· Web viewThat our...

1March 2013 PREAMBLE It is the will of our Lord Jesus Christ that His disciples should preach the Gospel to all the world (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15- 16; Acts 1:8). That our Lord's will for His Church be carried out He has further commanded that His disciples conform to the Divine Word in doctrine and practice (Psalm 119:105; Galatians 1:6-8; 2 Timothy 4:1-5), administer the Office of the Keys as His Church (John 20:21-23), diligently use the means of grace (Word and Sacraments) (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15-16; John 8:47; I Corinthians 11:23-26), help one another grow in discipleship (Matthew 28:20), unite in worship (Hebrews 10:24-25), practice fellowship with one another (I John 1:1-4), serve the needs of all people in Christian love (Galatians 6:10; John 13:35; Ephesians 4:7-16), and maintain decency and order in the Church (I Corinthians 14:40). Therefore, we, a congregation of believers in Christ, accept and subscribe to the following Constitution and Bylaws in accordance with which all spiritual and material affairs of our congregation shall be governed. ARTICLE I. NAME The name of this evangelical congregation shall be Redeemer Lutheran Church of Marshalltown, Marshall County, Iowa. ARTICLE II. PURPOSE Redeemer Lutheran Church exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ by equipping God's people through Word and Sacrament to share with all people the message of repentance and forgiveness in His name and to serve Him according to His will. ARTICLE III. CONFESSION This congregation acknowledges and accepts all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as the revealed Word of God, verbally inspired, and acknowledges and accepts all the Confessional Writings of the Evangelical Lutheran Church,

Transcript of  · Web viewThat our...

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1March 2013PREAMBLE

It is the will of our Lord Jesus Christ that His disciples should preach the Gospel to all the world (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16; Acts 1:8).

That our Lord's will for His Church be carried out He has further commanded that His disciples conform to the Divine Word in doctrine and practice (Psalm 119:105; Galatians 1:6-8; 2 Timothy 4:1-5), administer the Office of the Keys as His Church (John 20:21-23), diligently use the means of grace (Word and Sacraments) (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15-16; John 8:47; I Corinthians 11:23-26), help one another grow in discipleship (Matthew 28:20), unite in worship (Hebrews 10:24-25), practice fellowship with one another (I John 1:1-4), serve the needs of all people in Christian love (Galatians 6:10; John 13:35; Ephesians 4:7-16), and maintain decency and order in the Church (I Corinthians 14:40).

Therefore, we, a congregation of believers in Christ, accept and subscribe to the following Constitution and Bylaws in accordance with which all spiritual and material affairs of our congregation shall be governed.


The name of this evangelical congregation shall be Redeemer Lutheran Church of Marshalltown, Marshall County, Iowa.


Redeemer Lutheran Church exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ by equipping God's people through Word and Sacrament to share with all people the message of repentance and forgiveness in His name and to serve Him according to His will.


This congregation acknowledges and accepts all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as the revealed Word of God, verbally inspired, and acknowledges and accepts all the Confessional Writings of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, contained in the Book of Concord of the year 1580, to be (quia) the true and genuine exposition of the doctrines of the Bible. These Confessional Writings are:

A. The Ecumenical Creeds1. The Apostles Creed2. The Nicene Creed3. The Athanasian Creed

B. The Unaltered Augsburg ConfessionC. The Apology of the Augsburg ConfessionD. The Smalcald ArticlesE. Luther's Small CatechismF. Luther's Large CatechismG. The Formula of Concord


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A. Baptized Membership in this congregation may be held by those who are baptized in the name of the Triune God and received by this congregation.

B. Communicant Membership in this congregation may be held by those who:

1. are baptized in the name of the Triune God;

2. have declared their acceptance of Article III of this Constitution;

3. have been accepted into communicant membership in accordance with Article I of the Bylaws of this congregation and remain faithful to the privileges and responsibilities of membership as contained in Article I, Section 2 of the Bylaws;

4. lead Christian lives and do not live in manifest works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21);

5. are not members, affiliates, or supporters of any secret society, lodge, or other organization conflicting with the Word of God and conduct of a Christian (II Corinthians 6:14-18).


The congregation shall at all times maintain the office of the ministry in its midst as it has been instituted and given by our Lord. In order that the functions of this Office are exercised publicly, in behalf of the congregation, it shall call a qualified man to serve as pastor. The called pastor, or pastors, must subscribe without reservation to the doctrinal standard set forth in Article III, Confession, of this Constitution. He shall have no authority except the authority of the Word of God. He shall be accountable to the Lord Jesus Christ and to this congregation for fulfilling the responsibilities detailed in the "Diploma of Vocation" (call) and its "Supplement".


A. General Authority

1. The congregation as a body, through the voting members, shall have final authority to administer and manage all its external and internal affairs, to receive, acquire, hold title to, and manage such real estate and other property as it may need to accomplish its purpose, and may sell or dispose of such real estate and other property or any part thereof. This congregation shall have all rights that are granted by the laws of the State of Iowa to religious corporations.

2. The establishment and conduct of all organizations and societies within the congregation shall at all times be subject to the approval of the congregation and under the supervision of the appropriate Board.


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3. The congregation shall not be empowered to decide anything contrary to the Word of God and the Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Article III, and any such decisions shall be null and void.

B. Right of Calling

The right of calling pastors or other Synodically trained religious workers shall be vested in the voting members of the congregation and shall never be delegated to a smaller body or to an individual.

C. Decisions

Matters of doctrine and conscience shall be decided by the Word of God. Other matters shall be decided by a majority vote of those present at a properly convened meeting, unless otherwise specified by the Constitution and Bylaws.

D. Authority of Officers

Congregational officers, boards, or committees, whether elected or appointed shall have no authority beyond that which has been conferred upon them, and whatever authority may have been delegated to them may at any time be altered or revoked by the voters at a properly convened congregational meeting.

