· Web viewSurat Al-Nazi’at Test Wednesday, October 1st Qur’an Journal Monday, September 22:...

11 th -12 th Grade Qur’an Packet 6 Ms. Yasmine September 22-26

Transcript of  · Web viewSurat Al-Nazi’at Test Wednesday, October 1st Qur’an Journal Monday, September 22:...

11th-12th Grade Quran Packet 6

Ms. Yasmine

September 22-26

Name ______________________________________

Iman Academy SE 2014-2015

What are we learning this week?

Write reflections on three selections from the Quran

Develop the habit of reading/memorizing the Quran daily

Review memorization of Suwar from Juz Amma (If youre done, move on.)

Translate 20 common verbs found in the Quran

Answer questions about Tafsir during the Golden Era of Tafisr

Answer questions about Surat al-Naziat 34-46

Correct recitation of Surat al-Nasr and al-Kafirun

(Surat Al-Naziat Test Wednesday, October 1st)

Quran Journal

Monday, September 22: al-Baqarah 134

That was a nation which has passed on. It will have [the consequence of] what it earned, and you will have what you have earned. And you will not be asked about what they used to do.

The Jews were very proud of having such amazing men like Ibrahim, Ishaq, and Yaqub as their forefathers. However, in this Ayah, Allah is reminding them that a persons worth is not dependent on how amazing his family or forefathers are/were. Those great men lived their lives and passed on. As for those living now, it is YOUR turn to shine through your OWN deeds. What are your thoughts on this Ayah? How can you relate it to your life?


After discussion thoughts and reflections:


Wednesday, September 24: al-Baqarah 143

And thus we have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you.

In this Ayah, Allah tells us that He wants us, the nation of the Prophet Muhammad (s), to live up to this ideal: Being a Wasat nation/community just like the Prophet (s) and his companions? We can translate Wasat as middle, just, or balanced? What are your thoughts about todays Muslims and our intended role of being a balanced and just people?


After discussion thoughts and reflections:


Friday. September 26: al-Baqarah 145

So if you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, indeed, you would then be among the wrongdoers.

When Allah changed the Qiblah from Jerusalem to Makkah, many Jews were not happy and turned away from the idea of Islam and following Prophet Muhammad (s)? Prophet Muhammad (s) was probably very sad that something like this would turn them away from the Truth. Could the Prophet (s) bend the rules he KNEW were true in order to keep more people on his side? Of course, not! Have you ever been in a situation where you KNEW the right thing to do but those around you just didnt get it (or didnt want to get it)? Think of such a situation where everyone was putting pressure on you to do what you knew was wrong. Perhaps you were afraid of losing their respect, love, or approval if you did not give in. What does this Ayah teach us about this type of situation and making choices based on KNOWLEDGE vs. DESIRES/OPINIONS?


After discussion thoughts and reflections:


Memorization Plan


Surah &


Ms. Ys


Tester Name



Tester Signature

& Comments








Student observations and comments:


Teacher feedback: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Weekly Quran Log












Total Weekly Minutes: ____________

Teacher Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Vocabulary: List Five

English Meaning

Arabic Word

Test Yourself



was extravagant


ascribed a partner



made peace

turned away



was successful

made grow


sent down





did not recognize



did excellently

Classwork: Fill in the blanks:

1. _______ .

2. _______ .

3. ________ .

4. _______ .

5. _______ .

6. _____ .

7. ______ .

8. _______ .

9. ______ .

10. _______ .

Challenge words: Check here if you are testing on the challenge list.

1. = changed

2. = gave good news

3. = clarified

4. = adorned

5. = brought under control

6. = accepted as true

7. = accused of lying

8. = sent down

9. = saved

10. = turned

REVIEW: Translate the following Ayat.

Think of how these vocabulary words are used in the following Ayat.















History of Tafsir: Part 3

The Compilation of Tafsir

Stage 1: The Role of the Scholars of Hadeeth

1. Yazeed ibn Haroon al-Sulamee (d. 117 AH)

2. Sufyan al-Thawree (d. 161 AH)

3. Sufyan ibn Uyaynah (d. 198 AH)

4. Wakee ibn al-Jarrah(d. 197 AH)

5. Shubah ibn al-Hajjaj (d. 160 AH)

6. Adam ibn Abi Iyas (d. 220 AH)

7. Abd ibn Humayd (d. 249 AH)

Characteristics of Tafsir in this Stage:

