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1 © 2013 Willow Creek Association. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 1 SPIRITUAL LIFE SURVEY TRACKING REPORT Church XYZ Comparing November 2011 with November 2013

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1 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 1


Church XYZComparing

November 2011 with November 2013


Table of Contents

Understanding Your Report 2

REVEAL Spiritual Vitality Index 5

Church Demographic Profile 6, 7

REVEAL Spiritual Growth Continuum 8

Congregant Spiritual Vitality ProfileSpiritual Beliefs and Attitudes 9

Personal Spiritual Practices 10

Key Spiritual Activities with Others 11

Church Spiritual Vitality ProfileOverall Church 12, 13

Senior Pastor Role 14, 15

Weekend Services 16, 17

Small Groups 18

Serving 19, 20

Stalled and DissatisfiedStalled Profile 21

Dissatisfied Profile 22

Leaving 23

AddendaChurch Needs 24

Pastor Activities 25

Weekend Benefits 26

© 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.


Understanding Your Report

Spiritual Life Survey Approach

• The Spiritual Life Survey captures insights for church leaders on the spiritual health of their congregation and the role the church plays in their spiritual growth.

• It includes 80 questions about an individual’s spiritual attitudes, beliefs, needs and behaviors as well as participation and satisfaction with local church activities.

• The survey is fielded on a web-only platform; participation is voluntary.• This report compares your survey results for two successive REVEAL surveys that

your church has taken.

Church XYZ Spiritual Life Survey Response Rates

# Responses% of

Attendance# Responses

% of Attendance

506 51% 563 56%

Wave 1 Wave 2

© 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited.


Template Design

• This report template was designed in a simplified format to help you understand the most important findings comparing one wave to the next for your church.

• Important: We have included important information for each slide in the “notes” section. Please check this section in order to find answers to questions you may have, such as “What is the definition of being spiritually stalled?” or “What was the question that was asked that led to this result?”

Accessing the Notes Section

1. Click on “View” in the toolbar

2. Click on “Notes Page”

Understanding Your Report

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5 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 5

Understanding Your Report

Detecting Meaningful Change

• Throughout this report, statistically meaningful changes in your results between waves are indicated by shading the Wave 2 number in green (for an increase) or red (for a decrease).

• We define a meaningful change as a change of one-half of a standard deviation from one wave to the next. Standard deviation is a unit of measure commonly used in statistics. One use of this statistic is to measure change over time. The standard deviations used to define meaningful change in this report come from the pooled data in our comparative database of churches who have taken the REVEAL survey since August 2008.

• We indicate meaningful changes with the green or red background only if there were 30 or more respondents for both Wave 1 and Wave 2.


REVEAL Spiritual Vitality Index

Green = Increase

Red = Decrease

Personal SpiritualPractices

Faith in Action

Church’s Role

This reflects how well the church provides spiritual challenge, in-depth Bible

teaching, a sense of belonging, etc.

This reflects people’s faith-based behaviors, such as serving those in need and


This involves how often people study the Bible, reflect on

Scripture, pray, experience solitude and journal.

Overall Spiritual Vitality

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Demographics Wave 1 Wave 2

Base Size 506 563

Age 19-29 11% 5%#

Age 30-49 36% 55%

Age 50+ 52% 40%

Diversity: Non White, including Hispanics 4% 3%

Children under 18 at home 34% 54%

Education (% college degree or higher) 44% 57%

Married 78% 82%

Income under $30K 19% 9%

Income $30K-$74,999 45% 38%

Income $75K or more 36% 53%

Low sample sizes, as indicated with #, are not tested for meaningful differences

Green = Increase

Red = Decrease

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8 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 8