E. Removal from Office

Any elected congregational officer or called professional worker may be removed from office by the congregation, by ballot, in Christian and lawful order. Removal from office shall be for one of the following causes: persistent adherence to false doctrine, scandalous life, inability to perform his official duties or willful neglect of them, or for refusal to conform to Articles III or X of this Constitution.


The officers of this congregation shall be such officers, boards or committees as the Bylaws of the congregation may prescribe.


A. If at any times a separation should take place on account of doctrine, the property of the congregation and all benefits therewith connected shall remain with those members, even though this be a minority, who continue to adhere in confession and practice of Article III to this Constitution.

B. If at any time a separation should take place for reasons other than doctrine, the property of the congregation and all benefits therewithconnected shall remain with the majority.


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C. In the event the congregation should totally disband, the property and all rights connected therewith shall be transferred to the Iowa District East of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod.


Only such hymns, prayers, and liturgies shall be used in public services of this congregation and in all ministerial acts as conform to the Confessional Standard of Article III. Likewise, in all classes for instruction in Christian doctrine only such books shall be used as conform to this standard.


A. This congregation shall be a member of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. Together with its Pastor we pledge to voluntarily honor and uphold the Synod in matters of policy and discipline as expressed in its Confessions, Constitution and Bylaws, and convention decisions, as long as these are and remain in accord with Article III of this Constitution. We shall send our Pastor and a lay delegate to the District Conventions of Synod, and participate in selecting delegates to each Synodical Convention.

B. In the event it becomes necessary to dissolve membership with the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod this procedure shall be followed:

1. The proposal to withdraw from Synod shall be submitted in writing to the Church Council, who shall send first-class notification to each voting member of the congregation at least two weeks prior to a properly convened congregational meeting. The Synodical President, the District President, and the Circuit Counselor shall be notified of such action. The wording of the proposal to withdraw from membership shall require approval by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those voting members voting.

2. The proposal shall then be published in the Sunday bulletin (or Newsletter) for at least two weeks prior to the second properly convened congregational meeting. Approval by three-fourths(3/4) majority vote of those voting members voting shall be required to adopt the proposal.


This congregation may adopt such bylaws as may be required for the accomplishment of its purpose.


A. Unaltered articles

The following articles of this Constitution or sections thereof shall in substance be unalterable and irrepealable: III, V, IX.


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B. Amendments

Amendments to this Constitution may be adopted provided:

1. That they do not conflict with the provisions laid down in Article III or with any section of any other article that pertains to Scriptural doctrine and practice; and

2. That the proposed amendments have been submitted in writing to the Church Council, subsequently to be published in the Church Sunday bulletin (or Newsletter) and be distributed to the congregation at least two weeks prior to a properly convened congregational meeting.

3. The affirmative vote of a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those voting members voting at the congregational meeting shall be required for the adoption of amendments.


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Section 1. Admission into Membership

A. Baptized membership in this congregation is or may be acquired:

1. by being baptized by a pastor of this congregation;

2. by being received as a baptized member by the congregation.

B. Communicant membership in this congregation is or may be acquired:

1. by attending a course of instruction in the doctrines and confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (Constitution, Article III) and affirming agreement to them in baptism, the rite of confirmation, or profession of faith;

2. by presenting a letter of transfer from a congregation in church fellowship, or release as a member in good standing of another Lutheran congregation, and this shall be evaluated by the pastor, whose decision will be acted upon in a subsequent meeting of the Church Council;

3. by anyone whose membership in a Lutheran congregation has lapsed; the pastor may, with the consent of the Board of Elders, arrange for a period of re-instruction prior to their profession of faith, and their decision is to be acted upon in a subsequent meeting of the Church Council.

Section 2. Privileges and Responsibilities of Members

A. It shall be the privilege and responsibility of members of this congregation to:

1. grow in the Christian faith and life through faithful use of the means of grace;

2. search the Scriptures at home and in fellowship with other members of the congregation and its agencies;

3. partake of the Lord's Supper frequently after confirmation;

4. live a morally decent life before God and men, abstaining from open works of the flesh and so conducting themselves at all times as to bring credit rather than blame upon the Church of Jesus Christ;

5. permit themselves to be fraternally admonished and corrected when they have erred;


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6. provide for the proper Christian training of their children by instruction at home and through agencies of the church;

7. contribute toward the maintenance of the congregation and the extension of the Kingdom of God at home and abroad to the limit of their financial ability;

8. place their God-given talents and abilities at the disposal of the pastor, the officers, and other agencies of the congregation as set forth in its Constitution and Bylaws, so that the purpose and functions of the congregation may be effectively implemented;

9. accord to the pastor honor, love, and obedience in his ministry of God's Word, support him with prayers and their willing readiness, and provide for his maintenance according to the ability of the congregation.

B. Voting Privileges

All communicant members who are eighteen (18) years of age or over, shall be entitled to vote in congregational meetings. It shall be the responsibility of each eligible voting member to have read the Constitution and Bylaws before participating in voting. To be eligible to cast a vote the member must be present at a properly convened congregational meeting.

Section 3. Termination of Membership

A. Death

Termination of membership in this congregation becomes effective upon the death of a member.

B. Transfer of Communicant Members to Other Congregations

Communicant members desiring to join a congregation in church fellowship shall present their request for release to the pastor, to whom authorization is granted to issue such transfers. Such transfers of membership shall be approved by the Church Council in a subsequent meeting.

C. Release of Communicant Members to Other Churches

Communicant members desiring to join a congregation not in fellowship shall present their request for release to the pastor, to whom authorization is granted to issue such releases. Such release of membership shall be approved by the Church Council in a subsequent meeting.


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D. Non-communicant Transfer or Release

Non-communicant members will be transferred or released upon the request of their parents or guardian to the pastor, to whom authorization is granted to issue such transfers or releases. Such transfers or releases shall be approved by the Church Council in a subsequent meeting.

E. Excommunication

1. Excommunication results when a member conducts himself in an unchristian manner, has been admonished according to Matthew 18:15-20, remains impenitent, and is expelled from this congregation by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those voting members voting at a properly convened congregational meeting, and

2. when a member refuses to submit to church discipline, remains impenitent, and is expelled from this congregation by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those voting members voting at a properly convened congregational meeting.

