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Edy Hartono (10315244005)






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1. Students are able to observe how a model of vulcano can erupt

process which cause by presure.

2. Students are able to observe the charateristic of chemical reaction

in a model of vulcano.

3. Students are able to observe explain process of a vulcano eruption

for the surounding area.

4. Students are able to observe explain process of a vulcano that


B. Backround

Earth's core contains is called hot liquid magma as a result of

physical and chemical reactions that formed millions ago, even some

scientists classify the magma chamber work (the core of the earth) as

an atomic of the reactor. The results of chemical and physical reactions

form of gases and liquids is a very hot lava stored in the deepest layers

of the earth. Reaction results in the form of gas and liquid magma lava

has a certain pressure at a time pressure that can not be held then

volcanic eruptions occur. Pressure caused by the gas and liquid from

chemical and physical reactions, but it also caused a layer of pressure

that moves the earth itself. Geologi expert is aware of movement of

Earth's plates are measured from the movement of a year by comparing

the distance between the layers that have been measured in the

previous year with the current year. The experts agree the average

movement of the plates is an average of 10 cm / year. Plate movement

itself caused differences in specific gravity of the plate to form a

subduction zone and gives rise to earthquakes. The theory of mountain

formation says that the mountain in a million years ago is an unstable

region on one side and on the other side is congested areas. Pressure

due to movement on the one hand stuck on the other side causes the

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soil to be looming up and after it gave birth to the air cavities. Another

theory states the existence pressure from inside the earth are very

strong and the pressure will be issued by selecting the unstable region,

so that this pressure resulted in the movement of soil into towering.

After young mountains are formed, then the eruption after eruption out

of the volcano and lava issued some time later will be cold in the

ground millions of years into a dense and tends to be a rock mountain.

This is what encourages practician to prove that a strong pressure to

spew lava that so many of the volcano.

C. Basic Theory

Volcano or volcanoes in general is a term that can be defined as a

system of hot fluid channel (in the form of molten rock or lava) that

extends from a depth of about 10 km below the surface of the earth to

the earth's surface, including the accumulation of sediment material

issued on when erupted. Although it is rather difficult to define what a

volcano or volcanoes, but in general these terms can be defined as a

system of hot fluid channel (in the form of molten rock or lava) that

extends from a depth of about 10 km below the surface of the earth to

the surface of the earth , including the results of sediment accumulation

of material issued at the time he erupted. Furthermore, the term volcano

is also used to name the phenomenon of ice formation Volcanoes or ice

and mud volcanoes or volcanic mud Volcanoes. Volcanoes are found

worldwide, but the location of the most recognizable volcanoes are

volcanoes that are along the arc of the Pacific Ring of Fire (Pacific Ring

of Fire). Arc of the Pacific Ring of Fire is the shifting line between two

tectonic plates. Volcanoes are found in several forms throughout their

lifetime. Active volcanoes may be swapped into the active half, to be

outages, before becoming inactive or dead. However volcanoes capable

of being went out in time 610 years before the exchange becomes active

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before. Thus, it is Difficult to determine the actual state of the volcano's

something, whether a volcano was in a state of failure or died. If the

volcano erupts, magma is contained in the room of magma under the

volcano erupted out as lava or lava.

In physics, pressure is defined as force per unit area, where the

direction of the force perpendicular to the surface area. Mathematically,

the pressure can be expressed by the following equation: P = F / A ; P =

pressure, F = force and A = surface area. Unit of force (F) is the

Newton (N), unit area is square meters (m2). Because pressure is force

per unit area then the unit of pressure is N/m2. Another name of N/m2

is the pascal (Pa). When we discuss Fluid, pressure becomes very

important concept. When the fluid is in a quiet, fluid exerts a force that

is perpendicular to the surface of contact. For example we review the

water in the glass; every part of the water exerts a force with a direction

perpendicular to the glass wall. so every part of the water exerts a force

perpendicular to each unit area of the container they occupy, in this

glass. Similarly, water in the tub or pool water. This is one of the

important properties of the fluid per unit alias static fluid is stationary.

