· Web viewPlease provide a 50-word abstract AND a 2-3 sentence descriptor of your presentation...

Newsletter Spring 2015 Letter from the Chairs.....1-2 RWE 2015 Fall Conference Call for Proposals............ . 3 RWE Conference Proposal Form…................ ...........…4 Conference Registration Form………………………..6 RWE April 2015 Board Meeting Summary ...... 10 Letter from the Chairs Dear RWE Members and Friends, Welcome to the 2015-2016 Research on Women and Education (RWE) SIG of the American Educational Research Association. We are pleased to serve you as the co-chairs for the year. Dr. Dana Christman, an associate professor at New Mexico State University, has strong research interests in women's leadership in education as well as indigenous, American Indian, and social justice leadership issues. Dr. Tonya Perry, an associate professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, researches in the areas of urban education, literacy, social justice, and girls' learning and engagement in middle school. This year, we plan to focus on several areas to build on the work of our leaders before us, Dr. Michele Sims and Dr. Darlene Russell. First, we will host our RWE Fall Conference in Birmingham, Alabama on October 8-10, 2015. The Call for Proposals is embedded in this correspondence below and on our website. We encourage you and other professionals who have an interest in the work of RWE to submit a proposal by July 29. The theme for the year and the RWE conference RWE Mission ............. ...... 11 2014-2015 Board of Directors............ .......... 12-13 Inside this Issue 1

Transcript of   · Web viewPlease provide a 50-word abstract AND a 2-3 sentence descriptor of your presentation...

Newsletter Spring 2015

Letter from the Chairs.....1-2

RWE 2015 Fall Conference Call for Proposals............. 3

RWE Conference Proposal Form…...........................…4

Conference Registration Form………………………..6

RWE April 2015 Board Meeting Summary …...... 10

Letter from the Chairs

Dear RWE Members and Friends,

Welcome to the 2015-2016 Research on Women and Education (RWE) SIG of the American Educational Research Association. We are pleased to serve you as the co-chairs for the year. Dr. Dana Christman, an associate professor at New Mexico State University, has strong research interests in women's leadership in education as well as indigenous, American Indian, and social justice leadership issues. Dr. Tonya Perry, an associate professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, researches in the areas of urban education, literacy, social justice, and girls' learning and engagement in middle school.

This year, we plan to focus on several areas to build on the work of our leaders before us, Dr. Michele Sims and Dr. Darlene Russell. First, we will host our RWE Fall Conference in Birmingham, Alabama on October 8-10, 2015. The Call for Proposals is embedded in this correspondence below and on our website. We encourage you and other professionals who have an interest in the work of RWE to submit a proposal by July 29.

The theme for the year and the RWE conference is "Empowering Women and Girls through Education: Collective Voices and Perspectives", which is a continuation of the work of Dr. Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon discussed in the 2015 Willystine Goodsell Award Address. She reminded us of the importance of collecting our stories and sharing our narratives as women and those seeking social justice. By preserving our body of work, educating each generation about the work, and providing insight, opportunity, and critical knowledge for others to learn

RWE Mission ................... 11

2014-2015 Board of Directors...................... 12-13

Inside this Issue


about the contributions of women and women's research, we instill in educators and researchers the relevance of our contributions. This is an important narrative.

Second, we will continue to build the membership of RWE with your help. We will actively encourage others to join the SIG and attend our fall conference. Also, we will have other organized opportunities for members to engage in the SIG during the year. This will strengthen our membership and continue the networking that is so much a part of RWE.

Third, we will promote the work of our members and support their efforts to grow in the field. Through our website and ongoing communication, we will highlight publishing and job opportunities. We will also highlight our members who submit information about their successes in the profession.

We look forward to serving you this year.

Dana and Tonya


Call for Proposals Research on Women and Education 

American Educational Research Association SIG

The 41st Annual Fall Conference October 8-10, 2015 

Sponsored by the University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, Alabama 

Conference Theme: Empowering Women and Girls through Education: 

Collective Voices and Perspectives 

Conference Registration: October 8, 2015  begins at 11:30 AMConference Sessions: Thursday, October 8, 2015 (1:00 PM) - 

Saturday, October 10, 2015 (12:00 PM)

Additional Fee Post-Conference Session at the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute

"Women Educators and the Civil Rights Movement"Lecture and Birmingham Civil Rights Institute Tour 

Saturday, October 10, 2015 (1:30-4:30)


Sheraton Birmingham Hotel, Birmingham, AL 

Proposals Due: July 29, 2015 Notification by August 12, 2015

 Please see proposal guidelines below for clarification of expectations. If you have questions about the proposal guidelines, please contact Dr. Tonya

Perry, RWE Co-Chair, at [[email protected]] or phone (205-934-7896) or Dr. Dana Christman, RWE Co-Chair at [[email protected]] or phone (575-621-



RWE PROPOSAL GUIDELINES for 2015 RWE FALL CONFERENCE Proposals Due: July 29, 2015 

Please provide the following information in 1000 words or less.

