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International Seminar TOWARDS HUMANISTIC-APPPROACH RELOCATION February 11-12, 2009 Auditorium Rumah Sakit Khusus Bedah Perumahan Cinta kasih I Jl. Raya Cengkareng Kapuk Cengkareng – Jakarta Barat Kerjasama antara Universitas Tzu Chi – Taiwan, Tzu Chi Indonesia Foundation Tzu Chi University Tzu Chi Indonesia DRPM -UI

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International Seminar


February 11-12, 2009

Auditorium Rumah Sakit Khusus Bedah Perumahan Cinta kasih I

Jl. Raya Cengkareng KapukCengkareng – Jakarta Barat

Kerjasama antara

Universitas Tzu Chi – Taiwan,

Tzu Chi Indonesia Foundation


Universitas Indonesia

Tzu Chi University Tzu Chi IndonesiaFoundation



Daftar Isi I

Sambutan Ketua Panitia iii

Kata Pengantar iv

Latar Belakang 1

Informasi Seminar 3

Jadual Program 4

Abstrak Bidang Kesehatan

Tuberculosis Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors Among Students at Love Village I and Other Schools in West Jakarta 8

Tuberculosis Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors Among Community Residents at Great Love Village I and II in West Jakarta 9

Structure of The Health Promotion of Anti-Tuberculosis at Great Love Village I 10

Against Tuberculosis Tzu Chi Village in Indonesia 11

Health Promotion School in Tzu Chi Village 12

TB Health Promotion in School 13

The Evaluation of Health Behavior Practice in Relation of Diarrhea Incidence 14

The Evaluation of Developmental Status Of Under Five Children Inhabited at Kali Angke Riverside Using Kuesioner Pra Skrining Perkembangan (KPSP) 17

Research On Water Quality At Kali Angke 18

Abstrak Bidang Sosial

Socio-Psychological Variables Relating Living In Rusun Tzu Chi 20

Adapt in High Rise Building 22

Deviant Behavior In Rusun Tzu Chi 23

Ethical Concern and Practices in Religious Cooperation 24

The Effects of Educational Aid to Learning Performance among Disadvantaged Students: The Case of Jakarta Tzu Chi School in Indonesia



Children’s Growth and Changes: What happened after children studying in TC School? 26

Interethnic Relations In Jakarta Great Love Village 27

Kepanitiaan 28

Peta Rumah Susun Cinta Kasih 1 (Tzu Chi) 29



Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Universitas Indonesia terus berbenah dalam upaya mencapai universitas riset kelas dunia sebagai penterjemahan dari Surat Keputusan Majelis Wali Amanah Universitas Indonesia (SK MWA 005/SK/MWA-UI/2007). Salah satu kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah peningkatan kolaborasi riset internasional antara Universitas Indonesia dan universitas luar negeri maupun dengan institusi asing yang memiliki reputasi internasional.

Dalam kerangka itulah, Universitas Indonesia dan Universitas Tzu Chi Taiwan melakukan kerjasama penelitian tentang komunitas penghuni rumah susun Cinta Kasih sejak tahun 2007. Penelitian yang diharapkan berjalan selama tiga tahun ini telah menyelesaikan fase pertama yang hasilnya dipresentasikan dalam konferensi internasional ”Towards Humanistic-Approach Relocation” (Menuju Relokasi yang Humanis) tanggal 11-12 Februari 2009.

Konferensi internasional ini menghadirkan para peneliti dari Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Tzu Chi Taiwan dan Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi Indonesia. Mereka bekerja sama melakukan penelitian secara independen tentang aspek kesehatan, psikologis, sosio-ekonomi, keagamaan dan budaya komunitas rumah susun Cinta Kasih yang didirikan oleh Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi pada tahun 2003.

Kegiatan kerjasama penelitian ini tidak hanya bernilai strategis sebagai sebuah kolaborasi riset multidisplin internasional yang akan meningkatkan leverage Universitas Indonesia. Namun hal yang tidak kalah penting adalah terjadinya proses transfer of knowledge diantara para peneliti dari kedua universitas dan institusi terkait. Selain itu secara substantif, penelitian ini sesuai dengan renstra Universitas Indonesia yang menetapkan bahwa penelitian-penelitian unggulan bermuara pada penyelesaian masalah urban (perkotaan), khususnya DKI Jakarta dan sekitarnya.

Menurut rencana konferensi ini akan diselenggarakan selama dua hari. Hari pertama membahas tema kesehatan sedangkan hari kedua tentang sosial budaya. Harapan kami, konferensi ini dapat dihadiri oleh lebih kurang seratus lima puluh orang peserta yang mewakili berbagai unsur. Dengan demikian diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan dampak positif kepada para stakeholders terkait khususnya para pengambil kebijakan dan masyarakat.

Panitia menyampaikan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kepada para pihak yang telah berkontribusi pada kerjasama penelitian ini, khususnya kepada para sponsor National Science Council Taiwan, Universitas Tzu Chi Taiwan, Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi Indonesia dan Universitas Indonesia. Kami juga berterima kasih kepada masyarakat yang tinggal di rusun Cinta Kasih yang telah bahu-membahu menjadi mitra bagi para peneliti. Kami juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pimpinan Universitas, Fakultas di lingkungan UI, Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (DRPM) Universitas Indonesia dan segenap panitia yang selalu mendukung kegiatan ini sehingga konferensi ini bisa berjalan dengan baik.

Akhirnya, kami berharap wujud kerjasama penelitian seperti ini dapat menjadi model bagi penelitian serupa yang dapat bermanfaat baik bagi Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Tzu Chi Taiwan, Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi Indonesia dan masyarakat secara luas. Selamat berkonferensi.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Tirta N. Mursitama, PhDKetua Panitia



Compassion and Love as the Bridge to Cultural Understanding

The reports to be appeared at this conference are partial fruits of an interdisciplinary and transnational research project which intends to probe the impacts of relocation to the immigrants originally settled along the riverbanks of Angke River in Jarkata. Enacted by the Tzu Chi Indonesia Foundation, the charity program of removing the riverbank residents was initiated in 2002. It takes about a year to build 1,100 apartment houses, a school, and a medical clinic in the Great Love Village of Cengkareng. While this action attracted profound attention from both local and international organizations as it provides a multi-faceted assistance to the residents’ needs, it appears to be crucial to conduct a follow-up research to understand how this kind of action will affect the help-recipients such that a model can be made for other similar programs. Starting from 2006, a research team was organized at Tzu Chi University in Taiwan with the scholars coming from varied fields in social sciences and public health. An interdisciplinary research project was then initiated and focused on the residents’ health, religious attitude and experience, school student’s commitment to learning and altruistic activities, and interethnic relations between the Indonesians and local Chinese who helped to build new houses for the residents. A new research team organized by scholars from the University of Indonesia joined in 2007 and carried a totally independent research. The accomplishment of these projects will not be possible without the supports from the National Science Council of Taiwan, Tzu Chi University, University of Indonesia and Tzu Chi Indonesia Foundation. Finally, but not the least, we deeply appreciate the residents of Great Love Village who have kindly received our interviews and observations. All members of these projects have only one goal in their minds: providing objective and justifiable evidence for future plans such that more peoples in need will be benefited from these kinds of aiding programs.

