. t=OTCY AFT W IlflLftTliflF I TO gvE n. I...

s Atfttbn^n ’ArHcle Tte'R eserVa' ; Com. fr >ilTCW3a^^VisT0 ^ . KEEP,FORCESINUNE Xtftiitt to r Tiijiiiillr*' WASBDioioii, vP)-e«utii Mttoi QB artiBle‘t«a WU def«n-ed sgkls ic day'^ffllB t!i» leadon songbf to brlni ord®f.:5M of thp-' ■Ituation rilirolUttj froa yw tlH v ’i break np In .th« eon Iwmlao'^gqSatloiii. BopnbHean load#ra wero nailerltoo< -to bavo Indieateii .tlict tbey'mlglit oc •cept iritli certain ehaogea tho aobsti tuto ftftiele ton reurratlon nrged b; tho mild' reserTAtioaJata. ~ Amonir tho deaoerato tbe eompn miflo jidveeatea eontinuod &oti7 el;r < i work, Boine of them claiming tbo, could moBtcr thirty or moro votes fa tJio mbatitate. Pljjhtlng to hold tho admlnlatrttHo foree>i In lino, Senator Hltohcook o Nnbraakn, tho domocrntio Ifndor, wi unilcrntooc] to have siifti^Cfitcd thnt n effort bo modo to Rot notion In th •«onnto today, but tho domo«ratlc on ropubUcfln reBorvatlonista obtnlnpd (lolav whllo they coatinued tholr ncff tiationa for an ajfroemont. flPPiMOS llitO IEIIl Secretary Houiton. Boggesl Higher Tax to iid Former Serriee Men WASHINQTON, A bond leai ■nt «‘2,SOO,OOO,000 to p ay adjaatod eoi pcnsnHon to fonnor oorvlco men “ tolR TPBult in dliaitor” Secretary Houati - today told tho houac ways and mea committoo, whteh Ib conaldering aoldl relief Icgialation. ' Soggwts Incceued Taxes Increased toxei to extend old to f< ner acr\iee mon tms auKfrosted I the BccreJary as “ tho least hnrmi way,” but he aaid the proposod oxpi diture of two billion doUarB/’ wot be n Mrious one.for people to «onfro al this time.” "The preaent financial situation not critical," Mr. Houston oald. “ E' nomy by the people, avoidanco of wai In expondlturcB, economical appropr tlons by con(^e» and prudence haadllnij these appropriations will n urally relieve the sHnatlon.'' Purthor crodlt expaasion which > a factor in tho upward trend IIvIbr costs would bo Inevitable If othor bond Issue wero , jipprovod, aaid- Points to Difficulties The isBuinji of two bJUlon doll In bonda at this timo would bo a mi more Bcrloni propoaitlon than it ^ il iIutIbR tho wat, aovortiot ItardinR » the federjil re^t^rve board, told ' ■'committee. "First, tboro would bo a lacx pctrloUsm which helped in aolllns bo: durinff the war and secondly wo wo como into competition with all sorts comaoteial lavMtmont*,” Uo said. Oovemor Harding took issuo ^ atatcmenis of ropresontatlvea of dler orgaoiutions thnt bonds Issued lutdiers woold bo loeked up. " If they .could. afford to lock . thelr boads they don't need tUci he deelue&. ' SCRANTON STOPS MINI tatr' Aatiwaltiaa lake Poaaeuion g ^yarty Panding lnT«ftl«atinn SCRANTON, P#., (/P>—Tho «lty ihoritiea are today in possossioa of ■Oxford mine of tho Peoples Coal < pany In the exerclso of police po to prevent Its further oporation. fifty polieemen dotoilod at brewer and shaft ate keeping workmen away from tho place. Twelve other polleemen during night made thelr-wuy into the n through abandoned "cork and bot workings and have full eontroT In They had to break locka of birri nod division doors to g«t lato workings. There have been distarbanees al mine for two daya .arising from forts of the eity authorities to gali trance for tbe purpose of Invest log alleged reckless ood Illegal. log. _______ IDABO WBAIBBB Tonlgbt and Friday fair. [QO^ PAPJERj^J^ABli^ ataiaiyjs V - . ' S ' ;■ . t=OTCY AFT I TO gvE n. ^ Admiral Sims Resumes TesUnib^ ['I ; vestigatiflB Navdl'CSiiw^ D ei^^n t W lthhW ^Ini pean Waters febaiw of Api jjli tuainies . ______ _ RECORD k m m stx 7 DELAY ACTING ON m .. . -- to WASHIN(Krair. ' tbat the naTy deM ^eat withheld' in aeadlBg-iOi avaiSablQ .Aaierlean navtl eraft W Bufopwin wntani'eMi/ in the war beeanao of b 'deaireito taep the - main body of the nntion'a aea atreagth '■ iataet fcr 'poasibib'flvaatnalitlea wero coatained in Admiral 81na^ teatlmooy today beforo tho aanat® iommlttee ia- ^ veatlgstiog the .uval eoadaet of the_ war. He read 'a'eablogram from the aaa navy.dopartmieat, dated July,10, 1017, whleb deelaied "w hilo & sucoessfnl tenalaatloa of tbe preseat war muat at- ways be the flrat allied aim and will probably wwult In diminished tension ,,H. tbroaghont the world, the futuro post- 1 .- tioa Of tbo Unitod States muat la no * woy bo joopOrdlted,. by aay dlalatogra- tloB of OUT maia figbtlag floot.” At Ontllaes Qeaeral Flan Aoy Tho same cablegram, Admiral Sims for said, oontalaed this statement; "THft navy department anaounees as its gen* tion oral plan of aetioa tho follvwlng "its : of willingncsa to sond Ita-minor fight- waa iag forcca In aay number not jncom- : nn patlble with home noed to nny field the of action deemed advisabl<;ohy thu and allied'adtalralty countU;,U» oawUUn):. d a ness na a mattor of policy to scpunlo ego ony dlvifllon from .the main fleot for • aorvieo abroad nlthough it is willing to tend tho ontiro batleship fleet io I aot as a junlted but co-operating unit- when tho emor^ncy lB deemed to wnr- I tont It.” I' With rogard to thin messago and . statement of policy Admiral Sims sali in it WM, the. "first dofinito statemeiit fW -of- policy' I had received, arriviag a in f®’^ o'^er throo moaths aftor wo IU had declared war.” ^ "Tba aatotmdlng fMtnras of | »ts ... pollcy.were, h0 vevar/that while It .yi atatad car intention te co-operate , to tha foUest descae, atlll each co* peration waa conditioned first npon ' an adaattate defense of onr own Issue watera and noxt upon tho fntoro eom- poaitlon of tbe United Statea after light thlsvarwufbilahed,” aald the ad< iston mlraL A message roeelvod from tho naw dopartment, dated Juiy S, to tho ef- fect Ural' soveral smalt tcsboIs wero bclag seat to augmoat Ms forcos *'ia- , for. dieated that thoy woro at last begin- ^ ning to realize that tbere was a war •mfu fought In Europeaa watera,” do- zncn- elared Admiral Sims. On July 30 Admiral Sims testified ho front the navy department a review of the dlseussloaa of tho allied aaval council and reiterated his previous ro- iraJS (Conltaniid m P»«» Tonr) ■ )pria* — _____________ ___ __ _____ B- in “ ______________ ; ____________ nnt- . World Ne^ f Ul. I ---------------------- ^ --------------- :------------- OOPENH&aBN, (flP)— A I leave for America on April 8 oBara oan authorities for the estab] "wax tween the United States and ■xg ol ___ I tho DUBLIN, (/P)— At a meet: ionifll alliance, a resolution bonds detenoination of the sonth< wMid . mie by every means in their “‘iio, MADEID, (IP)— Itie UaioE f aol- ed against'participation in grew. Tha union is greatl; ek up of the international cpmmitt been/' from Madrid and decides ' precipitately and that the t canse in Spain immensely. pjj of MEXrOO CITY, (/P)— One nn have not been accounted foi nca, a mining city near Mex3 ‘S fho where fire broke out this ra II com- advices from Fachuca. poweti ' ~ = tb. SESSION NEARING ITS CLOSI ig aU _____ Waat Vlxgini* lefialatorB Plniahi m ie Principal Work w5th Bnffrage bottlo’'. rrijLd”.; CHAELE8T0N, W, Va., (/P)-Pro ri aratioM wero being mado by the We to ;ao Virginia legislature when house ai ni the tonvened today to bring the o ‘■y’ tra sosaion to a closo, tho princJp «- putyoKJ having boon attompUshed ! ratification of tho Anthony suffra osugai- amendment. There atill remained t enactment of legislatloa allowing m men to vote in West Virgiala. »g lative leaden predicted that the pai age. of a law dealing with profitebrl waa "highly iaptofeable.” ^ f e ' : ' ;■ [Mi^iH^ra ^iute dbifimlttee In- rotW aiv Rewalino IHdlcations that ding 411 Avallalile Craft to Euro- Apprahensibn for Possible Even- X TO EIGHT MONTHS ON RECOMMENDATION ISIMSILSFOR IHOOVERTOBIIGK I yPSMHUi gra- Former Food Administrator to Be Summoned by the Com- [ims mittee to Report on War Sit- S,'; uatlbn in Europe “lit -------- •om- WA8IITK0T0N, Horbcrt Hoov Held er will bo cnilcd to testify in tho aen- thu nto invcnligntion of thc navy's eon- duct of tho war. ^for l^t’ar Admiral Sims told tho iaqulry Iling commltteo todny thnt Mr. Hoovor had t io nn intimnto knowleilgo of the altnatlon uolf- in Europo nt tho tirao Amcrica entoro'd- the wnr and n^kcd that he bo aum- luij moncd to substantiate . U>o ndmlml'a ■ali testimony with ngard to tho gravity of ne“t jha aUle^.’_po^tto^ji^ibat time. r^wo Admiral Sims said iio ba dreeeived a ^ note from Mr. Hoovor says ho woold be hero Saturday and Chalrmaa Hate ^ agreed to call him oa thai dny. Admiral 81ms said ho would Hko to ». have tho fonnor food ndmlnlstrator on called beforo ho proceeded furthor in ^ order that there should "bo no doubt m in my mind that I hnvo substaDtiato-l tn the part of my letter in which I do* Ml* scribed tho gravity of tho crisis which we faced'4fKipi7 and pointed out how navy lo.dlsaator the lack of nction by , the dopartmont at that tim& brought wero “•*” ^ «Ma- --------- --- ------------ * MDIB SDPBEINTEIIBBST AUB ,’J*' : WITE nOHT FLAMES DKAIDBD CKIPPLE CREEK, Colo., yP)—Piro id ho today destroyed ihe shaft houso, the iview oro bouso and compressor room of thc iavnl IsaboUa Mints compaay on Bluhlll nea.- IS ro- horo. Tho loss la estimated at *100,000. ~ Frank Quan, sunerintendent nad his wife, fougbt th'o^nre nlono for an hour. ews Events -A Danish radio commission. will ril 8 to negotiate with the Ameri- stablishment of a radio service be- and Denniark. aeeting yesterday of the Irish on. tion was passed “reaffirming the >nthem unionists to oppose home ;heir power.” nion of Spanish Women has decid- , in the Geneva international con- eatly disappointed over the action mittee in transferring the congress' res that the oommittee acted too ;he decision will damage woman’s ly. ' " ...... . ' » •One hundred and thirty-six miners i for in: the El Bordo mine at Paoh- Uexico Oity in the state of Hidalgo, is morning; according to telephone LOSE BOMBING BREAKS UP IC Inlahaa Axrny Aviatora Prepata Today to 6 a tlnna Work on Ssaqnehanna POBT DEPOSIT, Md., (/P>—It Ib 1 —Prep- lievod- today that efforta to break t 0 Wo4t ice gorgo in tho Susquehanna river 1 so and lim bing from airplanes will be auece the ox- ful, rlnclpil The jam was looBcncd late ycat. Ud by dtvy to the fxtcnt that a email amoi] uffrago of ice nnd back water began pansi led the out into Chesapeake bay. Howor ng wo- tho channel waa not wide enough ^gia- a«9ure thnt the iee would not goi le pass- agaia and the airmen arranged to itebrlng tnm again today aod coatinoe th work. T d S I giillsgeiin W r TOiGOUNTIi at pm DELW a- [|. Confennce ofAmbassadors De- cides to Oeniami Application of Promised punishment fot Outraoes in Raltic V ORDER FO RIvACUATION OF.RAbKER^BURG PUSHED ~ Oovernment at Belgrade to Be . Admonlibed to Withdraw Jugo-Slav Forces to Comply with PrevloM Deoiaion k PARIS, wy-Tbe coaferebeo of an \ basaadors today H^idod to aead tb( Oorman govommont a very flnalj S plication of t^o peaaltfba promlaed foi tbo outrages suffered by officers ol the intor-allied commission to tfae Ba!' tie states doring the Oennan evacua tion of this region which haa hitbertc {q beca delayed. Tho cooforeacQ deeidod to demasd n* again that tho govemment at Bolgliidr |. ordor tho ovacuation of Badkersbarg 11“ which U atill occupied by tho Jugo Slavs, coatrary to tho declaloaa of thi conference. EO.s.lif[iy r IIOOIIiHjlPE rc'd- . ' ^ jn- Secretary HouBton Baya Ooa >!’« gressional Economies Clear ^ rinand^ Sltj^tlon _ a i WASHINGTON, OR—Tho IrCMor nld department has, not approved forme [aie Secretary McAdo.o’a plan of roducln taxes by means of ndditional bond ii sues. Secretary Houston today told th houHO ways and means committee i ktor reply to n qncstlon hy noprosentatlv in Prear, republican, Wisconsin, ubt European countries .made mintakc ito'l when they endoavotcd to moot war e; do- pendituren by constant credit dovieea, >Ich he aald. liow "They haven’t balanced budgets b by Increased taxos,” he said. Ight “ Has tho Issuance of treaaary cort fieatos inereaaed living-costsf” M Frcar aaked. > “ That is a broad field you are onto lap, but wo must retrace our steps 1 »BD bring down costs,” Secretary Houate Pi replied. ty,. . ImmedlatA decrMM In taxea 1a impoaalble, the aecretauy uldL added that In view of eeonamlea by congress the financial altnatlon ' conld be aacceasfuUy handled thla yaar nnder exlatlng tax lawa. ‘‘If wo Issae furthor bonds, it w =r» carry all securities lowor In their mi ~ ket values,” ho eontiaued. "How groat a depression would i anltt” asked Reprosentativo Oarai democrat, Texas. " i t might force the best securiti as low aa 00 and otbor down to 80, \ tho secretary replied. ^ NEGillB, : Gopim Central F i^ e in Lexingti i- Eiots Pays Penalty for the I. Death of School Oirl n EDDYVILLK, Ky., (ff)—Pot y,' Kimbrough,' alias Will Lockett, convl ed slayer of Geneva Hardman, a lO confessed elayor of foar other wom ►» died in tho electric chair at Eddyv: pridoD at 4:32 a. m., this morning. Guards appeared at Kimbrough’s i In dcatU row at 4;14 a. m. aad rs mediately escorted the negro to chair houio. There wero slight si, of emotion in Iiis foee as he was pla O, in tho electric chair and the bl 10 cap lowered ovor his head. Prieoa E triclan Collier turned on tho dec furrenl whieh killed Kimbrough w = in fifteen seconds. IPE? Two brothers of tho Hardman Ivi^ and seveatoca Lexington citizens, gethf j, with eight aoldieni aad twi I Ooa- prlnn guards witnessed the exocut k Continually during the night tho gro was beard praying , aad ^^<g Ib be- Hymns. He declared yesterday I ik the he was ready t^ dlo and that ho pro 'er by for the little ten-year-old . Hardi lecess- girl whom ho killod, and tho en llardjraa .family, rcater- , , »■ ■■ mourn PEaamNO to IKBPECT casta aasing WSSHINOTON, (;iV-Geaeral Pc wever; lag 'win leave about March 25 for Igh to Panama eanal-rone to inspeet the gorge Itary defsnses there. Thia will to re- stitnto the last lap of hla inspec their toar of the nation's military pi Be wiU be away two or three w< u s i IlflLftTliflF I BOiTI jg_ special FederalGn Ion apolid Alleges C for artCe in Ce NAMES OF ACCUSED VNTILOFFICi^h Be nroiAKAPOLIB, Ind., aw acy Were re tm e d agaiiuit 130 ply by a s p e ^ federal grand Jnry i here late today. The charge as xtporUd is oonqdrary ondar the -Larar Act to anha&oe tba ^ pric» of ae^eaaazlas by ractclstlag <tia- tclbntdon, Umltlng mannfaotora and by ally other *«»««■ oo&splfac^ to conmlt ap- offenae^aetinat lha UnltaA Btataa, aa is the ooda. Ziamos of thoae Indiotad will not ba annonaeed oxeept ae eaeh defendaat la aorved by a Hmted Slatea aiarahal with tbo indletmoat notiee, It waa aald. All . tho moa are aaid to be active in the aad ' i ABBREVIATED DEMAND Cf i[ INCOAL I Miners’ Delegat ^ ^fi^B^essntajtlye i •ary eratoris in St r rmor ' « ,clni; *ti,’o twenty - five per itlvc MAJORITY REPOR akei WASHINQTON, (;P>— A 2 ' tuminons ooal minera ia reoon a by (lie oommiaaion appointed by I .crti. strike. Mr. Va change In working honra or conditiona waa 7 oh& nter- P. White, tepraaentlng tha m lnm is tn held out for a higher waga InqaiMa. laton it w u aaid, and will somit Mmi- nority tepoct, la The wage increaaa propoaed will Ba haaorb the 14 per eent granted lea wen tha iaineT»,r«tttnxad to -woik Ion Ust November, so that the aotnal hia. incraaae ia 11 per cent over pna- eat wage#. Pavora Check Off Syatam Thc majority recommoadod that tb a " . check off systom, by which' tbo opon irncr collect from the minora diiea I ' tho unions bo retained. I t also re' rltleJ ommen.deil that tho qocBtlon of dlffo g(j >> cntlals bo tofcrred lo a apeclai cot mission to bo appolatod by the joli wage flcala eonfereaco a»d to roport two. yoara. Tbo wage Increase would not 1 mndo retroactive.' Tho commission d . not ask that tho powera of tho fuel a ' ministration bo conferred on it. lln ^ Tho majority made no recommend IIH iacreaaea to. eover t 111 I advance in wagba. Ita atatemoat th l l l l it did npt aak for fuel adnJnlstrmt powers waa taken to mean'^bat it he <rton that the-question of Inereaaed\nrle ^ was one for tho fnel admlaistratTon he docldel Dlaagteement Cansaa Delay Potrlt ^ disagreement 'botwcea Joha nvict- White and. tho representatives of t , oad public and the operators hold up t omon, ^i°al report'of the eommissios. lyvilln Commissioner Bemrandt Poalo, n ng. atood to bave joined' with Chairm ’s cell Robinson, the pabDc representative, ,d lm- a majority roport, which was sent ' o thi! day to President Wilson, but It w signn said at the Wbito House that the placnd _______________________________ black THIRST FOR INFOR EXCUSE FOR Di , 'to'! WaAiNQTON, (fl=)-E«l.tlv<« 1 twelve frlonda ^of Americans kidnaped cution. pancho Villa need bavo no concern to their safety aad may diamits y that fear that they may be beld for raai prayoil if they repoie full confidence ia a & irdman munlcatlon recently reeolvod from entire Moxican bandit leader. According hia note o( reaasuranco, he haa adop tho ooly practical meana he eaa th STAI* of to get a- friendly converaatioa t Porah- varioua repreaeatativo. Amerleaas i for tho erosa hla trail,-and,.while they are he mil- "guests” they will bo treated with .11 con- ery conalderatioa aad retaraed aaha pectlon ed aad.narobbed to their frlaada. posts The fubstaaee of Villa’a eaau» weeks, catioa waa traaamltted nholfleiallj Al m’M p H d illQ irand Jury at Indikn- Criniinai Contiiv- ^entral Field ' ID ARE KEPT SECRET NOTICES ARESERVEIk^m [/P)—Indictments charging ooatpir- ,30 mine operators, and ooal minera ry in the United Statea dittoiot ooiirt rary ao-ealled fiaatiml.< eoaipetittve Held, tba whieh embrMaa XIUnaU» ,Ohia > dia- and iratem Fanasylvaaia. U m ' than' s [ by oae-balf of-tha dafnadaata ara.i^V to raiit be mine oporatora. , aa The iadlotmnta aro drawn naSer aao' ' tiona 4 and 9 of the Lever aet and aee- i ba tioa. 87 ot tha orifflihe! eode. Tbe pen- t ia aity opon conviction la «dd to ^ . a " vlth fiae not exceeding IIIMlOO, or ia sp ^ . All onment for not mora than two yeara,. - the or both. t ^ . 1 WORK DAY lAUSES DELAY flOARDREPORT lie Disagrees With e s t 6»»WieJiniaL^^ ^ trike Settlement ------ --------------- ' A ' R CENT. WAGE BOOST }RT RECOMMENDATION k 26 per cent wage increase for bi- commended in a majority report of y President Wilaon to aettle the coal or port waa being held op awaitlag Mr. ha White % opinion. 1 ^ ' In his letter appointing .the ebauals- uia. ' aion tbe prealdeat roooested that the ni-' findings of tbe commisaloa be nnaai- moua, aad It ia leiowa that the eom- rill mission has been, eegagad for several ted days;in endeavorur ta iron oot ita dif- )ik - fereneea oal It was repartad moffldally that na- tha majority had taoonmandad a 25 per eent tnbsaaaa in S rk^ ultli . aliQllae. inereaae la ooal prices, t the while Mzl .White had aooght alao pora- for a aeren hottr day ea to Tho miners* originally ' demanded a ' rec 60 por e « t Increase in wans and a SO Hfer- hotit week, bat siftor conferoneea hero com* with Boerotaiy Wilson and tho opera- joint ton they ntodlflod thelr demanda to a ' Jrt ia 45 per cent inereaae. Blames United States ol ,d- for Turkish Troubles lenda- LONDON, (ff>--BIaMe for the ' k *v » troublea that are being experienced t tljat Bottling tho Turkiah problem tl “t tho door of tho Ualted t held states by Earl Curton, tho foreign wloea secretary, in oxpUdnlng the. peace ion to conference’s negotiations to the houae of lords today. , "The difficulty In fromlog the ha P. ■ treaty is largely duo to delay and )f the America ia roaponsible for the do- rp tho Ifty,” Lord Carton said. Tho foreign secretary added that I, rep- the peace eonfereac'e hoped that lirmoa when- tbo new states ,wero set up ve, ia in Asia Mlaor. however, that thu int to- Hnited States ^*would help mater- it was lolly in assisting the now Ar- he ro* meala.” 7RMAT10N VILLA’S DETAINING AMERICANS ta and offieera of tbo intolllgeace braach ot- 9d by the war department. ... ----- ■■ It was .explained la the taeaaage . I auccocedcd in. getting hero that liaa a u ^ Taguo idea of wiiat waa golajr raaaom on in tbe outsido world eoald b« had a com* whore he was; and tho desire'to loam - om the more to gala the Ame^eaa's-point ef Ung to vlow and a detertaiaatioa te give op- idopted portunitloa to carrv baek wiUi them i think some of bla owo theoriea of-what a m -with govemmeat 'ia Ji^ezioO AoiU be had as who caused him to dataraUaa ta n th ar la are his hia gueata whera he ^liht fSd thaa^ rith ev- regartlleas of their oawUU&fnaai to 4a* lahara* eept hla iavitatiaa. Sa. «dila4 that ds. from time othera wealft l>a brought- U, auanai- hot urged thoae lataraftM not .to bo- Lally to eoaaa alaraaA.

Transcript of . t=OTCY AFT W IlflLftTliflF I TO gvE n. I...

Page 1: . t=OTCY AFT W IlflLftTliflF I TO gvE n. I BOiTIHdillQnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · s Atfttbn^n ’ArHcle Tte'ReserVa' ; Com. fr >ilTCW3a^^VisT0


A tf t t b n ^ n ’A rH c le T t e 'R e s e r V a '

; Com.


