REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA SECOND TRADE AND TRANSPORT FACILITATION PROJECT COMPONENT 2: 3.4 KM ACCESS ROAD TO KAPITAN ANDREEVO BCP, PART OF MARITSA MOTORWAY UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (UEMP) Final Sofia, June 2010 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized


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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN



1. Background ............................................................................................................................... 1 2. Environmental issues related to the access road, segment of Maritsa Motorway..................... 4 3. Environmental impact mitigation measures during road pre/construction

and operation ............................................................................................................................. 6 3.1. Mitigation measures during the pre-construction and construction stages ......................... 6

3.1.1. Air quality ................................................................................................................. 6 3.1.2. Surface water............................................................................................................. 6 3.1.3. Soil pollution............................................................................................................. 6 3.1.4. Flora .......................................................................................................................... 6 3.1.5. Fauna ......................................................................................................................... 7 3.1.6. Waste management ................................................................................................... 7 3.1.7. Noise.......................................................................................................................... 7 3.1.8. Health protection and occupational safety ................................................................ 7 3.1.9. Cultural heritage........................................................................................................ 7

3.2. Mitigation measures during road operation ........................................................................ 7 3.2.1. Air quality ................................................................................................................. 7 3.2.2. Soil and water pollution ............................................................................................ 8 3.2.3. Waste management ................................................................................................... 8 3.2.4. Noise.......................................................................................................................... 8 3.2.5. Health and safety protection...................................................................................... 8

4. Environmental monitoring plan during construction and during operation.............................. 9 5. Institutional arrangements ....................................................................................................... 10 6. Public disclosure, consultation and public hearing ................................................................. 11

APPENDIX 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 13 Updated Environment Mitigation Plan ............................................................................................... 13 APPENDIX 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 17 Updated Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) ............................................................................. 17

1. Monitoring during construction .............................................................................................. 17 1.1. Air quality ......................................................................................................................... 17 1.2. Surface water..................................................................................................................... 18 1.3. Noise.................................................................................................................................. 18 1.4. Soil pollution..................................................................................................................... 19

2. Monitoring during operation ................................................................................................... 20 2.1. Air quality ......................................................................................................................... 20 2.2. Noise.................................................................................................................................. 20 2.3. Soils................................................................................................................................... 22

APPENDIX 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 23 MINUTES OF MEETING.............................................................................................................. 23

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


Abbreviations List

ACP Additional Counting Point BAS Bulgarian Academy of Sciences BCP Border Crossing Point BDA Biodiversity Act BPD Border Police Directorate BDS Bulgarian State Standard CAW Construction and Assembly Works CIRT Center of Investigation of the Road Transport CM Council of Ministers CMD Council of Ministers Decree CPS Civil Protection Service DCF Discounted Cash Flows DNCS Directorate for National Construction Supervision DIOX Dioxins and furans DSP EA

Detailed Spatial Plan Environmental Assessment

EEA Environmental Executive Agency EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMoP Environmental Monitoring Plan EMP Environmental Management Plan EPA Environmental Protection Act ЕU European Union FEA Full Environmental Assessment GDP Gross Domestic Product GHG Green House Gases GP Gross Product HHPL Human health protection limit IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICE Internal Combustion Engines IRR Internal Rate of Return IT Income Tax MAC Maximum Allowable Concentration MH Ministry of Health MoI Ministry of Interior MoF Ministry of Finances MLSP Ministry of Labor and Social Policy MoEW Ministry of Environment and Waters MP Monitoring Point MRA Municipal Road Administration MRDPW Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works MRDPEE Methodology for Road Development Projects Economic Efficiency Evaluation MW Motorway NAIM National Archaeology Institute with Museum NIHM National Institute on Hydrology and Meteorology NMVOC Non Methane Volatile Organic Compounds NPV Net Present Value NSI National Statistical Institute PAH Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


PCBs Polychlorinated biphenyls RFPRS Regional Fire Protection and Rescue Service RIoEW Regional Inspectorate on Environment and Water RIPHPC Regional Inspectorate of the Public Health Protection and Control RPD Regional Police Directorate RTA Road Traffic Accident RTP Road Traffic Police SA Statistical Annual SG State Gazette SMVI State Motor Vehicles Inspectorate SOP Stable Organic Pollutant SP Sampling Point ТЕМ Trans-European Motorway TEN-T Trans-European Transport Network TIR Heavy freight vehicles TTFSE Trade and Transport Facilitation in South-Eastern Europe UEMP Updated Environmental Management Plan UFEA Updated Full Environmental Assessment UWB Underground Water Body WB World Bank

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


1. Background The Government of Bulgaria (GOB) has received a Loan from the World Bank for financing the Second Trade and Transport Facilitation (TTFSE II) Project. The Project aims to enhance regional trade and transport through optimizing the use of Trans-European Network corridors, with a focus on the core network, i.e. Corridors IV (Kapitan Andreevo-Sofia-Vidin), Xc (Kapitan Andreevo-Sofia-Kalotina), and VII (Danube River) for transit and trade. In addition to improving the border control stations at Kalotina at the border with Serbia, and Kapitan Andreevo at the border with Turkey, the Project is financing part of the Maritza Motorway; a stretch which is about 3.4 km long. [Pic.1]

Maritsa Motorway is an important transport way of national and international significance. It is an integral part of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) Corridor No.4, the Trans-European North-South Motorway (TEM), linking the countries from Eastern and Central Europe to the Middle East and Asia. The TEM total length, including Maritsa Motorway on Bulgarian territory, is 365 km.

The project will finance the construction of a 3.4 km-long access road, linking the Maritsa Motorway to Kapitan Andreevo BCP. This new road will remove the existing bottleneck on TEN-T corridors IV and Xc. Currently the entire traffic to and from the BCP passes through Kapitan Andreevo Village. The new access road will by-pass Kapitan Andreevo Village to get to BCP and will provide a multi-lane access to BCP. The integrated design of the access road and of the BCP will provide an adequate cross border traffic management avoiding potential bottlenecks following the expansion of the crossing point.

At the end of 2009 the initial technical design prepared in 2007 – Option “Close TIR-connection, low vertical alignment” was revised in order to avoid to affect traffic built-up areas, to reduce the embankments volume and the construction cost of the project by modification of the design speed, of the road overall dimensions and of the transport streams diverging diagram in the area of Kapitan Andreevo BCP. The access road is an extension of Maritsa MW, taking into account that downstream km 113+880 the overall dimension changes from G28 to G20 and the road split in two-lane connections with separation of the incoming and outgoing vehicles in cars stream and TIR stream. The access road alignment under the design option from 2009 is developed entirely inside natural not built-up area to the North of the existing barbed wire fencing thus reducing the acquisitions of petrol stations, catering and trade establishment and areas dedicated to petrol stations construction, which in the design option from 2007 were part of the access road easement and the project implementation was significantly more expensive.

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


Pic 1: Layout of the alignment under the design option from 2009





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Maritsa River




Project: A1 MARITSA MW Orizovo – Kapitan Andreevo B CP Section: Svilengrad – Kapitan Andreevo BCP from km 114+000 to km 117+345.10

General layout map

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


In accordance with World Bank safeguard policies OP 4.01 on Environmental Assessment, an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the two border crossings at Kalotina and Kapitan Andreevo was developed during project preparation; it was agreed that for the 3.4 km segment of the Maritza Motorway an Updated Full Environmental Assessment and a separate Updated EMP (the current document) is necessary to be prepared as soon as the design option Alignment from km 114+000 to km 117+345.10 – technical design project, 2009 is available for project implementation.

The Updated Full Environmental Assessment was developed by the “DANGO PROJECT CONSULT” Ltd. and disclosed according to the public information requirements.

