - ,...-


For The Village 9£ RuidosoAre .oue~dPayable 'NOWDeadline Is March 15, 1969 .

•. Penalty and Interest'Is Charged After That

-Jim Hfne, Village Clerk






ROUND STEAK UCh~I~:~ .. LB.. .


T-BONE STEAK ~h~i:: .~'. f' LB.

. '

-----~- --------

• •• •

yoea' OS


ucum e·rs,






W•.Accept u. S. I). A.0PIIf

.9 .i,rQ' 5$tJ'.td)AY

,.. '" 1Itt . ~'j \' It ..1."( I, , ,L 1;)_ II ..

1~ "ACKYt» YAIlH'.um ONcorq

YARN HAIR BRAIDS. 28" long • • •:':'-.J...-.+--




RUG RUNNERS. 24x72·ln., onl, • • • • • •


v. cAimS WITH LOLLIPOP,20inpkg.,~~9<:. , ,


lI.uld9fQ$Q1dIct1' '.Now In ~rm.any







ausa e



GIANT'OxI'rlC4t CIncludeslOe Off



For $1.

,,, -, ". _..."" ".-,., ", .. " ,

, ,




·rriJ<)ftler----~ --. PrIce- Includes

lOc off Label


F $.00o ." . ,,R .

• •••

, I

(1.o~7g Jrt"!i(,f 0 •

lJ,:::K3H1SIJt; J ;i!;.~ tm·:BRAND


_"'-"~ _ ..~ _." '" ' •••_ '___ , .. _"_ ~._----4~_,••. ••



No Doposit - No Return10·Oz.6 Bottle Cm. • • •

,-"- -_ .._-~._ ..•._~ ._._._- ..~--~ ..... ~--~~--~.-....,....-

-_. ,

TREESWEE1"~ 8~OZ..-cAN' -.


.. ...

MIXES ~s:~~~~;=r :' 3SCOTTJUMBOROLL. «

• p



r""e"a'.'m'.. - .' .• ..., ... •.Vel... Auoriid Fl••oll



VAN CAMP'S ... 300 CAN




DOG FOOD .......2FOR 33¢

DOUBLES. Be. H.GREENSTAMPSEveryWednesdayWith $2.50Purchaseor More

.,... -,,-------- ------, -------•....- ------

noable fOur pleatture _ d()llbleroar fUJJ-l-VlPrcalloD hlB~.

t •,

'=" .~,-



I t I I ,ole Q !n

• iWJ j _n

$ ~ , • i M



Ken MyersTolephone 257·4230

..,.,.,.. ,.rw~rIJ:~

..,. Ie II' fr,,,

Slatistlcs proveyou orelOpwpreferred rub and enlilledto bIg role savings p'UI tII"fand broodlt coy«ogw.



Nob·Hill ListsHonor StudentsII"!,,, P,1l ·'U(kl.~'. ror til(' fall

".".' ,.', l,nVt· "N'" 11Ilnounl'.('d byB,I( Mol"r pra., Ipal ,,! Nob Jill!h.f ',hfJI

M' " I.,r.ely ClurTIt·ll.oll. fourlblu,,,1t 'I·.wtlt'r hud no "A" honorI I,,, Or. lIlt' .. lJ' hOllor roll BrcI>a',ll»).r.. ":UlJlIf.k', Onbl'r\ Mon-·(/,yu ./t·Il/.,II'l V>1'I"', 'I'y Pl.'rry IlndC'1tA .1(>, A.·JIl<Lt ..

M,', Mn" • ,,~, C'urJlIllID!Am, fifthK' ",J, I. "..til 'I , rqll>rt.l'd GretchenA;,I,."CI K"" Unllli !tuth Donnell.[/"1,0", J',l," Mnrv'ottn MAyo.("j.tty Il"f>t',t.:, lwd !'nlrlt'm Thlly"",,1' '!11' 'A" hOllor roll I>aV1dII, Illal.t1", Il',b' , l !ifmt!l. Ollluerlull,,,. "",I ,I, '.. WlIlr;"id l'llmt' InWI!!i '~'f"wl hI! t"" lIonoro In \bIll1,1'1, .!I.d Uff .~·'tA'd on the "D ff

~ II I tlll,,"'fj" ',llll11 Ilradl''." Iff, ' 1, tl "h.\ two. (Jrrg Dalrd11,,1 1\ •. ~ .. "', '>tllll". tx,U, 00 the. U 'I(Ilit t rul~

Sludcntn To AJtendSta!o. COnvcntion--·,·..··,···..····'I..., "'.."'t,....., ftf Ul... Ruldo:lo-­