X tftiitt to — r T iijiiiillr* '

WASBDioioii, vP)-e«utii Mttoi QB artiB le‘t«a WU def«n-ed sgk ls ic day'^ffllB t!i» leadon songbf to brlni ord®f.:5M of thp-' ■Ituation rilirolUttj fro a y w t l H v ’i break np In .th« eon Iw m lao '^gqS atlo iii.

BopnbHean load#ra wero nailerltoo< -to bavo Indieateii .tlict tbey 'm lglit oc •cept iritli certain ehaogea tho aobsti tuto ftftiele ton re u rra tlo n nrged b; tho mild' reserTAtioaJata. ~

Amonir tho deaoerato tbe eompn miflo jidveeatea eontinuod &oti7 el;r <i work, Boine of them claiming tbo, could moBtcr thirty or moro votes fa tJio mbatitate.

Pljjhtlng to hold tho admlnlatrttHo foree>i In lino, Senator Hltohcook o Nnbraakn, tho domocrntio Ifndor, wi unilcrntooc] to have siifti^Cfitcd thnt n effort bo modo to Rot notion In th •«onnto today, but tho domo«ratlc on ropubUcfln reBorvatlonista obtnlnpd (lolav whllo they coatinued tholr ncff tiationa fo r an ajfroemont.


Secretary Houiton. Boggesl Higher Tax to i i d Former

Serriee MenWASHINQTON, A bond leai

■nt «‘2,SOO,OOO,000 to pay adjaatod eoi pcnsnHon to fonnor oorvlco men “ tolR TPBult in dliaitor” Secretary Houati

- today told tho houac ways and mea committoo, whteh Ib conaldering aoldl relief Icgialation. '

Soggwts Incceued Taxes Increased toxei to extend old to f<

n e r acr\iee mon tm s auKfrosted I the BccreJary as “ tho least hnrmi way,” but he aaid the proposod oxpi diture of two billion doUarB/’ wot be n Mrious one.for people to «onfro al this time.”

"T he preaent financial situation not critical," Mr. Houston oald. “ E' nomy by the people, avoidanco of wai In expondlturcB, economical appropr tlons by con(^e» and prudence haadllnij these appropriations will n urally relieve the sHnatlon.''

Purthor crodlt expaasion which > a factor in tho upward trend

■ IIvIbr costs would bo Inevitable If othor bond Issue wero , jipprovod, aaid- •

Points to Difficulties The isBuinji of two bJUlon doll

In bonda at this timo would bo a mi more Bcrloni propoaitlon than i t

i l iIutIbR tho wat, aovortiot ItardinR » the federjil re^t^rve board, told '

■ 'committee."F ir s t , tboro would bo a lacx

pctrloUsm which helped in aolllns bo: durinff the war and secondly wo wo como into competition with all sorts comaoteial lavMtmont*,” Uo said.

Oovemor Harding took issuo atatcmenis of ropresontatlvea of dler orgaoiutions thnt bonds Issued lutdiers woold bo loeked up.

" I f they .could. afford to lock . thelr boads they don 't need tUci

he deelue&. '

SCRANTON STOPS MINIta tr ' Aatiwaltiaa la k e Poaaeuion

g ^ y a rty Panding lnT«ftl«atinn

SCRANTON, P#., (/P>—Tho «lty ihoritiea are today in possossioa of ■Oxford mine of tho Peoples Coal < pany In the exerclso o f police po to prevent Its further oporation.

f if ty polieemen dotoilod a t brewer and shaft ate keeping workmen away from tho place.

Twelve other polleemen during night made thelr-wuy into the n through abandoned "co rk and bot workings and have full eontroT In They had to break locka of b irri nod division doors to g«t lato workings.

There have been distarbanees al mine for two daya .arising from forts of the eity authorities to gali trance for tbe purpose of Invest log alleged reckless ood Illegal.log. _______ ■

IDABO W BAIBBBTonlgbt and Friday fair.

[ Q O ^ PAPJERj^J^ABli^

ataiaiyjsV - . ' S ' ;■

. t=OTCY AFT I TO g v E n .

^ Admiral Sims Resumes TesUnib ['I ; vestigatiflB Navdl'CSiiw^

D e i ^ ^ n t W l t h h W ^ I n i pean Waters febaiw of Api

jjli tuainies . _______


m .. . - -

to WASHIN(Krair.' tbat the naTy d e M ^ e a t withheld'

in aeadlBg-iOi avaiSablQ .Aaierlean navtl eraft W Bufopwin w ntani'eM i/ in the w ar beeanao of b 'deaireito tae p the

- main body of the nntion 'a aea atreagth '■ iataet fc r 'poasibib'flvaatnalitlea wero

coatained in Admiral 81na^ teatlmooy today beforo tho aanat® iommlttee ia-

^ veatlgstiog the .u v a l eoadaet of the_ war. He read 'a'eablogram from the

aaa navy.dopartmieat, dated Ju ly ,10, 1017, whleb deelaied "w hilo & sucoessfnl tenalaatloa of tbe preseat war muat at- ways be the flrat allied aim and will probably wwult In diminished tension

,,H. tbroaghont the world, the futuro post- 1. - tioa Of tbo Unitod S tates muat la no* woy bo joopOrdlted,. by aay dlalatogra-

tloB of OUT maia figbtlag floot.”At Ontllaes Qeaeral Flan

Aoy Tho same cablegram, Admiral Sims for said, oontalaed this statement; "THft

navy department anaounees as its gen* tion oral plan of aetioa tho follvwlng " i ts : of willingncsa to sond Ita-m inor fight- waa iag forcca In aay number not jncom- : nn patlble with home noed to nny field the of action deemed advisabl<;ohy thu and allied' adtalralty countU;,U» oawUUn):. d a ness na a mattor of policy to scpunlo ego ony dlvifllon from .the main fleot for

• aorvieo abroad nlthough it is willing to tend tho ontiro batleship fleet io

I aot as a junlted but co-operating unit- when tho emor^ncy lB deemed to wnr-

I tont It.”I ' With rogard to thin messago and

. statement of policy Admiral Sims sa li i n it WM, th e . " f i r s t dofinito statemeiit f W -of- policy' I had received, arriviag a i n f®’ o'^er throo moaths aftor wo I U had declared war.” ^

"Tba aatotmdlng fM tnras of |» t s ... pollcy.were, h0 v e v a r/th a t while It.yi atatad ca r intention te co-operate

, to tha foUest descae, atlll each co* peration waa conditioned firs t npon

' an adaattate defense of onr own Issue watera and noxt upon tho fntoro eom- poaitlon of tbe United Statea after light th lsv a rw u fb ila h e d ,” aald the ad< iston mlraL

A message roeelvod from tho n aw dopartment, dated Ju iy S, to tho ef­fect Ural' soveral smalt tcsboIs wero bclag seat to augmoat Ms forcos *'ia-

, for. dieated that thoy woro a t last begin- ning to realize that tbere was a war •mfu fought In Europeaa watera,” do-zncn- elared Admiral Sims.

On July 30 Admiral Sims testified ho front the navy department a review

of the dlseussloaa of tho allied aaval council and reiterated his previous ro-

iraJS (Conltaniid m P»«» Tonr) ■)pria* — _____________ ___ __ _____B- in “ ______________ ;____________


. W orld Ne^f Ul. I---------------------- --------------- :-------------

O O P E N H & a B N , (flP)— A I le a v e f o r A m e r ic a o n A p r il 8

oBara o a n a u t h o r i t i e s f o r t h e e s ta b ] "wax tw e e n th e U n i te d S t a t e s a n d■xg ol ___ — —I tho D U B L IN , (/P)— A t a m ee t:

ion ifll a l l ia n c e , a r e s o lu t io n bonds d e t e n o in a t io n o f t h e sonth< wMid . m ie b y e v e r y m e a n s i n t h e i r

“‘iio, MADEID, (IP)— I t i e UaioE f aol- e d a g a i n s t 'p a r t i c i p a t i o n in

g r e w . T h a u n io n i s g r e a t l ; ek up o f t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l c p m m it t been/' f r o m M a d r id a n d d e c i d e s

' p re c ip i ta te ly a n d t h a t t h e t c a n se in S p a in im m e n s e ly .

pjj of M EX rO O C IT Y , (/P)— O ne nn h a v e n o t b e e n a c c o u n te d f o i

n c a , a m in in g c i t y n e a r Mex3 ‘S fho w h e re f i r e b r o k e o u t t h i s raII com- a d v ic e s f r o m F a c h u c a . poweti ' ~ =

tb . S E S S IO N N E A R IN G IT S CLOSIig aU _____

„ Waat Vlxgini* lefialatorB Plniahi m ie Principal Work w5th Bnffrage

bottlo’'.rrijLd”.; CHAELE8T0N, W, Va., (/P )-Pro r i aratioM wero being mado by the We to ;ao Virginia legislature when house ai ni the tonvened today to bring the o

‘■y’ tra sosaion to a closo, tho princJp «- putyoKJ having boon attompUshed !

ratification of tho Anthony suffra osugai- amendment. There atill remained t “ enactment of legislatloa allowing m

men to vote in West Virgiala. » g lative leaden predicted that the pai age. of a law dealing with profitebrl waa "highly iaptofeable.”

^ f e ' : ' ;■

[Mi^iH^ra iute dbifimlttee In- r o t W a i v Rewalino IHdlcations that ding 411 Avallalile Craft to Euro- Apprahensibn for Possible Even-



Be Summoned by the Com- [ims mittee to Report on War Sit- S,'; uatlbn in Europe“l i t --------

•om- WA8IITK0T0N, Horbcrt Hoov Held er will bo cnilcd to testify in tho aen- thu nto invcnligntion of thc n avy 's eon-

duct of tho war.^for l t’a r Admiral Sims told tho iaqulry Iling commltteo todny thnt Mr. Hoovor had t io nn intimnto knowleilgo of the altnatlon uolf- in Europo nt tho tirao Amcrica entoro'd-

the w nr and n^kcd that he bo aum- luij moncd to substantiate . U>o ndmlml'a ■ali testimony with ngard to tho gravity of ne“ t jha aUle^.’_ p o ^ tto ^ ji^ ib a t time. r^wo Admiral Sims said iio ba dreeeived a

^ note from Mr. Hoovor says ho woold be hero Saturday and Chalrmaa Hate

^ agreed to call him oa thai dny.Admiral 81ms said ho would Hko to

» . have tho fonnor food ndmlnlstrator on called beforo ho proceeded furthor in ^ order tha t there should "b o no doubt m in my mind that I hnvo substaDtiato-l tn the p a rt o f my letter in which I do* Ml* scribed tho gravity of tho crisis which

we faced'4fKipi7 and pointed out how navy lo .dlsaator the lack of nction by , the dopartmont at that tim& brought wero “•*” ^«Ma- ■ --------- --- ------------ *


CKIPPLE CREEK, Colo., yP)—Piro id ho today destroyed ihe shaft houso, the iview oro bouso and compressor room of thc iavnl IsaboUa M ints compaay on Bluhlll nea.- IS ro- horo. Tho loss la estimated a t *100,000.

~ Frank Quan, sunerintendent nad his wife, fougbt th'o^nre nlono for an hour.

e w s E v e n ts-A Danish radio commission. will ril 8 to negotiate with the Ameri- stablishment of a radio service be- and Denniark.

aeeting yesterday of the Irish on. tion was passed “reaffirming the >nthem unionists to oppose home ;heir power.”

nion of Spanish Women has decid- , in the Geneva international con- eatly disappointed over the action mittee in transferring the congress' res that the oommittee acted too ;he decision will damage woman’s ly.' " ....... ' »

•One hundred and thirty-six miners i for in: the El Bordo mine a t Paoh- Uexico Oity in the state of Hidalgo, is morning; according to telephone

LOSE BOMBING BREAKS UP ICInlahaa Axrny Aviatora Prepata Today to 6 a

tlnna Work on Ssaqnehanna

POBT DEPOSIT, Md., (/P>—I t Ib 1 —Prep- lievod- today that efforta to break t 0 Wo4t ice gorgo in tho Susquehanna river 1 so and lim b in g from airplanes will be auece the ox- ful,rlnclpil The jam was looBcncd late ycat. U d by dtvy to the fxtcnt that a email amoi] uffrago of ice nnd back water began pansi led the out into Chesapeake bay. Howor ng wo- tho channel waa not wide enough

^ g ia - a«9ure thnt the iee would not goi le pass- agaia and the airmen arranged to itebrlng tnm again today aod coatinoe th


T d S I

giillsgeiinWr TOiGOUNTIiat pm DELWa- —[|. Confennce of Ambassadors De­

cides to Oeniami Application of Promised punishment fot Outraoes in Raltic


~ Oovernment a t Belgrade to Be . Admonlibed to Withdraw

Jugo-Slav Forces to Comply with PrevloM Deoiaion

k PARIS, w y -T b e coaferebeo of a n \ basaadors today H^idod to aead tb(

Oorman govommont a very fln a lj

S plication of t^o peaaltfba promlaed foi tbo outrages suffered by officers ol the intor-allied commission to tfae Ba!' tie states doring the Oennan evacua tion of this region which haa hitbertc

{q beca delayed.Tho cooforeacQ deeidod to demasd

n* again that tho govemment a t Bolgliidr |. ordor tho ovacuation o f Badkersbarg 11“ which U atill occupied by tho Jugo

Slavs, coatrary to tho declaloaa of thi conference.

EO.s.lif[iyr IIOOIIiHjlPErc'd- . ' ^ ■jn- Secretary HouBton Baya Ooa >!’« gressional Economies Clear ^ r in a n d ^ Sltj^ tlo n _a i WASHINGTON, OR—Tho IrCMor nld department has, not approved forme [aie Secretary McAdo.o’a plan of roducln

taxes by means of ndditional bond ii sues. Secretary Houston today told th houHO ways and means committee i

ktor reply to n qncstlon hy noprosentatlv in Prear, republican, Wisconsin,

ubt European countries .made mintakc ito'l when they endoavotcd to moot w ar e; do- pendituren by constant credit dovieea,

>Ich he aald.liow "T hey haven’t balanced budgets b

by Increased taxos,” he said.Ight “ Has tho Issuance of treaaary cort

fieatos inereaaed liv ing -costsf” M Frcar aaked. >

“ That is a broad field you are onto lap, but wo must retrace our steps 1

»BD bring down costs,” Secretary Houate Pi replied.ty,. . ImmedlatA decrMM In taxea 1a

impoaalble, the aecretauy uldL E « added tha t In view of eeonamlea by congress the financial altnatlon

' conld be aacceasfuUy handled thla yaar nnder exlatlng tax lawa.‘‘ I f wo Issae furthor bonds, i t w

= r» carry all securities lowor In their mi ~ ket values,” ho eontiaued.

"H ow groat a depression would i an ltt” asked Reprosentativo Oarai democrat, Texas.

" i t might force the best securiti as low aa 0 0 and otbor down to 80,

\ tho secretary replied.

NEGillB,: Gopim

Central F i ^ e in Lexingti i- Eiots Pays Penalty for the I. Death of School Oirln EDDYVILLK, Ky., (ff)—Pot y,' Kimbrough,' alias Will Lockett, convl

ed slayer of Geneva Hardman, a lO confessed elayor of foar other wom ►» died in tho electric chair a t Eddyv:

pridoD a t 4:32 a. m., this morning.Guards appeared a t Kimbrough’s i

In dcatU row a t 4;14 a. m. aad rs mediately escorted the negro to

chair houio. There wero slight si, of emotion in Iiis foee as he was pla

O, in tho electric chair and the bl 10 cap lowered ovor his head. Prieoa E

triclan Collier turned on tho dec furrenl whieh killed Kimbrough w

= in fifteen seconds.IPE? Two brothers of tho Hardman Iv i^ and seveatoca Lexington citizens,

gethf j , with eight aoldieni aad twi I Ooa- p rln n guards witnessed the exocut k Continually during the night tho

gro was beard praying , aad ^^<g Ib be- Hymns. He declared yesterday I ik the he was ready t^ dlo and tha t ho pro 'er by for the little ten-year-old . Hardi lecess- girl whom ho killod, and tho en

llard jraa .family, rcater- , , »■ ■■ —mourn P E aam N O t o IKBPECT casta aasing WSSHINOTON, (;iV-Geaeral Pc wever; lag 'win leave about March 25 for Igh to Panama eanal-rone to inspeet the gorge Itary defsnses there. Thia will to re- stitnto the last lap of hla inspec

their toar of the nation's military pi Be wiU be away two or three w<

u s iIlf lL ftT lif lF I BOiTIjg_ special FederalGn Ion apolid Alleges C for artCe in Ce


Be nroiAKAPOLIB, Ind., aw acy Were re tm e d agaiiuit 130ply by a s p e ^ federal grand Jnry i

here late today.The charge as xtporUd is oonqdrary

ondar the -Larar A ct to anha&oe tba ^ pric» of ae^eaaazlas by ractclstlag <tia-

tclbntdon, Umltlng mannfaotora and by ally other *«»««■ oo&splfac^ to conm lt ap- offenae^aetinat lha UnltaA Btataa, aa

i s th e ooda.Ziamos of thoae Indiotad will not ba

annonaeed oxeept ae eaeh defendaat la aorved by a Hmted Slatea aiarahal with tbo indletmoat notiee, It waa aald. All

. tho moa are aaid to be active in the aad '


i[ IN COAL IM iners’ Delegat

^ ^fi^B^essntajtlye i •ary eratoris in St rrmor ' «,clni;

*ti,’o t w e n t y -f iv e p e ritlvc MAJORITY REPORakei ■

WASHINQTON, (;P>—A 2 ' tuminons ooal minera ia reoon

a by (lie oommiaaion appointed by I .crti. strike.

Mr. Va change In working honra or conditiona waa 7 oh&

nter- P . White, tepraaentlng tha m ln m is tn held out fo r a higher waga InqaiMa. laton i t w u aaid, and will som it M mi­

nority tepoct, la The wage increaaa propoaed will

Ba haaorb the 14 per eent granted lea wen tha iaineT»,r«tttnxad to -woik Ion U st November, so th a t th e aotnal hia. incraaae ia 11 per cent over pna-

e a t wage#.Pavora Check Off Syatam

Thc majority recommoadod that tb a " . check off systom, by which' tbo opon irncr collect from the minora diiea I

' tho unions bo retained. I t also re' rltleJ ommen.deil tha t tho qocBtlon of dlffo g(j >> cntlals bo tofcrred lo a apeclai cot

’ mission to bo appolatod by the joli wage flcala eonfereaco a»d to roport two. yoara.

Tbo wage Increase would not 1 mndo retroactive.' Tho commission d

. not ask that tho powera of tho fuel a ' ministration bo conferred on i t .

l l n Tho majority made no recommend IIH iacreaaea to. eover t111 I advance in wagba. I ta atatem oat th l l l l it did npt aak fo r fuel adnJnlstrmt

powers waa taken to m ean'^bat it he <rton that the-question of Inereaaed\nrle ^ was one for tho fnel admlaistratTon he ■ docldel ■

Dlaagteement Cansaa Delay Potrlt ^ disagreement 'botw cea Joha nvict- White and. tho representatives of t , oad public and the operators hold up t omon, ^i°al report'of the eommissios. lyvilln Commissioner Bemrandt Poalo, n ng. atood to bave joined' with Chairm ’s cell Robinson, the pabDc representative, ,d lm- a majority roport, which was sent ' o thi! day to President Wilson, but It w signn said a t the Wbito House th a t the

placnd _______________________________black •


“ , 'to'! W aA iN Q TO N , (fl=)-E«l.tlv<« 1 twelve frlonda ^of Americans kidnaped cution. pancho Villa need bavo no concern

to their safety aad may diamits y that fear that they may be beld for raai prayoil if they repoie full confidence ia a & irdman munlcatlon recently reeolvod from

entire Moxican bandit leader. According hia note o( reaasuranco, he haa adop tho ooly practical meana he eaa th

STAI* of to get a- friendly converaatioa t Porah- varioua repreaeatativo. Amerleaas i

for tho erosa hla trail,-and,.w hile they are he mil- "g u es ts” they will bo treated with .11 con- ery conalderatioa aad retaraed aaha pectlon ed aad.narobbed to their frlaada.

posts The fubstaaee of V illa’a eaau» weeks, catioa waa traaam ltted nholfleiallj

A l m’M p

H d illQirand Jury at Indikn- Criniinai Contiiv- ^entral Field 'ID ARE KEPT SECRET NOTICES ARESERVEIk^m

[/P)—Indictments charging ooatpir- ,30 mine operators, and ooal minera ry in the United Statea dittoiot ooiirt

rary ao-ealled fiaatiml.< eoaipetittve Held,tba whieh embrMaa XIUnaU» ,Ohia >dia- and i r a te m Fanasylvaaia. U m ' than' s[ by oae-balf of-tha dafnadaata a ra .i^ V toraiit be mine oporatora., aa The iad lo tm nta aro drawn naSer aao'

' tiona 4 and 9 of the Lever aet and aee-i ba tioa. 87 ot tha orifflihe! eode. Tbe pen-t ia aity opon conviction la «dd to ^ . a "vlth fiae not exceeding IIIMlOO, or i a s p ^ .All onment fo r not mora than two yeara,. -the or both. t .

1 WORK DAY lAUSES DELAY flOARD REPORTlie D isagrees With e s t 6 » » W ie J in ia L ^ ^ trike Settlement------ --------------- ' A ■ '

R CENT. WAGE BOOST }RT RECOMMENDATIONk 26 per cent wage increase for bi- commended in a majority report of y President Wilaon to aettle the coal

or port waa being held op awaitlag Mr. h a White % opinion.1 ' In his letter appointing .the ebauals- uia. ' aion tbe prealdeat roooested tha t the n i-' findings of tbe commisaloa be nnaai-

moua, aad I t ia leiowa that the eom- rill mission has been, eegagad for several ted days;in en d eav o ru r ta iron oot ita dif- )ik - fereneeaoal I t was repartad m offldally th a t na- tha majority had taoonmandad a

25 per eent tnbsaaaa in S r k ^ u l t li . aliQllae. inereaae la ooal prices,

t the while Mzl .W hite had aooght alao pora- fo r a aeren hottr day ea to Tho miners* originally ' demanded a ' rec 60 por e « t Increase in w a n s and a SO Hfer- hotit week, b a t siftor conferoneea hero com* with Boerotaiy Wilson and tho opera- joint to n they ntodlflod thelr demanda to a '

Jrt ia 45 per cent inereaae.

Blames United States ol ,d- for Turkish Troubleslenda- LONDON, (ff>--BIaMe for the ' k *v » troublea that are being experienced t tlja t Bottling tho Turkiah problem

t l “t tho door of tho Ualtedt held states by E a r l Curton, tho foreign wloea secretary, in oxpUdnlng the. peace ion to conference’s negotiations to the

houae o f lords today., "T h e difficulty In fromlog th e

ha P. ■ treaty is largely duo to delay and )f the America ia roaponsible for the do­rp tho Ifty,” Lord Carton said.

Tho foreign secretary added tha t I, rep- the peace eonfereac'e hoped that lirmoa when- tbo new states , wero set up ve, ia in Asia Mlaor. however, that thu int to- Hnited S tates ^*would help mater- it was lolly in assisting the now Ar- he ro* meala.”

7RMAT10N VILLA’S DETAINING AMERICANSta and offieera of tbo intolllgeace braach ot-9d by the war department. ... -----

■■ I t was .explained la the taeaaage .I auccocedcd in. getting hero thatliaa au ^ Taguo idea of wiiat waa golajr raaaom on in tbe outsido world eoald b« had a com* whore he was; and tho desire'to loam -

om the more to gala the Am e^eaa's-point e f Ung to vlow and a detertaiaatioa te give op- idopted portunitloa to carrv baek wiUi them i think some of bla owo theoriea of-w hat a m -with govemmeat 'ia Ji^ezioO A oiU be had as who caused him to dataraUaa ta n th a r la are his hia gueata whera he ^ l ih t fS d thaa^ rith ev- regartlleas of their oawUU&fnaai to 4a* lahara* eept hla iavitatiaa. S a. «dila4 tha t ds. from time othera wealft l>a brought- U, auanai- hot urged thoae lataraftM not .to bo- Lally to eoaaa alaraaA.