The first public meetings and consultations held with the stakeholders – public groups, institutions and NGOs – on the Updated environmental documentation were held on October 12th and 13th, 2009 in the offices of the Municipality of Svilengrad town, Municipality of Kapitan Andreevo Village and Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point.

The Updated Environmental Management Plan (UEMP) for the 3.4km segment of the Maritza Motorway, included in Component II of the TTFSE II Project, was proposed in the Updated Final Environmental Assessment Report prepared by the Consulting firm.

The public hearing that discussed the outcomes of the Updated Full Environmental Assessment was held on 28 December 2009 in the Kapitan Andreevo Village.

The Updated EMP for Component II of the TTFSE Project is this separate document. Mitigation measures proposed to reduce possible environmental impacts are outlined in Appendix 1. The related monitoring activities are described in the Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) attached in Appendix 2. Appendix 3 includes the Minutes of the public consultations carried out for the UFEA and UEMP

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


2. Environmental issues related to the access road, segment of Maritsa Motorway

The construction of the access road under the TTFSE II Project will result in: emissions of pollutant in the ambient air, surface water and soils; alteration of the acoustic ambience; waste generation; plant and animal species habitats disturbance; and landscape modifications.

During the construction mainly dust and exhaust gases from the construction and transport equipment will be emitted in the air. During operation the basic air pollutants will be nitric oxides, carbon oxides, particulate matter and VOC.

Concerning the surface water, during construction pollution of the Kalamitsa River by spoil and oil products may occur. During operation no changes in the quality of the surface water are expected.

During construction, changes in the acoustic characteristics of the environment and of the village may occur as a result of the concentration of construction and transport equipment. During the operation of the access road, noise impact over allowed limits is not expected in the residential areas.

Waste will be generated in the construction phase as well as during operation. The waste will be collected and disposed on the dedicated locations agreed in advance with the Contractor.

Some disturbances of the biodiversity will occur in the construction phase and will consist in the degradation of the existent flora along the road route.

The present vegetation populations, being affected by the access road construction, refer to biocenoses, created by man or under the strong anthropogenic influence, with poor species variety and lack of uniqueness in populations, with high degree of tolerance and recoverability (based on the analysis made in the Full Environmental Assessment).

Subject of protection in the region are the natural habitats, included in Annex 1 to the Biodiversity Act (BA) and Annex 1 to the Directive 92/43/EEC, namely: 6210 Semi-natural dry grass and bush populations on limestone (Festuco- Brometalia); 6220 Pseudo-steppes with wheat and annual plants of the class Thero-brachypodietea; 62АО East Sub-Mediterranean grass populations; 91АА Eastern forests of white oak (Quercus pubescens); 91МО Balkan-Panonian oak and durmast forests; 92АО Riverside galleries of willows and poplars (Salix alba, Populus alba).

Such natural habitats types are not identified in the area of the access road route, where the construction works will take place.

Among the species identified in the access road route there are no habitats or fauna species of significant conservation value. In the process of construction of the access road, the following habitat will be temporarily disturbed: representatives of the reptiles (Reptilia) including the Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni), the Spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo gracea), the Caspian whip snake (Coluber caspius), the Aesculapian snake (Elaphe longisima); of small mammals (Mammalia) such as the Hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor) and the Weasel (Mustela nivalis), and birds (Aves) (the Partridge (Pedrix pedrix), the Quail (Coturnix coturnix), the Field-lark (Alauda arvensis), nesting on the soil). During the operation of the road segment insignificant impact is expected. It would affect some fauna species by worsening the adjacent habitats quality due to noise contamination and disturbance in territories immediately adjacent to the road route. In this aspect the bird sensitivity in comparison with the other animals is more considerable (the Partridge (Pedrix pedrix), the Quail (Coturnix coturnix), the Field-lark (Alauda arvensis), the Tawny Pipit (Anthus campestris), Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba), Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), Short-toed Lark (Calandela brachydactyla). Other possible impact is the mortality from collision of animal species with motor cars on the road. The most vulnerable in this respect are slow moving reptiles (terrestrial turtles), small mammals

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


(hedgehogs), as well as the nocturnal rodents. With respect to the birds, the most vulnerable are the songbirds and the young birds.

Changes will occur in some landscape characteristics as result of the earth works during construction and the new technological elements introduced with the project implementation (Trumpet junction, reconstruction of rural roads with implementation of flyovers and a railway flyover).

The possible negative impacts on the environmental aspects and factors are expected mainly during the construction phase, for which mitigation measures are included in the project design and the tender documents. It should be noted that no people are living close to the border crossings, as during the previous regime settlements were not allowed closer than 1 km from the border, and currently no new settlements have been identified close to the border crossings.

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


3. Environmental impact mitigation measures during road pre/construction and operation

3.1. Mitigation measures during the pre-construction and construction stages

To ensure the implementation of the environmental mitigation measures, in the process of preparation of bidding documents for selection of contractor for execution of construction, special provisions will be stipulated in the Technical Specifications and in the Bill of Quantities. They will be included as a part of the Construction Contract according to the requirements of the provisions of the actual Spatial Development Act, as well as to the Appendix 1: Environmental Mitigation Plan and Appendix 2: Environmental Monitoring Plan.

3.1.1. Air quality

The measures to be taken to mitigate or reduce the adverse impact on the air quality are: Еarth borrowing sites, waste disposal sites and provisional auxiliary sites related to the construction works shall be identified and coordinated with the municipality administration; operation of road-building machines and vehicles with defective engines shall not be allowed; idle running of the engines of construction machinery and vehicles shall not be allowed; overloading of trucks with bulk materials shall not be allowed; trucks with bulk materials shall be covered during transportation on main roads; sites for temporary storage of bulk materials and construction waste in dry and windy weather shall be moistened; equipment for preparation and laying of asphalt mixture should not be allowed to run completion of the respective works; upon completion of construction works at a specific section, the areas dedicated to temporary storage of inert materials and construction waste shall be duly cleaned.

3.1.2. Surface water

The measures to be taken to mitigate or reduce the adverse impact on the surface water are related to interdiction of any disposal of construction waste materials in the Kalamitza river bed. Typical design measures to capture possible runoff of materials during the bridge construction or its operation and to avoid any pollution of the surface water during construction shall be incorporated in the design. The construction and transport equipment used shall be in good working state in order to prevent the pollution of the surface waters by oil products. Technical design of 2009 provides conservation of the existing household irrigation water-mains and the water-main from the water source located at km 115+700 m supplying water to the village. A reconstruction within its cross section with the road route is foreseen in order to assure its further service and maintenance.

3.1.3. Soil pollution

The measures to be taken to mitigate or reduce the adverse impact on the soil pollution include: provision of temporary drainage systems of the construction site in order to minimize the soil erosion during works; proper storage of excavated humus layer from the affected high productivity land that will be used in the landscaping of the roadside areas; organization of an information campaign for the land owners to keep the strip of 100m on both sides of the road free of agricultural crops.

3.1.4. Flora

The measures to be taken to mitigate or reduce the adverse impact on the flora in the project area are: maximum compatibility of the tree and bush varieties with the environment conditions and the existing local vegetation shall be pursued for the arrangement of the roadside areas; largest contribution broad-leaved tree variety shall be envisaged; the arrangement of roadside areas shall exclude invasive bush species.

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


3.1.5. Fauna

The measure to be taken to mitigate or reduce the adverse impact on the fauna is the construction of protective enclosures along the access road to BCP Kapitan Andreevo against access of the animals when crossing the road and trespassing the project area.

3.1.6. Waste management

The measures to be taken to mitigate or reduce the adverse impact of waste generation are: collection of the hazardous waste in special containers; temporary waste storage on the dedicated sites whose bottom layer is sealed with compressed insulation materials; preliminary planning and lying down of the borrowed excavations, storage areas for additional materials, disposal facilities for humus and for unsuitable materials only in the road easement zone in order to avoid impact on sensitive areas.

