holyfamilyffc.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewTeacher Pep Talk: Jesus performed many miracles and...

Family Faith Circle Week Fourteen – Breakout Theme: Anointing of the Sick/Healing Work of Jesus (It’s a robust lesoon. Don’t get scared of the wordiness of these lessons. Choose what speaks to you.) Host Family will lead opening prayer and introduce their family members. (Give a little detail about each person such as where they go to school, etc.) Faith Filled People to choose from (and why are they important to you and/or your family?): Hospital Chaplains Saint John Vianney Saint Jean Jugan Today’s Readings from Lectionary: Read or summarize today’s readings to prepare for church or unpack for those that attended 8:30 mass. Song led by Jennifer St. Jacques Host Family Activity Video’s to choose from that go with the theme of the lesson: Jesus of Nazareth (Lazarus alive again) (5:27 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlTBx5ygUac Sacraments 101 – Anointing of the Sick (6:28 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEppjWNO2y4

Transcript of holyfamilyffc.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewTeacher Pep Talk: Jesus performed many miracles and...

Family Faith CircleWeek Fourteen – Breakout

Theme: Anointing of the Sick/Healing Work of Jesus (It’s a robust lesoon. Don’t get scared of the wordiness of these lessons. Choose what speaks to you.)

Host Family will lead opening prayer and introduce their family members. (Give a little detail about each person such as where they go to school, etc.)

Faith Filled People to choose from (and why are they important to you and/or your family?): Hospital Chaplains

Saint John Vianney

Saint Jean Jugan

Today’s Readings from Lectionary: Read or summarize today’s readings to prepare for church or unpack for those that attended 8:30 mass.

Song led by Jennifer St. Jacques

Host Family Activity

Video’s to choose from that go with the theme of the lesson:

Jesus of Nazareth (Lazarus alive again) (5:27 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlTBx5ygUac

Sacraments 101 – Anointing of the Sick (6:28 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEppjWNO2y4

Pope Francis: Anointing of the Sick doesn’t bring bad luck (2:32 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISzNBR9M9kY

Fr. Galea – I almost Got Arrested - Anointing of the Sick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFscB7JaTno (7:28 minutes)

Breakout: Choose one activity on topic and discussion for group. Topics suggested are from Be My Disciples.

Pre-K, 1 – Jesus Healed People. Action Items listed below.

Teacher Pep Talk: Jesus performed many miracles and healed many people. These miracles were meant as a testimony to the fact that Jesus is the Christ. It is important for us to remember that what God could do back then, He can still do today. We don’t hear much about miracles nowadays, but surely God still heals. Whether or not we are healed in this life of all our physical ailments, God is always able to heal our hearts and our hurts through His Son, Jesus Christ.

You will need: A copy of the handout printed on red cardstock or red construction paper for each child.

A hole punch, scissors, and yarn.

A blindfold for the “Faith Walk” activity and set up the room.

Major Points: Jesus Healed Many People These People Had Many Different Kinds of Problems God does not change.

Jesus forgives sins and heals our spirits as well.

Lesson: Jesus Healed Many People • How many of you have ever been sick? (Wait for answers.) • It’s no fun is it? (Talk to the children about being sick.) • Remember how much better you felt when you got well? That’s a

good feeling isn’t it? (Talk to the children about getting well.) • When Jesus was here on the earth, there were people who were

sick back then too. Some of them were very sick, and they didn’t have all the good medicines and treatments that we have now.

• When Jesus was here, many people would come to Him and ask Him to make them well.

o Sometimes moms and dads would bring their children. o Sometimes people would bring their friends.

o They all asked Jesus to make them well. o Jesus made all of them well!

These People had Many Different Kinds of Illnesses Some were blind and could not see. • Some were deaf and could not hear.

• Some were lame and could not walk. • Jesus healed them all!