 1. 50 WORD ABSTRACT/DESCRIPTOR. Please provide a 50-word abstract AND a 2-3 sentence descriptor of your presentation

(suitable for inclusion in the program). Please remove all identifiers from the paper and include the title of your

presentation, your affiliation, and contact information on a separate cover sheet. Email to Tonya Perry ([email protected]). 

2. RELEVANCE AND IMPORTANCE TO MISSION OF RWE and CONFERENCE THEME. Please describe how your research relates

to the conference theme and mission of RWE with respect to expanding the understanding about women/girls and education at

the intersection of race, ethnicity, class, gender and culture. 

3. PURPOSE OF STUDY AND STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT. State the purpose of your study and if the research is in progress or


4. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK. Please explain the theoretical basis for your work. 

5. RESEARCH QUESTIONS/METHODS/DATA SOURCES. If research questions are appropriate to your research/work, please list them. Please describe the methods your work relies on: qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods or other methods. Include the sources of information/data for your work. 

6. RESULTS/RECOMMENDATIONS. Describe the findings from your study, along with recommendations for putting your research into

practice (see conference theme). If your study is in progress at the time of this conference, please provide preliminary findings. 

7. PRESENTATION OBJECTIVES. What do you want your audience to walk away with from your presentation? What do you expect


them to learn or to gain in terms of new sensitivity or enlightenment? 

8. REFERENCES. Please include at least five (5) major reference citations used in your study. 

9. PRESENTATION FORMAT. In your cover page list your first, second and third choice of presentation format from the options


Paper presentation20-minute presentation with questions at the end of session; full papers or summary of paper with electronic link to full paper are required to be distributed Panel/Discussion. Provides key information for audience to discuss - 30 minutes to 1 hour 

PerformanceIncludes readers' theatre, dance and/or creative performance for 30 minutes  Symposium3-4 papers are organized by presenters as a proposal; papers are linked by topic or research project, etc. (1- 1 1/2 hour). These may be submitted individually or as a group, but please provide names and titles of all presentations for the symposium proposal Poster sessionResearch is displayed on a poster and presenter(s) provide paper and individual discussion to attendees. (10-15 min. presentation, 3-4 times; Attendees rotate through sessions)  Graduate Student RoundtableGraduate students will present a paper on their current research and receive constructive feedback. Conference program planners will follow the proposal format request when possible, but may have to alter your choice to meet the needs of the various sessions.  

Note: Proposals that address issues of race, ethnicity, class,


gender, and culture will be strongly considered. Please e-mail your proposals via attachment with a cover page and no identifiers on the body of the proposal to Tonya Perry at

[[email protected]].



Post conference Registration:This year, we will host a post-conference session on Saturday, October 10, 2015, from 1:30-4:30 at the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. We will have a lecture and a tour as part of the event. Early registration for this event is $30.00. After August 22, the event is $35.00 per person.

Southern Women’s Show – BirminghamDuring the 2015 RWE Conference, the Southern Women’s Show will host a large event in the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex, which is attached to our hotel, the Sheraton Birmingham. RWE will have tickets for the discounted rate of $8.00 for admission to the exhibition hall. Add this to your registration if you are interested in attending!

Hotel Registration:Group Room Rates are available until September 8, 2015 at $129.00 per room – plus hotel taxes. Room choices are: Single, double, triple, and quad (the room increase after two people per room).Group room rate is available for three (3) days before and after the conference. Call the Sheraton Birmingham and request room(s) under the name “Research on Women and Education (RWE) Conference”. A block of rooms at this reduced rate are reserved on a “first come, first served” basis, so please don’t delay in making reservations.

Transportation:Free Airport Shuttle from the Birmingham airport. Call the hotel at 205-324-5000 when you arrive. The shuttle rotates every 30-45 minutes from the airport hotel.Taxi cabs from the airport are usually available onsite.Hotel discounted parking $8/day - indicated parking need on registration form

Additional Questions: If you have ANY questions, please contact:Dr. Tonya Perry, RWE Co-Chair, at [email protected] or (205-934-7896) or


Dr. Dana Christman, RWE Co-Chair at [email protected] or (575-621-4412).

Please print and mail form (pages 8 and 9) and conference payment.