11,,'1, :jd,Uf,~ mul!t'h\ ()Iynl'tl Willnltt.t! 'J,,' HUlIt' mudrnt CoWl4.'1\(',., ',f ·,·'al. 1/. C-llrlW3d Feb..... 16Uhl' ILL

., torY cuP Ja.'k Vtl\;"1an~, Pnt"'n" ,,. "1u buff't O. rm'''-!. AIIdaII· I 11,,1. Z. N'i\1l Jlyman. DUM("""" "(lU.·, JI'I\l'. Mnrtl~ l'I'Dr.'.', Mf~lYll l~rl"'l' ~ll ,An{J1c

t'",I"""'\)Ilil , ' ~ I

'P.,·, \> ,J be' nl'4'OTl1iUiurd by

t1'.t'a -..rr.,l;il/p. AA nY1't ~~fi1, ~\np.I', n\ I, L/'t' ..

. .,.., ,

; 1.0: " •t pf,•

• II - ,

CarmOb PbiUips"Fiffh Editioo'01-PI(TORIAL RUIDOSO

0: n"pa•• '*Ic with 26 jjaCJii 1"~hi'"" eftit. Ruidoso arM, to be off tft. PrHe .....1 ~tu..·

v' cenibe,.



1M beolc will .... for $1, and c.n ~ mall..t ..y" for $1.35.

,'uWeM Newt,

.... '2',:~WcIeee, N. M.IIMI.:......-i- _ ..

. fl•••• tIft4 me _.....,_.-_.- .........$'.u.


....,Are Supe,mal-e.·~ PAOm lltddoio News O'l'. Offield To VfeU DeMolar Scb4ad.ulu~ FrldaY.J~nuary 31, 1009 City JIalIThursdily .,.,. ...~ting T~aY'

'~~"'B-o--",'n" ."C,-,·-m··,·nas', . .----~T=e=l==e::::YlI=l::::o~n=CO~~u~rse=.===!....-O~fFlbtee1lirJ501lc:<';]lapfel;l\l'CUst.mUlrlct1't~ytr'·/1"'1d1rRlJlfl!JJllWa~~_rIlo1:Jl1a:n'y~,ilwlJ1fjje~arltaliiiJlrt.~!l'tk;""'"el;lylfioo:ueffr-Cw)fl"luiPi.e~;-:;n-.?l,>f:m.·ilryY"Jot~MrftVll,;u;.lEer-;an~~ijim~~iSS'.~AI-j·?iileij;rt£fjlt:lo;'-:I---+~"+-'t1(l1) Mil be In thecouncfJ room of reorgaNzat1l>nalm~ llt '1 p.m. l.Iu~n, RUldQso, Is In 9:e~Y'al! 0 .

TeU. HQW' To Dren the Rul~ Clt-yRall from 10 a.m. 'l'ues4ay at the O. E. s. lfaU, . a gunner w1U1 the :l.tJJ lnfAAtry . C·CU'patlanl.A1) CRtTC$8-Hc>w to :;elect to n()OQ.and from 1 to2p.:rn. ... '1-'6ntlal ... ft.....o.ftyS an" '''elr- DtvJsi'~m~partlnl'~emU1t!'ry ". __ • ._: ~

cJcJtllIll,(f-ot tbetcxtures, ti~ ancl lIe wm .. iLiItJt8t; ~l ~t· -........- ....,..... ,.... ....., EXero¥.ieReTorger I;-- .. ~

coJorll that are moGl, OQl'Jlplimen'lary ~neftcarlelt With ffillnir O\It'~ tam111e/J ha,w, ~n inVited to at. ~ eltercl~e, to be C011Wcted. in .' . .tq you /l(j an Ind,ivldual will be the J'('ports 01 1Jleh' ooi'n1ngs, ~nd. and ~}p Phln special pro- l'M"ope Ul J!U1uary and.~I:l1'J.laty,theme of Ule last three televlsion .Such rcport,a are rtq\Jl.red of aD grams for the 50th anmvtmlary lnvotve:l tT. ~. Artily tml't11 based Inprogmmll In tl,lfr "Dreoo1ng by De- beneficiaries, young or old, Who had Year of the order. tlle U. S, and ~e. It. lPclUl1es!/Ign" fthort. courne /'.<lrloo, Sponoor- wages Or 1Wl!.employmeZJ.l, Income Y01lllfl men between the ages of about 12.000 'Army troop&,~red by the CooperatIve ExteflSton of over $l(l8O In 1968. 14 and 21 are ellilble tq Join the '. , , I