Page 2: . t=OTCY AFT W IlflLftTliflF I TO gvE n. I BOiTIHdillQnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · s Atfttbn^n ’ArHcle Tte'ReserVa' ; Com. fr >ilTCW3a^^VisT0

i i i i i i '. iENSTRIlOtTIl: IP ic o E

istablishes Coastwise Service of Sixteen Vessels in Fa East Runninfl from North China to Calcutta

8AN FBANCaBCO, WUhln lh? paat nino montha tho Unitod gtatoa ■hipping, board b u put 663,813 doad> 'wofffht. tens o t shipping in ttao PaeltU, h u ostabliihod a cooatwlso Mrvieo .(!( 16 voBMla in 'tho far oo^ running /rpm N o r th '(A in ft- to '(^ le u t^ oad hai )Kr> ranged ior tho addition of- 14; big poflsongor liners to trans-Pseiflo trade, Qceordfng to announcomont by the board's oifioea horo today.

Tho fa r eaat coaatwiae aorvlco ia unique in that nono of tho vossolf touoh a t an Amoricao port aad it !•> as distinctively fa r oaatern ati if it woro being operated by China, Indln, or Japan. Tho obJoet of this servlee ia to supply feeders” for tho trana- Paoifie routes roeontly oatnbliahod. or addod to by tlio nhipplng board in tho alloeatioD of vosaols to American r Pat eifle ports. Tho boata oporato 6n'tho routes Ifttfital to the tians-ooeaniti routes, serving tho some purpoao aa railroad nhort linos eonnocting with ovorland buaiaeas. Tho boats avorn^o 4,000' deadweight tons nnd are proVlnfi a big factor in opening up tho vast rbaourcoa of Korth China, tno shippin{j boord aaid.

Oonsldeii Kew Boute.An important contemplatod route it

that botwoon Pugot Souud points aud Buonos Alrea by way .of t>io Straitt -of Magolan. I t has.boen found tha! this routo is approximately 1,000 mile!

' siiorter than the Panama eanol routu.A boat a month wlli -bo put on thit

• routo and tho aorvlco will boioata.i' lishod within 00 iayt, tho board said.

. Tho route will b o 'a now ono for Amori can trade in ovory aonso of the word

liow routes created or nddod to b> the shipping board, on tbo Paeiflo io tho lost xiino months are:

San Franeiaeo to Singnporo, Corloh, Strdlta 6ottlcmcnts; Portland to North China points) around tho world, start­ing from. 8an Francisco and Japanese, Chinese ;ond. Indian points, goinu through -Mio Sues, tannl to European points and thonoe \o tho Atlantis; Pu­get Sound points to San Franclaco, San Podro and throagh .tho canal to Euro­pean points; Pugot,fiouad to Now Zeal- land and Australia.'

Employ ^ictny VmmIs These route; have monat tho om­

ploymont of sh in in g board boate clearing out of San lYhnclaco, four out of Lob Angolcn, S3 out of Soatlo and 12 out of Portlnnd. Tho 14 passcngei boots, tho first of which will be pal on on or around September 1, will bc in addition to thoao noted. Tboae pas senger Ilnora, which will bo palatial will clear out of Pugot Sound points and San Fmnciaep and will all bi usod on fa r eostern routes. •

^ • A rogulor routo botwoon Pugot 8oun< points and San Franeisco and tho wcsl eoast 6i Sonth America is in cdntom pUtion.

Othor allocation programs for the benefit o f Paclfle coast ports now on bolng drawn up ond wlll bo announce']

*.’ • .. from time to time, tho shipping board ■ - « a i i ■

Uive to th i ^ e time «a^ attea- tion thejnovght to havo—ia view oi

. their .bparing upon" yoor buying prob-

T h e B e s t ^

P r a c t i c i n

T h e r e is only one -way t good dentistry a t ^

pricc to patients, and ma large scale and according to Dentistry has too many bra too mony details for one mj -well alone in a smoll ofBcc.

There is extracting, tIIliD£ artificial plate-making, cr bridge work, examinations, patients, bookkeep ing , < record-keeping, buying sup] ing bills, und mony_^other

. details to bc Inoked after. Under the E. R. Parker S

Dentists, mcclinnical dcnti raphers, bookkeepers and much the' same way as bur

• ness enlcrpHscs are conduc Each has some particular

becomcs expert a t it, doing Advcrtiscmcnt.s arc pul it

<lental worlt is done by th patients comc in and have I

In this way belter dcnti because where the i>raclice smuller;' This way of prac way and the best way.

: • You are invited to call o has been made in dental • System. When you call, yo reliable advice given witlio


^ ( c T C T i r i u J D B -M -E . E. . V S O T E M / DB. E. A. U

110 1.;

Use Eyea dnd NiMe,, 11 f Not Tongue in Hunt '

I tor Bstidiam GemStanford Medical Sohbol %

Besnltft of InveBti^atlon of r ■ . Pood Poiaon

i bal» ■ ■) . yonr a w ,- }i

oiia VoyOT'tinder any/t^reumstiacM ■ h ^ your tonfi io to dotemii^^' whethei §

any canned food la. ff t to. oat, is . tu tho advice of Dr. Bmost 0. Dick* l o lil son of the Stonfoid medical sehool, t

who la iavettisatlng ^ ta lis m , th« f < poison whlell nos, reeently. consedr ‘

, dedths among iMopIe aatlag eaaaed } food produets. ' (

The baelUua of botulism Is de> [ stroyod by hsot ond there wlll bo o no danger from this sourco i f can- j

" nod foods aro boiled boforo they t aro baton, oaclirdlng to I>r. Dick* son, who sold this u the sum and f

‘K substanco of what sclenco can-toll j , ’ ' tho general publie fo r its protee* , ‘‘® Uon. ,, Thb Stonford university modleol .,

sehool laboratory under Dr. Dick- , * son, l a co-oporatlon with tho Hoop- .

ll or Msdicul Foundation of tho Uni* | vorsity of CnUfomln, with Dr. ,

I ’ K arl 'Moyer In chargo,-ia conduct-.ing . an oxtonaive Investigation of ,

“*■ tho inotUods of food proarrvutlon. i I This Invostigutbn ia being flnaucod ( by'canning Interosts. {

■ In 1013 thoro wns nn outbreak on tho Stanford campus tbnt was j quite dourly tho roault of homo

.?? ' cannod beans eaten as ft niilod. Thia ^ . started tho mcdicol school of the

i52 university oa a careful study of tho > L.? wholo question. '

In most case of botulism in tho ' United Stotea tho sourco hns been homo conned vcgetabloa, tho great majority of thoso coaos bolng on tho

is Pnclflo coast. Botulism, howovor, p lUd know in Europe many yeorslits agtt and wos then uttrlbutcd to .hat moot poison.. i . _____iloa , .v~


lid. _____'’‘’i' Foderal Ooort a t Enld BcouieTS Jnii- T* ment In Question Between Oklaho- Ja . • Tezofl

ENID, bkla., A decision of tho United Statos supreme court und treat-

irt- Ics between tho United States and sr, Spoln, Mexieo, ond tlto ropublie of Tex- Ib-' n*, raivklng U»o soMlh bank of the Ued •an Rivor form tho boundary botw^ion the Pu. states, o f Ohlnhomn und Toxns wcro Jan cited In nn opinion given yesterday TO-' by Federal Judgo Youmans whon ho tal- nrnntod a temporary injunction to tho

’ X dsonla Development usaoclntlon Of^lnst'Snm Si^nrks nnd others.

IHio eaao liiia been undor ndvlsc- mcnt by Judge Youmnns alnco lost

nt® wook who asked to make tho temporary >ut restraining order Idsued by Judgo John luil Pollock permanent. Tho controversy In ger over a IflO aero trnct o f ‘land in the put south portion of tho Bod lU>-cr bed, bo and **1J proporty oatlmotod n t ‘ over

IM- $300,000,000 is involved.During the baundary dispute Texas

rangers have bpon guarding Uio prop- bo erty. Scrvice on tho injunctionnl order

will bo mndo through United Stoics ia<l marahals.est > / -----un* OBEEOON DBOLAEES FOB

ENOOUBAGZNO FOBBXONISStho _____aro e a g l e PASS, Ter., (^ ^ O e n o ro l Al- ied varo Obregon, candidate for tho Mexl*

cnn presidency, declared for moro lib* oral lawa to onsourago foreign Invest- montsXln Mcxico, in an address nt

ea* Picdraa Nogrns, opposite hero Tuosdoy of night. Genorol Obregon praised Prosl-

ob-.dent WUaon for his conduct of tho [ Moxiean situation.

W a y o f

n g D e n t i s t r y

ng, treating.

is, receiving

cr* b u s in e s s on.pjuiKEnP. • _ • ■

System a number of Registered 3tists, graduate nurses, stenog- d ottcndants work together in anks and other succcssful busi- ucted.a r kind of.work to do, and thus Ig it better and in less time, in the papers telling what good

this modern System, and many c their teeth cured for. itistry is given for less m<^ey, re Is large, the price can be made acticing dciiti5itry is the modem

1 and see what an improvement 1 work under the E. R. Parker your teeth can be e.\amined and liout charge.



' O rg ju^ jt^B in BmBR^onsirj' Q u a r t e r * ’"" ' ■, ^

> LONDON, </(>-Th« piOati^ London »• honse which W.- K . TanderbUV gavo to I . h it daoc^tor, Conattelo,:.^: a'.i^ddlnK ( uft-w Ben sbe lweame..th« DnebeM of * , MarUwrough, has boeome the home of h

' the' British braneh ot the ^leaguo of d 1 natioBs. Tho gDTenuneat > has leased r

'» tho mansion and otfleial'bu ilneis al* I B , ready Is being transacted there.. ■ 1 f Thia house, whloh'-.le^ s i f t e d in the ^ heart o^ thb faddonablq 'Motion m i

Curron,street, ia eno of Uta xaest eoatly c '* iir the e i^ . I t b bnllt' of.marblo and § e other stone i i^ 'th e fro n e h s^Isy aad t

fiom tho onteldo. loekB mote Hko. a t y bonk '.than a residence. - ' j* I t is nnderstood tha t tha league of t

nations» officials oud employes are «‘1 having troobles, despite tbo magnifir ■’ ceoco of .their surrouodlngt. Tbe groai j

. and omoto ballroom, for example, >* wLilo much odmlred from on artlstie •

point . of . viow, develops eyelonie i!' urflughts which causo much dlwomfort ,

to tho. unlucky offieials and dorks who. nro ataUoned in It. •

■; In addition to thla house, tho leogue ;f of nntlona hns also . token, two othor I'• buildings in Piccadilly, alncb.they nood-“ cd pioro nccommodotiena than tho home ,^ of tho Duoheas' provided. '

“ INDIAN U 8ES WAB OANOH *0 TO MOVE HOUSEHOLD OOODS jc JUNEAU, Alaska, An old fash- j0 loned Indian Vi'ar c'nnoo was paddled ]

up Gastlneoa Channel horo recently and,0 caused poopio along the waterfront to •a comment ns It mado i t woy past the jit steamers and whorves. Tho canoe wna10 not on a mission of destruction, how. ■,r, . over, but was bol'ng used to carry thefs t household goods of its owner, n pionoor10 Indian, awny from' Jonenu. Tho old

Indian said-ire was leaving tho city* ' becauso ho foQrod landslides.


ton tflok stonmsliipj will bo buJlt at Horriman, Pa., this yoar.

Contracts fo r tho bessols hove just been e l^ o d . Work is to start wi;hin a few months. Tho entire capacity of

tho reqiilrod to turn outtho aix ships on time.

and Look to the ade for light on yoor rex- buying problema.Itud the .

roro ' Jday I

hothe ________________

11 * ^

bed,U j

■ ( I \ \ \ A MJi •■eP’ Jk V 1 nNvrdor A l lotcs \ \

FTTiq ^

1 Al- \ [exi*lib- S iL, ^

rest- I Atidoyroil-tho

W o n d e r f i ;

a n d C o m

W e t h i n k y o u w i l

t i e s t I h a v e e v e r s e e i

a r a t e p i e c e s — l a c e t

e d . M a n y p i e c e s s i

t h i s s h o w i n g . J e r s

. b i n a t i o n s t h a t a r e

Gowns are from Combinations fro

r a

‘ Every Day of iI You Pay No More,

tomers Who Have

‘A noth«11

D A IL r N W S , TWtNrFAi

\'. B ight T em * ^iconbl* « » •

B w y Dajr aU w T t t U i r .n _■

3” ■'*&nee I commeneedi.lakMigvTBi^ *U a y troubles of e ^ t y e a n ’^sMadlnt^

if bave left me and I can do aa. U g ft >t day’s-work os any nsaa," s^& id rj, a well-known flagman on . tb a ,1. Boote Syetem who lives a t - 577 W eit

• Eleventh S t, Oakland, OaL . ■le “ I had tho worst sort of chronii In n digestion,'* conUnaed Mr. C u r^ , “ I ly eonld.hardly retain .a-thing on my >d stomadi and had spelli of belching and id nattaea almost every meal and a bad s tastfc in my month nearly all the time.

I wa« so badly constipated tha t I hod to talw ' a laxative nearly, evory doy,

» waa troubled a llo t with lumbago ond > waa 80 nervoua tba t a t a ight I wonld kt roll and tumblo from oae' eiSe of tbo ®» bed to tho other'w ithout.gettlog near

enoogh sleep and when morning eomo4 I would be se tired I simply had te drag *t nyaoU to work, ,

" I began toking Tanlac and will say right horo i t measures np to everything

^ peoplo soy of It, for it has pu t me bock in os fine health as I ever w ^ X bat

“■ anything sot bofore me ^ Ithoot the slightest bnd afte r effects. '1 sleep like a log' ovory night and all my othor troubles are gono. I havo more Ufo

yo and onergy about me than I hnvo had in yoora and ca n 't praiso Tanlae enoagh

h- for i t ia the most dependabts- modteine I over heard o f ." , - -

Tanloc is sold in Twin Folia by City *0 Pharmncy ond by tho lending droggistfl ho ia ovory town.—-Adv.on ‘ ______•w- HONOLUItU WOMEN tJNITB ,


nONOLULU, T.-H.,'(/P>-WonioiL of ‘v Honolulu oro prcpnrinR for tho organ-

ixation of a-hou.iowivo’s league to grnp- plo with tho servont, hlgh-cost-orilv-

‘ ing and other problema.)0- uondors In' too movement have nn- at nounccd th a t an .organization inuoting

will bo htsld soon. I t is proposed to ]«t roquiro nil houso sorvnnta, tho major- iln Ity of w ho^ are Jnpdncso girlH, io of j>roduoo corllficates of #er\'icf before lUt Doing employed. - •

Tou can sell >ny good musical ln< ior atn im en t^ if the prlco' Is right—

through tna classified.

E \P S ill

I j\ Much oi

months ago "A X orders will <

^ ment more.____________________ _________________

111 G o w n s

Q b i n a t i o n s ^

vill say — “the pret­een.”—In sets or sep- 3 trimmed or taleur- specially priced for

irsey vests and com-5 scarce are here, too. tm $7.50 to $35.00 rom $3.50 to $25.00

1 SilkCat' ■ Cair

med : A . Bloom^ $12.75;

x f satin £Value:

CliJ . presen Tl ■ ■ ■ en den tttey a now.

tf the Year—Not Just on : re. Investigate—Compar ve Traded Here for Yean

ier P a c k aBOOTH MERCA

SPAY, MARCH 11,1920' IH CAN.U>ApiLO A B Y , .ilW rtti « f - A ;«*«• '

. , hbnr EBMeBMr a i ^ n o MrvleB botwMtt -j; O dgarr and 'the-Peaee river edontry, I 4 9 5 ^U e s, with : ' ^ l ^ e r a t Sdacmton

■h S Bi i i i p % B wH W I ' t

I l f - of

‘/dM , COtbo . ecear . - , Ko.-«67;. 'v.:.v v - ■ ' ^« « Por «na« st^la-with per. . T l

-■ '■■■'■ ' ------ --

D a in t c U n d eS P E C I A L S H O

of this beautiful underwei ;o and manufacturers hav 1 cost from one dollar to t B. I t is to your advantag(

Camisoles and Bloomersimisoles' prettily trim-

for $1.50 to $7.50. mers from $5.00 to .’5; come in Jersey aud 1 and heavy China silk, ies offered are below ent worth. Most wom- emand these articles— are really necessities

n Special Occasions. You are—Ilfs to Your Interest, irs.


wiu Inangnrated th ;_mnuaer| it. ^ra. anaionaeed har«'moantlj^. 1en , .• -irv, I f yon ara • little taeenaia,al)(rat It,, on ra a d th ra la .

' V S lS : ■

- B b o t t t ^ t d r S J o ^ a t td G i t ^

of t h ^ Bands, sre coQozi ■to otxr^love d^psrtznsnCfofcomfbit and . s^yleeconoxoy*' ' , 'The VPanelCnfT'notoHB^^lintlet ahoW luaa givea f i J l ’jIT O te d io O tise l^ ftz itm ‘ ap p eam w e iy o n r lumdi nre as ready fw emergency ■ns if they were bnre.

Come in a ^ see the niat^ R S jf j Htunsen'stylM-in the c l ^ of ove yott ttBed—motbr-’ in^, stzMt Wear,' idress or' heavy service mitleta. , '

t y . . . 0 ^srw earOWINGvear was contracted for ave notified us tha t re- ) three dollars per gar- ige to purchase now and

EditorialGrowth is mighty.

As Emerson iroys; “ The ere Btlon of a thousand forests Is in ono acorn.”

Liko the acorn, D EPE^PA -'^BILITY to tho success of a’ storo.In the samo ns mother earth fo the ncom. I t Is fertile. I t is tho foundation. I t will creato thon*.Bands nf friends.

But growth must somo throngh experienpo. Wo must know a 1thing before we know I t Tlist requires personal exporionco, fnr

' everything that exlsta today ttos once tho privato opinion of ono pemon.

The growth of this storo U not an accident, It is the result of an idea of Its founder in n pinn for the futnro, using hia cxperionco in entering to the necdil o f tho atoro’a custoraera.

Back of it nil afood tho goal nnd motto—DEPKNDABILITT.Yes, we hnvc grown, but tho day is Rtltl early. Thia growth shall continuo for thpso ideals shall

. continue.(Signed) C. E , BOOTU.

ou Get Better Goods; it. Ask Satisfied Cus-

I B o o th ’s’M

Y. ................. — - j]

Page 3: . t=OTCY AFT W IlflLftTliflF I TO gvE n. I BOiTIHdillQnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · s Atfttbn^n ’ArHcle Tte'ReserVa' ; Com. fr >ilTCW3a^^VisT0

j f l B ?1 N [ ^ . ; C p A g r ^ o f J m iM n d ln

' N e ^ i t y f o n E x t ^ i v e ^ r o

g r a m o f A t t i n g P e o g l

B a c k t o C o M i y ' ' ' ■ ■

W ASH IN O TO N J' ’ fow nw rviee n o n iftA) • a n o u a tO /Jin la t i r o c l o i r o i i j ; ' l o o d a ' To vldo bom^B fO> tbem iD lT u, BepTMeoi U to W yom ing ,.the repalUeaa le fd a r,'. t u d ' yettordaT- tiafore i t houM i r s y i i a a mftana e<hnmltt«» whic ia hold ing ’ boftring i od ooldler relii loKialfttioB.

The repub lican loader w&nied - tbi • , ^ a g r o w l t t th « • n e a r • ftttu rtt m uat o

d ertak o a n ' axtenalv'e -program of a tro e tin g p e o p le i 'b a e k to ■ tbe count] a nd tn ak in g w |is te lAndo' productive, i t!io " e i t i w HOW 'aro raoro aU rae li'

. • than ' over b e fo re ."•V “ O orpea tcn i a w R otting 11.25 pi M hou r," '•b o aa id . ‘ ‘I f the farm er avo ^ aged a o h our fo r every hour t

w orked, w h e a t would bo aclling a t.f ro . IM to « a b u s h e l ." • -

M r. -Jfondell sa id a bond iaaue. fi Boldior r e lie f m ig h t cause a ftnanei panic.’

B xtenoion o f finan c ia l roliof to fo m er eervioo m en “ ia u t to r i f im poulb unioas th e people nro w illing -to tto i hoavy odd ltto n a l taacea," he Baid.

MESiiclilON SHIP BOli rail- Chairman Payno Saya Ooven

ment Operation Nets Prof o f $ 1 ^ 4 4 3 , 9 9 0

“ W A SH IN G TO N , (/P)aovem m otft o orations In tho sh ipp ing buninrsa rcsu' cd in B n o t p ro f i t o f $10,403,000 up lni*t Ju n o 20, C\^ftlrmDn Pnyn© yostordi tolil tho Hcnato m orehnnt mnrino eoi m ittee , m n k in g public fo r tho f ira t tin p om p lc t^ jiffic ia l a ta tia tics covering H

' flnaneinl napects o f tJio bon rd ’a trar po rta tion n c tiv itie a ; Thin rovenue'iio not in rtudo unpaid balnncca duo frc

• H>thcr K ovcrnmcnt dopartm cnta, ho aal adding th n t tho food adm iniatrnti' nwt-a Ihl* bon rd nbout $13,000,00(1 ni tho w nr d ep .irtm on t abou t ♦l.'iO.OOO.Ot

On F o b ru a ry 1, lie aaid , tho Uounrw ■ opi-rnting l,nil7 bottom a o f 8,393,0

di'iidwcight tons, inc^luding l.O'lfl at< 1 ^ ^ cnrgo Bhips, 270 wooden vosbcIb, f ' tnnkcTB anrt 1C tf>frjROTalor ahlps-

tiitiit o f. 1S8 compnniea, ho aaid, h< upurnting chn rto ra fo r v eu n is owned IheH onrd . On tJio f ira t day'^oX-Fobi nry, SOO.aWprt w ero Uatod na “ undor : p a ir ,” .].15 “ la id up fo r w in te r” a

■ l,17t> 'M n a c tu a l o p e ra tio n .’ '

CHlSElfiNCilSTmsmoiLiMDeath Claims Notoworthy N

tivo of Orient who Fought in Civil War

. SH A N G H A I, (;p>—T h r Bev. H.- Woo, whoso d ea th rpccntly occuri here, vo ted fo r P ro sid en t Abrnham L coin nn-l fo u g h t w ith tho union fo r in A m erica’a C iv il war.. Ho wns yenra old.' Ho hod aoquirod a te a t te r in g of £:

lish when P e r ry eamo to th e fa r c in ]8.'54 to n eg o tia te tho trea ty tween tho U iU tcd S ta te a .a n d Jn ; an d w hen P e r r y 'a floo t ro tum cd Bov. W oo w e n t w ith i t abonrd itloop o f w a r P lym ou th na a cabin b Ho aaw th reo yoara o f sorvico in wnr and re tu rn ed to C hina in V when tho T o ip in g robeliion waa o t hciglit.

■* Soon tjicreftfto r ho becam p liMo'cin Tcith thu A m erican church miaaion Shanghai und in 18(30 ho hnd o In p a r t in cstn b lish in e w hnt wn# knc as tbo tu n c ‘Ten K. Chu, ,n freo c ponanry, from w hirh hna grown

1^1 S t. lyuke'n hosp itn l o f todny in Sho p hai. Ilo wna ordnincd in 1880 nnd ' voted tho TCBt of b is life to tho w

of e h ru tia n ity .