This broad style known as pressure. When the fluid exerts a force acts

on the surface, where the direction of the force is not perpendicular,

then the surface will give the reaction force direction is not

perpendicular. This will cause the fluid to flow. But the fact still

remains fluid. So in conclusion, in fluids at rest, the direction of force is

always perpendicular to the surface of the container they occupy.

Another important property of fluids at rest is always fluid pressure in

all directions. To better understand this explanation, please input an

object that can drift into a glass or container (bucket et al) who sided

water. If the water is very calm, then you enter the object did not move

because the entire surface of the object of the same working pressure. If

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water pressure is not as large then there will be a total force, which will

cause a moving object (remember Newton's second law).

Acetic acid, ethanoic acid or vinegar is a chemical compound of

organic acids known as the taste and aroma acids in the diet. Acetic

acid has the empirical formula C2H4O2. This formula is often written

in the form CH 3-COOH. Pure acetic acid (glacial acetic acid is called)

is a colorless hygroscopic liquid, and has a freezing point of 16.7 ° C.

Acetic acid is one of the simplest carboxylic acid, the formic acid.

Acetic acid solution in water is a weak acid, meaning that only partially

dissociates into ions H + and CH3COO-. Acetic acid is a chemical

reagent and industrial raw materials are important. Acetic acid is used

in the production of polymers such as polyethylene, cellulose acetate,

and polyvinyl acetate, as well as a variety of fibers and fabrics. In the

food industry, acetic acid is used as an acidity regulator. In households,

diluted acetic acid is also frequently used as a water softener. Within a

year, the global thirst for acetic acid reached 6.5 million tons per year.

1.5 million per year is obtained from recycled, the rest is obtained from

the petrochemical industry as well as from biological sources.

Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate and vinegar is a weak acid.

Mixture of both these chemicals will form gaseous carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide produced by trying to get out of the bottle. With the

liquid soap, it will form small bubbles. So that the eruption that

occurred resembles an actual lava. Carbon dioxide gas generated by the

model volcano is similar to processes that occur in the real volcanoes.

The more carbon dioxide, the greater the pressure, the more lava, the

greater the eruption. The following is the reaction between sodium

bicarbonate and Acetic acid:

NaHCO3(s) + CH3COOH(aq) → CH3COONa(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

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Volcano eruption is an event that occurs due to deposition of

magma in the bowels of the earth is pushed out by high-pressure gas.

Magma is the incandescent liquid contained in the layer of earth with a

very high temperature, which is estimated at more than 1,000 ° C.

Liquid magma coming out of the earth is called lava. The temperature

of lava which issued could reach 700-1200 ° C. Volcanic eruptions that

brought rock and ash can be sprayed as far as the radius of 18 km or

more, while the lava could flood as far as 90 km radius. This is the

content of the Earth, where the age of the Earth who has reached 4.5

billion years old. Earth is actually composed of a hot core of the Earth

and its rocks and soil. Because covered by rocks and soil, then the

surface is not hot. Then, heat from the core will be channeled to the soil

and rocks, so that the inside of the Earth will be turbulent because of the

heat. Heat generated by the core of the Earth will continue to burn part

of stones and soil that protects the Earth's surface. However, the coat

that protects it would not be able to withstand the magma core of the

Earth is too long. This resulted in deposition of magma from the Earth's

core is increased. This is what is called a strato volcano. If this magma

is not strong enough to hold, it will be ejected out along the rocks and

smoke from the volcano eruption. Magma erupted lava that will

generate some where if on an object, will make a fire on the object that

is passed. Lava ejected by the volcano can reach a considerable

distance, which is about 40km. In the distance, moving lava was still in

a fairly hot temperature. And if past the 40km distance, lava began to

cool down gradually. Not to forget also the smoke produced. This

smoke contains sulfur dioxide that can reach areas far enough. These

substances can stimulate the occurrence of an acid rain in the area

around the smoke. In addition, smoke can lead to the eruption of

shortness of breath for living things.