Prof. Hsu Mutsu

Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Tzu Chi University



Kali Angke merupakan satu dari sekian banyak sungai yang memiliki arti penting bagi warga Jakarta. Selain sebagai penyedia kebutuhan air, Kali Angke merefleksikan geliat kehidupan sosial masyarakat. Kondisi Kali Angke menggambarkan masyarakat Jakarta hidup dan berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitarnya.

Selama lebih dari 50 tahun Kali Angke telah menyatu dengan kehidupan penduduk lokal Jakarta dan kaum imigran yang tinggal di sekitarnya, termasuk di daerah bantaran sungai yang sebenarnya ilegal untuk dihuni.

Banyak faktor yang berkontribusi terjadinya kondisi ini selama bertahun-tahun. Rendahnya tingkat pendidikan, himpitan ekonomi yang berkontribusi pada kondisi kemiskinan telah menjadi karakteristik kehidupan masyarakat yang termajinalisasi oleh pembangunan di bantaran Kali Angke.

Setelah banjir besar melanda Jakarta tahun 2002, Yayasan Tzu Chi Indonesia mencanangkan ”Jakarta Food Relief Program” melalui 5 P. Yakni, pengeringan, pembersihan, penyemprotan, pengobatan dan perumahan. Kali Angke dipilih sebagai pilot project mengingat arti kesejarahan yang mendalam bagi masyarakat Jakarta.

Kemudian dibangunlah Rumah Susun (Rusun) Cinta Kasih di wilayah Kamal, Jakarta Barat oleh Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi Indonesia pada tahun 2003. Mulailah relokasi masyarakat yang tinggal di bantaran Kali Angke ke Rusun tersebut.

Sejak itu hampir lima tahun, berbagai masalah kesehatan, kepemilikan rumah, identitas regional, adaptasi terhadap lingkungan yang baru maupun komunitas yang baru harus dihadapi oleh para penghuni baru ini. Menyadari kondisi seperti ini, Universitas Tzu Chi-Taiwan dan Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (DRPM) Universitas Indonesia tergerak melakukan penelitian tentang komunitas Rusun beserta aspek-aspeknya.

Secara spesifik, penelitian bidang kesehatan dilakukan oleh Tim Kualitas Air terhadap kesehatan lingkungan (air sungai) Kali Angke dan Tim Kesehatan Masyarakat meneliti status kesehatan masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar Kali Angke dan di hunian baru mreka di Rusun Cinta Kasih I. Sedangkan penelitian bidang sosial fokus pada kondisi psikologis masyarakat setelah menempati Rusun Cinta Kasih I. Penelitian tim ini meliputi antara lain gaya hidup, adaptasi masyarakat, hubungan inter-etnik, hubungan inter-religi, dan dampak pendidikan di lingkungan baru. Penelitian multidispliner ini dilakukan oleh para peneliti dari Universitas Indonesia serta Universitas Tzu Chi-Taiwan.

Sebagai bagian dari penelitian tersebut, pada tanggal 11 dan 12 Februari 2009 ini akan dilaksanakan Konferensi Internasional dengan tema ”Menuju Relokasi yang Humanis”. Acara tersebut akan diselenggarakan di Auditorium Rumah Sakit Khusus Bedah Rusun Cinta Kasih di Kamal, Jakarta Barat dengan menghadirkan para peneliti dari Universitas Tzu Chi-Taiwan dan Universitas Indonesia.

Konferensi yang berlangsung selama dua hari ini diharapkan dapat menjadi ajang diseminasi hasil penelitian sekaligus diskusi dengan para stakeholders. Terutama adalah pemerintah provinsi DKI Jakarta, pemerintah pusat, kalangan industri, akademisi, lembaga swadaya masyarakat, mahasiswa dan masyarakat umum. Dengan demikian, hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan manfaat yang nyata


kepada semua stakeholders terkait. Khususnya dalam pengambilan kebijakan relokasi penduduk marjinal yang tinggal di bantaran-bantaran sungai ke tempat yang lebih baik secara lebih manusiawi.

Pada akhirnya, hasil dan proses kajian tersebut nantinya diharapkan memunculkan suatu model penanganan yang komprehensif terhadap masyarakat yang tinggal di bantaran-bantaran sungai di Indonesia; mulai dari relokasi sampai dengan pola hidup dan adaptasi masyarakat terhadap kondisi lingkungan dan tempat tinggal yang baru.



Tema Menuju Relokasi yang Humanis

Waktu Pelaksanaan Rabu-Kamis, 11-12 Februari 2009

Panitia Pelaksana Yayasan Tzu Chi IndonesiaDirektorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia

Tempat Auditorium Rumah Sakit Khusus Bedah (RSKB)Rumah Susun Cinta Kasih 1Jl. Raya Cengkareng KapukCengkareng, Jakarta BaratTel: (021) 7063 6783; 0818 176635 (Dwi Astuti)

Serketariat Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UI

Gedung DRPM, Kampus UI-DepokDepok 16424IndonesiaTel: 62-21-7270152, 78849118Fax: 62-21-78849119Email: [email protected]



Tanggal Waktu Program


Bidang Kesehatan

08:00 - 09.00 Registrasi

09:00 - 09.30 Pembukaan (Mc: Mutia)- Prof. Dr. der Soz. Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri

(Rektor Universitas Indonesia)- Ketua Yayasan Tzu Chi - Gubernur DKI Jakarta*

09:30 - 10.00 Pembicara UtamaMenteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia*

10:00 - 10.30 “Overview of Angke River and Resettlement Project”Pembicara: Mr. Hong Tjhin, Tzu Chi Indonesian FoundationModerator : Ir. Tawang Sotya

10:30 - 10.45 Rehat KopiPress Conference

10.45 – 11.40 Presentasi I “Health Promotion of Rusun Tzu Chi“Pembicara: Dr. Yin Liming & Siti Badriyah, SKM(Tzu Chi University)

11.40 – 12.10 Presentasi II “The Evaluation of Health Behavior Practice in Relation to The Diarrhea Incidence”Pembicara: Astuti Yuni Nursasi, SKp,. MN (Universitas Indonesia)

12.10 – 12.30 Diskusi PanelModerator: Dra. Fatma Lestari, Ph.D

12.30– 13.30 Makan Siang/ISHOMA

13.30 - 14.30 Tour Keliling RusunPenanggung Jawab: Albert Ng dan Teddy K. Gusti

14.30 – 15.00 Presentasi III “The Evaluation of Developmental Status of Children Under 5 years old inhabited at Kali Angke”Pembicara: Dr. Bernie Endyarni, Sp.A (Univeritas Indonesia)

15.00 – 15.30 Presentasi IV “Research on Water Quality at Kali Angke”Pembicara: Dra. Noverita Dian Takarina, M.Sc (Universitas Indonesia)

15.30 – 16.00 Diskusi PanelModerator : Dr. Pramita, SpA(K)