C .jptnin Bnm uel M. Pnrkcr, for past th ree yen ra hcnd of tbp milil di-partm ent o f th is un ivoraity will Ir Sm nford, on H n reh I.T fo r 8nll'-L whoro ho w ill bccomo head of the t tn ry d o partm en t la tho puUUc BtU<

Cnptnin A. 8 . H ow ard, na n m y nf 20 y e a rn ' aorvlco and a class r o l C aptain P a rk e r a t W est- Point, iiW th e vjvcanty a t S tan fo rd . Hoi in now connected w ith lho diatrict Rpi'Ctnr’a o ffico a t Spokano, Waal tiiii.

t Experi Daltery am

Ignllion Service

batte ry Obargiog and Winter Storago

Automotive Electrioal ^ ^specialists


D. C. WATSON CO.—N e x t to P o s t O ff le* ..

Twin Falla, Idaho

FIFTEEN Y B iR S AGO i IN T W IW T fttL SI ' ' VakM M t» ia« ta a Tta Nm liM WMaM

I n g jn d m ta * ; i » o a ^ i r , . . % o arrived horo. a

, ’ Tfc-^W. JonW ia 'a d d ln g .a aeeond Btory Ipl6 to b i t b n tlnen bk)ok on U aln atraot.

‘Wbea eoiDpleked U will contain offico l.’U ro « n » 'fo r .r« it

•meir \ Boporta from Ohiof Engineor Biekolt In ^ to tho effeet th a t the'w ator is Aonpro* flowisK in tho main oanal to tbe depthiBt^ of eighteen inehea, ond-that It has aowpub* reached tho I>ry Creek re8orvolr,,wWcbiho i t slowly boing fUied. Work a t tbo dam

hieh is showing everything to'bo OBtiraly utfeliof iafoetory and tbo finishing, touches will

havo boen completed In tha rie*t .fewtb a t doya. The dam ia in ozeelionl eonditionuti- and af te r tlio «artb haa boon «lulc«4 Inat- tho unfinished .porUon i t wUl bo. J?w-

ntry foclly woter*tight a n d 'a s firm a*-tbe}, oa rock o f Gibraltar..! liv j . — -

John P. Hansen was a visitor frompor Bock Crook tbis week and noted with

ivov muoh satisfaction thn growth of pros-r tin porous Twin r a llB. .

Tho marriago^of^M rfc Colestin'o Qood fn r of th is c ity a n d Clarence B en ton ChaU'

aciai nel o f T w in PallB, Idaho, took plnct T u esd ay evening n t the hom e o f the

fo r- b r id o ’s m other. Eov. F a th e r K elly o f jib le flc io te d , the w odding b e in g witncasod tan d by on ly tho fom ily o f tho brido., M r

and M ra. C hannel lo ft fo r T w in FnlU to m ako th o ir homo.—S a l t . l«ake Herald, M nieb B. ______ _


Taxaa B ailnad OommisBion la' Forcod >m- to Bring Action to Secnro Beguia- ofit Obsorvanco

A U S T IN , Tex., (/P\—I t is bccomln« nj^paxpnt, occording to n a ln lcm cnt

op- avcd b y the Tcxua rallrond commia -suit- aioD, th n t despite its e ffo rts to avoid ip to U, tf»o commiaaton “ will bo driven tt rday Ui6 noceasily d f d irecting pennlty auiti com- in a ,fo w cnaea to secure obaorvnnce ol timo ita o il nnd gna consorvntlon rcguin Ifthc l io n s ." Tho sta tem ent continued: rans- “ A s tho o ffenders nre in mosf cnao; does jn in t sto ck nsaociationa or common Inv

from tru s ts , w.e feel wo would bo lacking aaid, in cnndor if wo did not w arn tru s te e ation inid stockholders in such concorns oi

nnd th e ir ind iv id u a l nnd jwrsonnl lin b ilitj 1.000. fo r tho fa ilu re o f such concerns l< "w m 6\>oy th o law . Vnmtovor opinion m a: 3,000' be hold ns to tho power o f n grouj a te d o f ind iv iduals to ngree nmong them

48 ai’lves to lim it tlicir liab ility o r con w A trn e ta w ithou t atn tutory nuthority held thoro la n o t tho slighteat dqybt thn

)d by they ean n o t eon trnet tlicmselvca o u t o obru- lia b ility to tho sta to fo r penalties du ?r re fo r in f ra c tio n s o f tho law.

and " W h e n tho rnilrond -commiasion di n e t s th n t ponnlty suits be brough a i'a inn t jo in t stock associntiona fo r ik z.oring tho Tonaervation a ta tu to i t wil bc compelled to mnko tho individun! o m p o a in g tbo company, nnd n o t tb

n i 11 com pany, defendant*; beeauao tho com tILIl P“" y corpornto existence.U hiB “ T he conaorvation s ta tu te au thorize

th e recovery o f penalties up to $5,00 N a - fo r encb ln,fractlon of tbo Inw, nU'

onch dny m ay 'b o mado a sepnrato oi

K O T IC S o r 8T0 0 E H 0 IJ)E B S * I .- N . M EBTINO. ,

To. tho atoekholders o f . the Twin Foil ‘ w n- D ohydratlng-C om pajiy : ' fO f«s hereby given th a t a specit

m ooting o f tho stoekholdera o f the Tw i ~ F a lls D eh y d ra tin g .Company has bce

ealled f o r tho purpoao of increasing tb cap ita l sto ek o f tbo cotpbration to soi

‘ o u ty -fivo thousand dollars, and th t sUch rncotlng w ill bo hold o t tho P aria

} Ic® H all in T w in F oils, Idaho, oh Tuesda » «,. ovening, A pril Cth, 1920, beg inn ing i

' 7 / : 7:30 o ’clo ck -lan^ B y ordoc o f tho B oard o f D irector

. . . . W . B. P R IE B E ,Presiden

on ^d t count upon tho cloM iflod 1Inriro y o u r rea l estate— and th e coat 1

tnown a d v e rtis in g will figure aurprlaing:0 dis-ti t h j ^ .........................

‘l l D o n ’ t a s k f o r

C r a c k e r s — s a y

S n o w F l a k e ^ir the

lcavo .'-Lakt< c mill-

ly mnn1 mnloIt, wlli i w w M j n K i i M ilownr.l-let in- ^ashing- I E



.A P. C. a PEODtXTS «

Itttl Honey inaiUM IC K ^HanbmaUvwMBMili f m


I ^ S I bX'-i « ’» Granai6tli»r’»:' BiB<4pe to

“ Y oo c» a j'tan ,' g w , , f a d f l d to i r . Vwtt- tlfu J lT .a a rK * B 4» Iu itro o « -a liftM t .ova*

f r . K" u o v a d b^.tliv 'addiUoa of 'o tbet iagc«<

Uekol dioats, .aw/'spld yattaJl7»- My», » woll I now known, 4n>ggitt hep#,-bflcause i t dark- le n tt «af t t s ;bair so naturally, and «veuly I tb a t <ao' cao eaa tell i t has been op- irWcb pU«a^' a ....................I 4 am Those whoM hair, is tnraing gray or f satf bseatainj^ faded hav« a sdrprise await- I will iSB tbem, because afte r one or two ap- .few p u u tions the gray Lair, vaalsbes and

tltion yoor locks beeotoe lozuriaatly dark and ed in beautiful ‘

por- This is the age o f yonth. Gray hoir- r the ed, unattractive folks aren ’t wanted

around, so get busy with W yeth’s Sage and Bulpbur Compound tonight and

from you’ll be delighted with your dark, with handsome hair and your beautiful op- proa* pearanco within a fow dnys.—odv.

oooj BLAMES EXCKFpROFITS “ tei ■’’AX f 6r BOOSTING COSTSly of- CHICAGO, < /P ^T he excess protiu leased advance the cdst of living

l£r. according to Richard H. Howes, of 8 t ills to who addressed tho Cfilcago Assocrald, cintion of Oommoreo. yesterday. /M r

Hawes is proaidont of tho Amcrlcai Bankers association.

riC . I t is his view thnt tho consumer mus i«f excess profit* tax on goodllNG it, passes thTougb tbo hands of pro

ducor, manufacturer, jobber and ro taller.

^ O Q tax stands na n detriment tisnno, InduArial development,” be.sold

Tho speaker odvocntcd tbnt, slnco 11 * is impoasiblo' to eliminntc outstanding

>mlng iftx-froe aecuritloa, the income tox 1ot> **■ low should bo nmonded to mako t

mmta- distinction between earned nnd unearn cd income.

cn to nion without capital who^haiauilH.^ut hjg oaralngs abould not bo taxoi

ice of thp Bome as tlio pos.sessor of n aimila: ^uln- income in inveatments," ho said.

cnso.i t o W E B O F LONDON OTTABDS n Inw TO ST B EN O TH EN PEO TECTIO ^if-tnl.'; IXDNDIN, (ff>)-TIic authorities nt tb.

Towor of London nro talcing stepa ti h illtv stren g th en tbo protection o f tho crowi

In jew els th n t nre k<-pl thoro. S ir Georgi " _„(Y ounghufiband, the ir cus’odian, ia pinu _ „ „ n !n in K to install n^vv th'icf-porplexin, them - devices.• con- B ritiah rcgalin nro k ep t In 1 lo rity ' W nkcficld Tower c lc ttrlc• thn t " ''y connected wilh two gunrdropmi iiif nf Colonel nioor] Hucccodod in scealing'th


>n di- ■

r t . F o r . . . . .t will1dun!s F a m and O lty Z<oansIt tb e B eal E s ta te> rom- Insurance

Surety Bondslorizos$5,000, iBEE— '•, nnd'tc of- MILLS COEPOEATION

H . 0 . AT.EXANPBB, M et.

ts* Over o o ld sa B o le Storo

F a lls ~

*'uiiue^doy SCO S^d Ave. V. Twin gaMs. Idabging a t ---------- -----------------------------------------


s iden t.


. l i i p j i M i a H i a a

rr '

s l i p i p i

A D a i n t y

“ C r u n c h ”w h en y ou b ite t b e m - a f i t f o r o f t a l t CO r e v toogoe—tb e s w e t deU doaa icpast^KriU ta s ta b e t t e r b e c a u ia o f Snow P la k a a -c r is p iy t a b —j t n t froM th a o rea t


IFA IX S, ibAigorTHUI' ' / MONTAKA BOilj> B71XJ>BB8

WOBK FOB KBHOBlAlimOHWA*• aM5AT P A l l£ ,’M ont.,(ffV T be No:

m l<tontana Good Beads associatlo H and tbo Northern M pntaaa Develo; I K associatioa are^o<operatlag .ln I I I novom ent fo r .the Theodore Booaevo 111 transcontlnentai a m o r la l • highwa;

' whieh, as projected, woald-paM tSrocg tho elties on tbo G reafN ortheta **blj

eaU. r- i_ ._ r ;» i » i » ' o ^over ■ ■ ' 1W y . . . •;* a t • s o f

S . \\><PE N -one-b i V V season it n

ap- thentic .an<T or We feel sure that 3™p. of our NEW SPR]andand

£ ■ Suiland '

'“. t Why the Eton, Suits predominatITS answered when ^.1.1. glimpse of the new'ing,

els. They are you and spring-like in are showing Some tive models iri si

Ul tines and mixtare iinj be agreeably surjlaw

“ , the values we are'>arn-

$42.50, $5 7.50 mnilar ^

TONt tho IB tnrown . / I l l ilorge >* >4l \ \ \ v tplou- / Cixini V /

In a ^itTlc- .)oms. //luL/ rU ii i l Ir'the ~ ,

= ,

I Bl(This morning ■

U l , ®

_ . hundred attractii, ishing selection of

U es. Among them9 Pongee Waists, a= Fancy Georgettes

Georgette and Wi. Georgettes, all colV There were otii l up to ..............

** M tEn 1sta h W m n

^ 1 1

' l in e ” oeroas Gloeler p o rk 'a a d In to Xdo 7AY tbrAugb tho Boosovelt pass. Th' rp ad w ould en te r M ontana a t B uford

^0^* Commoreial clubs in towns i n t e r e ^ ' xtloa o’so w ilt, a ss is t the dovelopm oat. ai elo^H soe ia tien 'and tho road association , 1 In a is expM led . • . . ■ • evoit , ■________ •

I f advertis ing did a o t 'B e rfe r> tlie r b lgb w oald b« no advertlidng. ■

A TC> tR A

buys Ready-to-Wear a t t must be with a feeling th nd the values consistent \ t you will appreciate the vi RING CLOTHES.

its ^n and Ripple ate is easily

one gets a iw spring mod- 3uthful in line in fabric. We VKle very attrac- ^ serges, trico- Vres. You will • irprifeed to see '■e offering for ' , • and $65.00 v _

« c/ifUM ■ So eai

often fo:1 ' dainty,l i l F t e ^ needed:

noon tesm the afte

The '

' al worr; Ig y/) ” 0 J'

V j' $19.',

ousesr we unpacked over .one tive blouses in an aston-. of colors, fabrics and pric- nwere;all sizes...................$4.gses, all sizes ...........$5S5iVash Satins ............$6.95;olors and sizes......$I0Mithers-ranging in price-

........ ...........$30.00

Sale oFor the balance

give some excellen jSK is one good oppor

skirt at a price.

Some new silk, andAll serges, wool p up to'$10.95 reguhAll serges, wool P' plaids, up to $12.51All skirts up to $1All serges, plaids $2 0 .0 0 regular.....

■ idt ' J ln U jli ■» . ) p o a i K ; ' i ^ l f S ^ ; S ^ Thb fflost dii*biirte5lig;iiaiii:j“irDW'

upon lrl«ad»; ,or inJW - at. aal g, pewnal; n, I t 1^<^; to

(bis ’’Am'tji[e'goalU'loHimed--' '


the beginning' Of' the tha t the styles are au- t vyith the price asked.,; .! values and price range '

Dressesjarly in the season one forgets just how badly a r, well-tailored frock is d for the summer after­teas, the outdoor parties, 'ternoon p r o m e n a d e , our showing a selection )e made without the usu- t-ry and fear that it may s just the proper thing!

9.75, $35M and $45.00


an Slclrts !(

ice of this week we shall | ent values on skirts. This ortunity to get yoyjr new

nd wool plaids .........$5.95poplins and silk poplins

Jlar ..........................$7.93poplins, silk poplins and

i.50 regular... ........ $/0.95$15.00 regular...... $/2.9Sds and fancy silks, up to............ .............................................

Page 4: . t=OTCY AFT W IlflLftTliflF I TO gvE n. I BOiTIHdillQnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · s Atfttbn^n ’ArHcle Tte'ReserVa' ; Com. fr >ilTCW3a^^VisT0


' Announcement of Compfetioh of Presentation of' Chief Evl*

i''- dence Conies as Complet* Surprise

: TOMBSTONB, A rb., HP)—The a tiU .tsd«T...«lwrt1r before boos nested Ul fl*M in IrUI of E . a WootoB, «)uir^>l ^ t h UdBAppin'g in coBAeetioa with tbe

X rtktion of 1,186' s trik lsg eoppei ira o a l tbelr im apatttiM n froai the W.*mn lU nlag d m rie i in July, 1917. I . -

OoaiM| u attxprlMThe announcoment of tho.atatfl’a &c*

tioa, whieh was made b r Speelal Proia* color A. A. Woreley, im nediat«ly af­ter tbo eo&elualon o< the toatimony of Thomaa Qrady Green, a fireman, came iu a eomplete Borprise.

In-oxptalnlsg tho aetioa o f tbe jtrorc* eation in i^atlog ita easo os f a r ; as tbe^ presentatloa lof evideneo>ln*ebief waa eoaeomod, Conijty Attorney Itobort N. French aa ld 'tb a t.a fte r tho sessloa tb a t about 35 odditlobal withessea would be caliod aft«r-tho defense bad intredneed ita oridsnBS.’

Oounaol for the'defense, deelined to eommeat ob tho sitoaiion to prediet'wbo woold bo tho first witness, to bo intro­duced tbia afternoon. The only wit* noss sworn in for the defenae so far is Captain H an ^ 0 . Wheoler, former shetiff o f OochlBe eoanty, wbo has re- poatedly taken' full respoosibUity for tho deportations, biit against whom no information has. ^een filed by the eounty attorney.

B a n Qoestlon as to L W . W.Earlier in tho day Judgo F attee, pre­

siding, ralod th s t i t Vos xaproper tc ask a witneas whether "be was a mem­ber of the 1. W. W. to discredit liia teatUnony.

J o c a i g r e - v i i i e J

P atlsn t ZmpxoTlag—lo^nn Stowart, son of Mr. and Mrs. J . Shonn Stowart, who baa boon seriously ill w ith appen­dicitis, is reported improvini^.

Licensed to Wed—A marriage licenae bas been iasucd to William I j. Snydor, agod 34, and Uarle Bose P iln rr im , 25. Tho fonner is a tosidont of Jeromo and tho l a tu t of Twin Falls.

Comes from. B o ^ B a i^ I t . Y. Bo- gard, a formor rcaident of Twin Fails and now engaged in mining a t Bocky Bar, arrived in Twin Falls yesterday to attend to businesa intoroata.

Dead in Illlnols—Mrs. H. Or Hazel reeeived a mossage from Mr. E a- sel yeaterday convojriag tbo nows of the death of his mother a t Boaeville, Illinois.

M illlsary D m m sttaU on__Miss EdnaLadwig, home demonstrator of the conn* ty farm bareau, will conduct a demon­stration in millinery Friday aftomoon a t tbe Frod HiU home soothwest of Twin Falla.

SaiUbng Pen alts^T o W. U Foamater has been issued permits for tbo erection in Biekel sedition of throo residences the estimated coat of each - being #4,- 000. E. 8. Fitzwater took out a per­m it fo r the eonatruetion of a frorage to coat (050.

S tate Adds B ntom ologis^L . W. Cble- man, farm bureau agent, baa reeeived

' word th a t Claude W akefield, of Fort Collins, Colo., has been added to tho s ta ff of erpt'ris nt th** state university. Mr. Wnkofield has been xuuilatonl slato onlotQologiBl lo r Colorado.

"B. A. s i M e e tin g ^ N ex t Tueaday night Twin Falla Chapter No. 16, Royal Arch Maaona, will meet in regular ses- sion for tho conduct of soch routine business as t^o lodge bas to offer. Tho work in the Italtiatory B. A. M. degroo i s ‘on the program.

Here fo r Consultation—Mra. II. E. Clevoland, representing tho' homo. a(*r\'- ico department of tho Itod'' Cross nt Burloy, la here for conaultntion witlj G. E. White, of tho federal vocation board. Mrs. Cloveland, acting fe r the

.Burluy Bed Cross ohapter, bos invited tho fodernl man ^to visit Burloy and meot fonncr aorvico men fo r exptann- tion of vocutionnl training plans of

• thu govemmoot.

To B edds in'Beaamonli—Mrs. M. E. Taylor aud Uttlo daughter, M aty, wcro over from.Edcu.yoflteTday. They wero joined hero by Mrs. Mary licigh, Mrs. Taylor’s mother who hnn been visit­ing a t tho homo of hor aon in Buhl.



Mrs. T aylor'and U rs. Lelfl^ ars leav: r iag 'E den soon for Beatunont,. Idaho, to Join Ur; Taylor w&ere he has eharpe of the Oem S ta te ^ b s r ysrd. , ^

P e a r j b a x a i j ul

I , SJ . A. Beed Is i Boise v y iter in .Twtti ^

IWls, . -Lee Johasoa o f Barley is a TMn Falls

^ visitor. . >I Urs. W. 8 . T rade o f Bahl i s a T w ia , FsUs Tlsilor.- , ;! fl,

T.-W. H o t o t o ^ B n ^ t Is a l>usi.I seas visitor ia, ISrla F ^

J . W. Newmak^of Sheahbne Is a bnsl- aesi visitor la Twin Tails.

A. A; Sloetimb of Bohl was a Twin f '* lU ls basiaess 'v id tor yestsrdsy. - ‘

,Urs. A. B. P e tt^ O T s of B sn aea ... shopped ia Twin r a b yesterdsy.. iL,

J . C. Eam Dtoa of Kimberly w ai ” a Tiria Balls ▼ititor yesterdsy. t

“ H. p . MeArdla <*f,Q>ataet, Nev., Is “ in ‘Twin F d l s ^ r a brief visit. J

B. T. McKamara is over , from Bog' 7? erson for a b r ie f business visit.

.. Ifc U . S teger is - in this eity from J. Pocatello attending to business affairs, f. Dr, W. M. Smith o f Wendell motorea ,f to^Twln Falla yeaterday on business 'I - Uiu Harriet Wamor was in frdm fd

Hsnsen last ovening where aho ia teach- ”6. ^ag. ' 7-cja ' ' ^ e Botary elnb beld Its weekly ' ^ Inaebeon a t tho Hotel Bogerson yester- fp ,i day;

^ A- K ^ t , Gontaet, Nev., mor- ke . . chant, is in Twid Falla oa a business J visit, ' of

Mr. and Mrs, 0 . S. Pock of Buhl er, afternoon in Twin

Clyde E. Black arrived from Burley ycatordoy and will spend a ahort time hero 0 0 bualnesa I

gf M ra M. B. Taylor of Hansen was ^ among:tho out-of-town visitors in'Twln

, , Falla yesterday. NjQ Mr. and M rs. W. C. Lewis an.1

daughter, Florence, motored over from Eden, ycstorday.

Mr. and M rs. A rthur Carlsoa have retnmed to* Twin Falla after apennlDg

s- a month In Nebraska, tc -Mrs. Wilfrid MeKay Olson wns ovor . a- from hor country home nt Filer yea' . is shopping and vlaiting w ltq

W. il. M eO aty arrived yeaterday |*I fiom Boiso and wUl attend to businoas affaira in Twin FnUs and vicinity for a few days. J*

JtJD aM EN T SUITS F n jID t, Two aetlona fo r judgment woro filed t, io the dlatrlct court this morning by el a- Attorney U o ^ r 0 . Mills, acting ior «

clients against 0 . D. Thomas. The to­tal amount involvod In the two ac-

« tiona Is W,44t>.80; In one auit John Grieve and Ir l V. Bonner, alleging fall-

"• ure by the defendaat to render full ac- i counting in a transaction, ask judgment £ for »2,572.80, while 0 . 0 . Stratton, i oharging fraud in a deal, claims tho *

Jg sum of |1,8T7.‘y -------------------------------

Or . rtMICHAEL3*'5TEPa; J\)j v a l u e - f i r s tl / CCOTHES

lan»n-m .. . V*

t f

Icd trt ^ I ^ 9 H PIm ^y- ___ » \ H X m sinl

s - . ■■

E T he Sheep’sWho’s-'responsible foi wool?

ith The clothier says it’s il The manufacturer sa:

mill. The mill says, “] “■ en, it’s the shearer,”

blames the sheep.ire So what else is there tc

dler? You want ALL' ly kind of material th

^ or wearing.To offset the high pri( dentally increase the : we are getting along ' centage of profit this prices in general are 1

. At $40, $50we show surprisingly of PURE'WOOL, HAN ments and we’d like tc so much that we woul them to you if you can eome and see us.