Church Tenure Wave 1 Wave 2

Base Size 506 563

Less than one year 9% 7%

One to five years 24% 35%

Six to ten years 21% 29%

More than ten years 46% 29%

Green = Increase

Red = Decrease

9 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 9

Spiritual Continuum Profile

Base Size Percentage Base Size Percentage

Exploring Christ 60 12% 60 11%

Growing in Christ 189 37% 246 44%

Close to Christ 127 25% 147 26%

Christ-Centered 130 26% 110 19%


Spiritual Continuum Profile

Wave 1 Wave 2

Green = Increase

Red = Decrease


Spiritual Beliefs and Attitudes

Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2

Base Size 504 563 60 60 189 246 127 147 128 110

Salvation by Grace 62% 67% 30% 40% 49% 62% 71% 76% 87% 84%

Trinity 86% 92% 60% 75% 81% 92% 93% 96% 99% 95%

Personal God 61% 66% 27% 23% 42% 55% 78% 82% 88% 90%

Christ is First 59% 69% 42% 45% 39% 57% 63% 83% 91% 91%

Authority of the Bible 49% 55% 22% 13% 31% 45% 53% 67% 84% 85%

Identity in Christ 52% 58% 30% 23% 34% 48% 64% 68% 77% 85%

Stewardship 40% 42% 28% 18% 29% 35% 41% 48% 60% 65%

Giving Away My Life 22% 26% 12% 17% 11% 19% 20% 28% 47% 47%

Christ-Centered Key Spiritual Beliefs And Attitudes (top box)


ChristGrowing in

ChristClose to Christ

Green = Increase

Red = Decrease

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11 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 11

Personal Spiritual Practices

Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2

Base Size 504 563 60 60 189 246 127 147 128 110

Reflection on Scripture (daily)

21% 20% 5% 3% 8% 7% 21% 26% 48% 49%

Bible Reading (daily)

22% 16% 7% 7% 13% 7% 24% 20% 39% 38%

Prayer to Seek Guidance (daily)

43% 45% 13% 12% 28% 30% 51% 63% 70% 72%

Prayer to Confess Sins (daily)

28% 32% 8% 13% 16% 20% 35% 43% 49% 55%

Solitude (several times per week or more)

46% 44% 13% 13% 30% 32% 65% 57% 67% 67%

Tithing (10% or more)

38% 40% 13% 10% 30% 35% 42% 52% 58% 53%

Christ-CenteredPersonal Spiritual Practices


ChristGrowing in

ChristClose to Christ

Green = Increase

Red = Decrease

12 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 12

Key Spiritual Activities With Others

Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2

Base Size 504 563 60 60 189 246 127 147 128 110

Spiritual Friendships (once or more per month)

47% 53% 32% 30% 40% 44% 50% 70% 63% 61%

Evangelism (6+ conversations per year)

21% 20% 12% 17% 8% 12% 28% 25% 37% 33%

Serving those in need on my own (once or more per month)

39% 35% 33% 17% 29% 26% 54% 40% 43% 57%

Spiritual Mentors (once or more per month)

27% 25% 13% 12% 19% 20% 33% 33% 41% 30%

Christ-CenteredSpiritual Activitieswith Others


ChristGrowing in

ChristClose to Christ

Green = Increase

Red = Decrease

13 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 13

Satisfaction with Church’s Role in Spiritual Growth

Base SizeTop 2 Box

PercentageBase Size

Top 2 Box Percentage

Total 506 46% 563 62%

Exploring Christ 60 23% 60 40%

Growing in Christ 189 50% 246 55%

Close to Christ 127 46% 147 77%

Christ-Centered 130 52% 110 70%

Spiritual Continuum


Overall Satisfaction with theChurch’s Role in Spiritual Growth

Wave 1 Wave 2

Green = Increase

Red = Decrease

14 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 14

Progress on Church Needs

Note: See note page below for more detail on the 19 Church Needs.

Challenges me to grow

Clear expectations

Clear pathway to growth

Leaders model

Compelling worship

Children programs


Bible in depthPrayer lifeEmotional need



Grow with others

Church ownership

Responsibility for growth

Go out on my own

Serve needy

Serving culture

Rel with Christ

Change in Gap Increasing Decreasing



e in










15 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 15

Satisfaction with Senior Pastor’s Effectiveness

Base SizeTop 2 Box

PercentageBase Size

Top 2 Box Percentage

Total 506 72% 563 84%

Exploring Christ 60 72% 60 73%

Growing in Christ 189 78% 246 84%

Close to Christ 127 65% 147 90%

Christ-Centered 130 69% 110 81%

Spiritual Continuum


Overall Satisfaction with theSenior Pastor’s Effectiveness

Wave 1 Wave 2

Green = Increase

Red = Decrease

16 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 16

Progress on Pastor Activities

Note: See note page below for more detail on the 16 Pastor Activities.