16.00 – 16.30 Penutupan (Dr.Ir Budiarso, M.Eng) Rehat Kopi


Tanggal Waktu Program


Bidang Sosial

08.00 – 09.00 Registrasi

09.00 – 09.15 Pembukaan Prof. Hsu Mutsu/Project CoordinationMc: Mario (Da Ai TV)

09.15 – 09.30 Keynote Minister of Social of The Republic Indonesia*

09.30 - 10.30 “Overview of Angke River and Resettlement Project”Pembicara: Prof. Ru-sen Ho, Asst. Prof. Tzu Chi University Moderator: Teddy K. Gusti, MT

10.30 – 10.45 Rehat Kopi

10.45 - 11.05 Presentasi I “Socio-Psychological Variables Relating Living In Rusun Tzu Chi“Pembicara: Prof. Dr. Sarlito W Sarwono (Universitas Indonesia)

11.05 - 11.25 Presentasi II “Adapting in High Rise Building”Pembicara: Eko A. Meinarno, S.Psi, M.Si (Universitas Indonesia)

11.25 – 11.45 Presentasi IIIPembicara: Prof. Dr. Adrianus Meiliala (Universitas Indonesia)“Deviant Behavior in Rusun Tzu Chi

11.45 – 12.15 Diskusi Panel Moderator: Fuad Gani, S.S, MA

12:15 - 13.15 Makan Siang/ISHOMA

13.15 - 14.15 Tour Keliling RusunPenanggung Jawab: Albert Ng dan Febianto S

14.15 - 14.45Presentasi IV “Ethical Concern and Practices in Religious Cooperation”


Pembicara: Prof. Lu Hwie-syin (Tzu Chi University)

14.45 - 15.30 Presentasi V “Effects of Educational Aid to Learning Performance: The case of Jakarta Tzu Chi school in Indonesia”Pembicara: Dr. Ho Yun-Chi, Shie Ruei-jin & Dwi Astuti, MSi. (Tzu Chi University)

Presentasi VI“Children’s Growth and Changes: What happened after children studying in TC School?”Pembicara: Shie Ruei-jin (Tzu Chi University)

15.30 – 16.00 Presentasi VII“Cross the Ethnic Border: Interethnic relations in Jakarta great love village and beyond”Pembicara: Prof. Hsu Mutsu, Rey-seng Ho, Asti Dwi, MSi., Ho Chao-wei (Tzu Chi University)

16.00 – 16.30 Diskusi PanelModerator : Tirta N Mursitama, Ph.D

16.30 – 17.00 Penutupan (Bachtiar Alam. Ph.D dan Prof. Hsu Mutsu)Rehat Kopi





Tuberculosis Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors among Students at Love Village I and Other Schools in West Jakarta

Wanhua Annie Hsieh 1, Lih Ming Yiin 1, Sen-Fang Huang 2, Badriyah Siti 3,1Institute & department of public health, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan

2Office of Physical Education, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan3 Project Researcher, Indonesia Tzu Chi Foundation

Background: During the 2004-2005 period, a tuberculosis (TB) screening program involving the medical team in the Tzu Chi Hospital, schools, village management office, and volunteers was held in Great Love Village I. During the TB treatment, school teachers as drug observers gave medicine, free milk and vitamin to TB infected students; whereas other schools in the same area did not receive any TB treatment or promotion. To explore whether the previous school TB screen program was effective in tuberculosis knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors between students at Great Love Village I and in other schools in West Jakarta, we conducted this study.

Material and Methods: We completed questionnaires from 170 students from the Tzu-chi elementary school, 153 students from the Tzu-chi Junior high school and 107 students from the Tzu-chi vocational school as the study group. Each subgroup of the study group was matched with one school at the same area with similar economic status, which were the Noon school, Public School and RemaJa School with attending students being 188, 140 and 95, respectively. All students were asked to complete questionnaires in their classroom with comprehensive directions. A Chi-square test was applied to compare category data between each study and control subgroups.

Results: For elementary students, the Tzu-chi students had significantly higher results on “heard about TB” (93.5% v.s. 60.1, p<0.001), and the information came from school teachers (60.8 v.s. 30.1%, p<0.001). About the TB symptoms, “cough with phlegm longer than two weeks” had the highest correct answering rate (88.7% v.s. 67.6%, p=0.001, in elementary subgroup) but other symptoms were not well understood by students from either group. Correct answering rate on “through the air when a person with coughs or sneezes” was significantly higher in Tzu Chi school group than the control group (for elementary, 84.8% v.s. 67.3%, p<0.001; for junior high school, 88.7% v.s. 75%, p=0.003). Their knowledge about TB mortality (for vocational, 72.9% v.s. 40.1%, p<0.001), curability (63.0% v.s. 45.5% for junior, p=0.005) and no guarantee of TB recovery on treatments (84.8% and 45.7%) was significantly different. The Tzu-Chi students apparently knew more about TB treatment matters in many aspects, such as drug observers, the treatment duration, occurrence of multi-drug resistant TB. In aspects of TB behaviors, the Tzu-Chi students knew more about reduction of TB transmittance, such as not sleeping together, not spitting in public, etc.

Conclusion: In general, the Tzu-chi students had better knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of TB than the students in the control group, but education was needed to improve their knowledge on symptoms and treatments of TB. We will coordinate Da-Ai Hospital, Tzu-chi foundation, medical profession and community leaders to implement a TB education program in community for provoking their TB awareness.


Tuberculosis Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors among Community Residents at Great Love Village I and II in West Jakarta

Wanhua Annie Hsieh 1, Lih Ming Yiin 1, Sen-Fang Huang 2, Badriyah Siti 3,1Institute & department of public health, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan

2Office of Physical Education, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan3 Project Researcher, Indonesia Tzu Chi Foundation

Background: During the 2004-2005 period, a Tuberculosis (TB) screening program was held in the Great Love Village I. The program involved the medical team in Tzu Chi Hospital, the schools, village management office, and volunteers. The 223 and 155 TB cases were found in 2004 and 2005, respectively. The screening program was not extended to Village II due to the limited resources. This project was to explore with or without the previous community TB screen program effect on tuberculosis knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs among community residents at the Great Love Villages I and II in West Jakarta.

Methods: We conducted 400 (age 40.613.1) and 290 (age 37.111.1) questionnaires from residents living in Villages I and II, respectively. Chi-square test was applied to compare category data between these two groups. The questionnaire included personal data, use of medical resources, knowledge of TB symptoms, cure and results, side effects of TB drugs, prevention strategies for patients and healthy individuals, attitudes towards TB, and personal healthy behaviors.

Results: No statistical significance was found on education, income, or health service access status between Village I and II. Village I had significantly higher results than Village II on “heard about TB” (87.3% v.s. 76.6%), to which information attributed was from Tzu-Chi volunteers (26.4% v.s. 5.4%) and from medical professors (39.8% v.s. 25.2%). Answering “TB caused by microorganism” was 21.2% and 10.8% in Village I and II (p<0.001), respectively; but answering “don’t know” was about the same (40.4 v.s. 41.9 %). Low correct answering percentage about symptoms of TB: cough with phlegm longer than two weeks (23% v.s. 22%), phlegm with blood (5.9% v.s 3.6%), cough with blood (13.4% v.s. 13.8), appetite loss (10% v.s. 6.7%), and fever without clear cause more than one month (8.5% v.s. 9.7), was not significantly different between the two villages. Residents of both villages had the knowledge about TB mortality and curability, but there was a significant difference (p = 0.002) in knowing no guarantee of TB recovery on treatments (54.7% and 40.1%). Residents of Village I apparently knew more about TB treatment matters, such as drug observers, the treatment duration, occurrence of multi-drug resistant TB. In aspects of TB behaviors, residents of Village I knew more about reduction of TB transmittance, such as not sleeping together, not spitting in public, etc.