_ \ _ '7'h.e G r e iiD A H O P E P A R m^ Up to data * r kA'.'iKI j 1 H 1 IU

a 3AILY jfew S, TWIn 'f AI

; j T o d o y - a l i e L r k o l i l ^'------ . -1. .. s> to

New T o f t B id i a i i ^ ' ' ' ' ' ' ” , N E W X 0B K ,(tfV -Farther ia ia i« » 4 . Ui

istered by maay Issues aariaff i^ d a y ’s eni expansive stoek market ,senu>a..were dii a g ^ bssed oa tbs better iatdraatioaal «u

4( oredit sltaatioa,aad,im unveB eai Ia do-

A 'chaage, bu t rallied i r rs n la r ly ia the $1 flaal'deallogs.' T h e 'e lo m f was'flRB. wi

>>■ onUn u l ’n o n u u ; ' ”... CHIOAaO, t « — .Sharply Ugber ro , priees aad a gM sral rask lo .tn ly r*>

, suited in the eora xaarket today fn a a wi " wet weather aad froia tb a fresb apward b«

movement o f ' sterUag exebaage. Is> eh d lea t> as o f .heavy erop daauM to wia> $] ter w heat-in Eaasas teaded also : to eo

' B tr e ^ h e a . corn values. Besides, o ^ $4 u ferings were Ught. Opening prieei^ Ifl

which r a ^ d fro o 1-3 to 1 7>8e Ugber, « ,1 with U a y •L47 1-2 to 1.48 1-2 and Joly

»1.41 S-4 to 1.42 8-4, ware followed by st n, decided further gabs. , ' , | to.. Suseqnently, a reaction in, sterling 10

together with reports bof a more lib- e« ,, oral snptdy ol oars in lo ira cheeked the ec Z a d v a n « r Prices elosed oasetUed, 1-2 h. t o '2 1.8c net higher, irith May «L48

7-8 to 11.49 and July *1.42 8-4 to *1.48. „ |y Oats were flraier 'with eora. A fter ^

opening 1-4 to 5*8 to 8*4e np, ladad* ing July a t 70 14 to 76 l-2e, tbe maiv

r- ket eontlnued to harden. .u Provlaiona responded to tbe advanee ”

o f corn and sterling. Demand, bowev- hi er, was a o t ttrgeat in Oaab Quotatioas =av CHICAGO, (ff)—Wheat No. 3 North- T ne om Bpring «2.42; No. 3 mixed 12.45.

Com No. 8 mixed $1.58 to 1.53 1-8; a i No. 3 yollow $1.64 to 1.55 1-2. . la Oats No. 2 white .01 1-2 to 02 3-4c;

No. 3 white 00 1-2 to 01 3-4e. ti.l Ryo No. 2 •1.74 1-2 to 1.74 3-4c. im Barley •1.88 to ,1.63.

Tlmotby soed •10.50 to 11.25. ve Clovor seod 145 to 50. . og Pork nominal.

Lard 120.62. or . Bibs $17.7S to 18.50.

Chicago Livestock OHICAGO, (ff)-H o g receipts 32,000j

heavy grades slow, othera steady to lOe Jl higher: bnlk •14.S5 to 15.60; top •15.00;” heavy •13.85 to 14.86; ligh t ^16.20 to

16.60; heavy packing sows, smooth •1S.75 to 13.35; paexing bows, rough •12 to 12.05; plga •13.S5 to 14.60.

Cattlo rceclp,ta 14,000; Blow; beef na ateera, medium and heavy weight, by eholco and prime •13.85 to 16.75; com- or — —' - ' ' . ’ ' ' —



>’s th e Qoatlfor the high price of

it’s the manufacturer. | says it’s the woolen

;, “No, you are mistak- | 2r,” and the shearer

e to do but pay the f id- liL'WOOL. -It’s the on- tha t’s worth wanting

price of wool and inci- he size of our roll-call ig with a smaller per- this Spring, even tho’ re higher.$50 and $60:ly liberal assortments AND TAILORED gar- e to have you see them 'ould be glad to bring can’t spare the time to

Store LtdE B B E E E E J ^ Progrt$siv9 '

mon to.76« to U.7S} 'ta eimCj^ieows « 7 .1 0 -to .l2 .6 0 j.c ii^^raa d * e u t t ^ ^ 7 5 to '7 ; v e« a > 5 v 2 ^ to U O X tp 17 :-feeder ateen'»8.7S.to 18; fclbflk>' er ateeis • 7 i8 'to , l0 . r 8 . : .rSbesp r ^ p t o t .U.OOO:*; vaM U ed: :

lamb^ S ^ p e a ^ doWa H7.S8 t o i s i o ; eulls aad'eoBimoB #14 17; ewse, ne< J dinn, good aad «hoiee ^11 to 14.60; 2 eulls and eommoa'.$6'.to 10.76.

, : OMAHA, .k market: Ught weight 2Se higher; .ae*, ; . dium and heavy w e l^ t S8e bw er;. tra. f , •14.80; bulk •13.60.to 14.55; heavy j!

weight 118.26' to 18.B0; l ig h t ' w lg lit « 114.25 to 14J0; hw vy ps& tag sowi, , safooth •IS to 13.25; paeking soir% _

r rongh •12.50 tb 18; p igs »1.50 to 13.50. I ‘ (M tle receipts: 8^ 0 0 ; killing e l a m I weak; stoeker*'-ahds feeders steady; y I beef steersj inediniB iiad heavy w eight ^* ehoiee aad prljais 'tl8J6 to ’15; eoauaoa t r >10 to 11.60;' h e if in «7.60'to 12.26; , » cows •6.76 to 18; eaaaers and etittsrs >> 84:60 to ’ 6.76; vesl ealves •14.25 to { , 1S.75; feeder s te m |8.50 to 12; ^ k * r » e r steers'87 to 1L85. . i ’ 6heei< ' jM sipts' 6,000; ' geaerally \ f stesdy; lambs: 84 M aada.dow a 817^0 <

to 19.26; eoUs aad eom nea. 818.76 to i I 16.75; yparUng wethers 814JH)' to 17:■ owes, medifim and eboico 811 to - 14:> colls and eoounoa 87 to 11. . <* ' . CUcsgb Prodaoe 1

OHIOAGO, — B atter biflhcr; ’: creamery 62 to 68 1^8e: eggs lower; ro- ' ; colpl. 12,«S ,u i.e .; I l i t r 4 a 1.2c: or. ’ . diaary flrats 35 to 42e; a tm a rk . eases .

iaeluded 41 to 42 l-2c; poultry alive , unchanged. * . ]

Poliatoea ,CHICAGO, (ff)—P o tilt< ^ ite a d y ; ra . :


- G e o rg

f lillH il S\ \

‘ A i R oi; R ib b o n s , i n ch e ck s,

I A lso b c n i i t i ru l w id e mcsRali j a p p r o p r i a t e f o r c n m iso lc a «

New Ripplc-ST h is i s a n e w verH ion <

a ll-w o o l Z e p h y r Y a r n . C oh

q u o isc B lu e a n d B u f f .

T h e v e r y n e w e s t fe a tu re w e a r . N e w E i p p l e S k i r t ai

$12.r)0 S w e a te i-s ..,.:..... ;......!

The NewestW e c a r r y t l i e n e w e s t in .,H « F oliajn*. C h iH te rs o f F r u i t

I A N Y F I .O -W E R , F O L IA G lI ^ ' . T h e

I A ttractive DD a in ty 8 n o w w h i t e c u r ta in s d id ly s e r v ic e a b le .S c r im s a n d V o i le s , 2 5 c valu J l e r c c r iz e d M a r q u is e t t e , 50<


D i s h e s

N o w iH lh e t im e to s to c k 5W i t w il l b e s o m e l im e bef( ])rice lik e th e s e .

American Semj-PcW h ite 4linu(*r i) la te s , a s e t W liit(.‘ ciii>s and- saucerH , aW h i te o a t m e a ls , a s e t ........W h ito I r u i t s , a s o t ...... :........^ ’l‘"etabl(■ d i s h e s , ro u n d o r (

‘ oaeh .................................................

PLAINT w i n F a l l s

ft. LLS, IDABO, THUBSDeslots 46 ears; sack c^8 6 Jfr to 5.89; batt, 85JT to 86.60 ®

) 'I^o;BmU.8&68 to U O . , : 'Al^^BlQA’ZDtST ' '

' qasii s for nore'small eraft with -whieh ^ i ta-iighk the snhmariaea. < 1

.. OsUs for SsstrayscK ?? '15vetf ''u lato as" Jaaaaryi 191S'he ? V vai^'BalUag for destroyers, Ajiadnt Z I Bima ssld^atf^y 'ibat timer he. deelar- .

ed. Us prsdieUoaa that tio alUes weald ; ImeNthe: war •aaless the UalUd 6 t ^ d ; gsnro aure^domplete aaval eo-operatioa e* were.t>«iar .ittsttfM>by reialts aad the « '* aavy d n a ^ e a t was begiaalng to ear*; h y ly 'dat'als' reeoameadatieai of six aad_ idMk neaths'1>elbre. ' ... v.’ t e April 88,-Aagast 24 aad Septem-* ber 19, 1018,* Admiral ^ s said, h'l >» wwt« the • deaartaeat axpresdag hts

dlssppoiatai'eBt at ' tte imareat aen- '» sneeess of 'the destroyer Wldiag p^-* gram ia tha; tTaited States'add org*0 lag the aeeessi^ of **speedhig. ap”'> predaetioB of .aati-sabmartae craft aad

seadia 'every - avaUable - null vessely to the wv soae evea a('-tho expease '0 ef the protoetioa of the eoMta of t8e ■o United States.r; Bbowa SMOlta of Delay-I: “ I am only Introdnelng testimoay

ao for along ia 1918 at tnls timp to bring out thc aeeumolated effoet ef

' not Kaving thrown oar full, weight iato the war at the begiaaiag,” the ad- miral said.

“ The sultatlon was ao serioua and '* the V>°*eqoeaees of failure so terrible

S it I weat beyoad the ebannela which* the navy afforded me'and enllated the

BorvieM of such men as Ambassador► Page."

IAL PF\y AND SATUI CH 12th and

R eductions ort a k e a d v a n t a g e o f t h i

Tgette Waists, $6.50 values .......irgette Waists, $10.00 values .......irgette W aists, $12.50 values .......ige tte WmstR, $8.50 values .......le W aists ...... .....................................

Fancy Ribks, plaids and ha ir bow ribbons ....aline ribbons in plain color and flo a and fancy work.

Sweaters for Springn of the fashionable Ripple Sweati Jolora: American Beauty, Rose and

lire in Spring Sweaters for sport or ( , and Bell Sleeves.

..,.$9 $9_ Sweaters...............$7,

t in Nat TrimmingsHat-Trimmings. W reaths of fine aits, Meld Flowers and foliage..GE OR W REATH IN STOCK .. 'hey will not last long—eo come eai

D eco ra tio n { 1 (OS will look neat, fresh and pretty ii

a lu e ......................................................50c va lue ............................................BAD, all sizcB; wblle our present si DERIES—SPECIAL PRICES DTJ

; A l u mck iip ou dishes Ahuninuni 1»efore you get a Hpouts, aluniin

■ knobs, patentP o rc e la in - blnck enanu!lec

a n Z Z n i t H quart Kettle ................. $1.20 Sauce Pans, de

,'r 'obioiift.... Cm....25c, 30f, 35c C’onv<*\ Kc ttle

1 P R IC E !2 1 8 M a i n S o u t h

1S2QiSAUAdQ R JO IN S ; ;L ^ U E ^

. A o t l i j i 'x a n ^ T « / - > ; l i i i U A W , ■ •n iM k a fa f r ^

J toi-, ,* *

A % e defiidto .MU^B t s ^ 'n dor leaves V eal^ t^ -,as tiie..oalv oa-


i NAtAtORiiZ w m d p e a l o r

to ' ^

! M ARC.H 1 4'le \

# -

JRDAY,113 th .m W ais ts'HESE LOW PEIOES

........................................ $4.76

......................................... $7.50

.......................... .,........... $9.50

.......... ........... $6.60 -

..........................$1.75 to $3.00

ibbons.......................................... 39cfloral patterns. Particularly

ne Silk Flowers, F ruits and

: .........................................19cearly.

Cozy H om ey in any room, and are aplen-

...........................................! I9c

............................................ 39ct stock lasts, a spool....... 16c ■DIIBQIO THIS SALE.

m i n u m W a r e

n Tea Kettles—seamles^ cast ninum covers, black ebonoid Jnt riveted ears, wire bails, i;led wood handles.

ttle.s ....................... ....... $3.50deep lipp(‘d, 4 qt..........$1.75

Covers,' 4 qt. ................ $2i25ties, G qt..........................$2.25 ‘

STORE1 I d a h o

Page 5: . t=OTCY AFT W IlflLftTliflF I TO gvE n. I BOiTIHdillQnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · s Atfttbn^n ’ArHcle Tte'ReserVa' ; Com. fr >ilTCW3a^^VisT0

:;Nitlcai :W M r Sa

;slsts Ini Rhltie Bridil^^ Be Held: P A s S i willi*

if‘ tills-ire«j('^60Ub»t;; Hitelieoek,. d«e«rtttU) lu d w . in; i

U nited S U tn 'im tB ; aiddr'V ‘ tift«cj;^:i>^U «al .«ditor of the E< dii ;1*«ru * t»; * * be ' aim«S lit I ^ e e .

H « r ^ Foeb' V Im; '■ «l»t{on." • .

'*TlM ta-ctSM ImparlaUm 6: F n o e a ,’* isT t -tha /v ilta r. la (Ua eoaaliic K r. v n iion> latter, ‘ ‘cod iisto to t t e oocvietto^ foitiflaA ^ aU tlia-](aMB8.^.:iUbtorT. tliat, t

. -'I goarantae h a n d f ac tiaat a ttack f r a o caotral Bnopo, aba suu tliaU th e BUs% ta ldM taad .'* . «Pertliiax“ ;a i^ 'P re « J a e n t WUi

^ o n t to tbe Msftlob of tbe ettpre eouneil on M aj 29, 1919, m uoh. p turbed >nd road to Premiers Olem e»ab «nd Llojd Oeorge a le tte r fr Pi«rrep0 8 t B . ^ 0 7 eB, Am arieaa. a« ber of tho Bhinelaad oommlasioa, n doclnred tho ajfreement roaeheff’ofrl! 11 fo r tbo odminlstratbD of tha Bhi Und m u “ moro bnital' tboa i ta thors themMlvea woutd de«tda aa provides 'for iatolorable’ oppraaiion 0,000,000 inhabltanU of'the region d ingajBOy yoaiB.” . '

WOaon/Wlna K r. Hoyes prop9»ed i


CARWIEI ‘‘The Las]

^ In ftU agea thoro has boon aabovo his foUovrs; from tho d present day of financial Kings,

/ is tho Cheeking Power of BIOEPower” Is a thrilling, sonsatioi W hat Money CosiRot Boy.

ELMO T in “The House of

2«>Big V au(Chief Blue C

lod iaa Mni

ErnWizard I



I n iYonr funds ia Paid-tJ]

recoive a good rate of : ' — no insnrance— the ea

Wo'offer you a plan v idends accnmnlato or oh tion of the earnings twi<

This Association paid dividends on monoy inT<

Our funds aro investe ed Beal Estate.. Investigate before yc vestments.


Formerly The Twin Pa] M 303 Shoshone St. 8.

0' 0. J. Johnson

W. MoEobe K. S. Peters Frank 0. Leol Dr. G. H. Cald H. 0. Hazel

d :0. J. Johnson

' P. W. MoEoborts - ■I H. 0; Hazel - ■ • ■' E. J. Finch- - • •


; lIllilEllllElllllllllIillllllllllllillllllll

patibB 'inVoljring\ * ' W »iU-

I . D O th ^ more or Ibsa thaa .the eonven.

S tion pTOTiding <bT-Mta]^t^oA o t the B b le e ^ d algaed-iritk Oom any a t Ve^

of U ay SO-to Smpbia the views o f Ur.iSrSSsSSJ l l ean daUgato .w d F ie ld Uanhal

* S ir Wllaea^ ehial el . th o ia jp o & l > ^ - o f the Britiah mrmy, > 8 y t .H)ceiTM''aMat^oMera to prepare a aev

acheao'baaed-'oa Amerieabldeaa,” . #0n* . T h o - ^ t a r deelara U arahal Ibch , b tiMni diaatiaalv -the >plan eTolTftd by thii . iM «MBBiaaiAa> aaid: M,The Oonaaaa aakai U d ' for a a l n p « ^ eommlssioaer and thej

irare .flTea, ao t only a eoBunisaioaei . t a t . a /d ^ 'a d ff lin ia tra tlo a eommiaaioi

Ima * whidi- ia nore . thaa they elalB«d. V fvU t' ,.'.-.-/-:- : ..H ^W ght to-feak-.'.- trt 'U ' "T heto words of M arshal foeb,* ' b< i' the ooatlaued, “ charaeterixe tbe w)ioli f-D ^ l)'aiinesa today. Ia >«oasoqueMe i t i

^ o in 'to see the Bblnelaad ahiuia fiiU: in the Ufo of united Oermasy ani

* in tho dUtribnUon of eoal there Oamaa: ™P‘‘‘ goes off fa r fto. to ^ t ln p i l a h betwsei

inhabitants she aappoacf.'favorable a: 6 f unfavorable to ua. . . •

w Mln a word,, the ,work o f France i eompromiaod by Mr. Wilson after sod

^ oxamnlea of oar awderation. Preaiden to WiJion baa no righ t >to;:talk o f ou

cka ‘Imporlalism.* ”sold . ............... .. ■' - .......

INVBSTlOAIIOir SgTAKT.TRHBa 7Ui»n . AiyVASTAOBS 9 ? XBfilOATlOl ireme p— '

p e r WA8HIKGT0N, (ff)~-Tho rcBults <i smeD' irrigation on crop production os cum from pared to aon-irrfgatioa nro shown bj a e m ' oa iavestigatioa o t tbo dm artm ont o , irbo agriculture In Oolorado. Com produe rM ay tioa on irrigated land lost year waa 30.i thine' bushels per aero and on noa-irrlgntoi a au* land, 15.8 buahols; w inter wlicat, 24.' as i t aad 0.3 bushels rcsRcctlvoly; sprinj »n of wheat, 2S.8 and 7.4 buahols; pats, 37.i I dur' and 15.2 bushels^ barloy, .tO.8 nnd lS.i

buahols; ryo, 1S.S and 8.G buslicia, one potatoea, 16 and 34 buahola.

oeen- VBKD TBB G xjkB Sm B l) ADUba— Ba i*u..n.ii iiUa a a ^ = s g B a g r ass

* I ■ *1a I I ' ' if

iDAY AND PBJDATiUyiYELRS ih of Power”a Bupcnnon, who stood head and sbouldors days of Cavomon and Gladiators to tbo

s. Politicians or Crooks. But always tboro GHT, VIBTUE and LOVE. “ Tbo Losb of ional drama of '^ealth Gono Mod and' o f

THE MIGHTY f a Thouaand Tortured’

z d e v i l l e A c t s — 2

Cloud and WinonaInaicians' aad Doacen

nest Jonesd of tb a Zylophoae



v ^ e s tUp shares of this Assooiation 4nd f interest— no trouble— no taxes earnings are net to you.I whereby you can leavo your dlv- ohecJc will be mailed for your por- vioe each year.bid its Shareholders 8.3 per centL vested i n t h e y e a r 1 0 1 9 .ted in First Uortgages on improv*

you make any more loans or in-

L BOTLDING AMD LOAN' SBOOIATIOK'alls Bnilding & Loan Association 3. Twin FaUs, Idaho

OPFIOEES1 Presidentberts Vice-President

General Manager ohlciter Secretary .IdwoU Treasurer


• ■■ - 1 Dr. G. H. Oaldwell ..... H. E. Grant

............................... E. A; Moon* • • • • ■ 0. N. Beatty ithan Wolfendon

T o o i ^ l i a B ' . W l u ^ X M t ^ i i i o r ; ! “ "I; W lia»6i 06»iW'B«itilioBaVB

«MW DMtoriiii B iH ‘Bortoa W.-Bopi),. i ■ . w ld e iit w lo ;» « tk . vio? l u l t in f t ta a>nthBn

Callforai»:jaat;;week,;wM tonatrly i rS e v T s r i a .P ^ tho Loag Bead

Praaa-earriea a . a to n -of -aone lengtl The Pireaa alao.atatea ibai Bnep'a wif U aow a reddent of Twla lU ia . .KolthaT of theo , aUteaoata. can b

»*' b y ** offioea of eoMty or cit^yoU ow iag ia 'thaC aliforn ia account o

M i« ' A e'nafortuaate tircunatanee: ,|**ma memory jparticalfy restored a

a reaalt of m eetiag U a fa ther and stpdy “ J itg a pbo tom ph o f Wa wife aad bafie.

Burtoa W. Bupp, amneaia vietlm, whos tnysterious actiona pnczled police ani

ace P^7 >IeiaBs of aouthern CUlfomla fo• anflh * weok, is today ^ea route ti

th« hon« of U s pareats i a Sait X>ake h ,f ehargo of his father, Burton & Bupp, i

Utah m in i^ man.“ A a unasnal aceae waa enacted a

ig tho Cliff Ihvollera Inn yesterday after .TlOH m '"

iltfl .if .cum-

vn by jn t ofroduc* _ — _

T o d a y a n d24.7

i ’l i - T o m o r r o wB, and


I : c• Iorslhooro ' %o f ^ R“ C= L,




Real Animc


“ S ]

eU ■ A B].nton = I;ty I Matinee, 2 o’clock

wsiM I* — — "=

LLS, IDAHO, THURSniiV- noon when the y o u n g e r '^ 'p p S ^anl

; . memory, b e g tt to fnacUdn aa ho g w Y \ upoa 'a photograph of th i memben.

bia- famUy. For 'i ts v e ^ -'a ia^tea n at«died tbe 'reproduetloa of the fae

' H withoat evideaeing a 'U ji^ of •rtsogi l | tioa. Then aa hia brafai ib k e d the pi

with the present a n d ' memorr «ata . Ushed a conneetloa between th e f «

lOry ia the iiletwro aad a hono life-whi vn had exfated before aecideat dull

Bupp*a neataU ty, the iunaeaia vieti ' ' tremblia){with emotloBi polatOd a shi

ing fiager a t a f l n i« ia the pho »,.-a grapb aad exclaimed:' ’ J* , That'a May; th a t’a.iBT .wifiai ;hpra BtiU B a iy ’y a “ But the mist which haa clom leach young Bapp’a bnda fo r Mve ngth. months did. not lift icompleU wife While he remembered hls wife, ebUdi

aad hia father, his memory was pltifo I be tndistiaet as to events which have tra city plred sineo be disappeared from

homa* a t Tw in 'Pnlli, Idaho, aearlj nt e f year <*B0*

A fter several honrs spent in'eoo^ d as enco w ith hia father and Doteetive tpdy- a Thompaon, who locatod the m iu ibies, man yesterday .afteraoon la thia el rbose Bupp wiaa takea to the Willard Ges

aad hotel In Los Angeles las t night *i . for early today loft for his parents'hom e te to Salt Lako City. , .tei in “ Bupp eamo to 'L o ag Beaeh ab pp, a two weeM ago from Iw sao . •Latei

trained nurse arrivod to take cha: d a t of tho young man. ^ p p ’.(i unusual, fter- tlona aad the mystery surrouadlng

: g e iv itM atinei



f Ik

i J

■ B ini


nals : : : Fi

All Comedy i

Also a treat f

j I N B A D TA two-reel dramatiz

B ig F e a tu re S h o w

)ck Us

)AY, MARCH 11, .1920 :■'anlty Ideatity ea aa ^ police aad jahytteaaa’'I m i«d make aa. iaveatlgatloa. & ipp «vaa ■ .« uislly was Ideatifled throagh ja phoi ” v graph «pj)lled by a relative. Wi di> appeared m m a loeal botol lastM oadJ facea aa he . was abont to be takea la to op logal- todyby'tbepoUce,iBscapodto,8aaI>le«> past aad retnmed here yesterday. DetocU^ eatab* A a'Thompsoa located the mlssiagmt focM and turned Bupp ovei to U a father.J[5};5 ; 'PonUd Ot o m in .letim, ' ‘The elder Bapp aainouaced yeat^ ahak- daj? thnt'h'e waa poxaled by tho iatere

photo* displayed'In th e 'T o o a n r Bupp by i aurse la question >aad before leavL

- for Salt Lake today aaaounced' a deti '* minatlon to retnm aad-n iake furth , . ' > investigatloB. The narseiwbo bad ad loaded iated ta B o p p .'J r . .here, Mrs. M «vetai flmith,. was pi^d .>100 fo r ber aorrU lotely. by th i fathw. . . 'Udraa, “ Wl^cn qoeatloned by Dotectl tifully Thompson Mra Smith deelared abe'.h tranw. ao meaaa of identifying young Bai la nl< ,who was tr&veUnR under the a to e irly a R 'B urton . Exomiaatioa of l^ttpp'a >

feeta last aight showed, howovor, 1 iOnfer- tora and teloifnuns..which dearly ia ivo A cated Bupp’aIden tity and tho fa c t thitu ing he had a wife living a t Twin Fal I eity, Idaho. Bupp, according to. hia fath aesrgp diaappcared.from bis Idaho homo ab« it-and oight montha ago.” ''»»e lu Toong Sapp is now a t the homo of 1

father In Balt lAke, having boon i about companicd by tala .parent from tho coi

ater n to ihe Utah eapital laat Snnday.jharge -------------tal.ac- . Not “ how chitep,” . bu t how good. ag his Adv.

w m mee and Night


Fake Animals : and Funny Stunts

for the entire family

F H E , S A I Ltization of the old fairy story

w o f S u p e r io r A m

Jsual Admissioii

i - TWIN fAUS ,

S HIDEas 248 4Ui Av«»aeSo.

