...unlimited library of lighting setups and record controls Cat. No. Description 602-060 Prestige...


Transcript of ...unlimited library of lighting setups and record controls Cat. No. Description 602-060 Prestige...

Page 1: ...unlimited library of lighting setups and record controls Cat. No. Description 602-060 Prestige 3000C Plus Series, 120V, C/DMX-512, Full Backup (2) color Monitors 601-152 (120V)
Page 2: ...unlimited library of lighting setups and record controls Cat. No. Description 602-060 Prestige 3000C Plus Series, 120V, C/DMX-512, Full Backup (2) color Monitors 601-152 (120V)
Page 3: ...unlimited library of lighting setups and record controls Cat. No. Description 602-060 Prestige 3000C Plus Series, 120V, C/DMX-512, Full Backup (2) color Monitors 601-152 (120V)
Page 4: ...unlimited library of lighting setups and record controls Cat. No. Description 602-060 Prestige 3000C Plus Series, 120V, C/DMX-512, Full Backup (2) color Monitors 601-152 (120V)
Page 5: ...unlimited library of lighting setups and record controls Cat. No. Description 602-060 Prestige 3000C Plus Series, 120V, C/DMX-512, Full Backup (2) color Monitors 601-152 (120V)
Page 6: ...unlimited library of lighting setups and record controls Cat. No. Description 602-060 Prestige 3000C Plus Series, 120V, C/DMX-512, Full Backup (2) color Monitors 601-152 (120V)