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Volcano type based shape

1. Strato volcano

Like a cone with steep sides. This type of volcano is formed on a

large eruption of lava flows, tefra, and pyroclastic flows. Major eruption

occurs because magma is very viscous composition. Rhyolitic magma

rich in silica distributed on the continental shelf areas, especially in

subduction zones. At the time of formation of this volcano on the

continental shelf in the area

2. Shield Volcano

Type of volcano is the largest in the world. This type is formed from

basalt lava flows and has a slope of the ramps. This volcano does not

produce a large eruption due to magma issued a watery nature. With low

viscosity basaltic magma is commonly appears in the middle of the

ocean hotspots and divergent plate boundary region. This type of

volcano is more often appear in the middle of the ocean.

3. Cinder Cone Volcano

Is volcanic ash and small fragments of volcanic rocks spread around

the mountain. Most of the mountains of this type form a bowl on

top. Rarely are high in the upper 500 meters of land in the vicinity.

4. Caldera Volcano

A collapse of the volcano area. A collapse was triggered by the

emptying of the magma beneath the volcano, usually as a result of a huge

volcanic eruption. This collapse can occur at the time of eruption or

eruption gradually from a series of eruptions. The ruins of the magma

will cover the path before, so the magma will seek a new path and

fracture-fracture which usually leads to the circular edge of the ruins

(Caldera) is. So there is a secondary volcanic vents around the caldera.

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1. Clay/sand/soil

2. Hose

3. Injection

4. Tray

5. Acetic Acid (CH 3COOH)

6. Sodium Bicarbonat (NaHCO3)

7. Red dye


1. Make a model of vulcano in the tray and make a hole in center of

imitation mountain as a creater.

2. Put a hose under a clay.

3. Pour a Acetic Acid into beaker glass and give red dye.

4. Pour a sodium bikarbonat into crater of model a vulcano

5. Suck a acetic acid with the injection.

6. Push th injection with slowly and to be carefull.

7. Observe it.


Hose mounted from the bottom of the crater out past the bottom of

the mountain, then connected with a shot that has been filled in red

vinegar. The crater is filled with baking soda, and then shot in the

press so that the injection of acid in vinegar will flow through the hose

into the crater and then the explosion occurred due to acetic acid reacts

with baking soda. The explosion is accompanied by froth.

G. Explanation

Pada percobaan simulasi erupsi gunung berapi ini bertujuan untuk

mengamati bagaimana model dari proses erupsi pada gunung berapi

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yang disebabkan oleh tekanan, observasi karakteristik reaksi kimia

dari percobaan model gunung berapi ini, menjelaskan efek dari erupsi

merapi pada wilayah sekitarnya, serta menjelaskan proses erupsi

gunung merapi yang sebenarnya. Model gunung berapi dibuat dari

tanah liat yang dibentuk menyerupai gunung. Pada tengah atau pusat

gunung, dari puncak sampai dasar, dibuat lubang sebagai saluran

magma. Magma dimodelkan menggunakan campuran asam cuka

(CH3COOH) dan soda kue (NaHCO3). Asam cuka dimasukkan dahulu

ke dalam suntikan bekas yang ujungnya dihubungkan dengan selang.

Sebelumnya, asam cuka diberi pewarna makanan merah agar nantinya

pada simulasi dapat terlihat menyerupai warna magma yang berwarna

merah. Selang ini dihubungkan ke saluran gunung melalui lubang

dasar gunung. Soda kue diletakkan di dalam (saluran) gunung.

Selanjutnya suntikan ditekan sampai dapat mendorong asam cuka

melalui saluran sehingga dapat bertemu dengan soda kue yang berada

dalam gunung. Akhirnya terjadilah muntahan lahar yaitu campuran

soda kue dan asam cuka. Lahar muncul dari puncak gunung (kawah)

dan menyebar ke area sekitar gunung. Asam cuka yang keluar dari

selang bercampur dengan sodium bikarbonat yang sudah ditaburkan

didalam kawah buatan. Asam cukapun bereaksi dan membentuk

gelembung-gelembung. Reaksinya adalah sebagai berikut.

NaHCO3 + CH3COOH → CO2 + H2O + CH3COONa (gas)

Bisa melihat bahwa pada saat asam cuka dan sodium bikarbonat

dicampur(direaksikan), maka akan menghasilkan gas CO2. Gas

tersebut kemudian membentuk gelembung gelembung yang keluar dari

air campuran asam cuka dengan sodium bikarbonat. Dengan adanya

gelembung yang keluar dari kawah, maka model gunung berapi

tersebut tampak lebih nyata.