PHONE 98 S : auifiJM w tm fiias

gl f l M

I T o d a y a n d

^ T o m o r r o w


RCLS '- 1-

: : ClownsSs ■

L O R ’ ’'ry


Evening, 6-30 ■

Page 6: . t=OTCY AFT W IlflLftTliflF I TO gvE n. I BOiTIHdillQnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · s Atfttbn^n ’ArHcle Tte'ReserVa' ; Com. fr >ilTCW3a^^VisT0

^»m>pt.'.Buntey ,J'vTwta^lSlxlir/Ne^'^ ♦^>->.•rr. - r;;;■■^^B^UWto^ •d■|M«)■';■ '• ‘

;.-fflgyr. u . j ^ R v a r . ...... y .,. . y rB w r* ^ «

ivxnontb t ...................................................M S,.W ^

,. VjlEOrBfaft 'Oll'' XBBOOMTBID 'PB B S8 ' '

S k ? ,o n d l t e ^ t o - o r oot >

rN o m po iirtS lV >'i " 7i>i*^tbS „(*r« o( uiuolioltod manttwrlpt, photo*

0* ^ or not a r« i* dWratlon of U>o oditor oad no mantuwript win bo retumod un> . l m MooippMW by tbv BOOMwnr pMt- *

i EASTaRK’ nBPOBSBNtATIVBe!' O M rn B.' Diavld d v lno.,^7l~>todlffOp

Heabor Audit purwu> «f ClroubUotui

AOOUBAOT <Tbe ib ir tt for kno'wlodffo, abw tuto, j

aeenmta knowlodgo, 6 f wtiat !a happm'* ] , iag ftDd what toea aro do.lag! U ob old j <U -homanUy. M oana'for aatUfTinsr

_ il&at doalro were inadoquato fo r eontur iss and Uio ofton ropoatod cry, “ I want to kaow,*’ found no Batinfaetorj ro* sj^sse.

,' Todar eoadltion has Tirtiially diaappoorod aad almoirt instant knowl. odgo of great ocourrgaecs throughoat . tho. «ivilizod world is a t baad, <daily, nndor tho cap tion ‘.'By Tho Aasoeiatod

■- Pitass.*'Beodoro of Tho Nowa pemsing a

throe lino boUotia or a coliunn artielo ] w ith tho words ‘^Dy Tho Associated < P re u ,* ' above it haro ccrtoia assaranco

' th a t the Btateraonts there mado ato cor- n reet. '

Thore aro good roasooe fo r ^his as* y snranco. Ono of tho foundation stones < of . Tho Assoeiatod Pross is accuracy.

^ e n in tho koon compotitlom to bo tho r 'f i r s t to annosaoo an important orent T thia organisation aevor hositatos to sac- \ rifico speed to aecum y. Nothing is >i gncssed at. No mattor how probable j a J^lmor may sfipoar i t is elassed as a ; rumor until ita accuracy is dofiaitoly establiahed. 'When tho fact is modo " cortain it is announced without hoslta- tion no mattor bow strange or improb- nblo i t opposfs. - _ J

A ease in poin t' was the bombard- g a e n t of Paris by Qorman long dlstanco I

. g u i^ Tho Associatod Press moa ia the j French capital'obtained dofinito know!- j edgo th a t shells and not aorial bomba wero doing.the deadly wofk< M ilitary * aathoritios seoffed a t tho idoa of such a tremendous raago, but The A ^ e ia to d P r m flashod acroas tho sea the {wsl- c Uve statom est tha t loag -distaaeo sbol- i isg of Paris had begtia aad the aows was read by milUons in Asserlea before more than a fow hundred Parisians woro nwsre of the nature of tfao now terror.

Bumora of approaching peace, so widely heralded that thoy threw the nation into a delirium of joyfu l eolo- bratioa, which for a time disrupted bnslness, wore closood a t thoir proper valuo by Tho Associatod Press, wbieh promptly aad aulhoritatively notified

* tho waiting world whoa tho armiatiee ' was signod aad tbe hour fo r Uie'eossa-

tion of tho world war was detonnlaod- T h t 'peculiar formation o f The As­

sociated Profls, a co-oporativo organiza­tion of nowspspcra allied for offldaucy la nowa gathering and difltrlbuting with

I no financial profit in view, itsolf makea I for accuracy. Ovor oloven hundred

pairs of editorial vycn cach day inapoct tho itcma cnrrifid and do it before they are In typo. A (bouaand different in­terests observe ca li e t^cm ont aont forth . Each floatcncv, «*acR word, in un­der a critifiism all tho more intonM since it comoa not from one point alonr bu t from every angle.

Tho crlticfl aro of iliffcrcat ahnJcvi of political belief, of ocoaomio opinion and of rcligiauM thou(;tit, nad no hi|;kcr nor more coavinclng proof of the »oltd


Watch for the hat on sUeet—In the meantime. If yon noed the aervicos e£ a Ohlauiey Sweep to clean y o u furaace,


T o w aWork guaranteed satisfaotory

e r no' pay. P a ra wttrk soUeJted —prDvIdM p a ^ e s farm lA traas- portatiSB both w aft.

jfonndatibn : o f nceursc^ 'whieh the wopla, “ By The Asabclated Preas,"

[ symboUso’ esn be sought than the fact ;: that oven through a heated political . e s m ^ g a reported day by day, tho t ; statements of Tlio Asadclated l^^Sss go * ’• unohallenged. h) won''t boliovo i t nntil The Asao- ' o (sfated Press ^ y s so j" has'become more ® thim a saying;. I t Is a maxim among g

I wdlMnfortnod readera. ■ ®I t . . •■i" i '« I I I ' ' ■ SS , -J• 7A0BS TBIAI. OK OBABOB i

OF 8L A 10N 0 UOTOB BAOBB; ■ LAfl CRUCE8 , N.' M.; (/PhrM nw r P.'; M.. Bcanlsnd, ^ Pas^ army ^oulear, .( I wont to trial ycstordhy eharged with gei I m\ird6r In 'connection with tpe death mli

of 'John 'Hutehina “who was shot aad doc killed l u t November'whUe driving aa in I automobilo in the EtPaso-Phoenlx road Sh< , rftce.- .• • ■ . o ;v • — '■ '■ ■ " ‘

Let the ada.help yoa tb dsAlde where 9U ; to bny lu V . . tbi

; ' pday sSpoi:iBt ESEETOFn : FOBCUlRiOllE: : nw NIBIT:‘ Kansas Oity Squadron' Will ijj, j S tart for Oklahoma Train-

ing Quarters Tomorrow. ' atl

KANSAS CITV—(Special)—Thn nth- ho lotea who will try out for tho Kansno shi Oity b.'iseball club will rt^ort horo

. Thursday nnd F r id a y .' MnnnRor Mc- chiCarthy wilt lond hia 1030 hopefnla on no

- n rattler bound for CInromoro, Okla, Or where tho Bluea will do tholr Bpring tintralnlnjf. Ohnrloy Mo»*, tho (rround- ri'j

• keeper nt Aaaocintion park, will go to hn I Clorcmore tonight- to Kfit the grounds koi

In condition for play. ho'Prenident Muohlobnch laat night pivp so

> nut the firat official news rcgnrding Or ; pinyers who nro oxppcted to ' compose __

the club. “ Big E d ” Bweonoy, catcher, ■— ‘ who la wlntcrinR in Cliicngn, hna sifntod I hifl contrnct nnd in ci^pceted tA ahouldcr

tho Irruut of tho cntohing work. Eddio Monmo of Blmirn, N. Y., and Johnny

> Drork of St. Lnuia also hnvo signed. It . will bo ft rocc botweon tho two for thfl Bocond ntring catching job.

loflsld I s Kow OonpleteProsidont Miiehlobnrh is taking tho

Carthngo afory to tho offect thnt Ooorgi Cochran.wiirrutuni ah nuthentlc nnd bo

' states tha t tho infield in complete.I Bunny Briof will bo Irnck ut first, with

Mnnngor McCnrthy n t aocond.’ Bunny ' Pabrlqulc, who ia wintering In Lob ■ Angeloa, han nigncd hla contrnct and .I will be on tho job nt ahort. Cochrnn

will return to tho third baso poaitlon.Al P latte , who laat nppoaranco in the

aasociation wns w llh tho Louisoville club, had signed and will try out for Beals Becker's k-ft field job, Wilhur Good will bo in center dnd Ward Miller

C f^B

%,,■ SprinjI n


; m For cII it

• n J iV ) J u s t t h e ^ t h a t s p e a k

X / S p r i n g f o r • l l a n d o l d e r (

' r i v e d .

' B l a c k , l i g^ I s t r a w s , i n ,c

J ^ l T r i m t o e d

^ h a t s .

B ■ T h e y c o r

f r o m —



; Romance Begins oM i , Culmihatei in J a ii J' KOKOMO, i n i , (ff)i-A ronai!e« i J th a t b«gaa in the county , ja il l a , Kokonw ealolnated there-ia* mar- ■ '

riage, w ith tho- couple, . ho ldbg . | hands betwoon the steel .bars, o f a '

' cell., while -th a mialster i^ads.'the - proaonncement.. .

? . WUUam B ao k to d , th i ; groom ,was ceavlcted oa a eharge .

of Bieallag chickens,. Glandla Uos* - StovoTr the brldo, met. Baeklaad S f while' sho/ tod, was lerylair a t«rm ^ • ' •; • ' ; ;

HOQAK BBATBN 'A O A ^•! SALT L A K B /tta h ; «V -B bm eo'H oi - J h gen, of , Seattle,'fdrm eV Piutlflci 'feoort b„ h middlowclght.chnmploa, leat a referee’s d declalon to E d 8 het>ara of Salt IrfiTcA

S. in a fast six rbuad bout here last night. ' , B ^pard led la fe w of thri i ix ronads.

“ T oo ,eoa 'get yoiir 'message to 'em s oloyers, looU ag tot eapable peoj^e,

t^ h rW the dJssifiad. . g'.................... .... - me

■ ___ Io|

D r i i n g l J e w s |' rei

In right. Oood and Miller bave ao t yotsignod, but both havo prae^eally agreed (), to torma and_inay_bo counted on.

Tho pitchera wher have signed aro Ib Evnna, Horatman, Roy Johnaon, Poto ®| Henning and Jake Beedle. _ • '

Preaident Muehlobiuh said last night _ thnt the cliib Is afte r another outfielder of r and a. pitcher of known worth. wi I . Becroits w m Have Ohanoe ' I A dozen young athlotoa whoao aignlng ol

has'beon announced from timo to timo w M In the Inat 'oix wooks, will report horo te

Thursday to make tho trip south. Man­ager McCnrthy U not depending on nny th of theso youngstora to fill a*gap In tho th team, but ho will dovoto nearly all his J. attention to tho young plnyora, in tho ne

1- hopes thot ono or two of them hjoy 10 show tnlont wnrtit doveloping. ‘0 Boy Orovor, tho seeond basoihan pur^ c- chased from tho Waahlngton club, haan not replied to tho letter aont to him. nn• . Orovcr wna .bought when it seemed In g thnt neither Cochran nor Wnrner would 01 1- report. In th a t cnao McCarthy would mi 0 hnvti been move<l to third nnd Orovor th la sent to second.^ Tho roturn of Cochran, th

however, will loiivo McCarthy at secoad, fli p ao tho club probnh.ly will not worry i f nf g Grover refuaes to report. ha:e ' r,

^ w w w A w w w u u w u p g p

! A H e l p f u l

S e e d B e

^ i E .L U S T R A T E D W IT H C O I“ No wlae seed buyer will thlic. quiremonta without flrat conaulh poaltlvely ot the -n n sT SEKOMV Drlmtul ot authontie tnfoi' T>ver 300 photo encravlnBa ahon>B Lllty** Soeda. It la acknowlcdsd W E . T EttN S E B D CATA1.00.f _____ W H IT E

' lu £ a


ng and Sumi

- l A T S ,

• Children and |•Misses

t h e l o v e l i e s t n e w h a t s a k o f t h e f r e s h n e s s o f i

o r t h e d a i n t y l i t t l e M i s s 3 r G i r l s — h a v e j u s t a r - ’

, l i g h t c o l o r e d a n d m i x e d i n d i f f e r e n t s h a p e s . j,

n e d a n d u n t r i m m e d |

c o m e a t p r i c e s r a n g i n g '

—75c to $4S5----- I


j £ y n e w s .’

IS ifBFORCOflDfif'

Saseball and Boxing Leagues,«■ are Plana ofZntertainment ^

in Lower Oallfomia '■- PBB8 NO, •Cnl.,. (/pH-Hoa# for baw- ba!l oad boxing-leapica tu oaernte iu * ilarg. scalj In *he 8 «a Jotqula pul­ley were formulated hero reeently at a mooting of athlotie directors of Cali- foraift Amerleaa ..logbn posts. Both loogoes will be coatroUed by tho ledon.

-.The baseball Ieaga<9 'la to Innude tedma from Otovla, C^Inatffliith, Delano, Beedley, Stoekton, Taft, Madern; Sscre- mentp and Coalings.. The: American legion representatives plan to w ork 'in harmony with the Son Joaqnla 'Valloy baseball lottgue, in which It Is reported aomo peats of.the legion are interestod, and will ao t atempt to enter the towns Included in tho %'alley league.

The boxing plans of the legion rep- reaentativea contcmplato aa: elevation' of standards of the game In tho valley and elimination,'BO far aa poasible,. of the profesBlona) promoter. ~

Tho towns to be Includod in the box­ing league aro Presno, Dtnuba, Delano, Btocklon, .Sacremcnto, Vlaala, Porter-; vllle, Tulare, Exeter, Madera, Hanford and Modeato.

n . P. Wolls of Modeato, W. C. Woi?' of Vlsnlla nnd T. Wllliamn of Fresno

wcro appointed n committee to organ­ize the boxing looguo.

0 . .1. Hunt of Tulare, Billy Wilaoa ; of Taft and Conrnd Shibelut of Madera I wore named on tho baaoball commit- I teo.

0 . W. Hyde'wns elected chairmnn of - the preliminary athletic orgnnisuitlon of ' the American legion In Callfornin. £ .I .7. Jow ett of IVeano is vlco chairman I nnd U. S. Brown of Froaod, aeorotnry.


I NEW YORKj (ip)—Eight lending , nmnteur cyclists will compoae tho Amor-

Icnn team vWhich will compotc nl th-j . Olympic gnmea a t Antwrop thla sum-

miT, according to Ilnrold J . Dlbhlce of ■ tho cycling committoo conncctcd with , the American Olympio committee. Tho , final tryouta wilt bo held In tho enst ' nfter aectiona] elimination eonteats

havo been hold.

==™1ngSlo o k ,:OLOR PHOTOGRAPHSthink of purchMtns Ul« fc-

nauUlnff thla book. U tclla •:nM FOIt TUB WBST.- nformntlon nnd conialnlnff ihowinc actual resulta fmm .edged to be the LBADI.VO


• Chas. H. Lilly Co.'Yoklma i'urtlanil

W W W W W W W W W T O' ' ' ----- ■ ----------■

imer___________ ' •

AY. MABCg U; 1920 .i y 'w a o v u a k B D af ; v v ^ ' — a- - ^ - ■ bi- u ic h . , ( /p > ^ < ^ e r: n t v tii

•Im oBS, Kew ^ o r k i 'd e f e a ^ J o k ^ ax. Bheppiu^ . ifj^ tw elgh t cbiimp^6a.'~bC ' Sngtahd, la. a tea roond bout la s t stgfatl , ^ e . ^ g U t h champloa was severe]/ n > \ >' lahed ia tIio~latter. rounds, being k n o ^ '

«d dow;n flyo.jtim o'ln tho eight round j-«ad,,t^fle*:'itt'the nlath, . Tt't b1

i,;BXOX^-CK>IK(l SOIUIH .: ^ ij'

‘ ■ in am i |I .ehamber. of^eofflnerce today TMclTed- w r d ' f i ^ , 0 ,^W;.lAhdre^ of

LAYERING\ ' Friday and SatordiJ, . . ■’ /. , '•—^»* . '■ 'i: . a ' ^& ||||||[fe ||i^^» 'Z ■ *

'V. , . . ■a•a . -t-

, CaliforniaI Bathingit

: Girls

Appearing in , Person

A v


T h r e e - R e e l F e a t u r e F i l m


HEAD/lStatistics show that 07(

headaches are dne-to eyestra;

We can relteve that str; and fitting yon w itb the best ]



— Phone :

* B a b y C h i c k s N - G i v e l t i

Give yotir chicks right from the : they pifk up oo raage in early summi


This feed am taios 25 ingredlents- proper propcrtioa*—providing a masI chicks grow too nploly and develop t

. bowel trouble or k

S ^ j a n i l flTOT

> their spring: t» iiu n g * e rfc ■Thofa^eni. i are «*pocte4.1w« dtttiag.ths last.w»s» of.M awh. :;;'f» ; \ v-. ’ ''

, T b m p ^ a i ij^ei^Mnfsaksft. v; AlUetlo t^gb^ -tiie ^tlba iU ; k. X.

i t^ 'J iU e r BOO yarlS 'Srwlm h S ld 'ia the . pool of the U lnm M lis.A th leH o 'elub.

f .

jTHEi^RErday, March 12-13, ,

CAL REVIEW[’S LAST nOHT”m P r i c e 5 5 ~ C e n t s

___________________________________ y


ovor SEVENTY PEE OENT ol train.

strain by examiniuEr your eyea 1st glasses that can be made.


TICAL COMPANYin Ave. East.00 2 1 0 - J —

N e e d V A R I E T Y

[ t f o T h e m !the start a variety of materials such as immcr and tlicy will GROW.

x Q r M i l k M a s hES .V A R IET YHits—all cpi^ully ground and mixed la tnosh soA ch in nourishment that bsby lop too inucn vitality for white dianbca, or kg weakness bo take hold.

hkk* «m grow better th u on anrthlag elM.

e V W CmJfUtal Ccmpcmj, litrM 0M a«ad*a a .4 0 « n . t « « d h r

ros., Seed and Supply Go.PISTRIBVTORS

Page 7: . t=OTCY AFT W IlflLftTliflF I TO gvE n. I BOiTIHdillQnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · s Atfttbn^n ’ArHcle Tte'ReserVa' ; Com. fr >ilTCW3a^^VisT0

. (Conanncd-'lrom - . ■,

Al & leh , a B«y0r^iruor, threatona to *'com«b*ek.*» ;

T ry tha t otTyour ooijb board. *

.From tep o e U ^th e re a a t tlio variotu tra la isg eanps Math and wost tber«.’a a ffoodlj anatboc a ^ 2 poki«« who are rap* id I j . i n jJ d n g ^ A P |( tho fwUve b o a i^

8eieati»ta ar« gabbing,'* Jo t about talking to U a rk . . .

I f tb « 7 orer do tk o j wlU havo to goi better aerriee tbaa telephone patrooa is Twin Falls are b a ^ ^ b e d up. ..

Jifflm ; .Meilulejr, . ehortttopper' wbo goea to a C bu t 'Ieaguo o u tn t,.ia 'ra te d as ooe of the olauleat Its o f infleldiiig geniua a z ta a t .... . - ' .

^.jixuBy ^ i if ib a 'w l tb the^S!uiaas‘QUy B lues-for. ievetal yoora addvhas beeir the ■bortatnppisg star of tbe. Amerioou aaaoeiatlon. • He was formerly aidekick o f Paddy 6lelia^fonserly of .Salt Lako aad Portlaod.’ Thtf pair .wftSvrotcd tho best koyatono playora in tho minora un*

. ^ t i l axUo-to Pittaburgh ipUt tho com'ji- natioa. 91gUn goea to . Detroit • thia

' ' '■ ■ -• • •Win, draw.or lojo, Jimmy Wildg Trill

pocket ^10,000 ia regular Amorieaa moaoy for hia battle with Frankio M a­son in Toledo tomorrow night.

P retty soft for thot BritUher.

Joo Stflchor'a frequent-m at matchoa of late provo the champloa a ohartor mombor of tho 'iron m an" squad. ;

Tho Kow York Yankees huve beon sc- eusod of buying a pennant. ,

But purchasing n flog ia the wiator and rotalninff it by honost toil qn tho fiold of honor in tho summoc aro two dlfforoat things.

Ralph Stroud, roculeUrunt Boo, has rcponttfd. Bo wanta to he d good boy nnd got back into organized ball, and 80 lias aaked for his bontraet.

Unlph jumped tho Salt Lako club last souion whon his services woro most noodod, nnd this aprin;; aigned to mun- HKO iho-Rexborg club of tho Eastern IdnhU'YoUowstono loagno.

I t aocms that Halph didn’t like tho



BE8011. a Loans and diseounti, including roi

eept thoso shown in b and c) ....

Totnl loans .............- .................

2. Overdrafts, unsecured, ^(1.023.25 .... 6. 17. 8. OoTenunent secarlUes ovned

a Depoalted to securo circulation (Uvalue) __ _____________

d Pledged as collateral for Stato-oita or bills p'ayoblo ................. s-...

f Owned and unplodgcd ----------Total U. S. Qovornment socur

6. Otber bonds, secniitte5,<«te.:. . b Bonds (othor tltAn TJ. S. bonds) ;

curo postal sovingn, -....c Boouritios, other tlion if. 8. bondi

ing stocks), own63 nnd unplpdgoi Total bonda, aecuritlcs, otc., ot)

8. Block of Foderal Reaor\'o Bonk (SOecripiloa) .............................. ..

0. a Voluo of banking houso, owned■ bored __________ —_______ _

b Equity in banking >houso ____ _10. Fumituro and f ix tu re s ............ .........11. Real oBtato owned other than bonk12. Lawful roaorVo with Federal ^OAer14. Oosh ia vault and not amounts due

ftl bonks ________________ L___15. Not omounts duo from bonks, banl

companies in tbo United State • included in Items 12, 13, or 14)

16. Elzchnnges for clearing houso __Total of Items 13, 14 IS, 1C and

IB. Chocks on bonks locatcd outsido ol of roporting bank and other cu

10. BodompUon fund with U. S. Trea from TJ. S. Trcaauror ----- -------

Total ________ ____________LIAB]

22. Copital stock paid i n _______ i __23. Surplus fund ____ ______ _ . .U. a 'Ondividcd p r o f i t s ___________

b Leas curront exponsos, intorost o 28. Circuloting notes outslonding J___30. Not amountfl’'Buo to Notional bat31. Not amounts duo.-to bonks, bonk

componica in tho Unilo<l State oountriea (other thna iacludod or 30) _____- ____ ;_________ _

32. Certified chccks outstnnds ______33. Cashier’s chocks on own bonk outi

Total o f items 20, 30, 31, 3S and DemoDd. depoalta (other than l)anlc.-

joct to Beoorvo (doposita pnyoblo wi34. Individual doposits aubjcct to choi

• 35. CortiflcotCB of deposit duo In loaa(other than for money borrowc

8C. Stato, eounty, or other municipal od by pledge of asyata of this b Total of demand depoaita (oti

deposits) subject to Bosorve,30, 37, 38 and 30 _________

Time doposita subject to Boservo (pi days, or subject to 30 days or raoTo : toi savings):

40. Certificates of depoait (other thanrowed) ________ ___________

41. S tate, county, or other municipaled by ploclgo of osaota o f thla

42. Postal savings deposits •________43. Other time depoafts .. ___

Totol of timo deposits subject to40, 41, 42 ond 43 __ _______

40. Bllla payable with Federal Boaorvi .')4. LiAbititiuB other than thono obovi

Total __ ________________8TATE OP IDAHO, COUNTY OF T \

I , J . M. Maxwell, eaahter of tho a tlio nbovo stotcnicnt ia truo to tho bc

Rubscribod ond sworn to beforo D

Corrc-ct—Atteat:W. n . ELDniDOE,II. W. CLOUCHEK,L. E. SALI^^DAY, '

Dir oc tort.