3.1.7. Noise

The measures to be taken to mitigate or reduce the possible adverse impact of noise generation are organization and management measures, namely: in order to reduce the noise impact on the residential area, the construction activities in the road sections close to the settlement area shall be well organized and conducted mainly during the daytime period in accordance with the national legislation; idle running of construction machines shall be avoided; the heavy vehicles participating in the construction process shall observe preliminary delineated routes and shall observe strictly the allowable traffic speed when crossing settlements.

3.1.8. Health protection and occupational safety

Preliminary safety measures shall be taken at the construction site in installing protection fencing and warning signage in order to prevent risks for the population and livestock safety.

The main requirements for the occupational safety and health at working places shall be observed: during operation using drilling equipment anti-vibration gloves shall be used; crane, excavator and bulldozer operators shall be provided with ear protectors; in the hot season the excavators and bulldozers cabins shall be provided with ventilators and the operators shall wear suitable working clothes for the season.

For the improvement of the living conditions in Kapitan Andreevo Village, proper work organization shall be created – strictly delineated route for the construction vehicles, ban on idle running of the equipment engines; implementation of the construction works only in daytime period, between 07.00 and 19.00 h.

3.1.9. Cultural heritage

The risk subsists that the civil works affect unrecorded up to now archaeological sites and satellite structures. This imposes to carry out preliminary archaeological prospecting at pre-construction stage in the scope of the project road alignment.

Control has to be carried out during construction stage on the earth works related to excavations and penetration in the soils layer by supervision in separate road sections and periodic survey along the whole road route by archaeologists.

3.2. Mitigation measures during road operation

3.2.1. Air quality

The measures to be taken to mitigate or reduce the adverse impact on the ambient air during the road operation are: timely cleaning of sections contaminated by bulk material or spilling of other harmful substances; transportation of bulk materials with adequate cover in closed-type platforms; the overloading of the transport equipment by bulk and powdered materials shall be prohibited.

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


3.2.2. Soil and water pollution

The measures to be taken to mitigate or reduce the adverse impact on the soil are as follows: cleaning shall be made of the faced trench system, providing the drainage of the contaminated oil run-off water and relevant evaporation pits shall be implemented for its reception in order to not been directly evacuated and to contaminate soils and water; organization shall be established by municipality offices for cleaning of the roadside area and the temporary parking areas from household and other waste and penalties for the offenders shall be introduced as well.

3.2.3. Waste management

The emergency decontamination from different liquid or solid hazardous waste in emergency situations or road traffic accidents shall be performed only by specialized organizations and the waste shall be handed over for destruction to licensed legal persons depending on the type of waste concerned.

3.2.4. Noise

Noise impact reduction in the residential area shall be ensured by permanent maintenance of the road pavement. Noise level measurement in front of the roadside village buildings shall be performed and comparison with the forecasted levels shall be made. In case of exceeding of the forecasted levels and of the sanitary limits, anti-noise measures shall be planned.

3.2.5. Health and safety protection

For the improvement of the living conditions of Kapitan Andreevo Village population, it is required to perform: regular maintenance of the cleanness and good working condition of the road aiming to reduce dust concentrations, including particulate matter in the ambient air; forestation by a dust- and aerosol–detaining green belt of suitable tree species around the access road from the site of Kapitan Andreevo Village.

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


4. Environmental monitoring plan during construction and during operation The environmental monitoring plan is an important element of the environmental management aspects of the project. The objectives of the environmental monitoring are: to check the impacts forecasted in the Updated Environmental Assessment (UEA); to determine the actual extent of the impact; as well as to monitor effect of proposed mitigation measures.

The RIA, in close collaboration with TTFSE II PIT, shall be the responsible entity for the monitoring implementation and is the organization which shall elaborate a plan for carrying out the monitoring surveys in compliance with the proposed monitoring actions stipulated in the Updated Environmental Assessment Report and this Environmental Monitoring Plan (UEMP).

The Updated Environmental Monitoring Plan (Appendix 2) shall be submitted for approval to the respective Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water (RIoEW) and to the Executive Environmental Agency (EEA) before the start-up of the construction works.

RIA shall assign to an authorized laboratory the implementation of the appropriate monitoring surveys during the construction and operation of the access road

The results from the monitoring studies shall be summarized by RIA and the Agency shall prepare an annual report which shall be submitted to the competent authorities (RIoEW and EEA). In the cases when discrepancies are found as compared to the regulatory provisions on environmental protection, RIA shall develop additional mitigation measures against unexpected impact in excess of the permissible limits.

The competent authorities (RIoEW and EEA) shall approve the results from the performed monitoring surveys and the proposed additional measures.

The approved Monitoring Report shall be submitted to the supreme control authority – the Ministry of Environment and Waters (MoEW) and Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (MRDPW) in the structure of which RIA is included.

The TTFSE II Project Implementation Team shall submit the Monitoring Report to the World Bank for further review and file records.

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


5. Institutional arrangements The TTFSE II Project is implemented by a Project Implementation Team (PIT) at the Ministry of Finance (MOF). The PIT have the overall responsibility for project implementation and coordination, for all components, including planning, procurement, disbursement of funds, monitoring the use of funds, auditing arrangements, monitoring and evaluation, supervising the implementation of the Environmental Management Plans (EMPs), and reporting on the progress of implementation and use of project funds.

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance has been appointed as the National Project Coordinator of the proposed Project. This enables a direct and active participation of the management of the Ministry of Finance in the project implementation.

The National Customs Agency (NCA), the General Directorate “Border Police” (GDBP), and the National Roads Infrastructure Agency have an active role in the proposed project. The PIT directly involves each entity for matters relating to that entity in order to ensure an efficient implementation of the proposed project. The RIA in particular is represented in all matters concerning the access road to Kapitan Andreevo BCP under Component 2. This covers review and approval of the technical design, land acquisition, support in procurement and contract execution. The NCA, GDBP and RIA have appointed a Project Coordinators. The PIT together with these three organizations is implementing the Project.

The leading role for the Construction of 3.4 km access road to Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway, is assigned to the Ministry of Finance and in particular to the Project Implementation Team (PIT) together with the Road Infrastructure Agency. The PIT, acting under the Project Manager, in coordination with the NCA Project Coordinator, the GDBP Project Coordinator and the RIA Project Coordinator, is performing all technical responsibilities for Project implementation,

The organization responsible for the feasibility study and the technical design of 2007 is RIA. The technical design reworking from 2009 is commissioned by the Ministry of Finances. The design documents are elaborated by a design company and are submitted for approval to DNCS to MRDPW.

The responsible entities for the implementation control during the construction of the designed mitigation measures are the Directorate for National Construction Supervision (DNCS) at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (MRDPW), the Regional Inspectorate of the Environment and Waters (RIoEW) at the Ministry of Environment and Water (MoEW), the Regional Inspectorate of the Public Health Protection and Control (RIPHPC) at the Ministry of Health (MH), the local Mayoralty, the Municipality, the National Archaeology Institute with Museum (NAIM) to the Ministry of Culture (MC), the Road Traffic Police (RTP) at the Ministry of Interior (MI), the Road Infrastructure Agency RIA, the Executive Environmental Agency (EEA) at the MoEW and the Ministry of Finances through the Project Implementation Team.

The control over the implementation of the mitigation measures during the operation of the access road shall be exercised by: the Road Infrastructure Agency, the Municipality, the Regional Inspectorate of the Environment and Waters (RIoEW) at the Ministry of Environment and Water (MoEW), the Executive Environmental Agency (EEA) at the MoEW, Svilengrad Municipality, the Road Traffic Police (RTP) at the Ministry of Interior (MI), the State Motor Vehicles Inspectorate (SMWI), Civil Protection Service (CPS).