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Simulasi erupsi gunung berapi menekankan aspek fisika yaitu

pada tekanan yang menyebabkan adanya erupsi atau keluarnya magma

ke permukaan bumi. Gunung meletus, terjadi akibat endapan magma

di dalam perut bumi yang didorong keluar oleh gas yang bertekanan

tinggi.  Panas yang dihasilkan oleh inti dari Bumi akan terus

membakar bagian bebatuan dan tanah yang melindungi permukaan

Bumi. Namun, mantel yang melindungi tersebut tentunya tidak

sanggup untuk menahan magma inti Bumi terlalu lama. Hal ini

mengakibatkan endapan magma dari inti Bumi tersebut naik. Dari

letusan-letusan seperti inilah gunung berapi terbentuk.  Letusannya

yang membawa abu dan batu menyembur dengan keras sejauh radius

18 km atau lebih, sedang lavanya bisa  membanjiri daerah sejauh

radius 90 km. Magma yang mengandung gas dalam kabin magma

berada dalam kondisi di bawah tekanan batu-batuan berat yang

mengelilinginya. Tekanan ini menyebabkan magma meletus atau

melelehkan conduit (saluran) pada bagian batuan yang rapuh atau

retak. Magma bergerak keluar melalui saluran ini menuju ke

permukaan. Saat magma mendekati permukaan, kandungan gas di

dalamnya terlepas. Gas dan magma ini bersama-sama meledak dan

membentuk lubang yang disebut lubang utama (central vent).

Sebagian besar magma dan lubang ini material vulkanik lainnya

kemudian menyembur keluar melalui lubang kepundan.

Hal ini lah yang disebut dengan Stratovolcano. Apabila magma

ini sudah tidak kuat untuk ditahan, maka akan tersembur keluar

bersamaan dengan bebatuan dan asap letusan dari gunung tersebut.

Magma yang tersembur keluar itu akan menghasilkan suatu lava

dimana jika mengenai suatu objek, akan menjadikan api terhadap

benda yang dilewati tersebut. Lava yang disemburkan oleh gunung

tersebut dapat mencapai jarak yang cukup jauh, yaitu sekitar 40km.

Dalam jarak tersebut, lava yang bergerak masih berada dalam suhu

yang cukup panas. Dan apabila melewati jarak 40km, lava berangsur

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mulai menjadi dingin. Lava ini dinamakan dengan Lahar. Tidak

ketinggalan pula dengan asap yang dihasilkan. Asap ini mengandung

sulfur dioksida yang dapat menjangkau area yang cukup jauh. Zat ini

dapat menstimulasi terjadinya suatu hujan asam di daerah sekitar asap

tersebut. Selain itu, asap hasil letusan ini dapat mengakibatkan sesak

napas bagi makhluk hidup.

Dari segi aspek biologi lebih ditekankan pada efek yang terjadi

akibat erupsi gunung berapi terhadap area di sekitar gunung yang

menganggu vegetasi, fauna maupun air. Lahar yang dihasilkan

mengakibatkan hancurnya vegetasi di sekitar gunung bahkan bisa juga

sampai ke vegetasi yang jauh akan tetapi terjangkau oleh material-

material karena ada media yang membawa ketempat tersebut.

Vegetasi akan sulit tumbuh lagi di daerah tersebut sampai kurang

lebih 1 tahun untuk bisa kondisi tanah tumbuh vegetasi baru.

Ekosistem yang ada juga akan rusak bahkan rantai makanan yang ada

akan terputus yang akan berimbas pada punahnya fauna yang ada.

Kebersihan air juga akan terganggu apabila lahar mengalir melalui

sungai yang ada di sekitar gunung berapi. Dampak sekunder terjadi

karena akibat setelah erupsi terjadi, seperti perubahan iklim,

perubahan kondisi tanah, dan juga peningkatan karbondioksida

sehingga akan merubah iklim, suhu dan menghambat pertumbuhan

vegetasi yang akan tumbuh di daerah yang terkena erupsi.