Nobody else could do the kind of miracles Jesus did • Nobody else had ever done all the types of miracles that Jesus did• Nobody else had ever healed as many people as Jesus did • The people believed in Jesus because of the miracles! God does not Change • The Bible tells us that God DOES NOT change. • Jesus is the Son of God, so He does not change. • What God has done in the past, He can still do. • We can always pray and ask God to make us better when we are


God Forgives our Sins and Heals our Spirits • Whether we are healed of all of our illnesses or not, we know that

God hears us when we pray • We also know that in heaven there will be no more sickness or

death. • Through Jesus, God always forgives our sins and heals our spirits.

Let’s pray and thank God that He is able to heal us

Prayer: Dear God, Thank you that you love us. Thank you that you hear us when we pray. Thank you that you heal our hurts and our hearts. Amen

Activities: Jesus Heals our Hurts and our Hearts – Craft below Before Class: Copy the activity sheet onto red paper for each child (construction paper works very well.) Provide scissors, a hole punch, tape, and yarn. Cut a piece of yarn (approximately 18 inches long) for each child.

During Class: At end of lesson. Allow students to cut out the two halves of the heart on the activity sheet. Punch holes along the edges as shown. Overlap the two parts of the heart. Put a piece of tape around one end of the piece of yarn. Weave the yarn back and forth through the holes in the pieces of paper. Tie off

the ends of the piece of yarn at the back of the heart OR tape them to the back. Display at home!

Faith Walk – Children will learn a lesson about faith.

Say: Jesus told the woman who was sick “Your faith has made you well.” What is faith? Faith is believing on someone (or in someone.) Faith is also relying on someone. We will demonstrate what faith looks like.

Set up a mini-obstacle course around the room. Now, blindfold a volunteer. Take the volunteer by the arm and steer the blindfolded volunteer around the room and back to his/her original spot safely. Tell the children that this is what faith is like: trusting and relying upon the other person, especially when you can’t see what’s going on.

Take other volunteers on a Faith Walk.

Grades 3,4,5, - Action Item: IPAD for video, chairs and two blindfolds for the “Faith Walk”. Watch Ignite Your Faith: What is Sin? (Archdiocese of Milwaukee.) (3:25 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HtwGH4skO4 The sickness of sin – How are we healed of it? First, what is sin? (Misuse of the gifts that God has given us.) Not all sins are equal – mortal (deadly) and veneal. How to heal? Confession/Reconciliation and stepping out on faith for guidance in the future.

Does sorry seem to be your hardest word? It shouldn’t be! The Act of Contrition is a prayer in which we ask God to forgive our sins. We say it in the sacrament of reconciliation, or penance (otherwise known as confession).

There are two types of contrition: perfect (where we are truly sorry for our sins out of our love for God) and imperfect (where our sorrow comes more out of fear of God’s punishments or perhaps from the dreadful nature of the sin itself). Both are reflected in the Act of Contrition. When we sin we turn away from God and His will for us. However, when we recite the Act of Contrition, especially after confession, we turn back to Him acknowledging our need for His healing power in our lives. His mercy is there for us as long as we approach him with humility and make a sincere effort not to repeat our sins.

Do attached “Act of Contrition” worksheet and do a Faith Walk.

Faith Walk – Children will learn a lesson about faith.

Say: Jesus told the woman who was sick “Your faith has made you well.” What is faith? Faith is believing on someone (or in someone.) Faith is also relying on someone. We will demonstrate what faith looks like.

Set up a mini-obstacle course around the room. Now, blindfold a volunteer. Guide the blindfolded person around the room with just your voice. Just like we should listen to God and God’s word, we have to listen to our guide to get us safely around the room, Tell the children that this is what faith is like: trusting and relying upon the other person, especially when you can’t see what’s going on. Take other volunteers on a Faith Walk and if you feel brave, make it a competition.

Grades 6 & 7 – Action Item: Copies of the worksheet below. Bibles, pens, quick fingers to find scripture in the bibles. Painters tape, a volunteer and a chair.