During the construction and operation of the access road to Kapitan Andreevo BCP responsible entities for the monitoring of all aspects relevant to works are RIA, RIoEW, EEA and MoEW.

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


6. Public disclosure, consultation and public hearing The first set of consultation working meetings dedicated to the disclosure of the new project option (2009) to the interested institutions and the concerned population were held on 12 October and 13 October 2009 on the territory of Svilengrad Municipality, Kapitan Andreevo Mayor Administration and Kapitan Andreevo BCP. The representatives of the different institutions approved the initiative of the promotion of the modifications introduced in the design since the initial option presented in 2007. The implementation of the intended project will solve a considerable social problem, such as re-routing of the traffic outside the populated area contribution to the improvement of the environmental situation on the territory of the village and not affecting the existing built-up areas at Kapitan Andreevo BCP entrance.

Local residents agreed with the proposed new option that will solve a lot of environmental problems such as air pollution, intensive traffic and high traffic velocities. Besides, the noise problems and the traffic accident problems in the village will be solved as well. In view of the lands occupied by the road route, the general opinion of the attendees was that the incomes from the lands are minimal, because they are mainly leased.The main crops grown there are wheat, sunflower, corn and tobacco. Also, a few estates with perennial plants such as vineyards are affected and the concerned owners of these estates will be compensated in accordance with the Land Acquisition Plan.Construction works outside the scope of the acquired lands are not been foreseen.

Some of the residents expressed the opinion that all of the people are eagerly waiting for the traffic re-routing out of the village and that the benefits of such a change are obvious for them. The noise is loud and the houses are shaken by the current traffic of heavy trucks. The residents of the village are ready to contribute with their land to the solution of these problems.

In conclusion of the meeting the attendees expressed the shared opinion of the population that the access road of 3.4 km needs to be constructed, passing north to the village. It is well understood by all attendees that the construction of the motorway and its extension by an access road to the BCP at the northern part of the village will solve the health-related problems of the people from Kapitan Andreevo Village, as well as their environmental problems.

At the meeting it was also discussed the issue of road traffic accidents on the existing road. The population of the Kapitan Andreevo Village supported the solution for re-routing of the traffic out of the populated area. According to the information provided by the local people, recently there have been some victims of traffic accidents including children and adults. The traffic through the village causes considerable problems to the local people and livestock.

The public hearing of the Updated Full Environmental Assessment including the Updated EMP was held on 28.12.2009 at16.00 h in Kapitan Andreevo village. The public hearing was attended by the village inhabitants as well as by representatives of the Border police, Customs, Svilengrad Police Directorate, Bulgarian Railway Company, Haskovo WSS, DNCS, Kapitan Andreevo Mayoralty, and Svilengrad Municipality etc.

Consultant that prepared the UFEA has acquainted the attendees with the result of the environmental assessment, has informed the stakeholders of the above-the-limit emissions of nitrogen oxides emitted by the traffic passing through the village, as well as of the above-the-limit noise levels. The noise levels recorded in 2009 shows close values to the levels recorded in the period of elaboration of the FEA in 2008. Similarly are also the results from analyses of the soil samples taken in 2008 and in 2009. The village inhabitants expressed their explicit standpoint for conservation of the water-main for household irrigation at km 115+000 and the water-main from water source located at km 115+700 m supplying water to the village. The “Consultant” has explained that the project road route

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does not affect the water intake source because it is not in the project area scope and that according to the technical design of 2009 the existing water-mains would not be affected by the implementation of the new road alignment option because it is foreseen to keep these facilities passing under the road by performing some reconstruction in the crossing section in order to provide their service and maintenance (two inspection pits are planned at both ends of the water-mains crossing section with road alignment.) The design option from 2009 foresees the dedication of areas to parking lots from both roadsides of the access road. The attendees were interested in the project implementation term and recommended that the construction starts as soon as possible. The village inhabitants expressed their support to the project and mentioned the adverse effect of the 24-hours emissions of noise, harmful gases discharged by the motor vehicles engines passing through the village and the risk of tragic road accidents. The project implementation will solve some considerable environmental problems associated with the pollution of the air quality and high noise levels, as well as some safety-related problems

The attendees at the public discussion accepted the report of the Updated Full Environmental Assessment and expressed their support to the intention to relocate the traffic out of the village. Appendix 3 includes the Minutes of the public consultations carried out for the UFEA and UEMP.

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN



Updated Environment Mitigation Plan Environmental

issues Measures taken or to be taken Approx.

cost (EUR)

Implementing organization



A. Pre-Construction stage

1. Dust/air pollution

Preliminary identification and coordination with the municipality administration of the earth borrowing sites, waste disposal sites and provisional auxiliary sites related to the construction works

-- Contractor

Directorate for National

Construction Supervision


Kapitan Andreevo Mayor Administration

2. Soil erosion/water pollution

Provision of temporary drainage systems of the construction site in order to minimize the soil erosion and water pollution during works




3. Immovable cultural relics

Preliminary archaeological prospecting in the scope of the planned access road alignment


Civil Works Supervisor



Ministry of Culture (MC)

4. Risk for the population

Preliminary safety measures by installing protection fencing and warning signage on the construction site

5,260 Contractor DNCS

B. Construction stage After completion of the construction and assembly works, the temporary open storage areas for inert materials should be cleaned

2,000 Contractor DNCS

1. Dust/air pollution The vehicles that deliver

construction materials should be covered in order to reduce risk of spilling and further contamination

-- Contractor DNCS

Humus and inert materials should be stored in piles and fences to prevent spreading during rain weather should be foreseen




Storage of inert materials close to the river Kalamitsa bed should be avoided

-- Contractor DNCS

2. Soil erosion/ water pollution

Design and implementation of four evaporation pits incorporated to the

15,600 Designer DNCS

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Environmental issues

Measures taken or to be taken Approx. cost


Implementing organization



run-off drainage system for Kalamitza bridge structure


Garbage tanks and sanitation facilities should be provided in the construction camp, waste evacuation and disposal should be organized

8,200 Contractor DNCS

3. Construction camp related organizational aspects Waste in septic tanks will be cleared

periodically 3,000 Contractor

Regional Inspectorate of

the Public Health Protection and

Control (RIPHPC)

Personal protective means for noise protection and noise exposure limitation of the construction workers should be foreseen in the areas of the construction site with noise overload, according to the regulatory requirements

2,600 Contractor Ministry of Labor and Social Policy


In the road sections next to population area the construction activities should be completed in daylight period from 07.00 h to 19.00 h.

-- Contractor DNCS

4. Noise

The construction and transport equipment should be maintained in good engineering conditions and idle running should be avoided

-- Contractor DNCS

Humus topsoil should be conserved and reutilized for reclamation measures.

2,600 Contractor

DNCS, Svilengrad

Municipality, RIoEW

Construction vehicles should run at temporary accesses roads to avoid damaging arable lands and cattle-raising lands

-- Contractor

DNCS, Kapitan

Andreevo Village Mayor


5. Conservation of the environmental resources

Construction of protective enclosures along both sides of the access road to BCP Kapitan Andreevo to prevent access of the animals

-- Contractor DNCS

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


Environmental issues

Measures taken or to be taken Approx. cost


Implementing organization



During the construction works safety measures should be taken to prevent accidents for workers and population

-- Contractor MoI, MLSP, RIoEW 6. Risk related

to accidents Safety techniques should be strictly observed while carrying out earthworks

-- Contractor DNCS, MLSP

7. Immovable cultural relics

Control on the construction works related to penetration in the soils layer by supervision in separate road sections and periodic survey along the whole road route by archaeologists


Civil Works Supervisor



Ministry of Culture (MC)

Local materials should be used as much as possible so as to avoid long distance transportation, esp. that of earth and stone

-- Contractor MoF, RIA,


Timely evacuation of the surplus earth material to the dedicated disposal sites for storage and re-use at other construction sites.