1. It was based on compilation of narrations of Sahabah and Successors.

2. Tafsir was compiled along with the Hadeeth in one book.

3. Accounts of Tafsir were always reported with the chain of narrators associated with it.

Stage 2: Comprehensive Works on Tafsir

1. Ibn Majah (d. 273 AH)

2. Muhammad ibn Jareer al-Tabaree (d. 310 AH)

3. Ibn Mundhir an-Naisapooree (d. 318 AH)

4. Ibn Abi Hatim (d. 327 AH)

5. Ibn Hibban (d. 369 AH)

6. Al- Hakim (d. 405 AH)

7. Ibn Mardawayh (d. 410)

Characteristics of Tafsir in this Stage:

1. The first Tafsir to attempt to cover every aspect of a verse emerged.

2. The beginning of the specialization in Tafsir.

3. Tafasir were written solely for the defense of sectarian or Fiqh views.

4. The deletion of the isnad (chain of narrators) from Tafsir narrations.

5. The rise of weak and fabricated reports in Tafsir literature.

6. The great emphasis on personal reasoning and Ijtihad in Tafsir. ( Explained further in Unit 3)



Tafsir Homework

Describe each of the two main stages of Tafsir compilation during what is known as the Golden Era.


Should we assume that every Hadith in a Tafsir book is authentic? Comment.


Match each Tafsir compiler with his focus:

Al-Qurtubi Rhetoric

Al- Alusi Fiqh

Al-Zamakhshari Arabic Grammar

Nouman Ali Khans Dream Tafsir

Surat An-Naziat (Those Who Drag Forth) [79]

Section 6: Consequences on the Day of Judgment for Sarcastic Denial

Ayah 34:

Fa idha jaa'ati-ttaammatu-l-KubraaThen when the Grand Complete Calamity comes.

Fa- ThenIdhaa- When [future tense]Jaa'a- Grand Arrival comes

Similar word:

Ataa - Come (something lesser in heaviness which 'comes' (in comparison to Jaa' which refers to somethings 'Grand coming'). ******

Taama - For something to be completely full

The same word is used when someone fills up a well with dirt and it becomes full.

Taammah is also calamity which is so overwhelming that it comes from every side so that there is no escape from it.

Ayah 35:

Yawma yatadhakkar ul-insaanu maa sa'aaThen, on that day, man will fully remember what he paced for [in this life]

Yawma - This is placed at the beginning of the Ayah, signifying exclusively [ikhtisas], (on this Day).

Yatadhakkar ul-Insan - Man will fully/thoroughly remember In this Ayah, the full complete word for remembrance (without any merging of letters) is used to show completeness, thorough remembrance.

Maa Sa'aa - What he paced (i.e. what he used to pace for in this life)This is a similar word that was used for Pharaoh in Ayah 22 of this Surah when he was pacing to plot against Moses.

We also see that the insults of the disbelievers are because of them wanting to pace to evil and shameful sins. And they will fully remember their evil pacings on that Day.

Ayah 36:

Wa burrizatil jaheemu li may-yaraaAnd Hell (Jaheem) will be pulled out for the one to see.

Barraza (Tabreez)- Pull something out of somewhere and place it in front of you.

Jaheem (Jahama)- The stare of a beast when it is about to attack its prey.Similarly a fire which is so intense that it looks as if it is staring at you fiercely and is about to jump onto you.

The disbeliever skeptics would say they won't believe in Hell till they see it. So now they will on Judgment Day, but it will be too late then to turn back.

So hell is staring at them with hungry eyes (Jaheem). And they are staring right back at it (yaraa).

Ayah 37: Aa ammaa man taghaaThen as for the one who (still) rebelled.

Taghaa Rebelled

This was the reason for which Prophet Musa was sent to Pharaoh, because 'surely he rebelled [taghaa] (Ayah 19).

Man- Whomever

This word is used to imply that whoever rebels against Allah, then he will see hell and enter it.

Ayah 38:

Wa aathara al hayaat ad-dunyaAnd gave preference (aathara) to worldly life.

Hayaat- Life

Dunya - The closer [adna] / inferior [dunya] world

So this person never rejected the next life, rather, he gave more preference to this worldly life over the next life. That was his rebellion.

Ayah 39:

Fa innal jaheema hiyya-al ma'waaThen the Jaheem will be his Ma'waa

Al Ma'waa (from Eewaa) - A place to seek refuge from danger

How can an intense blazing fire be a refuge from danger?Allah is being sarcastic in response to the disbelievers sarcasm (mentioned in Ayah 12 of this Surah).