We just watched a video about Anointing of the Sick, but there is another sickness that is healed with a sacrament. What is it? (Reconciliation and the “sickness” of sin.) Just like when you are sick, you keep away from people so you don’t infect them. When you are in sin, you keep yourself away from God. If you reconcile yourself with God, you are connected again.

Does sorry seem to be your hardest word? It shouldn’t be! The Act of Contrition is a prayer in which we ask God to forgive our sins. We say it in the sacrament of reconciliation, or penance (otherwise known as confession).

There are two types of contrition: perfect (where we are truly sorry for our sins out of our love for God) and imperfect (where our sorrow comes more out of fear of God’s punishments or perhaps from the dreadful nature of the sin itself). Both are reflected in this version of the Act of Contrition: (recite together, print on board if you are really ambitious)

O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I

firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life. Amen.

Note that there are several other versions of this prayer. The one above is perhaps best known, however. You can say the Act of Contrition any time. (It is often used in night prayers, for example.)

When we sin we turn away from God and His will for us. However, when we recite the Act of Contrition, especially after confession, we turn back to Him acknowledging our need for His healing power in our lives. His mercy is there for us as long as we approach him with humility and make a sincere effort not to repeat our sins.

Perform the Object Lesson below. Discuss how misbehaving on one thing can color your entire world.

Before you go to reconciliation, you should do an examination of conscience. Get out your bibles and do the one listed below. Take home to complete. I’m not expecting them to complete them in class, but I want them thinking about it.

Adults: Action Item: IPAD for video. A primer on reconciliation. Because we probably don’t go as often as we should. Watch video Fr. Mike Schmitz Reconciliation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_C4hGM3ItKk (7:59 minutes)

Go to https://catholicapptitude.org/confession-apps/ which lists apps for Confession.

The following is from the EWTN Library - Mother Angelica. She lays it on the line.

Confession—Sacrament Of Reconciliation

Sin is a weapon that wounds God, my neighbor and myself. I cannot allow the realization that I cannot hurt God in His person, cloud the reality that whatever I do to my neighbor I do to Him. His Will has ordained that whatever evil or good I do—He is the recipient. "Why do you persecute Me?" He asked Paul. "I was hungry and you gave Me to eat," He told His Apostles.

Because I am His Temple, sin defiles this temple for my will chooses self over God—for a moment the temple becomes totally mine and God is asked to leave. I prefer myself to Him—I prefer my own good to my neighbor's good.

When Jesus gave me the parable of the Prodigal Son He gave me an example of this triple effect of sin. The wayward son offended his father by disobedience, he offended society by his bad example and he offended himself by becoming unworthy to eat even the food of pigs.

His humble repentance moved him to return first to his father and seek forgiveness and then it was he began to repair the damage done to society. His humble repentance gave others a sense of goodness in mercy. His father's forgiveness restored his dignity as a son. His conversion from evil gave society the good example it so badly needed. The prodigal knew of his father's goodness while he was still in exile, but his human nature needed to hear the words of forgiveness with his own ears—he needed human assurance.

I too have this need. The Father has given me the opportunity of hearing words of merciful love and feeling the burden of sin lift from my soul. Jesus presents Himself in the person of the priest to absolve me from my sins, heal my weaknesses and restore my friendship with the Father. In reconciling myself with God, I am ready to love my neighbor with a deeper love and with unselfish motives.

Attitudes and motives that so often lead me to choose myself rather than God are laid bare and I am better able to change my life. When I realize the areas of my soul in most need, I can direct my will to change so the image of Jesus in me grows brighter and brighter.

I thank You, Lord God, for the Sacrament that restores my friendship with you, purifies my attitudes, redirects my path, heals my weaknesses and reconciles me to my neighbor.

Before this reading, did you think of your sin as hurting God? Discuss

Prayer Requests

Host Family will lead Closing Prayer

Act of ContritionDirections: Fill out the worksheet using the word bank.