Contractor DNCS 8.Communica-tion and transport

Temporary access outside the boundary of the access road to Kapitan Andreevo BCP construction site should be built for the agricultural machines, animals and people passage


Contractor MoI, Svilengrad


C. Operation stage The transportation of hazardous substances and cargos should strictly observe the requirements lying down in Regulation № 40/14.01.2004 on the conditions and methods of hazardous goods transportation (SG issue 15/24.02.2004)

-- Road Traffic participants


1. Accidents involving hazardous substances

In case of spilling of hazardous materials, it is required to inform the competent (CPS, RIoEW, Police, RFPRS, RIPHPC) and appropriate measures should be taken to limit and eliminate consequences related to emergency situation.

-- Road Traffic participants


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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


Environmental issues

Measures taken or to be taken Approx. cost


Implementing organization



2. Noise According to monitoring results, at places with excessive noise, sound barriers measures should be adopted

-- EEA – Regional laboratory


3. Impact due to bad drainage system maintenance

Drainage and outflow systems to be periodically cleaned in order to assure passing of water outflow

3 070 RIA RIA

4. Others Building construction at the distance of 50m is not allowed

-- Svilengrad Municipality


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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN



Updated Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) The Road Infrastructure Agency (RIA), in close collaboration with TTFSE II PIT, shall be the responsible entity for the monitoring implementation and is the organization which shall elaborate a plan for carrying out the monitoring surveys in compliance with the proposed monitoring actions stipulated in the Updated Environmental Assessment Report and this Environmental Monitoring Plan (UEMP).

1. Monitoring during construction

1.1. Air quality

During the construction phase the expected air pollution will come from the dust and exhaust gases released in the construction work sections (according to work stages) and at the storage areas (temporary storage areas) for bulk, spoil materials and construction waste.

Table 1 summarizes the main requirements for monitoring that need to be carried out by the responsible parties.

Table 1

Monitoring point

Pollutant Measurement parameters

Frequency Duration Timing

Approx. cost per

year (EUR)

Responsible organization

In the frame of the settlement next to the nearest building of the construction site

Total suspended dust, Fine dust (PM10) NOX

Dust concentration, air temperature, barometric pressure, relative air humidity

Every 6 months (alternating seasons)

24 hours

Monitoring shall be done when 70% of the construction and transport equipment is in operation


Haskovo regional laboratory, subordinated to the Environmental Executive Agency

In the frame of the settlement, next to the nearest building to the temporary storage for bulk or construction waste

Total suspended dust, Fine dust (PM10) NOX

Dust concentration, air temperature, barometric pressure, relative air humidity

Once per year (in dry season/ weather)

24 hours

Monitoring shall be done when 70% of the construction and transport equipment is in operation


Haskovo regional laboratory, subordinated to the Environmental Executive Agency

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


1.2. Surface water

Measurements to be performed during construction works on Kalamitsa River, see Table 2. Table 2

Monitoring point

Measurement parameters

Frequency Duration Note Cost per

year (EUR)

Responsible organization

Km 115+725, Kalamitsa River

Suspended solids, Oil products

Once in tree months

24 hours

According Ordinance No5/08.11.2000 on the terms and procedure for water monitoring


Haskovo regional laboratory, subordinated to the Environmental Executive Agency

1.3. Noise Measurements to be performed during intense construction works see Table 3.

Table 3

Monitoring point

Measurement parameters

Frequency Duration Timing Note

Cost per year


Responsible organization

In the frame of the settlement, next to the nearest building to the construction site

Noise Level (dBA)

Twice in the course of the construction works in this section

Three times during 5 minutes

Daylight period 07:00 – 19:00

According Ordinance No6/26.06.2006 on the environmental noise indicators


Haskovo regional laboratory, subordinated to the Environmental Executive Agency

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1.4. Soil pollution

The monitoring point used for soils monitoring shall be at km 114+550 whеre sampling and soil analysis was performed in 2008 and 2009 in the scope of FEA and in the scope of UFEA, which focuses on the background status of the soils.

Table 4 summarizes the main requirements for the monitoring performance. Table 4

Monitoring point

Measurement parameters Frequency Duration Timing Remark

Approx. Cost per



Responsible organization

km114+550 - 50 m from the roadbed; - 150 m from the roadbed

pH, Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd)

Twice – once at construction works beginning and once at construction works finishing

Once, at the depth of 20 cm

Single sample

Conventional monitoring BSS


Haskovo regional laboratory, subordinated to the Environmental Executive Agency

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


2. Monitoring during operation

2.1. Air quality

Monitoring during the operation of the 3.4 km access road to Kapitan Andreevo BCP will address the main pollutants causing significant atmospheric air contamination. It should be conducted once in five years, when data for the vehicles traffic counting are available. This condition is required to be observed because if sampling for emission analyses was made without taking into account the traffic, there is a possibility to distort the real pollution status coming from MV traffic.

Table 5 summarizes the main requirements for the monitoring performance. Table 5

Monitoring point

Pollutant Measurement parameters

Frequency Duration Timing

Approx. Cost per year


Responsible organization

Immediately to the counting point

Total suspended dust, Fine dust , (PM10) NOX, CO, Total Organic Carbon (TOC)

Pollutant concentration, air temperature, barometric pressure, relative air humidity

Once per 5 years

24 hours

Monitoring shall be done simultaneously with the counting of the passing vehicles


Haskovo regional laboratory, subordinated to the Environmental Executive Agency

Besides, the monitoring measurements are made in reference to wind speed and direction.

Data including results from analyses will be drawn up in accordance with regulatory requirements and within 15 days after their completion the reports will be submitted to the Controlling authority (RIoEW, the town of Haskovo).

2.2. Noise

Upon the commissioning of Maritsa MW, we recommend to conduct measurement of noise level in real conditions closely to the village spatial planning border in monitoring points located in front of the bare road sections (from km 114+300 to km 114+665; from km 115+140 to km 115+340; from km 115+700 to km 116+000). The measurements should be carried out during the heaviest traffic. If standard noise level is exceeded in these road sections, the foreseen elastic barrier shall be combined with anti-noise barrier.

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Table 6 summarizes the main requirements for the monitoring performance.

Table 6

Monitoring point


parameters Frequency Duration Timing Remark

Approx. Cost per

year (EUR)

Responsible organization

From km 114+300 to km 114+665 – at the nearest village spatial planning border in points, located in front of the bare road sections.

Noise level dBA

Upon road commissioning. In parallel to noise measurement, a counting of vehicles, forming the traffic shall be carried out.

According to the regulatory frame for the three phases subject to assessment.

Day Time 07:00 – 19:00 Evening 19:00 – 23:00 Night Time 23:00 – 07:00

According Ordinance No6/26.06.2006 on the environmental noise indicators


Haskovo regional laboratory subordinated to the Environmental Executive Agency

From km 115+140 to km 115+340 – at the nearest village spatial planning border in points, located in front of the bare road sections.

Noise level dBA

Upon road commissioning. In parallel to noise measurement, a counting of vehicles, forming the traffic shall be carried out.

According to the regulatory frame

Day Time 07:00 – 19:00 Evening 19:00 – 23:00 Night Time 23:00 – 07:00

According Ordinance No6/26.06.2006 on the environmental noise indicators


Haskovo regional laboratory, subordinated to the Environmental Executive Agency

From km 115+700 to km 116+000 – at the nearest village spatial planning border in points, located in front of the bare road sections

Noise level dBA

Upon road commissioning. In parallel to noise measurement, a counting of vehicles, forming the traffic shall be carried out.