Peningkatan konsentrasi gas-gas atmosfer seperti karbon dioksida

hasil dari letusan gunung berapi dan memiliki dampak pada tanaman

di daerah setempat atau bahkan seluruh dunia.

Pada percobaan ini terdapat tiga aspek yang saling

mempengaruhi. Yang pertama adalah aspek fisika yaitu tekanan.

Yang kedua adalah kimia yaitu reaksi antara asam cuka (CH3COOH)

dengan sodium bikarbonat (NaHCO3) dan menhasilkan gelembung-

gelembung pada kawah karena gas CO2 yang dihasilkan. selanjutnya

adalah aspek biologi yang meliputi ekosistem gunung berapi itu

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sendiri. Walaupun pada percobaan ini mengunakan tanah liat sebagai

model gunung berapai, tetapi tanah liat yang sudah dibentuk menjadi

gunung berapi tersebut menjadikan sebuah model ekosistem gunung


H. References

Abidin, H.Z.dkk. 2003. Ground Deformation Volcano Eruption

Bandung: ITB PRESS

Dogra, SK. 1990. Kimia Fisika. Jakarta : UI-Press

Mogi, K.1958. Relation between the Eruption of Various

Volcanoes.Tokyo: Tokyo Univ.

Sukardjo. 1997. Kimia Fisika. Jakarta : PT Rineka Cipta

Suminar Achmadi. 2004. Kimia Dasar : Prinsip dan Terapan Modern,

Jilid 1. Jakarta : Erlangga

Accessed from http://www.pusakakimia.com. at Tuesday, October 18th


Accessed from http:// keluargatinar.multiply.com. at Tuesday, October

18th 2011

I. Conclusion

1. Pressures stemming from the injector pressure so that the vinegar

acid gush out as if it looked like a volcano eruption.

2. The reaction is the reaction between acetic acid with sodium


NaHCO3 + CH3COOH → CO2 + H2O + CH3COONa (gas).

3. Affected area around the volcano lava coming out of the crater

model volcano and cause damage volcano ecosystem it self.

4. At really volcano, eruption occurs because magma surfaced but

depressed by solid surrounding rocks. When the magma to the

surface, the magma that mixes with the gas spurt out and cause an


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1. Why react between asetic acid and sodium bicarbonate can produce

like molten lava ? write reaction !

2. What the caused eruption as chemical reaction in a model of volcano

3. What caused eruption of really volcano ?

4. What comes out of the crater of a volcano that actually ?

5. What happens to objects that have been issued by the bowel of the


6. Explain the effect of volcanic eruptions for surrounding area

(including ecosystem and vegetation)


1. The reaction is the reaction between acetic acid with sodium


NaHCO3 + CH3COOH → CO2 + H2O + CH3COONa (gas)

2. Result of reaction is gas an make crater like really.

3. Chemical reaction in model volcano not make an eruption, but

pressure with injection make volcano eruption.

4. At really volcano, eruption occurs because magma surfaced but

depressed by solid surrounding rocks. When the magma to the surface,

the magma that mixes with the gas spurt out and cause an eruption

5. Objects are out and about the objects around it so damaged the

surrounding area

6. Mountain which erupted usually have an impact on the surrounding

environment. The area around the volcano will usually be exposed to

heat wan, incandescent lava, and volcanic material that comes out of

volcanoes. This certainly will affect the ecosystem that existed at the

volcano. Undeniably, the ecosystem will be damaged when exposed to

volcanic eruptions. The eruption of the buffer to make the trees and

the living organisms including humans around them also die.

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Experiment Design of Science Lab Work Activity


A. Title: Checking Chlorophyll in Leaves

B. Goal:

1. students can explain the function of chlorophyll in the leaves

during photosynthesis.

2. students can explain the mechanism of photosynthesis.

C. Tools and material

1. Spinach leaves

2. Heater

3. Pan 2 pieces

4. ph meter / litmus


1. Observe and measure the color, texture and ph spinach leaves

before heated.

2. Heat water and enter the spinach leaves.

3. One pot was closed and the other pot was left open.

4. Observe and measure the color, texture and ph spinach leaves

after heated.

5. Noting the results of observations