Casts visionGlobal issues

Voice in community



Encourages gifts

Spiritual development

Recruit members

Inspiring sermons

Serving activitiesFinancial stability


Friendly environment

Ministry teams

Sound doctrine

Models growthChallenges



e in










Change in Gap Increasing Decreasing

17 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 17

Participation and Satisfaction withWeekend Services

Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2

Base Size 504 563 60 60 189 246 127 147 128 110

3 to 4 timesper month

87% 90% 74% 78% 84% 91% 90% 91% 94% 94%

Base Size 496 559 57 59 185 244 125 147 129 109

Top 2 Box (Percent)

61% 74% 56% 56% 69% 73% 54% 82% 60% 77%




Weekend ServicesTotal

Exploring Christ

Growing in Christ

Close to Christ

Green = Increase

Red = Decrease

18 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 18

Progress on Weekend Benefits

Note: See note page below for more detail on the 10 Weekend Benefits.


Use of Scripture

Apply Scripture

Real stories

Creative elements

Worship music

Tools available

Reflection & prayer

Bible studyNext steps

Change in Gap Increasing Decreasing



e in










19 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 19

Participation and Satisfaction with Small Groups

Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2

Base Size 504 563 60 60 189 246 127 147 128 110

1 to 2 times per month or

more43% 48% 27% 27% 36% 45% 53% 55% 51% 57%

Base Size 253 285 20# 18# 82 117 75 85 76 65

Top 2 Box (Percent)

58% 62% 45% 61% 54% 46% 53% 75% 71% 72%



Low sample sizes, as indicated with #, are not tested for meaningful differences

Growing in Christ

Close to Christ

Christ-CenteredSmall Groups



Green = Increase

Red = Decrease

20 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 20

Participation and Satisfaction withServing at the Church

Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2

Base Size 504 563 60 60 189 246 127 147 128 110

1 to 2 times per month or

more50% 48% 25% 20% 46% 42% 54% 59% 65% 64%

Base Size 331 357 25# 19# 121 142 88 111 97 85

Top 2 Box (Percent)

47% 54% 32% 47% 43% 46% 47% 66% 58% 54%



Low sample sizes, as indicated with #, are not tested for meaningful differences

Serving at the ChurchTotal

Exploring Christ

Growing in Christ

Close to Christ


Green = Increase

Red = Decrease

21 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 21

Participation and Satisfaction withServing Those in Need Through My Church

Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 1 Wave 2

Base Size 504 563 60 60 189 246 127 147 128 110

1 to 2 times per month or

more25% 26% 12% 17% 20% 20% 31% 35% 34% 35%

Base Size 344 432 29# 28# 118 182 93 123 104 99

Top 2 Box (Percent)

44% 56% 34% 61% 47% 48% 41% 70% 48% 53%

Serving Those in Need Through My Church


ChristGrowing in

ChristClose to Christ




Low sample sizes, as indicated with #, are not tested for meaningful differences

Green = Increase

Red = Decrease

22 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 22

Stalled Profile

Base Size Percentage Base Size Percentage

Total 506 14% 563 16%

Exploring Christ 60 30% 60 40%

Growing in Christ 189 18% 246 16%

Close to Christ 127 9% 147 10%

Christ-Centered 130 6% 110 12%

Spiritual Continuum



Wave 1 Wave 2

Green = Increase

Red = Decrease

23 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 23

Dissatisfied Profile

Base Size Percentage Base Size Percentage

Total 506 23% 563 14%

Exploring Christ 60 35% 60 27%

Growing in Christ 189 20% 246 16%

Close to Christ 127 24% 147 8%

Christ-Centered 130 19% 110 11%

Spiritual Continuum



Wave 1 Wave 2

Green = Increase

Red = Decrease

24 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 24

Who Is Most Likely to Leave Your Church?