Conclusion: In general, the questionnaires showed that residents of Village I had better knowledge, attitudes and behaviors for TB prevention than Village II, but education was needed to improve their knowledge on symptoms and treatments of TB. We will coordinate Da-Ai Hospital, Tzu-chi foundation, medical profession and community leaders to implement a TB education program in community for provoking their TB awareness.


Structure of the Health Promotion Intervention of Anti-Tuberculosis at Great Love Village I

Sen-Fang Huang1, Lih Ming Yiin 2, Wanhua Annie Hsieh2, Badriyah Siti 3,1Office of Physical Education, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan

2Institute & department of public health, Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan3 Project Researcher, Indonesia Tzu Chi Foundation

In accordance with the content published on the WHO website in 2006, tuberculosis (TB) mortality was ranked to be the second leading cause of death by the data in Indonesia in 2002. Preliminary data have shown that prevalence of TB in west Jakarta, where the Great Love Village I locates, is estimated to be 508 cases per 100,000-year, as compared to 59 cases per 100000-year and 104 cases per100000-year in Java and the whole Indonesia, respectively in the year of 2007. Moreover, results derived from several focus group discussions indicated that TB was prioritized the first health issue at the Great Love Village I. The subsequent pre-assessment also unveiled that some of health knowledge, altitudes and behaviors in school students at Tzu Chi schools and residents at Great Love Village I on the TB causes, prevention and treatments needed to be improved. Therefore, objectives of a health promotion program on anti-TB had been designed, according to results of the preliminary data review, focus group discussions and pre-assessment, and the action plans based on the health promotion principles and strategies in five domains developed by WHO (building healthy public policy, creating supportive environments, strengthening community actions, developing personal skills, reorienting health services), will be implemented. An action team of anti-TB composed of the staff, school teachers, hospital doctors, and volunteers from Indonesian Tzu Chi Foundation has been organized and launched to take actions. Six sub-working units in the action team are organized for developing and executing the respective specific action plans as well. Respective missions of sub-working units are described as follow: Unit 1: to create partnership with governmental sectors; Unit 2: to design educational programs for school students and village residents; Unit 3: to design training program for volunteers; Unit 4: to be responsible for case finding; Unit 5: to be responsible for treatment program; Unit 6: to evaluate recovery rate. Gant chart is developed for confirming that all intervention plans and activities will be executed following the schedule. Intervention program will continue until the end of December 2009.


Against Tuberculosis Tzu Chi Village in Indonesia

--The work frame of RSKB Cinta Kasih Tzu Chi team--Kurniawan Tjahajadi

Director of Tzu Chi Hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia

Context: Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in great love village 1 has not been adequately studied. Objectives: To against the tuberculosis infection in great love village 1 using DOTS program. Tools: Promotion, education and active case findingAction: Great love village 1 was located at the west side of Jakarta in Indonesia and was built in year 2002. Great love village 1 was one of the implementation of Tzu Chi love. One of the health problems in that village is tuberculosis disease. Every year we found a new case of tuberculosis disease that came from the great love village 1. Of around 20 new cases of TB disease that came from great love village 1 reported every year. In year 2007, we found 21 villagers that infected by M. tuberculosis. This is a serious problem that could impact to their future life. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. All countries in the world noticed at the disease. It is important to find the suspicious patient in great love village in earliest stage which hopefully could interrupt the chain of the transmission of this disease. In year 2008 until year 2009, the Indonesia Tzu Chi Foundation has a program to against tuberculosis disease in great love village 1. Our main goal was to increase the awareness of the community and to eliminate the disease from the village. The second goal was to support Indonesian government program on against tuberculosis disease. The program has already started on September 2008. All of Tzu Chi components will involve in this program, including Tzu Chi School, Great Love Management staff, DaAi TV staff and the community. It comprises several activities, as follows:1. Making a partnership with local health service department, 2. Education and promotion, 3. Training the volunteer and drug intake supervisor, 4. Case finding and identification, 5.Treatment, 6. Follow-up the progress of the treatment. Until now we had already done three activities, started from making a partnership until training the volunteers and drug intake supervisors. On January 2009 we started to perform active case finding. The small team will visit to the villager's house in the evening hours and the target was 10 houses per day. If we found the new case, the suspected patient will be referred to Indonesia Tzu Chi Hospital for further assessment and treatment. The treatments will be supported by Indonesian government. During the case finding and treatment, the education and promotion still continue until the end of year 2009. We will make an intensive campaign around the villagers while we done the active case findings among them. Conclusion: TB disease is still a serious problem in great love village 1 that needs our concern to make a proper action to against that. Nevertheless, given good case management, the villagers with TB can achieve excellent treatment outcomes.


Health Promotion School in Tzu Chi Village

Siti Badriyah, SKMTzu Chi Unversity

Based on the incidence rate of TB in 2006 in Tzu Chi Village is 21 people among 3.500 people and our knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) survey in June 2008 found that only 38.3% of village people’s KAP is good. About 61,7 % of the community has poor knowledge on TB. That is why we are doing an intervention program to improve their knowledge by implementing TB health promotion in the village. This promotion program is also part of TB Control Program of Tzu Chi Indonesia Foundation at Great Love Village I. We hope by the health promotion we could improve village people knowledge.

The health promotion concept aims to empower the local leader to be health promoter in their community. We empower them first through training. We gave them training with 3 times lectures where two times lecture on TB and one lecture on communication. After that the local leader will give promotion in the community under the supervision of health officer from the Tzu Chi Foundation in every activity. There are 12 local leaders (13 man and 2 women) that will give promotion. Most of them are religious leader. The training did in November 2008 mostly at night times since during the day time they have to work.

The health promotion activity is integrated with the community regular activity. Since the majority of the population religion is Muslim so most of the promotions activity is integrated with Islam teaching group’s activity. Beside that it will be delivered through the Student Academic Report Event in school while parents take their children’s report because most of parents in village have children study in the school. So overall the activity that would be integrated with the TB promotion is 7 regular activities and 1 event through school. All those activities hopefully could reach all of people in the community.

The promotion to community will be given from December-January 2009. Most of it will be done at night because most of the village activity is night time. The promotion methods are through lecture and discussion, watch movie that will last for 60 minutes with the support of LCD projector equipment. Other tool kits to support the TB promotion program are through posters and calendar. The calendar and poster are designed by TB media team and will be distribute to every household.