F. Self-exclusion

The intent of a member to exclude himself from our fellowship shall be recognized by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those members voting at a properly convened congregational meeting which resolves, in accordance with the following provisions, to remove from membership the names of such as are hereinafter described:

1. members who have moved from the territory served by this congregation without requesting transfer to another congregation in fellowship, or without requesting release from this congregation;

2. members who no longer attend divine services or contribute to this congregation may have their names removed from the roster of members provided:

a. that the Board of Elders certifies that the member has been communicated with and has expressed a desire to have his name removed--such name may be removed immediately;

b. that the Board of Elders certifies that a letter relative to the continuance of his membership, addressed to his last known address, has been returned as undeliverable;

c. that the Board of Elders certifies that the member has failed to respond to a letter relative to the continuance of his membership, and provided that a reasonable length of time has elapsed since the unsuccessful effort was made to communicate with the member.


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Section 4. Loss and Restoration of Rights

A. A person whose communicant membership has been terminated, in accordance with Article I, Section 3, of these Bylaws, has forfeited all rights as a member of this congregation and all claims upon the property of the congregation or upon any part thereof, so long as he is not reinstated into membership.

B. A person whose membership has been terminated due to excommunication or self-exclusion shall be joyfully restored with all rights and privileges when he repents and seeks forgiveness through the Pastor and/or Board of Elders.


A. Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the congregation shall be held in February at a time set by the Church Council. This meeting shall be scheduled at least two (2) weeks after the Financial Report for the past year and an Agenda for the annual meeting and Proposed Spending Plan for the coming year has been published.

B. Special Meetings

1. Special meetings of the congregation shall be called by the Church Council who will set the time and notify the congregation by written and public announcement at least seven days prior to such a meeting.

2. The Church Council shall be required to call a special meeting upon being presented with a petition signed by at least ten percent (10%) of the congregation's eligible voting members. Meetings petitioned for shall be held within twenty-one (21) days after the petition has been presented to the Church Council. Such meetings shall be given general announcement by written or public notice or by telephone or letters into the homes of the voting members.

3. Meetings called for amending the Articles of Incorporation, amending the Constitution or Bylaws, the erection of buildings, the purchase or sale or major improvements of property, any additions to the budget after its approval, or the removal from office of a pastor, professional worker, or elected officer of the congregation, shall have the purpose included in the announcement of the meeting and shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those voting members voting for adoption of the resolution.

C. Quorum


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Whenever a meeting has been properly called and announced, those in attendance shall represent a quorum and it shall be considered a properly convened and legal meeting capable of transacting business.

D. Procedures

All meetings of this congregation, including the Church Council, shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order where applicable.


Section 1. Nominations

A. At a properly convened meeting of the congregation, the list of candidates for pastor, received from the District President by the Board of Elders, shall be presented by the President of the congregation.

B. In the case of another professional worker, the Board of Elders shall consult with the appropriate District representative and shall present a list of candidates in the same manner as described above.

C. In either case, additional candidates may be nominated from the floor by any person who is a voting member of the congregation as stated in Article I, Section 2, Paragraph B, of the Bylaws.

Section 2. Elections

A. The election of a pastor or other professional worker from the list of candidates shall be by ballot. The candidate receiving the majority of all votes cast shall be considered elected. The election shall, if possible, be made unanimous by a rising vote, and the call shall be sent to the pastor-elect or called worker.

B. If a candidate shall be called directly from one of the Seminaries or colleges, the proper Synodical Board shall be requested to appoint the person to whom the call shall be extended.


A. Here following are the elective and appointive officers, boards, and committees entrusted by the congregation with the authority and the responsibility to conduct the affairs of our congregation in their respective areas.


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1. The Church Council, consisting of the President, the Vice-Presidents, and the Director of each Administrative Board; the Pastor, the Financial Secretary, and the Treasurer shall be members of the Council by virtue of their office (ex-officio);

2. The President, elected by the congregation;

3. The Vice-Presidents, elected by the congregation;

4. The Secretary, appointed by the President;

5. The Financial Secretary, appointed by the Director of Stewardship, subject to the approval of the Church Council;

6. The Treasurer, appointed by the Director of Stewardship, subject to the approval of the Church Council,

7. The Director of Evangelism, elected by the congregation, and his Board, consisting of not more than four (4) other members to be appointed by him as specified;

8. The Director of Parish Education, elected by the congregation, and his Board, consisting of not more than twelve (12) other members to be appointed by him as specified;

9. The Director of Elders, elected by the congregation, and his Board, consisting of not more than twelve (12) other men, to be elected by the congregation;

10. The Director of Youth Ministry, elected by the congregation, and his Board, consisting of not more than (4) other members to be appointed by him as specified;

11. The Director of Stewardship, elected by the congregation, and his Board, consisting of not more than four (4) other members to be appointed by him as specified;

12. The Director of Church Property, elected by the congregation, and his Board, consisting of not more than twelve (12) other members to be appointed as specified;

13. The Director of Assimilation, elected by the congregation, and his Board, consisting of not more than twelve (12)other members to be appointed by him as specified;

14. The Director of Social Ministry, elected by the congregation, and his Board, consisting of not more than four (4) other members to be appointed by him as specified;

15. The Nominating Committee, consisting of the President, the Pastor, and at least five (5) members, with as close to a 50/50 male-female composition, to be appointed by the Church Council.


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16. The Auditing Committee, consisting of at least three (3) members, appointed annually by the President subject to the approval of the Church Council;

17. The Scholarship Committee, consisting of at least three (3) members, appointed by the Director of Parish Education subject to the approval of the Church Council.

B. Term of Office

1. All officers and members of Boards and Committees shall serve for a period of two (2) years, from date of installation or assumption of duties, unless otherwise provided, and shall serve until their successors have been elected or appointed.