REMEMBER TO MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO:Research on Women and Education * No refunds after


Please check if any of the following apply:

_______ I am a newcomer. WELCOME!

_______ I would like to donate $_______ to support a student scholarship. Make a separate check payable to “Women Educators,” a 501c3 organization (tax deductible)

_______ I plan to attend the luncheon _____ yes ______no

_______ I have dietary restrictions (please specify)


_______ I have special needs (please specify)


_______ I would like to be considered for a student scholarship ($100.00). If so, submit a one-page rationale indicating why you should be selected for this scholarship.

_______ I plan to attend the reception _____yes _____no

_______ I plan to take advantage of the hotel discount parking ($8/day) for _____days.

_______ I plan to attend the post conference and have included the amount in my registration check. ($30.00 or $35.00 depending on date sent)

_______ I plan to attend the Southern Women’s Show and have included the amount in my check. ($8.00)

Remember to book your hotel reservations with Sheraton Birmingham Hotel

Please print and mail in the registration form (page 8 and 9) and conference payments.


RWE April 2015 Business Meeting Minutes

Welcome by Co-Chair Darlene Russell

Barbara Pollnick introduced the Willystine Goodsell Award Winner: Dr. Barbara Thayer-Bacon was the 2014 recipient

Dr. Thayer-Bacon spoke to the attendees. First, she recognized the previous recipients of the Willystine Goodsell Award, and second, she shared the importance of supporting women's work--keeping women's work alive and visible. The title of the talk was "The Politics of Publishing Women's Writing."

Dr. Beverly Irby presented the Information Age Publishing Legacy Award. The award was first given in 1998. The 2015 recipients were Dr. Julia Ballenger and Dr. Barbara Polnick. The two awardees will give their talk during the 2015 RWE Conference in Birmingham, Alabama in October.

Dr. Polnick shared the 2015 AERA RWE conference sessions with RWE members present.

The activist group Women Educators reported that two honorees were recognized in New Orleans.

Darlene and Barbara shared that we have four openings for positions on the Executive Committee.

The EC shared with the SIG membership an EC approved vote to change dues from $20.00 to $15.00.

The meeting adjourned with the final announcement that the 2015 RWE Fall Conference will be held in Birmingham, Alabama on October 8-10, 2015.


About the Newsletter

The RWE Newsletter is circulated to all members three times a year (Winter, Spring and Fall). It provides a means of communication and information sharing between members of the SIG. It also enables the Board to keep members up-to-date with news, conferences and other events concerning research on women and education. The Newsletter provides a forum for publicizing your events and informing members about other activities and projects. The contents of the Newsletter depend partly upon what has been submitted for circulation by our members. So please feel free to send information about Conferences, Events, News, Job Postings, anything you think would be of interest to RWE members. Send information to the editor, Maureen Neumann, at: [email protected]. Our newsletter is also posted on our website (rwesig.net).

RWE MissionThe RWE Special Interest Group was

established in 1973 and has two purposes: (1) To provide a structure within the American Educational Research Association for the

promotion of research concerning women and girls in education and (2) To provide a

mechanism to facilitate communication among researchers and practitioners who are

concerned about women and education at the intersection of race, class, gender, and culture.


2015-2016 Board of Directors

Co-Chair/Fall Conference Co-Chair...............

Tonya Perry

University of Alabama at Birmingham Curriculum & Instruction Birmingham, AL [email protected]

Co-Chair/Fall Conference Co-Chair...............

Dana Christman

New Mexico State University Educational Management & Development Las Cruces, NM

Past Co-Chair/AERA Program Co-Chair........

Michele Jean Sims

University of Alabama at Birmingham Curriculum and Instruction Birmingham, AL [email protected]

Past Co-Chair/AERA Program Co-Chair........

Darlene Russell

William Paterson University Secondary and Middle School Education Wayne, NJ [email protected]

Chair Elect................................................ TBD


Pauline Sampson

Stephen F. Austin State University Secondary Education & Educational Leadership Nacogdoches, TX [email protected]


Membership Chair......................................

Nancy Niemi

University of New Haven Education Department West Haven, CT [email protected]

Secretary/Recorder...................................... TBD

Diversity Task Force Chair.............................

Kriss Kemp-Graham

Texas A&M Commerce Educational Leadership Department Commerce, TX [email protected]

Member at Large #1....................................... Dissertation Award Chair TBD

Member at Large #2-Communication Director (Newsletter/Website)......................................

Maureen Doyle Neumann

University of Vermont Department of Education Burlington, VT [email protected]

Member at Large #3....................................... TBDWomen Educators (WE)

WE Chair ......................................................

Teri Sosa

Governors State University Director, Faculty Scholarship and Teaching Center Director, Center for Online Teaching and Learning University Park, IL [email protected]