TB Health Promotion in School

Siti Badriyah, SKMTzu Chi Unversity

Based on the baseline survey of student’s knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) survey in June 2008, we found that their KAP is still poor (less than 50%). That is why we plan to do an intervention to improve their knowledge by implementing TB health promotion. This promotion program is part of the TB Control Program of Tzu Chi Foundation Project in the Great Love Village I. We hope by this method, we could improve students KAP to be 70 % correct.

The promotion strategies are through mass and intensive promotion. The mass promotion is carried through Student Class Meeting event after the final exam in December 2008. The Tzu Chi school student is divided in to 4 groups of students (2 groups for elementary school, 1 group for junior high school, and 1 group for vocational school). The students are given a brief promotion about TB by teacher that has been trained.

The intensive promotion is carried by two strategies. Those are through inserting TB information and giving student a TB lecture. The inserting information will be given by teachers to students twice a week. The teachers have been trained before. With the 15 topics on TB that has been design, teacher will give them per week one topic and each topic will be repeated once. So all topic would be delivered to students in 15 weeks or 4 months and 1 week. The topics on TB include what are TB, how it is transmitted, its treatment and prevention. After teacher give insertion information, then the student has to write the information in the TB family book that been provided in school and then let their parent read and sign it. We give all insertion information from Pre School until vocational school in Tzu Chi School. As the control for teacher, every teacher who has delivered the information to student, he/she has to write the information also on the journal book provided in a classroom. The insertion information will start from January-May (5 months)

The second method is through TB lecture. In this semester student will be given 3 times TB lesson by the teacher. Two times for lesson and one times for homework/group work. The teachers who give lecture are Moral teacher. In Pre School there is one teacher, in elementary school there are 7 teachers, in junior high school 2 teachers, and vocational school 2 teacher so for total teachers who give TB lecture in Tzu Chi School are 12 teachers. These 12 teachers will be assisting to design and develop TB material with a TB researcher of Tzu Chi Foundation.


The Evaluation of Health Behavior Practice in Relation of Diarrhea Incidence

Astuti Yuni Nursasi, SKp.,MNFaculty of Nursing , Universitas Indonesia

Kali Angke or Angke river is located at Kapuk Muara, West Jakarta. In 1960, it was a clear and see-through river with 25 meters width, 12 meters deep, and had many kinds of fish such as gabus, catfish, and betok. The river was surrounded by plant fields and ponds. However, in 1970, soil and convection factory was built at Kapuk Muara. Many industries were established. These condition invited many people came to Kapuk Muara. They live around the Angke river. By the end of 1980, there were thousands of people live along the river bank. The water quality of Angke river became worse since the construction of Cengkareng Floodway System and Cengkareng drain by the local government. It caused the water flow from Angke river through Kapuk Muara stopped flowing. The water turned black and dark. The width now is 10 meters and the deep is only 1 meter. Facing this situation, The Tzu Chi foundation has big concern to make Angke river can function like it was. After big flood in 2002, The Tzu Chi Indonesia established a Jakarta Flood Relief Program through 5P, that are:

Pengeringan (draining) Pembersihan (cleaning) Penyemprotan (fogging) Pengobatan (medical help) Perumahan (housing)

The Tzu Chi foundation and Jakarta government relocated residents of Kapuk Muara and Pejagalan on July 2003. They were moved to The Great Love Village of Tzu Chi at Cengkareng. Many actions had done to clean the Angke river. The Tzu Chi foundation built cooperation with the University of Indonesia to conduct several researches which related to the river as well as the people that were relocated. Several researches investigated the health behavior of people. These researches were participated by Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Dentistry, Dermatology and Venereology Department Faculty of Medicine, and Parasitology Department Faculty of Medicine.These researches used cross-sectional method by portrait the condition of people who live at the Angke river bank and their health behavior. The number of sampling is 116 and the data collecting used interview with structured questionnaire.The research results show that the most of respondents are housewives, 95% of them have children within range 3.32-3.94, and their salary below the regional minimal sewage. Although, most of the respondents already practice the healthy behavior such as do not use water from the river for drink, cooking, and washing the food (fruits and vegetables). However there are some respondents who have not practiced the healthy behavior. They used the river as public toilet (6.9%); and as water resources for washing clothes (3.4%) and shampooing (0.9%). It was also identified that 13.8% of respondent sometimes do not wash their hand before eat and after finish bowel elimination (6.9%). Moreover, 78% of respondents do nothing to keep the river clean, only 8.9% who take out the garbage from the river. Therefore, the river looks black and a lot of trashes on it.


From the relationship between educational background level with the incidence and frequencies of diarrhea, and the relationship between the lengths of stay at the river bank environment with the incidence and frequencies of diarrhea, it is found that there is no relationship between healthy behavior habits with the incidence and frequencies of diarrhea during 3 months. The relationship between educational background level with the incidence and frequencies of diarrhea, as well as the length of stay, it does not show the relation either. However, the percentage of diarrhea incidence at population with poor healthy behavior habits higher than diarrhea incidence at population with good healthy behavior habits.

The most of respondents said that they did not get any diseases. It was identified only a few number of respondents reported diarrhea, parasites, dermatitis etc. as common diseases. The public health care center is the most preferable health care that had been visited by the respondents and only 10.6% respondents who did the alternative treatment when their family member got sick.Parasitological examination in under-five years old children found that there were six species parasites. They are Giardia lamblia, Blastocystis hominis, Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba coli, Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura. The most prevalence parasite was Giardia lamblia and it was the most frequent in children in 36 to 47 months. However, the result showed there was no significant relationship between the incidence and frequencies of diarrhea. It might happen because of the number of sample was minimal and the questionnaire was not explored adequately.

Another healthy behavior that found was most of subject (85%) brush their teeth using tooth paste and all of them never used water from the river while they brush their teeth. However, nearly 90% of the subjects used to take sweet food for snack. These habits caused several problems in the teeth health status. They are caries, gingivitis and enamel hypoplasia. The caries prevalence of under-five years old children at Kapuk Muara West Jakarta showed 88.7% with mean of decay 6.93. This finding accordance with the fact that ECC is more likely found in the children whose parents from low socio economic status, single parents, or parents with low level of education. This factor related to the ability of the parents to served healthy and nutritional food for family (Hutington, et al., 2000).

The contribution of socio economic status and mothers’ level of education to caries severity is not in direct way. Knowledge, attitude and oral hygiene practice of mother is more important. Caries severity is more likely influenced by oral hygiene habits. The important things of tooth brushing activity is the ability to remove dental plaque which contains s. mutans (Thylstrup,A. and Fejerskov, O., 1986).

There was statistical relationship between pH plaque and caries severity. The high status of pH plaque caused the lower caries severity. In children with poor nutritional status, xerostomia can cause low buffer capacity and the difficulties to find plaque in the saliva.There was also found statistical relationship between daily refined carbohydrate consumption habits and caries severity. The result related to how often the demineralization occurs. A simple exposure of sucrose with good quality of frequency and length of contact is a risk factor of dental caries (Nizel,AE, 1989: Cury JA cit Ribeiro, 2004; Pamela, 2003). Increasing of sugar consumption between meal associated with increasing of carries severity (Moynihan, PJ, 2005). There was no relationship between nutritional status and caries severity or caries occurrence.