2. Officers shall be installed and assume their responsibilities during the month of March at a time determined by the Church Council.

3. Board and Committee members shall be appointed and ready to assume their responsibilities on the first Sunday in March. These appointments shall be ratified at a special meeting of the new Church Council during the month of February.

4. In order to provide for continuity, the terms of elected officers shall be staggered in such a way that approximately one-half of the Church Council is elected each year.

C. Elections

The slate of candidates selected by the Nominating Committee shall be submitted to the congregation at its annual meeting. Additional candidates may be nominated by any voting member, provided that the nominee's written or oral consent accompanies his nomination. The candidates nominated by the Committee, together with any candidates nominated from the floor, are to be the candidates voted upon. Candidates receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. If, after the first ballot, no candidate has received a majority of the votes cast, the candidate receiving the fewest votes shall be dropped from the slate, and a new ballot taken. This procedure shall be continued until a candidate receives a majority of the votes cast.

D. Limitations

1. Council members, Elders, Financial Secretary and Treasurer shall be eligible to succeed themselves for no more than ninety-nine consecutive years in the same office.

2. Women may serve as members of boards and committees as long as these positions are not specifically involved in the specific functions of the pastoral office (public preaching of the Word, public administration of the Sacraments, exercising the office of the keys) and as long as this service does not violate the order of creation (exercising or usurping authority over men.) Accordingly, they shall not serve as Pastor, as a member of the Board of Elders, as President, or Vice-President.


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(I Corinthians 14:36-38; I Timothy 2:11-12) Otherwise, wherever references to men are employed in this Constitution or Bylaws, where women may hold office and/or render service to the congregation, they are understood in a generic sense, that is, as references to either men or women.

3. At no time shall a husband and wife both serve as voting members on the same church council nor shall a wife serve as a voting member on the church council while her husband holds the position of Elder.

E. Vacancies in Office

1. Should a vacancy occur in an elective office, the Nominating Committee shall consult the slate of officers presented at the last election and select a successor to serve the remainder of the unexpired term. Should no qualified candidate be available, the Nominating Committee shall prayerfully select a successor from the congregation at large. All such selections shall be approved by the Church Council.

2. Should the Presidency become vacant, the First Vice-President shall succeed to the Presidency, the Second Vice-President shall become First Vice-President, and the Nominating Committee shall select a new Second Vice-President in accord with the procedure outlined in preceding paragraph 1.

3. Should a vacancy occur in an appointed position, the person responsible shall appoint a successor, in accord with stipulated procedure, who shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term.

4. Should an elected or appointed officer be absent for a prolonged period of time, or become temporarily unable to perform his duties, the Nominating Committee may, if necessary, appoint a qualified member of the congregation to act in the stead of the absent officer pending his return.

F. Dismissal

1. Any elected officer of the congregation may be dismissed from office by the congregation, provided that a charge of willful neglect of duty or of serious moral offense is properly made and sustained before the Board of Elders and is not satisfactorily resolved.

2. An appointed officer, board or committee member, of the congregation may be dismissed from office by the Church Council, provided that a charge of willful neglect of duty or of serious moral offense is properly made and sustained before the Board of Elders and is not satisfactorily resolved.


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Section 1. The Church Council and Officers

A. The Church Council

The Church Council shall consist of the President, the Vice-Presidents, and the Directors of the Administrative Boards. The Pastor, the Financial Secretary, and the Treasurer shall, by virtue of their office (ex-officio), also be members of the Church Council, having voice but no vote. All elected members of the Council shall be communicant members of Redeemer and at least eighteen (18)years of age.

The Church Council shall meet at least once each month and shall have the authority to conduct and transact all the business of this congregation with the exception of calling pastors, calling or engaging other Synodical professional church workers, excommunication, removal from called or elected office, borrowing money, transfer of property, and adopting or increasing the annual budget.

Generally, the Church Council shall consider and discuss anything that pertains to the general welfare of this congregation, as well as plan, co-ordinate, and carry out action toward extending the Kingdom of God in and through our congregation.

Specifically, the Church Council shall:

1. serve as the point of liaison between the officers of the congregation in planning the total work of our congregation;

2. implement and execute policies and decisions of the congregation through the appropriate administrative board;

3. settle jurisdictional disputes between the various administrative boards;

4. evaluate and act upon reports and recommendations from the various administrative boards;

5. review periodically the entire ministry of our congregation so that inactivity, duplication, or omission of any part of our Lord's work is scrupulously avoided;

6. at its August meeting adopt a yearly plan of activity for the entire congregation as well as long-range plans for the development and expansion of the Kingdom in our midst;

7. in its November meeting each year, gather spending requests from the individual administrative boards and compile a budget for presentation to the congregation;


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8. be pledged to secrecy regarding all matters of a private nature referred to it;

9. keep a permanent, typewritten set of minutes from each meeting which shall become the property of the congregation;

10. set the date and time of regular and special congregational meetings and prepare the agenda for such meetings;

11. appoint the Nominating Committee as specified;

B. The President

The President of this congregation is its Executive Director, responsible for carrying out the will of the congregation expressed in its Constitution and Bylaws and in its resolutions. All elected and appointed officer and boards of this congregation shall be responsible to him for the carrying out of their respective duties.

Specifically, the President shall:

1. preside at meetings of the congregation and Church Council, present the business to be transacted, present for discussion all proper resolutions regularly moved and seconded, decide all questions of order, call motions and announce results, preserve order and decorum at meetings, and perform the duties required of him;

2. prepare the agenda for Church Council meetings in consultation with the Pastor and Vice-Presidents and, after consideration of items by the Council for meetings of the congregation;

3. be an ex-officio member of all boards and committees, personally attending or designating a Vice-President to attend such meetings as necessary or advisable;

4. at his discretion, be empowered to call a meeting of any board or committee upon prior notification of the members;

5. meet regularly with the Pastor and Vice-Presidents to analyze past progress and plan future efforts and emphases;

6. delegate specific responsibilities to the Vice-Presidents;

7. together with the Pastor and Vice-Presidents, discuss needs, ways, and means of officer training;

8. encourage officers and committee chairmen to make concise written reports and recommendations;


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9. as directed, make appointments in consultation with appropriate persons on the basis of the talents, interests, and willingness of our members;

10. seek out opportunity to commend "leadership shown" and "job well done" by members of the congregation;

11. be a Trustee of the church corporation;

12. be entitled to vote when the vote is by ballot, or whenever his vote would change the result. However, he shall not vote twice, first to produce a tie and then to break that tie.