Four Spiritual Continuum Segments =

100% of Your Church

Two Satisfaction

Levels = 100% of Your


Base Size Percentage Base Size Percentage

Total Church Sample 506 10% 563 7%

Exploring Christ 60 13% 60 13%

Growing in Christ 189 11% 246 6%

Close to Christ 127 9% 147 4%

Christ-Centered 130 7% 110 9%

Dissatisfied 114 32% 80 33%

Satisfied 392 3% 483 2%

% Who Are “Unsure, Probably, or DefinitelyLeaving the Church”

Spiritual SegmentWave 1 Wave 2

Green = Increase

Red = Decrease

25 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 25

Addendum 1

Rel with Christ - Helps me develop a personal relationship with Christ Emotional need - Helps me in my time of emotional need

Challenges me to grow - Challenges me to grow and take next steps Accountability - Helps me develop relationships that encourage accountability

Clear expectations - Sets clear expectations about what it means to be part of the church

Belonging - Helps me feel like I belong

Pathway to growth - Provides a clear pathway that helps guide my spiritual growth

Grow with others - Provides opportunities to grow spiritually through relationships with others

Leaders model - Church leaders model and consistently reinforce how to grow spiritually

Church ownership - Inspires such a sense of ownership that the church becomes an important part of who I am

Compelling worship - Provides compelling worship experiences Responsibility for growth - Encourages me to take personal responsibility for my own spiritual growth

Children programs - Provides strong programs for children to learn about God Go out on my own - Empowers me to go out “on my own” to make a significant impact in the lives of others

Communion - Incorporates Communion as an essential part of the worship experience

Serve needy - Provides opportunities for me to serve those in need

Bible in depth - Helps me understand the Bible in greater depth Serving culture - Promotes a strong serving culture that is widely recognized by the local community

Prayer life - Helps me develop a prayer life that connects me with God regularly

Nineteen Church Needs

26 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 26

Addendum 2

Casts vision - Casts a vision for the church that captures your heart Serving activities – Promotes and creates enthusiasm for serving activities

Global issues – Is involved in issues of global significance (e.g. Aids, poverty, social injustice)

Financial stability – Helps ensure the church is financially stable

Voice in community – Is a recognized voice on important issues within our local community

Harmony – Maintains harmony, handles troublemakers, averts or resolves problems

Ministers-sick – Ministers to the sick, dying and bereavedFriendly environment – Creates a welcoming, open, and friendly environment that readily engages congregants participation

Counselor – Counsels people facing major decisions of life (e.g. marriage, vocation)

Ministry teams – Attracts, develops, and motivates various ministry leadership teams

Encourages gifts – Identifies and encourages the use of congregants’ gifts and talents

Sound doctrine – Provides sound doctrine rooted in biblical accuracy

Spiritual development – Provides guidance to individuals about their spiritual development

Models growth – Models and reinforces how to grow spiritually

Recruit members – Motivates congregants to recruit new members Challenges - Challenges congregants to grow and take next steps

Inspiring sermons - Preaches inspiring sermons

Seventeen Pastor Activities

27 © 2013 Willow Creek Association.  All Rights Reserved.  Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. 27

Addendum 3

Challenging – Is challenging or thought-provokingWorship music – Incorporates worship music and congregational singing effectively

Use of Scripture – Incorporates frequent use of Scripture throughout the service

Tools available – Makes tools available (in print or on the web) so I can process the weekend message during the week

Apply Scripture – Incorporates relevant Bible teaching that helps me apply the Scripture to my everyday life

Reflection & prayer – Provides me with an opportunity for reflection and guided prayer

Real stories – Incorporates the use of stories or testimonies of real live people Bible study – Provides in-depth study of the Bible

Creative elements – Incorporates the use of creative elements, such as live drama, dance or video clips

Next steps - Provides “next steps” – things I can do in response to the service

Ten Weekend Benefits