The lack of mother’s knowledge to served nutritional food for the family contributes to the health status and oral health status. It is found that there is significant relationship between pH plaque and the occurrence of gingivitis. The prevalence of gingivitis was 40%. It is also explain that there is a contribution of microorganism as a local irritant. This study also uncovered that there was relationship between pH plaque and enamel hypoplasia. The prevalence of enamel hypoplasia was


36%. Enamel hypoplasia can also occur in several conditions such as systemic conditions, venereal disease, hormonal imbalance, deficiency calcium, vitamin A, and D.An investigation on the influence of healthy behavior on prevalence of dermatoses was also done. The study showed that the majority of subjects were free from skin disease. However, there were several subjects who suffered from more than one dermatoses. The types of dermatoses include miliaria, infections, insect bite hypersensitivity, pigmentary disorders, dermatitis, prurigo hebra, trauma, alopecia areata. This study found correlation between skin infection and household income, as well as parents’ educational background. It found that there was a tendency for skin infection when the family using the water from the river for laundry, retiring, and recreation. However, it does not possible to make any conclusion because the sample size was small. Interestingly, skin infection was not observed in subjects with low frequency of changing clothes and sharing a bath towel. Several factors influence the prevalence of skin infections, such as using soap for bathing, using detergent for washing the towels, ironing the clothes and towels. Unfortunately, all of these factors were not evaluated in this study.

In conclusion, most of subjects have already showed good practice of health behavior. However this study proved the statistical significant hardly because the sample size was small. Therefore, there is a need to conduct a qualitative research to dig out and explore the real condition and do further quantitative research with appropriate sample size.


The Evalution of Developmental Status of Under Five Children Inhabited at Kali Angke Riverside Using Kuesioner Pra Skrinning Perkembangan (KPSP)

Bernie EndyarniGrowth Development – Community Pediatrics, Child Health Department

Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia

BACKGROUNDThe unique character of children is the process of growth and development which are strongly influenced by many factors including genetic and physicobiopsycosocial factors. A parameter to measure child development in Indonesia is Kuesioner Pra Skrining Perkembangan (KPSP) which has been implemented by Ministry of Health of Republic of Indonesia as children developmental screening tool for community pediatric. The aim of this study is to recognize and find out the developmental status of underfive children inhabited at Kali Angke river side area.

METHODSWe conducted a cross-sectional study for under five children inhabited at Kaliangke riverside in 2007. We used stratified random sampling, with 117 respondents. A full developmental screening procedure using Kuesioner Pra Skrining Perkembangan (KPSP) is done for each child assisted by child’s mother. Children were screened using the correct form of KPSP according their ages. Results of developmental screening were then classified as consistent with developmental stage or possible of developmental delay.

RESULTSA total of 117 under five children assisted by their mothers completed a full developmental screening procedure using Kuesioner Pra Skrining Perkembangan. The number of boys and girls enrolled to this study is almost equal. About 31.6% of children at Kali Angke river side were possible of having developmental delays. The areas of developmental delays of children varied in all four major developmental aspects with language aspect had the lowest percentage.

CONCLUSIONThere were about one third children inhabited at Kali Angke riverside had possibility of having developmental delay based on Kuesioner Pra Skrining Perkembangan. Developmental stimulation should be implemented continuously to all the children while those with possible developmental delays should be assessed for further developmental status.


Research on Water Quality at Kali Angke

Senny Sunanisari, Yustiawati, Noverita Dian Takarina, Sunardi, Metta, Sinta Sari Wiria, Ari Estuningtyas, Conny Riana Tjampakasari, Mardiastuti H. Wahid, Rizal Subahar, Lisawati Sutanto,

Riani Widiarti, dan YasmanUniversitas Indonesia

River is one important water resources that give many benefits for human society. Characteristics of river reflect the environmental condition of the surrounding landscape. Water quality includes physical, chemical, and biological constituents affecting a stream’s physical condition and chemical constituents and the total of these characteristics may be accurately thought of as stream quality. Kali Angke is one of complex river ecosystem in Jakarta. This river provides benefit for the people surrounded such transportation, diffusion of wastes, fishing but in the other hand impact of these activities have degraded river condition. Some approaches can be used to evaluate the water quality.

This study evaluated the physical condition (pH, DO, temperature, conductivity, turbidity, and suspended solids) at Kali Angke (Kembangan/Duri Kosambi, Pesing Poglar, Teluk Gong, Pantai Indah Kapuk), and at estuary (four stations at the river mouth of Kali Angke). The pH value of Kali Angke waters is between 7,13 – 8,25, dissolved oxygen (DO) between 0.4 - 15,4 mg/L, water temperatures between 26,7- 30,2 oC, conductivity between 0,168 - 56,63 mS/cm, turbidity between 14,94 – 54,5 NTU, and TSS between 21,87 - 128,92 mg/L.

Based on heavy metal analysis using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, it is shown that the highest content of lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) content in Angke River is on the left of river mouth as much as 42.02 and 114.02 ug/L, respectively. For As and Hg, Duri Kosambi water has the highest concentration with value of 16.27 and 0.0016 ug/L, respectively. Meanwhile, concentration of lead (Pb) on the sediment range from 13,73 in Pantai Indah Kapuk and 56,10 µg/g dry wt (ppm) on the right side of river-mouth. Sources of lead (Pb) usually are from leaded gasoline, smelting, paint, and galvanizing, also electroplating factories. Cadmium (Cd) content in Angke river ranges from 8,92 µg/g dry wt (ppm) in Pesing Poglar and 124,33 µg/g dry wt (ppm) in river-mouth. The concentration of Arsenic (As) in sediments of Angke river and its estuary ranges from 3,55 - 134,28 µg/g dry wt.

The results from microbiological aspects showed that Escheria coli were found at all sampling stations, where the lowest MPN Total Coliform is at Pantai Indah Kapuk and the outer side of river mouth. From parasitological aspects, the study showed that the water of Kali Angke from Kembangan/Duri Kosambi to the outer side of river mouth has been contaminated by human feces, as Ascaris lumbricoides eggs were found in all sampling stations. Meanwhile, 13 (thirteen) species of phytoplankton which had already categorized as Harmful Algal Bloom species were also observed, dominated by Ceratium furca, Chaetoceros spp., and Skeletonema costatum.





Socio-Psychological VariablesRelating Living in Rusun Tzu Chi

Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono et al*

Universitasity of Indonesia

Kapuk Muara was a slum, over populated and illegal settlement (kampong) along the bank of river Angke at North Jakarta. Every year the kampong was flooded several times, nevertheless due to the strategic location and easy access to the business and industrial centers, the population kept growing with new migrants, instead of diminishing.

In 2002, after the big flood of Jakarta, the municipal government of Jakarta decided to clear the Angke river bank in its effort to minimize the impact of the chronic flood in Jakarta. The whole population was then moved by the government to a new high rise housing (rumah susun or Rusun), a few kilometers away, which has been build by a social foundation run by a Buddhist community called the Tzu Chi foundation.

This study is a descriptive, interdisciplinary investigation on the social-psychological adaptation process of a community after being coerced to move to their new resettlement. There are some significant environmental and social differences between the old and the new settlements, which make the resettlement is very unique to be studied.