C. The Vice-Presidents of this congregation are assistants to the President and are responsible to him for carrying out their assigned duties or any additional duties delegated to them.

Specifically, the Vice-Presidents shall:

1. be well informed about the affairs of the congregation and ready to perform the duties of President, upon notification by the Church Council, in case of absence or inability to perform his duties;

2. have assigned to them specific responsibilities for selected administrative boards and see to it that the boards are functioning properly;

3. attend meetings whenever necessary and/or upon the request of the Pastor or President;

4. take the initiative in inviting members to become active in exercising their voting privilege at congregational meetings;

5. be Trustees of the church corporation.

D. The Secretary

The Secretary is an assistant to the President, appointed by him, and directly responsible to him for the performance of assigned duties.

Specifically, the Secretary shall:

1. record the minutes of the meetings of the Church Council and the congregation;

2. read the minutes of previous regular and special meetings in order that they may be corrected, if necessary, and approved;


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3. call the roll at each meeting of the Church Council;

4. be responsible for the safekeeping of the permanent minutes of the Church Council and the Congregation, past and present, in a book, folder, or file provided by and remaining the property of the congregation;

5. prepare a typewritten copy of the minutes of Church Council and congregation meetings for the permanent records and submit copies to the President, Vice-Presidents, and Pastor as soon as possible after the meeting;

6. supply a summary of minutes for publication in the monthly Newsletter;

7. stand ready to supply information as requested from the minutes;

8. maintain a current list of standing motions;

9. keep a list of members who attend each meeting of the congregation;

10. conduct and preserve official correspondence of the congregation;

11. perform other duties as assigned by the President.

E. The Financial Secretary

The Financial Secretary shall be appointed by the Director of Stewardship and work closely with the Treasurer and Director of Stewardship in administering the financial affairs of the congregation.

Specifically the Financial Secretary shall:

1. be responsible each week for seeing to the accurate counting and recording of contributions by members in the congregation, and for this purpose, together with the Treasurer and Director of Stewardship, enlist personnel to assist him;

2. keep a complete record of all receipts and expenditures of the congregation;

3. authorize expenditures when instructed to do so by the Director of an administrative Board, the Church Council, or the congregation;

4. report annually to the congregation all regular, plate, and special contributions, as well as make monthly reports to the Church Council;

5. issue periodic statements to the members showing their offerings to date, and report to the Director of Elders those members which have no record of offerings made;


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6. prepare reports of members for analysis by authorized personnel;

7. order and distribute offering envelopes;

8. train an assistant in the details and functions of this office;

9. present a current record of budget allotment, accrued disbursements, and declining balance for each of the administrative Boards to its Director at each monthly meeting of the Church Council;

10. submit permanent financial records for annual audit.

F. The Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Director of Stewardship and shall work closely with the Financial Secretary and Director of Stewardship in administering the financial affairs of the congregation.

Specifically, the Treasurer shall:

1. receive all funds from the Financial Secretary, or his designate, keep an accurate record of them, and deposit them;

2. make any and all expenditures by check only upon receiving authorization from the Financial Secretary;

3. report monthly to the Church Council and annually to the congregation all receipts, disbursements, and balances during the period covered by the report;

4. submit permanent financial records for annual audit, keeping all receipts covering expenditures at least until such audit is complete;

5. be responsible for the congregation's safety deposit box, presenting an inventory of contents to the annual congregational meeting for inclusion in the permanent records;

6. train an assistant in the details and functions of this office;

7. suggest to the Church Council, as deemed advisable, improved systems or methods of keeping financial records.

Section 2. The Administrative Boards

A. Each Administrative Board shall:


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1. be responsible to and supervised by its elected Director;

2. have appointed to it by the Director as stipulated, sufficient personnel to effectively carry out designated duties, which appointments shall be made before the first Church Council meeting following the election;

3. initiate and carry out such activities and programs within the congregation as will enable it to effectively perform the functions and duties assigned to it by the Constitution and Bylaws, or by specific resolution;

4. develop policies and directives that will facilitate understanding, cooperation, and action within that Board;

5. unless otherwise specified, meet as often as necessary to carry out the responsibilities assigned to it;

6. submit a report of its activities to the regular meetings of the Church Council and the annual meeting of the congregation which also may include specific recommendations for action and/or approval;

7. keep a permanent, typewritten set of minutes for each meeting which shall become the property of the congregation, and file a brief report with the Pastor, President, and area Vice-President;

8. be empowered to administer all funds set aside for its work by budget appropriation or by special resolution with the understanding that expenditures may be restricted to conform with the actual financial condition of the congregation at any given time. Each Administrative Board shall be jointly and severally liable for all expenditures not authorized either by the budget or by special resolution of the Church Council or the congregation.

B. Board of Evangelism

The Board of Evangelism shall consist of a Director, who shall be elected by the congregation, and at least four (4) other members who shall be appointed by the Director in consultation with the President, Vice-Presidents, and Pastor, subject to the final approval of the Church Council.

Generally, this Board shall bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the unchurched, enlist all of God's people in the work of spreading the Gospel, deepen the faith and activity of the members of this congregation, and be concerned for proper soul accounting at all times.