My ___________, I am ________________ for my sins with all my

_____________. In __________________ to do ______________ and

_________________ to do ________________, I have ___________________

against you whom I should ______________ above all things. I firmly

_________________, with your ________________, to do __________________,

to sin no more, and to _______________ whatever _______________ me to sin.

Our Savior _______________ Christ suffered and _____________ for us. In His

name, my God, have _________________. ____________.

Word bank:

Help Failing Jesus Mercy God

Sorry Sinned Penance Amen Avoid

Died Leads Good Choosing Love

Heart Intend Wrong

Anointing of the Sick

Follow the directions and fill in the blanks to find out what the message says below.

1. The Sacrament of Extreme Unction is now called the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Put a T if this is true. Put a A if it is not.

2. The priest anoints the sick person with holy water. Put a B if this is true. Put a E if it is not.

3. Through prayer of the priest, the person’s soul receives health and strength. Put a M if this is true. Put a S if it is not.

4. This Sacrament removes venial sins. Put a P if this is true. Put a O if it is not.

5. The purpose of the Sacrament is to revive the sick person into awareness that he is not alone, God is with him. Put a T if it is true. Put a L if it is not.

6. We should prepare for the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick by making a good Confession. Put a A if it is true. Put a U if it is not.

7. Family members should call a priest when someone is seriously ill, even if he is not in danger of death. Put a T if this is true. Put a B if it is not.

8. This Sacrament takes away mortal sin if the person is unconscious and has made an Act of Contrition (perfect of imperfect) after sinning. Put a I if this is true. Put a F if it is not.

9. If a person dies suddenly, the priest is not allowed to give absolution and the Sacrament of Anointing to the Sick. Put a C if this is true. Put a O if this is not.

10. If the person is conscious, he receives three Sacraments in this order: 1) Confession, 2) Anointing of the Sick, and 3) the Holy Eucharist. Put a N if this is true. Put a T if it is not.

An effect of the Sacrament of Anointing the Sick is comfort in sickness and strength

against ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

BIBLE OBJECT LESSON MATERIALSLesson:Masking tape, fat, painters tapeKid scissors

SCRIPTUREJesus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed ManMatthew 9:1-8

1 Jesus stepped into a boat, crossed over and came to his own town. 2 Some men brought to him a paralyzed man, lying on a mat. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the man, “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.” �

3 At this, some of the teachers of the law said to themselves, “This fellow is blaspheming!” �

4 Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, “Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts? 5 Which is easier: to say, “˜Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, “˜Get up and walk’? 6 But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” � So he said to the paralyzed man, “Get up, take your mat and go home.” � 7 Then the man got up and went home. 8 When the crowd saw this, they were filledwith awe; and they praised God, who had given such authority to man.


Read the scripture passage. Ask for a volunteer:

Who wants to pretend to be Jonny? All you have to do is sit in this chair for now…

Have a volunteering student sit in a chair at the front of the group.

When Jesus saw the paralyzed man, his heart went out. He wanted to heal him. He said two very important things. The first was, “Your sins are forgiven.” The second one was “rise up and walk.”

He told the man to rise up and walk so they would believe him about this first thing that sounded  very weird to them – that Jesus had the power to set men free from sin.

We don’t often like to think of the word “sin.” It brings up bad thoughts of not being perfect and  maybe even getting in trouble. Many places in the Bible, Jesus tells us to try not to “commit sins.”

Sin “ties us down.” Let’s take a look at some of the ways we get into trouble.

Meet Jonny.

Point to the volunteer in the chair.

Last night, Jonny’s favorite TV show was on. It made him not want to study for his test today; he  wanted to watch TV instead. Not studying is laziness. We’d all rather watch TV, but we need to get our important things done first. But first, Jonny was lazy.

Take a long piece of tape and wrap it a couple of times around Jonny’s waist so that he’s tied to the chair.