Environmentally, the old kampong was watery (surrounded by water, always wet), dirty, dense, no open space (for children to play etc), no public facilities. On the other hand, it is located near the industrial and business area of North Jakarta (Teluk Gong area), where it is relatively easy for the people to earn their income by doing various informal or petty jobs. Whereas the Rusun is very well designed and maintained (by the management), very clean, with much open space and public facilities, including schools, public clinics (at a very minimum to free of charge for the inhabitants of Rusun), tap water and mosques. Yet the Rusun is relatively far from business centers, so that those who would like to work have to pay some money for the public transportation.

Socially, in the old kampong there is relatively no rules for the people, whereas in the Rusun there are some rules, such as they have to put rubbish only in litter boxes, they are not allowed to do their petty business (food stalls, petty shops etc) outside the allocated areas, etc. There is some very small amount of money they have to pay for the maintenance of the Rusun (which is perceived by the people as rental payment that they are not used in the kampong). The people in the Rusun have also to deal every day with the management, who are mostly non-Moslem (Buddhists), which also new to them, considering their traditional and conservative Moslem way of life in their old kampong.

Raw data of this study were collected through qualitative and quantitative method. Qualitatively some techniques were employed such as participatory observation, depth interviews and focus group discussion. Quantitatively we used survey techniques and statistical analysis. Some secondary data were also collected.

Some results of this study are quite interesting. In general the respondents feel much better in their new settlement, since their present environment is much better and healthier than their old

* Prof. Dr. Sarlito W. Sarwono (psychology), Prof. Drs. Adrianus Meliala, MSi. MSc. Ph.D (criminology), Drs. Bambang Widianto, M.Si. ME (anthropology), Harsanto, S.H., M.H (law), Dra. Sri Murni, M.Kes (social welfare), Johanes Herlijanto, SS. M.Si (sinology), Eko A. Meinarno, SPsi. M.Si (anthropological psychology), Idhamsyah, SFil. M.Si (philosophy), Ringking M. Korah, S.Psi. MPsiT (psychometrics).


settlement. They also enjoy the public facilities, particularly the low cost (but high physical and service quality) of school and clinics. On the other hand, they are complaining about the monthly retribution, which they perceived as monthly rental. They perceived themselves as the victim of government’s penggusuran (forced to move) policy, not as people who are rescued from the flood and given a better settlement. Therefore they couldn’t understand why they have to pay monthly rental. They even expect that the government should provide them with monthly financial support, since they have lost their jobs since being moved to the Rusun.

Another interesting finding is that being treated well by the management and given full freedom to exercise their Moslem faith (including provided mosque), the respondents have a very tolerant attitude toward non-Moslem. This tolerance makes them different from their neighbors living in a neighboring Rusun provided by the government (mostly traditional and conventional Moslems), and makes the inter-group relation with the inhabitants of neighboring Rusun is not so good.


Adapt in High Rise Building

Eko A MeinarnoUniversitas Indonesia

Changing happens in every aspect of human’s life, and one of it is settlement pattern. Space limitation has impact on costly buildings. Citizen especially in Jakarta must be ready to life in flat houses that has different system then use to be. The issue that has arisen is citizen adaptation physically and socially into the new environments. It has been observed many obstacles, but the most prominent is social problem specifically economy. This essay is based on data from UI-Tzu Chi research and literature researchers.

Key Word: flat house, landlord, Tzu Chi Organization, physical adaptation, social adaptation, poverty, culture


Deviant Behavior in Rusun Tzu Chi

Adrianus Meliala, Herlina Permata Sari, Asep Adisaputra, Yogo Tri HendiartoUniversitas Indonesia

This presentation first explores the concept of deviant behavior and t how far it is different from offence as well as criminal behavior. Deviance usually needs context and may be indeed limited to that context. However, deviant behavior may also be seen as preliminary step prior developing to more serious situation.

Later, the researcher explores the dynamic of deviant behavior that prevails in Rusun Tzu Chi and how this community understands that. Interesting situation is expected as people who live there may or may not have similar perception on deviant behavior as outsider’s. More than that, insiders even do not acknowledge the fact that certain kinds of deviant behavior would have grown to be a more serious and advance level.

This may explain why a community seems protecting criminals living in their own neighborhoods and, at the same time, rejecting the presence of law and at the same time, keeps continuing the same behavior from time to time. It will be found out whether or not the Tzu Chi community has similar tendency. This presentation will do its best to find cases which is or once practised by the member of community.

Police data will be sought to find out profile of deviant behavior as understood by local police. Police data will also be referred to find out information on pattern of offence or criminality resulted from people living in Rusun Tzu Chi.


Ethical Concern and Practices in Religious Cooperation

Prof. Lu Hui-hsinTzu Chi University

The research targets at the residents of Great Love Village I and II, which were both constructed in Jakarta by Tzu Chi Foundation (Tzu Chi), and the teachers and students in Nurul Iman Islamic Boarding School, which has received aids from Tzu Chi. We explore how Muslims accept the assistance from Buddhist Tzu Chi, whether their religious life and faith have changed as a result of contact with Tzu Chi, and how they perceive Tzu Chi’s helping task. The project is also interested in understanding how the Indonesian Muslims are confronted with disaster and poverty and what faith they hold when helping others, in comparison with Tzu Chi volunteers. We intend to examine how believers perceive sufferings and overcome them in time of trials and difficulties from the viewpoint of the two major religions (Buddhism and Islam) during international disaster relief. Furthermore, we deliberate what inter-religious dialogues have been undertaken in face of sufferings and how the dialogues relate to the overall concerns of religion and global ethics throughout the world.

During the past two years, we went three field research trips and interviewed about forty people, including majority Muslims and others Chinese Tzu Chi volunteers. We also participated and observed Tzu Chi volunteers’ activities. We find that in the eyes of flood victims moved from the Angke river, Tzu Chi plays as a charity organization cooperating with the Indonesian government in disaster relief and house building, rather than changing the religious life and beliefs of residents. In the beginning, victims worried that they would be forced to convert to Buddhism. Later, they learned that a Moshulla (praying room) was established in the Great Love Village, and that in the Elementary and Secondary schools set up by Tzu Chi, female teachers were allowed to wear headscarves and Islamic education courses continued to be offered, they were relieved from wariness. Tzu Chi volunteers and the residents mutually respect each other’s religious belief in their interactions. Tzu Chi volunteers do not preach but instead they promote Master Cheng Yen’s teaching of “Still Thoughts Words” (Jing Si Aphorisms). Residents, religious teachers and the principal of Nurul Iman Islamic Boarding School interviewed identified Jing Si Aphorisms as moral education and practical guidance of conduct. They considerd values of Tzu Chi as similar to Islamic creed, such as helping others, maintaining peace, and respect other religions. Many people from both Great Love Villages and Nurul Iman Islamic School joined Tzu Chi volunteer activities. These Muslim volunteers expressed that by working with Tzu Chi, they had a better and steadier understanding of their own belief. Tzu Chi also provided them with opportunity of enhancing their self-dignity and bringing out their virtuous potentials. This study represents a practical co-operation model of inter-religious dialogues, which is based on ethical concerns and practices commonly shared by the two religions when confronting human sufferings.