Specifically, The Board of Evangelism shall:


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1. assist the Pastor in the entire program of proclaiming the Gospel to all men;

2. encourage prayer in church and homes for sincere evangelistic concern toward all people inside and outside the Church;

3. foster a climate of evangelism that encourages congregation members informally and spontaneously to witness Christ to one another, to the backsliding, and to the unsaved;

4. emphasized evangelism through an intensive every-member education program annually;

5. maintain an ongoing visitation program, offering people more than membership in a church, namely, a saving relationship with Jesus Christ;

6. promote and direct congregation-wide evangelism undertakings;

7. utilize the evangelism potential of The Lutheran Hour, This is the Life, and other mass-media ministries;

8. emphasize and encourage evangelism programs in and through the societies and auxiliary organizations of the congregation and suggest projects for such organizations;

9. emphasize, in conjunction with the Board of Parish Education, child and youth evangelism, both in participation and outreach;

10. canvass the congregation's area of responsibility and effectively record, study, and utilize the results in evangelizing the lost and straying;

11. be responsible for maintenance and follow-up of a prospect file at all times;

12. before organization of Pastor's instruction classes, conduct special visitations to witness for Christ and to invite prospective members to attend;

13. be genuinely concerned for the reception, orientation, and integration of new members into the congregation.

14. be concerned for those moving into the community and for those members moving into other areas;

15. be conscious of the atmosphere of friendliness in the congregation toward members and visitors and suggest ways and means of improvement;


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16. study and adopt or adapt suggestions by the evangelism department of Synod, District, and circuit;

17. prepare and submit an annual budget proposal to the Church Council, in the form and at the time requested, and be responsible for all monies appropriated.

C. Board of Parish Education

The Board of Parish Education shall consist of a Director, who shall be elected by the congregation, and at least four (4) other members, one of whom shall be the Sunday School Superintendent, who shall be appointed by the Director in consultation with the President, Vice-Presidents, and Pastor, subject to the final approval of the Church Council.

Generally, this Board shall be concerned with planning and supervising the total Christian education ministry of our congregation by providing circumstances in which the more mature Christian can influence the less mature, thereby equipping and enabling all members of the parish to fulfill their privileges and responsibilities as members of the priesthood of all believers.

Specifically, the Board of Parish Education shall:

1. assist parents in the education and training of their children in Christian doctrine and life;

2. be concerned for the Christian nurture of children, youth, and adults in the congregation and, through them, in the community and beyond;

3. develop specific objectives for each educational agency within the congregation;

4. analyze curriculum and performance of each educational agency and seek improvement;

5. expect things to happen when people dip into God's transforming Word, providing for the active expression of Christian love and concern, in co-operation with the appropriate Board, as an integral part of the total educational ministry;

6. review existing agencies to determine whether all age groups are being served, and recommend revisions and additions as deemed advisable;

7. make annual analyses, by age groups, to determine the degree of participation of the total membership of the congregation in its educational ministry;

8. encourage increasing participation of every congregation member in Bible study, privately and in formal and informal groups;


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9. delegate administration of regular and special education agencies and/or ministries to qualified personnel;

10. enlist, train, place, and continue to train lay teachers and leaders;

11. establish a system of commendation for and recognition of faithful service;

12. strengthen families as basic units of Christian education and closely relate congregational agencies to the home through auxiliaries, meetings, or visitations;

13. maintain a "people accounting" system to record members' participation in the educational ministry and follow up on those who drop out;

14. consider provision of special education opportunities for mentally retarded or other handicapped persons, also consider special classes, courses, conferences, and retreats, for special purposes and groups;

15. be concerned about assimilation of newly confirmed youth into the appropriate agencies for study and activity;

16. annually inspect the education facilities and equipment and make recommendations to the Board of Church Property about upkeep, repair, addition or replacement;

17. maintain, improve, and cultivate use of a parish library containing books, periodicals,

devotionals, films, filmstrips, records, tapes, and other items of an edifying nature;

18. provide and promote use of audiovisual aids;

19. study and adopt or adapt helps suggested by the education departments of Synod, District, and circuit;

20. work with other organizations and committees to coordinate educational activities within the congregation;

21. establish and maintain, in co-operation with other Boards, a continuing program for the recruitment of full-time workers in the church at large, and a system of financial aid for their professional education;

22. establish and maintain a permanent file of all children and youth of the congregation by age, grade level, attendance, etc., and see to it that the file is continually kept up to date;


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23. provide for the growth of the educational staff through conferences, conventions, continuing education, and the like, and request necessary funds to implement this growth;

24. prepare and submit an annual budget proposal to the Church Council in the form and at the time requested, and be responsible for all monies appropriated.

D. Board of Elders

The Board of Elders shall consist of a Director, who shall be elected by the congregation, and at least twelve (12) other men who shall also be elected by the congregation.

The nature of the responsibilities of this Board requires that men noted for their Christian knowledge, zeal, and experience in the spiritual work of the Kingdom of Christ be elected.

Generally, this Board shall assist the Pastor in assuring the spiritual welfare of the congregation, supervise everything pertaining to congregational worship, and make certain that church discipline is Scripturally exercised.

Specifically, the Board of Elders shall:

1. concern itself with the Christian life of the entire congregation, the Christian motivation of all church activities, and further the growth in Christ of all officers and members of the congregation;

2. assist the Pastor in difficult problems of the ministry, and in finding peaceful, God-pleasing solutions to problems within the congregation;

3. to “consider comments, concerns and complaints of members of the congregation if any of these voices are against ‘a thing’ (e.g. a policy, a tradition, a way of doing something, etc.) If complains or grievances are against a person, the elder immediately directs the person making the complaint or grievance to the one with whom they have the complaint of grievance (Matthew 16:15);

4. examine carefully applications for membership referred to it by the Pastor and recommend action in such cases;

5. appoint a Head Usher each year and see to the training of an ushering staff;

6. be responsible for the conduct of the church office, and determine, outline, and supervise the duties of the Administrative Secretary in consultation with the Pastor;


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7. make every effort to induce members who have been negligent in worship attendance, use of the Sacraments, and financial support, to enjoy more fully the rights and privileges of their membership;

8. make certain that all Worship Services are conducted in such a manner as to foster a worshipful attitude among those in attendance and avoid needless disturbance;