According to the regulatory frame for the three phases subject to assessment

Day Time 07:00 – 19:00 Evening 19:00 – 23:00 Night Time 23:00 – 07:00

According Ordinance No6/26.06.2006 on the environmental noise indicators


Haskovo regional laboratory, subordinated to the Environmental Executive Agency

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2.3. Soils

The monitoring point used for soils monitoring shall be at km 114+550 where sampling and soil analysis is performed in 2008 and 2009 in the scope of FEA and in the scope of UFEA, which focuses on the background status of the soils.

Table 7 summarizes the main requirements for the monitoring performance. Table 7

Monitoring point

Measurement parameters Frequency Duration Timing Remark

Approx. Cost per year


Responsible organization

Km 114+550 - 50 m from roadbed; - 150 m from roadbed

pH, Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd)

Once per 5 years

Once, at the depth of 20cm

September- October

Conventional monitoring BSS


Haskovo regional laboratory, subordinated to the Environmental Executive Agency

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN




SUBJECT: Work meeting held on 12 October 2009 in connection with preparation of the updated Full Environmental Assessment (FEA) under the Second Trade and Transport Facilitation in South-East Europe Project (TTFSE ІІ Project).

Location of crossing Border police, Kapitan Andreevo BCP

Start hour: 10 a.m.

List of participants in the meeting:

1. Mr. Nikolay Todorov Ovcharov - Border Police Representative

2. Dipl. eng. Georgy Petkov – Manager Dango Project Consult Ltd

3. senior research associate Assenka Chalyova - Dango Project Consult Ltd

4. Dr. Margarita Voycheva - "Dango Project Consult” Ltd

During the discussions the following comments were made:

First, information was provided to Mr.Ovcharov about the purpose of the meeting and steps needed for the preparation of the Updated Full Environmental Assessment under the Second Trade and Transport Facilitation in South-East Europe Project (TTFSE ІІ Project). Mr. Petkov presented to Mr. Ovcharov the activity of DANGO PROJECT CONSULT LTD and the experts of his team who attended the meeting. Besides, Mr. Ovcharov was also informed about the project and stage of its execution as well as with the social and ecological requirements to projects financed by World Bank funds. Modifications of the access road to Kapitan Andreevo BCP, part of Maritsa Motorway alignment, in comparison with the project option from 2007, were presented to

Mr. Ovcharov. The Updated assessment will examine the new option of the alignment, designed in 2009 and will compare it to both options, studied within the Full Environmental Assessment made in 2008.

Mr. Ovcharov – I know that the previous option for the entrance at BCP passes on the currently exiting road. Where exactly the new designed alignment will pass?

Mr. Petkov - New designed alignment passes to the North from the current entrance through the fields and does not affect the built-up facilities alongside the currently existing road. Change of the alignment situation in comparison with the project from 2007 is after the railway up to the BCP.

Mr. Ovcharov – This is a good solution and we shall allow the project to be implemented easier and faster. At the moment we are facing some difficulties with the traffic capacity through the border point.

Mr. Petkov – Is it possible to provide us an access Northern from BCP in order to take some soil samples from the agricultural land in the region of the future alignment.

Mr. Ovcharov – Yes, surely, we could do it.

12 October 2009. Prepared by: [sgd.ill]

Margarita Voicheva

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MINUTES OF MEETING SUBJECT: Work meeting held on 12 October 2009 in connection with preparation of the updated Full Environmental Assessment (FEA) under the Second Trade and Transport Facilitation in South-East Europe Project (TTFSE ІІ Project). Place of meeting: Customs office at Kapitan Andreevo Start hour: 10.30 a.m. List of participants in the meeting: 1. Nikola Ivanov Karaivanov – Customs of Kapitan Andreevo Representative 2. Dipl. eng. Geogy Petkov – Manager Dango Project Consult Ltd 3. Senior research associate Assenka Chalyova - Dango Project Consult Ltd 4. Dr. Margarita Voycheva - Dango Project Consult Ltd During the discussions the following comments were made:

First, an information was provided to Mr.Karaivanov about the purpose of the meeting and steps needed for the preparation of the Updated Full Environmental Assessment under the Second Trade and Transport Facilitation in South-East Europe Project (TTFSE ІІ Project).

Mr. Petkov presented to Mr. Karaivanov the activity of DANGO PROJECT CONSULT Ltd and the experts of his team who attended the meeting. Mr. Karaivanov was informed that in 2008 the company executed Full Environmental Assessment of the foreseen access road connecting Maritsa Motorway with the BCP. Modifications of the alignment in comparison with the project option from 2007 were presented to Mr. Karaivanov. Updated assessment will examine the new project option of the alignment according the design of 2009 and will compare it to both options assessed by the Full Environmental Assessment, made in 2008.

Mr. Karaivanov – Well, I am familiar with your assessment from 2008. It is a good project solution that the flooding of the existing road during the high waters of the rivers will be avoided. I am aware that a new option of the alignment is designed. I hope that the new alignment will not be flooded by high wave.

Mr. Petkov - New designed alignment passes to the North from the current entrance through the fields. The modified section of the alignment situation in comparison with the project from 2007 starts downstream the railway up to the BCP. New alignment passes at high elevation over the elevation of Kalamitsa River and the railway and joins the BCP at about 150 m to the North from the existing entrance of the point passing through the currently cultivated fields. The new alignment option does not affect the facilities constructed alongside the currently existing road.

Mr. Karaivanov – It is needed the project to be implemented very fast in spite of the difficulties we are facing at the moment due to the waiting heavy trucks. When the commencement of the construction is expected?

Mr. Petkov – Construction will commence immediately after completion of the following procedures such as: update of the environmental assessment that we are going to finish by the end of the year. Then a processing of the plot plan follows as well as an assessment of the land cost for expropriation and a tender for construction will be launched. My forecast is that the possible construction startup will be by the end of 2010.

Mr. Petkov – Mr. Karaivanov, do you have any recommendation to us in order to take them into consideration during the update of the environmental assessment?

Mr. Karaivanov – No, I have no recommendations and requirements. I am aware that some changes of the Detailed Spatial Plan of the border cross point itself are foreseen.

12 October 2009. Prepared by: [sgd.ill] Margarita Voycheva

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN



SUBJECT: Work meeting held on 12 October 2009 in connection with preparation of the updated Full Ecological Assessment (FEA) under the Second Trade and Transport Facilitation in South-East Europe Project (TTFSE ІІ Project).

Place of meeting: Mayor's office of Kapitan Andreevo.

Start hour: 11.30 a.m.

List of participants in the meeting: 1. Vesselina Latunova Ivanova – Representative of the Mayor's office in the village of Kapitan Andreevo. 2. Kosta Vassilev Kostadinov - Resident of the village of Kapitan Andreevo, owner of an affected land 3. Dipl, eng. Geogy Petkov –DANGO PROJECT CONSULT Ltd Manager 4. Senior research associate Assenka Chalyova - DANGO PROJECT CONSULT Ltd 5. Dr. Margarita Voycheva - DANGO PROJECT CONSULT Ltd

First, the attendees were informed about the new task of the team of DANGO PROJECT CONSULT Ltd to update the Environmental Assessment made in 2008 of the project for displacement of the traffic to the BCP beyond the village.

Mr. Petkov informed the attendees about the changes of the alignment in comparison with project option from 2007. Updated assessment will examine the new option of the alignment from 2009 and will compare it with both options examined by the Full Environmental Assessment made in 2008.

Mr. Kostadinov – I an aware about the change of the project, we had meetings with the designers when they came here to make new measurements in the fields to the North from the BCP. As far as I know there are no changes of the alignment through my land North-West from the village.

Mr. Petkov - Yes, it is true. Changes are after the road from Border Police to the former quarry.

Mrs. Ivanova - Most people know that the process has been terminated and there will be a new project. Is it possible to let us know about the nature of the change?