SPORTSA good hot mnatard p l a ^ o r pool*

tiee la pretty, .iw« :;Co::evwm 6 ab«t TheonatlB ■ ta in t,; and evea 'a ^ U s L ’,

• and gont b a t i t 'a ' . f ' . .y ft mtxM a m i r u d .

oa re ae riJlr . b l l f ^ .. a Heat -h

p* lately neoeHary. if /± « o .want p e r a a - '/ ^ .

n e i t r e l i e f . ' f i ^ ' a /at Miialailiiii. iiiiiln, true jrellow: maa- I )i \

ta rd w lth v ^ le- f I .ol U’eving ‘ lagreli- 1 /la ent* I* joat , \ I

aa hot, la eheaper, ' \ / ■' eleiaaer- and more ' I f

>>0 ^ fe e tlv e than tbo V Iold faabibned poul- yT JV . ^ tiee aad oaoaot ^ n:bUiter, "

. ' Boeldoa rhoumatie'paina and awel* ' lings Begy’a Muatarino is ipoedlly at* 1. footive for lumbago, baekacho, aeorifia, _ pleurisy, bronebitia, aore throat, eheat

I , colds and all aches and paint b eeuae hn heat oasee pain—30 .and 60 eenti at- "

d ru g g is ta ^ r^ mail, B. O. W«U» * C*>'>

" * ^ ' " l - I l - — — —


0] ai Bl -

= = = = = = =jOko pullod .olibut-trodi'ng bim for .o i,, Toxni looguo twirler and a four-blndol „

' jockknife oa boot, and noir ho 's juat n;t 'a r in ' to show \’em ho’s better than _

^ any old Texaa loagnor evof waa.FOB DUAL UBET m

‘C- BERKELEY, Cal., Tho Unlvcr- « Blty of Illinois has accepted nn Invi* _ thtlon fo r o duol track und fiold meot

or with the TTnivoraity of Culifornin Bqund J, horo April 3, itwos onnouncod by tno CoUforuin nianngoment. y eaterdny. f


tin, hoftvy>Toight rhnmpion of tho A. E. 41F.,- Bcorod a toclinicnl knockout ov<jr » Jnck (Ono Round) Riley of Fort "Woynbin tho first round of thoir Bchedulod m

i8t lo-round battle last night. mnt . . t(o- A OLASSIFIED AD will find a buy- A ” er for your cor—*Jt your offer ia attrac*

tive. Givo tho detaila a prospectlv««huyer ctpocta. _ ^

Besorvo District No. 12 « B FIBST NATIONAL BANK AT TWIN I \H 0 . AT THB CLOBB OF BTTBINES8 XIABY 28, 1020 • si JOURCES • « rodiacounta (cx* . ‘ ______________ 41,108,005.28 5

....... ....... ..... ........ $1,108,005.28$1,198,005.28 0

____;................... 0,025.25 <1ed: ' V(U. S. bonds par\ - - ..........

___ ________ 50,000.00•or othor dopos- • f...................... ...... 380,000.00 J.....- ___________ 305,0<J2.S0 ‘Jluritios ............... 801,962.30 J

) pledged to so- .___________ 2,000.00 a

nds (not includ* -g o d __________ 30,770.50other than U. S. . 32,770.50 IGO per cent sub*

........ .......... . • 4"00.00id on dunincum- . ^ - -------------- ; 05,000.00 \_______________ 05,000.00 ^.................. ....... . 25,000.00 f.nking houiio.J..-. 0,CD5.05 '»ervo Bonk ....... 111,223.01 flue from nation*---- ----------------- 11G.413.C2 ”inkers, and trust ites (other than14) ......----------- 30,520.59 I----------------------- 27,098.11 iid 1 7 _________ .173,032.22of city or town

cosh items ------- , 0,070.27 Ireaaurer and duo -i-------------- ........... a,500.00 t

---------------------- $2,433,697.07 ‘iBILITIES--------------- -------- $ 100 ,000 .00 :----------------------- C0,000.00 ^----------------------- $ 32,704.11t and taxes paid 20,327.20 12,370.85 ,........ - ............................ ............................ ............................ 50,000.00 ,io n k a -------------- 10,009.03 .nkera, and trustvtcs and foreign iod in Items 29....-------------------- - 28,027,12----------------------- 03.32 'lu tatanding____ 20,182.24 'nd 3 3 -------;------- 69,812.31Ic- deposits) rab- within 30 'days):hock --------------- 1,221,907.54oas than 30 doyawe^l) .... .............. 73,314.83lal depoaUa secur-i b a n k -------------- 39,502.10other tban bank vc. Items 34 , 35,..... ....... ..... ..... 1,334,784.53(poyoblo after 30 ro notice, and poa-'

an for money bor-------------- --- :------ . 40,809.50lol deposits secur- <la bonk...--............ 290,000.00................. .............. 1,202.85................... ............ 380,001.20to Besorvo, Itema

------ ------------ 718.073.01rvo Bonk ............. 1 0 0 ,000.003V0 stated --------- 7jG19.77

------------------- ---- ♦'“■133,W7.07TWIN F A L L S -bb.D obovo-nomed bonk, do aolomnly awenr thnt best of my knowledge nnd belief.

J . M. MAXWELL, CoahJor.3 mo this 10th day of March, 1920.

E B. FOX, Notory PubHe.

. f o r R h eu m atismI DAILY Na A T B S w . r / I

v i t word ^ 1iuex:tlott I'o I Per word per WMk, 1 > Bo Per. w n d ^ r montli iBa II

C L A S S IF IE O R A T E S FOsa' inaartioB, par vo ro ----------------lo —

(Daily and Weakly),------- .fie /Ona'inanth (2>aily tn d Weekly)......,.16c I

4* ' UtaiiDVB cbarga fox each ln»«Ttlon ^ of any clawifled ad, 16 cants. Ada i{ ^ m att nm for a atated paxlod of time. — M —PHONS S3— ^

t FO R SA L E — R E A L E S T A T E

FOB SALE—< room hooae, with light Bl and water. Small payment down, boi- -- anco like re n t Apj^y 281 V aa Buzon

FOR SALE—80 acroa near Buhl and Caatleford. Hardiroa»l 1-4 milo, achool 1-2 mile. Now house and bnrn. A good _

“ buy. $1,009 cash down ond easy pay- ments. £ . Domman, 205 7tb Avo. N. m

i"t Phone C34*J. . ’ nl“ t o B SALEr-CMolco 100 acre” ranch, o"

nearly all In alfalfo, 3 1-2 miles fronr j,' Twin F alls., Prico $257.50 ocro. 800 -

'.j' W. E . Karis,- o t Btraua & Qloubor.”1 FOB SALE—Weu Improved 10 octol. 1

Immodiato poaaoasion. Smoll payment“ 0 down, boloneo caay terms. 0. A. Bick- hi

ford/ a t n . B. Luo's offico. -FOR SALE—Now 5 room modorn tc

It- huaigalow. Price $4,300. Iiitpiixo C13 — E. 4th Avo. N. Immodiato posacaaion.

nb FOB BALE—Lot 0, block 127. Cc" H od ment walk front and aidv, all improve- ~

monts in and paid. Prico. $500. Cour* tesy to agents. J . Clyde Llndaey, 18

ly- Amorican avo., Long B e^ h , Cal. ^

a 0 0 8 E LAKE VALLEY, OroROO.40 nercs fully improved (water right). T* Stock, implemcnta, furnilure. Low

= price for quick aalo. $ 2000 will hun* die, balanee terma to suit. Apply

^ ott-nor, \V. A. Bniloy, I.4ikoviow, Oregon.

• FOB SALE—By owner; Largo forma, _ small farma, $10 to $75 por ocro; cenlor ^ of Drolu' diatrict No. 2 ond fomoua al­falfa seud and bvot belt; eloso in; fonc- K cd; somo improvemonta. Fronk- UincJc ley, Do.«orot, Uloli.

- olPOB SALE on eoay torma—20 ocrtM k

of improved land odjoluing the city of - 25 Twin Folia. Por particulara inquiro or

writo C. P. Broderaen, Poyotto, Idaho, ciOKLAHOMA OIL LEASES for sal^ q]

from 5 ncrca up, a t $2.50 per acre up t-j15 por ncre. acording to diatanco from g|different vrildcnt wella. Ono Bpeciol 100 ci

30 ocrca a t $10. D. J . Perry, Edmond, n„ Okla^____________________ 0

FOB SALE—Ono of tho boBt alx- room bungalows in tho~clty.-Sl‘o ownor, • 3.'5C Eleventh ovo. E . * ^

FOB BALE — Flno rosldonce lot In 50 East Lown. Phone 1290.

.00 FOB SALE—Qood Mountain Banch p with unexcelled summer range for cot- g llo or Bhoop. Thia ’is a good buy. For

00 full particulars addrosa B. V., caro 0 0 Nowa.■°? TOK 8 ALB-HOU.O on lot with 82 l-S j

feet front by 300 foot deop. Fine ahado and fruit trees. Prico and terms to “ auit. Pbono 888 -R. ^

FOB BALE—Two acroa, house and - '.59 harn, threo blocka from school Phouo .11 451 or 018M.

____________________ ■ DFOB SALE—By owner, somo p;od I-

.27 buys' in ranchos if aold aooa. This land - •is located in Canyon and Owyheo coun*

1.00 ties; adapted for alfalfa and spuda -With a satisfactory payment down 1

,07 terms will bo mndo to suit purchosnr. ' Will take Liberty bonds or othoi' sc-

, ftft curlties for f irs t puymont. Addrcwi , ;;j|p D. G. Buby, ColdwoU, Idaho..

FOU BALE—5 room liouso, largo lot, •85 ahodo and fruit trees. No ;igonts.' Ad- >-00 (ircsa C. B., core Nows.

~ F O R R E N T '

JO POB BENT—01 acrea; 10 aeroa in J alfolfo. Ront for term of yeara. In- , T 'lro 0 . H. Self. • |

FOB RENT—Twn modern furnlahed rooms, cloBo in. Phono 408.

\54 FOB BENT—80 aerea. Coll phone ' 771.

L 8 3 ------------- ----------------------------------------- 'FOR RENT— 10 ncrca-ono milo nortn

2 1 0 of Ilolliatcr; five-room houBo; well im­proved; $5 per aero. F . R. Orosa, Stock ExchanRO building, Portland, Oro.

FOB RENT—Boom for ront. Phooa . 908-M.

TYPEWRITERS—For Rent of S^o —See lloover a t Bualncaa •Oollegc, or

9.50 writo Riehoy ‘The Typcwrltci Man," Ruport, Idaho.

0 . 0 0 ------------------------- ----------------------------2.85 '■'Oit HENT—Njco front sleepiDg 1.20 f ooni, Q7 Third west.

FOR RENT—Furnished sk’cplns' . room; Kontleman preferred. riionr):

0y2J; 240 Seventh ovc. E. j

----- FOR RENT—Board by day or week. I7.07 400 3rd Avo. N. |

thnt ^01^ RENT—Oood ranch. Phono; 019W, Twin Fnlla.

______ M O N EY T O LO A N _______

FEDERAL FARM LOANS, 5 1-2 per pent, 114 yonra to pay. See J . W. Mn Dowoll, accrolnry-treaaurcr, a t Farm Bureau Boturdoys botwoon 2 and 3 p. m. Phouo No. 597J1,





] FOB SALE—1 Bollor top desk and ; 1 baby- buggy. Phono 431*j.» * FOB BALE ~ Studobaker Boadater,» 1918 modoL ,637 3rd Ave. W.

FOB SALE—B uff Orpisgton egga for . setting. $1.2S 'per setting. Clyde B.

Taylor, Hanaon, Idaho.

. TOE SALE—Tlroa, W erner's llopnlr t Bhop, 244- Second street enst. •J FOR BALE—Orgon, flrat class cou*

dition, rcosonoblo prlco. rhono 324*W.; ^ O B SALE—Puro Dicklow wheat In , any quantity. 'Coll C. T. Brown. Phono 1 30 oud 31, Kimborly.

FOR SAX<E—Span good Poreheron • maToa,'bIucl(a, coming.4 and 0 ; wolght

nbout 2800. Span grado Poreheron gold* Tnga, bays, both coming 4; wolght obout

'» ,270<). J . U.- Barnea. P. O. Uanacu.Farm 5 milos east of Honacn.

0 ■ FOB SALE—nicyclea. Werner’s Be-

- Snop, 244 Second streot oast. •U — .. I . l ' It FOR SALE—First-cloKa third cuttln,;

hay, dollvorod. Phouo 601*W.

_ FOB SALE—lOO tons hny, #20 por n ton. Phono 598B3

FOB ‘s a l e ;— 1 team marea, .*J200; o .. wagon, 3 14 inch; 1 aot work harnosa.

II. L. Hnmmond, cnro Nows. •FOB SALE— Fino rogular milk goots,

g Keatlo, well broko. Phono. 050-B. P . O

’ " " f o r "s a l e - R hode Island Red cock*I* orela, eastern slock, threo to fivo dol- y lirs cach. Phouo UDO-B. Box 754.

FOR SALE—'McCormick mower and rako, P , nnd O, plow. Cheap, Coll OOOW.

FOR SALE—Largo wlcKor boby bug* y gy. Phono 441*M.1- IDAHO GROWN NUBBEBY^TOCK.'* Kimborly Nurseries, Kimborly, Idolio.

■ FOB SALE—300 owes, 1 to 4 yoori.- old, will lamb in February. ■ Luts oa*l A Itoberts, Boom 0 Bough building.^r FOR BALE—Keglatorcd Uorefortf

eattlo. 50 two-year-old bulls; 50 ono-- ycof-old bulls; 50 two- ond throo-yoar*

old holfert; 50 one*yoar*old heifers.-Tho very best , of brooding, . very

" strong in Anxiety 4th blood. Theso0 cattlo bawc good bone, good color, with

plciity of quality ond sizo. All raised on our farm hero in Idaho,

Our herd was estubliahed over twon* ty-alx years ogo lu oaatorn Nebraakn ond wo havo been continually in the bualnoss slnco. Wo now hovo probably

n the largest puro brod hord of Hero* fords wcat of tho Rocky mountains.

Writo or como and' soo us. Our h pricoa are teosQnablo and out cattle t- give satisfaction.,r MIDLAND BBEEDINO FABM,•0 L. L. Young & Sous.

Nampo, Idaho.

1 W A N T E D — M IS C E L L A N E O U S

° WANTED—ChlM 's K ldjy Koop or . bod on wheels. Phono 1232-J.

' f o b s a l e — Puro DleWow leod wheat; also aovoral good sound work

_ horses. S. H. Proctor. Phono 26-J4, id Kimberly.n'l WANTED—Married man with fom- I. ily wants job on ranch. Address, Buhl ra L E. Q., Box 875.__________ '

p* WANTED—To buy or ront house in norlhenst quarter of city. Address L

“ F. Morso, phono 174, Olty.- WANTED—Job on form by morried “ 'm a n . P.. O. Box 308.d- ________

WANTEI>—Position by competent “ high school boy, ofter sehool nnd Sat-

urdiiya. Addfeas “ II. M ." care of .S'ewH.- WANTED—Immediately, furnished or unfurniahod house; long lease If pOB- sible, or would buy witbin six months,

“ j I’hono 599.WANTED—Position, cither, on farm

V. or in realnurant by young man. lS»ouo154-Rl. . ._________

WANTED—Plain sowing. 330 Fourth JJ,. ovunuo W."=•' ' w a n t e d t o IJUV—From fivo to

ten shares wator riRlit Twin Falls South in, Sido. Address J . K., caro News._ ’'^V aV ^E D ,T0 RENT — , Six . rooa - 1. houBC, furnished or unfurniahod. Nc yr children. Address J , S., eoro Nowa.

W’ANTED—1 to 5 room fumlshot boiiBO by faiAily of three. Iteferoncos

ipg Address: P. O. Box 213, City._ WANTED TO BUY—Fifty head ol I,,-, young (jrado Merino owea bred to luml ,j,^ iii March. Hobbs & Qitlott, Caatleford

' I Idaho.WAN'i'ICD—Information concernin,.

I'thc whercaliOMtn of Mrs. R. A.,' Bari__ lu-ill bo appri'ciati'd hy Tho Minidok.-uno; County Newa, Rupert.

_ w a n t e d —Your razor blades •< sharpen. W em or’s Rep.iir Shop, 2V SiTOnd sreet E. '

peri WANTED — Light housokooplni Mn ! rooms. No children. R. E. W., cor irm Nows.


IX S.ID A H bi^H U R SD ^



kd '""WANTED^Elderly l a ^ ' aa "hooae* keeper on ranch. W ater in -houae;

• good home for the right party , -fhone >r, 218W or write C. B. P., eare of Newa.

— WANTEI>—Married man fo r raaeb', ” aear. town. Phone BICRL

WANTED—Yooag men fo r railway ■p mail elorka. $110' month. Experience lir uQQoeossary. For freo partloufars,' ex*

aminationa, writo J . Leonard (former „ governmont examiner), 489 Equitable JJ, Bldg., Waahington^ P . 0 . ■ ’ _

i’n WANTED—Woman by tho hour to at, do waahlng and eloaning.. Apply 210

Bluo .Lakea Blvd. N o r tt .

“”0IB L WANTED a t Varney »a.

W ANTED— “MIddle-iigod nooiim w ithout ehlldron a t hooaokeeper' on

„ rahoh. O. a Hoady, Buhl, Idaho, phoio 816R1.- ____________• ■

F O R S A L E — A U T O M O B IL E S

^ I<X>B SALE *— Btudobakor Boadstor.•* 1018 model. 637 3rd Avo. W

7r FOB BALE—1919 Buick Big Six. in fino condition; or will trade for Ughtor

— cat..--Phono-975J

a l o s t ’

fa~ "^LOST—U c o n a ^ o ^ too ' Willard MoMaater.

— ~ FO U N D

>*• FOUND—Kyo gloascB a t Moeouloya Owner mny recovor by identlfylDg and

J j paying for thla ad.

N OIICB ^ O B PUBLICATION OF c. TIMB APPOINTED FOB PBOTINO “ W ILL, ETO.; r In the Probato Court o f tbo Connty , • of Twin Falls, State of Idaho,J. Ia tho mattor of the eatate of Sarah

A. Lowry, dccoasod. a-l Pursuant to an order of aaid Conrtj

mado on tho Ott day of U areh, 1920, notlcn is hereby givon th a t iSriday the

rfl 19tb day of Moreh, 1020, a t 10 o ’clock >0* a. m. 'of aaid day, a t the..conrt room of >r* aaid Court, a t tho court hooto in tho

soid County of Twin Falla, haa boea ry appointed 'aa tho Umo aad place for ■0 proving the will o f ^ d Sarah A.

Lowry, docoasod, and fo r hearing tbo 0“ applicotion of D 'Eatang Lowry for the

iaauanco to him of lotters tea t^ o n ta ry , ^ whon nnd whoro any poraon intoroateu , moy appoar and contost the same.

Dated March 0, 1920.O. P. DUVALL,

Probato Judge and ex-Qffieio .Clerk.Porter & Witham, Attorneys for

.old E<i«io.

[,o. ~

A SPECIALOwing to the fact th

_ -One of the Beat Impt S North SiT a S p le n d id H o u s e , W e l l . G a ra g

^ c u l t iv a t io n . O n S t a t e Hii

“ Let Va Shl“ t‘ P H O N E <of


P H O N E 1 1 5 . - - -

irm ---- ------ouc • •


_ FOR. SALE-lrrigated FarnI to ■uth 80 .AOBES of choice land, now

Ono of tho bc.«<t farms in tbo com— cash.Jom 80 AOEES of choicc land. <No acres alfalfa. Prico $180.00 per a

40 ACRES gcwd land, in cultiv T—, Easy terms.'^0“ 70 AOEES of'good land. ,2

$1,200 coah, bnlanco cosy torma $ 80 AOEES improved, 1*4'mi

I - f $215.p0 per ncro.‘ 40 AOEES improved. 1*4 mil.. .1 choico land. $200 .00 por aero.

’ 320. AOBES. good house, ban__ . acres alfolfa, 80 acres good bottlin^ water. $50.00 por ocro-

SO AORES, good now bouno,jt lok.i alfalfa, rhoiro lan<l/^5 miles from

I 80 AOEES, all ia cultlvoUon,----- I per aero.

All tho obovo forma have no i rights. /

Notify mo ond I will moot j pjng ahoW you theao lands.


)AY, MARCH 11.1920

j ' B y o n w a n t . la; e x (A iu lg e , t a r t e r , dli-

S ........ p o s e o f o r i k ^ n W l H r -, . 15 0, t j y B a O r hJ**

o b m iiiu li’ ' ' '•

..... ...............^


« ---------.>1!!: • O L A B fflb', -- -II-II-I,--------- —•—V-CSr^-"-^

WINDOW OLASS—W ind tfileldt; Ub-., '- Inetw orlu: M oen> Sh.o^; Phoaa fl. '-

M ■ . T E ^ S F B E

e r r o o ^ r a '" ~ r a S i ^ S r 'o o i E p A 5 5 ! :>lo Phobe S48.' . Vj

- . PIANO TUNINO Jto . :■ -yc i10 PIANO X O K 1K (^-6..0 .; HuU. Then#^ 84, BogorMn Hot^l. ‘

PIANO T U in N C I^P ^n » "l«8.-7.lii»a , ' ^ .• -i

t r ' - , :v _ . p r o f e i j j i o ^ a i 5 I — J~ ATiOENEJPor. ' j ■ ■'__ ASHEB B. WILSON—LftWyp. j in HOMBB a M L t l S - B b y ^ Boiidbig. ;■

TAYLOB. Bldg. '■“ Probote and elvO praotlrirf. ' ' _

BW EBUnr. ft B W m LB T— Attomiya 7 - a t Law. Praetiee ia all.Coarti, Twin. • “ Falla, Idaho. • ■ , , ... ' ■ i'j- B. M. WOLFBr^Lawyer/.Bboma 6 i^d

6 , ovor Idaho Departmoat Store. Twia ' '

nd J . H. W IB B i-L a ^ er. Tnlly. nrgwiii* ed Collectioa Departmeat. ' Offloat*^

.M Booma e aad 7, over Twin Falla Bank 3F & Truat Co., Twin FaUa, Idaho.m I ’i ii,.'i I.. - ...... .

DON J . HBNEY—9 . * T. Bldg. Ool* loetiona and Oommoreial Law. . .

>ty .................. I.....^OHITEOT

. CBABLB8 B. K A W M A N , trehltM t,^rt, Baboock building, e i tr . .

”he f • '

ifO frSA lE !Hio ^ room modera hooae; elOM lo. the Good garage. Eaay terma.

a , -M .0 0 0 .0 0 - .........

p . R . T H O M P S O P i; pho««ffl*-W io 3 i t i l ATi. i . for

L BARGAINt h a t o w n o r m n a t l e a v e . ..

iproved Ranchea on the Side Tractr a g e . G r a n a r y a n d . B a n ^ A ll t a

H ig h w a v , n e a r g o o d j t h o o l . .