~rvtcc. it Is bel~ teleVi$<!d on 5U\. '!'he annual report ~ separate orianizatloJi, wb1cb h~ as one of WlUTLOC~ RECO~RING1I01l ~OB-TV. Channel 4, and (X)- from Income'~x repom a.oc1 musL Its atms bul1~ better c1tizeneh1p B~ Wbttloc~ llaa ret'\mlec:l bomeQSIlirat'lng cables, ~ 'rue,sday at be nlect by April U1. In m~nycue..' . : . an<!' 1.5 conVllleseJDi' aftef ~y1;10 p.m. lbroUlro ?eb. 11. Ule benefl«:tary will rece.lve an an. RItual IB • tundament.l corner- In El Paso recently.

nual reportinlr form in tJ1emalL stolle' of DeMolay. and helps to set • '.But aUtboSe \II2lo dollIt sbe>u1d CIOn- It apart from other yoUUl organ!- For AJ,L ~ De'WII, .... ..~ Noblo P'e}). 8 at the O1ty JJaD. za.tlDns. N~.


'-'J'V,1trRultlt"", 1:;1 utll'llt'J lilt' n1l10r,1l~ Ql'tulY 1000 N..w M"xtro hlllhtdIOo\ aw1 )lml'" IUllh ':1Ud"'I~', P:l1

, U"lpalllll? It, till' AI,I"...'" Mu .,..bllY\D! .InIL Ml 1hl"UlIh 1",." I~..Uto t1rd\'J""nv O! N. \\ M"xh"

- "11u7 tIT(" hfUCfl (~vmFr;'t1 "'1i1' 1r ,

playll1ll III Ill.. ",.-I" 'm au! ~'I lIb~rlc't \\1J;Q I"· .Ii Ull~ ·~.1 iUI"lH,.,tt)and" MOTe \lultl 1>0 "blOb n,p rq'rp.aenwd by 02!l ·.1I1dr;.-·. Clu1 I'...,·rUlan 100 II1UCh' I<':ldu r ",.1 II '"

SOrnnw mllC'd d".n.', ..,. '",d'n oHd

f,)'tnphollir b:1Il,1 1>, II ",.• f""" nI 0D,m. 101llllhl 'F' ,11;)\, n,,, t'Of •• ' '1

11)' tbe (l1rb l'!turu.., "",1 t~Il:" .,,1

~. Win br at lU a III lCntorrnw\urt1:I)' I Th.. 00:,4'(' rt wtil Ix>

. PopoJoy JIAII.'. Ouoot oondut"lCro \\111 be Jo!m~'JttllT. Nortllwt'r.\<'rlI t'Clv('n:;ty.~ band, Cbr<'t1t:(' 0:11> brll,Vn!\l'tlrdty of C\\!lrOTnltl at l.u:r_e1ea, t.ymP3Ifln%C lJ:lntl; (:'h::ul('!l:to DYllrn, Un!Hmty of C.'olomdo.pb' dlOMl!). Dr Chartt!ll C 11m,VQ4Vllrnlt)' of GnU'Jlem <bUf'omID.Jlt~«S cbol'U!1. llnd A. Cl)'t1o Rollrr.'\1n1veNllty ot lIu\):;1on. orcmt:;tro

An' mt'f, V.1lO tJli ','t, thl' pt'CUlinr mure detail lawT."XYV . ohrOffiOfiOm.' fmI.WlT' mOT.. IftI't.Y4~:O IlUll~· or th~ ~~

~el~' 1O \.Urn to a IUt' "t (MIT... ·' Stu· Pt'lIIWllunry fUlWled the bel¢ltdke DOW wuk'r wuy 1ft !b' Unl\l'T' el11,(,I'lII, {(bove tile 9iMJ pel'Cel\tlleIllt)' of Nt'w Mex~o bcllool of M,'dl· U) P01)\I!I111on. \','hreb wquld be 6'2"e\n(. mo y ~twd &lm~ .lutl~ 1m Ow, rur iUl~lo'and N!"fJTO nnd..'n'-JoriPWrer.t1r'¥. tht·ury Spa III t.·An1l'r'ellll ma.ler., Twenty-

The CTlIn£·-{'hfomo!>()ffit· th"ory thl" 01 t1W81' 1l1l'1l volunteered toJD blrtlllC dlM'U!I''''''l. lTIl,l(' and /TI0'" parllopalt· III thl.' /lWdy.frequeotly tn u!lin', thlOllghou' Altl'r ~Il.' :;,'w MI'xt<:q study be­the world A Cy1.(Jll'·IWt'I' labt'ffitory IPlll. a (~'lll d"o',I(m In F'tI\n.ce heldIn ChlcagO. for .. xallll)I'· aLI'j(f'l!:¥ that bt«-aw,., of hI!, XVY chromo­b&Il (·orJllflTl.Cd that tht" XY'!' ",rn .. ('Jl'.l'll!1.lrutl(I'" a l.Iteblehand(".hromOl;(>m.. dllK>rd", :" I,r<~•..,.t 111 "".' ,"\' (1 1,1 lrlUrtJI'f WUIl /lOt com·tlIt' c"n" of It"'t",, rl STJf~k .... tJ' P ,....., r, .TJ(';,., c,;..· rflr bin BCtIOM,murdt'rt'd ,·tl(t.t l'l",J'al/o ,AuUt'llt '11.. · ;:.hrm,,· (,r, r,",U;wd In morenur"'... In 1968 \(.. cl','t', f. I'f" omlq: InU'r.o::I,(·d In