Tear the tape end from what’s wrapped around him, and go back to speaking.

So today, he was not prepared for that test. But! A very smart little girl was sitting beside him.  Ah…this could be easy. All he had to do was see what she had written and copy those answers….This is called cheating.

Wrap tape around Jonny’s thighs and around the chair a couple of times so that now his legs are  immobilized.

Cheating is easy. But it makes you feel guilty. It also rearranges the test scores of everyone in the  class. Jonny might be able to come up with an A, simply by cheating. It will make people think he  is more prepared than he is with this work.

And guess what?? The teacher didn’t see him cheat. So now, he’s getting that A. It doesn’t really  look like this sin is tying him down. But! The following week, the math he was tested on is needed  to complete the new math lessons. It was basics. Because he didn’t learn these basics, he has no  idea what’s going on with this harder stuff.

Wrap a piece of tape around Jonny’s shins and around the chair legs so that his lower legs are immobilized.

Now Jonny is in real trouble. He doesn’t get the new math at all because he hadn’t learned the old math. And this math will be on the final exam, which is coming up in a couple of weeks. That is a  very big and important part of his grade.

Well, he figures…I got away with cheating last time. Maybe I should try it again.

But for one thing, Jonny still feels guilty. He knew he would have felt a whole lot better just learning the stuff. And guess what? That silly show he watched instead when all this started…he can’t even remember what happened on it! And his guilt has made him in a bad mood. In the lunchroom, somebody steps hard on his foot. Instead of saying “ouch” he said, “Watch it! Are you stupid or something?!” He hurt somebody’s feelings, when it was just an accident.

Tape Jonny’s chest to the chair, going around a few times, then tear the roll off.

He should have apologized to the kid he called stupid. He wanted to. But he was bothered by the question, was he HIMSELF stupid? In math? He didn’t really know…because his grade wasn’treal.

Just before the final exam, he heard the word “stupid” coming from someone nearby. He thought for sure the girl was talking about him. He pushed her books off her desk and scared her saying, “Who’s stupid? You calling me stupid?”

Tie a piece of tape right across Jonny’s knees.

Sin is a lot like this tape and this chair. The more we do, the easier it is to do more. Sin is slippery.  You slide a little, and it causes you to slide a lot.

This is why the Bible tells us to try to do the right thing always. Where did Jonny first go wrong?

He was lazy. He didn’t do his homework.

And what did his laziness cause him to do next?

It caused him to cheat.

And after he cheated, he didn’t really know the material, so what happened in the weeks’ following?

He got more and more lost.

Then he started to doubt himself. And that made him mean. Do you see how one thing leads to another?

Yet nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes. If ever we’re lazy or dishonest, what’s the first thing we should do? Who should we call on for help?

We should ask Jesus for forgiveness.

When we ask Jesus for forgiveness and help, he starts to free us from the traps we’ve gotten ourselves in.

Take out your kid scissors and cut the masking tape around his chest.

And we should ask Him for the way out. Jonny could have gotten up really early the next morning and made up for his laziness instead of getting that extra hour of sleep.

Cut another row of tape and free him some more.

Later on, with courage from Jesus’, he could have apologized to the kids he upset.

Cut another row of tape and free him some more.

At any time, he could have gotten help in math to try to catch up on what he missed. He could have even confessed what happened to the teacher. Some teachers are very forgiving and would have helped him, like Jesus would have. If not, then at least his guilty conscience would have been clean.

Cut another row of tape and free him some more.

These scissors are very much like the forgiveness Jesus offers. Jesus said to the paralyzed man, your sins are forgiven. (reconciliation) Sometimes part of forgiveness is making amends for the things we have done. (Penance) For now, let’s finish showing what Jesus can do”¦

Finish cutting tape…

Congratulations Jonny, you realized where you went wrong, did an examination of conscience, went to confession, studied everything yourself for your final and you aced your test! Your sins are forgiven! Now rise up and walk!