9. provide assistance to the Pastor in distributing Holy Communion;

10. consult with the Pastor in arranging for pulpit assistance, special services, and guest speakers;

11. in case of a vacancy in the pastoral office, engage an interim pastor, assume administrative duties of the Pastor in transfers and releases, and exercise leadership in properly calling another pastor;

12. be responsible for vestments, paraments, and other appointments used in the worship services;

13. supervise and make recommendations relative to the musical portions of all worship services, stimulate and encourage the organization of choirs and choral groups, and make recommendations regarding the employment or appointment of organists, choir masters, and musical talent;

14. watch in brotherly concern over the members of our congregation and admonish those who openly adhere to false doctrine, give evidence of an immoral or offensive life, or willfully despise the preaching of the Gospel, the Sacrament of Baptism, or the Sacrament of the Altar;

15. maintain discipline within our congregation in accord with Scripture, the Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and the Constitution and Bylaws of this congregation;

16. be bound by Christian charity and prudence to keep all matters of discipline confidential and within the records of their board;

17. have spiritual oversight of the geographical areas of the congregation and establish a personal calling program with the interest of keeping in close touch with our membership in joy and sorrow;

18. watch in Christian love over the doctrine, life, and official conduct of the Pastor, teachers, and other members of the congregational staff;


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19. look after the temporal welfare of the Pastor and his family, other professional church workers and their families, and make recommendation to the Church Council in regard to salaries and living accommodations;

20. consider and determine the needs of the congregation in regard to the number and kind of services which are being conducted.

21. prepare and submit an annual budget proposal to the Church council in the form and at the time requested and be responsible for all monies appropriated.

E. Board of Youth Ministry

The Board of Youth Ministry shall consist of a Director, who shall be elected by the congregation, and at least two (2) other members, appointed by the Director, in consultation with the President, Vice-Presidents, and Pastor, subject to the final approval of the Church Council.

Generally, this Board shall involve the young people of the congregation in the work of Christ, provide for their spiritual growth and nurture, and promote genuine Christian fellowship among our young people.

Specifically, the Board of Youth Ministry shall:

1. promote attendance and involvement of the congregation's youth in all youth activities;

2. provide for the continuing spiritual growth of the young people of the congregation through Bible study, prayer, and Christian service;

3. plan and carry out, together with other concerned Boards, a year-round program for the young people of the congregation;

4. develop a program for the social fellowship of both young people and young adults in the congregation, including various recreational programs;

5. actively engage in the selection and training of leaders for the young people's program;

6. supervise all youth and young adult groups within the congregation and plan annual emphases;

7. plan a special event for the newly confirmed young people of the congregation;

8. provide opportunities for involvement as servants in the life of the community such as civic, school, cultural, humanitarian, recreational, and social groups.


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9. provide for public recognition of various youth achievements and accomplishments;

10. in conjunction with the Board of Evangelism, train and involve the young people of the congregation in bringing others to faith in Christ;

11. provide counseling for the spiritual, moral, social, and vocational development of young people;

12. welcome and use college students during the summer months for various young people's activities;

13. prepare and submit an annual budget proposal to the Church Council in the form and at the time requested and be responsible for all monies appropriated.

F. The Board of Stewardship

The Board of Stewardship shall consist of a Director, who shall be elected by the congregation, and at least four (4) other members appointed by the Director in consultation with the President, Vice-Presidents, and Pastor, subject to the final approval of the Church Council.

Generally, this Board shall foster good stewardship attitudes in the members of this congregation in regard to time, talent, and treasure, provide for the training and utilization of members of the congregation for the work of Christ's Kingdom, and ensure the financial stability of the congregation through dedicated, proportionate, firstfruits giving.

Specifically, the Board of Stewardship shall:

1. study stewardship literature available from Synod, District, and Circuit, and use every God-pleasing means to promote good stewardship consciousness in the congregation, its societies and organizations;

2. maintain a program to discover and enlist for Kingdom service the talents God has given our members;

3. foster support for missions and charities through programs of mission information;

4. encourage and enlist the young people of the congregation for professional service in Christ's Kingdom of Grace;

5. annually conduct an intensive program to confront every member with basic Biblical stewardship principles and practices;


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6. be responsible for maintaining a congregation talent file, and provide for development of talents through training courses and workshops;

7. evaluate various programs of endowments, remembrance of the congregation in wills and bequests, and suggest ways for implementation;

8. be responsible for the disposition of memorials given to the congregation;

9. encourage the practice of joyous, worshipful, proportionate giving and evaluate the offerings of the congregation regularly;

10. annually give every member an opportunity to make a commitment of his treasure for Kingdom work through this congregation;

11. prepare and submit an annual budget proposal to the Church Council in the form and at the time requested and be responsible for all monies appropriated.

G. Board of Church Property

The Board of Church Property shall consist of a Director, who shall be elected by the congregation, and at least four (4) other members appointed by the Director in consultation with the President, Vice-Presidents, and Pastor, subject to the final approval of the Church Council.

The Director of Church Property, the President and the Vice-Presidents shall be the Trustees of this not-for-profit corporation, having authority to represent the congregation in all legal matters and transact all business evolving upon the congregation as a corporate body in accordance with instructions and resolutions of the congregation, which accepts responsibility for all transactions of these Trustees performed in accordance with its instructions and resolutions, but does not accept responsibility for acts of these Trustees performed without approval involving the property or credit of this congregation.

Generally, this Board shall be responsible for the proper administration, supervision, maintenance, and repair of all church property.