In N,'w M.'J<1('o ,t....,'.ld"·, 11ft' V... I" lllt'''' :.<'tlfJHl· pcnltcntlllrybeJ1&.1( f"flrTl4l,rJ (Jut v. dL l}jI "')fJlx·ra· z..t :0\

tton of Uuo '.tu.•.(' JjC': .. " ·,~.Ul)' JH j til' lb ';l IJtJ t t1lf,f I] thl'l t~1.un.t"Jler mBantll Ft' n .. 'i w' rI' I,~~'~ll .a-,t ..~~:.':,_.I~_c~ __~~i~I_,~!.l_bY Lbo r,taff of

-, --.aitliUJ.ei~ ~-·i11;-·u--~~1-;~~-. --J, ~'!I' I.w Yl~f' . lljf!~J_, '. CY1 t 'litn"lic5 JnUOn1,- .f.lewmal '·..."Horta'i'.., u. hdwa"l H WIYCUrl1~•. U I hlnJ ,,"ta l L NM Ill. d.(.d

~d.·'"Ohromcr.cJlru~, u r(. tllft'url, of

DNA I d,"oxynlJOllu, jtoll' Ul'ld I Uwwmu"uc rru"'A"nul whu'h (k~"'rrHn,,':'

.all ltl.. ph """"''' l dt:lrnrt.. rt'.ll..·•~•. bulld Mt' C~lor "I, <II .'vnyShdl"duul Tt,,· I,UrllIal humb", ,ll"lII1 I' W IJ ·,(,n...UliCli! 01'>1", uWCY

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ttYMongoh!>ln j'. lJ~ Iu r 1M moM

Commoll 01 1I11'''' ('';'UP/UN I..".:')11/,·11 kJlt1\"11 Uff' '.\\-'tl t!hf"1i'd'lfl/ 'tlClt

.-.,11\.. hot (JI,.'; ~.(, n,I'tl'.u. rr.nlda­tlon but ptJ ·.,I.l} 't, , nllllllllJ Il.·,btIV10r (1:. Wt a"u~ lwnun, '.'rrw,f /'t!ron." A'llrat·

"COlllplr·/TI.'r,t " X X <".d Ill" I.', rill n Imale L~ X V ("/4,, ,1I t'\(· n fJOOmal" birth·, 11/4 ''''x 1'~lro"."',I.rrlf

OOmpl<'lllf'rlI I XXV rt.tbrr 'k"ll'n thu.'. I "lilt! .It U••, d,lI!:(~ ~fJl, of

f''flIlItrl,'' "Err U.V H. flu .,'j.,.r dUl't1.lor. J'..

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Ptt>llfllttmry ~"udl.... t'!'A·t\TwTl'

havr 1f'\I'U.,·t! II lllllt. 1I1frcJ"liff flltbr XYY dJ"ItHdt, nt"ou:.: "lU~"f! Ilt

P<'rW ouQ Illtl1l\nl Ill'.,\UUtlOQ'l '"' It!l>r. ntOlDlll', M.·('"LI.cll. !JllU".i<'f!\·ptol.""'VI '$WI mrI'H.t., 01 'I•• ' , \'"MrQrtit>4 hWCIrt\\tlIY lU tJNM IT,' Itlcat ..'Ill'"I

Dr MO('oru...ll. WurlUlllJ U.:Ul lISrOIu'\b. rt·J1, t1:0l lllI> L110oIQlll' 111ld1bI!tt1t-01''V'a1 l1:lX'ttO 01 Ihl.. <lOlIL­lion b4vn nut l......n Ct>llllJk!l.,j)' de·fUut(] tlut' t.IJ the ~U(ll\li 01 'lIJilq"fI1aUoJ1a' flo UlIJ)I mlde llrrllUllrtnt'~ to &1 ulty • iroUV ot vol\UJ.lee,.,. from tbo ~.Gt.e pcnll~n\J<U'Y

'J'b61 bopo to ItkntlfY a arolliJ 01xyy IllAWr> UINIl. 10 be c.u!l!c;11 lU

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