Mr. Petkov - New designed alignment passes to the North from the current entrance of BCP through the fields. Change of the alignment situation in comparison with the project from 2007 is after the railway up to the BCP. New alignment passes at high elevation toward the river side elevation of Kalamitsa River and railway. The new option of the alignment does not affect the facilities constructed alongside the currently existing road.

Mr. Petkov – Do you have any recommendations or requirements to us in order to take them into consideration during the new environmental assessment?

Mrs. Ivanova - No, up to now nobody has claimed anything. Probably, you’ll present us the new assessment when it will be ready?

Mr. Petkov – Sure, we'll organize a Public Hearing of the finalized Updated assessment by the end of the year or in the beginning of the next year.

Mr. Kostadinov – We hope that this time the issue will be finalized and finally a new road beyond the village will be constructed.

Mr. Petkov – Yes, we do hope so.

12 October 2009. Prepared by: [sgd.ill] Margarita Voycheva

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN



SUBJECT: Work meeting held on 13 October 2009 regarding the preparation of the Updated Full Environmental Assessment (FEA) under the Second Trade and Transport Facilitation in South-East Europe Project (TTFSE ІІ Project).

Place of the meeting: Svilengrad Municipality Building

Initial hour: 11.00 a.m.

List of the participants:

1. Zlatomir Trendafilov Kovachev - EVN Bulgaria Distribution Company AD

2. Mihail Dimov Milev –ViK EOOD Haskovo, Svilengrad District

3. Dimitur Ivanov Yanakiev – Inspector PK with Regional Headquarters of the Ministry of Interior - Svilengrad

4. Gergana Dimitrova Toneva - Junior Expert EOS Municipal administration Svilengrad

5. dipl.eng. Georgi Petkov – Manager DANGO PROJECT CONSULT Ltd

6. senior research associate . Assenka Chalyova - DANGO PROJECT CONSULT Ltd

7. Mrs. Margarita Voycheva - DANGO PROJECT CONSULT Ltd

During the discussion the following comments have been made:

First, the attendees were informed about the purpose of the meeting and needed actions related to the preparation of the Updated Full environmental Assessment under the Second Trade and Transport Facilitation in South-East Europe Project (TTFSE ІІ Project).

Mr. Petkov informed the attendees about the changes of the project from 2007 and with the stages of its execution as well as with the social and environmental requirements under projects financed with funds by the World Bank. Component 2 of Design FTTSE ІІ - „Construction of 3.4 km access road to Kapitan Andreevo BCP was classified as a Category A development project according to the environmental and social requirements of the World Bank. WB find opportune to perform Updated Full Environmental Assessment of the affected regions considering the impact on the components and factors of the environment and people's health. The update of the Environmental Assessment was assigned to our company „DANGO PROJECT CONSULT” Ltd.

Mr. Petkov informed the attendees about the design option from 2009 and clarified the necessity for preparation of Updated Full Environmental Assessment (UFEA) of the access road to BCP and distributed to the attendee’s information leaflets about the forthcoming actions during the assessment. Also, he said that some measurements of the noise will be made during the day and night period as well as soil analyses for lead and heavy metals content are foreseen to be made. Measurements will be made at the same measurement/sampling points as during the analyses from 2008. Results will be applied and compared in the updated assessment.

Mrs.Toneva – It is good that you have organized the meeting and informed us about the project change regarding the reduction of the overall dimension of the access road, displacement of the alignment after the railway to the North of the existing entrance of BCP, decreasing of the numbers of acquisitions and that the existing constructions at the entrance of the BCP will not be affected. Your information will be also provided to other interested persons and organizations.

Mr.Yanakiev – I would like to inform you about the difficulties we are facing in view of the traffic from and to the BCP and discomfort of the employees and traffic police caused by the necessity to stop the heavy trucks before their entering the village of Kapitan Andreevo in order to afford the TIR staing on the territory of the village.

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


Mr. Petkov - Yes it is right. We are familiar with the problem and we spent yesterday all day in the region.

Mr. Yanakiev - I consider that it is needed to construct faster an access road to BCP Northern from the village so the waiting vehicles to be ordered at a car parking areas around the access road to BCP. In this regard, are there some car parking areas foreseen alongside the new alignment ?

Mr. Petkov - Yes, there are some areas detached from the both parties of the new designed alignment where some parking lots for stay will be built.

Mr. Milev - It is needed to consider that in the beginning of the above section a water supply pipeline is passing supplying the village of Kapitan Andreevo.

Mr. Petkov - Yes, we know that within the scope there is a water supply pipeline available and the designer foresees to reconstruct and keep the available water supply mains of the village of Kapitan Andreevo.

Mr. Kovachev - In EVN Bulgaria Electricity Distribution AD we are familiar with the change of the projects as well as with the foreseen reconstructions of our facilities. We do not have any other requirements to you.

Mr. Milev - It is needed to assess the project solution on the point of view of probability to prevent the flooding of the road alignment by the river of Kalamitsa and the river of Maritsa.

Mrs. Voicheva - Sure, we will take into account the facts related to the flooding of the currently existing road.

Mrs. Toneva – Are you going to present us the results of the measurement of the noise levels before the residents of the houses located alongside the existing road that crosses the village?

Mr. Petkov – It is for sure, these data will be provided to you. Also, we are going to provide you our updated assessment in order to aware you about the results of our analyzes and we are going to invite you to take part in the forthcoming public hearing in the end of the year or in the beginning of the next one.

Mr. Petkov – Dear Colleagues, do you have any other recommendations or requirements to us in order to take them into consideration during the implementation of the updated assessment?

Mrs.-Toneva – No, I don't have any other requirements to you. We are familiar with your environmental assessment from 2008 that is thoroughly made so now we are waiting for the forthcoming update considering the change of the newly designed alignment.

Dear Colleagues, do you have any other questions or recommendations?

Mr. Petkov – No, we don't have any. Meeting is closed.

13 October 2009. Prepared by: [sgd.ill]

Margarita Voicheva

Page 32:   UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (UEMP)...UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (UEMP) Final Sofia, June 2010 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public

Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN



SUBJECT: work meeting was held on 13 October 2009 related to the preparation of the Updated Full Environmental Assessment (FEA) under the Second Project for Facilitation of Trade and Transport in South-East Europe (FTTSE ІІ).

Place of the meeting: RIEW Hascovo

Starting hour: 9.00 a.m.

List of participants:

8. Dipl. eng. Tonka Atanassova - RIEW Haskovo

9. Dipl. eng. Georgi Petkov, Manager of Dango Project Consult Ltd

10. Senior research associate Assenka Chalyova - „Dango Project Consult Ltd

11. Dr. Margarita Voycheva - Dango Project Consult Ltd

In the beginning, Mrs. Atanassova was informed about the purpose of the meeting and about the needed steps, related to the preparation of the Updated Full Environmental Assessment under under the Second Trade and Transport Facilitation in South-East Europe Project (TTFSE ІІ Project).

Mr. Petkov presented to Mrs. Atanassova the activities of DANGO PROJECT CONSULT Ltd as well as he introduced the experts of the team who attended the meeting. Mrs. Atanassova was informed that in 2008 the company made Full Environmental Assessment of the foreseen access road connecting Maritsa Motorway with the BCP. Mrs. Atanassova was informed on the changes of the alignment comparing with the project option from 2007. Updated assessment will examine the new option of the alignment from 2009 and will compare it with both options examined from the Full Environmental Assessment made in 2008.

Mrs. Atanassova - Yes, I am familiar with your first assessment. In RIEW we have examined the new situation of the alignment and we have approved it. This is very good solution to avoid the flooding of the existing road alongside the railway over crossing where the lowest level is situated now.

Mr. Petkov - Do you have any other recommendations to use?

Mrs.Atanassova – No, at this stage we do not have any other requirements to you. It is needed to implement the project as soon as possible in order to solve the severe environmental problems in the region of the populated area and to eliminate any possible accidents with people and animals caused by the extremely heavy traffic in the village.