'how It to YouS OB WEIT* '■

i B A C K R E A L T Y C O M P A N Y

- - - : J E R O M E , Id a h o

a r m L a n d s N e a r A b e rd e e o , Id a .now houso and otbor boildinga,'good well, country. Priee #2a5.00 por aero. $5,000

. -Good houao and .o tbor boildlngs. 40 )r aero. * .ilUvatlon, no bnUdiig^. »126.00 por aero.

.2 mlloa from Aberdeen. No bnildings.I. $1£3.00 por ncro.' mile from Aberdoca. A choice farm.

mile from Aberdeen, part ia alfalfa, all

bam , 100 acroB paid op w ater right, 40 bottom land paatnro, m nning stream of

lO, ju id otbei b i^ ltoga , good well, p a it inom Aberdeen. *1CO.OO per aere.ion, no bnildinga. A good f a n ^ $123.00

no atone, good rich aoil, havo. good wator

ot yoo a t Ameriean F ^ a .vitK in to and

N . A b e r d e e n . I d a h o

■■' “"'TTr . "■ ■.'

1 ^ 3

Page 8: . t=OTCY AFT W IlflLftTliflF I TO gvE n. I BOiTIHdillQnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · s Atfttbn^n ’ArHcle Tte'ReserVa' ; Com. fr >ilTCW3a^^VisT0

Repi ntanves of twinFaBt, i Bul4 and SauOieriy

Districts Bear Project . Oiit- Ue

:.Une:atBaliquet.... .. J ■ 'W it

M « B M ^ r O f t to COOBBttlM . hi(. ilM M .fttlM t Blgbt’t n a r a « 4 taa -

^ ; qMt« M U th is iBonU&c «« tha thiroom of; tb« M i FalU ObaalMr keefO B atm eiM ttV M d acM ad rtp a t. ita

. tu l l ttie OJL of t t o to v w rapr»- : bein t« d ..ta ,tto m » a r„ o f ;o o n f tn s t . b rlac tH/B piopoMd toad on tlw fo t «n

T ira rt7*fiv« «b01lll^ ld d e lU n to . . xidMd ak m m «a& I n iM f o m »

to f t# ?*W Bottt» for, g w H p » - “ - Bsdaazr w ia n tn r tn n o v M M a * tba

pnm oton td fOa » > o ^ fb f U ia ° ' X9ta ih 0(t tha m enar l a t & i « T W t o f t lu r i r M t a n to bnlld tfta xoad.A f t i t t e n a o f 9178.000 to Im f* n l fo d W , popalar rabacdpClon ia tUa jaetloB, Uw balanoa o f <ba. . BMdad e a tt te bo isppUaa f t o n .

' aoiM Qoaxtar o tto r th aa tU i «ae> ttok and to bo x a M b r t t * pi

■ ■ ao ta n ,^" ■ ■ niTbo aoxotr boad fo r th a xcttBB

of tha «25,0OO In tha «T«B« o f fUL> I toa to bttUd la to ba poitod a t 9 p. IUL, w d a r . ...................... L

Thoaa pnaoBk a t , t b a maatlaff tlda Boalflc-VBra: A ste r B. WO- •on. presideBt o f Ohambar o f Oon- meiea: S. X . U a n ra a . n t n t Ka- ttosal Saol^ Twto Fmlla; A. Im. v

■ Xoofer, Twia n n a irattoBftl B aak; ' L. B . Waldan. F ln t KMloDal Baafc.

— Xlm badr; O. IT. Baatfer. Idaho Btata Baak, aad J . & BoMaO. Twin FaUa .Baak .4 T n a t oocapaajr.

* As audfened o f aroand a biUdred mea ii' nf Twin Full! with rcpresoat^Uvea trom p

Bnhl, CoatMt, Fllor- aad other town» p laat night Uiteaed to an en toaation o o f the j>lana of Otrl J . Aaerr. snd & Oeorge L. J a v l a for the eonatruetion al of a r a i ln * ^ fo tn Twin Palla through v Flier, B u lS A utloford . nnd Contaet to & nn outlet X the 6oathern Poolfie at li Wolla, VtvSk. . ^ . . • p

Shad L. Hogin aetiSa aa tonat maater 1> and following the remarka b r H r . Ahem nnd Mr.' Davis upwarda at a dosea t npeoehca were mode along the geaoral d

V lines of tho advaatagea o f aneh s road a 1-0 thia aeotion aad the willtngaoaa to ir neeopt and eoaaider wilh aivop«“ “ i»d ^ aneh detailed proporiUon aa n a y br- [& later made.' ^

At tho eonoluaion of tho apeeehoa a c reiolatbe waa daly passed prorldlag ii for tbe luuning of -a jo ia t oommittee v from tho monA>erahlp of the Twin Falls h ehamber of commorco, the Bnhl nnd t Filer ehambera of commerco v ith rep* d reaentativea from OoaUot and Kimberlr v to mnke it theroagh invostlgatton of r the plaas of tho promoters and r ^ r t v to a anbaoqoeat meeting or to tho pub* e lie a t large, sneh report to oonstitnte r eithor an eodoraemept of tho plan-In I its entirety or the roTorso. t

I t


E. A. Benning and James ScUIy * Oome to Take Over IHs- e

triot Operations \H. A. Beanlng, w ho-haa ap* ^

polated geaeral maaager o f the Idaho ‘ dis'rict Amalgamated Bugar eompany, has arrived in Twl^ Palis with hla family frodt aonthera Oiditomla. Hr. Betming rcaigned the position of gen­eral snperiatcadoat of the Uolly Sugar eoTOorattoB in- thatr diatrict to ebmi to Twin Falls. He will bo. geaoral manager of the Amalgamated Sugar eompaay’a intorests ia-thia^ eaTiro dls>

. trl6t.Jamea 6 eil>y, who‘eame to Twia Palls

a fortnight'ago;.will bo'nssoeiatoil with Mr. Benalag; tn tho diatriet .work hera, aad will -have anpervlsloa aa distriet agrleultnral saperiateadeat o f tho iM la Falls, Burley, Buperk and Fanl see* tlons. Ho cOmos with tho reputation

;of being one of the abloet augar boot agrlenltnrlata in tho oountry. Both Mr. Benning and U r. Sellly have had yeara of praotlcal experience with beet sugar companion.


For tho hono demonstration depart­ment of the county farm bureau next woek will bo a busy cno. Mias Bdnc M. Ladwig, demonstrator in charge, hns arraoged tho following sehedulo of an- tirities;

March 15 and Ifl, a t Use home of Urs. C. B. Ohasteca, Filer; drosa form dcmoDitrating by Mias liadwig.

M arth 17, with Morning Bide club at home of Mrt. O. W. Thompson, dress form domQnitratbns by Miaa I^ w ig .

Uareh 18, Morsingsldo olnb wUK Mrs. W. P. Alworth, county projecl leader, in eharge.

Uareh 16; Mias I ^ w i g a t homo o! Mrs. Foss Thomas, Poplar Ororo; d,em- onstmtlons in dreas forms.

U^roh 19, M o ro ia i^ o olnb, with Mils Lodwlg ia c h a m of dross fbnoc.

' . Saturday will be.om oe day for roeep- tioa aad instructiou of viaitora.


General Bmadago today ruled that wo­mea caanot vote la the prealdeatliU primary. His ruling was mado on a rsosaat for information from Eobert U . flweltaer, ^county clerk o f Cook e o a n t y ._________ _

FOB BEN T— Boom w itk board. Phono 7S1-;.

l l l i i l : ifl|BII|l|ET|T ic k e t S a l e s f o r t h e **Pota to high V i r e a k f a s j : ’ O lv e A a a ^ n d d /: 4* S i

A o f S n te r p r i s e 'f l S ito c tis s ';: tag v------ ■ ■ Maei

. Pleasing d em anf was enconntorea thi^ momiag by eemmitteM in .charge ' ' Ui of tho diapoaal of ,<‘po t^o b w akfasf* a on Ueketa Assurance is given tha t a 800 busiaess men-will bo R athertdniout ^ the ' comtBorclaa club’a \>ba^ a t tho c. ^ high sehool this •raalng.'-' . . -. noldi

Ample ovideaeo is fonnd everywhere Shan that In the ovont of tonight thero is trom keen interest. The affair, the firat of niagi ita kind held-hero in aomo yean , har B. A! been well and appropriately arranged The by tnaaters in tha a r t of'banquet prop- pres« aratidn and planniiag royal, ontortain- manj m ent . Wotl

The toastm aster will be Hal 0 . Blue, i^ e r in to n d e ^ o{*^lty schools, with ^ M. J . S e e le y tho principal apoaker. the Dlaaor will bo 'served promptly a t 7 5 ^ 4 o ’eloek. wini

Prepamtion o f tbe banqnot has boen love' loft Trith tho members of the Twentieth num Century club. Tho prime featuro of eat. the feast will bo the Idaho potato, than whieh, i t ia said, there ,1a nono so good. ^

"S tu n ts” oro to bo providod by the Ameriean legion, but juat whnt tho the program, la tho makers aro keeping a profound secret, to bo sprung aa n aut- prise. . Mar

lEiraiFBBSEtllll i; EI(OnTESJ.III.ll;"

. -------- toldP e o p le “ B e n t O n C a u s in g T ro u - _

b l e " A l le g e d t o H a v e O r e a t- • ^ e d D o m e s t lo G r ie f I *

J. Warren Whito, recently ehnrgM - in ■ tho probato court with failuro lo provido for his family, has boon com* plotoly exonerated in a lottor to Prosu- “ J outing Attorney Frank L. Stephan by ' Mra. Whito. Mra. White donlares that ehe hnd tbeir daughter woro amply pro> vldod for-during tho entire time that Mr. W hite was in tho - nrmy, and n]- " leges th a t tho nction was filed tut .-i result of ovll influences of “ peoplo. c*''' "bont oa cauaing trouble.” '

Mr. Whito arrived in Twin Fnlla t>iL< '0 foro p a rt o f Fobruary, having been “f disohorgod from tho nrmy* in January after serving two yi-ars nnd four months. Whon ho arrived lioro Mro. nfti Whito waa seriously 111 with pnoumonia. n r

Whito was informed that Mrs. the White wos suppoaed to bo In dcslUuto 8 “ circumatancos, tho loeal Bod Crou ha%'- oni ing oblegod medical attention nnd pro* "or vldod a nurao. Mr. Whito atntcd ho to had been aending his wifc^ ample fundi ' to provido fo r horaolf and daughter during hia absence, aad that if thoy I woro without funds ho woujd ayaumi* I responsibility for all bills incurred and \ would pay thorn as soon as ho could pro- euro work. L ator Mr. Whito amo Into] pouession of ovidonco thnt ahowed that ID Mrs..W hlto's cosh resources a t tho timo f aho waa snpposed to be destitute amounted to moro than $3,000. -

Mrs. Whito has boon omployod by, ‘ tho Park System, donists, slaco lost Oii September. Sho has boon making hur J homo a t tho T. B. Haines rosldenee. ]

' 450 Second avenue north. II Mr. W hite haa been working nt tho

rock crusher fo r tho Twin FVIIs High­way. district. . '

I t is likely tb a t 'ac tio n against rov. of eral parties In Twin Falls will bo iu- inc atituted in a fow daya by 2>lr. White, all according to atatemonts mado by him an

. today. - is

i Just Here--A IIr;.

B 0 3a ---------------------

: K n ick e is . _____________________J •

R e g u l a r $18.00 V a l u e s .

R e g u l a r $15.00 V a l u e s . . R e g u l a r $10.00 V a l u e s .

T h e s e s u i t s w e r e c o n t e r m a r k e t o v e r 6 m o n t h i

• W e c o u l d n o t p o s s i b l y d

S w i l l d i v i d e t h e s a v i n g ’

t h i s s a l e .

Smartest Norfolk and'S We a r e a l s o o f f e r i :

I Bog’s Waists at i? W e h a v e a l s o a l

I, Boy’s Shoes—odds - $2.45 to

Straus&<id« Kuppenheim<k

TWIN FALLS - - •a.

high .aeoro. Those present ware Mes- dam^s I*. Clos, TV; t t - Oredftlw,-:jM. * J.;Bwo<fli3 / o ; k iB tfrtori; U . 0 ru < e f- ; lag>'W ..-B.HUI, B ..B .vfiW ford ,FO k^ . 'J Maeauley, J . Thorpe, V. H . Ormsby.

■' Mr*;' Marcna a ■ Ware e a te tu in ^ • a t " a. one-o’clock Innehoon yeaterday, hon , omlng her Bohl friends. The guest list Included Mesdamea F. 0. Marquard- . sen, V. B. L aird ^ .a -J. .Kallnft..AUea,' . C. M. Merrick; T. Jitckao'n, B«»s Bey nolds,-0. Snyder, J . :0 .. Naaon," J...M . , i Shank, B. Allred, B. Ellson, A. W. O * t trom< 0 .' S. Peck, E 'Q . flwanner, Jen- nings, A. F . Mc01uaky,.J. H. Murphy, i B. M. Haya. B. B. Tillery, all of.Bnhl. . . The following Twin Palls ladies were , present: Mesdamea Ed Johnson, Shar-, < man; B m est White. A P. Senior, Okna .i Wclhotbea -nna P. V .

Mm. W illet ■Haute, Br., to tertiin ed ithe M. C. B. club ycstorday afteraoon. ]Bridgo waa playod with Mrs. J . Shrout j winnfng tho prlzo for high score, n lovely box of sUtlonery. This elub <numbers olght, all of whom weriP^rea- i ont. . I

"Ars. John B.'W hite entertained tbo B er Anna Bridgo club yesterday. Atthe closo of the afternoon refreehments 0wor« sorvod. Those present wore Mcs- if (dames Wlok, Seatdr, IhiFresne, Boby, thiiMarahall, Beilgman, Hoggan, MOcVicar, r i t i

. and Chapman. -■ ara

An old faaliloned spelling beo wUl bo held a t tho Wasbington sehool, 21-2 K

’ miles west of Fllor, Friday. March It:, a t 7:30 p. m. A prize will be given

• to tho best apollcr. Fortunes will be told. _

liKFIttiSIIIISiS- lO m H T B D i) •.! Fraternal Uen Oo from Here

This Afternoon to Aid the \ Neighboring Lodge ‘ '

Twin Falls Blue lodgo Masons this I evening will go to Buhl to attend apo- n, cinl corcmonies of tho fraternity. Twlii

Palla lodge No. 45 has- beon roquestud J to exemplify work In tho final dogrjo ] of Mnsonr>'.I- Tbo Buhl Mnsonlo lodgo starts ita r session oxtrnordlnory a t 1 o ’eloek this

nftornoon and will confer degrees on . n number of candidates nssombled for tho mysteries. Tho Twin I^ills dole-

0 gntSon will leavo liorp about 4 o ’clook and n t 6 o ’eloek a banquet will bo

I. sorvod. Work will probably continuo 0 to nenriy midnight', s ■ ■■


1------- ---------- i:l IDAHO—WUUam Pamum In “ H eart 0 S trings,” also two-rool comody.

GEM—-Mabel Normnnd in “ J inx ,” also y comody, *'Slnbad tho Sailor.”It ORPHEUM—Cnrmol Moyers In “ Tno ir Lash of PowoY,” nlso Elmo tho ?. M ighty, in “ The Flaming PU,” and

two vaudevillo aets.0 . . — »I- HOLDINO SANITT HBABIHa

This nftornoon Judge 0 . P. Duvnll,'• nf tho probato eourt, is conducting ni>I- inquiry into tho nctions of R. L. Iteod, c, alias Jnek Carter,' who wae recently nt arrested in a loenl hotel. Tho man

ia beliovod to bo mentally unbalanced.

Big Purchase>ys’ir S u i tse s .........................................$I4M Ie s ....................... ,............... $11^5 I

e s ............................................$8.95o n t r a c t e d f o r o n a l o w - i t h s a g o , a t a l o w p r i c e ,

y d u p l i c a t e t o d a y . W e

i g w i t h o u r p a t r o n s i n

nd Waist Line Modelse r i n g a b i g l i n e o f

at $1.25 and $L00D a b o u t 50 p a i r s

ds and ends—from to$3M

cQlaubernmer Clothes

.........................BUHL— i l

f 'If

T h i s e ' a » j i «na 'COOlish. . 1 ; ' . .u .Also they do B ot.u^ ilaa^ lflT .

. pentamotor.of.soanAt.fom ;.«otl-. < n Fact is eoa.ditl9na-atir not tha- •. gg

-rlm lagmnseirathertheyeoademnr-; to inertia the apirit th a t dwells

. '^ th ia .the Q»oa«t-'dt'^pMt '« s4 . t suchlike spring aongstera; ’ - ' ' > hta : ,But it stopped-not.the: laad- scanor who vontlnded to dig-up w and -pat down tho federal p»top obout tfae poatoffleo, preparatory p .;

- to oarly planting. - -----But even he wear* bis heavies

nad hasn 't ,gsBorated a perspire v . th n ^ .ta r ., . , -n|

Of tho' morrow’a - probable ^ i .temperaturo tho vatielaatiag gent f . , wotteth not;‘'‘fteoording to tho dlnmal ptognostieation,; which ^ ^ ^ a U ^ r ^ s : “ Tonight and

I f you gdtjw iiat th a t means.'• ■ ' Heavy and lo w -h a i^a g clouds,

silt on oeeasion .b y the sun's piercing ray,‘fb m ear.4 ' r oano- py this day.,-

Testerdar tho mereary para­chuted eight degrees from high ■ - -~ on Tuesday,, andr--wa» flre -d e- .- . grcos lower laiat. night. , , g

_ ---------------------- ^ tmI I w, M---. i'. ^ - 00

Onr u eesto ra wonld hAT«. narraled i f they conld havo looked opoa !aay- thing fo wonderfal and intorastlag as ^ n t fo d e n atore. Stody onr atoraa. Tbty „ ara worth it.

Do You Realize T

Smart ti n W o m e i

W e h a v e p r e p a r e

n o e f f o r t o r e x p e n s e , '

o f c h o o s i n g y o u r n e w a r e f o u n d i n t h e F a s h

O u r P r i c e s a r e a l d i s e a n d y o u w i l l s a y s

1 oB u* ^I

7 i r u u ^ ' *>enuty

u l l 1 l \ \ i s ap p c

J jy w o m en

B V / ■* T h e i

/ / / i te colo


......- 3

Special GarrW e h a v e s e l e c t e (

a n d D r e s s e s f o r t h o s ( 5 4 , 1 - 2 — t h i s d e p a r t m

e l u s i v e g a r m e n t s t h e

DressesO u r n e w Drc-s-sea a r e c h a i

in d e e d . A l l t h e l i t t l e n ew t h a t D a m e F a P h io n h a s di f o r th c .n e w S p r in g fro ck shovvn— t h o s k i r t s fu l l a n d a t th e h ip s , th e d a in ty KleevoK,-t«o, a r c h e r e . ’

S tr e e t , A f io r in ) t)n a n d D re s se s .

$18.75 to $75.00New Woolen Ango

Shawls and Feather jare Very Populai

T v n n F a l l s ’ O r


IL r -

<fbib:Xt9tfdw Arranging■;: p r :H lg h , ,Q r ^ d e :7 ^ e W '', iB V '' ' ■ • •

B i i h l ; S e o t lo a t d d a .y ^ , . r U

2 “^ n - .) S U la '-o ra n ty FMiiu Bnrean,'^! b trhi in Bidtl.^aad; 4i«t*iot n a u g final-WT: :,<* m g ta e ^ f o r p l a e i n f f l9 ^ e k d o f ,M ^ ^

proJock^waa.^proTiaed-hy'thenrat.Nii- ^ rional ttd .tlT o a tiso n a ’ Bank of Bnhl. ^

In ndQittoa te ^ K h M a g l the IU for tho B n h l - a o o t l o n ; , O'Boillv S J bough t,eigh t-o ther 'T era^a fro« ..the same ho.ro to^ bo - to tribn ted-JB and about Twin. eity. A n an m o fata W l for financing, thla p « ^ of-the projeot , are being arranged; Mr. O’B d l^ w in , leavo tomorrow or Saturday fo r !06^ vnllls to take charge of the ahlpment. ■ rij

' s u e s fo b " 8UFP0BT ^Alleging cruelty an the baala of thd

rampliSnt Mra. LilUo .Qlenn haa 'iustl- 7 ^ tnted'actlon In the dlatriet eoart agalnat ^ Fired, Glean for separata. support and r * maintenance, “njo pair marriod, oe- cording to a complaint filed by Outhrio J and l& ora, attorneys, in Spokane, Oeto- • J ber, U03. P la in tiff asks $256 feea V for eounaol, *10 0 anpport money and ^ tSO per non th duriag pendancy the anit, o r' until property jrights are nd- _ jus^l.^ , ' 1 ^

That Easter Comes I

Style Cr<m ' s S p r i n g C

red liberally and with a la 3, that you might have the w Eaeter Apparel from thc shion Centers.always- Right—See our hi y so, too. HBBfeiVir..


8 a difficult matter to choose betwt nany new modes—there is a youth ty about the short, ripple jackets t )pealing to most “young women t en who stay young.”

le materials and trimtaiin^ arc thc v it—tan, bluo, brown and grey are fa% olors. ,

•ices range from—

$27.50 to $125

m e n ts fo r Fashi(:ed a' large number of St )se who require sizes rang ment for Stouts always bo he market affords.

Iiarminc, ® BW (rills.decreed f \ \ Polo 01(

)cks aro■nd wido > Tan, Oiy short ff I Ijj^X Have y

■ II U A belts bIkEvening I ; ' / / / ^

V ( '■ *

" Mgora ^n n u A ChoofirBoas ^ ^ ly whihfar ^ y complet

)nly Exclusive Women’

)H IO N S tV IN f a l l s — " - B U R L

■ U M rtiei : ■ ■'N onaaad 'a atfwaatrO^ldwya. pietnre, t o ' ba' aeaai's t the 0 « a ;theatta. begiaaiag .traiw d*7;v : ;.r, u .-V T h e ^ r t ^ o n fa ra a M ^ b rp ^ e d :c!7eQa

w aif lao w a ; a F ^ JInx> {Mal»al Kor-

tnnpers. . Her- :lia«.norance wd'>' a j f tWiiw a aaa,- vMid ,h a r Uadlir heaLSt i t m W

fnU- 0^ a < ^ l '« 6iM ar.'i ' ■Tho w p p o r t t a r w *

elndea OaU«a Lndi% ^FIonhe« .ter, FxiaaUa Ld«; and othw ,waUr1aiowa •

----- -------- . i i a A f c ' .WIU. SPEED UP TRACTORS

ON FA R II^ S E TO BUHC' ^Tomorrow o n 'tb e 'MoOnllom farm, ownod b}» N a t HcOmea: near BnbV » ae- riea jo f trae td r tria l, eonteats will b« held< Thna fa r aatraata fo r th e tonr- Aey are : Beynolda Brotbara^ Moline traetor: S d BehriVnA^ O. L. Beat T raek- , layer: T. M .,Johnston, P a m t t t ra e to r ; ' 'Bob S tew art; .Oaierlonw tractor.- . The contest ia to be under the man- j J agoment o f L . W. Ooleman, eonnty farm ^ agent, w ith eompetent’indgea deciding the m arita of tha wprk done.

joiaaslflod i4 a are e h e a p -^ o e a v e .

Early In April? ^

e a t i o n s•v ,•

G a r m e n t s

lavish hand, sparing ;he genuine pleasure bhe same Models that

handsome merchan- . ,

itween A Iuthful ■ J8 that r l 4 i L ^Q and JR

,c very ^ ~ Jmfavor- g B § !^

liohable StoutsStylish Coats, Suits - nging (from 42 1-2 to boasts of the most ex-

Coats ,e sm artest of short coata aH as long ones are on display. 'Cloth, Covert, Tricotine, Bo- and Silvertone materinlfl in Oreen, Blue and Mixtures .

} you ,seen the little leather shown on many of the coats? ices range from—

$16.50 to $65.00

Hatstooso your Easter bonnet oar* hile oiir showing of hat« is )lcto.

:n’s W ear S h o p

H O P^ L E Y