Ayah 40:

Wa ammaa man khaafa maqaama rabbihee wa nahann-nafsa 'an-il hawaaAs for the one who feared (Khaaf/khawf) standing before their Lord

Moses was saying to Pharaoh that I will lead you with knowledge to fear (khashiyah/takhsha) of Allah who is greater than you. (Ayah 19)

Khaafa Feared to stand (maqaam) in front of his Lord.

Maqaam (Dharf zamaan and makaan) Fear (of time and location)

And as a consequence, he fought the Nafs from vain/pathetic/empty desires.

Hawaa - Vain/empty/pathetic desires which may be so strong at the moment, but when the feeling vanishes, it is nothing.

Allah did not say, Naha NafsaHU, (he) prevented HIS Nafs (self).

Rather, He said, Naha Al Nafs, (he) prevented THE Nafs.

So Allah is telling us that this Nafs is in us, but when it calls us to evil, it is our enemy commanding us to do evil. It is not even associated with us; rather it is a force we are fighting with against evil vain desires.

Ayah 41:

Fa-inna-aljannata hiya-almawaThen the Paradise is his finding refuge (Ma'waa).

This Surah is not about belief and disbelief of the next life; rather it is about preference of this world over the next. Thats what is criticized.

Ayah 42:

Yas-aloonaka 'an as-saa'ati ayyaana mursaahaThey ask you about the hour, when is its arrival (pegged)?

Now the disbelievers are being sarcastic, since many at that time did not believe the universe would end. So they would wonder when all these events would occur when the Earth is destroyed etc.

So they are saying, when will all of this firmly take place. The same word is being used (as in Ayah 32) for the mountains being firmly anchored/pegged.

Allah quotes the disbelievers when they are saying sarcastically, When will this Day be firmly pegged (Mursa/irsa) /anchored/take place?

Ayah 43:

Feema anta min dhikraahaIn what capacity are you to be speaking about it?

From the previous Ayah, Allah answers the disbelievers:

The Messenger's duty is only to convey the message of this Day's coming, and he does not have knowledge of its date, nor does he need to know. He just needs to warn of its coming and its events.

Ayah 44:

Ilaa rabbika muntahaahaaOnly to your Lord will the final and complete knowledge of it return.

The 'only' is placed there because Rabbika is placed at the beginning of the Ayah, exclusivity for Him (ikhtisas).

Muntaha (Intiha)- The Conclusion of something

Only to your Rabb/Lord is the full knowledge of the full beginning of the Akhirah/afterlife, and the conclusion of that Ending.

Ayah 45:

Innamaa anta mundhiru man-yakhshahaaYou are nothing more than a Warner for the one who fears.

This Ayah is a response to the disbelievers question in Ayah 42.

A recurring theme in this Surah is about the reminder benefitting the one who has Khashya/fear of something greater than ones self (i.e. that could be Allah, Judgment Day, Hell etc.)

Ayah 46:

Ka annahum yawma yarawnahaa lam yalbathoo illaa 'ashiyyatan aw duhahaaThe Day on which they will see it (Judgment Day or hell), they will remember this world and they will say we did not stay in this worldly life except for (the world's) Ashiyy or Duha.

Ashiyy - When the sun sets till Maghrib time (when it begins to get dark).

Duha - The late morning till mid-noon/early afternoon)

That's how much they will remember this worldly life in comparison to the length of Judgment Day, just a small time in their evening, or late morning till noon.What a regretful state for preferring such a short life over the hereafter. We ask Allah to make us the people of Paradise, Ameen.

The beginning of this Surahs connection to its end:

In the beginning of the Surah, Allah spoke about Judgment Day. (Ayah 6 onwards)

In the end, the Judgment Day is mentioned again. (Ayah 34 onwards)

To sandwich all of the discussion into one main theme we can conclude that it is about Judgment Day and its importance.


1. Give an example a Tammah?


2. Briefly explain the imagery presented in Ayah 36.


3. Define hawaa. What is the possible significance of Allah saying THE Nafs? Think of a way/ways to train the soul to reject following its hawaa?


4. Try thinking of some points about why no one, not even the Messengers, were told about when the Day of Judgement would be. What could the implications have been if that were the case?


5. What is the main theme of this Surah and what has it made you realize? What does it make you think after reading it?


6. What is a linguistic difference between and ?


Recitation Focus: Surat al-Nasr

Mark the letters/vowels that you need to practice. Include the time you spend practicing in your Quran Log.

Comments for Improvement:


Recitation Focus: Surat al-Kafirun

Mark the letters/vowels that you need to practice. Include the time you spend practicing in your Quran Log.

Comments for Improvement: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________