Sofia, 13 October 2009. Prepared by:

Assenka Chalyova

Page 33:   UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (UEMP)...UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (UEMP) Final Sofia, June 2010 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public

Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN



of the public hearing held on 28 December 2009 in the village of Kapitan Andreevo of the Updated Full Environmental Assessment under the component 2 of the TTFSE II Project Component 2: „Construction of 3.4 km access road to BCP Kapitan Andreevo, part from MARITSA MW”

Place of the meeting: village of Kapitan Andreevo.

Starting hour: 4 p.m..

List of participants:

1. Dipl. eng. Nedyalka Cholakova –TTFSE ІІ Project PIT Head

2. Dipl. eng. Georgi Petkov - Manager of Dango Project Consult Ltd

3. senior research associate Assenka Chalyova - „Dango Project Consult Ltd

4. Associate professor dipl. eng. Valentin Kamburov – TU Sofia

5. Stanka Nikolova - Dango Project Consult Ltd

6. Gergana Toneva – Junior Expert EOS

7. Vesselina Ivanova – Mayor's office of the village of Kapitan Andreevo

8. police inspector Atanass Krutov – Regional Police Office of the Ministry of Interior in Svilengrad

9. Dr. Mihaylov – Border Inspection Veterinary Service Kapitan Andreevo

10. Nikola Karaivanov - Customs of Svilengrad

11. Kostadin Kostadinov – Plovdiv railway section

12. Michail Milev - ViK EOOD Haskovo;

13. Daniela Mileva

14. Georgi Pavlov

15. Vassil Stoilov

16. Penka Dinkova

17. Kostadin Hristov

18. Dimitur Pasturmadzhiev

19. Krassimir Yanakiev

20. Maria Assenova

21. Dimitur Pandeliev

22. Mihail Atanassov

23. Dimitur Dobrev

24. Georgi Georgiev

25. Atanass Vulchev

Page 34:   UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (UEMP)...UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (UEMP) Final Sofia, June 2010 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public

Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


In the beginning, the attendees were informed about the purpose of the meeting and about the needed steps, related to the preparation of the Updated Full Environmental Assessment under the Second Trade and Transport Facilitation in South-East Europe Project (TTFSE ІІ Project).

Mrs. Cholakova presented the project to the attendees as well as the stage of its implementation and its social and environmental requirements to projects financed by the World Bank. Component 2 of TTFSE ІІ Project - „Construction of 3.4 km access road to Kapitan Andreevo BCP, part of Maritsa MW was determined as a project of A category according to the environmental and social requirements of the Bank. Also, the necessity for elaboration of the updated full environmental assessment for the „Construction of 3.4 km access road to BCP Kapitan Andreevo, Part from MARITSA was presented to the attendees.

Mr. Petkov presented to the attendees the full environmental assessment of the section involved in the territory of the access road and showed in details the impact of the traffic on the environment around the current alignment as well as the forecast data about the impact on the people's health, components and environmental factors of the implementation of the examined option „alignment from km 114+000 to km 117+345.10”, technical project from 2009 clarifying the drawings and announcing the results of the investigations made.

Mr. Petkov has informed the attendees about the NOx emissions exceeding the norm of the traffic crossing the village as well as the noise levels that are also above the limits. Results from the measurement of the noise level in 2009 are close to the levels measured during the period of execution of FEA in the beginning of 2008. Also, the results from the analysis of the soil samples are analogical to the ones made in 2008 and 2009.

Consultant determined the selected option as the explicitly better that the rest ones.

After the presentation of the assessment a free discussion started in order the participants to express their opinions and to discuss any questions and problems.

First question was posed by Mr. Mihail Milev - representative of ViK Haskovo and was related to two water supply pipelines crossing the road junction of Trumpet type.

As per his opinion the updated full environmental assessment has not examined these two crossings of the water supply pipelines. Also, Mr. Milev has required a copy from the updated full environmental assessment.

Mr. Petkov – Both water supply pipelines are examined. They are an integral part of the project of the alignment connecting Maritsa Motorway with the BCP. Designer has elaborated different parts for the reconstruction of the related engineering road infrastructure of some other institutions - water supply, ТТ cables of the BDZ, electric power lines. Project foresees protection of the water supply pipelines and provides possibility for their operation and service after the construction of the access road to the BCP.

Mrs. Cholakova – There are projects for protection of separate engineering facilities located in the scope of the access road to the BCP. Also, an outside functional lighting will be installed alongside the entire alignment of the connection of Maritsa Motorway with Kapitan Andreevo BCP.

Mr. Vassil Stoilov – There is a water capture called by us "Maikata" supplying water to two fountains in the village. One fountain is next to the Border Security Point and another one is in the center of the village against the Mayor's office. Catchment area is next to the rural road before the river of Kalamitsa. We would like this capture to be kept.

Mr. Petkov – Designer has foreseen to keep the water supply to both fountains. Alignment does not affect the water capture called by you Maikata.

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Updated Full Environmental Assessment of TTFSE II Project, component 2 UPDATED ENVIRONMENTAL “Construction of 3.4 km access road to MANAGEMENT Kapitan Andreevo Border Crossing Point (BCP), part of Maritsa Motorway” PLAN


Mr. Vassil Stoilov – Also, we would like to keep the water supply pipeline for irrigation purposes next to the former portal away from the village at km 115.

Mr. Petkov – This water supply pipeline will not be interrupted too.

Mr. Georgi Georgiev – What is the height of the underpass? Will it allow passing of the agricultural machines?

Mr. Petkov – Project foresees passing of any agricultural machines of any type and overall dimensions.

Mr. Dimitur Pandeliev – Number of agricultural passings is not sufficient.

Mr. Petkov – Designer foresees two agricultural overpassings for the traffic to the land Northern from the village in compliance with the Ordinance and rules during the design of road facilities.

Mr. Atanass Kurtov – Does the new option of the road alignment foresees construction of parking areas before BCP?

Mr. Petkov - Designer has foreseen some areas of construction of parking areas from both sides of the alignment.

Mrs. Vesselina Ivanova – We approve the construction of the road beyond the village, because it will help to avoid the disturbing day and night noise and the danger of accidents with people alongside the existing road.

Mr. Petkov – Yes, it is true and also the environmental situation in the village will be improved. There are no emissions of harmful substances by the internal combustion engines and the quality of the atmosphere air will be also improved considerably.

Mr. Atanass Vulchev – When the construction is going to commence? The situation is insufferable. It becomes worst and worst every day. Village has suffered enough. There are things more valuable than money.

Mrs. Cholakova – It is foreseen the construction to start in 2010. Money will be provided by the World Bank and the funds are deposited. We have constructed the point. Also, the road will be constructed ant the fact that we have this meeting now is evidence that the project is going on.

Mr. Georgi Georgiev – When the payment of the acquisitions will be effected?

Mrs. Cholakova – After completion of the procedure with the ready Plot plan we shall have a public hearing with you in the village in order to discuss the plot plan. After that we shall make assessments of the acquired lands, then the indemnifications will be paid to you and later the construction will commence.

Mrs. Danieal Mileva - When and how we shall be aware about the acquisitions?

Mrs. Cholakova – In the state gazette the Plot Plan will be announced after discussions with you and eventual objections so after that we shall continue with the evaluation of the land designed for acquisition and amounts determined by the evaluations will be paid as well.

Mr. Petkov – Are there any other questions? In not, the public hearing is closed.

Attendees in the meeting accepted the report on the updated full environmental assessment and they expressed their satisfaction of the project and willing to start its implementation as soon as possible.

Sofia, 28 December 2009. Prepared by: [sgd.ill]

Gergana Toneva, Junior expert in EOS Svilengrad Municipality