Specifically, the Board of Church Property shall:

1. be responsible for keeping the church buildings, parsonage, and grounds in good functional order;

2. be responsible for necessary equipment for the efficient maintenance of church property;


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3. make recommendation to the Church Council for the needed repairs, improvements, additions, and replacement of properties and facilities, and see to it that such passed resolutions are carried out as soon as possible;

4. without special action by the congregation, be authorized to arrange immediately for repairs in emergency situations, and be further authorized to spend up to $250.00 annually, over and above their budget, for unforeseen repairs and purchases for maintaining the property;

5. provide custodial care for building and grounds and meet periodically with the personnel to discuss care of building and grounds, as well as needs and problems in custodial service;

6. conduct an inspection and inventory in March of each year of all church property, equipment, and supplies, including acquisition date and approximate value of each item and current replacement cost and source;

7. be responsible for the safe-keeping of all important records of the congregation and make an inventory of them in March of each year;

8. make keys for church property, determine policy for issuing keys, keep and review annually a list of keys issued;

9. annually check adequacy of all types of insurance and keep policies current;

10. be responsible for negotiating service contracts;

11. enlist work crews for special repair, improvement, cleaning, painting, decorating, or landscaping projects;

12. review and receive or decline all offers of non-solicited gifts to the congregation;

13. together with the Board of Assimilation, develop policies and guidelines for use of church properties;

14. prepare and submit an annual budget proposal to the Church Council in the form and at the time requested and be responsible for all monies appropriated.

15. The Trustees of this corporation shall be responsible for the general duties outlined in the introduction to this section.

Specifically, the Trustees shall:


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a. know the contents and expiration date of the congregation's Articles of Incorporation;

b. obtain legal information on the laws governing not-for-profit corporations;

c. obtain legal information necessary for wise consideration of contracts that have been negotiated and approved by the congregation;

d. sign official documents and contracts that have been negotiated and approved by the congregation;

e. annually sign real-estate tax-exemption certificates. H. Board of Assimilation

The Board of Assimilation shall consist of a director, who shall be elected by the congregation, and at least four (4) other members appointed by the Director in consultation with the President, Vice-President, and Pastor subject to the final approval of the Church Council.

Generally, this Board shall seek ways and means of fostering an atmosphere of friendliness, hospitality, and co-operation among the members of this congregation so that guests may feel welcome and so that new members may feel accepted by their brothers and sisters in Christ.

Specifically, the Board of Assimilation shall:

1. keep the purpose of the congregation before the membership;

2. build attitudes of trust and acceptance among the members of this church family;

3. work together with the Board of Evangelism to identify, welcome, and make follow-up contacts with those who visit our congregation;

4. develop strategies for the reception, orientation, and integration of new members into our church family (this congregation);

5. plan, direct, and implement gatherings of the congregation throughout the year in order to further the close harmony of the congregation.

6. be responsible for the establishment, conduct, and Christian nurture of all organizations and societies within our congregation;


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7. maintain and co-ordinate a schedule of activities within the congregation's facilities and approve or disapprove requests for such activity (especially when there are facility or schedule conflicts) in accord with the purpose of the congregation;

8. prepare and submit an annual budget proposal to the Church Council in the form and at the time requested and be responsible for all monies appropriated.

I. Board of Social Ministry

The Board of Social Ministry shall consist of a Director, who shall be elected by the congregation, and at least two (2) other members who shall be appointed by the Director in consultation with the President, the Vice-Presidents, and Pastor, subject to the final approval of the Church Council.

Generally, this Board shall seek out and implement, under Christ, ways and means to lead people in a direction that will ease man's hurts, relieve situations and conditions that cause distress, provide hope for confused and bewildered people, and give our members opportunities for glorifying their Savior through humble and sacrificial service to those with critical needs.

Specifically, the Board of Social Ministry shall:

1. study what Scripture teaches about concern for those suffering physical need or distress;

2. care for and minister to the physical needs of our neighbor, even though he may not be of the household of faith;

3. acquaint itself with services and resources available through Synodical agencies, as well as private and public agencies and institutions;

4. seek to increase the awareness of our members of their civic and social responsibilities;

5. publicize and encourage participation by members in Social Ministry programs of Synod and District;

6. seek ways and means of ministering to the elderly;

7. maintain contact with area hospitals, nursing homes, and other institutions in order to determine opportunities for service;

8. organize and execute a program of help and assistance for needy families or indigent individuals;


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9. recommend to the Church Council special in-gatherings of money, food, or other needed items when circumstances seem to call for such action;

10. where confidentiality is not a need, submit the names of those being served by this Board to the Board of Evangelism that these families or individuals may also be included in its ministry;

11. prepare and submit an annual budget proposal to the Church Council in the form and at the time requested and be responsible for all monies appropriated.

Section 3. Permanent Committees

A. The Auditing Committee shall:

1. audit all books and accounts of the Financial Secretary and the Treasurer at least once annually;

2. be privileged to audit all books and accounts of an officer or board at any time without prior notice;

3. be available to audit the books of an organization of the congregation at their request;

4. inform the President and Congregation of all audits and make relevant recommendations in connection therewith.

B. The Nominating Committee shall:

1. determine offices to be filled and describe duties of each;

2. determine eligible persons and prayerfully select for each office at least one whose talents and experience most nearly fits the requirements of each office;

3. contact nominees, compliment them by forthrightly explaining the importance and responsibilities of the office for which the committee has prayerfully judged them qualified, and win their consent to run for office;

4. prepare a slate of candidates for each office to be filled by election, this to be published to the congregation at least 20 days prior to election;

5. prepare ballots for election, tally and announce results;

6. fill vacancies in elective office as stipulated in Article IV, Section E of these Bylaws.


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C. The Scholarship Committee shall:

1. administer the congregation's Scholarship Fund;

2. set and review policy for issuing scholarships;

3. evaluate scholarship applicants;

4. disburse funds to qualified applicants;

5. solicit gifts to the Scholarship Fund;

6. publicize the Fund within the congregation.

7. Issue scholarships only to men and women attending Universities or Seminaries under the jurisdiction of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod with the intent of becoming professional church workers.

8. Disburse a total of no more than the greater of the interest earned during the previous fiscal year or 10% of the fund balance at the end of the previous fiscal year during any calendar year.


These Bylaws can be amended only by the assenting vote of two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those voting members voting at any properly convened meeting of the congregation.