The Effects of Educational Aid to Learning Performance among Disadvantaged Students: The Case of Jakarta Tzu Chi School in Indonesia

Ho Yun-Chi1 Hsu Mutsu2 Shie Rei-Guin3 Asti Dwi4

1Assisstant professor, Graduate Institute of Education, Tzu Chi University2 Professor, Department of Human Development, Tzu Chi University

3 Elementary School Teacher4 Project Researcher, Indonesia Tzu Chi Foundation

Education is a powerful way to eliminate poverty and resist inferiority, and also a radical way to make a country powerful. The educational report of the World Bank suggested the NPO to focus their educational aid on providing access to, creating equity, promoting educational quality, and increasing educational resources. The educational aid program enhanced by Indonesia Tzu Chi Foundation on the Angke River Relocate Project adequately responded this recommendation. In th is report the authors intend to evaluate the effects of this educational aid program with a set of data based on the fieldwork we conducted between 2006 and 2008, the interviews and observations of students, teachers, parents and volunteers, plus the related documents. Accordingly we found that: the Jarkata Tzu Chi School does provide a better environment for students’ learning and good quality of teaching so as to improve students’ learning performance and provide a better quality of competence for future employment. Given that the effects of education investment is hard to come into view in a short time, the educational aid of Indonesia Tzu Chi Foundation indeed has satisfied to some extend the students’ needs of “knowing and self-actualization” and the feeling of hope. By expanding more secure guarantee and educational opportunity, those disadvantaged students moving from the Angke River Bank to Great Love Village I for the first time have the chance to make a dream of their future. Indonesia Tzu Chi Foundation has played a key role as a well functioned NPO, not only preserving teenager’s education rights, but providing a good opportunity to the disadvantaged students and in the time strengthening their educational competency.

Key Words: Indonesian Tzu Chi Foundation, educational aid, disadvantaged students, learning performance, Non-Profit Organizations


Children's Growth and Changes: What happened after children studying in TC School?

Jui-Chun HsiehTzu Chi University

Education involves much of the future of a country. It is also a hope project for individual’s intelligence. Some NGOs have already discovered that investing in education is investing in the future and the power of a nation. Education will help the receivers to be truly self-independent.

The Jakarta Tzu Chi School in Indonesia, included in the Angke River Restoration Project, is operated by Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation Indonesia Branch and is a special case among all the schools reconstructed by Tzu Chi Foundation.

The participants of this study is students of the Jakarta Tzu Chi School in Indonesia. The main purposes of this study includes: to explore the impact of the educational aid project on the Jakarta Tzu Chi School students.

The author interviewed 6 Indonesia Tzu Chi volunteers, 15 teachers, 31 students, and their parents and worked in the field to get the first-hand information. The result is analyzed and the main finding is summed up as follows:the educational aid project has brought change and hope to the students. The school offers equal educational opportunity and makes students cultivated. They are anticipated to have the chance to create their own life and then do good for the society and benefit others in the future.

Based on the above finding, the author had two dimensions of suggestions. The first is about the Jakarta Tzu Chi School; the second is for Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation Indonesia Branch:1. The Jakarta Tzu Chi School in Indonesia should make good use of patients to increase the

efficiency of school management. It should also set up archives of teaching materials and establish internet access to ensure teachers sufficient teaching resources. Historical records of the school should be kept, too.

2. Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation Indonesia Branch should work out vocational training projects to enable teachers to identify with the Tzu Chi philosophy and to promote the teaching quality. Besides, the Office of Tzu Chi Humanities should be formed to manage present volunteer resources.

Key words : Educational aid, Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation, The Jakarta Tzu Chi School in Indonesia


Interethnic Relations in Jakarta Great Love Village

Mutsu Hsu, Asti Dwi, Chao-wei HoTzu Chi University

To explore how the relocation program moving from the Angke River to Great Love Village, we adopted both quantitative and qualitative methods to more than 100 residents from 2006 to 2008. It was found that (1) the villagers demonstrated rather positive stereotypes toward Chinese. The top ten highest frequencies given by the interviewees are (1) eager to progress, (2) hard working. (3) intelligent, (4) neat, (5) strong family bond, (6) honest, (7) polite, (8) compassion and love to give, (9) suspicious, (10) trustworthy, (11) good heart, (12) orderly, and (13) friendly. All traits but suspicious are positive terms attributing to Chinese. The comparisons of residents’ evaluation toward selves and Chinese indicated significant differences, with self-evaluation better than that of Chinese, illustrating strong self-identity. Yet, the stereotype scores toward the Chinese reported by the residents are quite positive in average, which shows their good impression of Chinese. Regarding the interethnic interactions, about 30% residents have interacted with Chinese quite often or always, even though relatively fewer interactions were given to commercial and financial relations. These results testified to the fact that the interethnic relations between the residents and Chinese are not as intense as the interethnic history may have suggested. To enhance better relations, we recommend more interactions with the youngsters as they demonstrated more distance with the Chinese as they have to work off the village such that have fewer chance to interact with the Chinese.



Penanggung Jawab : Bachtiar Alam, Ph.DHong Tjhin

Panitia Pengarah : Prof. Dr. Sarlito W SarwonoProf. Dr. dr. Aisah, SpKK(K)Prof. Adrianus Meliala, Ph.DProf. Hsu Mutshu Dr. Ir. Budiarso, M.Eng

Panitia Pelaksana

Ketua : Tirta Nugraha Mursitama, Ph.DWakil Ketua : Dwi Astuti, M.Si

Dr. Yin LimingDr. Yoki Yulizar M.Sc

1. Sekretaris/Registrasi : Rr.Tutik Sri Hariyati SKp., MARS Cucu Sukaesih

Wanti Wulandari, S.SiNovena Damar Asri, S.SiNs. Dina Wulandari, S.KpNs. Dwi Dharmaningsih, S.Kp Vera Andriyani, SKM

2. Sponsor/Bendahara : Ir. Abdul Muis /Konsumsi A. Utomo

A.A. Ayu Ratna Dewi, SE., M.Si.,Ak.Almira Gitta, S.HumIbnu Andika, AmdAfni Felia Adya, Amd

3. Acara/Persidangan : Dra. Fatma Lestari, Ph.D.Fuad Gani, MASiti Badriyah, SKMIr. Tawang Sotya DjatiLike Hermansyah Suharti, AmdMartina Lenora LIndah Ayu Permata Sary, SKMLenny Maykel Mulyawati, SKM

4. Akomodasi : HartonoSuryanaSudarmadji, M.Si

5. Publikasi & Dokumentasi : Adi PrasetioAnand Ahmad Nizami, S.Si

6. Transportasi & : Sudarmadjii, M.SiPerlengkapan Ir. Teddy Kurniawan Gusti, MT

Muklis Sutarmi, S.PdYusuf



Daan MogotTangerang Grogol



RusunCinta Kasih I

Jl. Kapuk Raya

Pantai Indah Kapuk

Tol Bandara


Keluar pintu tol Kamal


Peta RumahSusun Cinta Kasih I

Arah Jakarta